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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. You're mad if you think there will be a return of the Monday Night Wars a mere 10 years after the first one. The popularity of Wrestling has been cut in half since the original Monday Night Wars, those fans won't come back overnight. How exactly do you expect TNA to get that fanbase they'd get "if they were run competently" without having faces that older fans recognized? The IWC is a minority of wrestling fandom (as much as we hate to admit). A company that would try to cater to the IWC on a national level would go out of business in less than a year. TNA has been on national TV for about 5 now. You expect new fans to be drawn back to into wrestling simply by good in ring action? That's insanity. You need names and you need old faces to go along with the new ones. What do you want TNA to do? Fire everyone that at some point worked for WCW/WWE? You keep saying they're WCW 2.0 but all I'm hearing is that you don't like Russo and you're tired of Hogan. Awesome. That doesn't make TNA WCW 2.0.
  2. Other than some of the talent, how exactly is TNA similar to WCW? I keep hearing this but I have yet to hear a solid explanation other than just the talent being used.
  3. It's like watching the end of Twin Peaks' second season every week! It's gold, Jerry!
  4. While I understand all the criticisms of TNA, I can say that I've been enjoying the Bischoff/Hogan era. It's awful but at the same time a delight to watch. There's no defending the Nasty Boys, the fact that they're still around after this long is just mind boggling. But watching the show tonight, I was just entertained. I don't just dismiss angles and pushes purely because it may be a **** booking decision. When the Jeff Jarrett angle started, I thought it was retarded and didn't make sense. But as I've followed it, I can see the entertaining value. I think it's hilarious that Bischoff took away Jarrett's music, made him a janitor, etc. If you look at it as a wrestling show it will be frustrating sometimes. I'm in touch with my inner mark that fell in love with wrestling oh-so-many years ago. TNA makes me happy, I think it's good television. I hope it succeeds, mostly so I have a weekly wrestling show that I can watch and enjoy. Criticize it all you want, I understand, know that out there, there is a long time wrestling fan, that enjoys TNA and isn't a TNA fan boy. Good day.
  5. Overall it was a pretty good show, much better than the 1/4/10 Show. Bischoff admitting the X-Division had been forgotten has me excited as well, since Bischoff is a great booker for juniors.
  6. The UK isn't nearly as censor-happy as we are when it comes to language
  7. No it didn't. Cancelling one of your highest rated shows because of content is never a sound business decision. 3 of the 4 things you noted had nothing to do with the decision to cancel WCW programming. If Bischoff had bought WCW he would have been taking on the losses. AOL/Time Warner would only be giving them air time. And at the time WCW was canceled as far as cable TV goes, they were whuppin ass. As far as WWF went, they sucked ass. But AOL/TW weren't looking at WWF's ratings, only WCW employees were. It was CONTENT that got WCW cancelled, to compete with WWF they had to get more "edgy" but Jamie Kellner and by proxy AOL/TW weren't going that way. WCW was not cancelled for it's ratings. It was cancelled for content. Why do you keep talking about WCW turning a profit having to do with the decision to cancel the show? Bischoff was ready to buy the company, Turner would have been off the hook for a vast majority of the losses. What do you think the average rating is for the primetime Monday Night timeslot on a cable station? Significantly lower than Nitro's ratings even in early 2001. What, pray tell do PPV buyrates have to do with a cable station's Monday Night Primetime slot? Nothing. AOL/TW wouldn't care about WCW's buyrates if they sold WCW. All the reasons you gave do not apply to AOL/TW's decision to cancel WCW programming.
  8. One thing The Death of WCW got right was the assertion that Jamie Kellner ultimately is what killed WCW. This is the man that also canceled Animaniacs and Freakazoid, he is made of evil. Bischoff didn't do it, Russo didn't do it, the booking did not cause WCW to go out of business.
  9. I see him going full on Fallen Angel again just to give him something to do.
  10. And if they don't last, they're remembered for failing. Half the stuff you say ECW innovated wouldn't have been widely noticed if not for WWF and WCW adapting their technique and then after they bought em WWE going "oh yeah ECW was a huge influence on us!" You sound completely unbiased. The story of ECW must include it legitimately run into the ground by Paul Heyman as opposed to your psychic outlook's assertion. And do me a favor, please explain how TNA could fail due entirely to poor booking. Vince has been in far far more than 3 "wrestling wars"
  11. Exactly, TNA rose to prominance in concurrance with the decline in wrestling's post-Invasion popularity, plus they have less money to spend. What makes it hard for me to choose either/or on whether it's more like WCW or ECW is the financial security. TNA pays their bills, and to my knowledge pull in a profit, ECW did not. To me that's as huge difference as the difference in popularity and exposure.
  12. ECW was an indy promotion with a TV deal. I think TNA's a step above that. I'll say they're in the middle between ECW and WCW.
  13. Both just scored wins over guys higher in the card, plus with Terry separating from the Invasion you get an immediate feud that isn't contrived.
  14. It can be done for both shock value, a joke, and not offensively. If TNA is to hope to keep wrestling fans they have no chance of surviving. They need to create new fans, this is a shot at a different demographic (not just gay) and will cause people to watch it, and thus generate new fans. Right now TNA is thinking "no publicity (outside of steroids) is bad publicity." Maybe I'm a bit too hopeful, and I'm completely wrong.
  15. Apparently they're already recruiting others to create a faction.
  16. Spoiler Alert TNA is going to start a bisexuality angle involving Orlando Jordan, a dude, and a gal.
  17. Especially when you consider that he did that with a grand total of half a knee.
  18. Frank Thomas should be first ballot but he won't be. He'll get in without a doubt. He's one of the greatest hitters of all time.
  19. I agree with you on Mr. Anderson, but I gotta say I kinda like the Nasty Boys going over, albeit not in 12 minutes. I feel like the Nasty Boys and Dudleyz will be going at it consistently until they have a big time hardcore match to blow off the feud. That's the only reason I think the Nasty Boys went over.
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