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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. Possible Hard Justice Spoiler: TNA is trying to make RVD vs Jerry Lynn happen one last time
  2. The biggest factor is if they kept an audience throughout the show. Not 1.4 the first our and .7 the second.
  3. I don't think she'll be on TV often. But she is on TV next week. She's fine in the "aw shucks" owner role, but beyond that? Yeah...no.
  4. That end segment was 10,000 times better than the Nexus invasion.
  5. Oh christ don't let the "WHAT" phrase infect TNA too.
  6. Right now TNA has had one old person feud per PPV. I don't mind that.
  7. Nash has really changed since his WCW days. Kevin Nash: "Some people say I'm the best worker in this business" WHO THE **** SAYS THAT KEVIN? YOUR MAGIC MIRROR?
  8. Take a break from the long winded posts and take a look at the greatest YouTube video ever made
  9. The idea of Impact Zone LA is a great one. Didn't they run a few shows in Las Vegas a few years back? Imagine an Impact Las Vegas road trip! I agree that the Impact Zone is getting a little monotonous, hell even ECW had TV tapings in different places every once in a while. I think a good idea would be for TNA to go on mini tours. Something like going to one particular area of the country, run 4 live Impacts that lead to a PPV. Then go back to Orlando for a month or two using that time to advertise another TNA Tour. If it is a success you can go back and forth until you build enough of a following that TNA can go on the road every week, or at least more often than never like it is now.
  10. AJ was the #1 guy in TNA through most of the past year holding the title for over 200 days. AJ's character is nothing like Ric Flair's character, unless you think that Flair's character is entirely the robe and frosted tips. If you are going to hold being in Orlando against AJ and at the same time jack off Jericho receiving "massive" heat in 20,000 seat arenas I don't think you think this is the Wrestler of the Year but WWE Wrestler of the Year. Of course every bit of heat that someone as well known as Jericho generates will seem "massive." Jericho is very good at what he does and does it for the biggest wrestling promotion ever. As long as TNA tapes in Orlando would any TNA wrestler ever be worthy of this award in your opinion? You seem to be a real stickler for holding TNA taping "four shows in two nights" against every one of their wrestlers. Even though what you're saying is completely untrue (they tape on the first two Mondays and Tuesdays after a PPV) AJ has successfully gotten heat on the road as well so you can't really minimalize his talents into just "well he did it in the Impact Zone therefore any heat he gets doesn't count." He stopped being Flair II a month after turning heel. Since then he's been a completely different type of heel character. What do you mean they aren't tested? TNA guys aren't tested as much as the top WWE guys are tested? I suppose that's fair enough to say. But let's not act like WWE crowds are impossible to please. The WWE's audience is trained for the most part. These days the top guys just need their theme music to hit before the crowd goes insane. "BREAK THE WALLS DOOOWWWNNN" *Pavlovian boos* One helluva test! You can like Jericho all you want. I think AJ is a good choice to win, and he won. This is a stupid magazine that no one buys anyway.
  11. I didn't say no one could make a case. I was just asking him to make one. Seems you made one, that I don't agree with either. But you're entitled to your opinion.
  12. That's your opinion. I think AJ's heel act is awesome and he's cut better promos in the past year than he has in his entire career. He held the World title for 211 days. I think he's had quite a few better than "nice matches." Why do you think his heel run is barely passable? He's getting heat isn't he? The crowd is booing him right? Fans pay to see him don't they? I don't understand the hate for heel AJ, I think he's done a very good job and his heel act is getting better and better. If you could go into greater detail as to why you don't think AJ deserved the top spot and who you think would have been the better choice, it'd be greatly appreciated.
  13. You either don't watch TNA regularly or you're a silly goose.
  14. Dude TNA's buys have been awful since TNA began. Don't blame Bischoff. Anyway, I skimmed through spoilers for next week and it sounds like it was another really good show. Things that stuck out to me: Desmond Wolfe tags with Magnus on Xplosion Velvet Sky was apparently kicked out of The Beautiful People in favor of Tara and Sarita AJ Styles won the Global title Nash and Jarrett are feuding ECW guys have been given "total control" over Hard Justice. After Hard Justice the storyline is over. When Abyss said "them" he didn't mean the ECW guys.
  15. Virtually no one is buying's TNA's PPVs in the first place. They need the most exposure possible to push those buyrates up. If TNA was able to do both TV Specials and PPVs that would be best for them. Four big PPVs a year combined with 6-8 monthly specials. Which would mean a transition back to monthly PPVs would be much smoother.
  16. The last two PPVs have been especially awful apparently.
  17. Everything I've heard about it says it's "must watch TV." Also read that TNA's PPVs are getting horrifyingly low buy rates. Which is no shock at all.
  18. The climbing gloves and motorcycle babe SCREAMED Russo. The second half of the show was free of "yech" moments.
  19. Main Event underwhelmed me. Had a few good sports but meeeeeeh. MCMG vs Beer Money was where this show peaked.
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