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Posts posted by bigtplaystew

  1. This battle of symantics is silly. He's world class among heavyweights and you and everyone else who reads properly knows this is what I meant and that it's 100% true.


    So I'm gonna go ahead and end this silly crap.


    You win.


    I provided two reasonable definitions of the phrase "world class" for you yet you continue to re-define it however you wish to see a dumb argument go your way. So now I concede and you win. Are you satisfied?

  2. I have no idea what you are even talking about anymore. World Class isn't something you just get to make up definitions for. It simply means he's ranked among the best in the world. If you don't believe me, here's what the rest of society deems the phrase world class to mean:





    So sorry it doesn't meet "your" definition of world class, but you can't just make up your own definition to an english phrase that means something to the rest of the english speaking population. The dude has stood with some of the best fighters of his day and is one of the best HW fighting currently, wether you agree or not doesn't really matter as he's ranked among the best in the world in every trusted publication in the sport.



    I'd ask you to explain yourself further but I don't think I even wanna read anymore of this drivel.






    My original point was that Werdum's probably the best fighter Reem's fought in awhile and he made Reem look kinda bad. Even though Reem won, it was in very disappointing fashion and it left lots of doubts in fans' minds about him. A UFC run would have been something the fans wanted and would have been in Reem's best interest for his legacy. I think if he goes to Titan Fighting Championships or something like that, it'll help a smaller company but it won't help his position among the best HW in the world. He is a top level fighter and deserves to be fighting the best. He should be making a run at Cain Velasquez not Bobby Lashley.

  3. I'm completely uncomfortable watching Sting do bad heath ledger impressions every week. It's to the point that I've been a loyal TNA watcher for years and can't watch it to the end anymore. He literally makes me turn off the show it's so bad.


    But I have to say as an intelligent man that even though I don't care for it, fans are eating this gimmick up, man. Sting never had problems getting over but he's more over now than he's been in a good while. I want to see TNA succeed because I feel like they have some amazing talent. So if this gimmick that I hate happens to help the company, I'm for it. As crazy as that is.


    I half kiddingly hope someone else does it though with another company. Just to see the reaction. Like if some young WWE guy just starts ripping off the Joker, can TNA fans complain that he's "Stealing" a gimmick that's already stolen? LOL. I know this won't happen it's just a funny thought to me.

  4. You can think he's not that good all you want to. That's personal opinion, but Werdum's one of the top fighters in his weight class despite what you or I think.


    I personally think he's a bit overrated myself but he's a world class MMA fighter. It's ok. You can say it without the quotes.





    Also, I don't have a problem with Herb Dean as a ref. Rosenthaal is more likely to let a fight continue, and he's one of my personal favorites to see in there during a big fight. But Dean is solid. He's a sound decision maker and he protects the fighters. There's been a couple early stoppages, but he's way better than most of the crappy MMA refs out there. Mazagotti and Mergliotta would have been fired from any other job for sheer incompetancy if they performed as bad at that as they do at MMA reffing.

  5. Overeem had been very dominant over lackluster opponents. He fought a true world-class MMA heavyweight in Werdum and didn't look spectacular. I want very much for him to make his way into UFC and see what he can do. Lots of the Shertards have been saying how if Reem or Werdum were in UFC today they'd tear through the top of that division. I'd really like to see if that's true or not.
  6. yea Show / Henry was pretty decent. It's not 5-star match or anything but for what I wanted and expected it delivered.


    I like that they are taking some time to build Henry a little bit. It's not like a masterful character creation or anything, but they are taking their time with him and building him to what will most likely be a big Orton feud that will be much more interesting in the long run.

  7. Summerslam is looking very nice this year.


    Shamus is great but how awesome is Mark Henry? I was at Smackdown this week I'm telling you Shamus got a legit face pop, I felt like mostly because he came out to stand up to Mark Henry. That's a testament to how great Henry has been lately in that monster heel role.


    Not to take anything away from the human jar of mayo. He's one of my favorites. Just thought about how surprisingly good Henry has been lately to me.

  8. Can't wait till smackdown airs...


    Keeping it spoiler free but it was actually one of the better smackdowns I've seen in awhile.


    Summerslam is shaping up very nicely. This whole Punk angle is super hot. You guys hear about Gregory Irons? I had no idea this dude even existed until CM Punk brought him up.


    He's legit got cerebral paulsy and he lets guys make fun of him and what not. I work in healthcare so believe me I don't enjoy ripping on the misfortunate. However, a guy that is that comfortable with who is, that overcomes that every single weekend when he hits the indies and works just as hard as any of these guys... unbelieveable story. Google it if you feel like being inspired by this goofy buisiness.

  9. No. By calling it "fantasy", you are implying that it's all just stuff we are imagining in our heads. It's quite frankly pretty provocative.


    It's not fantasy, it's based on comments made by HBK's peers. They may not all be true, I don't know - but when several people close to HBK allude to the same things, I find it perfectly fair to discuss.


    And I ask you: when did I ever present it as a sure fact?




    When have Undertaker directly buried anyone? Have you even seen the interview in question? He doesn't bury HBK and actually speaks very little of it.


    I can't help but wonder how many people would have argued against me had it been Hogan or Vince Russo I spoke ill of...



    When I said bury I meant that he physically takes a shovel and puts his opponent in a a grave.

  10. Cheesy I know, but it's like Rocky Balboa said - "It ain't about how hard ya hit...it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward". Both these guys can get hit pretty hard and keep moving forward...should make for a war.


    Dude I love that you quoted Rocky 6 lol... awesome flic.


    I'm kinda rooting for Tito. I know he'll get demolished in my head but my heart wants to see Tito get a title shot after he was being discussed as being not even UFC worthy on the webz.

  11. This:




    You say that the stuff we discuss from behind the scenes is fantasy, as if it were a universal fact.




    When did I repeat it as being the universal truth? And you talk about ME mistreating YOUR words...


    I'm still looking for reasonable arguments why what Undertaker said should *not* be trusted, btw.


    I never said it's all lies though like you previously claimed. See how your argument morphs and changes when you break things down and take them out of context?


    I said it's fantasy talk becuse it is. You take hearsay aand represent it as fact... almost as if it's a fantasy. I asked you to quote me saying all wrestlign sstories are lies... so keep trying.


    I also never said Undertaker lied. I said he was telling his version which makes it a half-truth. Which it probably is.


    Hate to make an MMA point again but if anyone wants to look at the undertaker/Lesnar video after lesnar lost the Cain fight then you'll see he is also a publicity whore who likes to get his name in the media when he gets the rare opportunity to do so. That doesn't make him a liar or a bad person. That makes him a person in the pro wrestling buisiness. Excuse me if I dont trust him as a legitimate journalist trying to get true information to the people. considering he buries people when he's done pinning them and all... like are you for real dude?

  12. He's the main reason I try to watch Superstars every week. Well, him and Tyson Kidd.


    I like Zack Ryder alot and have since ECW. I always got a kick out of him and I really respect that the second ECW got taken off he hit the net like a champ. I mean he was doing great things on twitter "before it was cool" and when ECW was still on... but man has he taken that to the next step lately. His in-ring work is o.k.... but the guy is an amazing TV character to me. I think they are going to be using him more.


    I was at smackdown this week and I really liked the Tyson Kidd / Yoshi Tatsu match from NXT. The stupid leg on a necklace thing made me laugh pretty hard (in a good way) but the match itself was pretty solid.


    I wish WWe had some kind of thing similar to an "X" division where guys like that could really show their stuff longform. Maybe when they get the network going we'll see soemthing like this. I feel like Yoshi Tatsu / Kidd could be an awesome 30 minute match but there's understandably no way that'll ever happen the way current WWE programming is.

  13. If you at any point can quote me saying "all wrestlign stories are lies" than I'd love to see it.


    I really shouldn't have to reitterate this since we can all read.


    I said I think it's a little silly to talk about backstage things as if you know FOR A FACT exactly how it went. In any situation, whether it's wrestling, among friends, work politics, whatever... when you go by hearsay and repeat it as truth it generally isn't a good thing to do.



    Thank you.

  14. Piece of advice:


    When you say, "So you are saying (insert random thought here)?" and the person in question never actually said any of it... you are putting words in their mouth. It's a classic arguing tactic when you have no actual way of discussing what they actually DID say.








    You went piece by piece, took everything I said, and morphed your own points around it making me seem like I made points I never said nor implied. I refuse to argue in that light. So I'm going to make a quick little point here.




    Pro wrestling is a very secretive buisness. Things are very political and very little gets out that guys like Vince McMahon don't want out there. Very little can actually be confirmed (even though wrestling sites love to throw the word "confirmed" around) as true or untrue. So I'll use a Dave Meltzer MMA story simply as an example:


    About a year ago, Brock Lesnar lost to Cain Velasquez rather brutally. Meltzer reported that Lesnar was going to quit MMA and had doubts about wether he could hang with good MMA strikers in the UFC. I'm paraphrasing. Even though Dana White loled at the craziness of that story, it was discussed on ESPN and all over the internet as if it was actually jornalism so I'm sure you all remember it.


    A few weeks later Lesnar was announced as a TUF coach and agreed to fight Junior Dos Santos - one of MMA's most feared strikers.


    Point is: he lied.


    This might seme off topic but it's not. Meltzer is primarily a pro wrestling journalist and he writes for a very secretive industry. MMA isn't as secretive and is much more transparent and he was exposed as someone who flat out makes up stories. This is why YOU CANT BELIEVE DIRT SHEETS.

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