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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. Acid vs. CH Threepwood is a match that simultaneously makes all the sense and I don't think I have ever seen. Props!
  2. I'm planning on releasing the British wrestlers I created for my IndyBooster mod: it's potentially going to be a while before I get to the UK, but when I do, I'm open to including the LoW girls, probably with some adjustments to accommodate for LoW not existing : )
  3. Edo's line about university was cute. I giggled XD. Man oh man the politics continue, eh? This is some in depth scheming.
  4. Cheers Zergon, I appreciate that. She's a good kid. Yeah she does have scatterbrained, and as we will later see, I myself am apparently the scatterbrained one as I keep forgetting so her matches continue to get bigger penalties. Our resident flygirl appreciates your support.
  5. add yourself as a new player and select that company as your own. You won't be able to use the same 'watcher' character as that you're on, but adding player is the easiest.
  6. MATT. URENA. OH MY GOD. I started cracking up. Goodness gracious. The Hangman piece was good, I enjoyed it. Given Historian's hand behind Marv...I'm sure he'll become a big deal in the end.
  7. I love Rajni but she is very not-good. Posh took me a second as well to be fair, but yeah, tryker tells the gist of it. Thanks for the comments everyone, they're a real motivator and do a lot to encourage my creative engines to keep getting fired up.
  8. The tolerance for this is apparently going to get adjusted today to improve the ability to generate overness at lower ends versus performance.
  9. Gens are really frustratingly lopsided to be honest. They might have one god stat, overall god entertainment, or god physical, but there's too high a slant of them being absolutely awful at most things and most fundamentals and having zero camera. Just wish it was a bit more consistent. Extremely rarely is someone just a promising rookie with potential. It shouldn't be allowed for them to be able to come in with a stat in the mid 70s, let alone 80s and 90s. A narrow chance of a freak athlete or charisma machine, sure, but a rookie with 90 mic? Uhhh... Then the flip side of them entering wrestling with every in ring skill being <35, making them pointless to ever use.
  10. <div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">LIONESSES OF WRESTLING IV: LIVE!</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Saturday, week 4 January 2020</p><p> Gloucester Street Youth Centre</p><p> Attendance: 66</p><p> Not broadcast</p><p> Commentary: None</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Sakuyama is in the ring with a microphone. As promised, she will put her title on the line tonight, and her opponent will be Rajni Smith. Rajni should know, though, that she will need to bring her absolute best if she wants to win, because Sakuyama is fire forged, and it’ll take more than trash talking to defeat her. - <strong>D-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Abbi continues to heat up as she faces off with Assassin. Although she takes a fair bit of punishment from the emotionless masked woman’s quick hands and merciless submissions, she’s able to cover up and defend herself, reach the ropes to break holds. As the fans start to get invested, Abbi starts feeling it in turn, and responds by putting forth even more effort. The momentum shifts, and when Assassin goes for a high atomic drop, Abbi grabs her head on the way down and slam dunks the cutter for the win. - <strong>E-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Aviator Agarwal cheerfully makes her way out to the ring, but she’s halfway there when Shinobi ambushes her from behind! The dastardly ninja lays in a big time beating, and by the time she’s done, Agarwal has to be helped to the back by the ringside crew. Bosun Bakshi emerges shortly thereafter, and struts like a plundering peacock as she is awarded the match by forfeit, sparking wild celebrations with Cap’n Swann. Yes that just happened. - <strong>E+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Blue Ranger (copyright suit pending) comes out to face Ellen Ward, but hardly makes it out of the starting blocks for most of the match thanks to Ward’s laser focus. She’s clearly furious about losing out on a title opportunity, but keeps her temper under control and just dismantles the poor Ranger, beating her from pillar to post. A brief glimmer as Ranger manages to block a suplex and hit her own, but Ward breaks free from a chinlock, front kicks Ranger on the rise, and then smashes her with a glittering magician knee. - <strong>E-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Before the main event, Rajni has acquired the microphone and uses the next few minutes to rip into Sakuyama—if that’s even her real name! She questions her training and applies some classic math logic that Ellen beat Sakuyama and Rajni beat Ellen, therefore Rajni is better than Sakuyama (she conveniently ignores her own losses). Anyway, fire doesn’t beat smarts, and Sakuyama isn’t the brightest button in the box. Bring it on. - <strong>D-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><ul><li><br /> <br /></li><li>This goes a bit longer than it needed to and continues to expose that Rajni can talk for England but wrestle for Peterborough at best. A few mistakes, Rajni’s utter inability to keep to a script, and just plain inexperience drag the contest down. Nonetheless, the two of them do their best and we get a rudimentary story of the weaselly heel squirming out of the righteous babyface’s clutches, up until she doesn’t. Rajni tries a repeat of her roll up gambit, but Sakuyama kicks out and Rajni panics, promptly catching a well-earned beating that concludes with the Kagawa Driver 20. - <strong>F+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> SHOW RATING: <strong>E-</strong></p>
  11. Just to walk it back a bit, LuchaSlam was a brilliant show! I enjoyed all the matches, was great seeing Elsa and Alma manage to get the feel good wins. There was the surprise victory in Celeste regaining the title right away, Amazon vs. Dreamer was excellent, our boy Flores came through, but man, man oh MAN that ending. The backstage stuff has really been setting this apart and when I saw Mendez mentioned at the start and then come up in the main event, I literally only thought 'huh, I guess the filler ref got auto assigned, awkward', but no, turned out it was foreshadowing! For there to be an actual screwjob was the last thing I expected, and it was fantastic, what a payoff to the first story arc of the diary. Was it Prieto? Well maybe, but the Phoenixes have still been very shady and untrustworthy throughout, is Luigi the fall guy yet again? So many questions! Wonderful, riveting stuff.
  12. There's a lot of shows so I might have missed the context: has Aurelian's perk that his matches are all submissions expired? Enjoying the shows, it's some good pace you've got here and already the grades are pretty great.
  13. I'll take it Aw, yeah, it's rough for sure. Luckily she does have these friends around her to help, but even then it's not always enough. In the mechanical sense, Abbi has the Personal Issues attribute: this is something she'll be carrying around for a while, which y'know, only makes sense.
  14. My goodness, that is some magnificent body hair, Gorilla.
  15. My Friday afternoons had become a whole lot busier since we started up LoW. Well, all of my afternoons actually, but Fridays especially. There always seemed to be more prep to be done, and no matter how hard I planned out the rest of the week and how many hours I tried to ram into every other day (you didn’t need to sleep six hours every night, right?), Friday always found itself sacrificed to the wrestling gods. The others were differing degrees of helpful; I couldn’t expect Abbi and Raj to do much more than they already were, between fliers and planning matches. Not everyone was a fanatic like Sal and I, and the fact that they were willingly dedicating so much time already—well, they didn’t have to wrestle, let alone the training and flyering. I was trying to number crunch on our budget, or what passed for a budget when you were so amateur the bank wouldn’t let you open a business account. Even with everyone working free, the bills added up fast; the last thing we needed was carelessness with money. Sally helping out with costs already felt uncomfortable, since this was my idea in the first place, and I didn’t even want to think about how many things that Rajni had paid for unasked—though I was and keeping score at that, because I refused to drain her bank account and goodwill for my own daft venture. Speaking of Raj, the four of us were in her parents’ caravan, which she had so far attempted to get us to call HQ, the Rajmobile and Pride Rock and been roundly outvoted. I was the only one of us actively working on LoW stuff: Abbi was doing school work for her college, while Rajni had managed to draw Sally into watching some kind of documentary about BSC, allegedly for research but truthfully for the women. Whatever, at least they’d waited until Vivienne went home; watch softcore if you really want I guess, but not in front of my sixteen year old sister. “You know,” Sally said after a bit. “Sara Silver really could have done something with herself.” Rajni gigglesnorted. “Not like that!” Sally snapped. “Out of the gutter.” “Didn’t even say anything.” “You thought it. Very loudly.” Sally waved a hand. “Anyway. Listen to her colour. It’s like, actually good. How was someone who was basically calling a strip tease more interesting to listen to than people who have been on national TV for years?” “It’s okay, you can say Kyle Rhodes,” I murmured, not looking up from my notepad. Sally chuckled. “Exactly. Give her the right partner and she’d have been flying.” “Can see it now: Sara Silver on American Wrestling, wondering why Alicia Strong isn’t shaking her bum to distract her opponents,” drawled Rajni, then paused, smiling crookedly. “I mean, not that I’d mind—” “Are we going to have to get the spray bottle? Down girl!” Sally valiantly attempted to guide the conversation back on track. “Anyway, she called the more wrestly matches that they did, too, and like, yeah, they were still wearing skimpy outfits, but listen to the commentary and it’s night and day from how say like, AAA’s was.” “Fs in the chat,” said Rajni. “Just a shame, I reckon. She had a lot of potential,” Sally concluded. “Two great potentials.” “Okay now you’re just doing it on purpose.” “Lil’ bit.” “You’re such a perv.” “Okay mate, but like, objectively, she’s hot. Disaster, back me up.” “Whuh?” I shrank back behind my notebook. “What?” “Sara Silver. Hot.” “I, uh. Well. Um.” I felt my cheeks start to go red. Rajni cackled. “Every time. You’re so easy to wind up. We’re adults, here. Your mum isn’t going to tell you off for talking about boobs.” “Whatever.” I muttered, tucking my knees up to hide my face a little. It wasn’t that—I just got flustered when I thought about things like that. I started daydreaming, my mind got carried away and just—it was embarrassing, alright? “Speaking of boobs,” Rajni segued flawlessly, fidgeting with her bra strap. “Mine are killing me today. I caught myself on the door earlier and I literally nearly died.” “Ugh, same,” said Sally. “You nearly died?” “My boobs you t**t. My back is shocking.” “Stop letting Ellen dump you on it then.” “Har har.” The two continued to bicker, but after a few, I noticed that Abbi had slipped out. I frowned, put down my notebook, and followed. Raj and Sally could entertain themselves. She hadn’t gone far. I spotted her leaning against a tree at the bottom of the garden, forehead pressed to her forearm. My first words came and died in my throat as I grew closer, saw the tremor in her shoulders, heard the light gasping of her breath. “Abbi?” I ventured tentatively. “I’m fine,” she said in a voice heavy with tears. “I don’t think you are.” “Good for you.” I paused, hand hovering between reaching out. I halfway lowered it. “Abs, if you don’t want me here, I’ll go.” She said nothing, but continued to sniffle, jerking slightly with her suppressed sobs. That was enough for me, I closed the rest of the distance and put my hand on her shoulder. “Hey. What’s up?” “It’s—you don’t want to… it’s silly. You’re busy, I don’t want to waste your time.” “You’re not wasting anyone’s time. You’re allowed to be upset.” Abbi kept her head pressed against arm and tree both. This close, I could see the tears trickling down her cheek. I had an idea about what could be wrong, but whether to talk about it was her choice. Poking at the problem wasn’t going to help her feel better. “It’s just, when they talk about girls like that, and-and their—you know... I just—I start thinking about how that’s—how I don’t…” She choked up, the words dissolving into a heaving sob. Ah. Yeah. I was right. I tried to sort through what to say in my head. The first couple of things that sprung to mind I rejected, they seemed… meaningless, murmured noises of sympathy that didn’t offer comfort or perspective. I thought about trying to fire her up, trying to rile her emotions, turn it into a ‘screw you, world!’, but Abbi didn’t work like that. Righteously pissed off wasn’t her thing. Too kind, too gentle. The idea of making a joke out of it wasn’t even worth entertaining: it’d take a far funnier person than me. “You’re not where you want to be right now, but you’ll get there. I know you will.” Abbi sniffed, the tears kept flowing. “Come on, come here.” I held out my arms to her. After a second, she turned into me and put her head on my shoulder. “I know that I can’t really understand exactly what you’re going through, but I’m with you. We’re all with you. Not just me and Sal and Raj, but Nicky and all that, Viv, my mum and dad. We’ve got your back.” “...Thanks.” “And for what it’s worth, I think you’re already doing really well. When you do start your meds you’ll be a complete babe. Don’t need big boobs. I don’t have big boobs. You’ve got a tonne of things going for you.” She managed a wan smile. “You think so?” I squeezed her. “Absolutely.” We stood out there together for a while.
  16. Always been a big fan, ReapeR. Not sure if you have reached a cut-off or anything, but if not: Lionesses of Wrestling British Championship - One or more Lion(esses)? - No flags LoW Tag Team - I'm fond of AEW's tag belts. Draw on those?
  17. Suzanne! Hoped she would win. Enjoyed the show a lot. Your presentation is great and I have to just say once again the whole feel is excellent. Swoll's promo was a highlight.
  18. There's supposed to be a set chance every year while a worker is between 30 and 50 years old and have hit a certain criterion (specific level of pop) for them to produce a regen. It sounds like either it's tuned a bit too high or, because the default data isn't set up with many next gens by default, there's a really big pool of potentially eligible workers and so as a result a lot of new guys come in at once. Wouldn't be too surprised if it's more skewed towards the latter all things considered. Maybe tech support it if it seems really excessive? Perhaps it should be more tilted so that the closer to 50 a worker gets the more likely it is they legacy?
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="J Silver" data-cite="J Silver" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47567" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> <img alt="3KnwbpD.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3KnwbpD.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="XkWYEUN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XkWYEUN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="a2JtpHG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/a2JtpHG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> tfw you see a render so good it gives you entire game save ideas</p>
  20. <p>I read that as 'fingers torn off' for a second and was like WHAT KIND OF DEATHMATCHES ARE THESE.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> But boooo Koichi. Booooo.</p>
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