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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. Gullible: This worker has probably bought a bridge or two. Has a mildly positive effect on the backstage environment, but an increased chance of being dragged into incidents, provoked into fights and pulled into cliques.
  2. CGC Canadian Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Skip Beau vs Sayeed Ali © Not sure hotshotting the belt back would do much for anyone. Pirates of the K-Rap-ean (K-Squared & DeArrrske) vs Two Mysteries From Las Vegas These two aren't super amazing. This is hopefully a hot new heel tag team. Robin DaLay vs Chris Flynn Flynn just got into a fight. Drake Young vs Mystery From New Mexico Drake's expendable. Followed immediately by Night One of The DeColt WrestleFestival... CGC World Title Match: Zeus Maxmillion vs Blockbuster © Zeus vs. DaLay! Book it! CGC Tag Team Title Match: Woolabonga Bogans vs The Gear-Heads © You seem quite fond of the Bogans and I could easily see this going the other way, I just think it would hurt the Gear-Heads' pop and they probably wouldn't be thrilled about dropping the match either. Going Postal Match: Dice Elderberry, Hugh Ancrie & Phillipe LaGrenier vs Ian Identity, Mario DaSilva & Penfold Perdition Have a bad feeling we lose Penfold here. Hopefully he comes back from Hawaii safe! Dan DaLay vs Jack Bruce If Bruce is available, he's gonna be on the downswing. Dan's CGC through and through. Adrian Garcia vs Jack DeColt I cannot wrangle the amount of mental gymnastics that could convince me to believe that Garcia going over Jack would be a good idea in any way, shape or form. As someone mentioned, maybe the match doesn't actually happen or there is a 'technical' win for Garcia, but he does not win in a match that's not an angle. Diablo DeVille vs Shane Nelson Shane's pretty old, Diablo could use some forward momentum Mystery Japanese Debt Collector vs Julian Watson I wonder if this is Duane Stone...
  3. Doubled edged sword, here. There were a handful of updates in 2016 I wasn't a huge fan of and went back to the old ones. I imagine it might be similar for 2020. Oh well, can always grab the previous preferred ones from 2016. That's personal preference for you.
  4. The other issue of bringing in the Guns is that you'd then be saddled with Ford Gumble
  5. Yesss, please do. Your ladies are always absolutely gorgeous.
  6. <p>Whoa, was that an actual factual screwjob!?</p><p> </p><p> That's the best!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Only in Oddworld could that be considered the best.</p>
  7. Ah yeah, the Rogue Burial Special was one of my favourite episodes of Uprising.
  8. <p>Bunch of body types and weight class ideas.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Fitness Buff</strong> - This character is more likely to become Toned or Muscular, and is likely to stay in shape for longer even as they get older.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Fitness Snob</strong> - This character may cause backstage incidents with workers who have 'unhealthy' body shapes. May take a huge morale hit if a weight change request has a negative result.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Personal Trainer</strong> - This character is in great shape and wants their friends to be too! They may sometimes help positive relations to improve their body shape.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bodybuilding Fiend</strong> - This character is more receptive to climbing weight classes, but less likely to want to drop them. They are more likely to become Muscular or Ripped. </p><p> - Possibly more susceptible to out-of-ring training injuries?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bigger is Better</strong> - A firm believer in size being everything, this character has a tendency to rise in size, dislikes dropping weight, and may balloon up unexpectedly.</p><p> - Might take issue with losing to much smaller guys.</p><p> - Possibly acts as an extra hiring bias as a booker towards big guys.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Small is Superior</strong> - This character believes small athletic guys are the way to go. They are unlikely to gain weight classes and trend towards Toned, Skinny and neutral shapes.</p><p> - May get upset being asked to lose to big slow 'lumps'.</p><p> - Hiring bias as above.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Pizza Lover</strong> - This character has a poor diet and is more likely to become Flabby or Obese. They're more likely to bring food to share backstage.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gym's for Highschool</strong> - This character is uninterested in working out. Their weight changes are more likely to backfire, and their body type is more likely to change for the worse.</p>
  9. Bloody hell Eddie. Way to make sure your company makes money and revives Canada.
  10. This narrative is far too optimistic. Time for everyone to get signed out from underneath you *nods sagely*
  11. Do Heat penalties apply to storylines for three or more participants on the same show if they're A) all aligned and B) only on the preshow? I have some tag team combos I want to try out but I'm concerned about draining the heat from the storyline the mini-stable (three wrestlers and a manager) is involved in.
  12. <p>That was a wonderful show. Zeus is instantly there for me as a character.</p><p> </p><p> I actually love the Pin Point group too. Best babyfaces, which is of course only natural given the presence of Big Baby himself.</p>
  13. <p>Local to national, heck yeah!</p><p> </p><p> This had a ton of heart, Historian. Your passion for the project really showed through and even though I only caught up close to the end, I'm glad to have been along for the last leg of the ride. Brilliant job.</p>
  14. <p>Really fun show, Self. The guys are all full of character and that's a good laugh to read.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> And it's not easy being Rusty.</p>
  15. <p>Or maybe that could you know, not be in a game that's for escapism.</p><p> </p><p> I don't really want to play a WRESTLING SIM game where I might see someone lose their battle with depression and commit. That's not fun. That's just upsetting.</p>
  16. <p>That's not quite what I meant.</p><p> </p><p> A worker is good at carrying others because they have good skills.</p><p> </p><p> I'm just saying that it's worth considering that some attributes are probably not necessary to suggest because they are covered by how the worker is statted.</p><p> </p><p> If someone is legendarily inconsistent then give them terrible consistency. Why have an attribute to say something that a stat already tells you?</p><p> </p><p> Edit: It also potentially cuts down on organic gameplay/variance between saves if there's an attribute for everything. You will know exactly what you get from every single worker, each and every time.</p>
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