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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. TNA makes more money from TV than PPV. If anything i think getting rid of the PPVs all-together and having huge quarterly shows on Spike TV would be much better for them.
  2. Big AAA games aren't added to the MLB's broadcast, and sold at the same price as the MLB's product.
  3. It looks like TNA is really starting to find their groove. That MCMG video rules.
  4. I think they're using a poll site to try to keep it getting spammed.
  5. The show wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Mostly thanks to Matt Morgan.
  6. I absolutely love TNA's backstage segments. It's something new and I like it integrated into the show and not as it's own show.
  7. Holy crap a clean finish from the Knockouts Division!
  8. I love Taz AJ to RVD: "Are you high right now?" Taz: "Good chance of that."
  9. When was the last time Hogan wasn't in the first segment on Impact? 2009? Hogan might as well get on his knees and give RVD fellatio.
  10. Then don't hire new people. Or fire some current workers and then sign them.
  11. Either push Hamada or add Lea/Laree and have more than two storylines in the Knockouts division.
  12. Isn't that the ultimate goal of any entertainment business to have a base than pay for it no matter what? Unless I'm missing the point of business...
  13. Benjamin would be better utilized by ROH, but it'd be fun to see him work for TNA.
  14. Shelton Benjamin Could his run there have possibly been more disappointing?
  15. The rumor going around is Vince Russo out as head writer, Paul Heyman in. Not confirmed by anyone in TNA yet.
  16. No matter how bad it looks (especially the Main Event) I still like some of what they did on the under card. Pope vs Mr. Anderson = Money Heel Matt Morgan = Money And apparently Bischoff looked at his roster and went "hey Shannon Moore has a mohawk...so does Jesse Neal! TAG TEAM!!!" (assuming the report I read is wrong since Neal and Morgan brawling and then shaking hands makes zero sense) All that being said...UGH! I know you got stuck with a **** situation since you can't go live every Monday Night but Jesus Christ make something important happen at house show or something later this week and tape it so we don't have to be subjected to that drivel I read tonight.
  17. Just read the results for next week's Impact. Good lord...
  18. Apparently Jim Ross had a meeting with Dixie Carter today, he didn't sign a contract but is interested in joining TNA as possibly an announcer and definitely in a backstage talent relations capacity. I kinda feel sorry for Jim Ross as he's been relegated to being Vince McMahon's personal lapdog. Using his credibility to wipe Vince McMahon's dirty sanitary napkins on the face of wrestling fans.
  19. And you like to bash them...just because. And now you'll go into why you dislike TNA and why you feel it's right to bash them. Of course you'll also say "and I want TNA to succeed" but really you don't. Many fans don't want TNA to succeed. TNA bashing is the latest wrestling fan fetish. With Hogan and Bischoff in charge TNA can officially do no right and that erection will not go away. Think about it in TEW terms: now AJ will chase the title and will regain all the momentum he lost in the matter of weeks.
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