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Posts posted by dbritton987

  1. TCW Psycho Circus 2022

    October 2022 - Attendance: 98,967 - Show Rating: 100!

    TCW Psycho Circus is one of my gimmick PPVs in my TCW game, just to keep things interesting and fun.  Every year, Psycho Circus is the home to the Psycho Chamber Match, TCW's version of the Elimination Chamber.  2022 marks the first occasion that there were 2 Psycho Chamber matches.  One male Chamber match and one female Chamber match, their respected World Championship defended in each!  

    In the Female Psycho Chamber Match, Brooke Tyler defeated Alina America (Champion), Fuyuko Higa, Maribel, Mercado, Miwako Katsukawa, & Sara Marie York to become the NEW TCW World Women's Champion! (84)

    Brooke Tyler has dominated the Women's Division since debuting in TCW.  A member of the stable Kings of Wrestling, Tyler has dubbed herself the Queen of Professional Wrestling.  Tyler has defeated everyone in her rise to fame, all except one person.  The current TCW World Women's Champion, Alina America.  America & Tyler have faced off on four separate occasions in 2022 in various matches, and America has always come out on top.  Tyler looked prime to dethrone America in their one-on-one encounter at the Destructive Energy PPV, but America would sneak away still champion after Tyler grew too confident during the match.  Tyler earned one more opportunity to challenge America by entering the Psycho Chamber Match, but it was made clear to Brooke that this was her last chance!

    Brooke Tyler was unfortunate to draw the #1 spot in the Chamber Match, but Tyler would end up delivering an amazing performance.  Tyler would out last everyone, eliminating three opponents in the process.  Her old rival Sara Marie York.  The TCW United States Champion, Miwako Katsukawa.  Finally, Tyler would get the best of Alina America and dethrone the TCW World Women's Champion.  Brooke Tyler has now officially taken her throne as the Queen of Professional Wrestling, which always just seemed like only a matter of time.

    (Alina America suffered a Bicep injury during the Chamber Match, which unfortunately affected the finale score.)

    Keanu Kai (High Flying Hawaiin) defeated Bryan Jewett to Successfully Retain the TCW International Championship (92)

    Keanu Kai was out for revenge for his friend Rick Law, whom Bryan Jewett had brutally assaulted with Law's own Nightstick.  Kai challenged Jewett to a fight on behalf of the injured Law.  Jewett would accept the challenge if Kai put his International Championship on the line, and Keanu was happy to oblige!

    Kai had to overcome interference by his longtime rival and Jewett's running buddy, Spencer Spade.  It was Spade who Keanu Kai defeated for the International Championship one month prior, and that feud is clearly far from over.  But, after Referee Ryan Holland tossed Spade from ringside, Kai & Jewett were left to battle one on one.  Kai would put away Jewett with the Pacific Crush and retain International Champion.  A little revenge for Rick Law on behalf of Kai, though a rematch with Spencer Spade certainly seems looming in the near future. 

    In a 6 Man Street Fight, The Sinner Society (Scythe, El Jaguar, & Kill Switch) defeated Team Lucha! (Mr. Lucha, Amazing Firefly, & Aztec Prince) (91)

    This war between Team Lucha! & Sinner Society has been chaos for several months now, all revolving the rivalry between Mr. Lucha & Scythe.  Scythe attempted to recruit Mr. Lucha, swearing to see a dark side to the masked man.  When Mr. Lucha refused to turn his back on his friends, it became all out warfare between the two stables.  After many matches and a whole lot of brawls, Mr. Lucha & Scythe agree to one last match to end it all, with both sides choosing three men to represent their respected groups in a 6 Man Street Fight.  

    Despite it being a 6 Man Tag Team Match, all members from both stables would eventually get involved, which really was no surprise to anyone.  In the end, after all the weapons used and broken bodies, it would be Amazing Firefly falling victim to Scythe's trademark Choke Slam through a table to secure the victory and the war for the Sinner Society.

    Mainstream Hernandez defeated Razan Okamoto to Successfully Retain the TCW World Cruiserweight Championship (89)

    The undefeated Okamoto won a Triple Threat Match that included Magnum Kobe and Razan's rival Kill Switch to earn this opportunity, matching up two beloved babyfaces to battle for the World Cruiserweight Championship.  But, before the match would even start, Hernandez and Okamoto would be attacked pre-match by their rivals, Kill Switch and Magnum Kobe (Hernandez).  Despite both men being clearly hurt by the attack, both Hernandez and Okamoto would still agree to have the match after Kill Switch & Kobe were escorted out of the arena.

    With Hernandez nursing injured ribs and Okamoto a bum knee, both men fought valiantly through the pain in the hopes to walk away with the championship.  It looked like Okamoto might pull it off, but when attempted to hit Hernandez with his patented Brainbuster Suplex, Razan's hurt knee would give away.  This would allow Hernandez to connect with his patented Super Kick, then put Okamoto away with the Apparition #14 to successfully retain his championship.  Despite suffering his first loss in TCW, Okamoto was still humble enough to shake Hernandez's post-match.  Hernandez remains the only man to ever carry the TCW World Cruiserweight Championship, but it sure does seem we're going to eventually see a rematch between Mainstream and Magnum Kobe.  

    The Keith Brothers defeated Winner's Edge (Chance Fortune & Roderick Remus) to Successfully Retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship (92)

    Greg & Matthew Keith have been unstoppable since putting all their focus on being the best tag team in the world, and eventually they would dethrone The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera), ending the Syndicate Tag Team's year long title reign.  Ever since then, the Keiths have welcome and put down all challengers, thus keeping the Tag Gold in the camp of the Kings of Wrestling.  Their latest challengers is one of the newer TCW tag teams, the Winner's Edge.  After both men split from their previous tag teams, Chance Fortune & Roderick Remus came to learn that they had excellent chemistry as a tag team, and the sky has been the limit ever since.  After big win after big win, it was only a matter of time before the Winner's Edge found themselves challenging for Tag Team gold.  

    After much exciting back and forth action, fellow KoW member (and TCW Television Champion) Jay Chord would get involved in the match.  Behind the referee's back, Chord would attack Chance Fortune at ringside, sending Fortune face first into the ring post.  With Fortune out cold, Remus would be left alone with the Keiths, and unfortunately would fall victim to their signature finisher, the Spiked Piledriver.  The Keith Brothers remain on top of the Tag Team mountain, though this rivalry with Winner's Edge has only begun!  

    In the Male Psycho Chamber, KC Glenn defeated Donte Dunn, Mighty Mo, Primus Allen, Randy Unleashed, & Spencer Spade to Successfully Retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (95)

    Ever since dethroning Wolf Hawkins at Summer Showdown 2022, KC Glenn has been on a mission to prove that he can become the best ever TCW World Heavyweight Champion.  Glenn showed no hesitance towards the idea of defending his championship in the Psycho Chamber, against 5 of the best wrestlers in TCW.  In fact, KC Glenn looked forward to the opportunity of beating people up and proving that he was a very worthy World Champion. 

    Meanwhile, Wolf Hawkins was offered a spot in the Psycho Chamber, but declined the opportunity.  Instead, Hawkins joined the commentary team for the match after warning KC Glenn that he would be cashing in his mandatory title rematch against whoever walked away from the Psycho Chamber as World Champion.  That said, TCW Executive Eddie Chandler allowed Hawkins to give his spot to any of his Syndicate followers. Hawkins would give that spot to his personal enforcer Primus Allen, with two goals in mind.  Take KC Glenn out, and then hand the World Championship over to Hawkins!

    Well...unfortunately for Primus Allen, he succeeded in neither.  Despite taking a beating from Allen, Glenn would survive and personally eliminate Primus.  In the end, it would come down to KC Glenn and former International Champion, Spencer Spade.  Truly, a preview in what might be a big time major rivalry between two of the best!  Spade thought he had won the match after clocking Glenn with his patented Brass Knuckles.  But to the shock of all, Glenn would just barely get his shoulder up!  After dodging Spade's attempt at the Supreme Stunner, KC Glenn would put Spencer away with the Tunin' Up The Sunshine Band to successfully survive the Psycho Chamber as World Champion.

    Post-Match, KC Glenn and Wolf Hawkins would stare each other down, knowing now what awaits both men.  At TCW Threatening Behavior, we will finally get the rubber match between these two icons. 

    There will be no rematch, and it will happen...in 3 STAGES OF HELL!!!


  2. One of my favorite cards that I've put together!  Unfortunately, the crowd was burnt out for the final two matches, a chance I took putting together such a large card.   Otherwise, a big time success.  

    TCW Summer Showdown 2022

    August 2022 - Attendance: 119,792 - Show Rating: 96

    Magnum Kobe defeated Amazing Fire Fly (88)

    These two have been rivals ever since the revival of the TCW Cruiserweight Division.  After splitting victories, this rubber match was set for Summer Showdown.  Kobe picks up the big win, and now turns his attention towards the winner of tonight's World Cruiserweight Championship Match.  

    Aaron Andrews defeated Rick Law in a Strap Match (94)

    One of the hottest feuds currently, these two have become hated rivals for most of 2022 after Rick Law was brutally kicked out of the group he had helped build, The Supreme.  After The Supreme recently ambushed Law and Andrews lashed Rick with a leather belt, this match was set for Summer Showdown.  Unfortunately for Law, he would fall to the numbers game, as Andrews would gain assistance from The Supreme to win.  The team Hard Justice (Marshall Dillon & Sandman Winks) would literally hold Law down, allowing Andrews to touch all four corners and win the match.  This feud is clearly far from over. 

    In Eight Man Tag Team Action, Team Lucha! defeated The Sinner Society. (90)

    Team Lucha! = Mr. Lucha, Aztec Prince, Masked Cougar, & Tigre Salvaje Jr.

    Sinner Society = Scythe, El Jaguar, Dark Nemesis (Ash Campbell), & Killer Shark

    This stable war ignited when Scythe attempted to convince Lucha to join Sinner Society.  Trying to take advantage of Lucha's tough times after losing the International Championship, Scythe swears that he senses a darkness in Lucha, and promised to help Lucha obtain that dark power.  After Lucha rejected Scythe's invite, it would lead to violence, but Team Lucha! was there to help their brother against the Sinner Society.  Team Lucha! comes away with the big win at Summer Showdown, but seeing that Scythe was actually laughing after the match, it appears this story is far from over.

    In a 2 out of 3 Falls Match, Jay Chord defeated Randy Unleashed (95, Tied for MOTN)

    Jay Chord had a rough start to 2022, and he would blame Randy Unleashed for this occurrence.  It was Unleashed who defeated Chord in the Finals of the 2021 King of Kings Tournament, and Jay believed that loss started his streak of bad luck.  So, Unleashed became his target in the hopes of coming out of that slump, and thus this major rivalry came to fruition.  Chord would win their first one on one encounter back at Total Mayhem, but Unleashed won the rematch a month later.  After months of this heated rivalry, it all came to a close at Summer Showdown.  Chord finally finds the redemption he had been seeking, earning the big win over Unleashed, win the match 2 falls to 1.  

    In a 5 Man Ladder Match, Spencer Spade defeated Donte Dunn, Keanu Kai (High Flying Hawaiin), Mighty Mo, Princeton Pryce to Successfully RETAIN The TCW International Championship (91)

    Once again, Spade let his big mouth get him in trouble, which happens quite often.  TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson was the guest on Spade's own personal talk show, The Supreme Talk Show.  Spade would proceed to insult RDJ, as the GM has had issues recently with the despicable TCW Executive Eddie Chandler and his stable, The Supreme.  Instead of getting angry, RDJ got even.  After reminding Spade that the International Championship was defended in a 5 Man Ladder Match at Summer Showdown 2021, RDJ thought it was a good idea to do it again in Summer Showdown 2022!  And so, the Ladder Match was set, and it even included some of Spade's most heated rivals (Keanu Kai & Mighty Mo).

    But, as the past has proven, Spade is very capable of getting out of situations that his big mouth lands him in.  He might do it in tainted fashion, but he does it!  After pushing over a ladder, sending both Kai & Mo crashing out of the ring and through tables set up at ringside, Spade would retrieve his International Championship and make a quick exit. A big smile on his face, Spade would look into the camera and send a message to the TCW General Manager.  "Hey Ricky!  This one is for you!"  

    (Spencer Spade is enjoying his first reign as TCW International Champion, now at 71 Days and 5 Successful Title Defenses.  He defeated Mr. Lucha for the Championship on the June 2022 Edition of TCW Saturday Night Showcase.)

    Mainstream Hernandez defeated Kill Switch in a Submission Match to Successfully RETAIN the TCW World Cruiserweight Championship (92)

    Hernandez and Kill Switch have been heated rivals ever since Hernandez became the Inaugural TCW World Cruiserweight Champion at Total Mayhem.  Kill Switch was apart of the Fatal Four Way where in which Hernandez was crowned, and Kill Switch felt robbed because he wasn't apart of the decision.  Hernandez & Kill Switch would battle one-on-one twice over the Cruiserweight Title, where in which Hernandez won both encounters.  Hernandez barely edged Kill Switch in the first encounter, and would win the second by Disqualification after interference by Magnum Kobe.   After Hernandez accepted Kill Switch's challenge for "one more match," Mainstream would be ambushed by Kill Switch's stable, the Sinner Society.  Kill Switch would proceed to choke out Hernandez with the Rear Naked Choke until he was finally pried off by TCW Officials.

    And thus, this Submission Match was set to settle things once and for all.  Despite interference by Sinner Society, Hernandez would defeat the odds and force Kill Switch to tap out to his patented submission, The Pontiac To Home.   This rivalry now settled, Hernandez now turns his attention to his next challenger, and that appears to be none other than the Emperor of the Kobe Empire, Magnum Kobe,  

    (Mainstream Hernandez is the Inaugural TCW World Cruiserweight Champion, winning it in a Fatal Four Way at Total Mayhem 2022.  Hernandez has held the Championship for 84 Days with 5 Successful Title Defenses).

    In a Triple Threat Tag Team Match, The Keith Brothers defeated The Aegis (C) (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) and the Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock) to become the NEW TCW World Tag Team Champions (95, Tied for MOTN)

    Representing The Syndicate, Youngman & Ferrera have dominated the tag team division for a year now, and has firmly took their place as one of the best tag teams in TCW history.  But, they recently faced their toughest test to date in Greg & Matthew Keith.  In an instant classic, the Aegis and the Keith Brothers battled to a time limit draw over the Tag Team Championship on recent edition of Saturday Night Showcase.  Meanwhile, the Calgary Strike Force have been one of the Aegis's biggest rivals for the past year, just coming up short on multiple occasions from winning the gold.  As CSF and the Keiths dispute their claims for #1 Contendership, chaos has led to this Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Championship.

    The Keith Brothers would be the team to finally dethrone The Aegis, but they do it in somewhat controversial fashion.  The Keiths would hit Sterling Whitlock with their trademark Spiked Piledriver to pick up the championship victory.  After an entire year of reigning as champions, The Aegis lose their titles without ever being pinned.  While the Keiths celebrate their 1st TCW Tag Title reign, clearly there is a rematch with the Aegis must be in the near future!

    (The Aegis's 1st Title Reign as TCW World Tag Team Champions ends after exactly one year.  They defeated the Wild Cats for the Championship at Summer Showdown 2021.  The Aegis successfully defended the Tag Titles 22 times.)

    In a Triple Threat Match, Alina America defeated Brooke Tyler & Sara Marie York to Successfully RETAIN the TCW World Women's Championship (89)

    It was supposed to be one-on-one match between America & Tyler, two women who are considered to be the pillars of the TCW Women's Division for many years to come.  But, during the contract signing to make the title match official, Sara Marie York made her surprise return.  York had been on the shelf for almost a month after a brutal assault by her rival, Brooke Tyler.  York returned the favor, beating up Tyler before laying Brooke out with her finisher, the Energy Burst.  Then in a surprise twist, York would snatch the Women's Title Match contract and sign her own name under "Challenger"!  Because of such actions, TCW General Manager went ahead and turned the Women's Title Match at Summer Showdown into a Triple Threat Match! 

    Once again, Alina America proves why she is considered the best female wrestler in the world today.  America would hit York with her patented Northern Lights Bomb to successfully defend her championship.  Though it was quite the memorable moment for America, it's pretty clear that a one-on-one encounter with Brooke Tyler is inevitable.  

    (Alina America continues to enjoy her 1st Reign as TCW World Women's Champion.  America defeated Fuyuko Higa at Total Mayhem 2022 to win the Championship.  She has successfully defended her championship 3 times in a span on 85 days.)

    In a No Disqualification Match, KC Glenn defeated Wolf Hawkins to become the NEW TCW World Heavyweight Champion (89)

    At Total Mayhem 2022, KC Glenn came up just short from dethroning Wolf Hawkins as World Heavyweight Champion.  He was determined to do it all on his own, just himself alone going to war against The Syndicate.  As courageous as that might have been, Glenn would nevertheless fail to achieve his goal.  Glenn learned a tough lesson.  If he was going to take down Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate, he was going to need help.  Battling the Syndicate was a numbers game, and they sure as hell weren't going to play fair.

    After climbing back up the mountain and surviving obstacles thrown at him by Hawkins and TCW Executive Eddie Chandler, Glenn earned another title match against Hawkins at Summer Showdown.  KC Glenn would even defeat Hawkins's right hand man Princeton Pryce to earn the right to choose the stipulations for the title match.  Glenn didn't want anything fancy.  Glenn decided upon a simple No Disqualification Match.  But...Glenn wanted a Special Enforcer for the match, and that Enforcer would be the TCW General Manager, Ricky Dale Johnson!  

    "I'm going to play your game," Glenn told Hawkins.  "I know what's waiting for me at Summer Showdown.  So I'm going to make the battlefield as fair as possible.  And nobody can make it more fair than RDJ!"  

    To no one's surprise, the rest of the Syndicate would get involved in the championship match to help their leader.  But, unlike Total Mayhem, Glenn would have allies to come to his rescue.  Sammy Bach & Randy Unleashed.  Two men who had valiantly battled the Syndicate in the past and have fallen to the numbers game.  Bach & Unleashed helped fend off The Syndicate, and as a result left Glenn and Hawkins alone to battle one-on-one.  And that's all Glenn needed to complete his mission.  After hitting the Tuning Up The Sunshine Band twice, Glenn would pin Hawkins to become World Heavyweight Champion for the 1st Time in his career.  

    It's been a long road for KC Glenn, and now he stands on top of the mountain in TCW and the wrestling world.  The question is now...what is next?...and can KC Glenn stay at the top of the mountain?

    (KC Glenn ends Wolf Hawkins's 5th Reign as TCW World Heavyweight Championship after exactly one full year.  Hawkins defeated Sammy Bach for the Championship at Summer Showdown 2021.  Hawkins successfully defended the championship 12 times.)

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  3. So I just had Fro Sure get caught in a Steroid Distribution Scandal in my latest game.  Hilarious that it happened to Fro, seeing that he’s the one dude I can never get to bulk up in any game ever.

    Anywho, I went ahead and took the L and released him.  He will be missed, he had become a really good worker in this save.  Just curious, though, anyone know what would’ve happened if I just kept Fro Sure?  How bad could the PR damage possibly be?  

    • Sad 1
  4. As promised, here is Part 2!

    TCW Total Mayhem 2022  (Night 2)

    May 2022: Attendance: 91,000 - Show Rating: 100!!!

    Aztec Prince defeated Princeton Pryce to become the NEW TCW Television Champion (91)

    Prince made his surprise return to TCW over a month prior, during a brawl between Team Lucha! & The Syndicate.  Prince would surprise everyone, as he turned his back on The Syndicate and helped Team Lucha! in the brawl.  Wolf Hawkins and the rest of The Syndicate would paint Prince as a backstabber.  But in reality, Wolf had replaced Prince with Primus Allen as the Enforcer of The Syndicate when Prince was out with a lengthy injury.  After several battles with The Syndicate, including pinning Princeton Pryce in tag team action, Prince would challenge Pryce for the TCW TV Title on the May 2022 Edition of Saturday Night Showcase.  Pryce would deliberately getting DQ'ed during the title match, attacking Prince with a steel chair.  

    A Battle Royal was booked for Night 1 of Total Mayhem, the winner to challenge Princeton Pryce for the TV Title on Night 2.  Aztec Prince was one of the first wrestlers who declared for the Battle Royal, and eventually won it in impressive fashion.  Pryce would attempt to get himself DQ'ed again in the rematch, but Referee Darren Smith would have none of it, refusing to allow Princeton to cheat his way out of the title defense.  After all the dirty tactics Pryce could pull, Aztec Prince would hit his patented Triple Powerbomb on Princeton to become the new TCW Television Champion!  Prince brings Princeton Pryce's 10-Month Title Reign to a close after a whopping 41 Successful Title Defenses.

    Grimm Enterprise (Davis Wayne Newton & Donte Dunn) defeated Club Booyah (Fro Sure & Robbie Retro) (96)

    The rivalry began at Where Angels Fear To Tread in the 6-Man Ticket To Mayhem Match, where the winner would earn a TCW World Title Match at Total Mayhem.  Donte Dunn was inches away from pulling down the title match contract before being shoved off the ladder by Fro Sure.  Dunn blamed Fro Sure for losing his opportunity, and would proceed to brutally beat down Fro Sure days later on Total Wrestling TV.   Fro Sure would return on the May 2022 Edition of Saturday Night Showcase, distracting and costing Dunn his match with KC Glenn (where Glenn had put his World Title shot on the line).  The rivalry has quickly heated up, and eventually involved stablemates for both men.  Donte Dunn would attack Fro Sure during his match with Davis Wayne Newton, and Fro Sure's close friend Robbie Retro would make the save post-match.  Thus, this blockbuster tag team match was made for Total Mayhem!

    It would be the founder of Grimm Enterprise, Brother Grimm, who would make the ultimate difference in this thrilling tag team contest.  Grimm would himself involved and take a punch to the mouth, courtesy of Robbie Retro.  But Grimm did his job, distracting Retro enough to allow Dunn to hit Robbie with his Sunny Daze finisher for the win.  Grimm Enterprise comes away with the big win, but this feud between Fro Sure & Donte Dunn has only begun!

    Brooke Tyler defeated Sara Marie York (88)

    This feud began just days after York lost her rubber match to Fuyuko High over the TCW World Women's Championship.  Brook Tyler would interrupt an interview involving York to mock Sara, calling her old news.  York warned the undefeated Tyler that her arrogance would eventually get her in trouble.  Tyler would laugh off such advice.  A week later at the May 2022 Edition of Saturday Night Showcase, Tyler would lose a #1 Contendership Match to Alina America, in a bout in which she controlled most of the contest.  As York had predicted, Tyler became cocky, and America would catch with Brooke with a rollup for the win!  Days later, it would be York's turn to interrupt a Brooke Tyler interview and take a few jabs, just like Tyler did to her.  Quite bitter over the loss, Tyler would cheap shot York before fleeing the interview stage.  Not long, York vs Tyler was book for Total Mayhem!

    It looked like Tyler about to suffer her second loss in TCW, but a Brooke would rake York's eyes when the referee was out of position.  Tyler took full advantage of the situation, putting the blinded York down for the three count with the Brooke Breaker.  York swears revenge as Tyler departs from the arena, while Brooke is all smiles with her arms raised after earning the biggest victory of her career.

    In a I Quit Match, Sammy Bach defeated Aaron Andrews (91)

    The longest feud currently in TCW, it all began when Andrews turned on his close friend Sammy Bach in a bitter act of jealousy.  Ever since costing Sammy Bach his final opportunity against Wolf Hawkins over the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, Andrews has gone full bad guy.  He has aligned himself with TCW Executive Eddie Chandler and Rick Law, creating a group that would eventually be known as The Supreme.  The authoritative claimed to represent the "Powers That Be" Within TCW, making decisions behind the scenes.   After several wars with Andrews, Sammy Bach would earn one more opportunity to battle Aaron after defeating Rick Law in a Parking Lot Brawl.  Upset with Law losing to Bach, Andrews and the rest of The Supreme would turn on Rick Law, delivering a brutal beatdown.  Wanting to put this feud to a close, Bach and Andrews would agree to a I Quit Match at Total Mayhem.

    Bach appeared to be in trouble when the rest of The Supreme got involved in the match.  But, much to the surprise of all, Rick Law would make a surprise return, eliminating the entire Supreme group all on his own!  Law had the opportunity to take out Andrews as well, but instead back down and told Aaron that he was all Sammy's!  The battle would continue one-on-one, and eventually Andrews would find himself locked in the Bach on your Back, with Sammy using a steel pipe to allow more pressure!  With no one there to save him, Andrews had no choice but to say those two words!  I QUIT!  I QUIT!  I QUIT!  The historic feud finally comes to a close, with Sammy Bach extracting sweet sweet revenge on the biggest show of the year.

    In a Fatal Four Way Match, Mainstream Hernandez defeated Amazing Firefly, Kill Switch, & Magnum Kobe to become the NEW TCW World Cruiserweight Champion  (80)

    With the TCW roster continuing to grow, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson announced the revival of the cruiserweight division, with a brand-new World Cruiserweight Champion to be crowned at Total Mayhem.  Qualifying matches would ensue all the way up to the PPV, revealing quickly who would be the names to carry the lighter weight division. 

    Mainstream Hernandez has been in TCW for nearly two years, and has been a mainstay in the main event picture for some time.  In fact, he has come close several times to becoming TCW World Heavyweight Champion.  Well, Hernandez finally has earned championship gold at Total Mayhem when he managed to put Amazing Firefly for the 1,2,3 after an exciting Fatal Four Way Match.  It appears Hernandez has found his niche in the Cruiserweight Division, and is determined to represent it properly as its champion!  

    In a Triple Threat Tag Team Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Canadian Animals & The Keith Brothers to RETAIN the TCW World Tag Team Championship (99, Tied for MOTN!)

    The feud between the Canadian Animals & The Keith Brothers has been a lengthy one, derived from the stable war between Club Booyah & the Kings of Wrestling.  Despite that stable war being over, this tag team feud has continued with no end in sight.  Both teams recently have had their own shot at The Aegis and the TCW World Tag Team Titles, and both teams have cost each other their opportunities.  Thus, this Triple Threat would eventually be booked for Total Mayhem.

    And it would be that heated feud that the Aegis would take advantage of.  When the Animals and Keith Brothers were focused on each other during the match, Youngman & Ferrera would capitalize by putting Freddy Huggins down for the 3 count with their tag team finisher, The Equalizer.  The Aegis keep the World Tag Team Titles in The Syndicate camp, and are still considered the best tag team currently in professional wrestling.  

    In the Main Event of Total Mayhem 2022, Wolf Hawkins defeated KC Glenn to RETAIN the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (99, Tied for MOTN!)

    Ever since KC Glenn stepped into TCW, he seemed destined to eventually headline Total Mayhem.  Formerly dubbed the Diamond of Grimm Enterprise, Glenn would dominate the roster with a lengthy run as TCW International Champion.  He would never be pinned for the International Title, but rather lose it in a 5 Man Ladder Match.  In fact, in two years of being in TCW, Glenn has only be pinned once (Donte Dunn), and in tainted fashion.  Eventually, after leaving Grimm Enterprise, Glenn's badass way would lead him to becoming one of the biggest babyfaces in the company.  With the support of the fans behind him, KC Glenn would win the 2022 Edition the Ticket to Mayhem Match, which earned him the right to challenge Wolf Hawkins for the TCW World Heavyweight Title at Total Mayhem 2022.

    Leading up to the match, KC Glenn was warned by Sammy Bach & Randy Unleashed, both men who have had their lengthy wars with The Syndicate.  If he was going to dethrone Hawkins, he was going to need allies, because Wolf would have his own and not be afraid to use them.  KC Glenn, though, was determined to take this journey on alone.  Glenn was confident that he had all the tools to take Wolf Hawkins and The Syndicate down, all by himself.

    Unfortunately, KC Glenn was wrong.  After Referee Ryan Holland took a hard bump during the World Title Match, the rest of The Syndicate would get themselves involved.  At first, it looked like Glenn was really going to do it all by himself.  Glenn cleared the ring of Ernest Youngman.  He cleared the ring of Xavi Ferrera.  He even cleared the ring of Wolf's personal enforcer, Primus Allen.  But, as Glenn attempted to put Hawkins away with his finishing move, KC would get clobbered with a steel chair from behind by Wolf's protege, Princeton Pryce.  Pryce would clobber Glenn with the chair several times before it finally put KC down on the mat.  The damage done, Hawkins would then fly through air and connect with his finisher, the Full Moon Rising.  1,2,3, Wolf Hawkins stands victorious once again at Total Mayhem!

    KC Glenn learned a tough lesson at Total Mayhem.  As much as he wanted to do it on his own, he's going to need allies if he's ever going to take down Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate.  The question is now...will KC Glenn ever get another opportunity to do so?  

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  5. The roster in my TCW game has become so big in size and depth that I decided to do something rather epic.  For the first time ever, TCW Total Mayhem is a 2 Night Extravaganza!  The biggest show of the year in professional wrestling is now too big for just one night!

    TCW Total Mayhem 2022 (Night 1)

    May 2002 - Attendance: 99,298 - Show Rating: 98

    Keanu Kai (High Flyin Hawaiian) defeated Spencer Spade (97, MOTN)

    Like many Spencer Spade rivalries, this all began when Spade opened his mouth and proceeded to insult someone.  In this case, it was Keanu Kai.  Things escalated during a 6 Man Scramble Match, which was booked to decide the #1 Contender for the TCW International Championship for TCW Total Mayhem.  Spade believed he should have won the Scramble Match if it wasn't for Kai, which led to Spencer brutally assaulting Kai after one of Keanu's matches.  After Kai retaliated with a surprise revenge attack, this match was booked for Total Mayhem!

    The one thing we know about Spencer Spade is that he will do anything to win.  Among anything, Spade has become quite friendly with using brass knuckles, and has won several big matches thanks to the trusty knucks.  Well, this time, Spade was caught red-headed by Referee Ryan Holland, who ripped the knucks from Spade before he could use them!  After having a shouting match with the referee, a distracted Spade would walk right into Kai's Pacific Crush finisher!  1,2,3!  Keanu Kai picks up the huge win to kickoff Total Mayhem weekend!  

    Aztec Prince wins a 20 Man Battle Royal.  As a result, Prince earns a TCW World Television Championship Match on Night 2 of Total Mayhem (82)

    Obviously, this is an attempt to get the rest of the TCW roster some exposure on the Total Mayhem card.  Aztec Prince has been on fire since returning from injury and turning his back on The Syndicate and turning babyface to join Team Lucha!.  After eliminating Long Beach Crew's Cali Slick to secure the victory, Prince punched his ticket to Night 2 of Total Mayhem, and will challenge The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce for the TCW World Television Championship!

    Jay Chord defeated Randy Unleashed (95)

    This one escalated quickly a month prior to Total Mayhem.  Chord has been in a slump for a few months now, to the point that he disappeared briefly from TCW television.  Meanwhile, Randy Unleashed just came up short in a 2nd attempt to take the TCW World Heavyweight Championship from Wolf Hawkins.  Unleashed was being interviewed about the tough loss to Hawkins, when he was brutally sneak attacked by Chord.  Chord would later explain his reasons.  Chord blamed Unleashed for his recent slump, as it was Randy who defeated Jay in the finals of the 2023 King of Kings Tournament back in December.  Chord claims that's where the slump started, and he was determined to "right the wrongs."  Chaos has ensued ever since, including two different times where Unleashed & Chord had to be pulled apart from each other by half the locker room.  It set up the perfect match to be included on the Total Mayhem card.

    When Chord appeared to be in trouble, his fellow Kings of Wrestling members, Greg & Matthew Keith, would interfere in the match.  This would lead to the Canadian Animals appearing to even the odds, as they are currently in a lengthy feud with the Keith Brothers.  The damage was done, though.  After one final distraction by Greg Keith, Unleashed would become victim to Chord's Cradle Piledriver.  Chord picks up the big at Total Mayhem, but this feud appears far from over.

    In a Tag Team Fatal Four Way Match, Winner's Edge (Chance Fortune & Roderick Remus) defeated The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock), Long Beach Crew (Ali X & Mobstar), & The Omega Men (Cameron Vessey & Nelson Callum) (89)

    In a match to highlight TCW's deep tag team division, a shot at the TCW World Tag Team Championship was on the line for whichever team could come out on top.  Chance Fortune & Roderick Remus both in the past year disbanded from their long term tag teams.  Eventually, Fortune & Remus would realize there was some solid chemistry between them, and thus the tag team Winner's Edge was born.  Fortune & Remus has been successful ever since becoming a team, and they pick up their biggest win yet at Total Mayhem.  We'll just have to see if they can keep on rolling and eventually become TCW Tag Team Champions!

    In a Last Man Standing Match, Mr. Lucha defeated Primus Allen to successfully retain the TCW International Championship (93)

    In their previous encounter for the International Championship, Lucha barely escaped still champ.  Allen dominated most of the match, but Lucha would just barely catch Primus with a roll up for the 1,2,3.  Unfortunately for Lucha, Allen would win a 6-Man Scramble Match to earn another title opportunity.  Allen would later attack Lucha during a stage interview, causing severe rib injuries.  Allen would mock Lucha as he attempted to stand up and fight back.  It would lead to this match eventually being booked as a Last Man Standing Match.  

    Through injured ribs and all, Mr. Lucha refused to quit.  Allen attempted to put Lucha down for good with a Powerbomb off the entrance stage.  But Lucha fight off the attempt, and eventually back toss Allen off the stage and through a set of tables!  As Referee Castillo began to count, Lucha proceeded to throw everything he could find on top of Allen.  Ladders, Chairs, Everything!  Referee Castillo count reaches 10!  Lucha overcomes all the odds, and walks away still the International Champion!  

    In a 4 Vs. 4 Total Mayhem Match, Team Mighty Mo (Mighty Mo, Garry The Entertainer, Joffy Laine & Tigre Salvaje Jr.) defeated The Sinner Society (Scythe, Dark Nemesis, El Jaguar, & Killer Shark) (86)

    The war between Mighty Mo and Scythe continues, so it's no surprise that this car crash feud creates what would be the annual Total Mayhem Match.  Mighty Mo had his usual allies in Garry The Entertainer & Joffy Laine to join him in battle, but Mo needed one more partner to complete his team.  Mo would find that partner in Team Lucha!'s Tigre Salvaje Jr.  El Jaguar had betrayed his long time partner Salvaje Jr. before turning dark and joining the Sinner Society.  After losing to Jaguar in tainted fashion at the previous PPV, Salvaje Jr. was more than happy to join Team Mo to potentially gain some revenge!

    The Total Mayhem Match ends up being exactly like this Mo-Scythe feud has been.  A giant car crash!  Tons of weapons,  some blood, and a whole lot of violence!  In the end, Mighty Mo would lock Dark Nemesis (Ash Campbell) in a Rear Naked Choke.  With no allies there to help him escape, Nemesis would to be forced to tap out, giving the win to Team Mo!  Mighty Mo extracts some major revenge at Total Mayhem, but does this mean the war with Scythe & Sinner Society is finally over?

    In the Main Event of Total Mayhem Night 1, Alina America defeated Fuyuko Higa to become the NEW TCW World Women's Champion!  (93)

    For the first time ever, the TCW Women's Division headlines a TCW Event!  And if there was ever going to be a women's match to headline a PPV card, it was this one.  Just months prior, Fuyuko Higa just barely escaped her first title defense against America, thanks to interference by ally Miwako Katsukawa and her trademark red mist.  American fought her way back up the ladder, battling rivals like Brooke Tyler & Maribel Mercado.  Finally, after defeating Brooke Tyler one-on-one, America would finally earn her rematch against Higa, and it was booked to happen at the biggest show of the year.

    Miwako Katsukawa would interfere once again, but this time would be caught red handed by Referee Domingo Castillo, who would then toss Katsukawa from ringside!  Now truly one-on-one, this was America's best opportunity.  Higa would attempt to once again blind America with her red mist, but Alina was ready this time and dodged the attempt!  America connected with her patented Southern Lights Bomb!  1...2...3!  America did it!  For a year, Alina America climbed the mountain, with only one singles loss to her record.  And now, America sits at the top of the mountain as the NEW TCW World Women's Champion!  

    Night 2 of TCW Total Mayhem 2022 Coming Soon! 


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  6. TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread 2022

    April 2022 - Attendance: 78,000 - Show Rating: 100!

    In a Lucha Libre Match, El Jaguar defeated Tigre Salvaje Jr. (90)

    The team of the Wild Cats imploded after losing the TCW World Tag Team Championship to The Aegis.  After they lost their return match against the New Champs, El Jaguar shocked the world and assaulted his long time partner and best friend.  This quickly became one of the most heated feuds in TCW history.  After betraying Salvaje Jr. and his stable Team Lucha!, El Jaguar would eventually be recruited into the Sinner Society and take on a darker look and evilish tendencies.

    After Jaguar and Salvaje Jr. split several matches, Salvaje Jr. challenged Jaguar to face him in the only match that could end the feud between them.  A Lucha Libre Match!  Both would also agree that their stablemates would not get involved.  But after the two competitors split the two first falls, Jaguar would insult the entire lucha legacy by using Salvajer Jr.'s own mask to blind Tigre.  WIth Salvaje Jr. briefly discombobulated, Jaguar would hit the Jaguar Suplex and seal the win, thus ending their near 6 month blood feud.

    In a Tables Tag Team Elimination Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock) to successfully retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship.  (95)

    Another longstanding feud comes to a close, one partially built upon Chris Flynn's previous history as a Syndicate member.  After barely coming up short on two occasions from becoming Tag Team Champions, Flynn & Whitlock worked their way up the ladder and secured one more chance against The Syndicate's Youngman & Ferrera.  While the CSF were able to pick up a couple wins over the Tag Champions in 6-Man competition, but the question was whether they could get the W when the championship gold was on the line.

    After a couple weeks where both teams would put the other through a table, this final encounter was booked as a Tables Elimination Match.  Alas, like many teams before, the CSF would eventually fall to the shady ways of The Syndicate.  Despite being eliminated from the match, Xavi Ferrera would return to the ring to help his partner Youngman, who had been left alone one-on-one with CSF's Chris Flynn.  Sterling Whitlock would eventually return as well to chase away Ferrera, but the damage was already done.  Youngman would put Flynn through a table with a Superplex, securing the successful title defense for his tag team.  The Aegis remain on top of the mountain as TCW Tag Team Champs, and clearly the best tag team in the world today.  

    Scythe defeated Mighty Mo (85)

    Eddie Peak willingly gave over the reigns of the Sinner Society to Scythe under one condition.  Scythe would do the one thing Peak could never accomplish.  DESTROY MIGHTY MO!  Ever since then, it's been like deja vu for Mo, reigniting this war with the Sinner Society.  But this was a new Sinner Society, as Scythe had rebuilt the stable with the likes of El Jaguar, Kill Switch, and Ash Campbell under the new alias Dark Nemesis.  But, with allies like Garry The Entertainer & Joffy Laine, Mighty Mo was ready for a war!

    After several battles with the Sinner Society, this one-on-one bout was finally set to happen.  And of course, chao would ensue, as everyone involved in this war would make an appearance during this match.  Unfortunately for Mo, he would distract himself, taking his eyes off Scythe to plant Dark Nemesis with his Plunging Spinebuster.  This would allow Scythe to catch Mo off-guard and connect with the Giant Chokeslam for the win.  But clearly, this war between Mighty Mo & Scythe are far from over.

    Some might say....it could be heading towards Total Mayhem!

    Team Lucha!'s Aztec Prince & Mr. Lucha defeated The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce & Primus Allen (85)

    In April's Edition of TCW's Saturday Night Showcase, Mr. Lucha would headline the monthly event by defending the TCW International Championship against his new rival, Primus Allen.  Allen appeared to have Lucha's number, using his barbaric strength to overwhelm the International Champion.  But, when it looked like we were going to have a new champion, Lucha would shock Allen by catching him with a small package, sneaking away with the victory!  

    The celebration didn't last long, as The Syndicate would immediately ambush Lucha post-match.  The rest of Team Lucha! would hit the ring for the save, as a stable brawl would ensue.  To the shock of many, a familiar theme song would hit, and out would walked the returning Aztec Prince, back after 5 months of rehabbing his shoulder!  Prior to his injury, Aztec Prince was a member of The Syndicate, a personal enforcer for Wolf Hawkins.  At first, Hawkins was delighted to see Prince, but not for long!  Aztec Prince would turn away from the Syndicate and side with Team Lucha!, and helped his masked brethren send The Syndicate fleeing from ringside. One week later, Aztec Prince would officially become a member of Team Lucha!.  

    Thus, this tag team match would be set up after several weeks of altercations.  And, in his first match back from injury, it was quite the showing for Aztec Prince.  Prince would end up winning the match for Team Lucha!, pinning TCW Television Champion Princeton Pryce after his Double Pop-Up Powerbomb.  It is the first pinfall loss Pryce has suffered in close to a year, and the first one since becoming TV Champion! 

    The feud between Mr. Lucha & Primus Allen is clearly not over yet.  Meanwhile, it looks like Princeton Pryce has found himself a new challenger for his Television Championship!  

    Sammy Bach defeated Rick Law in a Parking Lot Brawl (85)

    The war between Sammy Bach & Aaron Andrews continues on after Andrews betrayed his close friend Sammy, costing him his World Title Rematch opportunity all out of an act of pure jealousy.  Since then, Andrews has aligned himself with TCW Executive Eddie Chandler & Rick Law, who claim to represent the Powers That Be behind the scenes in TCW.  As a result of all this, Law has become involved in this feud, including costing Bach some matches.  When Bach challenged Andrews to one more battle, Law stepped in and declared that if Sammy wanted his rubber match...then Sammy would have to go through him!  After a plethora amount of chaos, this match ended up turning into a Parking Lot Brawl, a 1st in TCW!

    Law received some help from his Law & Order minions, Big Bruiser Findlay & Marshall Dillion.  Nevertheless, Bach was able to overcome all the odds all on his own.  After both men climbed on top of a scaffold in the arena parking pot, Bach would knock Law from the scaffold, and send Rick crashing on top of the roof of a parked limousine!  Bach would follow up by leaping off the scaffold and splashing on top of the limousine!  1,2,3, Bach gets the big win, and he will get his rubber match with Aaron Andrews...and it will happen at Total Mayhem!

    (Before the next match, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson appeared on stage.  After talking about how the TCW roster has grown in the last couple of years, RDJ notes how TCW has talent of all shapes and sizes.  Therefore, it has been decided that TCW will be debuting a new World Championship Title.  RDJ proceeds to reveal the TCW World Junior Heavyweight Championship!  A title for the lightweights on the TCW roster, RDJ notes that preliminary matches will begin the following week.  Those preliminary matches will lead to a Fatal Four Way Match at TCW Total Mayhem, where the winner will be crowed the first TCW World Junior Heavyweight Champion!)  

    In a 6-Man Ticket To Mayhem Ladder Match, KC Glenn defeated Aaron Andrews, Donte Dunn, Fro Sure, Mainstream Hernandez, & Spencer Spade (97, MOTN!)

    The Ticket To Mayhem Match has become a tradition in the last couple of years in TCW, taking place at every edition of Where Angels Fear To Tread.  It is a 6-Man Ladder Match, where in which the man who retrieves the contract high above the ring earns the biggest opportunity in professional wrestling.  They earn the right to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship in the Main Event at Total Mayhem!  

    Only the best in TCW even earn a qualifying match, so needless to say only the most deserving have the chance to climb the ladder and retrieve the contract.  After plenty of well of ladder match chaos and well...mayhem, it was the former TCW International Champion KC Glenn who able to overcome all the odds and retrieve the contract before everyone else.  As Glenn stood at the top of the ladder and raised the contract high, we all witnessed the destiny that was pretty clear for a talent like him.  KC Glenn is going to Total Mayhem, and he is going to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!  

    Fuyuko Higa defeated Sara Marie York to Successfully Retain the TCW World Women's Championship (90)

    The biggest women's feud in the history of TCW's female division finally comes to end, as Higa & York finally have their rubber match.  This time, though, Higa would have to retain her title without the help of her pal, Miwako Katsukawa.  York had defeated Higa & Katsukawa in tag team action, and as a result Katsukawa was banned from ringside for this title match.

    Certainly two of the best female wrestlers in the world, Higa & York delivered another classic to bring this feud to a close.  In the end, York was able to kick out of the first Higa Green Driver, but the 2nd one turned out to be her demise.  Fuyuko Higa continues on in her 2nd reign as TCW Women's Champion, as she eyes Total Mayhem and whomever her next challenger might be.  

    Wolf Hawkins defeated Randy Unleashed to Successfully Retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (96)

    Hawkins barely survived his title defense against Unleashed at Malice in Wonderland, thanks to interference by The Syndicate's newest member, Primus Allen.  Ever since, Unleashed was determined to earn another opportunity at the World Title.  After defeating Primus Allen at Excessive Force, the rematch was finally set to happen.  During the official contract signing, Unleashed even convinced Hawkins to agree to a one-on-one match, with no other Syndicate members interfering in their rematch.

    That turned out not to be true, as Hawkins's manager/personal assistant Venus Angeletti would interfere, but would also get caught red handed and tossed from ringside by the referee!  Finally a one-on-one contest, Unleashed knew this was his opportunity!  Ready to finish off the champion, Unleashed attempted to connect with his patented Running Enziguri.  But Hawkins would manage to dodge the maneuver, and with the referee currently down after a collision, incapacitated Randy with a brutal low blow!    After Unleashed attempted to recover from the cheap shot, Hawkins soared through the air and connected with the Full Moon Rising!  1,2,3, Wolf Hawkins remains TCW World Heavyweight Champion!

    Wolf Hawkins celebrated yet another successful title defense in-ring.  As Hawkins climbed down from the ring corner, Wolf turned around and found himself face to face with his next title challenger, KC Glenn!  Saying not a word, Glenn merely stared down the slightly startled champion.   Hawkins began to share from words with Glenn, but KC would only continue to stare down Wolf.  The message was sent, and Hawkins was fully aware that he had quite the challenge waiting for him at Total Mayhem!  


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  7. TCW Excessive Force 2022

    March 2022 - Attendance: 81,000 - Show Rating: 99

    The Keith Brothers defeated The Canadian Animals (89)

    After Matthew Keith reconciled with his brother Greg and joined the stable The Kings of Wrestling, the brothers made their plans clear.  They were going to take over the TCW Tag Team Division and become the most dominant tag team in wrestling.  Derived from the stable war between KoW and Club Booyah, in their way stood the Canadian Animals, Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins.  Aside from the stable war, Edd Stone & Matthew Keith had become close friends behind the scenes before Matthew's betrayal and heel turn.  Stone wanted vengeance for Keith's betrayal, and what better way than to halt the brothers' plans to become Tag Team Champions?  

    On this night, Stone (and Huggins) were unable to achieve revenge.  After a heated back and forth encounter, the KoW Manager Lisa Bowen would interfere, shoving Edd Stone off the top rope and sending him crashing to the floor.  This would leave Huggins alone with the Keith Brothers, and Freddy would fall victim to their signature finisher, the Spiked Piledriver.  

    Randy Unleashed defeated Primus Allen (86)

    At Malice in Wonderland, Primus Allen would shock the world and join The Syndicate.  The reveal would be when Primus interfered in the World TItle Match between Wolf Hawkins & Randy Unleashed, where in which Primus would make sure the World TItle stayed around Wolf's waist.  Ever since, Unleashed had waged war against The Syndicate, edging closer and closer towards earning another title shot against Hawkins.  Hawkins finally laid the challenge down for Unleashed.  He would grant Randy one more title match...IF he defeated Primus Allen one on one!

    Allen's downfall came as a result of his own pursuit of Mr. Lucha & the TCW International Championship (as instructed by Wolf Hawkins).  After being brutally assaulted by Allen weeks earlier, Mr. Lucha would make his presence known and chase away fellow Syndicate member Princeton Pryce, who interfered in the match after the referee was knocked down.  Lucha would then clobber Primus Allen with his International Championship, giving Randy Unleashed the chance to hit his patented Running Enziguri for the win!  Unleashed will now receive his title rematch with Wolf Hawkins...IF Wolf can retain in the main event!  

    Alina America defeated TCW Women's World Champion Fuyuko Higa by Disqualification (90)

    Fuyuko Higa has had two challengers on her tail for awhile.  The former Women's Champion Sara Marie York, and the newest TCW star who has never been pinned in TCW, Alina America.  In the hopes to turn them against each other, Fuyuko Higa and her running mate Miwako Katsukawa challenged York & America to a tag team match, offering a Women's Title Match to whoever could gain the fall for their team.  While there were issues between York & America in the tag match, they worked together well enough for America to pick up the pinfall on Katsukawa and earn herself a one on one title match with Higa!

    America was primed to overcome all the odds, including interference from Katsukawa.  Sensing her title reign coming to an end, Higa became desperate.  Right in front of the referee, Higa blinded America with her patented Red Mist!  The referee had no choice but to disqualifying Higa, meaning Fuyuko would retain!  A beatdown on America would proceed, but Sara Marie York would hit the ring to chase away Higa & Katsukawa.  Fuyuko Higa manages to keep her Women's World Championship...for now!  

    The Aegis (The Syndicate's Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated Team Lucha!'s Amazing Firefly & Masked Cougar to SUCCESSFULLY retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship (86)

    (OOC: This was originally supposed to be the title rematch between The Aegis & Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock).  Unfortunately, Whitlock suffered a minor injury leading up to it.  While Sterling could still compete, I decided to push off the final match of their feud in the hopes of a better finale score.)

    Amazing Firefly has been on fire since debuting in TCW.  Despite issues with the likes of the Long Beach Crew, Firefly continues to impress every time he competes, which led to him receiving an invite to join Team Lucha!.  Soon after Firefly joining the stable, Firefly & Masked Cougar would win a Fatal Four Way Tag Match to earn an opportunity to challenge the dominant Tag Team Champions, The Aegis.  Unfortunately for Team Lucha!, a few miscues led to their demise against what many consider to be the Best Tag Team in Professional Wrestling.  Youngman & Ferrera would hit Masked Cougar with their patented finisher, The Equalizer, thus making sure that the Tag Team Championship remains in the camp of The Syndicate.  

    Donte Dunn defeated KC Glenn (99, MOTN!)

    It wasn't long ago when KC Glenn was the diamond within Brother Grimm's Grimm Enterprise.  But, after Grimm accidentally cost Glenn his TCW International Title Reign in a 5 Way Ladder Match, their relationship began to diminish.  It would finally implode when Glenn fired Brother Grimm as his manager, which would lead to a feud with another GE client, Davis Wayne Newton.  As Glenn was determined to become World Champion, Brother Grimm wanted to destroy KC by any means necessary.  Glenn would defeat Newton one on one, thus earning 5 Minutes Alone with Brother Grimm!  Little did Glenn that Grimm had a backup plan.  During those five minutes, newcomer Donte Dunn would reveal his allegiance to Brother Grimm by brutally attacking Glenn!

    Glenn would win their 1st Encounter by DQ after interference by Davis Wayne Newton.  Finally, a rematch was set between two of the biggest rising stars in TCW, both men never pinned in their TCW careers.  Glenn had the win in his grasp, but unfortunately would lose focus and become distracted by Brother Grimm.  Donte Dunn would take full advantage and put KC Glenn down with his finisher, the Sunny Haze.  After a year and half in TCW, KC Glenn finally suffers his first pinfall at the hands of Brother Grimm's newest diamond, Donte Dunn!  

    Fro Sure defeated Jay Chord in a Steel Cage Match (92)

    The issues between Club Booyah & Kings of Wrestling were supposed to end in the Wargames Match at The War To Settle The Score.  But after Matthew Keith's heel turn led to Club Booyah's demise, Fro Sure wasn't going to let it end there.  Fro & Jay Chord had become bitter rivals in the midst of the stable war,  as they are two men with vastly different personalities.  Both men held a pinfall over the other in singles competition.  Fro Sure challenged Jay Chord to one more war, this time one on one in a Steel Cage.  Thankfully for our sakes, Chord accepted!

    Of course, there was interference by both Club Booyah & KoW members.  But thankfully, eventually it came down to the two men locked inside the cage.  Eventually, it came down to both men brawling at the top of the cage.  In a scary moment, Chord attempted to Piledrive fifteen foot to the mat.  But, Fro Sure would break free and back toss Chord off the top of the cage!  There Chord went, crashing to the mat, BAM!  With Chord down and out, Fro Sure would climb out of the cage to the floor and seal the biggest win in his TCW career!

    In a Six Man Tag Team Match, The Sinner Society (Scythe, El Jaguar, & Killer Shark) defeated Mighty Mo, Garry The Entertainer, & Joffy Laine (89)

    In a shocking turn of events, Scythe would take over the Sinner Society after feuding with the stable for much of 2021.  Eddie Peak gave up the helm of his stable under one condition.  He wanted Scythe to do the one thing he could never do.  DESTROY MIGHTY MO!  Scythe agreed to do so, revealing their alliance by setting up a trap for Mighty Mo and brutally beating Mo down.  Scythe began to sculpt Sinner Society in his own vision.  A former member of Team Lucha! and SS's newest member, El Jaguar began to wear more dark gear, his persona to follow.  Scythe would kick out long term member Titan after The Behemoths suffered a tag team loss.  In fact, Titan was kicked out of the group after a beatdown by his longtime partner, Killer Shark!

    Mighty Mo was ready to take the war to Sinner Society, and so were his longtime friends, Garry The Entertainer & Joffy Laine.  This Six Man Tag was set, but little did Mighty Mo and Friends know that there was new member of Sinner Society lurking in the shadows.  Ash Campbell would show up during the match after mysteriously disappearing from TCW TV a month prior.  Now donning dark makeup, Campbell would interfere on behalf of Sinner Society, which led to Scythe hitting Joffy Laine with a big Chokeslam for the win.  Scythe would reveal that Ash Campbell had been reborn under his new persona, and now will be known as...DARK NEMESIS!

    In a Triple Threat Match, Wolf Hawkins defeated Mainstream Hernandez & Spencer Spade to SUCCESSFULLY Retain The TCW World Heavyweight Championship (93)

    Hawkins found himself intertwined in the heated feud between Hernandez & Spade purely by bad luck.  After feuding for a few months, a 2nd encounter was set between Hernandez & Spade (Spade won the 1st).  Per TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson, the winner would receive a TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match.  Hernandez would win the rematch and the title shot.  Unfortunately for Hernandez, Spade would interfere in that title match, clocking Mainstream with his trademark brass knuckles, and allowing Hawkins to retain the World Title.  Post-Match, Spade would then attack Wolf Hawkins as well, before bailing through the crowd before the rest of The Syndicate could get their hands on him!  

    Spencer Spade would invite Wolf Hawkins on his talk show, The Supreme Talk Show.  Spade claimed he wanted to mend fences with Hawkins, but it only led to insults between the two.  Eventually, it would lead to chaos between Hawkins, Spade, & eventually Hernandez.  So, RDJ saw a great opportunity to book an exciting Triple Threat for TCW's Excessive Force.  

    As frustrating as it had to be for Wolf to be involved in Hernandez & Spade's feud, their hatred for each other eventually led to both of their demise.  After Hernandez dodged Spade's attempt to hit him with his Brass Knuckles, Mainstream put Spade down with the Apparition #14.  Before Hernandez could take advantage, though, Hawkins came flying through the air, connecting with the Full Moon Rising on Mainstream!  1,2,3, Hawkins Retains!

    As Hawkins celebrated another successfully title defense, his attention was swayed towards the entrance way.  There stood Randy Unleashed!  Unleashed made it clear to Hawkins.  Enjoy the moment.   Because soon?  They were going to do battle once again!  






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  8. So my company is getting pretty large in my TCW game, to the point that I'm considering making the biggest event of the year (Total Mayhem) a two-night event.  When I have done that before in previous games, I would have a plethora of wrestlers upset that they were not booked on one of the nights.  Any ideas to avoid that?  The only thing I can think of is just doing a bunch of promos and highlight videos.  Some big multi matches on the pre-show.  

  9. TCW The War To Settle The Score 2022

    February 2022 - Attendance: 88,909 - Show Rating: 89

    Long Beach Crew (Ali X & Mobstar) defeated Pocket Aces (Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus) in a 2/3 Falls Match. (79)

    This lengthy tag team feud comes to a close thanks to interference by the leader of the LBC, Cali Slick.  As a result of this match, Pocket Aces must disband as a tag team.  Once consider the best tag team in world, former TCW World Tag Team Champions, now the Pocket Aces are no more.

    (OOC: This decision is based on the physical decline of Joshua Taylor, which has been fast and impactful.  His stamina, for example, is in the dumps now.  Meanwhile, Roderick Remus has developed in a very good midcarder, so I feel like it would be a waste to keep Pocket Aces together.  After testing many tag teams through house show booking, I found out Remus & Chance Fortune have excellent tag team chemistry, so I'll be going that route soon.)

    Mr. Lucha defeated El Jaguar to Successfully Retain the TCW International Championship. (79)

    A former member of Team Lucha!, El Jaguar imploded the Wild Cats tag team by brutally assaulting his tag team partner, Tigre Salvaje Jr. after they lost their Tag Title rematch.  When the former tag partners, finally faced off one on one, Jaguar would get himself Disqualified by attacking Salvaje with a steel chair, deliberately trying to break Tigre's leg with it.  Afterwards, Jaguar turned his eyes towards his former friend and leader of Team Lucha!, Mr. Lucha.  Lucha accepted Jaguar's challenge for his International Championship, happy to seek revenge for his friend, Salvaje Jr.  In a final twist days before the PPV, Mr. Lucha would be ambushed by Sinner Society, as Jaguar would reveal he has joined Eddie Peak's heelish group!  

    Team Lucha!, though, had a surprise for Jaguar at the PPV.  When Jaguar attempted to attack Lucha with his own International Championship Belt, Tigre Salvaje Jr. would make his surprise return and rip the championship belt away from Jaguar!  Distracted by his former tag team partner, Jaguar would walk right into Lucha's Third Strike finisher for the 1,2,3!  

    WAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!

    In a 4 Vs. 4 War Games Match, The Kings of Wrestling (Jay Chord, Greg Keith, & C-V-2) defeated Club Booyah (Fro Sure, Robbie Retro, & The Canadianl Animals). (88)

    This has been a stable war that has been going on for a while now, primarily built around the heated rivalry of Jay Chord & Fro Sure.  Also, Edd Stone was a former member of KoW that had been kicked out after a dispute with former partner, Casey Valentine.  It was to (hopefully) bring his stable war to a close, and what better place to do it than in Wargames!

    Meanwhile, a month prior, Matthew Keith lost a I Quit Match to his brother Greg Keith, ending a lengthy sibling rivalry.  Per rules of the match, Matthew Keith had no choice but to join the Kings of Wrestling.  The weeks following, it was clear that Matthew was disgusted with the situation.  For weeks, he was ridiculed by Jay Chord and his own brother, Greg.  When Matthew Keith made his way to the ring with a steel chair during Wargames, nobody know what he would do.  After teasing striking his own brother, Matthew would shock the world and begin to brutally attack Club Booyah with the steel chair!  This would allow Greg Keith to apply the Proton Lock to Edd Stone, forcing him to tap out.  Post-Match, Matthew Keith would embrace the rest of the Kings of Wrestling.  Clearly, Keith has submitted to the ways of KoW and has reconciled with his brother Greg.  The Keith Brothers have made their intentions clear, as they are turning their attention towards the TCW World Tag Team Championship!  

    Fuyuko Higa defeated Alina America & Sara Marie York in a Triple Threat Match to Successfully Retain the TCW Women's World Championship. (90)

    After losing the Women's Title to Higa in tainted fashion, Sara Marie York was eyeing a rematch with Fuyuko.  At the same time, the undefeated Alina America had grown tired waiting for her opportunity.  A Contendership Match was set between America & York to decide Higa's next challenger.  Higa, though, would interfere in the match, assaulting both women.  As punishment for her interference, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson forced Higa to defend her Women's Title against both America & York!  

    Little did anyone know what Higa had planned.  One of TCW's newest signings, Miwako Katsukawa, would interfere on Higa's behalf, helping Fuyuko retain her Women's Championship.  Katsukawa would later reveal her alliance to both Higa and the Sinner Society, as Miwako has one primary goal.  Keep that Women's Championship around Fuyuko Higa's waist! 

    Mighty Mo defeated Rick Law in a Dog Collar Match. (93, MOTN!)

    One of the more brutal rivalries in recent TCW memory comes to a close in what has become Mighty Mo's trademark gimmick match, the Dog Collar Match.  Ever since Rick Law debuted in TCW, aligning himself with Eddie Chandler and "The Power That Be," Mighty Mo and his allies (Joffy Laine & Garry The Entertainer) have been targets of Law & Chandler.  Needless to say, though, Mighty Mo isn't the type to back down from a fight.  After a variety of brutal match ups, this rivalry finally came to a close with both Mo & Law connected via steel chain.  The match was pure chaos with plenty of interference and plenty of blood spilled.  In the end, Mighty Mo would put Rick Law through a table with a SUPER Plunging Spinebuster to get the victory, notching the key victory in this historic feud.  

    Aaron Andrews defeated Sammy Bach in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. (88)

    This very heated feud continues, as Aaron Andrews turned heel months prior by costing Sammy Bach his final chance at Wolf Hawkins and regaining the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.  Andrews had grown into a bitter man, blaming the crowd for turning on him, and blaming Bach for taking "his spot" at the top of the TCW roster.  When Andrews refused to listen to reason, things got pretty ugly between Aaron & Bach.  Bach won the first encounter when Andrews deliberately got himself DQ'ed with a low blow.  Chaos has ensued ever since, leading to General Manager RDJ booking this Falls Count Anywhere Match.

    Bach was about to win the match, about to put Andrews away in big fashion.  With Andrews laying on a table, Bach began to climb a ladder, with god knows what planned!  In a shocking turn of events, Eddie Chandler would appear, trying to prevent Bach from climbing the ladder further.  Bach would eventually kick Chandler off and deck him good, but the distraction allowed Andrews to recover and shove over the ladder, sending Bach crashing!  Andrews would follow up by putting Bach through a table with patented Spear for the 1,2,3.  Post-Match, Andrews would shake hands with Chandler, later revealing his alliance with Eddie and "The Power That Be."  Needless to say, Bach is far from done with Andrews after what occurred! 

    WAR GAMES!!!.......AGAIN!!!!

    In a 4 Vs. 4 War Games Match, Team Unleashed (Randy Unleashed, Scythe, & Calgary Strike Force) defeated The Syndicate (Primus Allen, TCW Television Champion Princeton Pryce, & TCW World Tag Team Champions The Aegis). (90)

    Randy Unleashed has declared war on The Syndicate after being robbed of his World Title Match against champion Wolf Hawkins.  The newest member of the Syndicate, Primus Allen, would make the shocking reveal by interfering on Wolf's behalf, costing Unleashed his huge opportunity.  Meanwhile, The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock) have been close on two occasions to dethroning the World Tag Team Champions, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera).  Just like Unleashed, it was the Syndicate's dirty tactics that kept CSF from becoming Tag Champions.  

    All this chaos has led to Unleashed & CSF challenging The Syndicate to Wargames.  Wolf Hawkins accepted the challenge, though deemed Unleashed & CSF "unworthy" to have the World Champion himself compete in the match.  Unleashed & CSF were left to find a 4th partner.  In a stunning surprise, just days before the PPV, the lights would go out in the arena, only for Scythe to be standing with Unleashed & CSF when the lights returned!  Needless to say, Hawkins did not expect the Dark Reaper to be the 4th Competitor!  

    After a brutal, Unleashed & CSF would get some satisfaction at least for one evening.  With help from Scythe, Unleashed & CSF would stand victorious over The Syndicate after Unleashed forced Xavi Ferrera to tap out with a Crossface (done with use of a steel pipe).  Wolf Hawkins had no choice but to watch in disgust as the good guys stood over his men at the end of Wargames.  

    Hawkins can avoid it all he likes, but the Champ must know.  Eventually, Hawkins will have to face Randy Unleashed once again, with the TCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line!  


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  10. TCW Malice in Wonderland 2022

    January 2022 - Attendance: 85,000 - Show Rating: 90

    Sammy Bach defeated Aaron Andrews by Disqualification (88)

    This blood feud is derived from Andrews turning heel and costing Bach his "Final Chance" Match against Wolf Hawkins for the World Heavyweight Championship at TCW Threatening Behavior.  It turned out to be a classic case of jealously.  Previously considering Bach one of his best friends, Andrews blamed Bach and the fans for his descent as the top guy in TCW, claiming Sammy "took his spot."  Finally, these two men would battle at MiW, but Andrews would blatantly get himself DQ'ed when the going got tough.  Andrews would then attempt to put Bach through a table, much like he did when he cost Sammy his match with Wolf Hawkins.  But, Bach would turn the tide, and...just like Aaron did to him...Sammy would spear Andrews through the table!  Bach gets a taste of revenge at MiW, but this feud is clearly far from over!

    In a 6-Man Hardcore Tag Team Match, Mighty Mo, Garry The Entertainer, & Joffy Laine defeated Law & Order (Rick Law, Big Bruiser Findlay, & Marshall Dillon) (90)

    Representing TCW Executive Eddie Chandler & The "Powers That Be," Rick Law has declared himself the "Law & Order" of TCW, and has recruited Findlay & Dillon to be his deputies.  Refusing to bow down to the authority, Mighty Mo has become a target of Chandler & Law.  Luckily, Mo has found allies in Garry The Entertainer & Joffy Laine.  Law & Order won the first 6-Man Encounter, thanks to Law's trusty nightstick.  But, this time they battled under Hardcore rules, to which the good guys were able to prevail after Mighty Mo put Findlay down the Plunging Spinebuster.

    In a Strap Match, Mr. Lucha defeated Kill Switch to Successfully RETAIN the TCW International Championship  (93)

    The feud between Team Lucha's Mr. Lucha & Sinner Society's Kill Switch has been on for awhile now.  Lucha snuck away with a victory in their first encounter, but it was clearly not enough to end this feud.  Sinner Society would eventually ambush Lucha, where in which Kill Switch would lash Lucha repeatedly with a belt.  Thus, it would eventually lead to this Strap Match.  Lucha would manage to defeat Kill Switch once more, but Kill Switch would assault Lucha post match, choking Lucha out cold with the leather strap.  The rest of Sinner Society would prevent anyone from interfering with the assault, allowing Kill Switch to choke Lucha with the strap for a very long time.  Finally, fellow Team Lucha members would manage to chase away Sinner Society after arming themselves with steel chairs.  Lucha might have retained his championship, but he would have to be carried out of the arena by his friends.

    Fuyuko Higa defeated Sara Marie York to become the NEW TCW Women's World Champion (90)

    York and Higa have been heated rivals ever since York debuted in TCW in the Summer of 2021.  At Psycho Circus 2021, Sara Marie York became the woman to dethrone Fuyuko Higa and become the new TCW Women's World Champion.  After various encounters throughout the rest of 2021, the long awaited one-on-one rematch was set for MiW.  After York managed to dodge Higa's first attempt of using her patented red mist, York was not ready for Fuyuko having a second capsule.  Behind the referee's back, Higa would blind York with the red mist, then quickly cover York (and Sara's face from the ref) after a devastating kick to the face.  Fuyuko Higa becomes the first ever 2-Time TCW Women's World Champion!

    Greg Keith defeated Matthew Keith in a I Quit Match (88)

    The Keith Family Drama has become a story in TCW for nearly a year now.  Matthew Keith had declared war on his father Sam and brother Greg, claiming that they had disgraced the family name with their dastardly ways.  Matthew wanted to bring respect back to the name, and the first step to doing so was by putting down his brother.  After splitting matches, Greg Keith would assault his brother Matthew and deliberately break his arm (kayfabe).  Matthew fought his way back and set the challenge for Greg.  One more match, an I Quit Match.  Both brothers agreed to the stipulations.  If Matthew won, Greg and Sam could never use the Keith Name again.  If Greg won, Matthew must join the Kings of Wrestling stable, and be faithful to the group.

    Matthew Keith did his damndest to defeat all the odds.  It looked like Matthew might have survived interference from the rest of the Kings of Wrestling, an assist to other rivals of KoW helping in doing so.  But, just when it looked like Matthew had Greg in trouble, Jay Chord would sneak attack Matthew, delivering several chair shots to that previously broken arm of Matthew.  Greg Keith would lock Matthew into an Arm Bar.  Eventually, Matthew would have no choice but scream the words "I Quit."  Matthew Keith now must join the Kings of Wrestling, and he must abide by the instructions of his brother Greg and Jay Chord.  

    (Definitely the biggest disappointment of my show.  This was supposed to be huge.  Matthew & Greg's last match was a 99 for me.  The only negative booking note it received was "low storyline heat."  The storyline was at a 90!  Aw well!  I tried!)

    TCW World Tag Team Champions The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) battled The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock) to a Double Count Out (90)

    The Aegis narrowly escaped their first title defense against CSF, thanks to interference by fellow Syndicate member, Princeton Pryce.  CSF would fight their way to earning this title match, including earning a win over the Aegis in 6-Man Tag Team Action.  Princeton Pryce would interfere yet again, but this time would be caught red handed by the referee and tossed from the arena!  Unfortunately for CSF, this match became all out chaos, as the battle spilled out to ringside and even into the crowd.  Eventually, both teams would be counted out, forcing the referee to declare the match a draw.  Chris Flynn would get on the mic and challenge Youngman & Ferrera to join them in restarting the match.  But, The Aegis were more than happy to walk away and keep the Tag Team Titles in the camp of The Syndicate.  

    Spencer Spade defeated Mainstream Hernandez (95)

    This feud started on Spade's own personal talk show, The Supreme Talk Show.  Hernandez would drop Spade after various insults by Spencer.  It would lead to Spade to costing Hernandez his match in the King of Kings Tournament, and later Hernandez returning the favor to Spade.  After dancing around Hernandez's challenge for awhile, this match was finally booked for MiW.   Winning their only encounter months prior, it looked like Hernandez might defeat Spade once more.  But as Hernandez attempted an aerial attack, Spade would clock Mainstream right on the jaw in mid air with his patented brass knuckles!  The referee clueless as to what happened, Spade would tuck the knucks back into his tight before covering Hernandez for the 1,2,3.  Spade steals a big win!  MATCH OF THE NIGHT!


    Wolf Hawkins defeated Randy Unleashed to Successfully RETAIN The TCW World Heavyweight Championship (90)

    Randy Unleashed was the winner of the 2021 King of Kings Tournament, outlasting 31 of the best that TCW had to offer.  As a result of his tournament victory, Unleashed had earned the right to challenge for the TCW World Championship at Malice in Wonderland.  This seem a long time coming, as Unleashed has been on the rise since debuting in TCW, bulking up into a Ripped Middleweight Wrestler and easily becoming one of the fan favorites (and top Merchandise seller).  Unleashed and Hawkins have seemed to be on a collision course for a long time now.  But, it would take a lot to dethrone the 5-Time World Champion, whom many consider the greatest TCW wrestler of all time.

    That all said, it appeared to be Unleashed's night.  He managed to fight off interference by The Syndicate all on his own.  Hawkins appeared to be in real trouble, but little did we know what Wolf had up his sleeve.  With the referee down, Primus Allen would hit the ring and absolutely demolish a very surprised Unleashed!  Donned in a sleek black suit, we haven't seen Primus since Scythe defeated him in a Casket Match at the King of Kings PPV.  Primus would absolutely wreck Unleashed, making it easy for Hawkins to hit the Full Moon Rising for the successful title defense.  A giant smile on his face, Wolf Hawkins would follow Primus Allen out of the arena, the World Title draped on Wolf's shoulder.  

    The week following, we would find out what we had already assumed.  Primus Allen has dropped his allegiances to the Sinner Society, the group which he has represented since joining TCW.  Primus Allen is now the Enforcer for Wolf Hawkins and The Syndicate.  In the other words, if you thought The Syndicate was trouble....it just got A LOT worse!  



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  11. TCW Threatening Behavior 2021

    November 2021 - Attendance: 84, 545 - Show Rating: 90

    In a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock), The Long Beach Crew (Ali X & Mobstar), & Pocket Aces (Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus) to successfully retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship. (86)

    Two current feuds in the tag team division intertwined to create this Tag Title Fatal Four Way.  Despite the chaos, Youngman & Ferrera proved once again why they're the #1 team in the world, as they keep the Tag Titles in the camp of The Syndicate.

    Sara Marie York defeated Foxxy LaRue to successfully retain the TCW World Women's Championship.  (83)

    LaRue is one of the hottest new acts in TCW, but York proves once again why many consider her the best female wrestler in the world today.  Former Champion Fuyuko Higa would appear and distract York during the match, but Sara was able to recover and put down the fiery LaRue.

    Mr. Lucha defeated Primus Allen to successfully retain the TCW International Championship. (82)

    Primus Allen would receive some help from fellow Sinner Society member Kill Switch, who has been feuding with Lucha recently.  Lucha appeared to be in trouble, as Primus was keen on earning his 2nd TCW Championship.  But suddenly, the lights went out in the arena!  Suddenly, a spotlight appeared at ringside.  There sat the Burnt Casket, the same casket that Primus Allen had locked Scythe in and lit on fire two months prior!  Everyone expected to see the Dark Reaper appear, including a shocked Primus.  Instead, the spotlight disappeared, and the lights returned to normal!  Primus was left confused and distraught, and walked right into Lucha's finisher, The Third Strike!  1,2,3!  Lucha overcomes the odds and retains the International Championship!  

    In Eight Man Tag Team Action, The Kings of Wrestling (Jay Chord, Greg Keith, & C-V-2) defeated Club Booyah (Fro Sure, Robbie Retro, & The Canadian Animals) (88)

    It's stable warfare, as the newly formed, fun loving stable known as Club Booyah was formed because all four men had issues with the Kings of Wrestling, including former KoW member Edd Stone.  Numerous matches led to this big Eight Man Tag Team Match.  Little did Club Booyah know that KoW had a surprise prepared.  TCW newcomer Brooke Tyler would reveal her allegiance to KoW, distracting Robbie Retro long enough for Jay Chord to take advantage.  It appears there is now a Queen within the Kings of Wrestling!  

    Randy Unleashed defeated Spencer Spade in a Street Fight. (90)

    The feud finally comes to a close, as Unleashed & Spade have been bitter rivals ever since Spencer debuted in TCW in the Summer of 2021.  After splitting singles encounters and costing each other a plethora of matches, there was no choice but to take the rules away and let these two men destroy each other.  In the end, Unleashed was able to pick up the huge victory.  One thing is clear though, Unleashed & Spade have become major players in TCW for years to come!  

    Garry The Entertainer & Mighty Mo defeated TCW Television Champion Princeton Pryce & Rick Law.  (83)

    This tag team cultivated from Garry's desire to receive one more shot at The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce and the Television Title.  TCW Executive Eddie Chandler offered Garry the chance...IF Garry defeated Chandler's security personnel, Rick Law!  Turns out Law had no intention in defeating Garry but rather wanted to teach him a lesson.  Law deliberately got himself DQ'ed, as he assaulted Garry with his Night Stick mid-match.  Garry's friend and tag team partner Mighty Mo would hit the ring to make the save.  Law would back off when confronted by Mo!

    Since then, Garry would lose in his second attempt to dethrone Pryce, thanks to Rick Law.  Later, Law would defeat Mighty Mo in a singles match, as he would strike Mo with his Night Stick after a distraction by Princeton Pryce.  Annoyed with the chaos, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson granted Garry & Mo this tag team match.  In the end, a miscommunication by Pryce & Law would lead to their demise, as Pryce would accidently strike Law with Rick's own Night Stick!  Mighty Mo would take advantage and put away Pryce with the Plunging Spinebuster for the 1,2,3.  

    In a TLC Match, Wolf Hawkins defeated Sammy Bach to successfully retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. (92)

    Hawkins and Bach have feuded over and exchanged the TCW World Title for the entire year of 2021.  It all came down to this, one final match.  There will be no rematch!  Of course, shocking to absolutely to no one, Wolf Hawkins would break his promise, and The Syndicate would interfere in the match when Bach was inches away from retrieving the World Title.  Princeton Pryce, Ernest Youngman, & Xavi Ferrera pummeled Bach at the instructions of their leader. 

    Suddenly, a familiar music hit.  The crowd went nuts as Aaron Andrews hit the ring!  We haven't seen Andrews since he lost a Texas Death Match to Rick Law a month ago!  Andrews makes the save for his good friend Sammy Bach, clearing the ring of the Syndicate goons.  Andrews turns his attention to long time hated Hawkins.  Andrews eyes up the World Champion as Hawkins staggers to his feet. 

    And just then....ANDREWS SPINS AROUND AND SPEARS SAMMY BACH THROUGH THE TABLE IN THE CORNER!  The entire arena is stunned, including Wolf Hawkins!  Andrews stands coldly over his unconscious friend Bach as the crowd begins to boo Aaron.  Then, just like that, Andrews exits the ring and leaves the arena with an expressionless look upon his face, never turning back to see the destruction that he caused.  The coast being cleared, with Bach motionless through the table, Wolf Hawkins climbed the ladder and retrieved the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!  

    Why Aaron Why???!!!

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  12. TCW Psycho Circus 2021

    October 2021 - Attendance : 86, 711 - Show Rating: 89

    Rick Law defeated Aaron Andrews in a Texas Death Match (89)

    Rick Law joined TCW, aligning himself with TCW Executive Eddie Chandler and a mysterious group that Chandler and Law refer to as the "Powers That Be."  Andrews has been a target for Chandler & Law, as Aaron has refused to "get in line" and respect authority.  It all led to this finale match.  When Law looked to be in real trouble, Chandler would interfere and distract Andrews.  This would allow Law to recover, and eventually to Law powerbombing Andrews off the stage, through a table!  Andrews would be unable to answer the 10 Count, leading to a huge victory for Law.  

    The Canadian Animals defeated C-V-2 (86)

    Edd Stone had recently been kicked out the group Kings of Wrestling after a dispute with tag team partner, Casey Valentine.  Cameron Vessey would later join TCW and join KoW, realigning with Valentine as C-V-2.  At the same time, Freddy Huggins had recently been kicked out of the Syndicate after Wolf Hawkins had tired of Freddy's issues with Wolf's protege, Princeton Pryce.  This would later lead to Huggins rescuing Stone from a C-V-2 ambush, and thus the Canadian Animals had reunited!  The Animals pick up the big win on PPV, but this feud is definitely far from over.

    Mr. Lucha defeated KC Glenn to successfully retain the TCW International Championship (86)

    KC Glenn lost the International Championship to Mr. Lucha in a 5-Man Ladder Match at Summer Showdown.  Glenn had defeated Lucha in their 1st Title Rematch, but it was by Disqualification, thanks to Lucha's long time rival, Aztec Prince.  Thus, this rematch was set for Psycho Circus.  Meanwhile, KC Glenn has had issues with his manager Brother Grimm, who in fact cost Glenn the International Championship after Grimm's botched interference at Summer Showdown.  Glenn had grown tired of Grimm's antics and Brother's lack of focus on KC's career.  Grimm had convinced Glenn to allow him to escort to the ring for rematch vs Lucha, hoping to reconcile with his client.  But, in a stunning turn of events, Grimm would turn on Glenn during the match, sending KC face first into the ring post when he least expected it.  Having no clue what had happened, Lucha would take advantage and defeat KC Glenn and retain his championship.

    (This is Mr. Lucha's 1st Reign as TCW International Champion.  He has been champion for 57 days with 5 successful title defenses.)

    Sara Marie York defeated Fuyuko Higa to become the NEW Women's World Champion! (83)

    Ever since York debuted in TCW, Higa & York has been the red hot feud in the TCW Women's Division.  Higa had cheated her way to victory in their first encounter, blinding York with her patented red mist.  After Higa dodged the rematch for awhile, it was finally booked for Psycho Circus.  This time, York was able to dodge the red mist attempt by Higa, and put down Fuyuko for the 1-2-3!  York becomes the 3rd Ever TCW Women's Champion!  

    (Fuyuko Higa's 1st Reign as TCW Women's World Champion ends after 5 months and 4 successful title defenses.)

    In A Tag Team Ladder Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Wild Cats to successfully retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship (88)

    The Aegis would defeat The Wild Cats at Summer Showdown, taking home the Tag Team Gold to Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate.  Their lost came after miscommunication between the Wild Cats, which El Jaguar blamed Tigre Salvaje Jr. for.  After taking a break from the tag team and hoping to pursue a singles career, El Jaguar couldn't help himself from rescuing Salvaje Jr from an ambush by The Syndicate.  Thus, this rubber match was set for Aegis & Wild Cats.  It looked like the Wild Cats might pull it off, but fellow Syndicate member Princeton Pryce would interfere, shoving Salvaje Jr. off a ladder and through a table.  This would allow Youngman to retrieve the Tag Gold for his team and The Syndicate.

    Post-Match, El Jaguar would help the limping Salvaje Jr. to his feet.  Then, in a stunning turn of events, Jaguar would begin attacking his tag team partner!  All Salvaje Jr. could do is cover up as Jaguar pummeled away!  "I told you I didn't want to do this anymore!" Jaguar exclaimed.  Fellow Lucha friend Masked Cougar would hit the ring and pull Jaguar off Salvaje Jr.  Jaguar nearly struck Cougar as well, but he would stop himself and storm out of the arena.  It appears that one of the best tag teams in the world just imploded!  

    (This is The Aegis's 1st Reign as TCW World Tag Team Champions.  They have been champions for 57 days with 4 successful title defenses.)

    Matthew Keith defeated Greg Keith (99, MOTN!)

    The Keith Brothers have been at war over the Keith family name and legacy.  Matthew believes Greg and their father Sam have tainted the family name with their dirty ways within their stable, the Kings of Wrestling, among other things.  While it appeared Sam was trying to fix things with his family, Sam would show his true side in the first encounter between the brothers.  Sam would attack Matthew with a steel chair, helping Greg pick up the win.  

    Greg would refuse Matthew's rematch challenge, mockingly saying he was refusing "to save the family."  Matthew felt forced to step over the line.  After being insulted by Sam, Matthew would attack his own father and lock him in the Proton Lock.  Matthew refused to let go of the submission until Greg accepted his challenge, which Greg finally did to save his father.  In one of the greatest technical encounters in TCW history, Matthew picked up some revenge against Greg, picking up the win by forcing Greg to tap to the Proton Lock.  But...it feels like there is still one more encounter in this family war.  

    Wolf Hawkins defeated Jay Chord, Mainstream Hernandez, Randy Unleashed, Sammy Bach, & Spencer Spade in a PSYCHO CHAMBER MATCH to successfully retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (88)

    The Psycho Chamber match has become a gimmick match for the event Psycho Circus.  Long story short, it's an Elimination Chamber with weapons.  Chord, Hernandez, Unleashed, Bach, & Spade all qualified for the Chamber through Qualifying Matches (Spade through a Last Chance Battle Royal).  However, much to the shock of Hawkins, the final member of the Chamber would be the man who Hawkins defeated for his 5th World Championship, Sammy Bach!  Bach had been out of action after Hawkins caused orbital damage to Bach's eye.  At Summer Showdown, to survive the Bach on your Back submission, Hawkins had dug his fingers deep into Bach's eye, causing the damage.  

    No surprise at all, the final Chamber competitors were Hawkins & Bach!  Bach beat up Hawkins all over the Chamber, bloodying the World Champion.  Earlier in the match, one of the glass pods was broken into pieces after Jay Chord & Spencer Spade had thrown Mainstream Hernandez through it.  In a shocking turn of events, fellow Syndicate member (and Wolf's protege) Princeton Pryce would enter the Chamber through that broken pod!  Bach would repel Pryce's interference, and in fact threw Pryce through another glass pod!  The distraction though, helped, as Hawkins would deliver a vicious low blow to Bach when Sammy returned his attention to the World Champ.  Wrapping his fist with a steel chain, Hawkins flew through the air and knocked out Bach with the Full Moon Rising for the Psycho Chamber win.  

    (Wolf Hawkins continues to enjoy his 5th Reign as TCW World Heavyweight Champion.  He has been champion for 57 days with 2 successful title defenses)

    At Threatening Behavior, one last encounter between Hawkins & Bach has been set.  The stipulations have been set, this is Sammy's last chance to regain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.  Hawkins & Bach have fought in the Steel Cell.  They have fought in 3 Stages of Hell.  They have fought in the Psycho Chamber.  Now, this epic rivalry will come to a close in...


    Also, TCW has just grown to Large size.  We are now global!  My roster is pretty massive right now, but who knows what superstar will show up in TCW now!  I've been against doing a brand split, but that's an option in the future.  I'm likely to open another child company to develop young talent outside the country.  

    Also, my women's division is really starting to improve.  It's not quite there, but I'm likely to add another women's title very soon.  Haven't decided yet on either a secondary singles title or women's tag titles.  Likely after I develop Alina America & Brooke Tyler as big time stars (popularity wise), I will likely have to make a decision around then.  


    • Like 3
  13. TCW's Biggest Show of the Summer has arrived!

    TCW Summer Showdown 2021

    August 2021 - Attendance: 82,946 - Show Rating: 92


    In an Eight Women Tag Team Match, Team Christy Higgins defeated Team Maribel Mercado.

    In a Four Way Tag Team Match, Pocket Aces (Joshus Taylor & Roderick Remus) defeated Long Beach Crew (Ali X & Mobstar), The Shade Gang (Matt Hocking & Marc Speed), & The Syndicate's Freddy Huggins & Princeton Pryce.

    Mighty Mo won a 25 Man Battle Royal, last eliminating Davis Wayne Newton.  

    Main Show

    In a Falls Count Anywhere Match, Aaron Andrews defeated Rick Law.  Andrews has had his issues recently with Rick Law and TCW Executive Eddie Chandler, who represents "The Powers That Be."  After their first encounter ended in a Disqualification after Law brutally assault Andrews with his patented Nightstick, Andrews finally got some revenge at Summer Showdown.  After brawling throughout the arena, Andrews would spear Law off the entrance stage and through a table to pick up the victory.  (90)

    Fuyuko Higa defeated Sara Marie York to successfully retain the TCW Women's Championship.  Sinner Society's Higa & SMY battled in what is considered TCW's biggest female match to date, and the ladies didn't disappoint.  Higa has dodged York's challenge since SMY's debut in TCW, and even convinced TIffany Jade to take York out to avoid their originally scheduled title match.  Higa would escape with her championship at Summer Showdown, but she would do so by blinding York with her green mist to the eyes.  A blinded York was left defenseless as Higa connected with a Shining Wizard for the victory.  (82)

    (This is Fuyuko Higa's 1st Reign as TCW Women's Champion.  She has been champion for 85 Days and has 3 successful title defenses.)

    The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Wild Cats to become the NEW TCW World Tag Team Champions.  In their first encounter, El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr narrowly defeated The Syndicate's Youngman & Ferrera.  The Aegis worked their way back towards a rematch with the Wild Cats, with added motivation from Syndicate Leader Wolf Hawkins, who demanded they bring the Tag Titles back to the group.  Unfortunately, a miscommunication by Jaguar & Salvaje would lead to their demise.  Salvaje would attempt a Moonsault, which Ernest Youngman would dodge...and Tigre would wipe out his partner Jaguar instead!  Left alone, Salvaje would fall victim to the Aegis's tag finisher, The Equalizer.  1,2,3, Youngman & Ferrera take the tag gold home to the Syndicate.  Post-Match, El Jaguar would brush off Tigre Salvajge Jr when Tigre attempted to console his tag partner.  (87)

    (This is Aegis's 1st Reign as TCW World Tag Team Champions, and both Youngman & Ferrera's first championship in TCW.  The Wild Cats's 1st Reign as TCW World Tag Team Champions ends after 8 Months and 16 successful title defenses.)

    Randy Unleashed defeated Spencer Spade.  This match started on Spade's talk show, The Supreme Talk Show, where insults by Spade would lead to Unleashed challenging Spencer.  Spade would dodge Unleashed for weeks, only to sneak attack Randy after Randy had questioned Spencer's manhood.  In Spencer Spade's first TCW PPV Match, it looked like Spade might steal the victory.  But, Referee Jonathan Taylor would catch Spade red handed, attempting to use a pair of brass knuckles!  After arguing with the referee over the predicament, Spade would walk right into Unleashed's Running Enziguri!  1, 2, 3!  Unleashed picks up the big win, but this feud appears far from over.  (90)

    In a Five Man Ladder Match, Mr. Lucha defeated TCW International Champion KC Glenn, Aztec Prince, Jay Chord, & Mainstream Hernandez to become the NEW TCW International Champion!  The title scene over KC Glenn's International Championship had become chaos, which gave TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson the idea to book this huge ladder match for a big show like Summer Showdown.  Cue the chaos!  At the climax of the match, with everyone down and hurt, KC Glenn's manager Brother Grimm would attempt to grab a ladder and retrieve the championship for his client!  But...Grimm would be caught red handed by Mr. Lucha!  Lucha would shove Grimm off the ladder...wiping out Grimm's own client KC Glenn in the process!  With everyone down, Mr. Lucha would retrieve the TCW International Championship, earning his first title gold in TCW!  (88)

    (KC Glenn's 1st Reign as TCW International Championship ends after 6 Months & 12 successful title defenses.)

    In a Battle of Brothers, Greg Keith defeated Matthew Keith.  In a true family drama, Matthew Keith would join TCW months ago under a mask, competing under a made-up alias.  After months of doing so, Keith would shockingly be unmasked by none other than Kings of Wrestling Jay Chord...and his own brother Greg Keith!   Matthew Keith would explain his actions, claiming that his brother Greg and father Sam had brother shame to the Keith family name with their actions and wanted nothing to do with it.  But...now unmasked, Matthew realized it was his duty to bring honor back to the Keith family name.  The first step was challenging and defeating his own brother Greg!  Despite Sam Keith trying to change his son's mind, Matthew would not back down.  After Matthew took out multiple members of the Kings of Wrestling, Greg reluctantly accepted his brother's challenge.  

    Things would eventually get ugly in their encounter at Summer Showdown.  With Referee Darren Smith down after a collision with Matthew, Greg would grab a steel chair.  Sam Keith, though would intervene, refusing to let Greg use the weapon on his own brother.  Sam would snatch the steel chair from Greg....only to spin around and blast his own son Matthew with the chair!  "You made me do it!  You made me do it!"  Sam Keith would scream the same thing own over.  Greg Keith would lock an unconscious Matthew into the Proton Lock, and Referee Darren Smith had no choice to call for the bell.  (91)

    In Six Man Tag Team Action, Scythe & The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock) defeated The Sinner Society (Primus Allen & The Behemoths).  Ever since debuting in TCW, Scythe has been a thorn in the side of the Sinner Society, especially Primus Allen.  After costing Allen his TCW Television Championship reign, Scythe & Primus would finally face off in a match.  When Allen appeared in trouble, The Behemoths would interfere and attack Scythe.  The new team Calgary Strike Force has had their issues with the Behemoths and Sinner Society, so they took it upon themselves to make the save.  Thus, this Six Man Tag was made for Summer Showdown.  Scythe wasn't able to settle things with Primus Allen at the PPV, but he would put Titan down with patented Chokeslam, giving his team the big victory.  (76)

    In the Main Event of Summer Showdown, in a 3 Stages of Hell Match, Wolf Hawkins defeated Sammy Bach to ONCE AGAIN become the TCW World Heavyweight Champion!  At Total Mayhem XXV, Sammy Bach finally accomplished what was always just out of his grasp.  Sammy Bach defeated Wolf Hawkins to become TCW World Heavyweight Champion, proving all the naysayers wrong.  Hawkins would disappear from TCW television while Sammy Bach took on all challengers, even issuing open challengers multiple times.  After Sammy Bach won the Lethal Lottery Tournament with Mr. Lucha at TCW's Hotter Than Hell, their trophy celebration would be interrupted by Wolf Hawkins's impromptu return.  Hawkins didn't waste time letting the world know what his intentions were.  "I want back what's mine!"

    In an attempt to settle things between these two rivals, TCW GM Ricky Dale Johnson book them in a 3 Stages of Hell Match at Summer Showdown for the World Title.  The first fall is a Standard Match.  The second fall is a Street Fight.  Sammy Bach earned the right to choose the third fall's stipulation by defeating Wolf's bodyguard, Aztec Prince.  Bach choose a Steel Cage Match!  Days before the match, Bach & Hawkins would have `their final encounter on TCW TV.  After being coerced by Bach, Hawkins vowed that no one in the Syndicate would interfere in their match at Summer Showdown.  "On my wife and children, I promised that no one will interfere on my behalf."  Surprisingly, Hawkins would live up to vowel.  

    Sammy Bach would win the 1st Fall after forcing Hawkins to tap out to the Bach on your Back, the exact way Bach won the World Title at Total Mayhem!  Wolf Hawkins would win the 2nd Fall after a timely low blow, leading to Wolf connecting with the Full Moon RIsing for the 1,2,3. 

    In the final fall, inside the steel cage, Bach would manage to lock Hawkins in the Bach on your Back again!  Desperate to escape, stuck in the middle of the ring, Hawkins would proceeded to dig his fingers deep into Bach's eye, in which we would learn later caused severe orbital damage!  Blinded by the dirty maneuver, Bach was left defenseless.  Bach would manage to kick out Wolf's first Full Moon Rising, but Hawkins would get the 1,2,3 after the 2nd Finisher!  The TCW World Heavyweight Championship is back in The Syndicate camp. 

    Hawkins might have to stood by his vow...but he also did whatever he had to so he could regain the World Championship.  When it comes to the Syndicate?  Victory is the only thing that matters.  The rest is just details!  (84, Burnt Out Crowd)

    (Wolf Hawkins now begins his 5th Reign as TCW World Heavyweight Champion.  Sammy Bach's 1st TCW World Heavyweight Championship reign ends after 3 Months and 6 Successful Title defenses.)



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  14. Continuing on from my previous post...man, what a fun time it has been to set up Sammy Bach's historic retirement win.  I don't intend on it being a long term title reign for Bach.  It was more about giving Sammy his well deserved moment.  Also on  a side note, this title match was what put Wolf Hawkins over the hump, and he is now a lock to enter the Hall of Immortals!

    By the next Total Mayhem, I intend on making it a two night show.  My TCW roster is just too big now to fit it on one night and not burn out the crowd by the main event.  My plan is to likely have Total Mayhem Match main event Night One, then have the World Title match main event Night Two.  

    But...onto the next year!  And the TCW roster is getting a huge boost right from the start.  A lot of free agents recently in the wrestling world, and I just made three big signings, two of them being two of my favorite wrestlers.  

    The first signing is Rick Law.  I was hesitant with Law being 38...but he has always been a favorite of mine.  I intend to start Law off by playing that prime heel Boss Man/Big Bubba Rogers role for Grimm Enterprise.

    The next signing was also a no brainer, Spencer Spade.  Spade is just too good to pass on, and he is only 30.  Only downfall is that I currently cannot convince Spade to bulk up from Toned Middleweight.  Right now, I plan on having Spade start off solo as a loud mouth, arrogant heel.  But, he just might take KC Glenn's spot as the headliner for Grimm Enterprise, when I finally execute the uber babyface turn for Glenn.  

    The final signing was also a no brainer, Sara Marie York.  My women's division was missing that one big piece to take it to another level, and I think SMY is that piece.  A York and Higa feud is going to be epic!  Plus, it allows me to slow down developing Alina America, who I intend to eventually be the centerpiece of the division.  Rather than starting as a babyface, now I might bring up Alina from development and start her off like a heel Sasha Banks.  

    I did have a chance to sign Remo Richardson, but I decided to pass on what would be a 4 year, 300K(+) contract with incentives for a 38 year old wrestler.  I mean, I signed Scythe for a third of that!  

    But yeah...onto the next year!  Long term, my plan is turn KC Glenn into the biggest babyface of the company.  He is already an amazing wrestler, I convinced him to bulk up and now he's at 100 Star Quality, and his entertainment skills are quickly improving.  Wolf Hawkins VS KC Glenn is currently penciled in to be the main event for Total Mayhem XXVI.  

    As for Sammy Bach, he won't just be tossed aside.  I have a big storyline planned for him.   But first...I got to convince a certain big time babyface to turn heel....

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  15. It is that time of the year!

    TCW Total Mayhem XXV

    May 2021 - Show Rating: 88 - Attendance: 81, 643

    Kick-Off Show

    In an Eight Women Tag Team Match, Team Tiffany Jade defeated Team Christy Higgins.  Jade pinned Paige Croft after a distraction from her manager, Brother Grimm. (67)

    Chris Flynn won a 20 Man Battle Royal.  As a result, Flynn has earned a future TCW International Championship Match.  (76)

    In a Four Way Tag Team Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated Long Beach Crew (Ali X & Mobstar), Party Squad (Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx), & W.M.D. (Human Arsenal & Maverick).  Representing the Syndicate, The Aegis earned a future World Tag Team Championship Match with their victory. (81)

    The Main Show

    Grimm Enterprise's KC Glenn defeated Mainstream Hernandez to SUCCESSFULLY retain the TCW International Championship. (90)

    (This was supposed to be a major draw match.  But, Hernandez suffered a fractured cheekbone days prior, so I moved the match to the opener in fear of a lackluster score.  Needless to say, I'm definitely happy with the 90, and the injury creates an excuse for an eventual rematch.  KC Glenn's 1st International Title reign now stands at 3 months long.)

    The Sinner Society's Fuyuko Higa defeated Missy Masterson to become the NEW TCW World Women's Champion! (77) 

    (A distraction by Sinner Society leader Eddie Peak allowed Higa to lock on her patented Rear Naked Choke.  To her credit, Masterson never tapped, but rather passed out to the choke.  Higa becomes the 2nd ever TCW World Women's Champion, ending Masterson's reign after four months.)

    In a Four Way Team Match, The Wild Cats defeated The Behemoths, Devine Fortune, & The Shade Gang (Matt Hocking & Marc Speed) to SUCCESSFULLY retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship.  (85)

    (Two current tag team feuds intertwined to create this fatal four way at Total Mayhem.  Nevertheless, Team Lucha! members El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr. remain the #1 Tag Team in TCW.  Their 1st TCW Tag Title reign has now hit the 6th month mark.)

    The Syndicate's Aztec Prince defeated Team Lucha! member Mr. Lucha.  (85)

    (The personal bodyguard to TCW World Champion Wolf Hawkins, Aztec Prince defeats one of the biggest thorns in Wolf's side, Mr. Lucha.  He does it though, after a distraction by fellow Syndicate member, Freddy Huggins.  This feud is far from over, though this is easily the biggest victory in Aztec Prince's TCW career.)


    In the annual Total Mayhem Match, the team of Aaron Andrews, Akai Nazo, & Pocket Aces (Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus) defeated The Kings of Wrestling (Jay Chord, Greg Keith, Casey Valentine, & Edd Stone).  (88)

    (Aaron Andrews & Akai Nazo have been at war with KoW for awhile now.  Now, after aligning with former tag champions Pocket Aces, Andrews & Nazo finally get a huge victory over their heated rivals.  

    Also, if you are wondering, Akai Nazo is a mute, masked asian wrestler I created for storyline purposes, their true identity to be eventually revealed.  I'll give you a clue.  They are related to a member of the Kings of Wrestling!) 😉

    Randy Unleashed defeated Grimm Enterprise's Davis Wayne Newton. (95, Match of the Night!)

    (This match and rivalry stems from Newton costing Unleashed his International Title rematch against now champion, KC Glenn.  Unleashed vowed to get his revenge, and he did exactly that at the biggest show of the year.  But...is this feud truly over?)

    In a Fatal Four Way Match, Sinner Society's Primus Allen defeated Joffy Laine, Mighty Mo, & The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce to SUCCESSFULLY retain the TCW Television Championship.  (89)

    (Post-Match, with a cackling Eddie Peaker by his side, Primus Allen celebrates the continuance of what he calls the "Era of Dominaton."  Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena.  Like we have seen in recent weeks whenever the Sinner Society are around, a church bell begins to ring, along with other eerie sounds.  The lights flickers, and then finally return to normal.

    The crowd goes insane!  In the ring...standing across from Primus Allen & Eddie Peak...is the one and only...SCYTHE!  Scythe is here in Total Championship Wrestling!  For a moment, Eddie Peak begins to smile, thinking that a monster like Scythe is here to join Sinner Society.  But, that changes when Scythe drops Peak with a big right hand!  Scythe begins to brawl with Primus ALlen, and Scythe eventually has the Television Champion reeling.  Eddie Peak attacks Scythe from behind, allowing Allen to escape the ring.  But as a result, Scythe lays out Eddie Peak with a Monster Choke Slam!  Allen looks on from the entrance way, absolutely stunned, as the Dark Reaper stands over a motionless Peak.

    Primus Allen's 1st Television Title reign now stands at four months long.)

    It is now time...for the MAIN EVENT...of TOTAL MAYHEM XXV!

    In a Steel Cell Match, Sammy Bach defeated The Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins to become the NEEEEEEWWW TCW World Heavyweight Champion!  (86, Not Bad for a Burned Out Crowd!)

    (A story that was built for nearly six months, fighting Hawkins and The Syndicate in various matches, Sammy Bach has finally succeeded what he promised himself that he would do before retiring.  Sammy Bach can now call himself World Heavyweight Champion!  It almost looked bleak after Wolf's personal bodyguard Aztec Prince broke into the Steel Cell, preventing Bach from getting the tap out with the Bach on your Back.  But, Mr. Lucha would hit ringside and dispose of Aztec Prince, and the rest of Team Lucha! would make sure that the rest of The Syndicate did not get involved!  Now just a one-on-one encounter, Sammy Bach would eventually manage to lock Hawkins back into the Bach on your Back once more.  Stuck in the middle of the ring, Hawkins finally had no choice but to tap out!  

    Truly, a feel good moment for one of the most beloved members of the TCW roster.  The locker room clears out as the babyfaces hit ringside to celebrate Sammy Bach's historic title victory.  A bloody, exhausted Wolf Hawkins is helped out by his Syndicate brethren.  With disgust on his face, Wolf watches as a bloody Bach is carried around the ringside, the TCW World Title raised high in the air.

    Bach ends Wolf's 4th World Title reign after a full year.  Hawkins had won the World Title from Aaron Andrews at the previous Total Mayhem.)

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  16. Wild Cats are a go to for me, for whatever game I might be playing.  I can get them for cheap to start and make them stars.  They're currently my TCW Tag Team Champions, though I'm contemplating doing a Wild Cats implosion eventually, seeing that I managed get El Jaguar to beef up to 86 Star Quality.  Ya know, something different.

    Speaking of TCW, I always eventually reunite both The New Wave & The Canadian Animals.  Always thought both teams have more value reunited than flying solo.

    Philly Blondes are a fun one to pick up.  Always been a Ash Campbell & Nelson Callum fan.

    And if I need a jobber, comedy duo, I always get decent ratings with the Canadian Blondes.  Flash & Ozzie are really good workers.  

  17. TCW Malice in Wonderland 2021

    Mainstream Hernandez defeated The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce.

    The protege of Wolf Hawkins, Pryce looked like he had this match won after interference from fellow Syndicate member, Freddy Huggins.  But, Pryce became arrogant and got caught up in a Hernandez rollup for the three count.  Hernandez has had his issues with Syndicate for awhile now, but this personal feud with Pryce is only getting started.

    In a Hardcore Tag Team Match, The Behemoths defeated Thom Barrowman & Xavi Ferrera.

    Killer Shark pins Ferrera after interference from the latest member of Sinner Society, Big Cat Brandon.  Barrowman has been tagging with his protege Ferrera for a while now, but they are struggling to overcome the numbers that the Sinner Society has.

    Sinner Society's Primus Allen defeated Team Lucha!'s Masked Cougar to become the NEW TCW Television Champion!  

    Cougar put in a valiant effort against the monster Primus Allen, and it looked like he might pull off the amazing underdog story.  But, a distraction by Eddie Peak allowed Allen the opportunity to earn his first TCW Championship.  Cougar's Television Championship reign comes to an end after 10 months and 20 successful defenses.

    The Kings of Wrestling's Greg Keith defeated Aaron Andrews.

    An intense feud that is only getting started, Keith catches Andrews with a low blow behind the referee's back, allowing Greg to steal the victory.  Later on that week on TCW television, Andrews & Keith would cost each other their opportunity at the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.  

    In Tag Team Action, TCW International Champion Randy Unleashed & Mighty Mo defeated Grimm Enterprise's Davis Wayne Newton & KC Glenn.

    Two singles feuds that have become intertwined in recent weeks, Unleashed picks up the big win by pinning Newton.  That said, a rematch between Unleashed & KC Gleen for the International Championship is certainly looming in the future.

    In a Last Man Standing Match, Team Lucha!'s Mr. Lucha defeated Kings of Wrestling's Jay Chord.

    The war between Team Lucha! & Kings of Wrestling appears to have come to a close, right along with the rivalry that started it all.  After exchanging wins in their first two encounters, Lucha defeats Chord and earns the biggest victory of his TCW career.  Afterwards, Lucha has already made it clear that his next goal is to challenge for and win the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!  MATCH OF THE NIGHT!

    In a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match, TCW World Tag Team Champions The Wild Cats defeated Devine Fortune, Pocket Aces (Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus), & Southern Grit (Big Bruiser Findlay & Marshall Dillon) to successfully retain their championship titles.

    The challengers have lined for the Wild Cats ever since they won the Tag Titles from Pocket Aces in December 2020.  Thus, this fatal four way came to be.  Nevertheless, El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr. prove that they are worthy champions.  Their issues with Pocket Aces, though, seem far from finished.  Perhaps a Tag Team Ladder Match in their future????

    And...in the main event of Malice in Wonderland 2021...The Leader of the Syndicate, Wolf Hawkins defended the TCW World Heavyweight Championship against the 2020 King of Kings Tournament Winner, Sammy Bach!

    After winning the KoK Tournament, Bach delivered a heartfelt promo on the following episode of Total Wrestling.  Now at the age of 42 years old, he knows father time isn't on his side, but he has every intention of taking advantage of whatever time he did have left in the limelight.  After 13 years in Total Championship Wrestling, there was only thing Sammy hasn't done, and that is wear the TCW World Heavyweight Championship gold!

    "So...Wolf Hawkins!  I am the King of Kings Winner, and I believe that makes me the #1 Contender.  So...I challenge YOU for that TCW World Heavyweight Title at Malice in Wonderland!"

    Much to the surprise of everyone, Hawkins answered Sammy and delivered his own heartfelt promo.  

    "Sammy...there is probably no one in that locker room that I respect more than you.  When this company was in the toilet, struggling to survive, WE were two of the few that stuck around.  We stuck around and dug this company out of its hole!  This company is still around because of men like us.  WE...are TCW!"

    But of course, it was still Wolf Hawkins.  So, the promo eventually took a turn.

    "Yes, I have all the respect for you Sammy.  But...let's make no mistake about it.  Respect doesn't put you in my league.  Nobody is in my league.  I'm the best in the world!  You know it, I know it, every fan in this arena knows it.  So...you really want to step up to the champ...hoping for some fairy tale ending?  This ain't no fairy tale, Sammy.  This is real life.  And in real life?  I am the best in the world...and you're just a really good guy.  Really good guys don't become World Champion."  

    After going back and forth the weeks following, the stage was finally set for Malice in Wonderland 2021.  An epic encounter between Hawkins & Bach for the TCW World Title.  After Hawkins controlled a great deal of the match, Bach rallied back and put Wolf on his heels.  Heading to the top rope, waiting for Hawkins to stand up, Bach flew through the air with an moonsault.  Hawkins dodged the Moonsault...but Referee Darren Smith was wiped out instead!  The referee is down!  

    Hawkins attempts the Full Moon Rising, but Bach dodges it and drags Wolf down into the Bach on your Back!   But, before Bach can fully lock the submission in, Wolf Hawkins's personal bodyguard Bryan Vessey enters the ring and strikes Bach in the ribs with a steel chair!  As Vessey holds Bach up, Hawkins swings at Bach with the chair.  Bach ducks!  Vessey gets clocked with the steel chair and tumbles out of the ring to the floor! 

    Bach dodges another chair swing by Hawkins.  Bach manages to get the chair away from Hawkins, and delivers a shot right to Wolf's cranium!  Hawkins is groggy is on the mat.  The crowd is on their feet.  Bach locks on the Bach on your Back!  HAWKINS IS TAPPING!  Darren Smith is on one knee and calling for the bell!  The crowd is going nuts!  We got a new champion!  Sammy Bach has done it!  Sammy Bach is World Champion!  

    Bach proceeds to celebrate with the crowd, but when he calls for the championship belt, there is no one there to give it to him.  Bach's theme music suddenly stops playing as Darren Smith is talking to the ring announcer.  The announcer looks flat out stunned by what he is hearing.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen...Referee Darren Smith has Disqualified Sammy Bach for using a Steel Chair.  Therefore...your winner...and STILL TCW World Heavyweight Champion!  WOLF HAWKINS!"

    In a crushing moment, Bach drops to the mat in the middle of the ring.  Absolutely broken by the moment, Bach sits there silently.  A bloody Wolf Hawkins is helped out of the arena by his Syndicate brethren, the World Title draped over his shoulder.  Sammy Bach watches as potentially his greatest chance to ever become World Champion has gone up in flames.  

    And so...the journey to Total Mayhem XXV continues!  



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  18. Just finished year 1 in my newest TCW save.  Here's how things stand at the start of 2021.

    TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Wolf Hawkins 

    Defeated Aaron Andrews at Total Mayhem XXIV to become a 4-Time TCW World Champion.

    TCW International Champion: Randy Unleashed

    Won the Tournament that revived the International Championship in November 2020, defeating Greg Keith (Gauge) in the Finals at TCW Threatening Behavior.

    TCW Television Champion: Masked Cougar

    Defeated Greg Keith at Total Mayhem XXIV to win the championship.  Currently scheduled to drop the championship to Primus Allen at Malice in Wonderland (January 2021).

    TCW World Women's Champion: Missy Masterson

    Won the inaugural tournament in January 2021, defeating Tiffany Jade in the finals.  

    TCW World Tag Team Champions: The Wild Cats (El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr.)

    Defeated Pocket Aces (Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus) in December 2020 at the King of Kings PPV.

    And here are some accomplishments that happened throughout the TCW 2020 Year.

    2020 Ticket To Mayhem Match: Wolf Hawkins

    Pretty blatantly my Money in the Bank match.  Takes place at the PPV Where Angels Fear To Tread, and the winner earns the right to challenge for the TCW World Title at Total Mayhem.  

    2020 Lethal Lottery Tournament Winners: Masked Cougar & Sammy Bach

    It's an 8 Tag Team Tournament where all 16 competitors are randomly slotted.  A one-night tournament that took place at TCW Hotter Than Hell in July 2020.  

    2020 King of Kings: Sammy Bach

    The annual one-night tournament at the end of each year, setting up one wrestler big for the year to come.  Me personally, I like to do the best 8 wrestlers, judged by the least amount of losses for the entire year, with a minimum of 30 wins in TCW.  

    I'm currently using Sammy's KoK Tournament win to ignite a major feud with Wolf Hawkins over the World Title, leading all the way to the main event of Total Mayhem XXV.  This is the first game I played in TEW2020 where Bach wasn't immediately in decline, so I'm taking advantage of the situation.  Plus, he is my top babyface all-around, and easily my best merchandise seller. 

    The story is simple.  After winning the KoK Tournament, Bach has taken a long look at himself.  At the age 42, Sammy doesn't know how much time he has left.  How much longer can he compete at such a high level?  Before it is all over, Sammy is determined to do the one thing he hasn't done.  Win the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.  But to do so, he must dethrone the greatest wrestler in professional wrestling, Wolf Hawkins.  Wolf, and his dominant stable, The Syndicate.  


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  19. Also, I've been pondering the main event for the next Total Mayhem.  The top answer for awhile was Mr. Lucha to challenge Wolf Hawkins for the World Title.  Maybe even Randy Unleashed now that he's signed with TCW.

    But, there's one thing different than my two previous TCW games.  Sammy Bach didn't start in decline, and still isn't in decline (KNOCK ON WOOD lol).  In fact, he's my most popular wrestler and by far my top merchandise seller.  So...I think I might pull the trigger if everything goes well.  I mean, if anyone deserves to main event Total Mayhem...and MAYBE become World Champion?  It's Sammy Bach!  

    • Like 1
  20. 10 months completed in my newest save for TCW.  The transition phase has really took off with the roster.  New wrestlers propped up, older wrestlers transitioning down the card until their contracts run out.  Plus, some major signings, although I'm not just signing anyone with a name.  I'm talking talented free agents in their prime with 85+ Star Quality.  Otherwise, I'm much more interested in grooming homegrown talent or indie guys who just didn't receive their shot quite yet. 

    That said, both Randy Unleashed & KC Glenn were available, and I couldn't help myself.  Even moreso, I managed to make both become more muscular AND increase their weight up to Middleweight.  Both transitions were successful, bumping both their star quality stats significantly.

    Wolf Hawkins remains TCW World Heavyweight Champion, his place atop the mountain solidified by The Syndicate.  Wolf's most recent defense was at Psycho Circus, in what I dubbed the Psycho Chamber (a 6 Man Elimination Chamber with Weapons).  In a major surprise, rising star Princeton Pryce would interfere and assist Hawkins in claiming victory.  It would be revealed later that Hawkins has taken Pryce under his wing.  "Every great leader needs to groom a predecessor."  

    The biggest feud right now is the stable war between Team Lucha! (Mr. Lucha, Masked Cougar, & Wild Cats) and The Kings of Wrestling (Jay Chord, Greg Keith, & Casey Valentine).  Many matches have taken place, but the intense rivalry between Mr. Lucha & Jay Chord is what has lit the fire under this war.  A stable built by honoring family lineage, KoW will soon receive another member.  I won't spoil who it is for you...but you can guess who fits that description by looking at the default TCW roster. 😉

    Another major feud involves Aaron Andrews, who is trying to recover from losing his finale match with Wolf Hawkins over the World Title.  Unfortunately for Aaron, his next adventure would be the freakish athlete, Primus Allen.  Primus would put Andrews out of action after Aaron barely sneaking away with the victory in their first encounter.  At Psycho Circus, Primus would win their second encounter when the referee had no choice but to stop the match when Andrews began to suffer from internal bleeding.  No one doubts how tough Andrews truly is, but this might be a war that Aaron cannot survive.  

    Masked Cougar has been my Television Champion since Total Mayhem in May.  He has really thrived as the underdog champion, taking on all challengers.  But how long can the underdog continue to overcome the odds?  

    Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus, also known as Pocket Aces, have been my TCW Tag Team Champions for 8 months now.  Clearly prized clients for Brother Grimm and Grimm Enterprise, Pocket Aces have cleared the board of all challengers.  But a new challenger has arrived.  The rising team of El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr., The Wild Cats!  

    Last of all, the biggest news of all.  I contemplated splitting my roster into two divisions, Heavyweight and Cruiserweight.  But I realized everytime I did that in the past with games, it never worked out too well.  The rosters got overcomplicated, and I ended up losing interest.  But I wanted another singles championship in TCW, and just like that...the answer was obvious!

    The TCW International Championship has been REVIVED!  For the month of November 2020, a tournament will take place, and the brand new International Champion will be crowned at TCW Threatening Behavior!  


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  21. Just completed the 2nd biggest show of the TCW year (or at least I treat as so).  

    TCW Summer Showdown 2020

    July 2020 - Attendance: 63,355 - Show Rating: 85

    The Syndicate's Freddy Huggins defeated Mainstream Hernandez after Laura Catherine Huggins sprayed some mace-like substance into Hernandez's eyes, leaving him defenseless for the Huggins Kiss. (83)

    Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Harry Allen. (54) Strictly a match to improve Findlay's popularity.  Managed by Floyd Goldworthy (who has split from Sinner Society), Findlay will be a Southern-gimmicked tag team with Marshall Dillon very soon.

    In Six Man Tag Action, One Man Army & W.M.D. (Human Arsenal & Maverick) defeated The Shade Gang (Marc Speed, Matt Hocking, & Troy Tornado).  (72)

    Sammy Bach defeated Grimm Enterprise's Davis Wayne Newton.  The rising star Newton got too confident and started to toy with the veteran Bach.  Bach made Newton pay the price, and caught him with a roll up for the 1,2,3! (82)

    In a Tornado Tag Team Match, Pocket Aces (Grimm Enterprise's Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus) defeated Devine Fortune to successfully retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship. (78)

    Mighty Mo defeated Sinner Society's Primus Allen in a Dog Collar Match. This ends a long, brutal feud between Mo & Primus, where in which Mo suffered two legitimate injuries (including a Broken Jaw). (84)  

    The Kings of Wrestling (Jay Chord & Greg Keith) defeated TCW Television Champion Masked Cougar & Mr. Lucha.  The finish came when Casey Valentine made his surprise TCW debut, attacking Cougar and aligning with KoW.  (87)

    In the Main Event of Summer Showdown, Syndicate Leader Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews in a 3 Stages of Hell Match to successfully retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.  Hawkins won the first fall, a Standard Match.  Andrews won the second fall, a Street Fight.  The final fall was a Ladder Match.  It looked like Andrews was going to pull it off after disposing of Wolf's Syndicate goons (with help from Mainstream Hernandez).  But, before he could get his fingers on the championship belt, Hawkins pushed over the ladder and sent Andrews crashing through a table in the corner of the ring.  An exhausted, bloodied Hawkins climbed the ladder with a smirk.  Hawkins retrieved the World Championship, and brought his epic feud with Aaron Andrews to a close.  (85, Sadly the crowd was burnt out for the main event)

    Onto the next TCW event, Hotter Than Hell.  Having a little fun, I'm putting together a Lethal Lottery Tournament for the event.  It actually works well because I just ended a half-dozen storylines, so it's a bit of a transition period.  Also, Wolf Hawkins will defend the World Title in a Fatal Four Way at HTH (Greg Keith, Mighty Mo, & Mr. Lucha).  Just a fun way to get more names on the card.  



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  22. On 7/20/2023 at 7:15 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

    Speed and Hocking as a team are my go to! I usually call them Speed Shocking tho 

    Yup, I tried not to do the same things as my previous save.  But they really fit well together.  Troy Tornado is part of the team too, making a trio (I like having trios).  But Troy is more of a mouthpiece. 

    Quick update on my plans with One Man Army, I did have him team up with W.M.D. (Arsenal & Maverick) to battle the previously mentioned Shade Gang in six man action.  But I decided to do something different.  I dropped the Army gimmick (done out of respect to his fallen partner Doc Hammond), and he’s now just Thom Barrowman.  I brought in his protege Xavi Ferrera to be his new tag partner.  Figured that opens a few doors, of course the potential protege heel turn in the future.  

    Also just signed Casey Valentine, who wasn’t resigned by USPW.  My “Legacy” stable is starting to come together.  Chord, Keith, Valentine.  Who knows who is next. 

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