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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. I love Maryse and Dibiase Jr together. Such a lovely heel couple.
  2. I'm sure they expected "and thats the bottom line because the GM said so" to get a much bigger pop.
  3. Sarah Del Ray worked the Asbury Park show. She lost to Angelina Love.
  4. I think AJ's been a lot better since he dropped the title. He's a top star in TNA, but if every top star was a top star at the same time it'd be near impossible to make time for them on TV.
  5. News on the big surprise Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter TNA president Dixie Carter created a lot of buzz last month on Twitter when she teased that her company would � once again � change forever. Carter later clarified her remark, noting that the "change" would not be a specific announcement. "You will just see for yourselves in the coming weeks," Carter wrote. Carter's teased surprise that would "change TNA forever" was Paul Heyman, but a deal between both parties could not be reached. Though a deal was not reached then, it's expected that Heyman will join the company in the near future. TNA officials are reportedly willing to give the former ECW creative director anything he wants in order to have him join their organization. It's said that TNA's internal condition has hit rock-bottom over the last few weeks. Many within the company feel they need a savior and the only person who fits the bill is Heyman.
  6. I think this NXT class of names shows that WWE is committed to going PG. These are names that will sell to kids.
  7. This weekend in Brooklyn and Asbury Park is looking like a test run. Even if they rotate between 4 main locations, it's better than the Impact Zone every week.
  8. Sting: "Dixie you've been conned!" Finally some actual development in the Why Sting Why storyline.
  9. In pro sports ownership, you can't just gloss over that fact.
  10. Looks like the four hour TNA block won't be happening. Xplosion will still be leading in to Impact but Reaction won't be airing after Impact.
  11. There's a free agent frenzy because this is the last year in this CBA. The next CBA, max salaries will likely be lowered.
  12. I'd say that's part of the job description of the commish.
  13. So the word is Paul Heyman wants to get "Dana White power" in TNA. Which may be part of why Ed Ferrera was fired. And as most of you know Vince Russo has been looking to get out of creative for a while now.
  14. They already have Xplosion. Are you talking about a 3rd show or turning Xplosion into an ECW show?
  15. Ed Ferrera is done with TNA according to multiple sources.
  16. Neither Dreamer nor Richards are 40+ years old! They're 39 and 38
  17. Tommy Dreamer debuted at Slammiversary and has been appearing in the crowd with Raven and Stevie Richards during Impact.
  18. Spoilers So the main event of the go home show is Abyss vs Jeff Hardy with RVD as the guest referee. RVD heel turn? Also, Rhino is supposed to be showing up in the ECW storyline. Not that anyone cares...
  19. http://www.tnawrestlingnews.com/tnastarssmokepot/1.jpg TNA! TNA! TNA!
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