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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. I think Daniels would be the leader if they were to come back. And it would actually explain why Kendrick just decided to join EV2.0 to get intel snooch.
  2. As bad as EV2.0 has been, I expected much much worse. Right now I'm just looking towards Bound For Glory. I really hope they put Pope over Angle.
  3. Varsity window? Do you watch prime time Saturday night programming? That's not where networks put ANY of their ace shows.
  4. Yeah I don't think anyone cares until she finally says "THIS IS THE SURPRISE" Plus who's she talking to exactly? Most TNA fans don't follow her twitter acct.
  5. It's because they'd be going head to head with the NFL season opener. It'd be awesome if TNA said they are postponing the show so they can watch football.
  6. Jeff Jarrett definitely has a huge fan. His name is Vince Russo.
  7. I am officially an Alberto Del Rio fan. He is most certainly worthy of being a big deal.
  8. LOLONDON BRAWLING I don't know if that name makes me laugh because of how awesome it is or because it's so damn cheesy. I think it's both.
  9. I don't mind EV2.0 if its a vehicle to get Fortune over (not the members, the stable as a brand). The FBI did an amazing job. They certainly earned their pay checks tonight.
  10. Loving how the backstage segments are evolving. That last segment alone just made me fall in love with Stevie Richards all over again and all he did was yell and look mad.
  11. And it looks like this entire conversation is now moot. Nothing like a good old fashioned squash match. I miss those. Like Fortune's new hand signal. Meh to the logo.
  12. If you want to get a guy over really quickly, what do you do? You can have him get beat down, yes. But he also has to gain a measure of revenge. Mamaluke wasn't being booked as Tony Mamaluke the wrestler who hasn't been on national TV since the 2002, but as Tony Mamaluke the member of EV2.0. Do you think Storm was hurt by that at all? He was one person in the middle of an arena wide brawl. If your problems are with TNA even having an ECW storyline, then I can't argue with you. Personally I love it, but I was raised on ECW. But if you're talking about the booking decision to have Mamaluke beating down Storm: see above.
  13. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly beating up James Storm and Robert Roode in a fist fight = Suspend your disbelief my friend. It makes wrestling far more enjoyable. Even when it's bad.
  14. I like this segment. Jeff Jarrett is showing cowardice looking to find help. Sting and Nash are on to something methinks...
  15. After watching Dixie so much I think that if she does something like slap Ric Flair she'd get over. She wouldn't be a waste of time anymore. She's not a retread! It's times like this where I miss old Russo because he would totally run a Dixie Carter ****ed Ric Flair and got pregnant with his child storyline. This is close enough. Five ****ing stars. Go crazy TNA go ****ing crazy. Yay no more Dixie! Hogan as commish. About ****ing time. Flair: "They are going to take over. It won't be tonight!" Hogan: "Why won't you do it tonight?" Flair: "BECAUSE I'M NOT READY TONIGHT!" Greatest back and forth in the history of wrestling. Ric Flair is really trying to get Morgan over. that's good!
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