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Everything posted by Markw

  1. Tommy Cornell Jr. Jennifer Cornell Jonathan Faust (probably best to ignore the hoodie pattern 😅)
  2. Thanks, I was loosely going for a Rufus Sewell in A Knight's Tale vibe. Edward Cornell
  3. I’ve got a real itch to try booking AWW/AJJ/PEWA at once and see if I can juggle them, think that’ll be my first post-update game.
  4. Kosmo Supreme & Realm vs The Wolverines Samson Domoina vs Shannon Sorensen Ciclope & The Wild Things vs Ray Lisbon & Sons of Ragnarr The Hammer Bros vs Devon Homicide & Sam Bailey Mark Gunn vs Cole Younger Leonardo Di Fiore & Yusef Miller vs Trent Brooke & Redd
  5. It's a fictional game world. In America you've got a few decent sized promotions fighting for dominance in the wake of the company that had monopolised wrestling going under. In Mexico a Sports Entertainment focused company have usurped the traditional Lucha powerhouse. UPJ are the dominant force in Japan having recovered from poor ownership and a couple of major schisms. They're the main hubs but there's a lot of really interesting promotions scattered across all the game areas. I can't recommend downloading it and having a look around strongly enough
  6. 1. Dustin LeFever vs. Kamei Takauji 2. The Runaways (Erik van Rijn & Bruiser Cassidy) vs. Goro Nemoto & Kwon Ha-neul 3. Kozue & Utamara vs. Jin Fujiwara & SHOGUN 4. Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Daijiro Otsuka & Otojiro Ikina) vs. Kinjo-jidai (Torture, Waotaka Eda & Mr. Yamashita) 5. Hall of the United Throne (Ryotaro Naruto, Captain UPJ & Takanori Sakurai) vs. Des Miller, Jayden Cole & Lobo 6. HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahara & TOKI INK) vs. Oda Yamawaki & Yamahara (Koji Yamada & Ukon Kajahara) 7. The Fallen (Cameron Cody & Junichi Matsuo) © vs. Tokyo Tigers (Nakano Yuki & Ryuko Mishamoto) (1st defense) 8. Kintaro Kinjo © vs. Taheiji Ebisawa (1st defense) BONUS: Who "comes home" to join Kinjo-jidai? Pain
  7. 1. SHOGUN vs. Kamei Takauji 2. Danger Asahara vs. Xi Gao 3. Wild (Hidetsugu Genji & Joao Iwahara) vs. Furosuto & Utamara 4. Oda Yamawaki & Yamahara (Koji Yamada & Ukon Kajahara) vs. Alvaro Buey III, Lobo & Koma Kobiashi 5. The Runaways (Erik van Rijn & Bruiser Cassidy) vs. Des Miller & Jayden Cole 6. Ignite Muscle Amy (Kato, Atonga, Taheiji Ebisawa & Takehide Harada) vs. Kinjo-jidai (Kintaro Kinjo, Katsuhiko Ishii, Waotaka Eda & Dustin LeFever) Really excited to follow this.
  8. Wonderful find, they’re really impressive.
  9. Only person glad you missed your deadline since I’ve destroyed my laptop again.
  10. Beautiful. How do you go about creating those textures?
  11. Not promising anything, but if there's something you want me to try shout and I'll let you know if I can do it.
  12. I’m guessing I just got very lucky with my first play through.
  13. Just noticed while using Sandstorm's localised freezing fog (which reduces the opponents ranged attack skill) that the relevant powers isn't showing anything, but some of the potential targets do have ranged attacks. Would it be possibe, for powers of this type, to show which characters have relevant attacks in that box so that you don't have to go through all of their abilities looking for them or risk wasting it on a character that couldn't use a ranged attack anyway?
  14. Finished my first demo playthrough, lot of fun. 1.1 Skirmish in Principal City Clocktower (Part 1) 'Grand Knight Assay is up to something big. However, before you have a chance to investigate, first you must engage in a skirmish with a small crew he has assembled.' In a skirmish that took place in Principal City Clocktower (in Principal City), the heroic side defeated the villainous side by 9 points of damage to 3. Combat lasted for 3 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Darvin The Monster Hunter (ended unharmed), Xtinction (ended unharmed) and Lone Shark (ended with 1 point of damage). The villainous side consisted of Hisshi (knocked out), Scuttlebutt (ended unharmed) and Talos (ended with 1 point of damage). 1.1 Grand Knight Assay aims to takeover Principal City (Part 2) 'Following the initial skirmish, you deduce that Grand Knight Assay is attempting to take control of Principal City through technological means. You must now engage him and his allies in combat to stop his scheme!' In a fight that took place in Principal City Clocktower (in Principal City), the heroic side defeated the villainous side via total knock out. Combat lasted for 10 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Soaring Eagle (ended with 4 points of damage), Darvin The Monster Hunter (knocked out), Imprint (ended with 3 points of damage), Chimera (ended with 1 point of damage), The Flashing Blade (knocked out), Delphi (ended unharmed), Lone Shark (knocked out) and Snowstorm (ended with 4 points of damage). The villainous side consisted of Grand Knight Assay, Scuttlebutt, Talos, The Quantemmes, C.R.A.W.L. and Tauran. The Balance of Power began this issue at 0. Due to this result, it moved +13. The resulting Balance of Power was +13. The following significant consequences happened: Grand Knight Assay (critical injury), Scuttlebutt (jailed), Talos (committed), The Quantemmes (jailed) 1.2 Closing in on Crippling Fear (Part 1) 'Combat Wombat is attempting to capture Crippling Fear but he is proving slippery. You must engage him in a battle of wits in order to pinpoint where exactly Crippling Fear is.' In a 'battle of wits' encounter that took place in Ravenholme, the heroic side defeated the villainous side by solving the puzzle. The encounter lasted for 5 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Crimson Saint, Dupin and Risktaker. The villainous side consisted of Crippling Fear. 1.2 Combat Wombat tries to capture Crippling Fear (Part 2) 'Having gotten close, Combat Wombat now gets the opportunity to capture Crippling Fear.' In a fight that took place in Silverwood (in Ravenholme), the heroic side defeated the villainous side via total knock out. Combat lasted for 6 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Combat Wombat (knocked out), Crimson Saint (ended with 2 points of damage), City Sweeper (knocked out), Dark Justice (knocked out), Delphi (knocked out) and Risktaker (ended with 1 point of damage). The villainous side consisted of The Volooen Armada, Tourbillion, Crippling Fear and The Southsiders. The Balance of Power began this issue at +13. Due to this result, it moved +9. The resulting Balance of Power was +22. The following significant consequences happened: Crippling Fear (jailed) 1.3 Crimson Saint patrols Little London 'Crimson Saint is patrolling in Little London when he encounters some villains up to no good.' In a fight that took place in Little London (in Ravenholme), the heroic side defeated the villainous side via total knock out. Combat lasted for 6 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Crimson Saint (ended unharmed), Deathwatch Beetle (ended with 2 points of damage), Rachel Noir (ended with 2 points of damage), Cyco (ended with 3 points of damage) and Risktaker (ended unharmed). The villainous side consisted of Anathema, Kuro, Le Rapide, Narco and Vampire Bat. The Balance of Power began this issue at +22. Due to this result, it moved +4. The resulting Balance of Power was +26. The following significant consequences happened: Kuro (jailed), Vampire Bat (committed) 1.4 HaemoGoblin encounter (Part 1) 'Lady America is attempting to capture Mind Bender but is delayed by the need to deal with HaemoGoblin. You must engage him in a battle of wits in order to go after Mind Bender.' In a 'battle of wits' encounter that took place in Centenary City University (in Centenary City), the heroic side defeated the villainous side as the puzzle was closer to solved than stumped. The encounter lasted for 5 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Lady America, Mrs Wonderful and Blue Feather. The villainous side consisted of HaemoGoblin. 1.4 Lady America tries to capture Mind Bender (Part 2) 'Having gotten past HaemoGoblin, Lady America manages to corner Mind Bender. Not willing to give up easily, Mind Bender fights to retain his freedom.' In a fight that took place in Centenary City University (in Centenary City), the heroic side defeated the villainous side via total knock out. Combat lasted for 6 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Lady America (ended with 1 point of damage), Mrs Wonderful (ended with 6 points of damage), Bolt Lightning (ended unharmed), American Defender (ended unharmed), Moonbird (knocked out), Legal Eagle (ended unharmed) and Boy Inferno (ended unharmed). The villainous side consisted of HaemoGoblin, King Midas, Vortex, Medusa, Mind Bender and Fear Fairy. The Balance of Power began this issue at +26. Due to this result, it moved +13. The resulting Balance of Power was +39. The following significant consequences happened: King Midas (committed), Mind Bender (jailed) 1.5 Golden Eagle patrols The Smile Mile 'Golden Eagle is patrolling in The Smile Mile when he encounters some villains up to no good.' In a fight that took place in The Smile Mile (in Centenary City), the heroic side defeated the villainous side via total knock out. Combat lasted for 7 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Golden Eagle (ended unharmed), Legal Eagle (ended with 4 points of damage), Solar Girl (knocked out) and Boy Inferno (ended with 2 points of damage). The villainous side consisted of The Blades Of Tourbillion, Sharpshooter, Debaser, Kraken and Towerblock. The Balance of Power began this issue at +39. Due to this result, it moved +3. The resulting Balance of Power was +42. 1.6 Bolt Lightning tries to protect Freddie Davies 'Bolt Lightning is attempting to protect Freddie Davies from a group of villains who are menacing him. Despite being heavily outnumbered, he must hold the villains back long enough for Freddie Davies to reach safety.' In a skirmish that took place in Little Venice (in Centenary City), the heroic side defeated the villainous side by surviving the siege. Combat lasted for 4 rounds. The heroic side consisted of Bolt Lightning (knocked out), American Defender (ended with 1 point of damage) and Blue Feather (ended with 2 points of damage). The villainous side consisted of Easter (ended unharmed), Armourdillo (ended unharmed), El Patron (ended unharmed), H2O (knocked out), Primal Rage (knocked out), Callous (knocked out) and Leviathan (knocked out). The Balance of Power began this issue at +42. Due to this result, it moved +9. The resulting Balance of Power was +51. The following significant consequences happened: H2O (jailed), Leviathan (jailed)
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