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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. I don't think Mr. Anderson would have used that many words to even defend himself.
  2. I wish they would have signed Hogan to a similar contract. I don't mind Hall and Nash, this is most likely their swansong run anyway.
  3. If it's what he said then doesn't the credit goes to WWE's writers and not him? Which is ironic since the promo was a complaint about how WWE creates stars instead of going with who's more talented.
  4. Am I crazy for not finding that the great awe-inspiring groundbreaking promo that everyone thinks it is?
  5. Scott Hall got arrested again. Booker T showed up and fought RVD at TNA's house show tonight.
  6. AJ Styles will be able to survive it because he's that good. Abyss on the other hand is dead in the water.
  7. Abyss is starting to get X-Pac heat from the TNA crowd. I feel bad for him.
  8. Why the Christ would you cut Sarita? There's too few workers in the knockouts division anyway. And the division has 2 championships to fill.
  9. Why do you guys all hate Jesse Neal? He's not business-exposingly bad and he's one of the few guys TNA has that's gotten over completely due to their work in TNA. I don't see TNA dropping him.
  10. If he could jog like that without showing signs of being injured (until after he allowed two runs to score on the play) he could have made a much better effort. The nanosecond he kicks that ball away he goes into "well I'm just gonna jog after this ball" mode.
  11. Hanley Ramirez re-defined the term "dogging it." http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20100517&content_id=10121486&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb
  12. That's just how my brain processes things and thus how I explain them off the top of my head. It's a gift and a curse.
  13. Well that's the answer to the question. They will either do one for the X-Division title or none at all. But they will not have a match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, which was the main point of the entire conversation. Gerweck.net Also, according to the results Mr. Anderson's turned babyface, which makes sense after that promo.
  14. Last year there was a KotM for the X Division title, looks like they're either doing that or dropping the idea completely. Which I don't mind since every KotM match has been pretty bad. It's just a crap idea.
  15. Ric Flair just admitted to having sex with Dixie Carter. He needs to have a mic during every AJ Styles match.
  16. I'm confused by the end of the Anderson-Hardy match.
  17. Yes. Yes it was. I am proud to call myself an *******.
  18. Well The Band won as expected, but they made Ink Inc look pretty good. And I really liked the Wolfe-Chelsea segment.
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