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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. I agree the go-home show for Hardcore Justice was an abomination from top to bottom.
  2. I wasn't making a snide comment. I was being honest when I said that I can't comprehend what you want in a wrestling show. Of everyone I've talked to about this show you are the only person I've come in contact with that thought it was mediocre and was not better than the previous Impacts. You're also the only person I've come in contact with that thought MCMG vs Beer Money was only decent. And finally you're the only person I've come in contact with that believes the choice of Shannon Moore to face Jeff Hardy seriously affected your thoughts on the show. I wasn't being an ass, I was being honest. Your opinion intrigues me. Your response has only peaked my curiosity. I must know: What do you look for in a wrestling show? What about the previous Impacts were superior to The Whole F'n Show? What is your all time favorite tag team match (gimmick matches not included)?
  3. The Whole F'n Show did a 1.15 which is down .06 from last week. ReAction did a .87 Not bad numbers but not great either.
  4. If you didn't enjoy that show or think that it was worse than previous Impacts I have no clue what you'd want in a wrestling show.
  5. To build on that idea. What if TNA combined Xplosion and ReAction and air that before Impact. 2 or 3 first run matches, and an edited down ReAction would be a great lead into Impact. But I also like the idea of having reaction (oh I get it now!) from the end of Impact carry over to Reaction. Perhaps taking the "Impact Player of the Week" idea and include a classic match involving them.
  6. I said it before when I saw ReAction before. This has a chance to be a great show just needs some fine tuning.
  7. Oh yeah I forgot about Air Raid. This reverse NWO angle has confirmed that the Twitter hullabaloo is a hoax for me. And that it'll end up being Samoa Joe.
  8. I think this is what it's all about. Fortune Matt Morgan AJ Styles Kazarian Beer Money Doug Williams Abyss Never had more than a cup of coffee in WWE and never worked for ECW or WCW. They are all home grown TNA stars. When you think about it, I'm pretty sure Jay Lethal is the top TNA face right now that hasn't previously worked for WWE, WCW or ECW. Perhaps this storyline is TNA's final goodbye to the Attitude Era? One can only hope.
  9. ****ing awesome. Everyone in Fortune became stars in TNA and were never stars in WWE. It actually makes sense. This may have been TNA's best PPV ever...and it was free!
  10. "I want to thank Dixie Carter for taking me places I have never been." "Rob Van Dam and his band of gypsies raised the bar in TNA." That was Hogan's best TNA promo.
  11. Best timing of a mid-match commercial break ever. MCMG vs Beer Money is living up to the hype.
  12. AJ and Kurt was great as expected. Great free PPV opener.
  13. I'm beginning to think the fake Hulk Hogan twitter fiasco is a work.
  14. To my knowledge RVD vs AJ Styles has main evented every house show since RVD won the title
  15. Do they really work half the schedule WWE guys do? How many shows does a Raw or Smackdown worker have a week? They do more travel for sure, but I'm pretty sure RVD has more matches per month than the average WWE worker.
  16. Not a single soul in the world would have paid for Hardcore Justice that didn't simply because the TNA World Title was on the line. Not to mention that it would be taking a giant **** on their top 10 contenders idea a months into it
  17. RVD vs Sabu was ALOT better than I thought it would be. I still can't get over how perfect that Tornado DDT was.
  18. So does everyone. Doesn't look like its going to happen.
  19. That match was a lot better than I thought it would be.
  20. BTW that was probably the last time New Jack will ever be in a wrestling ring. He retired for good last year. There's a reason why he didn't take any bumps or weapon shots.
  21. Oh My God!!!!!! The Gangstas!!! I have to say this PPV may have been Tenay and Taz's best show together.
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