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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. If Danielson turns heel again so quickly it would be a horrible mistake.
  2. I will give Dixie credit, she's not embarrassing herself on the mic anymore.
  3. If I remember correctly it was supposed to be the start of a feud with Hardy and thus a singles push and he blew it. At least I'll be able to see him close to home now!
  4. Yeah I'm not sure how much more they could have hyped MCMG vs Beer Money. They talked about it all show leading up to it, they fellated it while it was happening, they had a well done feature re-tracing the entire history of MCMG in TNA on ReAction. What did Heyman want? A bill board in time square hyping 4 guys no one but wrestling fans know exist?
  5. Self! MCMG were TNA's Impact Players of the Week! Surely that means something to you! Beer Money closed out ReAction with what was one of my favorite segments on the entire show. ECW wasn't really mostly garbage, the entire Attitude Era was mostly garbage.
  6. Same here Hydey Anderson vs Angle gets my MOTY vote as well. Summerslam did not impress me at all and I had really low expectations. The best match I saw was Orton and Sheamus but that was mostly due to the crowd Orton is red hot right now. Rey vs Kane was an abomination. WWE needs to realize that Rey can't work with big men anymore. At one time when before the dozen or so surgeries he had he was the perfect match for a big man small man match. Nowadays he works the same 5 or so spots because he can't pull off his more athletic moves anymore, either that or WWE won't let him since he's their latino meal ticket. The main event was really good until it was down to Gabriel-Barrett vs Bryan-Cena at that point I knew Bryan would lose somehow and Super Cena would pick up the win. Very disappointing very quick finish. If the pay off is Barrett vs Cena they did a poor job of it since Cena made Barrett tap in 5 seconds one-on-one. I would have rather had the 5 minutes of absolutely nothing that happened in the match be allocated to Barrett vs Cena instead of Barrett being made to look like junk in comparison.
  7. I'd prefer if Cena lost and then after the match got revenge. Fans still go home happy and Nexus isn't made to look like silly geese like they did in this match.
  8. Not a fan of how the match devolved into a run-of-the-mill Super Cena main event.
  9. I'll involve myself wherever I damn well please. You're not my dad...are you?
  10. The crowd popped. And he's plugged into this storyline because his firing was explain as him being kicked out of Nexus. If he came back and the Nexus storyline was still going on, it'd make even less sense. They never mentioned his being firing, it was definitely not a work. Yeah that was the pay off now he and Kane are going to feud.
  11. I believe being up on the apron resets the count. I've never seen a guy get counted out on the apron before.
  12. On your point about ratings being stagnant. If you look at viewership trends for most TV shows they tend to lose viewers the longer they are on the air. An upward trend is a positive no matter what for Spike TV. It's not necessarily what TNA wants, true. Spike gets two hours of prime time every week that normally does a 1 or higher that is aimed at their key demo. If the ratings are on an upward trend it can only be good. Did Spike sink a lot of money signing the big names you listed? Yes. But if TNA keeps getting 1s and continues their upward trend (I'm ignoring the Monday Night fiasco to better illustrate my point.) Spike TV is a niche cable network whose overall viewership has been dropping like a rock. Should TNA be doing much better? Perhaps. Could TNA be doing much better? Most definitely. While I agree with your premise that they should spend more money on advertising, let's not act like TNA is a sinking ship. And on your point about TNA's drug policy I can only say that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Especially when it comes to the inner workings and policy of a privately owned company. Information related to drug policy penalties and failed tests hurt both the company and it's workers, I don't think it's too far out of the question to think that TNA doesn't compromise storylines for drug policy violations. For example perhaps Samoa Joe's unexplained kidnapping and disappearance was really a drug policy violation. We don't know for sure.
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