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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. I at least hope this tells them that Wolfe is over and put him in a program with somebody ANYBODY. Hell put him in the X-Division, give him something to do instead of being the guy with the hot chick that looks like he doesn't want to be there. I think the Hogan - Sting confrontation would have been better set as part of the re-debut of TNA Reaction.
  2. I wish they would let me do it godammit. I have 10x the charisma OJ has.
  3. RVD vs Wolfe got six ****ing minutes counting entrances.
  4. Well he's been MIA since being beat down last week, Hall and Nash talked about getting a 3rd man. They got him.
  5. OJ definitely just said "This is my ****" I like his character.
  6. Well at least this means all of Eric Young's momentum is killed. And MCMG actually looked strong against the Band, another positive.
  7. Someone needs to teach the refs that not every pinfall is a 2-count.
  8. Mr. Anderson has revived his career in TNA. Pretty sure they stopped the starving gimmick years ago.
  9. It looks like he's built up a bit actually. And if he's going to be taking the kinda bumps and hits he's expected to take, a little meat on the bones won't hurt. Mr. Anderson's trunks are awesome
  10. This is how Ric Flair should have been used from the start. I swear to ****ing god if Sting vs Hogan happens I will stop being a wrestling fan.
  11. If Matt Morgan was made permanent 3rd mic when they weren't wrestling, I'd be happy. I guess Rhino's not coming back any time soon.
  12. Jesus TNA wasn't kidding they really just saw two guys with mohawks and said "hey lets make em a tag team" And Doug Williams still has the X-Division belt, which makes up for stripping him and gives them storylines for a good bit.
  13. "TNA is the best thing going today" *spattering of applause* Wolfe won the vote. Glad they stuck to their guns.
  14. And then Hogan shows up and destroys every big heel in the company outside of Mr. Anderson. Sigh...
  15. They spun it well. "TNA listened to the fans" And TNA Reaction has been added fulltime. LOL Jay Lethal! Jay Lethal is awesome at everything he does.
  16. Name change idea: Wrestling Championship World-Wide!
  17. I don't think Heyman wants to come back. They aren't popular enough to take Impacts and PPVs on the road. TNA could certainly change their name to a more "wrestling" sounding name. The Global Title would be better called the TV Title since thats essentially what it is. I don't mind having a Global Title but the original premise was that it'd only be defended overseas. Which I think is a good idea. A 1-hour long B-Show on Thursday Nights based around the X-Division wrestlers would be great. Follow it up with the Impact replay if necessary. Fans joining the creative team via a contest sounds nice in theory but really it'd just be them throwing money down the toilet since no one on the creative team would take them serously. More advertising is a must. Brock may show up and wave to the crowd at a TNA show but that's it. TNA needs to emphasize what makes them different from the WWE. If they want to get as big as they want to be, they have to change their product entirely. A name change along with moving away from "sports entertainment" and do something different. I really think if they went old school they'd do very well. "Sports entertainment" has dominated pro wrestling for 20 years now. No one is going to beat the WWE at that product. TNA needs to do something different and carve their own niche. I think going back to the old school style would help them out. Keeping a semblance of kayfabe is something that will help them. Fans want to believe, they don't want the fact they're watching something "fake" rammed into their heads.
  18. Which is why she's worked about 5 minutes in the ring her entire time in TNA. She's still very very green, and you can't just write off her entire career because she's awful in her what...2nd year wrestling? C'mon!
  19. When people talk down about Lacey Von Erich they don't realize he's very very green. I think she'll end up being the next huge female wrestling star in the US. She has a desire to improve, has the charisma, has the looks, and has the genes.
  20. <p>Santana just got rocked tonight 10 ER in 3.2 IP. Phillies put up a 9 spot in the 4th inning all with 2 outs. 8 of those runs were Santana's.</p><p> </p><p> In the 4th inning 9 consecutive Phillies batters got on base with 2 outs, 8 of them scored.</p><p> </p><p> It was glorious.</p>
  21. It looks like Hamada is getting booked again, she's been doing house shows.
  22. They were consistently getting above a 1 every week on Thursdays. This move to Mondays has not caused them to gain viewers at all. The whole decision in and of itself was very amateurish. The move meant that they were asking wrestling fans to pick between them and WWE's #1 show every week. That's not going to happen. I'm fine with the TNA product and the direction it's heading. But you can't make the big move while you're still fiddling with the formula. Then you start making desperation moves like the hotshotting of RVD. If they go live every week, it may get better; however, to me that seems like an anomaly.
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