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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. I am gutted Karube has retired. She wasn't even that old!
  2. <p>I liked that piece between Marv and Karen; is it odd that I liked that it <em>didn't</em> come off? </p><p> </p><p> Anyway, felt like a really 'real' conversation, and was a good read.</p>
  3. Ring Generals are rapidly approaching 'argument for GOAT tag team' status. Their title history is star studded. If they win a handful more belts in big companies it's a guarantee.
  4. He has abandoned the business in shame after being busted as a roidy mcgee.
  5. A good conclusion... because it's the kind of thing with continuity that leaves you wanting more! Dangit! This has been a fun jaunt through CGC and in light of 2020, feels like a very fitting swansong.
  6. Spider Isako is incredibly cool. Definitely one of my favourite new appearances.
  7. THEY. DIDN'T. DIE! - Wolf and Andrews as the big two isn't bad- they both have legs still in them. Gotta get Jay up to that standard and see if more big stars can be made though. Upper card looks threadbare. Edit: Also new Syndicate! New Syndicate! That logo is amazing.
  8. CWA is really cool. Very nice move. (I may have reacted in the wrong thread) Thomas Morgan and Walter Morgan are teaming. XD Duane Fry came out! Really neat to see an event like that.
  9. Also have we lost the ability to put in search terms? As in, being able to put in a word and get a hit if it's in a worker's bio/alter ego?
  10. TEW finally has a queer couple! I'm still trying to get to grips with the new interface. Being able to use arrows/typing for navigation was essential, glad it's an option. Otherwise just slowly exploring all the changes, checking out some of the new workers and history. NOTBPW/CGC merge is very cool and shakes that scene up big time. The Canadian animals are history : (
  11. I did something very reminiscent of Daniel Bryan's run to the world title before it happened IRL. Less evil McMahonery though.
  12. okay that's hilarious. Bikers reunion! Neat! Diablo/Stevie is a fun odd couple pairing and I'm vibing Skip and Ian too. Bobby's slow descent towards the dark side is very interesting... but will it turn out to be Zeus who is the dark one! Gasp! Unconvincing Mummy. XD lol
  13. Tweet is 100% transphobic. 'simple biological explanation of male vs. female' is 'you can't change being a man/woman!' rhetoric used to attack trans people. There is no other reason to phrase what she said in that way. That said, Hager may or may realise that's what tweet was saying because a lot of that rhetoric is worded in a way to make it sound like it's protecting women when it's actually attacking trans people, but given the other stuff you can't blame people being wary of him. Smoke and fire.
  14. I mean, do you want your top star, who has creative control, to be POed at you from the get go? Don't underestimate how badly poor morale tanks performances. Valentine and Strong have a best friends relationship, firing Valentine might bring Strong to the point of wanting to walk out immediately.
  15. <p>I have in fact played it.</p><p> </p><p> It's quite mixed as a game, which is probably where the controversy comes from.</p><p> </p><p> Important thing is that even though it has the same feel and plays the same as Until Dawn to not expect Until Dawn (if you have played that, by the same studio). It's much, much shorter and so packs things into a smaller experience. It doesn't have the luxury of an extended opening like Until Dawn (which is a great horror game), and I think some people's expectations were a bit off because they thought it would be Until Dawn.</p><p> </p><p> Positives are the atmosphere being good, it's very pretty, there's a lot going on, the story is a mystery you can work out for yourself (though it does kinda hand the answer to you eventually). I found the characters enjoyable but they're not for everyone for sure; there's some good banter between them but one or two obnoxious remarks apiece. Some sequences are legitimately terrifying and very very intense. There's replay value cause you can go through again controlling different characters and even multiplayer where two people control (though the complete experience is online, pass and play is just swapping the controller).</p><p> </p><p> Negatives, it's quite short, if you don't get along with the characters you'll find them grating very quickly, leans on jumpscares a little too often. The staging can be confusing (I had a scene right at the end where suddenly a character was just halfway across the ship in order to react to something, presumably because otherwise nobody would have known it happened). The final act also hits a climax pretty abruptly, which I suppose ties into the length, but yeah, pacing feels weird at the end.</p><p> </p><p> Overall I had fun with it but I'm unsurprised that it has received such mixed reviews. If it looks like your jam and the above negatives don't put you off, I'd say give it a go.</p>
  16. <p>I have in fact played it.</p><p> </p><p> It's quite mixed as a game, which is probably where the controversy comes from.</p><p> </p><p> Important thing is that even though it has the same feel and plays the same as Until Dawn to not expect Until Dawn (if you have played that, by the same studio). It's much, much shorter and so packs things into a smaller experience. It doesn't have the luxury of an extended opening like Until Dawn (which is a great horror game), and I think some people's expectations were a bit off because they thought it would be Until Dawn.</p><p> </p><p> Positives are the atmosphere being good, it's very pretty, there's a lot going on, the story is a mystery you can work out for yourself (though it does kinda hand the answer to you eventually). I found the characters enjoyable but they're not for everyone for sure; there's some good banter between them but one or two obnoxious remarks apiece. Some sequences are legitimately terrifying and very very intense. There's replay value cause you can go through again controlling different characters and even multiplayer where two people control (though the complete experience is online, pass and play is just swapping the controller).</p><p> </p><p> Negatives, it's quite short, if you don't get along with the characters you'll find them grating very quickly, leans on jumpscares a little too often. The staging can be confusing (I had a scene right at the end where suddenly a character was just halfway across the ship in order to react to something, presumably because otherwise nobody would have known it happened). The final act also hits a climax pretty abruptly, which I suppose ties into the length, but yeah, pacing feels weird at the end.</p><p> </p><p> Overall I had fun with it but I'm unsurprised that it has received such mixed reviews. If it looks like your jam and the above negatives don't put you off, I'd say give it a go.</p>
  17. Cornette's an out of touch bigot who forgets wrestling's had goofiness for as long as its existed. Wrestling is an entertainment business. If people are entertained by silly spots and gimmicks, the wrestlers are succeeding.
  18. I probably wouldn't invoke Beelezebub with Hell's Bouncer for the simple reason Baine's old ring name was BLZ Bubb. Depends on if that immersion factor matters to you but Cverse fans 'in universe' would be all over that.
  19. I'm torn: I have a long term save that I managed to convert from 2010 into 2016 across... several years. I've finally been playing it in 2016 and I still have a ton of gas in the tank creatively. I could convert to 2020. It'd take a while since there's stuff to adjust nd a year or so of gameplay to pick up. Thing is, I don't have access to the original data until I get another computer repaired and there are things that are noticeably missing (most title lineages)... and I don't know if I can put up with that into 2020. Might need to juggle both games.
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