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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Or you can take it as "World Champion: Heavyweight" division, which was the way it was explained to me years ago when I questioned why they did that on some belts.
  2. I use "Easy Graphics Converter" you can convert all of these: windows bitmap, gif, jpg, png, pcx, psd, tga, tiff,wmf and emf.
  3. gimp is free and comes with a multitude of fonts and other nice things even though I've never used either one till yesterday.
  4. yep, that is a nice logo. reap should have fun with it.
  5. I think requests are closed for the moment but keep checking back.
  6. Yeah, I've been a little active the last few months. LOL
  7. Sheamus vs David Hart Smith vs Heath Slater #1 contender match for Drew McIntyre's FCW championship http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygs27wuXUX0
  8. And here is something you'll probably never see in the U.S. April 10th, 2010 the aftermath of John Cena vs. Sheamus in Dublin, Ireland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXkqC8cwbfk Drew McIntyre is one of the two guys helping Orlando Jordan against the Ultimate Warrior 2 years ago.
  9. Example: ME: Triple H vs Randy Orton Semi-Main: John Cena vs Edge Chris Jericho vs Batista You got three major matches. All three are not gonna be bad. So nobody cares who worked before. Plus, if its a house show in Chester, Pa.? Odds are 99.9999999% of the WWE fans didn't even see it. edit: which is why only locals saw John Cena pin Sheamus a dozen times already. And why Goldberg had what was called in his book: "the Lost Loss"
  10. its still an example of a bad piece of meat drawing more. edit: And no matter what ol' Jake as been to the mountain. He didn't reach the top but he was there.
  11. If you want to see who's popular on the undercard. Watch the people in the back of the audience and see who leaves to go get refreshments or to hit the bathroom. Don't even pay any attention to the front row because they'll stick around so their friends can let them know if they were seen on TV. below: Al Snow (pre-ECW) and Unabomb (Kane) in the old SMW that ran in the NC and TN mountains. They looked big because of people that appeared but they didn't last long trying to act like a major promotion.
  12. 3 weeks ago Jake "the Snake" Roberts, who now is one of those bad hunks of meat, pulled 500 people in a small town to a show that averaged 60 people.
  13. this is the Jeff Hardy that appeared with me. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2176/2270864832_7eef83a16a.jpg how about Willow the Wisp vs Surge (Matt Hardy) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ivovaetFUc How about a Serial Thrillerz (Shane Helms & Mike Maverick) Promo on the Hardys before Shane went to WCW as a member of 3 Count. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whohLJMcZkE&feature=related And John Cena as UPW hywt. Champion before the WWE came calling and sent him to OVW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLPT-4qbhUE
  14. You would be surprised how many guys you watch that got started on the local scene. 14 years ago I was on a show not 5 minutes from my house that included both Hardys, Joey Abs from the Mean Street Posse and Hurricane Helms.
  15. And if you're eating a New York Strip or a Filet Mignon you're not really caring too much about the corn on the side either. You'll eat it first to get it out of the way of the main course.
  16. This is so true. IMO, CM Punk is an Upper Midcarder. He is a decent heel but he is far removed from the heel status that guys like Triple H, Undertaker, and many others including Hogan have achieved. The S.E.S. might have helped get him there but no one else in the group can give it the boost it needs. And when they unmask Joey a lot of people are gonna be let down.
  17. If you're a fan of a good wrestling match then you'll want to watch Shelton, Angle, and guys who are really talented. But if you want to be entertained then Shelton's not high on your list. And entertainment is what WWE is selling. That's why tomorrow night you'll watch a 2 hour show with 4 matches.
  18. Semantics. Because despite these guys making the others look good they're still not coming to see them. Even Flair as good as he was in the 80's before the Horsemen, people came to see if Magnum T.A. or the other babies could finally take him down. They would beat Ric Flair time and time again but when the title was on the line 99 times out 100 they couldn't get the job done when it counted. They came to see Hulk Hogan do the exact opposite. His opponents were built up (Studd, Bundy, Andre, Psycho Sid, Undertaker, even Zeus and many others) as these physical monsters and that Hogan didn't stand a chance. He would get beat up week end and week out. And when the big match took place he came through (except the Undertaker's shot at Tuesday in Texas). They switched it up to scientific wrestling masters for the smaller guys like Mr. Perfect. Or brutal brawlers like Bad News Brown. edit: The tag division is so weak they had to unify the titles. And the Hardcore & Cruiserweight divisions no longer exist. It's now about the bottom line and when the Big Boys go down who can step up and keep the butts in the seats.
  19. At least in my area, they're not less interested. They are looking for more alternatives. This is why North Carolina has over 75 active indy wrestling companies.
  20. They might be good and make other guys look good and round out the product. But, they're still not putting butts in the seats. A question was asked of me a while back. Who would I rather wrestle Bobby Eaton or the Ultimate Warrior? From a wrestler's stand point: Bobby Eaton, the guy is talented and will make you look better. He is also skillful enough to keep from hurting you. From a Promoter's stand point: Ultimate Warrior, cause despite the fact that he isn't half the wrestler Bobby Eaton is, he would put more butts in the seat then Bobby would.
  21. The last 3 WM's have had a lower buy-rate then the year before. This can be the product of 2 possibilities: 1. The Economy 2. Wrestlemania parties were people get together for events. (Every time a bunch of us train together in my area on a PPV night we end up at one house watching the event and we had 17 people at one party.)
  22. If you want to know who's drawing, forget the PPV buy rates and check merchandise sales.
  23. I'm not part of the WWE Universe. I choose to make it a part of my little universe of things i watch or do. Which includes any other WWE and non-WWE program I choose to watch or attend or be a part of, be it main stream with 60,000 people or at a rec center with 60 people. It's a small portion of my Universe that is dominated by family and friends and anything I choose to add to it.
  24. Check out this link. Pay close attention to the manager listed at the bottom. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheetah%27s
  25. Everything I've heard was that they didn't even have a women's match for Smackdown.
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