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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. And you like to bash them...just because. And now you'll go into why you dislike TNA and why you feel it's right to bash them. Of course you'll also say "and I want TNA to succeed" but really you don't. Many fans don't want TNA to succeed. TNA bashing is the latest wrestling fan fetish. With Hogan and Bischoff in charge TNA can officially do no right and that erection will not go away. Think about it in TEW terms: now AJ will chase the title and will regain all the momentum he lost in the matter of weeks.
  2. That's a good point. Who is left for AJ to face? Did anyone really want to see AJ vs Jarrett for the 73rd time?
  3. If no one will care less about AJ, how does it make him look weak? Oh my god that was awful.
  4. Not every World Title win needs a huge build up. Like you said RVD is super over, if he's super over he doesn't really need a big build up. He wrestled 4 full matches in 48 hours, I'd say that's pretty good build up. How does the loss make AJ look bad? Do you really think people will care less about AJ Styles now that he lost the title?
  5. I think the "WHAT?" between every pause in every promo for the last 10 years is enough to be considered a WWE chant.
  6. Again who are you to define the post as whiny? My cheek is bleeding due to me jamming my tongue through it with that post. Somehow you take it as me being srsly. C'mon!
  7. Nobody puts Baby in a corner! I find it very hard that you believe someone can act like a baby over posting ****ing spoilers. Come on now, stop taking stuff so seriously.
  8. Someone may accidentally highlight the text, I don't want to risk it.
  9. But next week we get treated with ___ _____ vs _____. I really hope it doesn't happen.
  10. Fine, I'm a jackass then. Still don't understand why someone would read the thread on Monday Night EST and not expect to see spoilers.
  11. If you haven't seen the show why would you read this thread? I understand PPVs since not everyone orders them, but TV shows on basic cable you're just asking for it to be spoiled if you're reading the thread. The shock of the win is supposed to be the catch.
  12. ___ ___ ___ is the new ___ _____ ___________ ________. Wow.
  13. Hopefully they rebuild the badassness they spent a good year and a half destroying.
  14. What would the difference have been? Would it have been more exciting when his music hit?
  15. Because it gave false hope and the heels got the advantage anyway... The beauty of the English language is that it does not have to be taken literally. But you're asking for a conclusion 4 months and two separate feuds later! What would you want to happen? Rob Terry costs Doug Williams his X-Division title. "If you remember back in January, Doug Williams won the title after taking the Feast or Fired case from Terry! Terry promptly squashed him in 40 seconds. But Terry wasn't done! He waited stalking from the shadows, waiting months to cost Doug Williams his title!" I guess now this means Terry whom is being built as an unstoppable monster has to feud with Doug Williams whom is being built as a wrestling technician who hates high flyers. Whoever comes out on top in the feud will ultimately kill the other person. Doug Williams will just stop caring about the X-Division and all those promos will stop so he can fight Rob Terry. If Rob Terry wins, he'll have just as much heat as he had before and Doug Williams will be without his title and will have much less heat to trash the high flyers. If Doug Williams wins, Rob Terry might as well be fired since it'll toss months or booking out the window.
  16. You may be tired of him, but the crowd went nuts for Hogan. That being said, I think with what happened with Bischoff tonight, we're going to see less and less Bischoff and Hogan on TV. Especially in the ring. There's really nothing else they can do from a storyline standing point after what happened with Bischoff.
  17. Stop looking at wrestling as if it's trying to be kayfabe. The stories are most often kayfabe. But the spots aren't. The spots are there to increase your entertainment. The stories there to make you care. Just because they set up a ladder and a table on top of the cage doesn't take away from it. Story issues? Fine, they should explain everything. But having a ladder on top of a cage? Is that really so much different than a sledge hammer being under the ring? Or a barbed wire baseball bat being under the ring? If you need everything explained spot-wise, then how can you enjoy matches at all? They are nothing like real fights. Why would someone go on the top rope, do a little dance, and then do a big flippy-de-doo in a real fight? If you can accept that, I ask you to accept ladders magically appearing on top of cages. You'll enjoy wrestling a lot more this way.
  18. That was a very bizarre finish. But the most hilarious thumbtack bump ever.
  19. Yawn Ho Hum? If Terry was to cost Williams the title at say Sacrifice, do you really think ANYONE other than you would remember that angle from 4 months earlier? And better yet, that they would care? British Invasion hasn't even teamed together since then.
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