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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. Making room for Sarita, Wilde, and Hamada let's hope. If they get good screen time Roxxi is a pretty redundant face worker.
  2. Thats a great point. Mr. Anderson is giving Jeff Hardy a huge charismatic rub. Jeff Hardy is at his best when he isn't relied upon to carry the 'entertaining' aspect of a storyline. Pairing him up with Mr. Anderson is great for both of them, as long as they keep the tag belts off of them (at least for a while).
  3. I'd have Genesis, Lockdown, Slammiversary, and Bound For Glory as the Pay Per Views and every other month having the specials Pay-Per-View is nice, but TNA does not rely on PPV money. Right now it's in their best interests to realize that having with a PPV every month is not the best idea business wise. They are trying to compete against a company who's main show routinely gets triple the ratings theirs does, and who also have three other TV shows during the week. They aren't going going to add two million viewers in a month, if they want to compete they need to be available for free as much as they can. Giving away pay-per-view quality shows to hype buying the really big pay-per-views is a good idea for right now. The thought that to be a successful national wrestling company you need 12 PPVs a year is silly (not that you think that, but it's clear that is seen as the bar these days). UFC is really hurting WWE's buy-rates, just imagine what they're doing to TNA's already embarrassingly low buy-rates. Hell they're on the same channel! TNA's emphasis has to be on gaining exposure right now. Not necessarily making a profit. They've spent a ton of money, and they have to do everything they can to gain exposure to try to get it to pay off. Staying the course after spending all that money is not a good idea at all. All that being said...we don't know if this is the true story or not. I just hope it's true since I've been hollering for TNA to do this for a while.
  4. I was with you until this point. I don't think they would promise him anything of the sort.
  5. TNA's problem is that they need more people watching their product. I'm sure they'd sacrifice the money they make with PPV buys to gain more viewers with TV specials.
  6. And they'll get more than 1,000 people watching the events live legally.
  7. A new rumor is that TNA will be dropping PPVs and going with specials on Spike TV. If true, that's a fantastic idea.
  8. You're avoiding the point of him using of the word "fair" in a shoot to describe working with Danielson. Give us an answer so that I may agree with it.
  9. You're right. I had a conversation with a few local indie wrestlers in my area. They kept talking about the importance of fairness when working a match. You're spot on. Why are you treating me like I disagree with you? You've pointed out the error in my ways. I'm on your side bro.
  10. Don't you dare attempt to smear the reputation of the Shoot Comment Alarm. I spent $400 on this thing. It's Titan Sports' top of the line!
  11. "If for nothing else, to at least have a chance to have a match with him after what was done. I know that seems a bit more fair. Give me a chance to have a fair match with him, and give him yet another chance to prove that he does belong with us." You're right. My Shoot Comment Alarm is a-blaring! Call RF Video! Cena's speaking out!
  12. Not to mention Earl Hebner took top rope flying cross body.
  13. Yep. If you think that's how the real John Cena would have given a shoot response to this situation, you've got another thing comin'.
  14. Mr. Anderson is really good as a face. I think he's staying face for a while and I don't mind it at all if it's going to be this much fun. It was great watching he and Hardy attempting to unite as a team during the match. You can say a lot about Hogan's lack of talent but that is one thing he truly understood about wrestling. When Hogan was brought into TNA he emphasized the importance ring psychology and telling stories with matches. In the past few months, the stories being told by TNA's matches are getting much more creative, and makes the matches more captivating.
  15. AJ and Jay Lethal are putting on the match of the night.
  16. Bubba (Brother) Ray is one of the most underrated heel performers of the last 25 years. He is great at making the fans HATE him.
  17. Well...that made no sense... At least right now it makes no sense.
  18. Holy crap Williams vs Kendrick was like watching a video game.
  19. RVD© vs Sting- I hope Sting wins the belt. I want this storyline to get some resolution. Douglas Williams© vs Brian Kendrick- I think it's too soon to put the belt on Kendrick, his character needs to develop more. Matt Morgan vs Hernandez- I think this match is going to be good. Hernandez is going to win. Hardy & Anderson vs Beer Money- Beer Money win by DQ after Mr. Anderson gets frustrated and gets caught cheating. Kurt Angle vs Kazarian- Angle wins, but he's going to make Kaz look awesome. AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal- My heart wants Jay Lethal, but my mind says AJ Styles. Roxxi vs Madison Rayne©- Total coin flip. I'll go with Roxxi winning with the help of Rosie. Desmond Wolfe vs Abyss- Wolfe wins this one after Chelsea swerves Abyss. Rubber match at Victory Road.
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