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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. <p>Great show! I can understand your concerns about it feeling a bit filler, but tbh the ladies headlined well and it all turned out okay.</p><p> </p><p> Worried about Elsa now though :/</p><p> </p><p> And another twist and turn in this backstage story! Gosh, that's really what keeps me coming back. Luigi, you can't trust these dead birds man!</p>
  2. <p>Wow, really didn't expect Bret to turn like that!</p><p> </p><p> Leaves the babyface side feeling a little light was my first impression, but I suppose Heath and Sharp are top level in their own right rather than being just a team. With Law, Diaz, Sharp and Heath and Bradley, I guess the faces are still doing okay.</p>
  3. Boo this Higa! I approve of ribbing her. That can't go wrong. =D I detect a lil bit of queer in the air.
  4. Reaper those are both absolutely gorgeous. Thank you very, very much.
  5. All SPW have left is Joe, huh? Edit: Whoops, missed Henry. Though I don't know if it was variance but he has been aggressively mediocre in my game
  6. Right? It's a fertile field right now! Appreciate the kind words y'all. Makes the work really feel worth it. It's been mentioned to me that two workers are missing pictures: I am updating the picture pack, but if you don't want to re-download the entire thing for two workers, here they are below: Wayne Gallagher: Toshinari Matsumoto:
  7. Haha, yeah. XD -- The two pre-1997 workers from the mod, I'll put their biographies below and you can decide if a youthened version would fit, Derek: He debuts in 1992. In 1997 he would have been just about coming into his own as a decently charismatic talker and a good seller (but not precisely an athletic beast). He can do comedy. The attributes I gave him are kind of focused on an elder statesman who doesn't really mind putting folks over and is super chilled out since he's just wrestling to help out his son, so in 1997 wouldn't necessarily have the full suite, but he's always been a good dude. Mari still would be Maria Rivera (could be a later alter-ego or even a narrative to change name) at this stage, since she debuts in 1988 and would still only be 25! Great ring general with average to poor entertainment and decent brawling and hardcore. At this stage of her career she'd be a 'deep roots' worker in Puerto Rico who'd be considered to be a very solid hand for her age but who'll probably struggle to go big time if she doesn't try to extend her borders, since larger scale women's wrestling is so nascent. -- NYCW plus one of the younger, more hip promotions - I just had this idea for a curmudgeonly older tag team, perhaps in their forties who have been around for aaaaages but have never really accomplished much, which I figure could be that early in their careers they struggled to put all the pieces together, fell out, had substance problems (insert out of ring issues here). Reconciled in their mid thirties and for the first time actually got somewhere when they became 'no fun allowed' old dudes and showed decent microphone skills. Overall a highly experienced team that probably doesn't have the top rows/SQ to hit that top level but have surprisingly decent entertainment. In NYCW, of course, they are faces. Damn youths. -- 4C - Space theme team (Moonwalker and Orbit?). Both tiny dudes. Super flippy, super bumpy. There is low gravity on the moon, that's why they fly and get sent flying. A fun loving pair in their mid twenties who don't take things too seriously but accordingly don't have high-end skills or fundamentals, it's all selling and flashiness. Could be they had a cup of coffee in CGC a couple times to make their beefy men look great. -- DaVE - 'The Neighborhood Council Welcoming Committee'. So this could be either more hard nosed or more comedy, depending on your preference, (though comedy probably works better since they get clowned on a lot) but essentially a duo/trio who operate, well, as the Neighborhood Council Welcoming Committee, trying to 'introduce' newcomers to DaVE. If done comedically, you have them trying to throw these dumb parades for people and do grand unveilings of pointless accolades/announcements only to be beaten the snot out of/put through tables etc. If less comic, it's more a gang trying to show people 'how things work around here' and beat them up on the way in. They'd consist of the muscle ('The democratically elected head of neighborhood security'. Elected by whom? Why, the rest of the council of course), who would be a safe but limited big man who doesn't have the raw menace or power to be a monster. Then the mouthpiece ('The chairman'), a good talker but one who just doesn't get the crowd invested long term (so high mic but average to below average charisma) and kind of just has a style mishmash where he's okayish at everything but great at nothing because he kept trying to reinvent himself earlier in his career. And then the unappreciated workhorse ('Neighborhood gardening supervisor') who is solid as heck but just... never managed to come up with a character and as a result has nothing to latch onto to get people interested, in spite of willingly working bloody hardcore matches, just showing no flair or spark to invest into. Part of the welcoming committee because well, it's a gimmick and having a straight man helps? (are his one-liners incredible dry humour or just him not committing to the bit, who knows!) Any or all combinations could be tag teams.
  8. Not gonna lie, when I got midway through that first segment, my heart stopped for a second. I thought we had another Jebediah on our hands.
  9. I just hit Small in my effganic game. My first act was to grab Daniel Loiselle off of SPW on an exclusive deal. He belongs in Canada, southerners!
  10. <p>I have some ideas for the slots you're talking, but if you're interested Derek, there are two workers in the IndyBooster mod who debut pre-1997; their youthened versions could potentially show up as indy folks?</p><p> </p><p> Also two 1998 debuts and one 2000. <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  11. Very good start <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  12. <p>Anyone know when you get an extra talent point?</p><p> </p><p> You get your first point at 50 shows now, but I didn't get my second at 100.</p>
  13. It sort of depends on your size and whether you're willing to turn off repetitive booking penalties. I successfully ran shows with three workers at insignificant with double duty. XD
  14. Shortly before Lionesses of Wrestling V... “...we definitely want it to look competitive at the end, so maybe an attempt finisher flurry; make it really look like Svenja is within an inch of winning and Sal just manages to get the win this time. Debra, you can sort the exact details there. Any questions?” I finished laying out what I wanted from the main event and looked around the table. I’d grabbed a corner of the room to designate the booking area, let everyone know what was what, tell the results, let them work on the matches with Debra. Sally sat opposite me, Debra to my left, while Svenja leaned on the table, standing. We’d had a brief chat earlier, and I wasn’t sure what to make of her. Pretty businesslike. Now, she was making a face. “No, no. This doesn’t really work for me.” I hesitated. This was the first time anyone had objected to the brief I’d given them. “Alright,” I said cautiously. “What’s up?” “Well, why aren’t I winning?” Sally stilled. I blinked. “I, uh… come again?” Svenja straightened, frowning. “No offence, but I’ve been doing this much longer than any of you. I was under the impression I’d be getting the belt pronto to carry the show.” “That’s… not the plan.” I look Debra’s way, hoping for a bail-out. I didn’t get one as she barely shrugged, something that might have been a smile coming and going on her face. “Mm, I don’t think that—” Svenja suddenly stopped. I followed her eyes. Across from her, Sally had fixed her with the harshest glare I’d ever seen her give. Svenja coughed, broke eye contact, focused back onto me. “—that was what I expected, but I suppose I can work with this.” She fixed me with a plastic smile. “Let mum, Sally and I work out the match. Thanks.” I nodded carefully and stood up from the table, turning back to the rest of the room to find Lottie, Samba and Rajni to discuss our own spots some more. My stomach was sinking again, and I didn’t think it was hunger this time.
  15. Predictions SMW: 4/4 Herrbear: 4/4 Zergon 4/4 tryker: 3/4 Yeah so I think this will be fairly straightforward for a while as the roster develops and shakes out, so we'll see how we go with predictions. Can totally see why you might go for Svenja to win though... Cheers! Yeah, Svenja is overall solid; has the highest experience on the roster for one thing, and some of the best performance skills. Doesn't stand out beyond belief but everything combined makes her probably a small cut above the rest of the roster. However, there are other problems... and Ellen does have title preferences. Watch this space with Svenja...
  16. Great match! I thought that the heels would win, given Meathead's 'winning everything' promise. I suspect that Meathead will go on to lose to Heartbreak in the next tourney to give us some vindication!
  17. Man, I don't know if they let him go because decline or anything but on appearances, he's still got it. Those perks are very dastardly indeed. Classic heel scum behaviour. Intrigued by Diaz just doing his own thing though. Wondering if the 'interfering in his matches whenever they say fit' thing will end up getting turned around the other way... Poor Eddie, having to team with Cain, XD
  18. I made another expansion that folks may be interested in chatting about IndyBooster.
  19. Ah the Flores segment was great, really good stuff. Seeing them all come out there and encourage him was heartwarming. Enygma! Damn. That's a face I didn't expect to see. I'm guessing he's probably not here full time but who knows. Hopefully Hijo can pull it together.
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