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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. It's relative to the match quality. The only other way of presenting it would be to say 'the match was penalised due to lack of psychology' (which is what it shows as in the dirt sheet). The principle of the penalty makes perfect sense imo. The psychology did not reach the high standard required by the level of action they had, so there was a ding.
  2. How long does it take for workers quitting for poor morale to wear off so I can rehire them? They don't have negative relationships.
  3. What the means is that at the stage psych came into the calculation, the match grade was too much higher than the best psych, and as a result the psych penalty kicked in. The handbook explains it much better than me when it breaks down match grades.
  4. Whoa, you hit up five achievements in your first year? I'm impressed.
  5. <p>Aww, they're <em>bonding</em>.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Also that house show story. The image of that. Good god. XD</p>
  6. 'Most hardcore wrestler' coming out to porn sax is brilliant. XD
  7. That Flores promo was fantastic. I've always really liked Flores and if it's his last hurrah, well, at least it can be with some great angles behind him.
  8. Really been liking how you're setting this all up. Larry going full carny on his friend... rude.
  9. You dare call yourself Kajahara's successor, Koichi!?
  10. Liked the show and the post segment with Celeste... but what really cracked me up was Mystery Pink looking at pictures of armadillos
  11. The editor lists what the various personalities do in terms of influence. What I've found, however, is that it seems to convert to Mercenary relatively often and Loner not far behind, and those are both mild. Might be causing your problem.
  12. Whuh--GATO THAT'S NOT HOW THAT WORKS! You're very welcome!
  13. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Lionesses of Wrestling III: Live!</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Saturday, week 3 January 2020</p><p> Gloucester Street Youth Centre</p><p> Attendance: 63</p><p> Not broadcast</p><p> Commentary: None</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Ellen Ward starts us off in the ring. She’s very frustrated by her defeat last week, but as far as she’s concerned, she should be the first in line to win the British title that is rightfully hers. In reply, out comes Rajni Smith, who insults Ellen’s intelligence for somehow believing she has a claim to a title that was never on the line. Ward wonders if Rajni’s looking to get her arse beaten again. Rajni thinks she deserves first shot, because Ward already had her opportunity. They continue to argue, and Sakuyama emerges. She says she’s willing and able to fight, but since they can’t agree, perhaps they should compete tonight, with the winner facing her next week. Both agree, and our main event is set. - <strong>D</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Ninja versus Airwoman next with a battle between Shinobi and Aviator Agarwal, who has spent her ‘week off’ getting a shirt printed (a black aviator hat stencil with an A in each eye). The cheerful pilot tries to get Shinobi in on the fun of her peppy entrance, but ninja are legally prohibited from having a sense of humour and Shinobi kicks her in the face. Agarwal sells the beating pretty well, managing to battle back as she confounds Shinobi’s ninjutsu with an inside cradle. Agarwal is able to counter out of a powerbomb with a good ol’ punch to thenoggin, flattening Shinobi as she falls backwards, and then rushes to the top rope to hit a splash for the one two three. - <strong>F+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Absolutely delighted, Agarwal does a loop of the ring and then a loop of the outside of the ring, cheering and celebrating like a loon. Shinobi sits up and we assume glares but we can’t properly see her eyes so the doubtlessly menacing effect is ruined. - <strong>D-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Abbi Archer is in action against the other half of the pirate duo, Cap’n Swann, Bosun Bakshi at ringside. In an evenly matched contest, Swann shows the so-called landlubber her mettle with hard shots to the body and face. Boosting Archer onto the top rope, she proclaims that it’s time for a Plank Drop, but Archer fights back! She climbs upright, taking two steps along the top rope! She’s walking the plank! Bakshi can’t believe it! Archer dives down with a closed fist and decks the pirate, and then strikes with her cutter as her opponent is discombobulated. - <strong>E-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Bakshi enters the ring and commiserates with the distraught Swann, who wails about being bested by a landlubber. The whole thing turns into a skit as Bakshi issues a delightful pep talk that has the crowd laughing and playing off of her, cheering Swann considerably and eventually coaxing a big ‘yarrrrr!’ out of her before they both leave. - <strong>D</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Semi-main event has the Masked Damsel fighting the Ronin, who is a masked damsel except lower case. Damsel is peak snivelling and whinging heel in this one and really starts to get the crowd irritated as she powders out of the ring, runs crying to the referee, and ducks out between the ropes for time outs. Ronin kicks her. Quite hard. At length, Damsel attempts to throw Ronin into the turnbuckles, but gets reversed and bounced off in turn. Damsel rebounds and staggers into a moderately high roundhouse kick, which is enough for the win. - <strong>E-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Ronin then gets on the microphone, trying very, very hard to sound like a movie samurai and not a Liverpudlian. She gets halfway there. She states that her goal is to find worthy competition in ‘this foreign land’ (the crowd politely does not point out she is not actually Japanese), and that she has found her opponent tonight wanting. In the future, she hopes that her enemies do not disappoint her. - <strong>D-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>With a title opportunity on the line, Rajni and Ellen enjoy a back and forth encounter that still involves a whole lot of trash talk. Rajni, in fact, barely shuts up, maintaining a running commentary throughout the match that incorporates a few zingers. Ellen is not amused, and demonstrates it by planting Rajni with a front suplex and then sarcastically narrating her next few moves. This plays into the psychology of the finish as Rajni calls for “A big leg lariat that drives the crowd wild!”, Ellen tries to counter—and Rajni instead rolls her up and snatches the pinfall! Ward is furious, Rajni laughs it up on the outside, then beats a swift retreat as Ellen lunges for her. - <strong>F+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> SHOW RATING: <strong>E</strong></p>
  14. Another good show. Loved the de apuestas match, felt appropriately high stakes and Tiger's scummy behaviour/feigned injury was perfect as a cheap way to score the win. Intrigued to see where Decay's story is going. As an aside, I really enjoy Rafael Ruiz as a classic heel commentator. It's super blatant heel favouritism but it feels very authentic to old school obnoxious style commentary. It really helps sell the Extraordinario stuff in particular but was great in the main event too.
  15. <p>God, isn't it <em>the</em> most Valentine thing to have a 'huge' retirement match... and then go ahead and wrestle again a couple months later out of spite.</p><p> </p><p> Nice backstage moment. I missed it somehow the first read through of the show. Also classic Valentine 'well he stiffed me back so I guess he's alright'.</p><p> </p><p> I'm a sucker for SOB Valentine but I'm appreciating the not cartoonishly evil version here. Feels like a real, if heavily flawed person.</p>
  16. Turned out next week sucked too. Things started off okay: Sally gave me a lift to the Youth Centre along with Nicky and company, arriving at a little after 1pm to help get everything set up and run through a few last minute plans. Once we’d all assembled the ring and set out the chairs, we broke off for lunch, along with the arriving Abbi and Viv, who’d had homework. Mood was good, everyone was chill. What was less chill was when it hit 5pm, an hour before doors, and Rajni still hadn’t turned up. And wasn’t answering her phone. I’d done a hundred laps of the ‘locker room’, frantically pacing, texting, pacing, texting, calling, pacing, calling, texting. My phone case creaked in my hand. It took a lot not to throw the thing at the wall. “Ellen, it’ll be okay,” Abbi soothed. “How will it be okay!?” I rounded on her, and immediately felt awful as she shrank back. I hauled back on my anger. “Soz. I just—I don’t think we can run this with three of us, even with different props. We haven’t prepped anything and—christ’s sake, she’s supposed to be in the main event!” “Ellen.” I’d been working myself up all over again, and Sally’s voice pulled me out of it. “We’ll make it up as we go if it comes to it. Do promos to pad things out. We’ll find a way to make things work.” “Someone say improv?” Rajni strolled in, a can of monster in one hand. “I love improv, what are we doing?” I didn’t explode, but the fuse was lit. “Raj! Where the bloody hell have you been!?” “Uh. Enjoying my weekend.” “And you couldn’t even let us know!?” A bemused, infuriating smile played across her face. “My phone’s got no charge.” I swore. Twice. She shrugged. “Chill out, Disaster. It’s just for fun, right?” You’d expect that to tick me off even more. Instead it had the opposite effect, putting things into context. Going radio silence was annoying as hell and she really needed to get here earlier than this, but wrestling was life to me and Sally. To Rajni it was just barely a hobby, and a big chunk was actually her doing them a favour. A series of favours. Nobody was forcing Rajni to be here. I sighed. “No. No it’s not.” Raj took a swig from her drink. “Slave driver.” She winked. “Not in the mood, Raj. Please try and get here on time.” “Alright. I get it.” I knuckled my head as she strolled by. Now I had thirty minutes to calm down before we were on. Game face on.
  17. <p>I really don't like NEW tbh.</p><p> </p><p> It's one of the only promotions in the data that feels really out of place (especially with Jerry operating it). I wouldn't object at all to it being axed out.</p><p> </p><p> Don't have a strong opinion on the others: I'm not sure it's right for SWF at all to link to other companies what with Richard's historical KILL EM ALL attitude.</p>
  18. <p>Really nice idea for a thread, thank you for sharing.</p><p> </p><p> I'm not sure how I never recognised what your avatar was. I think I might need to have my queer card revoked.</p><p> </p><p> Can really understand how it can be difficult. A lot of my close friends live in other countries and it will be hard for me to see them in person any time soon (I'd been making a yearly thing of flying out).</p><p> </p><p> Cool to hear you had wrestling training! One of aforementioned close friends is training at Portsmouth's school of wrestling and I'd like to give it a shot sometime. Was planning on it this year but current situation has made it challenging. : P</p>
  19. And it flips back around! Lopez always did have his own agenda, in spite of everything else with One and company's shadiness. I suspected we might see something like that. Great layer to the ongoing backstage story. Really good show to read as well. Brilliant seeing Mystery Pink get her comeback win.
  20. Makes sense. If I get deep into the data I'm sure I'll do some tinkering.
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