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Posts posted by christmas_ape

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="James Casey" data-cite="James Casey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm slowly developing ideas for a 1991 WCW diary I may do. One thing that concerns is me the number of TV shows back then, and how they were pretty much all B shows filled with squash matches and a handful of stars. Power Hour, Worldwide, Pro and Main Event were all B shows, more or less. Only Saturday Night seems to have been used to advance major storylines on a consistent basis.<p> </p><p> So, I'd either scrap/consolidate them all, or as a different idea, post a screenshot/bullet points of the results with written highlights ("Steve Austin had this to say about the Great Muta...") for key segments, a format that could also be used for Saturday Night and even PPVs with a bit more detail to it.</p><p> </p><p> Has anyone tried a similar format for their shows?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I use screenshots in my diary. For the B show I just post the post show summary. It's real quick and easy but you can edit the angles to get plenty of detail across. Only problems is if things happen in the match it still just comes up as X defeated Y. But post match angles can be used to explain things like that.</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="azpelayo21" data-cite="azpelayo21" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Would anyone mind telling me how I can go about setting up Show Archives?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Assuming you mean like a page with your history and the shows you've done you just need to use the insert link option (below smiley). Obviously put the link in of the show and then the bit that starts highlighted is you write like show 1 or whatever.. [.URL=http://www.urlofyourshow.com] THIS BIT IS WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE [/url.] </p><p> </p><p> Or if you meant something else then ignore that.</p>
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Try slicing every picture in half across the middle and then posting them as small, half-sized parts. Sometimes it doesn't like large pics on here, or maybe its the image hosting sites? I don't know, but it works for me with my roster pics. There's two for this diary (5 for the latest WWE one)</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well now I feel silly for reasking this on my thread. Cool I will try this.</p><p> </p><p> It's a shame if the forum has changed this as it never had a problem with the long images before, but this sounds like a way around it. thanks!</p>
  4. <p>Less of a preview, as my diary has just started, more of a general question...</p><p> </p><p>

    Previously I have liked to post my shows like <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1960665&postcount=213" rel="external nofollow">this</a>. </p><p> </p><p>

    I just use snipping tool and paint, nothing special but it's quick and easy. I then upload it to photobucket and just post the image. But now when I'm trying to do it, the picture won't keep it size. I've tried uploading it to photobucket, imgur and tinypic but every time when I view picture it's only a small version. </p><p> </p><p>

    Does anybody know a way around this? I have over a dozen shows written up in this format and don't like the idea of posting them small. In a worst case scenario people will just have to zoom in... but that's just a pain for everyone.</p>

  5. Golden has bad chemistry with Khoklov, Hawkins and Andrews and only 2 months in, would've started a new save if it weren't for the fact I'd spent 30 minutes setting up a dev fed etc. :(


    Anyone have any stories on broadcaster changes? Both I feel are a tad to small but I've got 2 years left with Pop Network.



    yeah like jwt13 I've gone with ACE. I wanted a B show at first but a 2nd A show on a huge network is too tempting. You could either bring back Saturday Night Showcase or if you still wanted Total Wrestling to be the flagship show you could just swap the names and logo. Means I have to wait 3 months to get get a B show but my plan is to have keep both A shows until I can leave POP and then just have an A and B on ACE.

  6. Letting everyone know that I'm setting up a project for TEW 2016 and here's a rough outline of it:


    I'll be playing a modern day real world game as an entire alliance of four Independent promotions of similar styles. One promotion will be in the States, another in Japan, another in Mexico, and another in the UK. Essentially, the alliance will be a Global Super Indy. They'll thrive off each other, and the plan is for each of them to hold a show each week. So let's say the Lucha company runs the first week of the month, then the Burnin' Hammer goes the second week of the month, the Bri'ish runs the third week, and then a big finish in the states. They'll keep each other afloat and (hopefully) rise to the top. :D There will be a couple championships shared to show who the supreme guy is, and then each company will of course have their own titles and tournaments. :D


    Stay tuned. :cool:


    Sounds like a tough task but could be really cool. Especially if the 4 promotions are linked but all have their own style. Keeping all 4's storylines going might be tough but I suppose it's not really juggling any more than say SWF would do. I think the alliance shared titles is definitely going to be popular in diaries (I can see myself using them), good luck with the planning.

  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KnowYourEnemy" data-cite="KnowYourEnemy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>On the Real World front, I plan on running WCW sans Hulkster and Ric Flair in '93 at some point. <p> </p><p> A lot, for me, depends on C-Verse changes. I have been thinking of a "Monday Night" TCW/SWF Wars with Vince Russo playing TCW and Jim Cornette playing SWF -- and possibly Bischoff running USPW if they are still National. But that'll probably wait until I've finished/my file has corrupted/I lose interest in my 2013 RTG Diary. </p><p> </p><p> If there is another multiplayer diary attempt [draft? etc?] I've wanted to start a "fantasy" promotion -- using wrestling to "act out" a play -- sort of like Circe De Solei in a ring. I'd probably use a medieval Japanese setting and incorporate aspects from mythology, Anime and Kabuki Theater. The match specifications -- rules and types -- would borrow heavily from Japanese Junior and Lucha Libre.</p><p> </p><p> Finishers would be heavily protected, as would very impressive moves -- essentially, the audience has already bought the premise of "work" and "suspended disbelief" -- so old-school ring work can be integrated with heavy kayfabe -- in the ring, I will incorporate a lot of puroresu. </p><p> </p><p> The company would be completely integrated and have a strict weight limit (lightweight or middleweight). Masks, while not required, are heavily encouraged, and the referees will have period costume -- the announcers will observe the action from the audiences vantage point. There will also be a "special set" -- sort of like the temple in Lucha Underground. </p><p> </p><p> I think new additions will let me bring this particular vision to life -- if I ever won the lottery and could run a wrestling company, this would be the one I'd invest in.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I definitely like the fantasy promotion idea, don't think it would need to be a multiplayer game?</p><p> </p><p> I've not seen anybody talking about another 8RoW style diary. It's a shame really because if even 3 or 4 promotions kept it going for any decent length of time it would definitely be a really interesting read. But it's rare enough that single player ones last never mind multiplayer. I've been part of a couple myself, and the planning stages of a few more, always had a really good team who enjoyed bouncing ideas of each other but I think you need some luck to keep a good 2/3/4+ people interested for any decent length of time.</p>
  8. I hope, and think, that BHK and MHero are right that the release of 2016 brings a lot of people back writing diaries.


    I've had the itch to start one for quite a while now but the second 2016 was announced I knew I had to wait for that. I'm surprised I'm being patient enough but I just know that once it's out I'll never want to play 2013 again nevermind devote lots of time to writing a diary based on it.


    So is anyone else in my boat? What diary do you think you'll start? I was going to start a separate TEW 2016 Dynasties thread but it would feel wrong to get in the way of people still working hard on TEW 2013 diaries here but no other forum seemed right for it.


    Personally I always enjoy playing as TCW or NOTBW and creating an alliance with the other one to make a 'real wrestling' alliance to take on SWF. The new features like alliance champions will make this twice as fun so I'm fairly certain my diary will be related to either TCW or NOTBW, depending on roster changes and their situation at the start of the game.


    Saying that, I do also have an itch to have a diary as a true sports entertainment company, but A) I don't tend to like SWF and B) To really get into writing a SE diary properly I'd want to devote a lot of time to it.


    So does anybody else have plans already? Or hopes for the C-Verse?

  9. Would anyone be interested in a WWF diary that only related the major PPVs and events? Basically like you're going through the modern day WWE network and taking a look back at what happened in those PPV events in an alternate universe (diary would begin in January 1995 and continue at least through the Attitude Era.)


    I definitely think it can work. Obviously it's bound to not be as detailed as other diaries but that doesn't necessarily have to be a big problem. My WWE diary (here) used that format. I agree with BHK1978 though that you would need raw recaps, they definitely helped with mine.


    I went with that format just for the first year of my diary as a way of diverging from the real world quickly, but I do think it could last further than that. Main reason I liked that format is just because it was quick and easy, so I naturally got through that year quick.


    I'm also getting a little tired of smarky crowds ruining the big shows for me. In all honesty, WWE should stay clear of towns known to be overly "smart". Roman Reigns winning the Rumble didn't ruin it for me, I can live with that, the inane booing of his win ruined it for me. The guy's a Face, cheer him. You just ruined a major event because you didn't get your own way. So what? That's life.


    I see like this... The "smart" fans don't want to see anyone shoved down our throats unless they decide who it is? What? Pure hypocrisy.


    If people cheered faces because they the fans are supposed to and booed heels for the same reason wrestling would be 100 times less creative, unpredictable and fun. If everyone did what you said it would be Rocky Maivia running down to help Roman instead of The Rock.


    It's such a weird concept that no other form of entertainment has... So you're watching your favourite tv program and they kill off everyone interesting and make a bad actor the lead? 'Don't complain! It's just life'.


    I'm not fully against Reigns, and sometimes Smarky crowds annoy me (especially when they hijack things with self indulegent chants) but I wouldn't ever think to tell them not to do it. What makes wrestling such a unique form of entertainment is the direct and immediate reaction of the fans. Also people need to see that it isn't just 'smart' fans. The term itself it just outdated. Even if Philly is a typically 'smarky' crowd when 99% of an crowd think one way it's not just a loud minority.


    Put it this way, Facebook is one of the most unsmarky WWE fan bases and even that voted that they disliked the show.

  11. That being said, I would argue about whether or not Roman Reigns is that green. He has been around the business his entire life (being part of the Anoa'i family). To me, he doesn't botch moves that I've seen. Or it's a very rare thing if it does happen. He has the look. He's never going to do all the flippy moves that some wrestlers do. He's never going to be a spot monkey. He is what he is. He is a big man wrestler that uses power and power spots and that is enough to make me a fan of his.


    Him not being a spot monkey means nothing. There are very few, if any, spot monkeys in WWE. It's painfully obvious he's green. I wouldn't even mind that, I do like him, but his character/promos are already watered down and bland. I don't want to seem like I'm on the Reigns-hate bandwagon. But I also hate the view that if you don't like Roman Reigns matches it must be because you only like Ring of Honor style matches. I don't dislike Roman because he's a big powerful wrestler that doesn't do crazy moves, I dislike him (in the spot he's in) because he's simply not at that level yet. Comparing him to someone like Lesnar says it all. I also disagree that Reigns is much more believable than Bryan, he really isn't that big of a guy whereas at least Bryan has his submission/mma-ish style.



    My main issue with the whole Rumble was Kane and Big Show. It was baffling. The way they nonchalantly just tossed Wyatt, Ambrose, Ziggler out was crazy booking. They could have built up feuds, or at least made memorable moments. As much as I love Kane and liked Big Show 10 years ago.. to position them as two of your top heels when they have so much young talent... well I just don't get.


    It's a shame that it will overshadow how good that triple threat match was, everyone in it was great and it all came together so well. Happy for Rollins to be able to truly prove he's long term main event material. The thing with this Lesnar push is it's impossible to know how I really feel about it until hindsight can kick in and we see where it leads to but at the moment I absolutely love it. He's been built up to be so unique and he's the perfect man for the role. If he had any true desire to be so he would be one of the greatest of all time.

  12. yo, I think I've said it before on here but in a desperate attempt to get some co-op games going (none of my friends have ps4s)... my psn name is thechristmasape


    Mostly playing Far Cry 4 but also got Fifa, WWE, CoD, GTA...

  13. I'm not actually starting any of these ideas (at least not anytime soon) but I have a growing list of diaries that I've liked the idea of, began to plan and then just not got round to doing anything so I thought I'd just throw them out into the open. Be interesting to hear any thoughts on them plus anyone else is welcome to use them/ask for more of my plans.





    I very almost started a GSW. I had a lot of the in game stuff actually set up. It would be really focused around the Warehouse and would be presented more like a tv series than a wrestling show (Sort of inspired by an idea 20LEgend had about a reality tv wrestling show which we almost turned into a 2player diary) . It was going to be more of a bar which put on fight nights in a cage. So whilst there would be one title it actually wouldn't be the most prestigious thing to win. The main eventers were more gang leaders and entertainment acts. I think Fro Sure was set as my main face. He was like a rapper/singer. Brother Grimm's record label would be the main face gang. There was also a mexican gang (stereotypical I know, but the game already had mexican tag teams there so I just grouped them). Then there was this Drug Lord called Yellowface (I can't remember who that was in game) and he had little lackeys and made up a group. So the main 'belt' to win was the trios title which was basically just who had won the last gang fight. Another idea (sort of taken from Self's diary) was a VIP title where the champion won the right to the VIP lounge.


    Long Terms plans were to have some larger company in story buy out GSW. At first it would look like they were making it big and PPV would be the first events not in the Warehouse and would be in a larger more fancy bar. But in time there were more sinister motives for buying at GSC. (I can't remember those properly without looking but was something about Fro Sure's rival rapper).


    I think whether this could actually be decent though is all about who it's written. If it's just done like a usual diary with results you won't really get the feel of it being in The Warehouse and would just seem like a typical hardcore rebel like promotion.




    This idea came about because I wanted to play a game save and wanted to make it a diary (because I get way more into them if they are) but I didn't want to write out long shows or anything like that. The plan was to run USPW like normal and keep it really simple and stick to the USPW formula. But rather than making the diary about that, the story was that Alicia was being prepped to take over and asked for a show just aired online. It would basically be a complete behind the scenes look at running a wrestling show. I see it as a cross between Total Divas and a political drama. A good portion of the scenes would be the booking committee debating pushes/plans etc.. I could probably work in any promotion really but I think the larger the better and I think Alicia Strong, Sam Strong, Shane Sneer, Peter Valentine would make an interesting group. The main reason I planned this was just because it would be easy to do. Essentially just write down what I thought when booking the shows in game and then play devils advocate/adjust it to fit some backstage story lines.


    Summit Wrestling

    Another one which I actually played a lot of in game but never got that close to making a diary of it was a scenario where TCW try to go more mainstream to challenge SWF. Joshua Taylor was going to leave wanting to be part of a true wrestling company and found one himself (this could go with him coming into money somehow because I think it works best if they can go straight to cult and sign good wrestlers). The idea is nothing original or overly interesting but basically he founded Summit Wrestling (whenever I want a new company I look at Kamchatka's Logo Thread and Summit Wrestling looked perfect. Essentially trying to put on a Puro promotion in the US. (Story could also have other TCW wrestlers like Ino join him)



    Here was a more crazy idea... In the real world Vince is basically trying to find a way to become immortal by funding loads of crazy research. He gets a call one day that they believe they have created a portal to some other dimension or something like that. Vince being Vince decides he has to be the first human ever to cross into the new world. He's warned that they may not be a way back but knowing he's conquered Earth with the WWE he wants a new challenge. So Vince goes through and it's pretty similar to Earth but it's the C-Verse. So he scouts out SWF for a while (probably with him mocking how bad it is, not realising how close it is to the WWE) He then somehow starts to get messages through from 'home' (don't ask me how it's not like the story isn't already unbelievable). He tells the people his plan to take over this wrestling world. Re-starts the WWE.


    Now... this is where I needed to sort the sci-fi bit of the story out more because for this to truly work... Vince needs to be able to communicate not just with Earth.. but Earth at any time period. Now a lot of the story writes itself now but the diary would again be more about the backstage of it. I.E Vince tries to persuade Stone Cold to come across, he doesn't want to, so instead he gives the Stone Cold gimmick to someone else. He brings in Hogan first, then after failing Stone Cold, Bruno maybe, Undertaker soon after... after a bit he goes for HHH but he's pissed to find out that he was Vince's like 10th pick. It could also be interesting if he couldn't always get the wrestlers in their prime. Say if he went to Hogan in the middle of Hulkamania and asked him to come and start a new company and leave his family etc he would say no... so perhaps to get Hogan he has to settle for 2005 Hogan and offer him the chance to relive his past glories etc. One thing I liked about this is it would look really cool using Bio Hizzle's work here especially when the inevitable SWF invasion happened.


    I actually had the most fun planning this and built up lots of ideas but then sort of looked back at it a week later and thought what on earth am I writing haha.



    But yeah I've just dumped all the ideas down basically in case anyone wants to discuss them/has any thoughts.

  14. I know there's an NJPW thread but I'm posting here because I think the conversation is more relevant here.


    But after Wrestle Kingdom 9 does WWE have legit international competition again? Yes? No? Thoughts?


    I don't think it could be called competition really. As much as I enjoy NJPW it will never come any where close to WWE's popularity in America or really anywhere in the West. I think even if it did pick up some momentum, the two just have two completely different target audiences. The millions of kids and families that make up the large proportion of WWE's audience aren't going to switch to NJPW anytime soon. It's said everywhere but WWE's main competition are other entertainment shows, not other wrestling shows.


    That said, although I can't imagine NJPW ever being true competition that doesn't mean it couldn't affect WWE or perhaps influence it.

  15. Rowan should not have lost to Big Show. No one will ever care more about Big Show than they do today, no matter who he beats. And I don't mean that in a good way, I mean that he's on, and has been on for a long time, a downward trajectory with the fans and no one is going to take him seriously anymore. This was a wasted opportunity for a guy that they are absolutely burying in Erick Rowan. The guy's not over at all and it's only partially his own fault. The majority is the stupid gimmick they're giving him, his stupid music, and this awful feud with Big Show. This was a frustrating PPV from start to finish, except for the quality of the opening match and watching how crazy Ambrose is.


    Also I forgot that Rusev vs. Swagger even happened. What a waste.


    I agree with everything you said but that... that's some cool music. Not like 'threatening oh shit he's a monster' cool... but still.


    But yeah there wasn't anything in the PPV I despised more than the big show winning. Like someone pointed out, they are obviously building him up so Reigns can knock him down but it's just way too late for that. Big Show should be a stepping stone from (speaking in TEW terms) mid-card to uppermidcard not UMC to ME.

  16. With all the news about the main roster being determined not to let NXT put on the better show I'm actually looking forward to TLC now. It's good because I have awful expectations of it so hopefully it can only exceed those. Just hoping Ziggler and Harper can put on a great match.


    With all this news I can't help but think that they should use this in a storyline the whole nxt outshining RAW. I can imagine them not wanting to do it because they see it as bringing RAW down to NXT level but if done well it would just do the opposite. They harp on in every documentary about how good competition was and they have a chance at making some here either if it could never be at WCW vs WWF levels for obvious reasons it could still boost both shows. Could happen slowly and seem really real if they have some NXT stars debut and just act really confident due, have some WWE stars who have been to NXT like Kidd and Cesaro defect and then the rest writes itself really.

  17. Just bought a PS4 the other day but seem to be the only one of my friends to have done so, at least so far. So looking for some people to play with! My name is thechristmasape . The only games I have at the moment are AC Black Flag, COD Ghosts and The Last of Us but I'll definitely be getting WWE 2K15, Fifa 15 and GTA 5. So yeah if you do/will have any of those then add me (and ideally send me your GDS name).


    On a more general note, are people here excited about WWE2k15? Been a while since a WWE game has interested me enough to buy it on release day but the whole Sting pre-order thing suckered me in.

  18. <p><strong>Rhino</strong> vs. Christopher Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

    Meiko Satomura vs. <strong>Jazz</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Nest </strong>vs. The Dudey Dynasty</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Paul Burchill & Mark Calaway</strong> vs. Vito Thomaselli & Chris Hero</p>

  19. <p>Wasn't around here when this started and never really tried to catch up but that last show was awesome. Is there any sort of recap for anyone wanting to catch up/too lazy to read it all?</p><p> </p><p>

    Edit: whilst looking back I just noticed that I asked something very similar about a year back! Think I'll just have a look at the first page</p>

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