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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. http://i1168.photobucket.com/albums/r498/christmas_ape/HGC-1_zpsa6f81787.jpg


    1996: Stallings opens up Hollyweird Grappling Company




    2004: Cornell takes over as owner and renames the company Total Championship Wrestling




    2013: Ownership of the promotion is sold to the television network, GNN Total Sports who re-brand the show as Capital City Wrestling. On the first Tuesday of September season 1 begins.


    <hr color=" black">

    *I'm currently just sorting some graphics and odd ends out, so this should hopefully be starting in a few days. It will of course be all explained in more depth in the actual thread but for anyone interested this is somewhat of a prelude to this diary, the second post contains links to each show, monthly recaps and a super short full summary of the entire 6 months.

  2. Would anyone be interested in a RTG Game being posted mainly for the results. Not for any story involved in it really. I am considering posting mine in here just am not sure.


    Current Game:

    1987 RTG


    Potential Games:

    Thunderverse RTG

    C-Verse RTG (had it but decided to delete it)

    1994 Real World RTG

    2001 Real World RTG


    Would any of these be interesting? I would try to craft a backstory and come up with an off screen storyline for whichever game if I did post it.


    I have been itching to do a diary for a long time. Thoughts and opinions?


    I definitely think a diary can be good even if its post mainly for the results, aslong as the general direction of the game is interesting. For example even if you never watched ECW/WCW/WWF in the attitude era, there's still an interesting story there.

    I've been wanting to do a similar thing but with another person or two for a while now infact. (if anyone is interested let me know!)


    I think you should go for it, personally any but the thunderverse one sounds good to me, but that's just because I've never gotten into it, I'm sure there's a demand.

  3. I agree, the headdress doesn't work. It's really hard to cut feathers on a 150x150px picture and get all of the angles right. Wasted about an hour even getting it that good!


    I feel your pain! Thanks for the rest though, to be fair I think I will actually use the headdress one in my diary, but whenever he is backstage or something, these others look better to actually wrestle in.


    A Rick Law prisoner would be cool, also... not an exciting idea but I'd be interested in seeing Joey Minnesota with a shaved head, but that might just be me.

  4. So after a few false starts over a few years, I finally got my act together and wrote out three months of a CGC dynasty. 15 shows, including three PPVs. And I was pretty happy with it too.


    Of course, as I was starting it up, TEW2013 was announced. And my initial plan was to at least post the three months, on the theory that I had them... but then I thought, well, no. I'd probably want to use a lot of the plotlines in any 2013 dynasty I did. So why not save the remaining stuff for that, and start fresh with the '13 dynasty, knowing that I'd already written 20 hours of wrestling with these characters, and could start from that position?


    So here I am. I now need to figure out how what I had fits into what I want to do...


    I was in a very similar position but with TCW, I was quite lucky that the rosters and even pushes were very similar to 2010 so I didn't have to change much. Not looked at CGC in great detail but I believe it's quite similar for them too?


    Either way they are one of my favourite promotions so I will look forward to a diary for them

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