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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. I don't want to eliminate clutch from sports lingo. And I'm not trying to say that clutch doesn't exist. I just wanted to point out that there is more to big plays and big shots than just clutchness. Clutchness alone is not enough in big situations. Really we agree on this matter, I just chose to play devil's advocate. I want it to be known that clutchness is not something that only winning teams have, and that it is something that will rarely determines the outcome of a game.
  2. So it's alright to ignore luck? In my opinion, ignoring luck means the game might as well be played on a computer.
  3. There's no use arguing anymore. It's been fun though
  4. If you think when a team is playing well and has good players is clutch, then we have two very different definitions of clutch. Stop throwing cliches around. The Lakers made the plays because they're a better team. Well put together, better coach, better front office, better home court environment, better everything. Those can't all just be attributed to being clutch. Your definition of clutch is far too broad. You can desire all you want to hit that fade away three pointer over 3 defenders at the buzzer, but no matter how 'clutch' you are, the chances are that you're going to miss it. Just like in baseball, even in clutch situations even the best players fail 70% of the time. I'll argue that you're overstating the potency of 'clutchness.' The thing that bothers me about clutchness is that great athletes are guilty of being unclutch until proven innocent. The expectations of fans in "clutch situations" is ridiculous. Pro sports chiefly decided by a combination of skill and luck, but people tend ignore luck in "clutch situations". When that ball bounced off the rim three times, off of seven players and bounced right to you and you made that relatively easy jump shot? Clutch.
  5. What do you mean validity? Homeruns are homeruns, it's the best thing that can happen in any at bat. That's why they're important. You can't poo-poo homers, but you can poo-poo the parks.
  6. Clutch may exist in basketball, but in baseball it most often evens out. I don't follow basketball much. But in baseball there is more than enough evidence to suggest that in baseball, clutchness is highly overrated. The point is, in the context of any game clutch isn't as important as we think. When a team loses on a last second shot...is that why they lost? Of course not. The previous 47 minutes 58 seconds are why. Human nature and emotion is why we think clutch is important, but really if you're good for the first 47 minutes, being clutch isn't necessary (in the context in which you're using it).
  7. I think Jeff said that he didn't challenge AJ to a match, not that he didn't have a match.
  8. The Abyss storyline utilizes Desmond Wolfe and a very hot young lady. I don't care if it doesn't make sense.
  9. That was the point! I loved it. They just stayed on the apron and got heat by just existing. If they use the Band as just insta-heat to help build their tag division, why the hell not use em?
  10. I have to admit, it's brilliant to use The Band like this.
  11. How could he possible expect them to turn successfully face? Stop a lynching? Because that's the only thing I could think of that could turn the Main Event Mafia face.
  12. Your main point is based on Dixie being unwilling to fire them. And while if that is the case, what you say is true. I don't think its fair to Dixie to say that she will just let TNA go down in flames and never get rid of them. If anything Bob Carter would step in and either move to sell TNA or tell Dixie that a lot of changes must be made. I don't see TNA being run flaming into the ground with Bischoff sticking around for the entire ride (at least in the capacity he is now).
  13. Let's ignore the fact that the largest wrestling company in the world just put on a worse pay-per-view than TNA has ever put on.
  14. Yeah. As bad as it's been, if you're TNA you have to be relieved to be back at where ya were.
  15. For those that care Impact did quarter hours of 0.86, 0.89, 0.94, 0.92 for the first hour and 1.00, 1.02, 0.99, 1.01 for the second hour. The overrun did a 1.29 rating.
  16. True. I guess he was being used to justify the pay and not because they actually liked him.
  17. But those deals are being used still, I'd figure. Unless there's more written deals that aren't on TV either.
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