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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. Angle and Anderson are putting on one of TNA's best matches ever. Yes, it's this good.
  2. This is wrestling, not MMA. Do you really think this hurts Doug Williams in any way shape or form? Doug Williams still has the title in the storyline, he's not going to just hand it over. I can see them doing something where Williams does his same X-Division schtick and telling Kaz to "come and get it" Boom you get a feud, the title isn't hurt, Doug Williams isn't hurt.
  3. Team 3D vs The Band is a real life application of the Overbook note.
  4. Going back to that story will be going back to an angle 4-5 months earlier? I know TNA gets heat for **** booking, but you can't use this against them. It's not like they dropped the whole thing and the angle was forgotten. Terry got his squash win over Williams. Terry got his squash wins over Magnus.
  5. Nice to see Homicide get retribution after getting squashed by Rob Terry. Not sure if we can do spoilers or not.
  6. Doug Williams will win it right back in the next month. That intro video was hellacool. That's one thing Bischoff always does well.
  7. They sure CAN find a place to put him, I was wrong in saying they couldn't find a place for him. But they wouldn't do it. They don't need him. Believe it or not, the Yankees actually have a salary budget, and I'm pretty sure they're not under by $30M.
  8. Doug Williams will not be at Lockdown tonight. Stuck in the UK thanks to the Volcano.
  9. No, YOU don't know them very well. Jeff Wilpon won't authorize an additional $30M a year in salary on one player. Maybe 3 off-seasons ago, but not now. The Yankees have no where to put Pujols and they don't need him either.
  10. The Cards have two and potentially three #1s in their rotation. That alone can get them deep into the playoffs. Rarely happens in pro sports. Should he be? Sure. Will he be? Doubtful. Who is giving Pujols $30M a year in free agency? The Yankees? No. The Red Sox? Very, very long shot. The Dodgers? No. The Mets? Hell no. The Angels? No. No team that's worth two ****s will pay Pujols the money he wants. If Pujols wants to get paid in free agency he can go to Baltimore, Peter Angelos will be more than happy to overpay him and surround him with absolute trash. The only way Pujols signs a $300M deal is if a good chunk is deferred. Or if he threatens to go to the Cubs
  11. I'll eat an entire spring ensemble if Albert signs 10-year a $300M deal. If LaRussa doesn't give that glacier the greenlight you win anyway. That was one of the worst managing decisions I've ever seen. Down 1 with the best player in the sport at bat. LaRussa gives a man with 16 career steals (at a blistering 57% career success rate) the green light. Even if he was safe, Pujols was going to get walked, thus taking the bat out of the hands of the man most likely to help your team win. Then Pujols promptly hits a double that Ludwick could have moonwalked home from first on. LaRussa out did himself tonight. I can only pray to see another Jerry Manuel-Tony LaRussa battle of wits tomorrow night.
  12. I have a feeling Joe is coming back after AJ Styles has exhausted every challenger. Unless Pope wins at Lockdown (which I doubt but would love to see happen).
  13. I think they're just moving the push too fast. I am interested in what they do concerning him and OJ, however.
  14. Rob Terry's push would be fine if he didn't have a title already.
  15. I think you're looking at this a bit backwards. The Jets are built for the run. Having Holmes helps the run as much as the run helps Holmes. You say that the Jets will throw the ball more since teams will be keying on the run, and I agree. However they will still be a run-first offense, and even if Holmes gets off to a great start, teams will start to double him on passing downs. They're going to pass more but I just don't see Holmes having as huge a year as you think he's going to. Holmes is going into an offense that throws the ball less. No matter how you look at it, the Steelers threw the ball more often last year than the Jets will. Not to mention they had a far superior quarterback. Big Ben threw the ball 506 times last year. The Jets will not throw the ball that often, unless they're consistently coming from behind. I think he'll help the offense, but you are vastly overstating the impact he will have on the offense. 8 catches per game over a 16 game season extrapolates to 128 catches, which would be #2 all time for a single season.
  16. I agree. I never disagreed with your premise, just disagreed with the numbers you said Holmes would put up. 88 Catches in 12 Games? C'mon!
  17. What do you mean belongs in another decade? http://www.breakitdownblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/batista.jpg
  18. Pujols won't get an A-Rod type deal. The A-Rod deal was a deal that could have only happened with A-Rod and only in that situation. It was a bizarre circumstance, not a trend setter. I say Pujols gets 8 years $200M with 2 option years attached.
  19. Santonio Holmes won't hit any of those numbers. Rex Ryan isn't going to throw the ball enough, nor is the Jets defense poor enough to justify that amount of passes. Plus Holmes is suspended the first 4 games of the year.
  20. That doesn't look that bad at all. If properly written it could end up being a great.
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