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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. Hernandez is second only to Rob Terry in poses per minute.
  2. If he's really stopped using, the weight gain would make complete sense.
  3. My money's on Samoa Joe. Please don't let it be Rob Terry...
  4. I think it's awful. Surprise surprise Bischoff thought of it. First thing he's added creatively in months.
  5. Hogan finds a way to put himself over Dixie Carter. I ****ing love him.
  6. Prowrestling.net says that TNA going to be running a special event on SpikeTV in August called "TNA's Whole F'n Show" If this is real, I have to believe SpikeTV named it.
  7. Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter Those within TNA suggest Desmond Wolfe is currently in the doghouse. The British wrestling star has developed a reputation for being difficult to work with (ego), which has affected his push in the organization. Company officials are also down on Matt Morgan, who has been discussed as being part of Ric Flair's Fortune group. Hernandez' two botched Border toss attempts during their Steel Cage bout at Victory Road were blamed on "The Blueprint" since Hernandez is a favorite among management.
  8. Wolfe's apparently been garnering a lot of heat backstage which would explain why he's been made to look like a douche recently.
  9. It's easy to say that about a show you don't watch. Try watching it without nitpicking it to death.
  10. I am of the opinion that it has to do with Sting's recent weirdness. I have an idea of the direction I'd take it but it would never happen in a million years.
  11. What's the point of talking about them if they don't matter? Your Comparison of buyrates and poor booking is idiotic. Booking is part of creative, creative is key. How you make your money doesn't matter as long as it's done legally and ethically. John Cena's arm bands recently went from 25% polyester to 35% polyester. That will cause a bit more irritation on people who have very sensitive skin. I for one believe that if WWE went back to the 25% polyesZzzzzz....
  12. If you look at a weekly TV show with an evolving storyline for the first time in 3-6 months and expect it to blow your mind, you will always be confused and disappointed.
  13. They hadn't been on TV in months and all of those guys are most well known because of their work in ECW.
  14. Doesn't China get the PPVs for free? Or is that only Europe?
  15. <p>Proof positive that TNA needs to stop running monthly PPVs. 4 PPVs a year Genesis, Lockdown, Slammiversary, and Bound For Glory. Try to convince SpikeTV to allow them to run 8 monthly specials in place of PPVs. Hell if TNA dropped PPVs altogether and went with just specials on Spike they'd be far better off. </p><p> </p><p> The pro wrestling market has changed since a lot the attitude era. There is now stiff competition every single month on pay-per-view with UFC and the occasional boxing PPV. Wrestling is tailor made for TV, the goal for any company nowadays really should be to get a deal similar to what TNA has with SpikeTV who not only give them a prime time slot but pay them a whole lot of money for the honor.</p><p> </p><p> When you're the 3rd (and sometimes 4th) choice for PPV buyers in a recession you can't be shocked at poor buy rates. What do you do then? Well you give the fans PPVs for free.</p>
  16. I think they're going to be faces for the rest of the Nexus storyline. Which is good since it makes Nexus without a doubt the top heels on Raw beside Sheamus. I wouldn't be shocked if Sheamus joined forces with Nexus for the protection.
  17. So Edge's heel run lasted what 3 months? Judging by who's on Cena's team it looks like the Nexus is going to be getting the win at Summer Slam. But you never know.
  18. I think they were cheering the potential of an unexpected title change more so than cheering Miz.
  19. If TNA ran a TV special head to head with an inferior WWE PPV card it would be a huge help. It would also be a way maximize the name value for all of their former WWE talent.
  20. They like Jim Cornette but few actually understand and have actually watched some of his booking. They just like what he says.
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="eayragt" data-cite="eayragt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TNA have got it got with two wealthy backers - the owners and the Network. If either of them were to go they might just survive.<p> </p><p> Of course, put on significantly profitable PPV's and you can survive on your own merit. I like that business model.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Except if either of them leave how do you expect to let people know when your PPVs are?</p><p> </p><p> TNA doesn't need PPVs. The idea that wrestling is a business that needs PPV to succeed is not true.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Maybe if they put on a better TV show people would be more apt to buy their PPV's.<p> </p><p> However, what you is saying is right as well because that is where TNA make their money because they do not charge to get into their TV events. Therefore, PPV buyrates and Merch are where they need to make their money.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> TNA get most of their money from SpikeTV, Merch, and International deals. Not PPV.</p>
  22. If I'm TNA I say **** buyrates. They aren't going to be going up any time soon. Just try to put on entertaining main events.
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