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Posts posted by dbritton987

  1. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">June – Week 2 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    </span><img alt="pihDq8G" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/pihDq8G" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) defeat Bart Biggins & Flying Jimmy Foxx.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    The opening contest becomes lopsided midway through, thanks to “Coach” Julian Watson of Freddy Corp. As Biggins is on the apron mid-contest, Watson comes out of nowhere and hits Bart in his previously injured kidneys with some type of club! Foxx is left alone as medics check on Biggins at ringside. Foxx fights valiantly, but eventually falls to Hocking’s Hock Shock for the 3.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As Total Wrestling returns from commercials, </em><em><strong>Jay Chord</strong></em><em> heads to the ring to the sound of </em></p><p><em>

    “Kings Never Die” By Eminem. Chord proceeds to explain his reasoning behind becoming the Masked Man and repeatedly attacking World Champion Aaron Andrews. It turns out it was a plan between Jay and Wolf Hawkins all along.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Chord:</strong> It was real simple. It all started when that bias Commissioner (Ricky Dale Johnson) banned The Syndicate from ringside during Wolf’s title match with Aaron. Wolf approached me with an opportunity. I help him win the World Title, and I get the first title shot. Picture it now. Wolf Hawkins. Jay Chord. The Main Event of Total Mayhem! It would have been perfect, but our wonderful Commissioner had better plans, and kept on giving Aaron opportunity after opportunity. So, I kept Wolf helping until he lost the World Title, until helping Wolf was no longer any use to me. Why? Because I’ve been sitting around, waiting for my opportunity, beating everyone in front of me, and I’ve gotten nothing for it! I’ve beaten everyone in the back, and still I receive no World Title Match! I’m tired of waiting around, and I want what’s mine! I shouldn’t have to be in some contenders match just to get some spot in a Fatal Four Way! I deserve a one-on-one contest, on the biggest stage possible!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Jay Chord is finally interrupted by the sound of “Shoot To Thrill” by AC/DC. An unhappy </em><em><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson </strong></em><em>makes his way down to the ring. The Commish grabs his own mic and proceeds to berate Chord.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah yeah, another crybaby who didn’t get what he wanted. There seems to be a bunch of you anymore! Frankly Jay, I couldn’t care what your reasoning is. I warned the locker room there would be repercussions for whoever wore that black mask, and you are certainly no exception. It’s a good thing you don’t like competing in a contenders match, because effective immediately? You are removed from yours contenders match with Joshua Taylor tonight. You’re out! And now? We can start talking fines and potential suspension!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Before RDJ can go further, “Feel Invincible” by Skillet plays. Out comes a pissed off World Champion! </em><em><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></em><em> marches down to the ring, the title belt hanging at his side. RDJ talks Andrews down as he enters the ring, not wanting a fight to ensue. Chord smirks at Andrews as Aaron stares him down. Andrews takes RDJ’s mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Andrews:</strong> I won’t start a fight, Rick. All I ask is one thing. Keep Jay Chord in the contenders match. Give him his chance. Then, I can kick his a**!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ and Andrews talk off-mic, the Commish clearly believing that Chord should be punished for his actions. Reluctantly, RDJ takes the mic back from Aaron.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright Aaron, I’ll honor your request. Jay, you keep your contenders match. But you’re still getting fined for disrespecting my rules. And let me make one thing clear, Jay. If you don’t win your contenders match tonight? You are not going to even sniff the World Title for a very long time. Do I make myself clear?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Jay Chord goes to respond, but is suddenly tackled by an enraged Aaron Andrews! RDJ calls for reinforcements as Andrews and Chord roll all over the mat, pummeling each other. Andrews and Chord are pulled apart, but it takes plenty of wrestlers to do so. Total Wrestling heads to commercials as the two competitors dish out threats back and forth from across the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> RDJ managed to maintain all out mayhem this time, but for how long?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I don’t think too long! Aaron Andrews might be World Champion again, but he now knows who cost him that belt originally. He won’t rest until he gets a piece of Jay Chord!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aztec Prince defeats Roderick Remus.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    The TCW newcomer continues to impress against his biggest challenge to date. The Head of Security for Freddy Corp. tries to keep up, but Remus just doesn’t have the answers with the newcomer. Prince puts Remus away with his Triple Powerbomb. </span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><strong>Masked Cougar</strong></em><em> (w/ Dharma Gregg) is interviewed by Kyle Rhodes next. Not cleared to wrestle after Chris Flynn’s heinous attack last week, Cougar can’t wait to get the okay from doctors to get some revenge against the Syndicate Enforcer.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Cougar:</strong> If you wanted another match Chris, then all you had to do was ask! But no, you think you can intimidate me because you’re bigger than me. I might be small Chris, but I promise you, my roar is plenty big, and you will learn that very soon!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Greg Gauge defeats Frederique to RETAIN The TCW Television Championship.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Frederique hoped that their previous close title match encounter would mean better things the second time around, but it’s in fact the opposite. Gauge clearly improved from their first encounter, and is able to systemically break down his opponent. Frederique rallies late, but eventually Gauge locks in the Proton Lock and forces the Beautiful Love member to tap out.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>That is Greg Gauge’s 21st successful defense as TV Champion. He has now been champion for 275 days. This is Gauge’s 1st reign as TV Champion.</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>In the midst of promoting the rest of the show, Jason Azaria gets instructions to go backstage, where we find medics hovering over a hurt </em><em><strong>Sammy Bach!</strong></em><em> We go to commercials with Bach on his back, wincing in pain while clutching his head.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    We come back from commercials as an enraged </em><em><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></em><em> rushes up to </em><em><strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></em><em> backstage. RDJ wastes no time to accuse Huggins (and his group Freddy Corp.) of attacking Bach before their singles matches tonight. Huggins immediately denies the attack, though he can barely hide the smirk on his face.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Huggins:</strong> I had nothing to do with it, Rick! But…if Sammy is hurt that bad, then you should just give me the win! Ya know, give me the spot in the Fatal Four Way, right? Give me my World Title shot? Eh? Eh? Eh?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Really?! You really think that is how it’s going to work? No, I can’t prove you did it Freddy or your cronies, but you’re still going to compete for the title shot. So, get ready for your match, because I will find someone to replace Sammy, and I’ll make sure you’re not happy about it!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Behemoths defeat Guillotine & Harvey Robbinsfield.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Squash Match! Killer Shark puts Guillotine & Robbinsfield out of their misery when he plants Robbinsfield with the Big Bite.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Kyle Rhodes is on the interview stage, where he introduces the leader of the Syndicate, </em><em><strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></em><em>. Hawkins joins Rhodes on the stage, while his followers </em><em><strong>Doc Hammond & Chris Flynn</strong></em><em> standby right in front of the stage. Rhodes proceeds to interview Hawkins about The Syndicate’s action last week. While Hawkins talks about his plans for Syndicate to dominate TCW, one question and answer stands out above it all.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I have to ask you, Wolf. If you intend to make The Syndicate stronger than ever, then why kick out Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson? How is the Syndicate stronger with less members?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hawkins:</strong> Kyle, no wonder people think you’re a mindless idiot, and don’t think I didn’t hear what you said about us last week. We’re snakes, right? I’m the biggest snake, right? Well, I’d be insulted if I gave even the slightest damn about your opinion. Eddie & Nate were expelled from The Syndicate because they were not in my vision of the future. I expect The Syndicate to be impressive, to be dominant, and to be victorious. Eddie & Nate were no longer any of those three. But Kyle, if you are really standing here thinking I expelled Eddie & Nate without a long term plan for The Syndicate? Then, you truly are a mindless idiot.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Before the interview can go much further, </em><em><strong>Mighty Mo</strong></em><em> appears in front of the stage with a mic in hand. Mo and Wolf begin to trade insults. Hawkins even invites Mo on the stage, of course knowing full well that Hammond & Flynn is blocking the way.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Mo:</strong> Wolf, I might consider myself tough, but I’m not stupid! I’m not going to just walk right into another three-on-one beatdown. I just out here to warn you, Wolf. My mind is on the World Title Match at Excessive Force, but don’t think I forgot about you, either! And your boys won’t always be around to protect you. And when you least expect it? When your guard is down? I’ll be there!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Freddy Huggins defeats One Man Army in a Contenders Match.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    The TCW Tag Team Champion is RDJ’s handpicked choice to replace the injured Sammy Bach, but Huggins still manages to sneak by and join the Fatal Four Way World Title Match at Excessive Force. Army has Huggins set up for the Guided Missile late, but just the slightest distraction by Freddy’s sister Laura Cathertine gives Huggins the opportunity to reverse Army’s finisher into his own. Huggins plants Army with the Huggins Kiss and picks up the 3.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Backstage, TV Champion </em><em><strong>Greg Gauge & Juliet Balconi</strong></em><em> bump into the Commish </em><em><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson.</strong></em><em> After Gauge flaunts about hitting blackjack, his 21st successful title defense, RDJ breaks some news to Greg. </em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Next week, we’re going to have a twenty-man battle royal on Total Wrestling. And the winner? Well, that man is going to challenge you for that TV Title at Excessive Force!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond) defeat Duke Freeman & Seth Whitehead by Disqualification.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Just as Fonzarelli is about to put Freeman away with the Retro Rocket, he gets clobbered from behind by Sinner Society’s Titan!</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Before </em><em><strong>Fonz & Diamond</strong></em><em> know it, they are ambushed by all three members of </em><em><strong>Sinner Society.</strong></em><em> They try to fight back, but with their stablemate Frederique incapacitated from his earlier match, Beautiful Love is quickly beat down by Titan, Killer Shark, & Nick Booth. As Fonz & Diamond lay lifeless in the ring, Floyd Goldworthy joins his boys in the ring, a mic in the manager’s hand.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Goldworthy:</strong> There’s your first lesson! Eddie Peak…or no Eddie Peak! The Sinner Society is far from dead!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Edd Stone defeats Troy Tornado.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    With Tornado’s Shade Gang stable mates at ringside and even a lending a hand behind Referee Long’s back, Stone appears to be in trouble. But, Tornado wastes too much taunting and chatting with mates, and when he finally attempts his Star Maker finisher, Stone reverses it into a roll up! Stone catches Tornado with a 3! </span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The rest of </em><em><strong>Shade Gang</strong></em><em> quickly hit the ring, and the three-on-one quickly ensues. </em><em><strong>Edd Stone</strong></em><em> looks to be in big trouble, but here comes the Tag Team Champions! </em><em><strong>W.M.D.</strong></em><em> to the rescue! One Man Army & Human Arsenal beat up on their brewing rivals, and Shade Gang decide to fight another day and retreat from the battle. The two factions exchange threats, right before W.M.D. help Stone to his feet and raise his arms in victory.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> The Shade Gang sure does love it when the odds are in their favor, but there they go running away when the fight is even!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</span></em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord defeats Joshua Taylor in a Contenders Match.</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Prior to the match, Davis Wayne Newton & Haley Buck join the commentary team, and both proceed to talk down Taylor the entire match. The match eventually spills out to ringside right in front of commentary after Taylor flies off the apron and wipes Chord out with a flying knee to the face. Taylor hears what Newton & Buck are saying about him, and after an exchange of insults, Taylor takes a cup of water off the commentary table and tosses it in Newton’s face! </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Taylor sends Chord back into the ring, then shares a few more words with an irate Haley Buck before turning his attention back to the ring. Taylor goes to step through the ropes when Chord delivers a painful kick to Joshua’s recovering knee! Taylor instantly crumbles to the mat in agony. Chord drags Taylor up and plants him with the Cradle Piledriver! 1,2,3, Chord punches his ticket to the Fatal Four Way World Title Match at Excessive Force!</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> The match is now set for Excessive Force! <strong>In a Fatal Four Way Match, Aaron Andrews will defend the TCW World Heavyweight Championship against Freddy Huggins, Mighty Mo, & Jay Chord!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As </em><em><strong>Jay Chord</strong></em><em> gets his hands raised by Referee Johnson, both men turn to see the commotion. Seconds after the match is over, an enraged (and wet) </em><em><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></em><em> is kneeling over </em><em><strong>Joshua Taylor</strong></em><em> and pummels away at him. Chord doesn’t join Newton, nor does he make any attempt to stop Davis.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    “Feel Invincible” by Skillet hits the PA, and the crowd goes nuts! </em><em><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></em><em> races to the ring to make the save. Back on his feet, Newton takes a big swing at Andrews as he enters the ring, but Aaron ducks under it. Andrews flies off the ropes and takes Newton clean off his feet with his patented Spear! Newton stumbles up and falls into the ropes. Andrews charges and clotheslines Newton to the floor!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Andrews spins around searching, apparently looking for Jay Chord. He finds Chord already making his exit, casually walking backwards up the entrance stage. Mockingly, Chord waves Andrews with a smirk. Andrews checks on Taylor before sending a few threats in Chord’s direction.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Aaron Andrews helped save Joshua Taylor from significant injury, but it’s clear that he had a bigger desire when he came running down to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> That’s for sure. Andrews wants to get his hands on Chord. He won’t get that chance tonight, but he will when they battle in the Fatal Four Way at Excessive Force. Good Night, Folks! See you next week, right here on Total Wrestling! </p></div><p></p><p></p>

  2. June – Week 1 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Another Hungry Lion To Challenge The Veteran


    In an interview conducted by Kyle Rhodes, Joshua Taylor would attempt to give us an update on his knee after a tough loss to Greg Gauge at Total Mayhem, and talk about his contenders match versus Jay Chord next week. Before he can get very far, though, he would be interrupted by Davis Wayne Newton & Haley Buck. Taylor would get a jab in before the duo can even talk into their own microphone.


    Taylor: Hey Davis, tough luck on catching your first loss on Tuesday. It’s gotta happen for all of us!


    Buck: No No No! My client Davis Wayne Newton was NOT defeated by Aaron Andrews. His shoulders were never pinned to the mat, he never submitted, and he absolutely had nothing to do with Jay Chord’s interference! My lawyer is already in the process of washing that loss from the record, so please, when you speak of my client, do it properly. He is the STILL Undefeated…Davis…Wayne Newton!


    Haley Buck would proceed to taunt Taylor about his banged up knee and his loss to Gauge at Total Mayhem. Buck would go so far as to say that Taylor is undeserving at a World Title opportunity. It would be then that Newton calls for the microphone.


    Newton: Ya know who deserves to be in a contenders match? The only undefeated wrestler in TCW. Me! You? You just lost to the TV Champion three times and can barely walk! Please! Jay Chord is going to run right through you!


    Taylor: Ya know what kid? My knee might still be recovering, but I can still knee you right in the face and shut your big mouth up.


    Haley Buck takes back the mic back from Newton.


    Buck: Ya know what your job is anymore, Josh? It’s to put over upcoming talent and make them look like stars. It’s your job to take a beating and make others look like a million bucks. You just did it for Greg Gauge! You made him look a superstar! So what d’ya say, Josh? How about you help make Davis Wayne Newton look like a superstar, too?


    Taylor: Heh…that’s cute, real cute. Name the time and place, children. Name the time and place, and it will be my honor to shut both of your mouths. Cause Davis? You need a rude awakening. You strut around here like you’re already the top guy here. It would be my honor to knock some sense into you!


    Smirking, Haley Buck shakes her finger at Taylor.


    Buck: We’re going to take you up on that. We’re going to name the time and place…in due time!


    Quickie Moments

    * As it turns out, The Syndicate weren’t finished with their onslaught on the TCW roster after Total Wrestling went off air this week. A backstage video would reveal that Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright were attacked by Doc Hammond & Chris Flynn as they departed from the arena. Hammond would repeatedly hit Tana with a steel chair to keep the giant down, while Flynn would send T-Bone face first into a large travel case, then beat away on him on the ground. All this time, Wolf Hawkins calmly watched his men do his bidding, getting revenge for the Syndicate’s loss to Tana & T-Bone at Total Mayhem. As security and TCW officials hit the scene, Hawkins called off his dogs. The Syndicate would depart from the arena as TCW medical checked on Tana & T-Bone.


    ** In a interview conducted by Jason Azaria, TCW World Tag Team Champions W.M.D. confirm that they heard Troy Tornado’s “loudmouth” on commentary, where Tornado insulted the champions and called their win over Shade Gang a fluke. One Man Army & Human Arsenal make it clear that they have no problem fighting Shade Gang again, just like they have no problem fighting anyone in TCW. Through the words of their manager Vita…


    Vita: Shade Gang! Name the date and place. My boys will show up and put another beating on you three. You guys might like another Tag Title shot, but W.M.D. would LOVE another chance at shutting you punks up!


    Early Tuesday Evening

    Backstage at Total Wrestling


    Ricky Dale Johnson steps back from the dry erase board. He and Floyd Goldworthy have just put together RDJ’s first card as the Head Booker of Total Championship Wrestling. So many times in the past, he has seen the show put together on a board like this. So many times as a pro wrestler, he would just read over the card quickly and go on his merry way. In fact, as a premier top star, he rarely had to check the board because he would be informed by creative of his character’s route well before the show. But now? RDJ was in charge of the entire show. He had to make sure that everyone knew where they had to be, who they had to talk to, and then Rick and Road Agents could fill in the little details if needed.


    RDJ looked over his work a second time. He felt the hand holding the marker shaking. He couldn’t make himself satisfied, no matter how many times he played the show over in his head. He knew perfection wasn’t possible, yet he wanted his first show to be perfect.


    RDJ: What d’ya think?


    Goldworthy: I think you need to relax. Everything is going to be fine. It’s a good card, and people will understand that it’s your first show.


    RDJ: Ya think? They’d really give me some slack?


    Goldworthy: Well….most of them. The people you give a crap about, I suppose.


    Goldworthy smiled at his little joke, though RDJ was in no mood to laugh. Floyd hadn’t yet agreed to be a part of RDJ’s booking team. He didn’t know if he wanted such a responsibility full time, but was happy to help RDJ when he had time. After thirty-six years in the business, Floyd made an effort to give his wife and family more time at home. RDJ understood that, and sometimes wondered why he wasn’t doing the same.


    From behind them, RDJ heard a familiar voice greeting them. They turned to see the multi-time World Champion, Wolf Hawkins, walking up to them. Wolf’s smile was so big, you’d think that he didn’t have a bunch of stitches in his head. Hawkins shook hands with RDJ and Floyd, and even embraced RDJ in a small hug.


    Hawkins: I want you to thank you again for calling me up and talking to me, Rick. It’s nice to be able to talk you about future plans.


    RDJ: Wolf, you’re part of the foundation of this company. If I’m going to be a good Booker, I have to be on the same page with my top stars.


    After Hawkins lost the World Title to Aaron Andrews at the biggest show of the year, Total Mayhem, RDJ knew it was important to talk to Wolf asap. Hawkins was a team player and was by no means upset by the title loss. Still, RDJ knew how it was to come out of such a big loss with no direction to guide his character. Some Bookers didn’t consider that, and it could lead to frustrations with talent. RDJ didn’t want that to happen, especially with Wolf.


    Hawkins: You keep treating us guys with that type of respect? You’re going to do just fine.


    Hawkins nodded towards Goldworthy.


    Hawkins: He’s nervous, ain’t he?


    Goldworthy: *grins* Sweating bullets.


    RDJ: Yeah yeah yeah….piling up on the Booker already. Okay okay, do you think we should just have the meeting now? Is the rest of your boys here?


    Hawkins: Yeah, they’re all here. It’s probably best we do it early, see how it goes down.


    RDJ: Alright, go get the boys. Let’s rip the band aid off.


    Minutes later, after RDJ looked over his show listing about thirty times more, Wolf Hawkins returned with the rest of The Syndicate. Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, Eddie Chandler, & Nate Johnson all took turns shaking hands with RDJ and Goldworthy. The group had been rolling together for two years now, and it was pretty evident how they had grown close together.


    RDJ small talked at first, asking how they were feeling, asking Eddie Chandler how he was feeling after his previously cracked tail bone. Chandler had been cleared to wrestle just days prior. Despite his stomach starting to twist, RDJ found the nerve to start his first big move as Head Booker.


    RDJ: Well guys, I just wanted to inform you guys of my plans heading out of Total Mayhem. It’s a new wrestling year for us, and we have to keep that momentum rolling. That said, I want to make sure that despite Wolf’s feud with Aaron being over, I want the fans to continue to look at The Syndicate as a dominating force. So, tonight? I’m going to have The Syndicate coming out super strong. After tonight, you’re going to make sure the fans know that The Syndicate has definitely not lost a single step. In fact, the group is as aggressive as ever.


    The boys nod and talk softly to each other. They seem to all approve of what RDJ is saying. ‘Okay,’ RDJ thinks to himself. ‘That went just fine. Time to toss the curveball and see how it goes.’


    RDJ: But it’s not just about tonight. I want to set up The Syndicate for the future. Wolf here might not be the World Champion anymore, but he’s going to continue to be a top star. He’s starting a feud with Mighty Mo tonight, in fact. We’re going to keep Wolf right there at the top, so when it feels right? We could just slip that World Title right back around his waist.


    Hawkins: Hopefully soon!


    Wolf’s joke lightens up the mood in the room. It’s what RDJ needs to ease his stomach a bit.


    RDJ: I want to make sure Syndicate stays fresh and strong for not just a couple weeks, but for as long as possible. That said, I decided we’re going to add some new faces to the group. But, we’re not going to over inflate the group. So, if we’re going to add some new faces, some people gotta go. Eddie? Nate? That’s going to be you, guys.


    Its clear Chandler and Johnson are caught off guard by the revelation. Chandler’s jaw drops a bit, and he turns to his longtime partner Johnson to make sure that he heard RDJ right.


    Chandler: Come on man, are you serious?


    RDJ: *nods* As serious as could be. Someone has to go with our plan, so tonight, we’re going to cut an angle where you guys get kicked out of The Syndicate.


    Clearly upset, Nate Johnson turns away and paces, his head shaking. Both are clearly upset by the news.


    RDJ: My decision is pretty simple, boys. I think we can cut you guys loose and you can still be a formidable tag team on your own. We can even run it like you guys have a chip on your shoulders.


    Chandler: Come on Rick, let’s just say it aloud. You’re kicking out the old guys.


    Hawkins: Come on, Eddie. Give Rick a break, this is a tough decision.


    Johnson: So what? You’re okay with this Wolf?


    Hawkins: *shrugs* We need to keep things fresh, Nate. We’ve been running this group as is for almost two years. An adjustment might be what it needs. We wait too long, and the whole group becomes stale. That leaves everyone in a hole.


    Both Chandler and Johnson are given a moment to let it all sink in. Finally, Johnson turns back to RDJ.


    Johnson: So what? We leave Syndicate, and then what?


    RDJ: We keep you off television for a week to sell the beatdown. Then we bring you back and have you wanting revenge and see how that guys. Depending how the crowd reacts, I think a babyface run could be an option.


    Chandler: Christ, I haven’t been a babyface since I was in my twenties…


    RDJ: Then, you’re clearly overdue! Listen, I know you guys are upset, but those are the plans. We will have something for you guys, but it just won’t be with The Syndicate. Any questions?


    Chandler & Johnson look like they’re about to saying something, perhaps insult RDJ, but they manage to hold it back and be professional. They both shake their heads.


    RDJ: Alright, so later on, we’ll plan the whole thing out. It’s going to be a big night for the Syndicate, you’ll see.


    Johnson: Great….


    Chandler & Johnson leave first, then Hammond & Flynn, who deliberately give their now old stable mates some space. Wolf Hawkins sticks around, offering a comically cringe face.


    Hawkins: Welp, that’s never easy.


    RDJ: No, it is not, and it sucks to do it.


    Hawkins: You did fine, Rick.


    RDJ: Really?


    Hawkins: Well, I would have passed on that “big night for the Syndicate” line. But otherwise, you did as well as you possible could have.


    Goldworthy: He’s right, Rick. If you’re serious about this youth movement, then you’re going to make some harsh decisions.


    RDJ: Yeah, I know. I just thought veterans like Eddie and Nate might take it easier.


    Hawkins: They’re tough, they will ease up eventually. You did a good job lying to them, though.


    RDJ: What do you mean?


    Hawkins:….come on, Rick. You have nothing long term for them. Let’s be real here, man. They’re both on their last legs. Eddie’s not wrong. We all know why you picked them and not Doc or Chris.


    RDJ: Geez, was it that obvious?


    Hawkins: *shrugs* Kind of, but I’m sure they see the writing on the wall, too.


    Goldworthy: So, you mentioned to the boys that you’re going to bring in some fresh faces to the group. Who ya got in mind?


    Hawkins and RDJ share a glance. Wolf grins.


    Hawkins: I don’t know. Should we let him in on our little plan?


    Excited by the plans he cooked up with Hawkins, RDJ finds himself grinning, too. All of sudden, his stomach begins to ease up.


    RDJ: Sure, why not. Goldy here can keep a secret!

  3. June – Week 1 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    The Big Reveal


    TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson is standing by inside the ring as Total Wrestling comes onto air, a mic in hand.


    RDJ: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are fresh off Total Mayhem XXIV, the biggest TCW show of the year. Among many events at Total Mayhem, the World Title changed hands during an epic war inside the Steel Cell. Folks, please welcome the NEW….TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron…Andrews!


    Cue the huge pops, “Feel Invincible” by Skillet begins to play. Grinning ear to ear, Aaron Andrews appears in street clothes, the World Title around his waist. A bandage on his forehead from his battle with Wolf Hawkins, Andrews poses for the crowd before heading down to the ring. Andrews poses for the crowd once more before shaking hands with RDJ. RDJ gestures to Andrews that the ring is his, then motions over to the corner. Andrews gets his own mic and delivers his championship speech.


    Andrews: Wolf Hawkins & I will never be friends, and I doubt Sunday Night will be the last time we battle inside a TCW ring. It probably won’t even be the last time we battle over this World Title. But nonetheless, Wolf is one of the best wrestlers in the world, and we had a hell of a match inside that Steel Cell. I am proud to say that I walked away the winner, and I have regain the spot on top of the mountain. It is my honor to once again be the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, and I plan on representing this title and this company the best I possibly can. So, the locker room can line up in the back and get ready, because I intend on being a fighting champion. I intend on being the best damn World Champion that TCW has ever seen!


    RDJ steps forward from the corner to intrude on Andrews’s speech.


    RDJ: I’m glad to hear your desire to be a great, fighting champion. As you know Aaron, the wheels keep turning in TCW. We might have just lived through Total Mayhem, but the world keeps moving, and we have shows to deliver to these big fans. You want to be a fighting champion? Well, I’ll give you that chance. At Excessive Force, you will defend that World Title in a Fatal Four Way Match.


    Andrews: Alright man, let’s do it. Give me the best you got!


    RDJ: Well, we’re going to find out who deserves such a opportunity. We’re going to have one contenders match tonight, and then two more contender matches next week to decide your challengers. Tonight, we’re going to decide your first challenger when Mighty Mo takes on Syndicate’s Doc Hammond. Next week? It will be Sammy Bach facing off with Freddy Huggins, while Joshua Taylor will battle Jay Chord.


    Andrews: Ya know what? That’s great, Rick. Let’s do it. That is exactly the type of champion I want to be. But, I want to up the ante. I want to take it to another level. I don’t want to just sit in the back tonight. It’s the show after Total Mayhem. It is the dawning of a new era. I want to defend the World Title tonight, and I want to give out an open challenge!


    Andrews turns to the crowd.


    Andrews: How would you guys like to see a World Title Match?


    They want to see it!


    Andrews: What d’ya say Rick?


    RDJ: Hell Aaron, you’re the champion. If that’s what you want and these fans want to see it, let’s do it. You will officially defend that World Title tonight in the main event!


    Andrews: Great! But, I have rules for this open challenge, pure and simple. This open challenge has to be about new opportunities. Whoever comes out here to accept this challenge has to become someone who has never gotten a TCW World Title Match. Heck, the less you have whiffed the World Title, the better! I want someone in the locker room back there that has just been waiting for their chance, and it just hasn’t-…


    All of sudden, Andrews is interrupted by “Man With A Plan” by Chapel of Rock.


    Kyle Rhodes: Oh Boy!


    Jason Azaria: Business just picked up, folks!


    Out comes Haley Buck, followed by the strutting, undefeated Davis Wayne Newton! The crowd is pumped already as Buck leads her client Newton down to the ring, a microphone already in her hand. The duo stands before Andrews as the music cuts, a huge smirk on Buck’s face.


    Buck: Champ? You just made the biggest mistake of your career!


    Andrews can’t help but smile at such an accusation.


    Andrews: Alright, I like the confidence. But Davis? I need you to understand this. You might be undefeated here in TCW, and you’ve beaten some solid names. But, you’re about to take a huge step right now when you step up to me. All I ask is…are you sure you’re ready?


    Buck: I assure you, Champ. Davis is ready to fight you tonight. And ya know what? Here’s why!


    Suddenly, Haley Buck throws her microphone at Andrews! The World Champion is immediately set off guard, and it allows Newton to clock Andrews with a huge forearm to the temple! Andrews hits the mat hard, though he recovers rather quickly. Before he can do so, though, Buck & Newton have already departed from the ring, a huge smile on both of their faces. As Andrews checks under his bandage for blood, a smile begins to appear on his face, too!


    Jason Azaria: It wasn’t confirmed, but I assume this match is going to happen. The undefeated Davis Wayne Newton will challenge Aaron Andrews for the World Title tonight!


    Kyle Rhodes: Newton might think he’s ready for this, but he might be in for a rude awakening later this evening.


    Fast forward to the main event, as Andrews defend his World Title against Newton. The crowd is quickly hot for this fresh contest of Top Gup versus Rising Superstar. Newton keeps up with Andrews most of the match. With a little help from Haley Buck, he even has Andrews on his heels for a lengthy period of time. But, Andrews eventually rallies and begins to hit Newton with his best maneuvers.


    After catching Newton with a spear, Andrews prepares for the end. Andrews is in the corner of the ring, looking for his patented kick, the Ace in the Hole. Wait a minute…it’s him again! It’s the Masked Man! Minus his steel pipe this time, the Masked Man is up on the apron behind Andrews and aggressively rakes the eyes of the World Champion! Referee Johnson immediately calls for the bell, Disqualifying Davis Wayne Newton for the interference.


    Kyle Rhodes: Not him again! I thought this would be over after Aaron’s battle with Wolf.


    Jason Azaria: I thought so, too!


    Haley Buck instructs Newton to exit the ring as the Masked Man enters and begins to stalk the blinded World Champion. The Masked Man suddenly spins Andrews around and sets him up. The Masked Man plants Andrews with…the Cradle Piledriver!


    Kyle Rhodes: Wait a minute! The Cradle Piledriver?! That’s…that’s….


    The Masked Man swiftly gets to his feet and with only little hesitation, he swiftly removes the black mask. IT’S JAY CHORD!


    Jason Azaria: I don’t believe it! But why?!


    As the boos grow heavy, Chord looks over the crowd and can’t help but grin a little. Confidently, Chord crouches down towards the motionless Andrews.


    Chord: It’s about time, Aaron. It’s about that time….


    Ever so casually, Chord places the black mask down on Andrews’s chest. Total Wrestling comes to a close this week as Chord remains standing over the World Champion, that little grin still on his face.


    The Syndicate Declaration


    Cue the boos as “Uprising” by Muse begins to play. A very unhappy looking Wolf Hawkins appears, swarmed by his Syndicate brethren. Despite a large bandage on his forehead, Hawkins still tries to keep his Mafia vibe with his slick suit and sunglasses. The rest of the Syndicate members are dressed very similar. Hawkins leads his Syndicate down to the ring, Chris Flynn grabbing his leader a microphone in the process. Hammond, Flynn, Chandler, & Johnson stand behind their leader as he attempts to speak. It takes Hawkins a moment, though, as the crowd start to mock him over his World Title loss at Total Mayhem with a “Former Champion” chant. Hawkins scowls at them, but manages to keep his cool aside from that.


    Hawkins begins to deliver a speech that he calls [/b]The Syndicate Declaration.[/b]


    Hawkins: I know you people think that my loss at Total Mayhem makes you think that the Syndicate is over, that our best days are past us. Well, that just once again proves what you people know. The Syndicate had a terrible night at Total Mayhem, there is no getting around that. On the biggest show of the year, we won one match while losing three. And of course, I lost the World Title to my heated rival. But, if you think one bad night is going to negate all the past success the Syndicate has accomplished, but you are very…very…gullible.


    Hawkins turns away from the crowd, and instead talks straight to his Syndicate brethren.


    Hawkins: We all failed the Syndicate at Total Mayhem. Admittedly, I failed it more than any of us. But, I know what must be done to recover from Sunday. Do you boys know how? Can you pick yourselves off the ground and prove the value of the Syndicate name?


    Every single member reacts positively to Hawkins’s question. Wolf nods, then turns back to the crowd.


    Hawkins: You people seem to forget all the time, but I think you need a reminder. No, this entire company needs a reminder. The Syndicate…IS…TCW. This is our company to rule! And so what if I don’t wear the World Title around my waist? It’s just means it’s only a matter of time until that title is back to where it belongs. You people need a reminder why we are the Syndicate, why we are the premier faction in professional wrestling. There is no faction more dominant than the Syndicate, and we are the men that has kept this company churning for years now. Our bias Commissioner said earlier that the wheels keep turning in TCW. Well, while those wheels turn, the Syndicate is always evolving and preparing itself to remain atop the wrestling business.


    Hawkins grows silent for a moment as he bows his head.


    Hawkins: And just like with evolution…sometimes in the Syndicate…you have to weed out the weak…


    A cue to something shocking, Doc Hammond suddenly turns and clobbers Eddie Chandler! Chandler drops to the mat and can only cover himself as his own stablemate begins to stomp away at him. A stunned Nate Johnson starts yelling at Doc, who is beating up his longtime tag team partner. But, as Johnson does so, he gets clobbered from behind by Chris Flynn. Flynn proceeds to deliver the same beatdown to Johnson. Meanwhile, Hawkins calmly turns around and watches the beatdown happen.


    Jason Azaria: What is happening here?!


    Kyle Rhodes: We’re seeing what type of snakes the Syndicate are. The Syndicate can never be trusted, not even by his own members.


    Flynn locks Johnson in the Flynn-Lock right in the middle of the ring. In agony, Johnson is stuck and forced to watch as Hammond picks up his partner Chandler and plants him with his patented Exploder Suplex. Hammond turns to Hawkins, who gestures to Doc to lift Chandler up. As Hammond does, Hawkins tranquilly removes his sunglasses and coat jacket. Hawkins then rushes off the ropes and delivers a stiff kick to Chandler’s face! Chandler falls to the mat, lifeless. Hawkins then gestures to Flynn, and they proceed to do the same to Nate Johnson. Without another word or gesture, Hawkins retrieves his jacket and exits the ring with Hammond & Flynn following. None of them look back at their work, leaving their stablemates lying in the ring.


    Jason Azaria: Is this how The Syndicate remains strong? By attacking their own members?


    Kyle Rhodes: I don’t they’re members any longer, Jason. But again, they’re snakes. The Syndicate is nothing but a bunch of suit wearing snakes!


    A few minutes later, Masked Cougar is battling Shade Gang’s Matt Hocking in singles competition. Cougar gains the edge as he flies through the ropes and wipes Hocking out at ringside with a Suicide Dive. Cougar sends Hocking back into the ring in the hopes to capitalize. But before he can reenter the ring himself, Cougar gets clobbered from behind by Chris Flynn! Referee Long calls for the Disqualification as Flynn proceeds to pummel Cougar on the floor.


    Jason Azaria: Oh come on! Again with the Syndicate?!


    Kyle Rhodes: Looking at the big man Flynn here. Attacking Cougar during his match cause Chris lost to him at Total Mayhem!


    Flynn drags Cougar up and whips him as hard as possible into the steel steps. Flynn stands up and turns to the entranceway, where Wolf Hawkins is calmly standing. Hawkins gestures to Flynn to keep going, and so he does. Flynn drags Cougar back up, lifts Cougar up into the air, and drops Cougar right on top of the steel steps with a hip toss! Cougar immediately collapses to the floor on the other side, clutching his back in agony!


    Jason Azaria: My God!


    Kyle Rhodes: What a disgusting act! He might have just severely injured Cougar, just because he couldn’t win a match.


    As TCW Officials hit the scene with the medical staff, Hawkins gestures to Flynn that it’s time to go. The Syndicate take their leave, while Cougar continues to cry out in pain on the floor.


    It’s not over, yet.


    Two matches later, Mighty Mo is battling Doc Hammond for the right to join the World Title Fatal Four Way at Excessive Force. It’s a classic brawl between two of the toughest men in TCW. Mo survives Hammond’s Texas Cloverleaf by getting to the ropes, and when Hammond tries to drag him to the center of the ring, Mo breaks free. Mo gets back to his feet and goes on a flurry which Hammond has no answers for. Mo eventually hits his Plunging Spinebuster for the 3, cementing his spot in the World Title Fatal Four Way!


    As Mighty Mo gets his hand raised by Referee Johnson, he is attacked from behind by Chris Flynn!


    Jason Azaria: Come on! Not again!


    Flynn starts to beat down Mo, but the Mighty Mo is fighting back. Mo delivers big rights and sends Flynn off the ropes. Mo goes to hit the Plunging Spinebuster on Flynn, but a recovered Doc Hammond clobbers Mo from behind before he can do it. Its trouble now for Mo, as Hammond and Flynn begin to pummel him. Meanwhile, Wolf Hawkins begins to slowly make his way down to the ring.


    Kyle Rhodes: Oh look, and here comes the ultimate snake to watch his men work.


    As Hawkins enters the ring, Flynn locks Mo in the Flynn-Lock. Hawkins calmly watches from the corner as Hammond stomps Mo while the Mighty One is stuck in the submission. Having seen enough, Hawkins gestures to them to pick Mo up, just like they did Chandler & Johnson. Not taking his jacket off this time, Hawkins rushes forward and kicks Mo straight in the face! Mo collapses to the mat, and Hawkins for a long while just stares down at his motionless body. Suddenly, in a jolt of rage, Hawkins marches towards the ropes and looks right into the camera.




    Scowling for a minute, Hawkins eventually calms down and exits the ring. Hammond and Flynn follow their leader up the entrance way as TCW Officials race past them to check on Mighty Mo in the ring.


    Jason Azaria: The Syndicate might have kicked out two of its members. But…I have never seen Wolf Hawkins this ruthless in his entire TCW career.


    Kyle Rhodes: The title loss to Aaron Andrews triggered something in Wolf, and I don’t like it. It’s absolutely disgusting.


    Quickie Moments

    * Troy Tornado of Shade Gang is guest commentator as W.M.D. defend their Tag Team Titles against Tana & T-Bone in the opening contest. Tornado makes it clear over and over that he believes Shade Gang’s loss to W.M.D. at Total Mayhem was a total fluke, and that Speed & Hocking are clearly the better team. In fact, Tornado blames W.M.D.’s manager Vita for their loss, stating she had no business at ringside. After W.M.D. picks up the win against Tana & T-Bone, Tornado shares some words with W.M.D. as he takes his leave. He mockingly applauds W.M.D. for their victory as he exits from ringside.


    ** Kyle Rhodes interviews TCW Television Champion Greg Gauge, who is accompanied by manager Juliet Balconi onto the interview stage. Gauge proceeds to flaunt his victory over Joshua Taylor, and how he now has successfully defend the TV Title a whopping twenty times. When Gauge claims there are no legit challengers left, he is interrupted by “Radio Ga Ga” by Queen. Out comes the entire trio of Beautiful Love, though it is Frederique who steps onto the stage to face off with Gauge. Frederique refers to the contested title match the two had two months prior, when Gauge barely escaped with the TV Title.


    Frederique: If you’re such an amazing champion, Greggy Boy, then maybe…just maybe…you wouldn’t mind giving ol’ Freddy here another title match!


    After being coaxed a bit more by Frederique, the rest of Beautiful Love, and even the crowd, Gauge accepts the challenge! Next week on Total Wrestling, Gauge will defend the TV Title against Frederique in a rematch!


    *** Kyle Rhodes is later again on the interview stage, this time to welcome Sammy Bach to a huge pop. Bach seems to be in a somber mood after his Total Mayhem team lost, though still manages to smile towards the crowd. Bach talks about the loss and his future in TCW, but is eventually interrupted by Freddy Huggins, who comes out talking on his own microphone. Huggins begins to mock Bach about his loss to Jay Chord & Freddy Corp at Total Mayhem. He even takes jabs at Bach about possibly “not having it anymore.” This is only manages to rile Bach up.


    Bach: Oh, don’t you worry, Freddy. I still have plenty left in the tank! You’re going to find that out next week when I kick you’re a**! I’m going to beat you in that ring there, and I’m going to get myself a World Title shot!

  4. I figured with TCW coming out of its biggest show of the year, Total Mayhem XXIV, this would be a good time to give followers of this dynasty an overview of the roster. Many things have happened in just the first five months, so maybe this will help you guys keep track. Enjoy!


    Babyfaces in Blue, Heels in Red


    The Champion’s Lounge

    TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Aaron Andrews (4x)

    TCW Television Champion: Greg Gauge

    TCW World Tag Team Champions: W.M.D. (One Man Army & Human Arsenal)


    Major Stars

    Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Jay Chord, Wolf Hawkins



    Joshua Taylor, Mighty Mo, Tana The Mighty, Freddy Huggins, Greg Gauge


    Well Known

    Benny Benson, Danny Fonzarelli, Edd Stone, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Frederique, Human Arsenal, Masked Cougar, One Man Army, Chris Flynn, Davis Wayne Newton, Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler, Eddie Peak (?), Killer Shark, Marc Speed, Matt Hocking, Nate Johnson, Troy Tornado



    Bart Biggins, Capitao Brasil Jr., Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine, Dazzling Dave Diamond, T-Bone Bright, Akima Brave, Julian Watson, Roderick Remus, Titan



    Dean Daniels, Elliot Thomas, Jack Avatar, Mr. Lucha, Aztec Prince, Jeremie Courtney, Nick Booth, Yuri Yoshihara


    Tag Teams

    Bart Biggins & Flying Jimmy Foxx

    Devine Fortune – Chance Fortune & Darryl Devine

    Tana & T-Bone – Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright

    W.M.D. – One Man Army & Human Arsenal

    The Behemoths – Killer Shark & Titan

    The Elite – Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson



    Beautiful Love – Danny Fonzarelli, Dazzling Dave Diamond, & Frederique

    Freddy Corp. – Freddy Huggins *Leader*, "CEO" Laura Catherine Huggins, “Coach” Julian Watson, & “Head of Security” Roderick Remus

    Sinner Society – Eddie Peak *Leader?*, Floyd Goldworthy, Killer Shark, Nick Booth, & Titan

    The Shade Gang – Marc Speed, Matt Hocking, & Troy Tornado

    The Syndicate – Wolf Hawkins *Leader*, Chris Flynn, Doc Hammond, Eddie Chandler, & Nate Johnson



    Dharma GreggMasked Cougar, Tana & T-Bone

    VitaEdd Stone, W.M.D.

    Floyd GoldworthyThe Sinner Society

    Haley BuckDavis Wayne Newton

    Juliet BalconiGreg Gauge

    Laura Catherine HugginsFreddy Corp.


    On-Air Personalities

    Announcer - Jason Azaria, Mitch Naess, Shawk Doakes

    Colour Commentator – Jasmine Saunders, Kyle Rhodes, MC Motormouth

    Commissioner – Ricky Dale Johnson

    Referee – Charles Hapstander, Francis Long, Michael Bull, Ray Johnson, Ric Young


    TCW Staff

    CEO – Kyle Rhodes

    Head Booker – Ricky Dale Johnson

    Head Talent Scout – Joel Bryant

    President of Talent Development – Brent Hill

    Road Agent –Dean Daniels, Luis Montero, Robert Oxford, Sam Keith


  5. TCW Monthly Report

    May 2020


    State of the Company

    Size Rating: Big

    Prestige: 97%

    Momentum: 83%

    World Ranking: 3rd

    USA Ranking: 2nd


    Average Popularity In Each Area

    USA: 78

    Canada: 71

    Mexico: 16

    British Isles: 19

    Japan: 20

    Europe: 23

    Oceania: 19

    India: 20


    Financial Report


    *$10 Million Spent on a brand new Developmental Center*


    Top Ten Merchandise Sales

    1) Aaron Andrews – 263.3K

    2) Sammy Bach – 134.3K

    3) Wolf Hawkins – 110.6K

    4) Jay Chord – 71.6K

    5) Ricky Dale Johnson – 39.3K

    6) Mighty Mo – 20.4K

    7) Joshua Taylor – 19.7K

    8) Tana The Mighty – 15.3K

    9) Benny Benson – 7.4K

    10) Frederique – 7K


    Top Five Matches Of The Month

    1) Aaron Andrews defeated Wolf Hawkins in a Steel Cell to become the new TCW World Heavyweight Champion (Total Mayhem XXIV, 85)


    2) Joshua Taylor defeated Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, & Doc Hammond in a Fatal Four Way (Total Wrestling – Week 2, 82)


    2) Greg Gauge defeated Joshua Taylor in a Submission Match to retain the TCW Television Championship (Total Mayhem XXIV, 82)


    2) Greg Gauge defeated Capitao Brasil Jr. to retain the TCW Television Championship (Total Wrestling – Week 1, 82)


    5) (TIE) Aaron Andrews defeated Eddie Peak by DQ/Wolf Hawkins defeated Eddie Peak by DQ (81) *Yes, this is legit!*


    Company Signings

    Fro Sure (Developmental), Logan Wolfsbaine (Developmental), MC Motormouth (Colour Commentator), Michael Bull (Referee), Mr. Lucha, Ric Young (Referee),


    Contract Extensions

    Julian Watson (1 year), Marc Speed (3 years)


    Company Departures

    Playboy Jake Sawyer (Released)


    Entrance Theme of the Month!

    The Shade Gang“You’ve Got Another Thing Coming” by Judas Priest


    Finishing Move of the Month!

    The Huggins Kiss (Freddy Huggins)Double Underhook DDT

  6. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p>

    </p><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    TCW Total Mayhem XXIV</span></span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="fx2CDv9" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/fx2CDv9" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Two Quick Editor’s Note. One, I messed up my match order apparently when editing the show. For the sake of feng shui, I never would have had three straight Syndicate matches, especially to start the show. But at some point, I accidentally moved my TV Title later in the show and didn’t realize I had done so.</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    And Two, my huge blunder. Hawkins Vs Andrews was supposed to be a Steel Cell Match, but if you see the results image, I accidentally booked it as a Steel Cage Match. I booked the match way early in the hopes to help boost profit, so I have no idea how I managed such a blunder. My match still got a good rating, though I wonder if it would have gotten better if I booked it appropriately. Sorry about that, folks!</span></em> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Kick Off Show</span></strong></p><p>

    <strong>Troy Tornado</strong> won a 15 Man Battle Royal, last eliminating Flying Jimmy Foxx. Killer Shark and Darryl Devine were also in the final four. Shark had the most eliminations.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Welcome Everyone…</em></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>

    To Total Mayhem XXIV!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Benny Benson Vs. Doc Hammond</strong></span></p><p>

    Two of TCW’s longest term veterans battle in their rubber match to open up Total Mayhem. Whether out of respect or arrogance, Hammond decides to head to the ring without any Syndicate backup. Perhaps this has to do with Hammond’s desire to prove the everlasting supremacy of the Syndicate, which is also why he is pulling double duty tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

    It’s a classic back and forth encounter between two veterans who have seen and gone through everything. Benson survives Hammond’s best shots and even kicks out of Hammond’s Exploder Suplex. Benson rallies late on Hammond and nearly puts him away with a Springboard Dropkick. Benson goes for the Shockwave From Next Year, but Hammond breaks free…only to get a Super Kick right on the chin by Benny! Benson tries to go to the top rope for a big aerial move, but Hammond sweeps the legs on Benny, crotching him on the top rope. Hammond climbs up after Benson and hits him with a SUPER Exploder Suplex! The cover, 1,2,3! <strong>Doc Hammond is successful in his first match,</strong> and takes the series against Benson!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Masked Cougar Vs. Chris Flynn</span></strong></p><p>

    Flynn looks to make Syndicate 2 for 2 at Total Mayhem, and quickly uses the size advantage to control the smaller Cougar. Every time it looks like Cougar might gain some momentum, Flynn catches the masked superstar with some bone crunching maneuvers to slow him down. That said, Flynn is unable to put away the resilient Cougar. </p><p> </p><p>

    The tide turns when Cougar reverses Flynn’s Powerslam with a Tornado DDT, planting Chris right on his head. Flynn appears a bit slower after that, clearly shaken up. Cougar uses that to his advantage and he hits and runs over and over. Flynn nearly catches Cougar and locks on the Flynn-Lock, but Cougar breaks free and rocks Flynn once more with a Shining Wizard as Chris starts to get up. Cougar quickly heads to the top rope as Flynn staggers up. I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar! He hits it! Cougar covers, 1,2,3! <strong>Masked Cougar pulls off the upset,</strong> taking down the Syndicate Enforcer! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Tana & T-Bone Vs. The Syndicate (Doc Hammond & Nate Johnson)</span></strong></p><p>

    Here comes Hammond, pulling double duty as he replaces the injured Eddie Chandler in this tag team contest. Out for the third straight match, The Syndicate looks to better their record tonight. Hammond & Johnson survive Tana & T-Bone early rush and slows the match down to their pace. They cut the ring off on T-Bone and start to beat down on him. </p><p> </p><p>

    T-Bone, though, eventually manages to catch Johnson with a Spinebuster, then gets the hot tag to Tana. Tana marches in and chops and clotheslines everything that moves. Tana tries to put Johnson away with a Chokeslam, but Hammond chop blocks Tana. Hammond and Johnson then manage to lift the big Tana and perform the Double Suplex!</p><p> </p><p>

    T-Bone manages to tag himself in, but is instantly double teamed. Hammond goes to off the ropes, but Tana grabs him from ringside and drags him out of the ring. Referee Bull tries to break their brawl up at ringside as Johnson locks T-Bone’s arm behind him. Wait a minute! It’s Eddie Chandler! Chandler is here and is climbing to the top rope! Referee Bull doesn’t see him! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What is this? Chandler is supposed to be out injured!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Apparently he’s good enough to climb the turnbuckles!</p><p> </p><p>

    Chandler leaps off for the double axe handle, but T-Bone breaks away, and Chandler hits his partner Johnson instead! Chandler is stunned, and before he knows it, T-Bone throws him over the top rope and to the floor. T-Bone makes the tag to Tana, and the big man runs off the ropes and leaps into the air. The Big Fat Samoan Splash! T-Bone stops Hammond as Tana covers, 1,2,3! <strong>Tana & T-Bone picks up the big win over The Syndicate!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TCW Television Championship Match</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs. Joshua Taylor</span></strong></p><p>

    Taylor is able to mask his knee injury early and comes out of the starting line red hot. But when Referee Long tries to break up the two brawling against the ropes, Gauge trips the legs out from under Taylor. Gauge rolls out of the ring and quickly uses the ringpost to his advantage, smacking Taylor’s knee off of it! Gauge proceeds to lock Taylor in a figure four around the post. Gauge keeps the submission on until Referee Long threatens to DQ him. </p><p> </p><p>

    Gauge dominates the match from there, as Taylor is clearly in bad shape. Yet, numerous leg submissions just won’t make Taylor submit. Gauge finally locks on the Proton Lock! Taylor nearly gets to the ropes, only for Gauge to pull him back to the center of the ring. Gauge goes to lock the Proton Lock in again, but Taylor boots him good, sending Gauge shoulder first into the ring post!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Uh Oh! Gauge is clutching that shoulder now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> That ring post is the MVP of this match! Look at Taylor’s eyes, he sees what just happened.</p><p> </p><p>

    Azaria is right, because Taylor grabs Gauge and throws that shoulder right back into the post! Taylor locks Gauge into the Arm Bar, and Gauge immediately screams in agony. Gauge, though, manages to get to the ropes. Gauge kicks the knee out from under Taylor when Joshua tries to grab him. Gauge tries to lock in the Proton Lock again, but Taylor rolls through it…and he has the Butterfly Lock applied!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> The Butterfly Lock! It’s going to tear that shoulder apart! </p><p> </p><p>

    Gauge is in clear agony and seemingly has no way to get out of the Butterfly Lock. Then, all of sudden, Taylor falls over, clutching that knee! He put too much pressure on the knee, and it was just too much. Before Taylor can recover, Gauge has Joshua on his stomach, locked in the Proton Lock! Taylor is stuck this time and nowhere to go. Reluctantly, Taylor has no choice to tap, otherwise his knee might never recover! <strong>Greg Gauge retains the TCW Television Championship</strong> in a technical masterpiece! </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Greg Gauge has been TCW Television Champion now for 266 Days, starting in August 2019. This was his 20th successful title defense. This is Gauge’s first reign as TCW Television Champion.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Total Mayhem Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Sammy Bach *Captain* & Beautiful Love (Frederique, Fonzarelli, & Diamond)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs. </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Jay Chord *Captain* & Freddy Corp. (Huggins, Watson, & Remus)</strong></span></p><p>

    The battle lines are drawn as the two team march their way into the Steel Cell. As soon as the bell is called for, any match structure is thrown out the window as an all out brawl ensues. Bodies begin to fly all over the place until Bach & Chord are left face to face into the ring. The blood rivals exchange maneuvers until Bach sends Chord flying out of the ring with a Running Hurricarana. </p><p> </p><p>

    It doesn’t take long until weapons get involved in the match, as the two teams find whatever goodies are hiding under the ring. Watson thinks he has Frederique set up in the ring for his newly dubbed Freddy Corp. DDT (previously Tiger Claw DDT), ready to plant Fred’s cranium into a steel chair. Fonzarelli breaks it up with a big boot, and then Beautiful Love set Watson up. Watson gets planted with the Rocket of Love! The cover, 1,2,3! Team Bach takes the early lead! <strong>(Bach 1 : Chord 0, 22:17 Left)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Irate over the fall, Chord goes on a Kendo Stick frenzy, hitting everything that moves until Bach wipes him out with a Missile Dropkick. As Chord rolls to the floor, Bach goes to the top rope to follow up. Before he can, Huggins throws a steel chair at Bach, hitting Sammy right in the head! Bach tumbles hard to the floor. As Huggins poses on the apron, Diamond gets a handful of his hair and drags him right over the top rope, into the ring! Diamond catches Huggins with a powerslam, then calls for the big follow up. Diamond sets Huggins up for the Dazzle Driver, but gets clobber from behind when Remus breaks what looks like a 2X4 across his spine! As Remus kicks Frederique out of the ring, Huggins sets Diamond up over the steel chair Watson placed in the ring earlier. Huggins Kiss! Diamond gets his head driven into the steel chair! The cover, 1,2,3! <strong>(Bach 1 : Chord 1, 18:43 Left)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Team Chord seems to take charge, as Jay literally wanders around the Cell and starts to whack the opposing team over and over with a steel chair. In the ring, Watson & Remus begin to set up a ladder in the corner when Fonzarelli comes rushing across the ring and crushes Remus against the ladder with an Avalanche. Fonzarelli starts to set Watson up for the Retro Rocket, when Chord comes up from behind and hits Danny on the back of the his knee with what looks like wrench. Chord then smashes Fonzarelli right in the face with the ladder. With the help of Huggins & Watson, Chord sets the big Fonz up on the top rope. Here it comes! Chord plants Fonzarelli right on the ladder with his Super DDT! The cover, 1,2,3! Team Chord takes the lead! <strong>(Bach 1 : Chord 2, 14: 23 Left)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Bach returns to action inside the ring, but is quickly overwhelmed by Team Chord. Chord starts barking orders, which leads to Remus & Watson pulling out a table and sending it into the ring. With Chord standing on the second rope, they look to be setting up for a Super Powerbomb through the Table. That’s broken up as Beautiful Love returns to the fight. Chord tries to climb to the top rope for an aerial move, but Frederique shoves him off before he can. Chord goes flying out of the ring, his face smashing off the steel cell! Team Bach clears the ring of Team Chord until only Remus is left. Beautiful Love set Remus up on the table as Bach sets the ladder up and climbs! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh My God! Bach is so high, he can nearly touch the roof of the cell!</p><p> </p><p>

    Bach leaps off! Bach puts Remus through the table with a Flying Elbow Drop! The crowd goes crazy! Bach just leans over into the cover, 1,2,3! Tie Ball Game! <strong>(Bach 2 : Chord 2 , 9: 36 Left)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> It’s a tie game, but I think Team Chord might be down a guy. I don’t expect Roderick Remus to be up anytime soon!</p><p> </p><p>

    The camera pans up on Laura Catherine Huggins as she hands her brother Freddy something through the cell. Chord is armed with that Kendo Stick, but with Team Bach owning the ring, he is quickly thwarted by a big Fonzarelli clothesline. Bach goes after Watson on the floor, catching him with a Suicide Dive, both men crashing into the steel cell. Fonzarelli & Frederique set Chord up for another Rocket of Love, when Huggins sprays Fonzarelli in the eyes with whatever his sister gave him! Fonzarelli instantly falls over, clutching his face.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> My God! Did Huggins just mace Fonzarelli?!</p><p> </p><p>

    Frederique throws Huggins into the ladder, but walks right into a Kendo Stick shot to the head. Diamond catches one of his own when he tries to save his teammates. Thinking he owns the ring, Chord gets blindsided when he walks right into Bach, who clotheslines him with the steel ladder. Bach sets Chord up then heads to the top rope. Bach is ready for the Adrenaline Shot, but a distraction by Huggins is enough for Chord to recover and throw Bach hard to the mat. Chord grabs Bach as he gets up. The Cradle Piledriver! Chord hits it on Bach! The cover, 1,2,3! Team Chord takes the late lead! <strong>(Bach 2 : Chord 3, 4: 47 Left)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    It’s a sprint to the finish for Team Bach, while Team Chord begins to play defense. Bach & Beautiful Love begin to hit them with everything they got, but someone on Team Chord is always there to break it up. Diamond & Frederique try to drag out under table to use, but Huggins wipes both out with a Flip Plancha. That leaves Bach all alone with little time left, and he arms himself with a chair, hitting everything that moves. He walks right into Chord’s stiff knee to the gut, who then attempts the Cradle Piledriver again. But Bach breaks free and applies the Bach on your Back right in the middle of the ring! Chord is in trouble! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> We’re less than a minute left!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Yes, but Chord is mere seconds away from tapping!</p><p> </p><p>

    Chord is screaming in agony as Bach yells at him to tap. Chord begins to turn bright red. His hand comes close to hitting the mat, when Huggins comes flying into the ring and clobbers Bach, breaking up the submission. Seconds later, the siren goes off! Total Mayhem is over! <strong>Team Chord has won Total Mayhem, 3-2!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What a war! These men will never be the same again!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> If this isn’t the end to Sammy & Jay’s feud, it will never end. These two men have absolutely been through hell.</p><p> </p><p>

    Bach has to watch in exhaustion as Chord is helped out of the ring and cell by Freddy Corp. Fonzarelli is checked on by medics for whatever Huggins sprayed in his eyes. Jay Chord looks back at the mayhem caused in the cell, and can’t help but smile. He knows he just got the best of his rival, Sammy Bach, possibly for good. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Edd Stone Vs. Davis Wayne Newton</span></strong></p><p>

    An early distraction by Haley Buck slows down a vengeful Stone, who started the match on fire. Newton slows the match down to his pace, hitting hard maneuvers and mocking Stone along the way. Newton tries to apply his patented STF, but Stone fights it. On their feet now, Newton tries to adjust it to a Cobra Clutch, but Stone breaks free with a charge into the corner, sending Newton face first into the top turnbuckle.</p><p> </p><p>

    Newton is clearly knocked silly by the collision in the corner, and Stone knows it. Stone goes on the offensive, hitting Davis with his best maneuvers, nearly getting the win with a Canadian Destroyer. Newton flees the ring to break the momentum, but that only allows Stone to fly over the top rope with an amazing Corkscrew Plancha! Newton keeps wiped out at ringside! </p><p> </p><p>

    Stone sends Newton back into the ring and calls for the end as he climbs to the top rope. Here it comes. Stone with the Party’s Over! Newton gets his knees up, and Stone crashes down hard onto them! In clear agony, Stone staggers up while clutching his ribs. Newton smells blood in the water as he stalks Stone. The Fisherman’s Suplex! Newton bridges it perfectly, 1,2,3! <strong>Davis Wayne Newton wins,</strong> and remains undefeated in TCW!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Buried Alive Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Mighty Mo Vs. Eddie Peak</strong></span></p><p>

    Things are quickly reminiscent of the Last Man Standing Match between Mo & Peak. The ring doesn’t hold the contest very long, as their slugfest spills out to ringside and eventually into the crowd. It doesn’t go backstage like last time, though, but instead journeys all around the arena, the competitors whacking each other with pieces of production equipment. Mo charges Peak to hit him with a television monitor, but Peak dodges the attack and hip tosses Mo right through an equipment table!</p><p> </p><p>

    The brawl eventually leads all around the arena right to the burial ground. Peak attempts to lawn dart Mo right into the black hearse there, set up for theatric purposes. Mo breaks free, then blinds Peak with a handful of dirt. Mo then sends Peak face first through one of the side windows of the hearse! Glass flies everywhere!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> My God! Look at Eddie!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> The crimson mask came fast! He’s a bloody mess!</p><p> </p><p>

    Mo arms himself with a shovel, but is attacked from behind by Sinner Society’s Nick Booth & Killer Shark before he can use it. Peak’s goons give Eddie the break he needs, as Shark lifts Mo up and drives his spine into the rear of the hearse. Sinner Society lift Mo up into the air together, and dump him into the grave!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Is Shark & Booth going to do all the work for Eddie?!</p><p> </p><p>

    Shark and Booth both grab a shovel and begin to bury Mo. Little do they know, the shovel Mo had before fell into the grave, and Mo uses it to swing up and hit both of them in the leg. It’s enough time for Mo to get out of the grave and hit them both in the head with the shovel! Shark & Booth is incapacitated, but Mo walks right into Peak’s grasp. The bloody Peak chokeslams Mo right onto the dirt! Peak calls for the end as Mo tries to recover. Peak sets him up for the Peak of Perfection, but Mo fights frantically. Desperate to survive, Mo drops to one knee and delivers a low blow! That gets him free!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Mighty Mo gets a little desperate!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> When you’re about to be buried alive, you’d get a little desperate, too.</p><p> </p><p>

    Before Peak can recover, Mo lifts him into the air and plants him on the dirt with the Mighty Spinebuster! To Mo’s disbelief, Peak is still moving. Mo arms himself with the shovel, and when Peak pulls himself up, he hits Peak right in the face! Peak tumbles over into the grave! Mo starts to bury Peak, but then has a change of plans. Mo disappears backstage for a moment, only to comes back driving a Backhoe!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Wow! Looks like Mo had a plan in mind all along!</p><p> </p><p>

    Mo uses the Backhoe to pick up a ton of dirt. Mo fills the grave, and buries Eddie Peak alive! Referee Long calls for the bell, and declares <strong>Mighty Mo the victor!</strong> Exhausted, Mo collapses onto the ground and just stares at the fresh grave.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Mighty Mo has done it. He has finally put the nightmare known as Eddie Peak behind him.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I’m sure Mighty Mo will never forget this nightmare, but must be satisfied that he finally woke up from it. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Lord knows what happens next for both of these men.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> What’s next? Have we seen the end of Eddie Peak?</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs. The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking)</strong></span></p><p>

    Shade Gang do their usual shtick, using their third wheel (Troy Tornado) to gain an advantage in the tag team contest. As Human Arsenal gets dumped to the floor, Hocking distracts Referee Long to allow Tornado to send Arsenal face first into the ring post. From there, Shade Gang take over the match. That is, until Arsenal breaks up Shade Gang’s attempt at a Double Superplex. Arsenal knocks the legal man Speed to the mat, while a big right hand sends Hocking tumbling over the top rope and to the floor. Arsenal leaps off the top rope and wipes out Speed with a Flying Shoulder Block!</p><p> </p><p>

    Here comes One Man Army with a hot tag. OMA drops Speed, Hocking, and even Tornado when he climbs up onto the apron. Here it comes. OMA plants Speed with the Guided Missile! The cover, 1,2, Hocking breaks up the count! As OMA attempts to get up, Hocking super kicks him in the face. Arsenal charges across the ring and tackles Hocking. Referee Long tries to break Arsenal and Hocking up and they pummel each other all the way to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

    Behind the referee’s back, Troy Tornado is back up on the apron, now armed with a steel chair. Tornado instructs Speed to throw OMA towards him, but before the plan is executed, Vita pulls the legs out from under Tornado! As Tornado falls, the steel chair bounces off the apron and smashes Troy in his own face! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I think Troy just knocked himself out! </p><p> </p><p>

    As Speed gets into an argument with Vita over what happened to Tornado, OMA lifts Speed up onto his own shoulders. After disposing Hocking into the steel steps, Arsenal heads to the top rope. Here it comes! W.M.D.’s Finisher, The Doomsday Device! Boom! OMA makes the cover, 1,2,3! <strong>W.M.D. successfully retains the Tag Team Titles</strong> here at Total Mayhem!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>W.M.D. has been TCW World Tag Team Champions for 84 Days, starting in February 2020. This was their 4th Successful Title Defense. This is W.M.D.’s 1st reign together, One Man Army’s 6th reign total, and Human Arsenal’s 4th reign total.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TCW World Heavyweight Championship</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Steel Cell Match</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Wolf Hawkins ( C ) Vs. Aaron Andrews</span></strong></p><p>

    Before the match even starts, TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson heads to the ring and has TCW Officials check both around ringside and under the ring for…something.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> It’s being reported to me right…yes. Commissioner Johnson has instructed the TCW Officials to search for the Masked Man. He doesn’t want yet another conflicted outcome here tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

    The Officials find nothing to note, then RDJ gives the okay to start introductions. Through fireworks and plenty of festivities, out come the Champion Hawkins and Challenger Andrews. Both men share some words with RDJ at ringside, Hawkins much harsher. After both men have entered the cell, RDJ instructs for the cell door to be locked with a steel chain. Only then does RDJ depart from the arena. </p><p> </p><p>

    The bell rings, and the crowd erupts as the two amazing superstars immediately begin to duke it out. They exchange some nice maneuvers, but it doesn’t take long before it starts getting ugly. The fight spills to the floor as both men start to use their environment as a weapon. Hawkins sends Andrews face first into the steel steps. Andrews catapults Hawkins face first into the cell wall. </p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews sends Hawkins back into the ring, only for Wolf to dropkick him when he attempts to climb back in as well. Andrews flies backwards and crashes into the cell wall before crashing to the floor. Blood begins to drip from the top of Andrew’s forehead, clearly clipped upon impact. The sight of blood instantly fires Hawkins up, who kneels over Andrews and delivers stiff punches right to the cut. By the time he is done, his fist is covered in Andrews’s blood. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Aaron is wearing the crimson mask, as I’m pretty sure Wolf just upgraded how many staples Aaron is going to need after this battle.</p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews struggles to stand up in the ring, clearly fazed by the blood loss. Hawkins springboards into the air and connects with the Full Moon Rising! It’s over! Hawkins covers, 1,2,3NO! Andrews gets the shoulder up, and Hawkins is stunned! After arguing with Referee Johnson, Hawkins turns and calls for his Syndicate men. Out comes Doc Hammond and Chris Flynn, Flynn carrying bolt cutters. Flynn cuts off the chain to the cell door, but before they can enter the cell, RDJ is back out here with a security team. After a lengthy argument, RDJ threatens to fire both Hammond and Flynn on the spot if they don’t leave! As RDJ watches Hammond and Flynn being escorted out of the arena by security, RDJ is suddenly spun around and decked by Hawkins! The cell door wide open behind him, Hawkins stands over the Commissioner.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hawkins:</strong> You never wanted me as champion! Now, I’m going to destroy your poster boy! </p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins re-enters the cell and pulls a steel chair out from under the ring. Hawkins slides into the ring, only to get the steel chair smashed into his own face by Andrew’s kick, the Ace in the Hole! The crowd goes crazy, the chair goes flying across the ring, and Hawkins lies lifeless in the middle of the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh My God! Wolf Hawkins is out cold! We’re going to have a new champion! </p><p> </p><p>

    Still stunned by his blood loss, Andrews crawls into the cover. 1,2,3NO! Hawkins just barely gets the shoulder up! As Andrews starts to get up, the camera pans up on Hawkins to reveal the World Champion is now also busted open. On his feet, Andrews is starting to get that second wind thanks to the crowd chanting his name. Andrews’s fists shakes as he watches Hawkins get up. Andrews starts to beat Hawkins from pillar to pillar. Hawkins tries to escape to outside the ring, but Andrews goes right after him. Andrews repeatedly sends Hawkins face first into the steel cell until Wolf collapses to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I can’t believe it, but Wolf might be bleeding more than Aaron now!</p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews sends Hawkins into the ring and follows. Andrews stands in the corner, calling for the end. Andrews suddenly gets pulled out of the ring….it’s the Masked Man! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Not again!</p><p> </p><p>

    Before Andrews can react, the Masked Man clobbers Aaron yet again with that steel pipe! Andrews drops lifeless to the floor! The Masked Man drags Andrews’s limp body up and tosses him back into the ring. Back on his feet outside the cell, RDJ yells for his security team. Security shows up and begins to chase the Masked Man through the crowd. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Hawkins is crawling towards Andrew’s motionless body, his blood dripping down onto the mat as he does so.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> No No No….</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> No, it can’t end like this! Not like this!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins covers Andrews. 1,2,3NO! Andrews gets the shoulder up right before Referee Johnson’s hand hits the mat! Hawkins clutches his own head and looks like he’s about to cry. Hawkins crawls onto the apron. Exhausted, he watches as Andrews staggers up. Looking for the final shot, Hawkins springboards into the air. Andrews leaps out of the way of the Full Moon Rising! Hawkins manages to land on his feet after the miss, only for Andrews to wipe him out with a Spear! Boom! Andrews is unable to capitalize before Hawkins starts to get back up, so Andrews races off the ropes and hits Hawkins with a second Spear! Instead of covering Hawkins, Andrews crawls into the corner and drags himself up. Seething, he yells at Hawkins to get up.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Aaron is calling his shot. If he hits this, we’re going to have a new World Champion!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins is out on his feet as he pulls himself. A crimson mask, mouth agape, Hawkins turns around. Andrews charges! The Ace in the Hole! Andrews hits it again! Andrews collapses onto Hawkins for the cover. 1…2…3! <strong>Andrews did it! Aaron Andrews is once again World Champion!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What a war! What a finale for this epic rivalry!</p><p> </p><p>

    Referee Johnson retrieves the World Title as “Feel Invincible” by Skillet begins to play. Kneeling over Hawkins’s motionless body, Andrews at first just stares at the World Title when Johnson holds it out towards him. Andrews then clutches the gold to his chest and falls over. Completely exhausted, Andrews just lays there for a moment before using the ropes to pull himself up.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Against all odds, Aaron Andrews proves why he is the face of TCW. Like many legends that have come through these doors, he stands victorious at the end of Total Mayhem as World Champion. </p><p> </p><p>

    With fireworks and confetti in the air, Andrews celebrates around the ring. He points to the crowd as he holds the World Title up in the air. As Total Mayhem comes to a close, Andrews drops to his knees in the middle of the ring. After looking at the World Title for a long while, he raises the gold into the air with both arms.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight at Total Mayhem. What a night it has been! But what is next for TCW after the biggest of the year? Well, you’ll have to tune in this Tuesday to Total Wrestling to find out. Good night, folks!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Wolf Hawkin’s TCW World Heavyweight Title Reign ends after 47 days. Hawkins had one successful title defense during his reign. It was Hawkins’s 4th Time as TCW World Champion.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Aaron Andrews now begins his 4th reign as TCW World Heavyweight Champion.</em></p><p>


  7. Total Mayhem XXIV

    The Official Card For the Biggest Show Of The Year!


    TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Steel Cell Match

    Wolf Hawkins ( C ) Vs. Aaron Andrews


    TCW Television Championship Match

    Submission Match

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs Joshua Taylor


    TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking)


    Total Mayhem Match

    Sammy Bach *Captain* & Beautiful Love (Frederique, Danny Fonzarelli, & Dave Diamond)


    Jay Chord *Captain* & Freddy Corp. (Freddy Huggins, Julian Watson, & Roderick Remus)


    Buried Alive Match

    Mighty Mo Vs Eddie Peak


    Edd Stone Vs. Davis Wayne Newton


    Masked Cougar Vs. Chris Flynn


    Benny Benson Vs. Doc Hammond


    Tana & T-Bone Vs. The Syndicate (Doc Hammond & Nate Johnson)

    (Hammond replaces injured Eddie Chandler, and will pull double duty at Total Mayhem!)


    Tune in to the Kickoff Show to catch a 15 Man Battle Royal prior to the Pay-Per-View!

  8. May – Week 4 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Show Notes

    * Davis Wayne Newton makes easy work of youngster Harvey Robbinsfield in the opening contest, putting Robbinsfield away with his patented Fisherman’s Suplex to add to his undefeated record. Post-Match, Haley Buck climbs onto the apron and talks Newton into hitting Robbinsfield with another Fisherman’s Suplex. Clearly, Buck wants Newton to send a message to Edd Stone just days before their rematch at Total Mayhem.


    And here comes Edd Stone to the rescue! Stone slides into the ring and begins to pummel Newton, not giving him the chance to cause harm to Robbinsfield. Newton reverses an irish whip on Stone, only to get in the face by Edd’s Spinning Wheel Kick. Stone starts to set Newton up for the Party’s Over, but Newton quickly flees from ringside and from the fight! Stone and Newton exchange threats, as Edd gets a little retribution after DWN’s attack on him last week.


    ** Just days before the big Tag Team Titles at Total Mayhem, Tag Team Champion Human Arsenal battles Challenger Matt Hocking in singles competition. As it has seemingly always, the numbers game comes into play to assist Shade Gang. Arsenal’s partner One Man Army is able to subdue Troy Tornado when he attempts to cause a distraction to help Hocking. But, the predicament only allows Marc Speed to attack Arsenal behind Referee Johnson’s back. The attack allows Hocking to hit Arsenal with the Hock Shock for the win.


    W.M.D. now has felt firsthand how the trio Shade Gang has become so successful in TCW. The question is now, can they overcome the numbers disadvantages at Total Mayhem to retain their Tag Team Titles?


    (Just a quick editor’s note, my main event on this week’s Uprising was super underwhelming, though I’m not sure why. A 47 rating is awfully low for Arsenal vs Hocking, and the only negative note in the dirt sheet was Arsenal’s decline in ability. I suppose maybe it was just an anomaly, but boy was it disappointing. As you’ll see soon, it affects the storyline rating, and the Tag Title Match coming up at Total Mayhem. I suppose I’m still learning!)


    Friday Afternoon

    Heat Wave Radio Studios in Phoenix, Arizona


    Disc Jockey: Alright folks, we’re back on Heat Wave Radio. This is MC Hotness, and we a special guest here right now in the studio. This weekend, the famous Garden Park Fields will be hosting one of the biggest annual pro wrestling events right here in our beautiful state of Arizona. It is Total Championship Wrestling’s classic event called Total Mayhem, and this year Total Mayhem will be celebrating its twenty-fourth anniversary! Here to promote the show and talk to us for a bit is one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time. He is a former World Champion and a Hall of Famer in TCW. Please welcome Ricky Dale Johnson. Ricky, thank you for joining me this afternoon.


    RDJ: Please, call me Rick. It’s a pleasure to be here, and thank you for promoting our historical show.


    Hotness: Okay Rick, let’s get the obvious question out of the way early. Will we be seeing the great Ricky Dale Johnson putting on the tights, or at least getting in the ring this Sunday at Total Mayhem?


    RDJ: *chuckles* I’m not even sure the tights fit anymore! No no no, this old man isn’t going to embarrass himself. I rejoined TCW this year to help as a mentor. My wrestling days are officially over. There are too many talented, young guys out there who deserve the spotlight, and they certainly could run circles around me now.


    Hotness: Yeah, but when people think of TCW and Total Mayhem, your name is one of the first that pops in their heads. Don’t you get that itch from the nostalgia factor?


    RDJ: Sure I do, but then me knees and back remind me that I’m not the kid that once was headlining Total Mayhem. The itch will always be there, but the desire to help the company behind the scenes vastly overpowers the itch now.


    Hotness: Okay okay. Speaking behind the scenes, you play on television the character of TCW Commissioner. The boss man! Tell us, do you have any real authority behind the scenes?


    RDJ: Of course! You said it! I’m the Commissioner! I make the matches!


    Hotness: *laughs* Alright, I got you. But, there’s a birdy out there singing that you have taken a pretty important job on the TCW staff. Any chance you can clear up the vague rumor and give us some real intel?


    RDJ: Yes. As it turns out, I am being promoted to janitor backstage after all shows. My excellent sweeping and mopping has earned me that opportunity.


    Hotness: Ah, evading the topic! Is it safe to say that you cannot speak on the topic right now?


    RDJ: I’m back in TCW to help the company in any way, shape, or form that doesn’t include my beer belly hanging over a pair of trunks. Whatever TCW needs me from, otherwise, I’m ready to do it.


    Hotness: I’ll take that a yes! Alright, I get the point. We’re going to open the phones for fans in a second. But first things first, this is a huge card this week for Total Mayhem XXIV. It’s pretty darn obvious that the main event is the main spectacle. Aaron Andrews, Wolf Hawkins, two of the best wrestlers in the world, battling for the World Title in a Steel Cell Match.


    RDJ: A huge match, for sure. It might just be the biggest main event in Total Mayhem history.


    Hotness: That’s big praise! Alright, so let’s put that match aside because it’s the obvious choice. Aside from Andrews and Hawkins, as the Commissioner of TCW, which other match are you looking forward to the most?


    RDJ: Well, the generic authority answer would be to say that I’m excited for all the matches and look forward to every wrestler getting an opportunity. But, I won’t do that to you.


    Hotness: Thank you!


    RDJ: It is hard to chose, but I will go with the Television Title Match between Champion Greg Gauge and Challenger Joshua Taylor. It’s not just that they’re great wrestlers, but they’ve built up a great story leading up. The hungry lion Gauge looking to become a superstar. The grizzled veteran Taylor looking for perhaps that one last moment in the spotlight. But even more than that, the match is going to stand out because while there’s all these other crazy, mayhem matches are on the show? These two are going to have a Submission Match, where is which you can only win by forcing your opponent to tap out or pass out. I promise you folks, you’re going to see a technical masterpiece between these two high quality athletes.


    Hotness: Joshua Taylor has been nursing a knee injury going into the match. Is that legit or just for story purposes?


    RDJ: Sir, professional wrestling in one-hundred percent real, so I’m not sure what you’re asking there. Joshua Taylor will be wrestling Sunday night, that’s all you need to know.


    Hotness: *chuckles* Alright, good answer! You’re a suave fellow, ya know that?


    RDJ: Thank you sir. This certainly isn’t my first rodeo.


    Hotness: Well, let’s open the phones up for fans. Caller, do you have a question for the great Ricky Dale Johnson?


    “Uhhhh yes. Hey Rick, huge fan. I just wanted to know if you see Jay Chord as a future World Champion in TCW, and is it true that you have heat with Jay?”


    Hotness: Ahhh, a little behind the scenes drama for you, Rick?


    RDJ: *shakes head* Listen, Jay and I come from two different worlds. The quick question is yes, we have had our tussles and disagreements, but that comes with the territory. I won’t lie, Jay & I have never been legit friends, but I have always respected the hell out of Rip’s kid. He is unquestionably one of the best wrestlers in the world, and he is improving every single day. And as far as your first question goes? I absolutely see Jay Chord eventually becoming the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. He is just too dang good not to.


    Hotness: Alright, next caller. What’s your question for RDJ?


    “Hey Hotness, love the show. Rick, I just wanted to know your opinion on the social media conflict Wolf Hawkins had about a month ago? What’s your take?


    Hotness: Are you able to talk about that Rick?


    RDJ: Sure, I’ll talk about it a little. First off, I’ll probably get hit by the PC Police, but here’s my opinion. Everyone was wrong with what happened. Wolf should have absolutely known better than to go on the Tweeter and start insulting a fan so viciously. He’s a grown man with an important position in TCW, so he should have better instincts in such a situation. But, the media wants to give a pass on the fan because it was just a teenager, but the language that boy used to insult Wolf? That is absolutely unacceptable.


    Hotness: Yes, but shouldn’t the adult compose himself better than the kid?


    RDJ: All I know is that when I was that boy’s age, I would have had an entire bar of soap shoved my throat for saying what he typed out for everyone to see. And that boy is going to be a man in a handful of years, let’s not act like he’s an infant. The fact that he could say such things to a grown man and face no consequences? It’s a crazy world with that social media stuff!


    Hotness: Do you think the parents take some blame, too?


    RDJ: To some extent, how much depends. If they’re letting the kid going around and talk like that all the time, then yes, it’s their fault just as much as anyone. I hate to be the old man, but these kids with their cell phones, they have the world in their hands, certainly more than they should. My kids are in high school, and I don’t even like them having the ability to type anything out to anyone. But again, let me be clear, everyone is at fault. I’m being hard on the kid because it seems no one has really. But, Wolf is just as much to blame. He should have known better, though it was big for him to come out and accept all the blame for the situation.


    Hotness: Is it safe to say you’re not much of a Twitter guy?


    RDJ: *laughs* What gave that away? Nah, I pay someone to promote myself on that online stuff. I would probably need five tries just to log in on the dang thing.


    Hotness: Ah come on, I bet you could do it in three! Okay, next caller! What d’ya got?


    “Hey RDJ! Please! One more match! Okay, well, here’s my question. I’ve seen online that TCW is really focusing on revamping the roster and bringing new guys in. Of the guys who have already debuted, which guys are you the most excited about?”


    RDJ: Ahh No one more match, but thanks for the love! The obvious answer to that question is Davis Wayne Newton. He’s been with us for a few months, and he’s blown everyone away. The kid should have been a star a long time ago, but thankfully he’s getting his time now. I’m expecting him and Edd Stone to put on a fun match this Sunday, both are super talented.


    Hotness: So if not him, which new guy would you choose?


    RDJ: It’s tough to pick one just out, but ya know what? I’ll pick out a guy who I think hasn’t really gotten much time since being signed. Akima Brave is a rough and tough Samoan veteran who has wrestled all over the world. From what I know, we signed him for depth on the roster, but I enjoy watching him beat up on people! I hope he gets a chance to do something big in TCW.


    Hotness: Personally, I like that Masked Cougar kid you guys brought in. That kid is very fun to watch.


    RDJ: Absolutely, but he’ll have his hands full this Sunday against Chris Flynn. Flynn is another guy waiting for his big chance, and he’s got a whole ton of size over Masked Cougar! It’ll be interesting to see how Cougar tries to overcome that.


    Hotness: Alright, we got a few more minutes. Let’s get another caller in here. Speak!


    “Hey guys, thank you for taking my call. Hey Rick, I heard online that TCW signed Mainstream Hernandez away from SWF. Is that true, and might we see him at Total Mayhem on Sunday?


    RDJ: Hate to break the news to ya, but I’m not in charge or hiring and signing talent. I just make the matches for television.


    Hotness: So there’s no rumbling of this Hernandez wrestler joining TCW?


    RDJ: Well…I guess we will see! All I can say is that I welcome anyone who is talented and hungry to become a superstar. Those are the type of guys I’m interested in working with.


    Hotness: Alright, I guess that’s all you can say about that topic.


    RDJ: You’d be right!


    Hotness: *chuckles* Last caller folks, make it a good one. What’cha got?


    “Hey Hotness, Hey Rick. Rick, I know you said your wrestling days are done. But for the sake of fun, if you had one more match, who would you pick?”


    RDJ: Ah geez, the classic question! Well, I’ll just pick from the current roster, and I’ll try to pick someone I’ve never wrestled before. I think I’d go with the Television Champion, Greg Gauge. I’ve had a ton of wars with his dad Sam Keith in the past, so it would be a fun story right there. Just like Jay Chord, Greg is such a talented kid and gets better every single day. He’d definitely run circles around me, but it would at least be fun in the process.


    Hotness: Well, here’s one for you, Rick. If you could pick anyone, literally anyone out there to wrestle this Sunday on the Total Mayhem show, who would you choose?


    RDJ: Wow! Well if you put it that way, the answer is pretty obvious. The previous owner of TCW and arguably the best wrestler in TCW history, Tommy Cornell. Tommy & I have so much history, and we even battled at Total Mayhem already. To write one last chapter in our history book? Hell, that might not be the worst thing.


    Hotness: If Tommy Cornell called you tomorrow and said let’s do this, what’s the answer? Would you put on the tights?


    RDJ: *chuckles* Well again, my knees and back would remind me quickly that I’m a old man. But if anybody gets me to put the trunks back on one more time? It would probably be Tommy Cornell.


    Hotness: Alright! That’s all the time we have. Any last words, Rick?


    RDJ: Well, thank you to all the fans who support TCW. We have heard the complaints in recent years, and we are doing what we can to give you the product that you will love. To everyone else, please give us a shot on Sunday. We’re going to put on one helluva show!

  9. May – Week 4 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Good Luck Proving It


    Total Wrestling opens up to the sound of “Shoot To Thrill” by AC/DC. Cue the big pop, out comes the Commissioner of TCW, Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ waves his cowboy hat to the crowd as he enters the ring and accepts a microphone.


    RDJ: In just a matter of days, two of the best wrestlers ever to grace this business are going to enter the Steel Cell. They will battle to prove who is the better man, and they will battle for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. I am out here to conduct their final confrontation before their epic match. I am also out here to make sure they abide by my “no contact” policy. There will be no fighting, otherwise I will cancel the main event on the spot, and that will only be the start of the consequences. Without further to do, I would like to welcome out the challenger. He is the former-…


    RDJ is interrupted by the sound of “Uprising” by Muse. The Commish immediately looks annoyed.


    Jason Azaria: Well, that’s not the music we expected.


    Kyle Rhodes: Nope! That would be the Syndicate theme!


    Out walks the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Wolf Hawkins. In his classic suit and shades, the World Title shines upon Wolf’s shoulder. Hawkins makes his way to the ring and demands his own mic.


    RDJ: You seriously couldn’t just wait for my invitation?


    Hawkins: Let’s make one thing straight, Rick. I don’t need an invitation from you to come down to this ring. This is “my” ring! This title belt makes that so! And why would I give you the honor to welcome me down to my ring? You’re the man who has made it his job to keep the World Title out of my hands. A job you failed out, if you haven’t noticed!


    Right in RDJ’s face, Wolf Hawkins raises the World Title into the air.


    RDJ: Wolf, believe whatever you want, I don’t care. But, this isn’t about me. This about you and the man you will battle this Sunday in a Steel Cell.


    Hawkins: Well come on then! Come on, Comissioner! Call down your poster boy to the ring!


    RDJ shakes his head at Hawkins’s snide remarks before turning towards the crowd.


    RDJ: Alright, we got the Champion. Now, let’s get the Challenger down here. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Aaron Andrews!


    Cue the huge pop, “Feel Invincible” by Skillet begins to play. The crowd anticipates the former World Champion…but no one appears through the curtains! A long moment passes, causing the crowd to quiet down. Eventually, the music cuts. RDJ talks to one of the producers at ringside, trying to figure out what happened.


    Hawkins: What’s the matter, Commish? Your Poster Boy get lost backstage?


    RDJ and the producer continue to speak, when all of sudden we get an image backstage on the titantron. The TCW medical staff come rushing down the hall backstage, where cameras find Aaron Andrews lying on the ground! Andrews is in clear agony as he clutches his ribs. He also is bleeding from the forehead due to a large gash. The medical staff calls for a stretcher, which Andrews immediately shoots down. Andrews tries to stand up, but his injuries are just too much.


    As the image remains on the titantron, an enraged RDJ turns to Hawkins. The Commish points his finger right in the World Champion’s face.


    RDJ: You just couldn’t help yourself! You just needed to pull your crap, and now you leave me no choice but cancel the main event! And I’m not going to stop there! No! I’m going to-…


    Hawkins: Whoa Whoa Whoa WHOA!


    Hawkins backs off from the angered Commissioner. Hands in the air, palms out, Hawkins motions away from RDJ.


    Hawkins: You’re really accusing me of doing that?!


    RDJ: Oh come on, Wolf! Be a man! Just admit it!


    Hawkins: How could I have done that? I’ve been out here with you!


    RDJ: Seriously, Wolf? Your Syndicate boys! Maybe that masked man you got working for you! Just admit it, Wolf. You wanted to hurt Aaron before Total Mayhem!


    Hawkins: Rick, I had absolutely, positively NOTHING to do with that. You have my word, Rick. Whatever happened to Aaron had nothing to do with me!


    Carefully, Hawkins motions over to the ropes.


    Hawkins: But….let’s say I did plan it….


    The serious look on the World Champion’s face suddenly turns into a giant grin.


    Hawkins: Good luck proving it!


    His rage boiling over, RDJ marches towards Hawkins, but Wolf quickly exits the ring. Mocking RDJ, Hawkins crosses himself, then proceeds to swear to the Commish that he is innocent. RDJ threatens Hawkins as he exits, which only makes Wolf struggle to hide his smile.


    Later in the evening, we find RDJ with Aaron Andrews in the medical room. He has his ribs wrapped tightly, his forehead bandaged. Upon questioning, Andrews is unable to confirm whether it was The Syndicate.


    Andrews: Let’s be real, Rick. It was them. But…no, I can’t say I saw them. It all happened real fast, an attack from behind. It was a blur after that.


    RDJ: Alright Aaron, listen. I just need you to stay here for now and let the medical staff take care of you. I am-…


    Andrews: What? No, Rick! No! I can’t just sit here and let this be. I’m going to find Wolf and I’m going to beat the crap out of him. And then? I’m going to be the crap out of his goons!


    RDJ: Aaron, no. You do that and then I have no choice. I don’t want to-….


    Andrews jumps off the medical table, clearly hurting his ribs in the process. Andrews fights through the pain


    Andrews: Rick, you do what you have to. But, I’m not letting this stand!


    Andrews storms out of the medical room, shrugging RDJ off when the Commish grabs his arm.


    Moments later after another match, we find Aaron Andrews walking through the backstage area. Armed with a steel chair, Andrews yells out of both Wolf Hawkins and The Syndicate. He questions people backstage, but doesn’t get the answer he desires.


    Fast forward to the end of the show. The Main Event is over and it appears another Total Wrestling is in the books. Suddenly, “Feel Invincible” by Skillet plays. Andrews struggles down to the ring, still armed with a steel chair. Andrews snatches a mic and rolls into the ring.


    Andrews: WOLF! Get you’re a** out here, right now! Bring your Syndicate boys, I don’t care. Just get out here! I’m not waiting for Total Mayhem. Get you’re a** out here and take the beating that you deserve!


    Instead of Hawkins or The Syndicate, RDJ hustles down to the ring. He’s trying to talk some sense into Andrews before he even has a mic to propel his voice.


    RDJ: Dangit, Aaron. I get it! Trust me, if anyone knows, it’s me! Nobody has had more wars with The Syndicate than I have! But come on, Aaron. You need to abide by my rules. Yeah, the Syndicate got away with causing you harm, but you still have your title match this Sunday! But if you go with this, if you start a fight with Wolf right now? You can forget about your title match! You can forget about even appearing at Total Mayhem!


    Huffing and puffing, fighting through the pain, Andrews considers what RDJ is saying to him . It doesn’t seem to get all the way through, though, because Andrews begins to shake his head.


    Andrews: You mentioned your wars with the Syndicate. Well Rick, then you know that I just can’t let this stand! I’m not going to let them win! You do what you need to, Rick. But I’m not leaving tonight until Wolf’s blood is on this steel chair!


    All of a sudden, there is the sound of applause over PA. On the titantron appears the face of the World Champion, Wolf Hawkins. Grinning from ear to ear, Hawkins appears to recording from his cell phone.


    Hawkins: Ah come on, boys. You’re both too stressed out. You guys need a massage or something.


    RDJ: Wolf, I swear, you better stay backstage. There will be no more fighting tonight. You two are not going to ruin this Sunday’s Main Event!


    Hawkins: Relax, Rick! Let me put you at ease, Commish. Me and the boys left the arena after our tag team match. We’re currently rolling down the road in my personal limo. No, I didn’t see a point in a stick around. Ya see, we already accomplished what we wanted to do this week!


    Hawkins grins ear to ear, which only makes Andrews boil further.


    Andrews: You did the right thing, Wolf. You did the right thing getting away from me! But this Sunday? You got nowhere to run. It’s just going to be you and me in that Steel Cell. I’m going to give you the beating you deserve, Wolf, and then I’m taking back my World Title!


    Hawkins: Oh, “your” World Title?


    Mockingly, Hawkins holds the World Title up to the phone and shakes his head.


    Hawkins: It definitely does not look like yours! Aaron, spare me the hero speech. I know Rick there loves it, but I’ve heard it from enough times for one lifetime. I’ve heard it from plenty of guys who thought they could knock me down, that thought they could knock the Syndicate down. Aaron, you are just another notch in my Hall of Fame career. And when I beat you at Total Mayhem? I will once again prove that I am the best wrestler in the world. Kiss the World Title Goodbye, Aaron. Oh wait…I’ll do it for you!


    Hawkins gives the World Title a big smooch, which makes him laugh heartily. Total Wrestling comes to a close to the sound of Hawkin’s laughter, and to the sight of a seething Aaron Andrews.


    Here Comes The Mayhem


    It’s Time for the Main Event! Sammy Bach is already in the ring, awaiting his opponent. Out comes Freddy Huggins to “Sure Shot” by Beastie Boys. Huggins stands at the top of the entrance way with his sister Laura Catherine. Instead of moving forward, Huggins turns towards the curtains. Out comes the rest of Freddy Corp., “Coach” Julian Watson and “Head of Security” Roderick Remus. That isn’t enough, though. With a big grin, Huggins gestures towards the curtains. Out comes Bach’s blood rival, Jay Chord!


    Kyle Rhodes: There they are. The captain Jay Chord and the team he put together to battle Sammy Bach in Total Mayhem.


    With a cocky little grin on his face, Jay Chord looks at Bach as he journeys around ringside and joins the commentating team for the main event. Meanwhile, as the main event is about to begin between Bach & Huggins, the rest of Freddy Corp. are hovering around the ring. After the bell is called for, Bach actually backs off and calls for a mic as he looks towards Jay Chord.


    Bach: Hey Jay! I told you I had a team for Total Mayhem, and just in case you think I was bluffing?


    With the mic, Bach gestures towards the curtains. Cue the pop, “Radio Ga Ga” By Queen begins to play! The variety of colorful lights begin to circle the arena, as out comes the three members of Beautiful Love!


    Jason Azaria: Oh my, what a turn of events! I think it’s safe to say Sammy Bach was ready for this stunt by Jay’s team!


    Kyle Rhodes: If I recall last week, Sammy did warn us. He said we were going to “love” his team!


    Frederique, Danny Fonzarelli, & Dazzling Dave Diamond make their way down to the ring, and they immediately begin to exchange threats with Freddy Corp. Meanwhile, Bach is smiling at Jay Chord, who is scowling away at the announce table.


    Tonight’s Main Event pretty much becomes a Lumberjack Match with all the humanity surrounding the ring. Both sides make their presence known, especially Freddy Corp. Remus and Watson do what they can to steal the win for Huggins, and nearly do so. But, Bach rallies late in the match. After sending Huggins to the floor, Bach executes a Moonsault from the top rope! Bach wipes out not just Huggins at ringside, but also “Coach” Watson, who was trying to help Huggins.


    Bach throws Huggins back into the ring and he’s looking for the end. Bach slaps on the Bach on your Back! Before Huggins can tap, Roderick Remus attacks Bach in-ring, causing Referee Johnson to call for the Disqualification!


    Jason Azaria: And here we go!


    Kyle Rhodes: Here comes the mayhem!


    The ring quickly fills with both Beautiful Love and Freddy Corp. members! The all out brawl ensues! It’s not much a fight, though, as Jay Chord just watches from the announce team as Freddy Corp. takes a beating from Team Bach. Huggins & Watson manage to escape the ring, but Remus doesn’t get to leave until Frederique & Fonzarelli lay him out with the Rocket of Love! Boom!


    Jason Azaria: What a huge moment for Team Bach heading into Total Mayhem.


    Kyle Rhodes: Freddy Corp. is in full retreat!


    As Roderick Remus gets carried up the ramp, Bach and Beautiful Love mockingly invite Jay Chord to join them in the ring. Chord tries to keep his composure as he gets up from the announce table and leaves ringside. Chord walks backwards up the rampway and dishes out some threats for his blood rival Bach.


    Bach doesn’t seem to notice, though. He’s too busy celebrating with Beautiful Love, who have the entire crowd clapping along with their Queen theme.


    Kyle Rhodes: It’s a huge win tonight for Team Bach. But one thing is for certain, Jay Chord isn’t just going to stand by and watch this Sunday.


    Jason Azaria: It’s all in the name, Kyle. It’s going to be Total Mayhem this Sunday!


    Show Notes

    * TCW Television Champion Greg Gauge is impressive in the opening contest. In a Non-Title Match, he forces Flying Jimmy Foxx to tap out to the Proton Lock. Despite the bell called for, though, Gauge refuses to let go of his submission. Clearly a message to his Total Mayhem opponent, Gauge tries to tear apart Foxx’s knee!


    Referee Long threatens to overturn his decision when #1 Contender Joshua Taylor comes running down to the ring! Taylor tackles Gauge to the mat and begins to pummel the TV Champion. Taylor tries to drag Gauge to his feet when Greg delivers a stiff kick to that injured knee of Taylor. The knee instantly gives away, and Joshua collapses to the mat! Taylor is quick to recover, but Gauge has already bailed from the ring, and exits ringside with Juliet Balconi and his TV Title.


    As Taylor checks on Jimmy Foxx, Gauge and Balconi watch the scene with a smile. Clearly, both of them noticed how easily Taylor’s injured knee gave away on him.


    Jason Azaria: It’s safe to say Greg Gauge’s message was loud and clear heading into the Submission Match.


    Kyle Rhodes: I mean, look at Joshua. If Gauge locks him in the Proton Lock again? I’m afraid that it will be the end of Taylor’s career!


    ** After his surprise return last week on Total Wrestling, Mighty Mo returns to in-ring action with a decisive victory over Freddy Corp’s “Coach” Julian Watson. Post-Match, Mo calls for a mic to give his thoughts on his Buried Alive Match this Sunday against Eddie Peak.


    It doesn’t take long before the lights begin to flicker in the arena. Mo turns towards the entrance way, clearly recognizing what’s going on. On the titantron appears what seems to be some cemetery. As the camera pans over gravestones, we hear a hefty amount of grunting. Finally, the camera pans down onto Eddie Peak, in the midst of digging a grave. Peak stabs down hard into the dirt with the shovel, then looks up towards the camera.


    Peak: Don’t worry, Mighty One. This grave isn’t yours. No Mo, there are plenty of people out there ready and in need of my wrath. But, no one deserves my wrath more than you! No, this one isn’t yours, but I will be burying you a special grave this Sunday! It is going to be my pleasure to prepare your final resting place, Mighty One.. Scoop of dirt after scoop of dirt. I am going to enjoy every ounce of our final adventure. Please get your final arrangements in order, Mighty One. I am afraid that you will never see another Monday!


  10. May – Week 3 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Show Notes

    * In an interview conducted by Kyle Rhodes, Davis Wayne Newton & Haley Buck would mock Edd Stone after the post-match attack by Davis on the last episode of Total Wrestling. Despite Newton & Stone’s match ending in a Double Count Out, Newton claims that his record in TCW is still perfect, and then boasts about being the only undefeated wrestler in TCW after Masked Cougar received his first loss.


    Little did Newton & Buck know that Kyle Rhodes had breaking news for Davis, straight from Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson’s desk.


    Rhodes: Per the Commissioner, you and Edd Stone will have a rematch at Total Mayhem!


    Newton & Buck are clearly unhappy to have to deal with Stone again. They proceed to complain, and even accuse RDJ of being bias.


    Buck: Davis here is going to wrestle Edd Stone again, and he’ll beat Stone on the biggest show of the year. But let it be known, Davis is going to do it…under protest!


    ** Kyle Rhodes is back on interview duty a little later, this time with The Syndicate’s Doc Hammond, Nate Johnson, & Chris Flynn. In the midst of hyping their upcoming matches, Doc Hammond would reveal that he would replace injured Eddie Chandler in the Elite’s tag team match with Tana & T-Bone at Total Mayhem. That would mean Doc intends to pull double duty at Total Mayhem, because he already has a singles match with Benny Benson!


    Hammond: The Syndicate is a brotherhood. When one man falls, another man is ready to raise the flag. And ya know what? I think this company needs a reminder that the Syndicate owns TCW! We are TCW! So I’m going to go to Total Mayhem, and I’m going to put on one of the best performances in the event’s history. I’m going to finally rid myself of Benny Benson, and then Nate & I are going to chop down those gigantic losers, and then we’ll be done with them, too!


    Tuesday Evening

    Backstage at TCW Presents Total Wrestling


    Total Wrestling is less than an hour from starting when Ricky Dale Johnson receives the text message. The dark matches have already begun, and RDJ was in the middle of watching the first match of the night on a monitor. Benny Benson and Sammy Bach were tooling with a couple of jobbers whose names RDJ didn’t even catch. Benson & Bach has some fun with the crowd, but eventually put down the jobbers with their best moves for the win.


    The text message is from CEO Kyle Rhodes, who asks RDJ to meet him in his office. His “office”, as always at live shows, is really just a room he picked out for privacy as the boss-man before he takes his place as the show’s Colour Commentator.


    RDJ doesn’t have much to practice before this week’s show, which Kyle probably knows. It has been a quiet two television weeks for the TCW Commish, as the focus has been on the in-ring talent. Next week, though, plans have RDJ on television plenty, particularly in assisting with the World Title Match storyline.


    RDJ has to go through catering to get to Kyle’s “office”, so he stops for another cup of coffee along the way. He finds Kyle and Head Booker Brent Hill alone in the room, which RDJ is relieved. He already had to do a lot of Total Mayhem P.R. today, had to shake a lot of hands. When he received the text from Kyle, he thought for sure it was just some rich wrestling fan that got a backstage pass and really wanted to meet the Hall of Famer, Ricky Dale Johnson. It had already happened twice today.


    That wasn’t the case, though. Kyle and Brent were relaxing in cozy-enough chairs in front of the television in the “office.” RDJ took it as a good sign that this was going to (hopefully) be a chill conversation.


    Rhodes: Rick, hey, pull up a seat. The kids are shooting t-shirts into the crowd before Aaron (Andrews) has his dark match.


    RDJ: Who’s the unlucky loser?


    Rhodes: I believe it’s (Jeremie) Courtney. Right, Brent?


    Hill: Correct.


    RDJ Well, at least Jeremie can sell a good whooping.


    RDJ pulls up a seat next to Kyle and Brent. For a couple brief moments, all men watch as the fans going absolutely nuts over t-shirts being shot out of a bazooka. Little do they know that they were shirts that weren’t selling well through the merchandise department. But hey free is free!


    Rhodes: I wanted to speak to you before I headed out to ringside. Brent and I have finalized a plan when it comes to the transition.


    RDJ: You mean when I become the overlord of your shows?


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Yes, Vader. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. If you believe you are ready, we think it would be best that you take over as Head Booker after Total Mayhem. A new year for TCW product, a new approach to the product. It just seems right.


    RDJ: *shocked* Wow….already? I thought I wasn’t going to take over until the Development Center was finished (renovations).


    Hill: To be honest, Rick, it’s my selfishness. I asked Kyle if we could move plans up a bit so I can finally take my wife on the European vacation she always wanted. Then, when I come back, I’m going to focus my attention on the Center as renovations are finished.


    RDJ: A vacation, Brent? Wow, trying to take it easy on us?


    Hill: *smiles* By taking it easy you mean I take my first long break from pro wrestling in over thirty years, then yes.


    RDJ: Well, if anyone deserves a nice long vacation it’s you Brent. But, if you really wanted to treat your wife, you’d let her go without you!


    Hill: *laughs* Oh, she’s threatened to do so over the years!


    Rhodes: So Rick, by your tone it sounds like you’re surprised that we want you to take over booking so soon. Are you alright with our plan? You think you’ll be ready to take over next month?


    RDJ: *shrugs* Hell, Kyle, I’m going to be here either way. Let’s do this.


    Rhodes: I’ll be right with you Rick to help you get off to a good start. But make no mistake, this is going to be “your” show. Yes I do have the right to override, but I have every intention to let you be completely in charge. Understand?


    RDJ: *nods* Loud and clear.


    Rhodes: And Brent here will always be there to help, too, some way or other.


    RDJ: Well, if I need any bad ideas, I know who to talk to.


    Hill: *chuckles* Gee, thanks Rick!


    Rhodes: I want to be very clear, Rick. When you came back and joined the creative team, you were adamant about this company needing a youth movement. You said you believed our roster needed an overhaul. I want you to know that I am on the same page. In the next year or two, I believe we will be looking at a pretty different roster. I believe that such a change is what is going make us a competitive force against USPW and SWF for years to come. They can rely on name value if they so choose. I want to look towards the future, even if it means a step back from time to time. You understand, Rick?


    RDJ: *nods* Loud and clear. I didn’t say what I said about roster just to spew hot air. I absolutely believe a youth movement is what this roster needs. Did then, do now.


    Rhodes: I know you do, and that’s why I know you’re the guy for the job. But I need you to understand something, Rick. We’re going to burn some bridges in doing this. Not everyone is Sammy Bach or Eddie Peak. Not everyone has that natural charisma that they can depend on despite their age. If we’re bringing in new names, then eventually some of the old ones have to go. People you consider friends. I want to make sure you’re comfortable with such a predicament.


    RDJ: It’s not the most ideal situation to find one’s self in, but it’s part of the business. Every man in that locker room has to know that eventually the journey comes to an end. Father Time always wins.


    Hill: Sorry Rick, but that is wishful thinking. You & I? We had a pretty positive perspective going into retirement. We were ready for it, even embraced it. That’s not the case for every single guy. Heck, I’d say most guys aren’t ready when it’s time, some of them never are.


    Rhodes: What Brent is trying to say is that there are going to be guys who aren’t going to respond well to the movement, whether it’s because they see it coming or they’re the ones who get the pink slip. There are going to be tough choices to be made, and it might end friendships for both you and I.


    RDJ: Kyle, I know what you’re saying. And you’re right, it’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows. But, I’ve been in that locker room, I’ve been the leader there. I’ve dealt with guys upset with their push, and I’ve dealt with guys who saw the writing on the wall.


    Rhodes: Of course you have, Rick. But, you might find that it’s bit different when you’re the Booker than when you were just a veteran presence. I just want you to understand that sometimes? You and I going to be perceived as the bad guys. The people in charge always are when someone is unhappy with their position.


    RDJ: I gotcha. I get why you might be worried about me, but I understood the consequences when I agreed to take the job. I won’t always be everyone’s favorite buddy backstage when I become the Booker. It’s comes with the gig.


    Rhodes: Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page. And I want you to know that you when it comes to terminations or non-renewals? You will never have to worry about that. We will definitely discuss whether to keep a worker or not, but I will always be the one to cut ties. But, that doesn’t mean you won’t feel the backlash of my decisions. The Booker always does.


    Hill: There’s going to be guys who are going to resent you because you didn’t get them the push they wanted. They’re going to blame you for losing their jobs. Trust me, I know. You’re going to lose a friend or two as a result.


    RDJ: Hell, if someone wants to burn a bridge like that? Then they’re clearly not a friend. Not to me.


    Rhodes: That’s a good outlook to have, Rick. I just wanted to make sure that you’re ready for what awaits you. When you’re booking, there has to be a winner and a loser, at least most of the time. It’s only natural for someone to dislike being the loser.


    Hill: Especially when those losses begin to stack up.


    Rhodes: Exactly. I just want to make sure that when you find yourself in a tough position, you’ll be ready. We have to make decisions that are best for the product, no matter who it might upset.


    RDJ: I hear ya, Kyle. I don’t take this gig lightly. Trust me when I say I know what type of lion’s den I’m stepping into.


    Kyle: Good. As I said before, you’ll be able to build your own booking staff. Do you have anyone in mind you might want to bring onto your staff?


    RDJ: I’m not sure I want too big of a staff, but yeah, I thought about it. I’d love to work with Sam (Keith) on booking, but he’s already declined. Between working as a Road Agent here for TV shows and being in charge of MAW, his hands are full.


    Hill: Can I suggest a name?


    RDJ: Sure, why not.


    Hill: Floyd (Goldworthy) is always a guy who has helped me when I needed a second opinion, and no one knows the locker room better than he does. You should talk to him, maybe he might like an official gig.


    RDJ: Alright, I’ll do that then.


    Rhodes: Okay, I have to head out for the show. Are we on the same page, Rick? You ready for join me on this ride?


    RDJ: Well, we’re either going to revitalize this roster and set this company up for hopefully the next ten years. Or, we’re going to fall flat on our faces and probably never get up. Hell, it sounds like a big ol’ bag of fun!

  11. May – Week 3 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    I Welcome The Challenge!


    We return from commercials to find Kyle Rhodes standing by on the interview stage here on Total Wrestling.


    Rhodes: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest right now will challenge Greg Gauge for the TCW Television Championship at Total Mayhem XXIV. Please welcome Joshua Taylor!


    Cue the pops, “Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace begins to play. Out comes Joshua Taylor in street clothes, clearly not in the best mood. Most of all, Taylor is trying to hide that he’s favoring the left knee that Greg Gauge tried to injure last week. Walking up onto the interview stage seems to take a little longer for Joshua than it should.


    Rhodes: Joshua, we are less than two weeks before you receive your rematch against Greg Gauge. But, the rumors online are that there are doubts that you will not be medically cleared for Total Mayhem. While you have been quiet about your injury, there are rumors that Greg Gauge caused significant damage to your knee last week when he had the Proton Lock applied for quite a long time. Can you give the world right now a clear answer on your current status?


    Taylor: Kyle, all you need to know is that NOTHING…nothing is going to keep me from competing at Total Mayhem. In this business, opportunities like this do not come along often, especially during a special event like Total Mayhem. I am not going to let a limp ruin this opportunity for me. I’ve dealt with worse. But, I promise you this, Kyle. Greg Gauge is going to feel a lot worse than I do when I am done with him!


    Rhodes: So…you’re not going to give us a clear answer on your health status?


    Taylor: I told you what you needed to know, Kyle. I will be at Total Mayhem, and I will become the new TCW Television Champion!


    Rhodes: Please Joshua, just tell us. Are the doctors telling you not to compete at Total Mayhem?


    Taylor: Like I said, I told you what you needed to know. Now, all I have to do is-…


    Taylor is interrupted by the sound of “Icky Thumpy” by The White Stripes. Cue the boos, TV Champion Greg Gauge is led out by his brand new manager, Juliet Balconi. Both Gauge & Barconi are all smirks as they invite themselves onto the interview stage. Gauge mocks Taylor by tapping on his own left knee and pretending to wince.


    Rhodes: Greg, please, this is supposed to be a standard interview-…


    Gauge: Relax, Kyle. I’m not out here to fight. There are already rumors that Joshua can’t compete at Total Mayhem. The last thing I want to do is confirm them! Believe it or not, Josh, I want to fight you at Total Mayhem. Because, just like you? I recognize how big Total Mayhem is. I know that’s where professional wrestlers become superstars. And this year? I’m going to use you to become the star I always knew I’d become! I am going to give you a beating that you will never recover from. Who knows, Josh. I might just finish the job and tear that knee of yours completely apart!


    Taylor takes a moment to compose himself before responding.


    Taylor: You want to be a star, Greg? Then allow me to do you the honor. I’ll help you deliver a moment these fans will never forget. These fans will never forget when I make you squeal and tap in that ring at Total Mayhem. These fans will never forget when I’m standing over you as the NEW TCW Television Champion!


    Gauge: Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that when you can’t even walk?!


    Taylor: Just a fair warning, Greg. I don’t need two good knees to slap on the Butterfly Lock!


    Suddenly, Juliet Balconi grabs Kyle Rhodes by the wrist and pulls the microphone towards her.


    Balconi: Then step up, Josh! Be a man! Face my client at Total Mayhem in a Submission Match!


    Balconi and Taylor have a bit of a staredown after Juliet issues the challenge. Meanwhile, Gauge chuckles away, impressed by the audacity of his manager. Rhodes motions the microphone towards Taylor, who takes a moment before answering.


    Taylor: Ma’am…I know you thought you were going to intimidate me by making such a challenge. Making such a challenge when you clearly know my status. I got news for you, Ms. Balconi. I WELCOME THE CHALLENGE! I ACCEPT!


    I Do Have A Team For Total Mayhem!


    Freddy Corp. accompanies Jay Chord for his match tonight with Captao Brasil Jr. The group merely stands by and watches as Chord puts away the exciting TCW newcomer with his patented Cradle Piledriver. Post-match, Freddy Corp. joins Chord in the ring. Roderick Remus & Julian Watson are “kind enough” to clear the ring by disposing of Brasil Jr. Jay Chord calls for a mic.


    Chord: In case you idiot fans didn’t understand what happened last week, allow me to clear things up for you lower life forms. Allow me to introduce the three men that will join me in battle for the Total Mayhem Match. Roderick Remus…Julian Watson…and their boss, Freddy Huggins. Or, as some of you might know them, they are Freddy Corp.!


    Freddy Huggins is all smiles when Jay Chord pronounces his company name. Respectfully, Huggins shakes hands with Chord and accepts the microphone.


    Huggins: Many people have been wondering why Freddy Corp. did what it did last week. Why would Freddy Huggins align himself with Jay Chord? Isn’t that just hindering Freddy’s opportunities as a singles competitor? Maybe…but let me remind you all of the purpose of Freddy Corp. once again. Freddy Corp. isn’t just about Freddy Huggins. Freddy Corp. is about everyone! Freddy Corp. is about doing what is best for everyone! The world! In this instance, Freddy Corp. knows what is best for Total Championship Wrestling. And what is best for TCW?


    Huggins gives a smug shrug of his shoulders.


    Huggins: It’s pretty obvious, really. What is best for the company, what is best for the locker room, is for someone like Jay Chord to put someone like Sammy Bach out to pasture! Jay Chord is the future of this business! He is good for this business! But Sammy? Sammy is just an aging man grasping for his last few moments in this profession. It’s sad, really. But it’s not just about Sammy! When Sammy is out of the way, it opens the door for new talent! Talent like Roderick Remus here, he can finally have the chance to become the star we all know he can become! Freddy Corp. wants to open the door for the entire locker room…by ridding this company of one of its washed up stars! So, the choice was obvious really when Jay offered Freddy Corp. the chance to join him on his crusade. So Sammy, we will give you one of your precious last moments at Total Mayhem. Now, whether you enjoy it or not? Well, that’s-…


    Huggins’s smile quickly goes away as “Higher Grounds” by Red Hot Chili Peppers hits the PA. Out comes Sammy Bach onto the entrance stage to a huge pop. Despite all the insults, Bach has a big smile on his face. Sammy has a mic in hand and calls for the music to cut.


    Bach: Yeah yeah yeah, thanks guys for reminding me that I’m forty-two-years- old and far from a spring chicken. Boy, do I love those reminders! And yeah, you guys got me good last week. Congratulations, Freddy Corp.! You were successful executed a three-on-one ambush on this old man! You must be pretty proud of yourselves!


    Huggins actually smiles and takes a bow for what they did last week. Even Bach is amused by his antics.


    Bach: I find one thing funny about all this. You boys are acting like I don’t have the opportunity to choose my own team. This isn’t going to be a four-on-one match at Total Mayhem. This is going to be war! Four men against four men in a Steel Cell!


    Pumped up by Bach’s words, Jay Chord calls for his own mic.


    Chord: We know that, but where is your team, Sammy? You’re awfully lonely up there on the stage! By the looks of it, the entire locker room knows better than team up with you!


    Bach: Yeah…that might be it. Or Jay, maybe it’s that I read the contract for the Total Mayhem Match, and there is nothing in the contract that says I have to reveal my team before the Pay-Per-View! All the contract needed was my signature and your signature, and the contract certainly has it!


    Huggins: Don’t worry, Jay. Sammy’s bluffing! No one is stupid enough to go up against our team!


    Bach: See, that’s where you are wrong, Freddy. I do have a team for Total Mayhem! I will reveal the team in due time…but you boys will just have to wait on that! But I’m out here for you, Freddy. You really thought you were smart with that ambush, don’t you? Well, we have another episode of Total Wrestling before Total Mayhem next Sunday. What d’ya say, Freddy? How about you and I go one-on-one next week on Total Wrestling, and you just show me what Freddy Corp. is all about?


    Huggins: Seriously?! You think I’m stupid enough to accept such a match right before Total Mayhem? Give you a chance to injure me and get me out of Total Mayhem? Those tricks might work on some rookie, Sammy, but you’re talking to the founder of Freddy Corp.!


    Bach: Am I? Am I talking to the founder of Freddy Corp.? Cause the way things look right now? I thought I was talking to Jay Chord’s b****!


    That said, Sammy Bach walks through the curtains with a big grin on his face. Huggins, of course, is infuriated by the insult, and has to be held back by his Freddy Corp. brethren. Jay Chord, meanwhile, stands behind it all, scowling and shaking his head. Huggins responds to Bach off-mic while RHCP plays throughout the arena.


    Huggins: You want your match, Sammy?! YOU GOT IT!


    It Was All About Mind Games


    It’s now time for Tonight’s Main Event, a Non-Title Contest between TCW World Champion Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrew’s handpicked opponent, Eddie Peak! It’s a pretty awkward predicament, as it was Wolf who originally handpicked Peak to battle Andrews last week, thus the mayhem ensued!


    Eddie Peak manhandles Hawkins early in the contest. But, as Hawkins distracts Referee Johnson, fellow Syndicate members Doc Hammond and Chris Flynn hit ringside and attack Peak on the floor. Hammond and Flynn together send Peak hard into the steel steps! Referee Johnson doesn’t catch the interference, but does put two and two together when he sees The Syndicate members at ringside after Wolf’s distraction. Johnson quickly sends Hammond and Flynn back to the showers! The Syndicate did their damage, but it’s back to being a one-on-one contest!


    Hawkins uses the interference to command the match for a long time. He chops the larger Peak down, using leg submissions to try to wear the Hardcore Assassin down. When Peak doesn’t submit, Hawkins looks to put him away with a patented maneuver. Hawkins flies off the top rope and connects with his 450 Splash! 1…2…Peak still manages to throw Hawkins off! Wolf is stunned!


    Hawkins steps onto the apron and calls for the end. As Peak stands up, Hawkins springboards and goes to the aerial for the Full Moon Rising! Peak counters the attacks with a double thrust right to the throat! With every right to DQ Peak, Referee Johnson instead issues a warning to Peak. The Hardcore Assassin ignores the referee and goes on the attack as a choking Hawkins stumbles to his feet. Peak beats the World Champion from pillar to pillar. Here it comes. Peak has Hawkins by the throat. Choke Slam! Peak covers! 1…2….3NO! Hawkins just barely gets the shoulder up! Peak intimidates Referee Johnson over the count before turning his attention back towards the hurt World Champion.


    Peak calls for the end as Hawkins staggers up. Peak inches closer, when suddenly the lights out in the arena!


    Jason Azaria: What just happened?!


    Kyle Rhodes: It has to be Eddie Peak’s doing! This is one of his parlor tricks!


    After a long moment, the lights come back on…and MIGHTY MO IS IN THE RING! The crowd goes nuts, while Eddie Peak is stunned at the sight of his rival! The two men stare each other down, then Mo suddenly turns and clotheslines the World Champion Hawkins! Before Peak can comprehend the action, Mo tackles Peak to the mat! Mo begins to pummels away at Peak until Eddie pulls himself away and out of the ring.


    Kyle Rhodes: I can’t believe it! Mighty Mo pulled out a Eddie Peak!


    Jason Azaria: As far as I know, Mighty Mo still isn’t medically cleared!


    Kyle Rhodes: I don’t know, Jay! Mo looks fine to me!


    Referee Johnson calls for the bell as Mo follows Peak outside the ring and continues to pummel away. Peak looks to get away after raking the eyes, but Mo grabs a steel chair and makes chase. Mo runs up behind the fleeing Peak and cracks the steel chair across Eddie’s back! Peak tumbles over the barricade and falls into the crowd! Mo follows after Peak, and the two men begin to brawl throughout the crowd until they disappear into the backstage area!


    Jason Azaria: What a moment! Mighty Mo has delivered an impactful message to Eddie Peak, less than two weeks away before their Buried Alive Match!


    Kyle Rhodes: Mighty Mo is far from dead. He is ready for war at Total Mayhem!


    Back in the ring, Wolf Hawkins has pulled himself up to one knee, completely confused by what has just happened. Hawkins is handed his World Title by Referee Johnson as the official decision is made.


    Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner by Disqualification…the TCW World Heavyweight Champion…Wolf….Hawkins!


    Despite being exhausted, Hawkins drags himself up and demands that the referee raise his hand. Johnson obliges, and Hawkins holds the World Title up as a grin appears on his face. WAIT A MINUTE! Aaron Andrews slips into the ring behind Wolf Hawkins! The crowd erupts!


    Kyle Rhodes: Oh No. Wolf has no clue that Aaron is behind him!


    Jason Azaria: I know, but Aaron isn’t allowed to touch Wolf before Total Mayhem. What is he thinking?!


    Sensing Aaron’s presense, Wolf Hawkins finally turns around…and stumbles over his feet when he sees Andrews behind him! Andrews just stands there and doesn’t do anything! Hawkins scrambles to exit the ring with his World Title. A smile suddenly bursts over Aaron’s face as he watches Hawkins quickly flee ringside. Andrews stands at the edge of the ring and gestures to Hawkins that he just one-upped the World Champion. Andrews calls out to Hawkins off-mic.


    Andrews: In time, Wolf! I’m coming for my title!


    Jason Azaria: What a turn of events. It was all about mind games for the former Champion!


    Kyle Rhodes: Yeah, but in twelve days, there won’t be time for anymore mind games. At Total Mayhem, we will see the final battle between Wolf Hawkins & Aaron Andrews. The Final Battle for the World Title!


    Jason Azaria: And it will happen in the Steel Cell!



    Show Notes

    * Masked Cougar suffers his first defeat in TCW at the hands of Doc Hammond, though it’s much thanks to the interference of fellow Syndicate member, Chris Flynn. Post-Match, Benny Benson would hit the ring to try to save Cougar from a Syndicate beatdown, but Benny would unfortunately face the same fate. The Syndicate would leave the ring victorious with their rivals lying on the mat.


    Later on in the night, two new matches would be announced for Total Mayhem, straight from the desk of TCW Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson. First, Masked Cougar will look to get some revenge for his first TCW loss when he battles the Syndicate Enforcer, Chris Flynn. Also, we will get the rubber match at Total Mayhem when two TCW veterans go to war! Benny Benson battles Doc Hammond in twelve days in the hopes to settle their rivalry!


    ** Another undefeated streak is threatened later on in the night when Davis Wayne Newton puts his record on the line against the Party Animal, Edd Stone. The match eventually leads to a brawl outside the ring. After reversing an irish whip and sending Newton hard into the barricade, Stone looks to wow the fans rather than getting back into the ring. Stone runs across the top of the barricade and wipes out Newton on the floor with an amazing front flip! Both men crash hard, and are unable to get back into the ring before Referee Long’s Count reaches ten! Long calls for the Double Count Out!


    Post-Match, a distraction by Haley Buck allows Newton to come up behind Stone and shove him face first into the steel post! Furious that his record is now tainted, Newton ignores Referee Long and pummels Stone. Newton drags Stone up and plants him on the floor with his Fisherman’s Suplex! More officials appear at ringside to break things up. Newton and Buck finally agree to depart, as Haley declares her client Davis the victor of the match!


    *** It’s Time for the Finals of the Tag Team Contenders Tournament, as longtime rivals Beautiful Love & Shade Gang battle over a Tag Title Shot at Total Mayhem! Early in the match, an altercation at ringside between the third wheels, Dave Diamond and Troy Tornado, leads to both men getting sent to the showers by Referee Johnson! It looks like we might actually have a fair, two-on-two tag team match, we pray!


    Shade Gang’s Marc Speed & Matt Hocking try to cut the ring off on Beautiful Love’s Frederique, but Danny Fonzarelli eventually gets the hot tag and goes wild. Fonz puts a beating all over Speed and Hocking, and nearly puts Speed away after a Running Powerslam. Frederique climbs to the second rope in the hopes for Beautiful Love to hit their patented Rocket of Love finisher on Speed. Before they can, Hocking races across the ring and shoves Frederique hard, sending him tumbling over the top rope, and Fred hits the apron painfully before crashing to the floor.


    Fonzarelli sends Hocking rolling to ringside after a big boot to the face, then turns his attention back to Speed. Fonzarelli has Speed up for the Retro Rocket, but Speed breaks off behind Fonzarelli. Speed drops the big man with a perfect knee dropkick to the knee, then applies Deadly Heel Hook! Fonz tries to get to the ropes, but Speed pulls himself back to the center of the ring. Frederique tries to get back into the ring, but Hocking keeps him from breaking it up! Fonzarelli has no choice but to tap! The Shade Gang wins the Tag Team Contenders Tournament!


    Troy Tornado races to back to the ring to celebrate with his Shade Gang brethren. The celebration begins for the trio, but it doesn’t last long. Eventually, Shade Gang notices the folks on the entrance stage. Standing there are the Tag Teams Champions, W.M.D, along with their manager Vita! The battle line has been set for Total Mayhem, and the two teams begin to exchange threats before the big Tag Title Match!

  12. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">May – Week 2 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Uprising!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><img alt="t2WMu8T" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/t2WMu8T" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show Notes</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    * Despite still being injured, Bart Biggins simply making an appearance at ringside helped his tag partner Jimmy Foxx defeat Julian Watson. After fellow Freddy Corp. member Roderick Remus interferes to help Watson, Biggins would come down to ringside, armed with a steel chair! Such a threat would chase Remus out of the arena, and distract Watson long enough for Foxx to hit the Flying Foxx for the win.</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    ** In an interview conducted by Jason Azaria, Syndicate’s Nate Johnson would reveal that his Elite tag team partner Eddie Chandler is injured, and he accuses both Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright of deliberating trying to hurt Eddie in their tag team tournament match a week prior. </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Johnson:</strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"> If you two think costing you a Tag Title shot is enough payback, then clearly you underestimate how much I consider Eddie a brother, and you definitely don’t understand what the Syndicate stands for. You two oversized losers have no idea what kind of hell is coming your direction, but I promise you both. You will wish you never heard of the Syndicate name by the time we’re done with you! </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Thursday Afternoon</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Creative Meeting at BriCo HQ</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The creative meeting has been going on for a good forty-five minutes now. The start of the meeting focused primarily on Total Mayhem week. Plenty of media was set up for the days leading up to the biggest show of the year, and CEO Kyle Rhodes walked his top guys through the week. Ricky Dale Johnson even got his own personal schedule for the week, starting at Total Wrestling on Tuesday all the way through Total Mayhem on Saturday Night. Radio interviews, podcast interviews, and even a couple television spots. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Mainstream media didn’t always take professional wrestling seriously, but Total Mayhem was a big enough show that the media actually treated it like a legit sporting spectacle. RDJ didn’t mind playing along during Total Mayhem week, though he knew the majority of those media outlets won’t give a damn about professional wrestling after the show was over.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    RDJ was kind of excited, though. This was the first Total Mayhem media tour he would do as a non-wrestler. It might be fun entering these interviews and television spots while acting like he actually was the boss of the locker room, as his character portrays on television.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> It’s going to be a crazy week, as always. If you ever think you’re missing something, please don’t be afraid to contact me or the P.R. office. Same thing with the locker room. If they have questions, direct them towards P.R. With everything going on in TCW right now, this might just be our biggest Total Mayhem yet.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey, I headlined a Total Mayhem, thank you very much!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> My apologies, Rick. I meant the second biggest Total Mayhem of all time.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brent Hill:</strong> What about me? I won the Tag Titles at Total Mayhem once!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> As I said, second biggest Total Mayhem of all time.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>After a hearty laugh from the entire meeting, aside from the BriCo interns, Kyle uses the pause to change the subject.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Okay, that’s enough Total Mayhem for now. I want to inform you guys of some big news that I’ve been working on this week. It’s come to my attention that two particular talents in Supreme Wrestling Federation are up for contract renewals, and SWF has yet to lock it up. And ya know what? I want to see if I can snatch them away.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Interesting, we’re going on the offensive? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Smartly, yes. We’re not breaking bank just for the sake of breaking bank. That’s how this company hurt itself financially in the past. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Joel Bryant:</strong> I like it. It’s about time for SWF to give us something back for Rocky (Golden).</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> As long as it doesn’t cost anyone near what Rocky cost.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ definitely didn’t blame Rocky Golden for packing up and leaving for SWF. But, one thing is for certain. With TCW being a punching bag for both SWF and USPW for years, the company never had a chance to match SWF’s contract offer. Contract alone, Golden was making a whopping 325K per month with SWF. The highest contract currently in TCW was the poster boy Aaron Andrews at 80K per month. Just a wee bit lower than what Rocky was making!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I’m targeting these guys not just because I think they can be valuable, but in my opinion, it’s clear that SWF doesn’t value them as I do. I think we could make a solid deal.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well spit it out, bud. Who ya got in mind?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well, let’s start with the non-wrestler, <strong>Ric Young.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> The referee?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> The one and only. Got a scouting report for me, Joel?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Off the top of my head? He’s one of the best referees in the business, thirty-plus years. Not a locker room leader by name, but keeps his head down and does his job cleanly.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Do you think his zebra work is as good as Ray (Johnson) and Francis (Long)?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Absolutely.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Better?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant</strong> *groans* It’s certainly possible.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Ya see? That’s why I want Ric on our staff. This guy has worked with the best and has helped orchestrate some amazing matches! Our referee staff is fine, but Ric can take it to a whole different level.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> What if he wants to be Head Referee like he is in SWF? Think Ray Johnson will be fine with it?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> That’s just something we’d have to discuss if Ric comes on board. I believe both men are professional enough to figure it out.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> If they can’t? We have them fight it out. Easy Pay-Per-View Main Event. Referee Steel Cage Match! Book it, Brent!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> *chuckles* You can book it when you’re in charge, Rick.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, so that’s the first guy I’m looking at. Hold on to your undies folks, because here comes the second name. <strong>Jimmy Hernandez.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Mainstream?! SWF is letting him walk?!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Walk? No. But, they’re vastly trying to underpay for what I think the kid is worth. Mainstream is still in his prime and can do some amazing things. He might not be the biggest guy, but he can do virtually everything in the ring. I can see Mainstream easily be one of our top stars in a matter of months. Do you agree, Joel?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Sure, it’s certainly possible. He can do everything, but most of all he’s an aerial phenomenon. He makes it look easy to fly! He’s got the appeal with both the male and female demographic. A bit of a party animal off the clock, I’ve heard, but nothing too crazy. Can play babyface or heel, no problem.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I definitely think he could fill that babyface void we have at the top of the card. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey boss man, can I ask a question?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *smiles* Of course, young man. How can I help you? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Not that I’m complaining, but TCW has never been a real high flier product. It’s been all about the big, muscular boys. Is it safe to say we’re turning the page? I mean, we brought in the Cougar fella’, and now we’re looking at Hernandez? I’m just curious, that’s all.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *shrugs* Rick, I don’t want TCW to be stuck in a single category anymore. Actually no, check that. I want to be in the category of simply what the fans want. And what do they want?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Kyle Rhodes pauses and looks around at the silent table.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I was literally looking for an answer, guys!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Oh! Ummm, great wrestling and great characters?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> And great stories! The whole pie! I don’t care if the guy can lift five hundred pounds or if he can do triple corkscrew backflip off a ladder! What I care about is giving the fans what they want, and when I watch guys like Masked Cougar and Mainstream Hernandez, I see a crowd that is enthralled with what they are doing.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Well, while Rick has opened the door, I have a question, too. Are we good with masked guys now as well? I mean, for so many years, the only TCW masked guy I can recall ever seeing is John Anderson as Human Arsenal. Now, we got not just Cougar but also Aztec Prince.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> God I love that Prince kid. Such a talent, such an amazing look. If only he had inch of charisma!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well, then it’s our job to find him the right mouthpiece. But to answer your question, Joel, I put it in the same category as Rick’s question. I don’t care if the guy has beautiful, goldilocks hair or he wears a mask for his entire career. If the crowd is paying to see them, if fans are tuning it to watch him, the rest is details.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Good, because there’s a guy I’d love to bring in for you to look at. He’s this big, muscular luchador that goes by the name <strong>Mr. Lucha III.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Wait, is that Manuel’s (Prieto) kid?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Nephew. I’m surprise you were even that close, Rick. Didn’t take you for enjoying Mexican wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I don’t really. I had dinner with Manuel awhile back after going to a Wrestling Hall of Fame ceremony. He was raving about the boy, I guess I just mixed up the details.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Ah, ok. Well, this kid should be a star already in Mexico, but the Mr. Lucha character was tarnished by the second edition.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> What happened? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Nothing good, and no matter what this kid does, the history of the mask keeps him down.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Why doesn’t he just go with a different gimmick? A different mask?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I don’t know. I guess maybe love for the lineage? Whatever it is, this kid is the total package. Just like Mainstream, he can do everything in ring. He’s big for the average luchador, and he’s got plenty of charisma.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Can he speak English?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Cannot one-hundred percent confirm, but I do believe he is fluent in English.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> You’re selling me, Joel. Let’s set up a meeting.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> You got it, boss.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, now back on topic. Does anyone have anything to add about bringing Mainstream in? I’m looking at you, Rick. He’s going to be yours to handle for years to come.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey, if you’re down with what this kid brings, then it is settled! You’ll never see my old behind doing a shooting star press, but I respect what these young-uns can do. From what I’ve seen from Hernandez, he’s money. Scoop him up, I’d say.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Agreed.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>From the back of the room, one of the BriCo interns speak up for the first time all meeting. </em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Intern:</strong> Excuse me Mr. Rhodes, but as far as finances go? If you were going to bring this wrestler in-…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Relax, no need to go any further. I already said I have no intentions to break the bank for one single wrestler. I just think we can steal this talented gentleman away from the competition at a solid price. Is that okay with you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Intern:</strong> Ummm yes, yes sir.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I guess this isn’t a good time to ask about a raise?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Mockingly, RDJ turns and winks at the young male intern. Embarrassed, the intern quickly sticks his nose down towards his tablet.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well, if that’s settled, I will keep you guys up to date on negotiations, and hopefully things go our way. Moving on, I have one last thing I want to talk over with you guys today. Ya see, our friendly neighborhood maniac Eddie Peak came to me with an idea this week. And I gotta say, I think I love it! And it goes a little something like this….</p><p>


  13. May – Week 2 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Battle Of Life And Death


    Prior to the Co-Main Event this evening, Jason Azaria introduces Mighty Mo, who is live via satellite from his home. Mo reveals that he is still recovering from injuries caused by Eddie Peak when he chokeslammed Mo off the entrance stage at Where Angels Fear To Tread. Doctors have recommended that Mo not travel so he can have an efficient recovery. But, Mo is getting close to returning, and he intends on competing at Total Mayhem.


    Mo: I don’t care how I feel or what the doctors say. I know how big Total Mayhem is, to both the company and our fans. There is nothing that is going to keep me away from our biggest show of the year.


    Jason Azaria: That’s great to hear Mo, but what about Eddie Peak? After what Eddie did to you, what message do you have for him?


    Clearly holding back his anger, Mo takes a moment to compose himself before answering.


    Mo: I hope Eddie Peak is watching right now. Eddie, I need you to know that I-…


    The image suddenly goes to static. As Azaria and Kyle Rhodes contemplate that perhaps they have a poor connection, the face of Eddie Peak appears on the screen. Just like last week, Peak appears to be recording from a shaky, handheld camera.


    Peak: Oh, I’m watching Mighty One. I’m always keeping an eye on you. I’m glad to hear that you have a message for me, but first, I have a message for you. There is no more room in TCW, in professional wrestling, for heroes. I have made my destiny to clear the world of its heroes, and you Mighty One? You attempt to play the biggest hero of all. You have lived this fantasy far too long, this fantasy that you could possibly topple the big bad man. It is time for the fantasy to end. It is time for the dream to end! Mighty One, come back and play. Let’s have fun one more time. Please don’t make me find you, because I will! Total Mayhem will be the location of your demise. I will dig your grave….and I will bury you ALIVE! Then…there will be one less hero is the world…


    After a long pause, Peak begins to cackle away. The scene goes to static once more before returning to Mighty Mo.


    Jason Azaria: Uhhhhh Mo? Any chance…any chance you heard all of that?


    It’s clear by the look on his face that Mo did. He begins to breathe heavily while clutching his right hand in his lap.


    Mo: Yeah…I heard it all. Eddie, you like to talk, but apparently you don’t listen. How many times must I say this? Yeah, your mindgames work on other people. You might intimidate some people, but you…don’t…scare…ME! Call me a hero all you want, but I don’t try to be a hero. I just stand up to maniacs and a******* when I see them! I don’t know if Eddie was talking literally with his little sermon, but I’m talking literally right now! Eddie, mark my words. I will be at Total Mayhem, and we will have our final fight! Eddie? I challenge you to a BURIED ALIVE MATCH! Let’s see who is scared then!


    That said, Mo throws his earpiece off and storms off scene.


    The Rivalry Isn’t Dead Yet


    We are nearing the climax of this fatal four way to decide the man who will challenge Greg Gauge for the TV Title at Total Mayhem XXIV. After a long exchange of maneuvers between Joshua Taylor and Edd Stone, Stone reverses Taylor’s attempt at a Tilt a Whirl Slam and sends Joshua flying with a headscissors. When Taylor gets to his feet, Stone hits him with a dropkick that sends Joshua falling through the ropes to the floor.


    Stone preps himself for a plancha, but as he goes to race off the ropes to execute it, he gets cut off by Freddy Huggins. Huggins catches Stone right in the face with an impactful high knee! Huggins stalks Stone as he stumbles up. The Huggins Kiss! Stone’s head gets planted into the mat! Huggins covers, 1…2…Doc Hammond breaks it up!


    Hammond pummels away at Huggins before whipping into the corner. Hammond charges in after him, but gets two boots to the face instead. Huggins quickly hops to the second rope and leaps off for double axe handle, but Hammond instead catches Freddy with a smacking uppercut to the jaw. Huggins falls over into the ropes, but Hammond quickly pulls him up and hits his Exploder Suplex! The cover! 1…2…Taylor comes flying off the top rope with an elbow drop to break it up!


    Taylor goes to drag Hammond up to his feet, but Doc catches Joshua with a stiff knee to the gut. Hammond sweeps the legs out from under Taylor and tries to lock on his Texas Cloverleaf. Taylor fights it with all his might, but manages to pull Hammond down into a small package! 1…2…Hammond breaks free, but Taylor reverses position right into his Butterfly Lock! Hammond is in trouble, as he’s stuck in Taylor’s patented submission in the middle of the ring! There is no help for Doc coming. He has no choice! Doc Hammond taps! Joshua Taylor wins the TV Title Shot!


    Jason Azaria: We will see the rematch, folks! Joshua Taylor will be looking for redemption at Total Mayhem when he battles Gauge.


    As Joshua Taylor gets his hand raised by Referee Johnson, he is blinded by Greg Gauge, who catches Taylor with a sick chop block! The crowd begins to boo as Gauge stomps away at Taylor’s left knee. Gauge locks Taylor into his Proton Lock! Referee Johnson yells at Gauge to break the hold, but this isn’t a match. Gauge has no intentions of letting go!


    Kyle Rhodes: Look at this disgusting act! Greg Gauge is trying to injure Joshua Taylor before we ever get to Total Mayhem!


    Jason Azaria: Let go, Greg! You’re going to tear his knee apart!


    Taylor begins to scream out in pain as more TCW Officials race to the ring to help. Finally, Gauge’s grip is literally pried loose, and Greg is pushed away from Taylor. As Greg exits the ring with a big smile on his face, Taylor is left on the mat clutching his knee. Before Total Wrestling goes to wrestling, the camera pans up on Gauge’s grinning face.


    Gauge: I’ll see you at Total Mayhem, Josh!


    The Battle Line Begins To Appear


    Jay Chord joined the announce table for the match between Sammy Bach and Jeremie Courtney. Despite Courtney’s best efforts, Bach puts on a decisive, successful performance tonight. Stuck in the Bach on you Back in the middle of the ring, Courtney has no choice but to tap out.


    Bach’s attention turns to ringside as Jay Chord gets up from his seat. Chord calls for a mic, then calmly begins to walk around the ring and make his way up the steel steps onto the apron.


    Chord: Ya know, our Commissioner wants to complain about how I beat you at Where Angels Fear To Tread. You, Sammy, want to complain how I beat you. But last I checked? The third fall in our contest was No…Holds…Barred. In case you don’t know professional wrestling terms Sammy, that means anything goes! So yeah, I kicked you in the nuts. But ya know what else I did? I pinned your shoulders to the mat for the three count, and I won the match!


    The crowd boos Chord, which only makes Jay smile. Sammy Bach, meanwhile, shows no emotion, but rather anticipates Chord entering the ring. Jay doesn’t, though, instead he just stands on the apron.


    Chord: You’re supposed to be my past now, Sammy. I’m supposed to move on. But ya know what? I’m excited to put you in your place one last time at Total Mayhem. My team is going to embarrass you, Sammy. That’s a promise I intend to keep. They’re going to embarrass you Sammy…just like they’re going to embarrass you right now….


    Sammy Bach suddenly realizes what’s brewing, and quickly turns towards the entrance way as Freddy Corp.’s Roderick Remus & Julian Watson hit the ring. Remus & Watson begin to double team Bach as Jay Chord just watches from the apron. Despite the ambush, Bach fights back! Bach catches Watson with a dropkick, then clotheslines Remus over the top rope to the floor. It looks like Bach has survived the ambush…when he turns around and walks right into a Superkick by Freddy Huggins!


    Huggins and Chord share a glance from across the ring, and both men begin to laugh. Chord gestures to Huggins that “he’s all yours,” and Freddy obliges. Huggins gestures to his boys. Remus and Watson are back on their feet, and they’re putting the boots to Bach. Finally, Huggins orders them to drag Bach up. Huggins takes hold of Bach and drives him into the mat with the Huggins Kiss! Bach is out cold!


    Freddy Corp. hovers over the motionless Bach as Jay Chord calmly enters the ring. He takes a long look at his rival lying on the mat, then turns to his attention to the smiling Huggins. Chord holds out a hand towards Huggins…and Freddy shakes it!


    Kyle Rhodes: Jay, do you think what I think it means?


    Jason Azaria: It certainly appears so. Jay Chord needed three men to fill out his Total Mayhem team to battle Sammy Bach. It would seem Chord found his resolution in Freddy Corp.!


    It Was “Almost” The Perfect Plan


    Wolf Hawkins’s plan seemed to be gold. He handpicked Eddie Peak to battle Aaron Andrews in tonight’s Main Event, and Peak does exactly what he hoped. The Hardcore Assassin lays a beating on Andrews that he will likely feel well past the World Title Match at Total Mayhem. Throughout the match, Wolf Hawkins is shown backstage, the World Champion smiling as he watches the contest.


    But, despite the beating Peak delivers, Aaron Andrews refuses to stay down. He takes the beating and continues to fight back. Peak misses with a charging big boot in the corner and gets his foot badly caught on the top rope. That’s Andrews’s chance to take out the big man! Andrews pummels away at Peak, even shoving Referee Johnson aside in the process. Andrews even attacks Peak’s knee, trying to chop down the big man!


    Andrews finally obliges Referee Johnson’s instructions before he is DQ’ed. The damage has been done, though. Andrews has Peak reeling now, his speed and youth testing Peak’s size and age. Andrews flies off the top rope and catches Peak with patented Cross Body, but Peak throws him off before Aaron can get the three count!


    Andrews stalks Peak as he gets up. Andrews races off the ropes. Whether he’s looking for his Spear or the Ace in the Hole, we’ll never know because Peak cuts him off, catching Andrews by the throat. A Big Time Choke Slam by Peak! The cover! 1…2…3NO! Andrews just barely gets the shoulder up! Peak watches Andrews as he gets up, perhaps looking for his finisher, but then Eddie turns away. Peak has another plan apparently. He exits the ring and goes under the ring. Peak pulls out a steel chain!


    Jason Azaria: Oh No! Someone get that chain away from Peak!


    Kyle Rhodes: By all means Jay, you go stop him!


    Referee Johnson tries to talk sense into Peak as he re-enters the ring, but Eddie just shoves the referee aside! From the mat, Johnson calls for the bell, Disqualifying Eddie Peak. Peak doesn’t care though, and wraps the chain around Andrews throat! Andrews fights frantically, but he is no match for Peak’s strength.


    Kyle Rhodes: Wolf Hawkins is getting exactly what he wanted! This is what he was hoping for!


    Andrews starts to fade. His face growing redder and redder, Aaron collapses to one knee as Peak continues to choke away. Suddenly, Wolf Hawkins starts to make his way down to the ring! A big smile on his face, Hawkins applauds Peak’s work and he makes his way into the ring.


    Jason Azaria: Look at our World Champion! A talented wrestler, but a despicable human being!


    As Peak continues to choke Andrews, Hawkins stands before them in his black Syndicate suit and proceeds to mock Andrews.


    “How ya doing, Aaron?”


    “You’re looking kind of red!”


    “Great job, Eddie!”


    Suddenly, the smile on Hawkins’s face slowly disappears. Hawkins begins to realize that Eddie Peak is no longer paying attention to Andrews…but is staring at the World Champion!


    Kyle Rhodes: Uh oh…


    Hawkins tries to talk some sense into Peak, but in a blink of an eye, Peak lets go of Andrews and the chain. Peak snatches Hawkins by the throat! Before Hawkins can fight back, Peak has the World Champion up in the air! Hawkins gets his own Chokeslam! Boom!


    Jason Azaria: Wolf Hawkins’s plan almost worked! He forgot one thing, though. Eddie Peak is an uncontrollable maniac!


    His suit a mess now, Hawkins slowly stumbles to his feet. With a mixed reaction, the live crowd watches as Peak stalks Hawkins. Here it comes! The Peak of Perfection! Hawkins gets laid out in the middle of the ring!


    Kyle Rhodes: Well, I think it’s fair to say Wolf deserved that one!


    With Hawkins motionless on the mat, Eddie Peak storms into the corner towards the cameraman. Peak grips the camera tightly and presses his rage-filled face towards the lense.




    That said, Eddie Peak exits the ring. Before heading out of the arena, Peak takes one more glance back at his work in the ring. Peak can’t help himself and begins to cackle away.


    Jason Azaria: Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins are set to headline Total Mayhem XXIV, our biggest event of the year, and both just got absolutely demolished by The Hardcore Assassin!


    Kyle Rhodes: Eddie Peak might be getting up there in age, but he still as much of an maniac as he was when he joined TCW twelve years ago!


    It looks like this week’s episode of Total Wrestling is just about over. But, then we hear the voice of Aaron Andrews. The former World Champion is seated in the corner of the ring, a mic in hand. He struggles at first to speak as he coughs away, his throat a bright red from the chain.


    Andrews: Gee Wolf, what a great plan you had there. In fact, I think I’m going copy you. Next week, I get to choose your opponent this time. And guess what Wolf? I also choose Eddie Peak!


    It’s not clear if the motionless Wolf Hawkins heard what Andrews had to say. One thing is for certain, though. Hawkins is going to have quite the bad week leading up to the next Total Wrestling!


    Show Notes

    * The rivalry between Syndicate’s Doc Hammond and Benny Benson continues this week. This time, Hammond interferes in Benson’s match with fellow Syndicate member, Chris Flynn. Flynn picks up the win, leading to the Syndicate ambush afterwards.


    Much to their surprise, Masked Cougar hits the ring for some revenge after Chris Flynn’s assault on him last week on TCW Uprising! Cougar would leap to the top rope immediately, then fly off and catch BOTH Hammond and Flynn with a front dropkick! Together, Cougar and Benson would dispose The Syndicate from the ring and send them up the entranceway.


    Later on in the show, we would get an announcement from the Commish, RDJ. Next week, Masked Cougar would put his undefeated streak on the line when he battles Syndicate’s Doc Hammond!


    ** We got Semi-Finals action in the Tag Team Contenders Tournament! First off, Freddy Corp.’s Julian Watson & Roderick Remus tries to overcome the size difference in their match against Beautiful Love’s Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique. It works for awhile, a big thanks to Laura Catherine Huggins and her work at ringside. But, after Fonzarelli catches Watson coming off the top rope with a sick big boot to the face, the end was near. Fonz & Frederique planted Watson with the Rocket of Love, and that’s all she wrote. Beautiful Love heads to the Finals of the Tournament!


    Later in the evening, it’s Tana & T-Bone going to battle against Shade Gang’s Marc Speed & Matt Hocking. Troy Tornado tries to help his group steal a win, but a big chop to the head by the Tana The Mighty disposes of Shade Gang’s third wheel (or so we think!).


    As Tana puts on a beating on Speed outside the ring, T-Bone has Hocking in trouble in the ring. After hitting his patented Powerslam and getting a nearfall, T-Bone goes to rush off the ropes for the T-Bone Lariat. But, out of seemingly nowhere, T-Bone gets blasted in the spine by a steel chair, courtesy of Syndicate’s Nate Johnson! Distracted by Tana and Speed fighting outside the ring, Referee Long never saw Johnson’s interference! Hocking takes full advantage and hits T-Bone with the Hock Shock! Tana attempts to re-enter the ring to break up the pinfall, but Troy Tornado desperately holds onto Tana’s leg, and does it out of Referee Long’s viewpoint! 1…2…3! Shade Gang steal the win and head to the finals!


    It’s all set! In The Finals of the Tournament, we will have another battle between these longtime rival stables! Beautiful Love goes to war with Shade Gang with a Tag Title Shot on the Line! Surely, the champs W.M.D. will be watching closely!

  14. <p><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">May – Week 1 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong></p><p>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Uprising!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    </span><img alt="oAvl19Y" data-src="<a href="https://imgur.com/a/oAvl19Y" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/oAvl19Y"</a> src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show Notes</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    * Masked Cougar continues his undefeated streak with a win over Nate Johnson, but he would still face the wrath of the Syndicate. After accompanying Johnson to ringside for Nate’s match, the Syndicate Enforcer Chris Flynn would immediately attack Cougar post-match. The much larger Flynn would lay a beating on Cougar, and then torture the masked superstar by applying the Flynn-Lock. TCW Officials would flood the ring to finally force Flynn to break the submission. Cougar might have gotten the win, but he sure did pay the price.</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    ** Bart Biggins’s return from injury would be ruined by Freddy Corp., as the backstage cameras would catch Julian Watson & Roderick Remus attacking Biggins right before the match, targeting the kidney that had been diagnosed as severely bruised.</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    Flying Jimmy Foxx would head to the ring alone for the Tag Team Tournament match versus Freddy Corp., unwilling to just let Watson & Remus steal a spot in the Semi-Finals. Freddy Corp. would dominate, but much to their surprise, the injured Biggins would stagger to the ring to help his partner!</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    Biggins would get the tag in, and the desire for revenge would drive him for a bit. But, one good shot to those injured kidneys, and that spelled the end. Remus would hit his Brainbuster Suplex on Biggins for the 3 count, </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>advancing Freddy Corp. to the Semi-Finals of the Tag Team Contendership Tournament to battle Beautiful Love.</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    *** The main event wouldn’t last very long, as the rest of Shade Gang would hit the ring to attack Sammy Bach when they saw their buddy Troy Tornado was in trouble. The 3-on-1 assault would not last long, though, as Beautiful Love would hit the ring to save Sammy!</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    Beautiful Love and Shade Gang have had many battles over the last few months. Yet, it seems like they issues have yet to be settled! </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"></p><p>

    </span></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Saturday Afternoon</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"></p><p>

    Outside TCW School of Pro Wrestling</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>It is a beautiful spring day outside the doors of the TCW School of Pro Wrestling. Several names on the current TCW roster had come through those doors, most notably the poster boy of the company currently, Aaron Andrews. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em></p><p>

    CEO Kyle Rhodes stands behind a podium as he conducts a press conference in front of a small media of local and professional wrestling reporters. It’s a small get-together, certainly no political rally, but still taken quite seriously. In the front row of the crowd sits TCW Head Booker Brent Hill, Talent Scout Joel Bryant, and good ol’ Ricky Dale Johnson. On a rare occasion outside his on-air role as TCW Commissioner, RDJ is rocking a fine suit. Of course, a cowboy hat is included with the attire.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> In February 2006, the doors of TCW School of Pro Wrestling opened for the first time. The former owner of TCW, Tommy Cornell, was determined to prepare the stars of tomorrow for the journey that awaited them. This school here helped develop TCW into the wrestling company that it is today. Fourteen years later, professional wrestling has certainly changed since we began training the future in this facility. Just like the world always evolves, we have decided to evolve as well.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>Turning sideways, Rhodes gestures behind himself towards the building.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> By the end of this month, May 2020, these doors will close. TCW School of Pro Wrestling will be no more at the end of this month. But, these doors will not be closed forever. This facility will be going under massive renovations. We expect the facility to be twice the size it is currently by the time all the work is done. Just like the world, this wrestling facility will evolve. When the dust settles, here will stand the brand new <strong>TCW Developmental Center.</strong> This Developmental Center will be key to grooming the next superstars of Total Championship Wrestling!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Later In The Evening</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>The festivities all finished, Kyle Rhodes invites his creative team out to a fine dinner on his tab. Circled around a squared table sat Rhodes, Hill, Bryant, & RDJ. Despite making plenty of money over his career, RDJ still didn’t feel comfortable in such an expensive place. He’d rather get a bucket from KFC than order a meal than cost more than his entire clothing closet. The price of a steak at the restaurant boggled RDJ. For such a price, he wondered if he actually got to pick the cow.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Holy s***, Kyle! Ten million dollars??!! What the hell kind of renovations are you doing in that place? You cloning monkeys in there or something?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> No Rick, and thank you for interrupting my toast. The Developmental Center is going to be state of the art. I refused to move on budget with BriCo. My stance was clear. If we went cheap with the future, then we might not even have a future.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> And how did BriCo take that?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> As they usually do. With lengthy e-mails, conference calls, and several last minute meetings. I made it clear to them though. We fell behind USPW and SWF and became the clear number three because we just stood quiet and let them just win. Look at that we have done in just half a year, going for the throat. Many people are starting to say we have surpassed SWF as the number two company in the United States, though I hope we eventually make that less of a debate by the end of the year.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Amazing to believe when they took Rocky from us. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> True, but that said, god bless Aaron Andrews! Now Rick, do you mind if I finish my toast?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You’re still signing my paychecks, so sure.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>Once more, Kyle held up his glass of wine. The other three followed suit.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> To the future of TCW! To the amazing stars that work their way through that development center!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Cheers!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>The four men clink their glasses and enjoy the quite expensive wine.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> It was quite the event today. We’ll look back on today in a few years when that facility has produced some fine talent. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That, or Kyle is going to start selling pieces off to make his money back. How much did you pay for the Jacuzzi, eh?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I know you’re kidding Rick, but there will be quite the large, expensive Jacuzzi. For recuperation use, of course.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah, sure. I feel like I’m going to need to visit this facility often for some “recuperation.”</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Rick, you’re always welcome over to visit me. I’ll even give you a key when I have one myself.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *confused* I’m sorry, what does that mean? You’re going to be the janitor or something, Brent?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>Kyle Rhodes shoots Hill a look, which Brent instantly recognizes. His cheeks red, Brent bows his head.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well, I wasn’t going to make this official until later, maybe in another press conference, but we might as well do it now. I’m sure you might have heard, but I plan on assigning new duties at the top of TCW.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *acts shocked* Wha??!! No, no way! Didn’t hear a thing!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Yeah Kyle, I think the entire locker room knows by now.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Yeah….I probably have those BriCo interns to thank for that. Those brats can’t keep their mouths shut. Well, you might as well hear it from me. I plan on taking a step back from creative, and focus mostly on the front office. I’m best at the business end of things, so it’s time I focus primarily on that. I will maintain the right to change anything creative that I decide needs fixing. But, I don’t think I will have to do that with our Head Booker here.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Of course, even with Alzheimer’s, Brent here is still one of the best minds in the game!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    [b[Hill:[/b] *chuckles* I appreciate the cute dig, Joel, but Kyle isn’t talking about me. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Nope. When the Developmental Center opens its doors, Brent is going to become the President of Talent Development. He’s going to be in charge of our future!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Wow! Congrats Brent!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Yeah Brent, that’s amazing!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Thank guys. I enjoyed my time as Head Booker, but my heart has always been in the developmental aspect. This is the perfect opportunity for me, so thank you Kyle.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Nobody deserves the job more, my friend. Brent is not only going to recruit talent outside of pro wrestling to train, but he is also going to work with indy wrestlers to help hone their craft, set them up with bookings in MAW and NYCW, and so on. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s great and all, but the locker room is sure going to miss having you there, Brent.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Hey, I’m not just going to disappear! I’ll be at plenty of shows, still. Besides, our brand new Head Booker is plenty ready to fill my shoes.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Oh yeah, and who is that? Joel here ready to move up the ranks?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>Joel Bryant shakes his head, waving his hand.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> No no no, I’m no booker. I love being part of creative, but that’s it for me. I’m a Talent Scout, not to mention I love the freedom to travel and check out the smaller shows on my free time.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Oh yes, Joel, I regret to inform you with all the upcoming changes, I can no longer keep you on as Talent Scout.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>There’s an awkward pause suddenly among the table. Confused, Joel Bryant looks back and forth at the men among him.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> The hell does that mean, Kyle?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> You’re not a Talent Scout anymore, Joel. No, you’re the Head Talent Scout, and you’ll soon have an entire staff of your own.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong>…Kyle, don’t screw with me right now. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *grinning wide* I was screwing with you, but not now. It’s a promotion well overdue.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> *chuckles* Does this promotion come with a raise?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *sarcastically* Hmm, I’ll take that under consideration….</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Congrats Joel, you’re going to do great!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> He definitely is!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Thank guys, I…I don’t know what to say…</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, alright! So come on man, stop leaving us hanging, Kyle. Who’s coming in to be the new Head Booker?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>There’s a silence among the table. Kyle, Brent, Joel all look at each other and cannot help but begin to laugh.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> What?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Jesus Rick, you really are hard headed.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> It’s you, Rick. You’re the new Head Booker. You’re taking over when the facility opens.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>For a long moment, RDJ looks at his longtime pals. He can’t say anything, just sits there with mouth agape.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You want me to be the Head Booker? </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Who else? Nobody knows this business better than you, Rick. Not to mention the locker room still looks up to you as they always did. You’re the obvious choice. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>RDJ is about to respond, but then pauses. He begins to put two and two together.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Son of a b****, Kyle. You’re the reason the locker room has been pissy with me recently!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *confused* I’m not following.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Some of the wrestlers have confronted Rick recently about stuff he said in creative meetings. Rick here thought someone was sabotaging him, leaking information. He even blamed me!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You were asking the boys about me taking over, weren’t you?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well…yeah…I wanted some opinions from our boys. I probably talked about the creative meetings a bit, I suppose. Did I really start trouble with the boys? I only suggested some of the ideas you mentioned in our meetings.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>RDJ started to shake his head and laugh.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Ya know what, Kyle? Don’t worry about it. It was just the usual locker room B.S. The usual paranoia about guys worrying about their spot.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> It sounds like you were the paranoid one, Rick!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah yeah yeah. Pile on the dumb Texan. I get it. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Who was giving you trouble, Rick?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, the worst was clearly Jay Chord throwing a temper tantrum.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *snickers* Oh, so the usual stuff?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey, you’re the guy who wants to make him a World Champion.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well, that’s up to you now, Rick. You’re the Head Booker.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey, you don’t know that. I didn’t accept squat yet.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Oh come on, Rick. You know you took the job the moment you realized it was yours. Did you see me ask? No, because I knew “you” weren’t going to say no.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Oh yeah? No!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *laughs* Rick, I’m serious. If you’re not the Head Booker, then who? Some outsider? The locker room adores you, yet they know you will always speak your mind. They know you will take care of them, but it will always be done with brutal honesty. You are the man for the job.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Does it come with a Jacuzzi?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I’m afraid not, but just like Joel, you will be able to hire your own creative team.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Can I make my creative team build a Jacuzzi?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> As long as you put on good, successful shows, you can do whatever the hell you want with your team.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hell yeah. I’m going to have that creative team start building that Jacuzzi pronto.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Hey hey! You’re not the Head Booker yet! It’s still my job until the facility is up and running!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Then hurry the hell up, Brent! Grab a hammer!</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Many Drinks Later</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>The ties have been loosened, and the slurring has begun. It has been dark outside for awhile, but now it was time for the four gentlemen to call it a evening. As they wait for their rides outside the restaurant, RDJ finds himself alone with Kyle Rhodes. After a few jokes, RDJ finds his moment to get serious with the CEO.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, now that I have you alone, you need to spill it.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Spill what?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Kyle, come on. These are some big time changes to the company. First, the Development Center? Ten million dollars! Now, you’re rebuilding the entire staff and adding more bodies? I mean, BriCo has had you sitting on your hands for years with this company. What is going on?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> You’re over-thinking this, Rick. Is it so hard to believe that I went into BriCo and put my foot down?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> It’s not that I don’t believe that you did it. I just have a hard time believing they listened! So all these changes, then what is next?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>RDJ was being somewhat sarcastic with the question, but Kyle actually takes a moment to seriously consider it.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I wouldn’t mind starting up our own minor league company. Working with MAW and NYCW is nice, but I’d like to have some place where our guys can not just wrestle, but also learn how to put on a great show, with great stories.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Ah come on, Kyle! That’s enough! What is going on? What is in your head?</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>There’s a moment that Kyle looks to be about to open up to Rick, but then his limousine rolls around the corner. Kyle watches as the vehicle comes to a halt, then turns to Rick and smiles.</em></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I’ll tell you in due time, Rick. But for now, just trust me when I say things are looking up.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

    <em>That said, Kyle Rhodes enters his limousine, leaving RDJ alone on the curb, wondering what the heck his old friend could possibly be up to.</em></p><p></p><p>


  15. May – Week 1 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Who Deserves A Tag Title Shot?


    Total Wrestling opens up on the bearded face of the cowboy hat wearing Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson. He wastes no time to break some news.


    RDJ: Ladies and Gents, Where Angels Fear To Tread was an epic event, but there’s no time to rest. In less than four weeks, TCW will celebrate our biggest event of the year, Total Mayhem. I know how significant Total Mayhem is for this company, so I am going to do my best to put on the best show possible. That said, I will clear up the World Title picture later on tonight when I call Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews out to the ring to discuss what happened at Where Angels Fear To Tread.


    But, I don’t want to talk about the World Title picture right now. I want to talk about the Tag Team Title picture. At Where Angels Fear To Tread, the Tag Team Champions W.M.D. defeated the former champions The Behemoths, establishing Human Arsenal & One Man Army as unquestionably the #1 Tag Team in TCW. Their victory, though, means we need a new #1 Contender for those Tag Titles. Over the next few weeks, we will have an 8 Tag Team Single Elimination Tournament. The tag team that wins that tournament will go onto Total Mayhem to challenge W.M.D. for those Tag Team Titles. Behold, the brackets!


    North Brackets

    Biggins & Foxx Vs Freddy Corp.

    Beautiful Love Vs The Behemoths

    South Brackets

    Devine Fortune Vs The Shade Gang

    Tana & T-Bone Vs The Elite


    RDJ: Without a shadow of a doubt, we are going to find out which tag team deserves a title shot on the biggest show of the year. And oh yeah, that Tag Team Tournament? It starts….RIGHT NOW!


    RDJ isn’t lying, as the opening contest for Total Wrestling is the first match of the tournament, Devine Fortune versus Shade Gang (Matt Hocking & Marc Speed). Devine Fortune tries to avenge a loss to the Shade Gang last month, but the trio factor comes into play yet again for the Gang. Playing the third wheel, Troy Tornado takes a springboard dropkick from Chance Fortune, But the distraction works, as Tornado’s interference allows Hocking to hit Fortune with the Hock Shock for the win. Shade Gang advances!


    Later on, Frederique & Danny Fonzarelli represent Beautiful Love as they battle the former champions, The Behemoths. Titan & Killer Shark are in a bad mood after their loss to W.M.D., so they try to take out their frustrations on Beautiful Love. Fred & Fonz will be covered in bruises tomorrow, but Fred manages to pull down the ropes on a charging Killer Shark, sending the 400-pounder tumbling to the floor. That left Titan all alone with Beautiful Love, and he eventually falls victim to the Rocket of Love! 1,2,3, Beautiful Love advances!


    Next up, two rival teams battle in the opening round as Tana & T-Bone take on The Elite. Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson try to use their experience to overcome the size difference. They try to put away T-Bone Bright, but when Tana The Mighty gets the hot tag, The Elite are in big trouble. After T-Bone takes Johnson out with a big clothesline on the floor, Chandler inside the ring falls victim to Tana’s Big Fat Samoan Splash. Count to a hundred ref, it’s over! Tana & T-Bone advance!


    Tune in to TCW Uprising this Friday, when the final match of the opening round will take place! Bart Biggins returns from injury to join Flying Jimmy Foxx to battle Freddy Corp.’s Julian Watson & Roderick Remus!


    The Final Encounter


    As he said he would, Ricky Dale Johnson comes out to the ring later on in the show. After tipping his cowboy hat to the crowd, RDJ calls for a mic.


    RDJ: We all saw what happened Sunday Night in the World Title Match. I believe I don’t need to tell you folks this, but I don’t care for what happened. I don’t care for the decision I made, but it was a decision I had to make as an authority figure here in TCW. I can’t change the past, but I can do what is right. With that said, I’d like to call Aaron Andrews out to this ring.


    After a moment, “Feel Invincible” by Skillet plays. Cue the loud pop, out comes the former World Champion. In street clothes, an unhappy Aaron Andrews comes down to the ring. Andrews and RDJ exchange some words off-mic before RDJ gestures to Aaron to wait in the corner.


    RDJ: Now, I’d like to call out the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Wolf Hawkins, please come out here.


    After a much longer moment, “Uprising” by Muse begins to play. Cue to boos, Wolf Hawkins slowly walks out onto the stage, the TCW World Title resting on his shoulder. With the Syndicate enforcer Chris Flynn following behind him, Hawkins heads to the ring. Hawkins enters the ring, careful not to wrinkle his suit. Flynn watches over the situation from ringside. Andrews and Hawkins stand across the ring with RDJ standing in between the two.


    RDJ: Wolf Hawkins, I might not like what happened Sunday Night, but I cannot change the outcome. I caught Aaron here using a foreign weapon, so I was forced to disqualify him. You were up to the usual Syndicate crap, including that masked man. But like I said, I can’t change the past. You are the TCW World Heavyweight Champion.


    Wolf Hawkins can’t help but smirk at RDJ’s admittance.


    RDJ: You are the champion, Wolf, but if you think your issues with Aaron here are finished, then you’re a fool. Aaron deserves another rematch for that World Title, and he is going to get it!


    The crowd pops, but Hawkins sure does not! Irate at the news, Hawkins calls for a mic. Chris Flynn hurries to get it for his leader.


    Hawkins: Here we go, the Commissioner playing favorites again. Aaron got his rematch, and he blew it! You might not like it, you might not like how it happened, but it’s the truth! Aaron blew it, and it’s time for you to get over it! He’s no longer your pretty little poster boy!


    Andrews goes to charge Hawkins over his comments, but RDJ holds him back. After calming Andrews down, RDJ turns back to Hawkins.


    RDJ: You are right. Aaron did get his rematch! But, we all know what went down, and we all know how you kept that title. So, here is how it’s going to go down. At Total Mayhem! One more match! The two best wrestlers in the world today! Wolf Hawkins! Aaron Andrews! You two will battle for that TCW World Heavyweight Championship! Winner Take All! There is NO rematch, no matter what happens!


    Hawkins: What a bunch of crap! That’s not fair and you know it!


    RDJ: What’s fair? Is it fair you have some masked man running around, helping you? Tell you what, you tell me right now who that masked man is, and I’ll back off my no rematch clause. Come on Wolf, what d’ya say?


    Hawkins goes to say something, but stops. The mic drops to his hip as Wolf begins to pace back and forth.


    RDJ: That’s what I thought! This is the last battle, boys, so we’re going to make it special. Ya see, I was originally going to make you two captains of the Total Mayhem Match. But after how Sunday Night went down? That just wasn’t going to cut it. But, at Total Mayhem, that cell structure will come down to surround the ring not once, but twice in one night! Because boys? Your final encounter for the TCW World Title will be decided in a Steel Cell Match! Whatever goes, GOES! There will be NO rules! There will only be one man left standing, and that man will be the Undisputed TCW World Heavyweight Champion!


    His announcement made, RDJ goes to leave. But, after stepping onto the apron, he turns back to Andrews and Hawkins.


    RDJ: Oh, and before one of your physically harms the other and wrecks my Total Mayhem main event? As of right now? You two are banned from laying a hand on each other until Total Mayhem! And Wolf? That includes your Syndicate boys! So help me god if I see that masked man, too! But, just to spice things up, over the next two weeks, you guys will be able to pick an opponent of your choice for the other. Wolf, as the World Champion, you get to go first and choose Aaron’s opponent for next week.


    Finally finished, RDJ heads for the curtains. For a long moment, Hawkins and Andrews stare at each other from across the ring. Suddenly, a grin comes across Wolf’s face.


    Hawkins: I might not be able to hurt you Aaron before Total Mayhem, but I think I know a man who would enjoy causing you a little pain. Why? Well, he likes causing everyone a little pain! I’ve certainly gotten my lumps from him in the past! Good luck next week, Aaron, because you’re going to need it…against Eddie Peak!


    This Was Supposed To Be Over!


    We’re nearing the end of this week’s show. In the main event, longtime veteran Benny Benson does his best to pull off the upset against Jay Chord. Alas, the man many believe is a future World Champion was just too much for Benny, and Benson eventually falls victim to Chord’s Cradle Piledriver for the three count.


    It appears that the show is coming to a close after Jay Chord gets his arm raised in victory. To the sound of “Kings Never Die” by Eminem, Chord exits the ring and heads off towards the curtains. Chord turns back and poses one more time. When Chord turns back towards the curtains, Sammy Bach comes leaping at him and tackles him to the floor! Chord and a furious Bach begin to roll out ringside with fists flailing, most missing!


    Chord manages to shove Bach off and tries to get away, but Bach has none of it and tackles Chord back down to the floor! TCW Officials appear in an attempt to break it up, but the referees just aren’t enough to break up this frenzy. Finally, Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson appears with a mic in hand.


    RDJ: I want the locker room out here right now! Break this up!


    Moments later, a bunch of TCW wrestlers appear to do RDJ’s bidding. Despite their relentless effort to keep fighting, especially Sammy, Bach & Chord are eventually pulled apart. Bach is pushed back against the steel steps, while Chord is held up against the barricade. Bach manages to break free for a second and gets a few more shots in on Chord, but more wrestlers appear to help pull Bach off.


    When it’s clear that the locker room have gained some control over these rivals, RDJ walks down to the ring and stands between Bach and Chord. By his tone, he is definitely not a happy Commissioner!


    RDJ: This was supposed to be over! This rivalry was supposed to be settled in that 2 Out of 3 Falls match! That was supposed to your big finale! But no! NO!


    Deliberately, RDJ turns to Jay Chord when he says the following.


    RDJ: Somebody…SOMEBODY had to kick the other in the d***! If you can’t settle this war between you guys, then I’m going to do it for you! Sammy Bach, YOU are a captain! Jay Chord, YOU are a captain! Boys, get your teams ready, because this rivalry ends in the TOTAL MAYHEM MATCH!


    Show Notes

    * In between matches, there was a medical update on Mighty Mo following Where Angels Fear To Tread, when Eddie Peak chokeslamed him off the entrance stage. In the middle of the update, the image begins to scramble, then suddenly Eddie Peak is on television screens, recorded on what appears to be a shaky camera. Peak proceeded to deliver a cryptic message.


    Peak: I know how this ends, Mighty One. What I did to you was fun, plenty of fun! But, that only gave me the creative juices I needed. Now, I know how the story ends. Now, I know I will finish you for good. At Total Mayhem, the hero meets his demise!


    ** Following Greg Gauge’s successful TV Title defense against Capitao Brasil Jr., Gauge and Juliet Balconi have a confrontation with TCW Commish Ricky Dale Johnson backstage. After Gauge & Balconi mock RDJ a bit over Greg’s victory tonight and in the Stairway To Heaven Match last Sunday, the Commish delivers some news that the duo don’t really care for.


    RDJ: Next week Greg? You’re going to find out who you’re going to defend that TV Title against at Total Mayhem. I’m going to pick the four of the most deserving contenders, and they’re going to battle in a Fatal Four Way. Those contenders are Doc Hammond, Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, and oh, who am I forgetting? Oh yeah! Your little rival buddy, Joshua Taylor!

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1PWfan" data-cite="1PWfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So, do you not like babyfaces or something? 'Cos that show seemed very heel-centric. I mean, it was good, but I don't think any of the faces ended the show on top.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> One thing I noticed pretty quick in TEW2020 is how the TCW roster leans heavily towards heels. The heels overall are just clearly better. </p><p> </p><p> I have 22 babyfaces currently on my main roster, and nine are currently in decline, several of them very noticeably. The ratio was a lot worse before I signed some guys and turned Joshua Taylor face. Speaking of Taylor, the dirt sheet now says he's in decline which would make him #10, but I don't count him yet because his stats have shown no regression. </p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile, I only have four heels in decline, Eddie Peak clearly being the worst.</p><p> </p><p> More so, the majority of TCW's best wrestlers are natural heels (Hawkins, Chord, Huggins, Gauge). The roster sure does appear to be built for Aaron Andrews to be the centerpiece with plenty of able challengers. The result, though, has left the roster with not so many thrilling babyfaces after Andrews. Bach is declining. Mo is a great entertainer but just an okay in-ring performer. All that said, it was a pretty easy decision to turn Joshua Taylor babyface. </p><p> </p><p> That all said, if the PPV does appear to sway heel for ya, it's because the storylines swayed that direction. I'm getting my major stories ready for Total Mayhem, and this is where they have led me. I suppose I'm trying to give the babyfaces something to overcome. Whether they do or not? That remains to be seen!</p>
  17. TCW Monthly Report

    April 2020


    State of the Company

    Size Rating: Big

    Prestige: 96%

    Momentum: 87%

    World Ranking: 3rd

    USA Ranking: 2nd (Leaped SWF!)


    Average Popularity In Each Area

    USA: 77

    Canada: 69

    Mexico: 16

    British Isles: 17

    Japan: 19

    Europe: 21

    Oceania: 17

    India: 19


    Financial Report



    You might have noticed on that link that I made a big time purchase in early May. Tune in to an upcoming post to learn more!


    Top Ten Merchandise Sales

    1) Aaron Andrews – 248.7K

    2) Sammy Bach – 100.4K

    3) Wolf Hawkins – 59.3K

    4) Ricky Dale Johnson – 38.2K

    5) Jay Chord – 26.9K

    6) Joshua Taylor – 15.7K

    7) Mighty Mo – 14.4K

    8) Tana The Mighty – 13.6K

    9) Benny Benson – 6.8K

    10) Danny Fonzarelli – 5.7K


    Top Five Matches Of The Month

    1) Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews to become the New TCW World Heavyweight Champion (Total Wrestling – Week 2, 83)


    2) Greg Gauge defeated Frederique to retain the TCW Television Championship (Total Wrestling – Week 1, 82)


    3) Jay Chord defeated One Man Army (Total Wrestling – Week 1, 81)


    3) Greg Gauge defeated Chris Flynn, Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Joshua Taylor, & Marc Speed in the Stairway To Heaven Match to retain the TCW Television Championship (Where Angels Fear To Tread, 81)


    3) Freddy Huggins & Marc Speed defeated Edd Stone & Joshua Taylor (Total Wrestling – Week 4, 81)


    Company Signings

    Aztec Prince, Charlie Corner (Development), Dharma Gregg (Manager), Haley Buck (Manager),


    Contract Extensions

    Bart Biggins (6 Months), Matt Hocking (3 years)

  18. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread 2020</span></span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="wFDqwJ2" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/wFDqwJ2" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre Show</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Akima Brave, Aztec Prince, & Roderick Remus defeated Capitao Brasil Jr., Elliot Thomas, & Jack Avatar in Six Man Tag Action</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Yuri Yoshihara</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Devine Fortune defeated Jeremie Courtney & Seth Whitehead</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>The Main Show Is About To Begin!</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Six Man Tag Team Action</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Benny Benson, Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    The Syndicate (Doc Hammond & The Elite)</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    Benson has Syndicate reeling early after wiping out all three at ringside with a big dive from the top rope. Benson is on the top rope again, but Eddie Chandler distracts Benny, allowing Hammond to run up to the top rope and send Benny crashing to the mat with a super belly to belly suplex. Syndicate work over Benson, but cannot get the three. The Elite try to put Benson away with the Elitism, but T-Bone Bright trips Nate Johnson from the floor during the attempt, and Benson spikes Chandler with a Tornado DDT instead!</p><p> </p><p>

    Tana The Mighty gets the tag, and he’s chopping and clotheslining everything that moves. Tana hits a huge Avalanche on the legal man Chandler, but Hammond breaks it up by coming off the top rope with a double axe handle. It’s all out mayhem now, as Benson and T-Bone also get into the action. With all six men bouncing all over, it’s clear Referee Long has lost control. </p><p> </p><p>

    T-Bone makes the blind tag as the Elite send Tana off the ropes and together plant the big man with a Double Spinebuster. T-Bone comes flying off the top rope with wipes out both Chandler & Johnson with a double clothesline! Chandler goes tumbling backwards into his own corner, and Hammond manages to slap Eddie for the tag. As T-Bone sets up Johnson for his big Powerslam, Hammond comes up from behind and pulls Johnson free. T-Bone turns around and right into Hammond’s grasp. Hammond hits the Exploder Suplex!</p><p> </p><p>

    Benson tries to break it up, but Chandler cuts him off before he can do so. The count, 1…2…3! <strong>The Syndicate</strong> get the huge six man victory!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Masked Cougar Vs “Coach” Julian Watson</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    The Coach of Freddy Corp. requested this rematch, claiming that the newcomer Cougar got a fluke win over him in their first encounter. Cougar was more than happy to oblige.</p><p> </p><p>

    The veteran Watson was able to get his licks in, but it’s much of the same match. Just like everyone else up to now, when Cougar gets rolling, his opponents just don’t have any answers for the masked marvel. With Watson reeling, Cougar goes speeding off the ropes. Cougar hits the Cougar Pounce! 1..2..3! <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> impresses yet again, and remains undefeated in TCW! </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Last Man Standing Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Mighty Mo Vs Eddie Peak</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    We get the match exactly as we expected. A not very pretty brawl that didn’t waste much time to fall out of the ring. Peak tries to target the rib area of Mo, which were diagnosed as badly bruised after Peak’s brutal attack on the recent Total Wrestling. Yet, no matter what Peak does, whether drop Mo on the barricade or drive a steel chair into those ribs, Mo refuses to stay down.</p><p> </p><p>

    Not just ringside, but the entire arena cannot hold this battle, as it eventually spills into the backstage area. Still, no matter what these two men do to each other, neither men will stay down for the ten count. Peak even sends Mo tumbling down a cement stairwell, a good twenty-plus steps, punishing Mo’s ribs on the way down. Still, Mo manages to use the railing to pull himself up before the ten count!</p><p> </p><p>

    With Mo ailing, the battle eventually ventures back into the arena and onto the entrance stage. Peak continues to punish those ribs, then lifts Mo up and slams him onto the steel gates of the stage. Peak disappears backstage, only to reappear with a table! Peak sets it up and plans on put Mo through it with the Peak of Perfection, but Mo fights out of it. Mo DDTs Peak right on the steel grate! Mo drags a groggy Peak up and throws him onto the table. Mo pummels away at Peak, then turns away and begins to climb onto the titantron! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> My god! Mo is crazy! He must be over ten feet in the air!</p><p> </p><p>

    Standing right before his own image on the big screen, Mo positions himself over Peak on the table. Mo leaps off! Mo puts Peak through the table with a death defying elbow drop! The crowd goes nuts!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> That has to be it! No way they’re getting up!</p><p> </p><p>

    Referee Long begins to make the count.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>1…2…3….4….5…</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Neither men are moving!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>6…7…</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Mo begins to roll off a motionless Peak, and begins to use a large chunk of table to push himself up.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>8…9…</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Mo is up! Mo has staggered up to his feet! Peak is still barely moving!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>10!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Referee Long calls for the bell, and raises Mo’s hand! <strong>Mighty Mo</strong> has won the Last Man Standing Match!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> What a war. Neither men might ever be the same after a battle like that.</p><p> </p><p>

    Just moments after getting to his feet, Mo collapses over his injured ribs. He’s clearly in a lot of pain and struggling to breathe. TCW Medical appears to help both men. As Mo is helped to his feet, Eddie Peak comes out of nowhere and clobbers Mo across the head with a huge forearm! Peak is in a rage, and begins to clear the stage of TCW officials violently! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Eddie Peak has absolutely lost it! He is attacking the medical staff! He’s going to get himself suspended! Maybe fired!</p><p> </p><p>

    Peak drags Mo to his feet, talking to him along the way. Peak drags Mo over to the edge of the entrance stage.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Eddie Peak:</strong> Did you really think it was now over, Mighty One? No No Noo! This has only begun! I’m having too much fun!</p><p> </p><p>

    Peak takes Mo by the throat and lifts him into the air! <strong>EDDIE PEAK CHOKESLAMS MIGHTY MO RIGHT OFF THE ENTRANCE STAGE!</strong> MO GOES CRASHING THROUGH A EQUIPMENT TABLE DOWN BELOW!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh my god….I can’t believe what I just saw…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Get the damn ambulance out here! Eddie Peak just killed Mighty Mo!</p><p> </p><p>

    The crowd turns somber as the locker room empties to help out Mighty Mo. An enraged Ricky Dale Johnson comes out to confront Peak. The Commissioner barks at Peak to leave before he fires him on the spot. Peak obliges RDJ and leaves with a giant smile on his face. A neck brace is carefully put on Mo, and then he is carefully placed on a stretcher.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Eddie Peak has certainly gone too far. I just hope his actions didn’t just end Mighty Mo’s career….</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Team Action</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    The Shade Gang (Matt Hocking & Troy Tornado)</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    This endless war between Beautiful Love & Shade Gang will seemingly never end, and now we get another chapter in this tag team contest. For once, it looks like we might get an even contest, as the third member for both trios (Dave Diamond & Marc Speed) are busy preparing for their matches coming up. </p><p> </p><p>

    Of course, that doesn’t stop the dirty tactics of the Shade Gang, as Tornado uses his sunglasses to try to blind Fonzarelli. With Hocking distracting Referee Johnson, tries to put the point of his sunglasses right through Fonz’s eyeball! Fonz recovers, though, and catches Hocking with a big boot to the face, which allows him to make the tag to Frederique.</p><p> </p><p>

    Fred and Tornado are the legal men now, and Fred is on fire. Fred looks to have the win after a big powerslam, but Hocking breaks it up. Shade Gang beat up on Fred, then try for a double clothesline. Fred ducks the move, and Shade Gang instead walk right into a different double clothesline, this one from the big guy Fonzarelli! Lifting Hocking in the gorilla press, Fonzarelli disposes of Matt to the outside!</p><p> </p><p>

    Tornado is in trouble, left alone with Beautiful Love. Frederique and Fonzarelli pull out a brand new maneuver, a combination of their signature moves!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> There it is! They call it the Rocket of Love!</p><p> </p><p>

    Frederique covers Tornado, 1...2…3! <strong>Beautiful Love</strong> pick up the big tag team win! Who knows if this heated feud has finally come to an end, but chalk up this round to the two colorful veterans!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    Diamond has the undefeated Newton reeling early in the match as the contest spills to the floor. That’s where Newton’s brand new manager Haley Bucks shows why Newton agreed to their partnership. Just the smallest distraction by Buck is all Newton needs, as Davis takes the larger Diamond down with a painful chop block.</p><p> </p><p>

    The left leg becomes Newton’s target for the rest of the match, but he isn’t unable to make Diamond tap to any submission. Newton makes a mistake of going aerial, which Diamond capitalizes on with a big right hand to the gut. Limping, Diamond fights his way back into the match, and nearly puts Newton away with a big Backbreaker.</p><p> </p><p>

    Diamond goes to finish Newton with the Dazzle Driver, but Newton breaks off behind Dave and takes him down with another painful chop block. The end is called for, and Newton shows his strength by hitting the larger Diamond with his signature Fisherman’s Suplex. A perfect bridge, and Referee Long counts 3! Another impressive win by the undefeated <strong>Davis Wayne Newton,</strong> as he continues to move up the ladder!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Television Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    The First Ever TCW Stairway To Heaven Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs Chris Flynn Vs Edd Stone Vs Freddy Huggins Vs Joshua Taylor Vs Marc Speed</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    It’s Spot Fest Time! With The Television Title hanging high above the ring, the bodies start to flying all over the place. There are more ladders than there are competitors, and the crowd are so pumped that most stand for the entire match.</p><p> </p><p>

    At one point, the rest of Freddy Corp. hit the ring in the hopes to steal the win for their leader, Freddy Huggins. Armed with a ladder, Julian Watson & Roderick Remus start clotheslining all the competitors. Watson & Remus set up the ladder and try to put Huggins up the ladder, but Edd Stone intervenes, using his own ladder and drive into both Watson & Remus’s faces! Huggins is mere inches away from the title belt, but Stone begins to push over the ladder! Huggins pleads with his former partner, but it’s on deaf ears. Stone pushes over the ladder, and Huggins goes crashing to the floor. </p><p> </p><p>

    Stone has his chance to grab the title, but his longtime rival Chris Flynn climbs up after him. The two duke it out until Flynn rakes Stone’s eyes. Flynn lifts Stone onto his shoulders, and both men crash down to the mat as Flynn connects with a Death Valley Driver.</p><p> </p><p>

    Flynn and Taylor are now climbing the ladder and meet at the top. Taylor wins a brawl high above, and then catches Flynn with a round kick that sends him tumbling to the mat. Taylor looks to be primed to win, but Marc Speed comes up from behind and is trying to pull him down. Taylor tried to kick him off, but Speed instead locks his Deadly Heel Hook right there on the ladder! Hanging upside down, Speed tries to tear those tendons appear with his submission! </p><p> </p><p>

    Taylor is in clear pain when Greg Gauge suddenly re-enters the match and runs off the ropes. Gauge catches an upside speed with a smacking dropkick to the face! The momentum sends the ladder falling over, sending both Speed and Taylor hard to the mat. Gauge thinks he has the upper hand, when suddenly he spun around by Freddy Huggins. The Huggins Kiss! Gauge’s head gets driven into the mat! </p><p> </p><p>

    Huggins arms himself with the ladder and charges a staggered Flynn, clotheslining with the weapon and sending Chris to the floor. Huggins sets the ladder and starts to climb. Before he can get to the top, Marc Speed is back up and climbing up on the other side. Huggins and Speed duke it out, when Edd Stone sets up another ladder next to them. Stone starts to climb the ladder, as does Taylor!</p><p> </p><p>

    All four men are high above the ring, duking it out! Stone looks to have the best of Taylor when Joshua suddenly ducks his head under a right hand. Taylor wraps an arm around Stone and back tosses him all the way to the mat. As Huggins and Speed continues to duke away, Taylor uses his foot to push over their ladder! Huggins and Speed crash hard, both tumbling to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    The crowd is on their feet as Taylor is all alone, high above the ring. Taylor reaches for the TV Title, when suddenly he loses his balance a bit on the ladder.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I can’t believe it! It’s that woman! Juliet Balconi is in the ring, and she has a hold of Taylor’s leg!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> She is not supposed to be here! She is not a member of TCW!</p><p> </p><p>

    Taylor tries to kick her off, but Balconi has both arms tightly around his leg and refuses to let go! Just then, Gauge uses the top rope to springboard across the ring and land on the other side of the ladder! Gauge takes Taylor by the head and repeatedly smashes his face into the top of the ladder. With Taylor stunned, Gauge shoves Taylor off the ladder by the face! Taylor crashes hard to the mat!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> No…don’t tell me! Not like this!</p><p> </p><p>

    With no one to stop him, Gauge reaches up and grabs the TV Title. He unsnaps it! The bell is called for for! <strong>Greg Gauge</strong> has won the Stairway To Heaven Match, and has retain his TCW Television Championship!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I can’t believe it. Joshua Taylor was so close…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> RDJ must be throwing a fit backstage.</p><p> </p><p>

    As “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes plays, a battered Gauge stands at the top of the ladder with the TV Title raised high. Down below, Balconi is all smiles as she applauds Gauge. The duo exit the ring, but instead of leaving ringside, they first walk over to the announce table. Balconi retrieves a packet of papers from her coat, and slaps it on the table in front of Jason Azaria.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Greg Gauge:</strong> Go show our Comissioner THAT!</p><p> </p><p>

    As Gauge & Balconi exit from ringside, Azaria begins to read the paperwork.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> What is that Jay?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jazon Azaria:</strong>…it’s a contract. It’s a contract from the wrestling board, officially making Juliet Balconi the professional manager of Greg Gauge!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> What?! What does that mean?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I think that means Juliet is now a member of the TCW roster, whether RDJ likes it or not!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Wow! I hate to say it, but Greg Gauge actually outsmarted the Commissioner!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Best 2 Out of 3 Falls</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Sammy Bach Vs Jay Chord</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    You can feel the aura as two of the biggest stars in TCW, perhaps ever, are about to go to war. The first fall is <strong>Pinfalls Only.</strong> Bach and Chord show off their amazing abilities early, exchanging quick maneuvers, yet always quick to their feet. Finally, Bach catches Chord with a Running Hurricarana that sends Chord through the ropes and to the floor. </p><p> </p><p>

    Bach tries to catch Chord offguard with a Suicide Dive, but Jay is ready and catches Sammy with a sick Uppercut to the jaw. Bach collapses to the floor, and is clearly isn’t right for the next few moments. Chord takes advantage and dominates the match. Bach tries to fight back, but when Chord dodges Sammy’s moonsault attempt, Chord takes full advantage. Chord hits the Cradle Piledriver! 1..2..3! <strong>Jay Chord takes the First Fall!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    The second fall is <strong>Submissions Only.</strong> As soon as Referee Johnson calls for the start of the fall, Chord rushes Bach and goes all out. Chord tries to choke Bach out with the Dragon Sleeper, damn near bending him backwards in half. Bach will not submit! Chord has another plan now, to knock Bach out old with his Super DDT, then try another submission! </p><p> </p><p>

    Chord has Bach set up on the top rope in the corner, but Bach fights out of it. Bach kicks Chord to the mat. When Chord gets up, Bach wipes him out with a Whisper in the Wind! Wow! Bach is on fire, knocking Chord all over the ring. Bach attempts to lock in the Bach on your Back, but Chord fights him off with elbows to the face. Chord lifts Bach up for the Cradle Piledriver for a second time, but in mid air Bach wraps his legs around Chord! Both men drop to the mat, Bach with the Triangle Choke locked it!</p><p> </p><p>

    Chord refuses to tap to the choke, and begins to drag himself and Bach to the ropes. Chord is within reach of the bottom rope, he almost has it…when Bach lets go and drags Chord to the center of the ring. This time, Bach locks in the Bach on your Back! He’s got it locked on right in the center of the ring! Chord has no choice if he wants another round! Chord has to tap! <strong>Sammy Bach takes the second fall!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Here we go! The final fall is <strong>No Holds Barred!</strong> As soon as Referee Johnson gives the cue, Bach goes flying into the corner where Chord and pummels away! Bach has his second wind, and Bach is feeling every bit of it! After spiking Chord with the Tornado DDT, Bach heads to the top rope. He goes for Adrenaline Shot, but Chord rolls out of the way! Bach crashes and burns! </p><p> </p><p>

    Exhausted, Chord rolls out of the ring and arms himself with a steel chair. Chord drives the chair into Bach’s ribs as soon as Bach stands. Chord then repeatedly slams the chair across Bach’s spine. As Bach staggers up, Chord calls for the home run shot. He takes a big swing for the head, but Bach ducks under it, then dropkicks the chair into Chord’s face. Bach heads back to the top rope again! The Adrenaline Shot! He hits it this time! The cover! 1…2…3NO! Chord barely gets his shoulder up!</p><p> </p><p>

    Bach goes under the ring and pulls out a Kendo Stick! Bach is primed to dish out some punishment after all the insults by Chord. Not knowing that Bach is armed, Chord feels his own skin start to tear as the kendo stick strikes his spine. Chord collapses to the mat as Bach continues to strike out away with the kendo stick until he’s exhausted. Bach throws the kendo stick to the mat with the crowd pumped for him.</p><p> </p><p>

    Bach calls for the end as Chord starts to stir. Bach tries to lock on the Bach on your Back, but Chord is trying to block the submission. Bach nearly has it locked full in, when Chord swings his leg back and kicks Bach right in the groin! Bach immediately lets go and collapses to the mat in agony!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I can’t believe after all they’ve gone through, Jay Chord has to stooped so low!</p><p> </p><p>

    As Bach tries to recover, Chord places the steel chair down in the middle of the ring. Chord sets him up! The Cradle Piledriver! Chord hits it again, this time on the chair! 1…2…3! <strong>Jay Chord</strong> wins the final fall and the match! Chord gets his hands raised, but the crowd clearly does not approve of how it went down.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> This was supposed to be the final encounter, the finale of this rivalry. But, how can Jay Chord possibly be proud of that win?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> It was No Holds Barred, Kyle. Jay Chord did what he had to do to win. But still, that’s not how you win over the locker room and prove you are the best!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Tag Team Tables Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs The Behemoths</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    With this title match under elimination rules, the ringside area has been covered with tables. Just like Mo & Peak, this is far from a technical encounter. Big fists flying after the two teams begin to duke it out all over ringside. It quickly becomes a two on one advantage for the Behemoths after they lift up Human Arsenal and Double Gorilla Press him right into the front row!</p><p> </p><p>

    The Behemoths set up a table inside the ring. One Man Army tries to fight off Shark & Titan all alone, but a stiff clothesline by Shark ends that. The massive Shark climbs to the second rope as they set OMA for a Super Powerbomb! Before Titan can lift OMA up for it, Human Arsenal is back in the ring, armed with a steel chair. Arsenal smacks Titan across the back with the weapon, then drives the chair into Shark’s ribs! A second chair shot to Titan sends him tumbling to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

    W.M.D. pummel Shark as the big guy is seated on the top rope. Oh my god, they are really going to do it! Arsenal & OMA both grab an arm, and they hip toss the four-hundred pounder right off the top rope! Shark goes crashing through the table! <strong>Killer Shark has been eliminated!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I think the entire arena just started to shake!</p><p> </p><p>

    W.M.D. set up a table outside the ring, primed to put Titan through it and finish it now. They start to Titan up for the Double Powerbomb, but fellow Sinner Society member Nick Booth comes rushing down the entranceway! Booth blindsides OMA, sending him face first into the steel steps! Arsenal and Booth start to duke it out until Titan clobbers Arsenal from behind. </p><p> </p><p>

    Arsenal is in trouble as Titan and Booth take the table W.M.D. set up and instead lean it up against the barricade. Booth holds Arsenal on the table as Titan comes rushing full speed! Titan spears Arsenal right through the table! <strong>Human Arsenal has been eliminated!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> It’s now one on one! One Man Army Vs Titan!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> It’s not one on one with Nick Booth out here!</p><p> </p><p>

    Sinner Society celebrates their success, and never see One Man Army climbing to the top rope! Never a high flier, OMA still takes flight and wipes out both men at ringside! Intent on evening the odds, OMA drags Nick Booth over to the entrance way and DDTs him on the steel! Thinking it’s a fair game, OMA gets clobbered from behind by Killer Shark, who has finally recovered from his table crash! Referee Long orders Shark to the showers as Titan sends OMA into the ring, right along with a fresh table. </p><p> </p><p>

    Titan sets up the table and calls for the end. W.M.D.’s manager Vita climbs onto the apron and distracts Titan. It gives OMA enough time to recover, for when Titan tries to hit the Titanic Choke Slam, OMA breaks free! OMA grabs the steel chair off the mat and throws it, smacking it off Titan’s cranium! OMA grabs the steel chair again, and WHACKS it off Titan’s skull with a big swing! Titan’s eyes go glassy as he hits the mat with a thud!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I’m pretty sure that was a home run to the three-hundred level! </p><p> </p><p>

    OMA drags the table into the corner and leans it up. He stalks Titan as he stumbles up. OMA shows off his amazing strength as he lifts up the massive Titan into the air! It’s not the prettiest Guided Missile, but OMA still manages to put Titan through the table! It’s over! <strong>W.M.D. have retained their Tag Team Titles!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What another grueling brawl between these two tag teams! It’s without question now. W.M.D. are the undisputed duo standing at the top of the tag team mountain!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT</em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Wolf Hawkins ( C ) Vs Aaron Andrews</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p> </p><p>

    With TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson outside the ring as the special enforcer, the crowd quickly gets behind Andrews as we wait for the start of the mat. As soon as the ball is called for, Hawkins jumps out of the ring and takes a walk. He thinks he’s smart, but Andrews goes right after him! Andrews proceeds to beat up on Hawkins all over ringside. They nearly get counted out, but RDJ tells Referee Johnson to cut the count off. The Commish isn’t lettingthis end like that!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins reverses an irish whip attempt into the steel steps by Andrews, and instead hip tosses Aaron over the announce table right into the laps of Azaria & Rhodes! Hawkins pushes the announcers aside and pummels the challenger behind the table before sending the match back into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

    It’s the Wolf Hawkins show for awhile, though he is never able to put Andrews away. Part of it because of Hawkins being arrogant, part of it is because Andrews refuses to quit. Hawkins attempts to put Andrews away with the Full Moon Rising, but Andrews dodges the attempt. Hawkins lands on his feet, but then gets taken clean off them when Andrews spears Wolf! Hawkins does a 180 mid air before crashing to the mat!</p><p> </p><p>

    It’s now the Aaron Andrews show! Enraged by all that has happened, Andrews beats up on Hawkins, and nearly gets DQ’ed in the process when he refuses to break. Andrews hits Hawkins with a Superflex, but only gets a nearfall. Andrews sends Hawkins off the ropes and connects with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker, but Wolf’s foot accidentally strikes Referee Johnson in the face in the process! Johnson collapses to the mat, and RDJ is immediately in the ring to check on the referee.</p><p> </p><p>

    Determined to finish the match no matter what, Andrews calls for the end. He targets Hawkins for the Ace in the Hole as Wolf staggers up. And here they come! The rest of the Syndicate are marching down to the ring, ready to start trouble! RDJ cuts them off at ringside and orders them to head back to the locker room. As Andrews watches this all go on in the ring, the Masked Man slides into the ring behind Andrews! The Masked Man clobbers Andrews again with that metal pipe, this time across the back of his skull! The Masked Man quickly flees through the crowd!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> That damn masked man! He did it again!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh no! The referee is down, and RDJ didn’t see it!</p><p> </p><p>

    Taking their cue, The Syndicate suddenly obliges RDJ and head back to the showers. RDJ turns back to the ring and sees Hawkins crawling into the cover on a motionless Andrews! RDJ enters the ring and counts! 1…2…3NO! Andrews just barely gets the shoulder up! Hawkins is in RDJ’s face immediately, in disbelief!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Wolf’s planned has faltered! What is he going to do now?!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins grabs a steel chair from ringside and goes to use it, but RDJ immediately takes it from him! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??!!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins and RDJ are nose to nose arguing, and nearly come to punches! Realizing RDJ won’t back down, Hawkins does it himself. Hawkins turns his attention at Andrews, who comes rushing at him! Hawkins dodges Andrews’s spear, and RDJ gets hit with it instead! RDJ tumbles hard to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh No!</p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews is in complete shock, not knowing Hawkins is now on the apron, ready to springboard. Andrews turns around, and Hawkins goes aerial! Full Moon Rising! He hits it! Hawkins drags a groggy Referee Johnson over to a motionless Andrews. Hawkins yells at Johnson to count as he covers Andrews! Johnson’s count is slow….</p><p> </p><p>

    1………2……….NO! Andrews gets the shoulder up! Hawkins is having a tantrum!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> No matter what trick Wolf pulls, Aaron Andrews won’t stay down!</p><p> </p><p>

    Frustrated, Hawkins gives Referee Johnson a slight kick, knocking him flat on the mat. Hawkins grabs the steel chair off the mat and urges Andrews to his feet. Hawkins takes a huge swing, but Andrews boots Wolf in the gut before he can follow through. Hawkins drops the chair, and Andrews immediately picks it up. Andrews drives the chair into Wolf’s ribs, and doesn’t stop! Andrews slams the chair across Hawkins’s back over and over until Wolf is face down on the mat! Andrews rears back for yet another chair shot….when he realizes RDJ is kneeling on the apron! Jaw dropped, Andrews immediately pleads his case with RDJ!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh no…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Aaron Andrews just put the Commissioner in a very troubling position! </p><p> </p><p>

    As Andrews continues to plead his case, RDJ is clearly dealing with a tough predicament. He recognizes that this match got out of control quickly, but he also knows his position as both TCW Commissioner and Special Enforcer. Finally, RDJ reluctantly shakes his head at Andrews.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I’m sorry….</p><p> </p><p>

    RDJ climbs off the ring apron and calls for the bell! <strong>RDJ has Disqualified Aaron Andrews! Wolf Hawkins has retained the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What a sad turn of events! Wolf Hawkins was the one who brought the steel chair into the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> You’re right, but the Special Enforcer can only call what he sees, just like the Referee. RDJ saw Aaron Andrews use the steel chair! He had no choice!</p><p> </p><p>

    Aaron Andrews collapses to the mat, absolutely stunned over what has happened. RDJ tries to talk to Andrews, but Aaron hears none of it. Instead, Andrews starts to see Hawkins starting to get up, and the rage takes over him. The crowd starts to cheer Andrews as he stalks the World Champion. Hawkins never sees it. Andrews races across the ring and connects with Ace in the Hole! BAM!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Andrews has laid out Wolf Hawkins with the Ace in the Hole for the second time this week!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Yes, but what does it matter?! Wolf Hawkins is leaving with the World Title!</p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews grabs the World Title from the timekeeper’s table. He stares it over as he enters the ring. Andrews looks over the gold for a long time, knowing how close he came from regaining it. Finally, Andrews throws the title belt down next to a motionless Hawkins. As Andrews leaves for the showers, RDJ tries to talk to him again. Andrews hears none of it and continues to walk away.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Folks, it was quite the travesty to end the show. I don’t know where this leaves the World Title picture, but hopefully we’ll get some answers this Tuesday on Total Wrestling! For now, Good Night! Thank you for joining us at Where Angels Fear To Tread!</p><p>


  19. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">April – Week 4 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Uprising!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><img alt="VsdxQ3Z" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/VsdxQ3Z" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Show Notes</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    * After a decisive victory over Harry Allen, Davis Wayne Newton would be interviewed in-ring by Kyle Rhodes. Newton would reveal that he has hired himself a manager, an indie personality known as </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Haley Buck!</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    Buck would appear from the curtains with a confident grin on her face, but it would quickly turn to disdain when some of the fans decide to boo her. Buck would immediately put over her client Newton on the mic, then took it upon herself to accept Dazzling Dave Diamond’s challenge that was thrown down for Davis.</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Buck:</strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"> We’ll see you at Where Angels Fear To Thread, Diamond. You’re going to find out first hand then why Davis Wayne Newton is the hottest commodity in Total Championship Wrestling!</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    ** In the main event, Edd Stone and Chris Flynn would battle in their rubber match. Flynn would manage to avoid Stone’s Party’s Over, then counter by locking Stone into the Flynn-Lock. Stuck in the middle of the ring, Stone was unable to drag the larger Flynn to the ropes and was forced to tap.</span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    Despite both men participating in Sunday’s Stairway To Heaven Match for the TV Title, it appears that their personal feud might have finally came to an end after two months of conflict.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Sunday Afternoon</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Backstage at Where Angels Fear To Tread</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>By Sunday, it was all but confirmed where the company was going with tonight’s show. CEO Kyle Rhodes and Head Booker Brent Hill could always change their minds on the winners, but the close they got to the show, the less likely that would happen. As a member of the creative meeting, Ricky Dale Johnson was one of the lucky few to know what was about to happen tonight, at least in summary. Sometimes it felt weird in the locker room and seeing the guys when you knew. Knowing which guy was going over, and which guy would have to wait another day.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    One particular match decision led to RDJ feeling the need to act as the veteran mentor. After getting settled in backstage and checking in with Kyle Rhodes and a few others, RDJ was on the prowl to find the man he wished to speak to.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    The obvious place turned out to be the answer, so it thankfully didn’t take long. Davis Wayne Newton was in the locker room, sitting around with some of the other wrestlers. Newton was hanging out with the lesser known talent on the roster. Not much a shock really, Newton had only been in the company for a matter of months.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    RDJ casually came up behind a seated Newton and clasps both hands firmly on Davis’s shoulders to get his attention.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Let’s take a walk, kid. I got something to talk to you about something.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Umm, sure. Anything wrong?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Nope, the exact opposite actually. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ and Newton casually chatted as they wandered through the halls on their way towards catering. It’s still early for all the drinks and food to be laid out, but RDJ still manages to grab himself a coffee. Newton sticks with a water as the two find themselves a seat at a empty table.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So you’ve been here now for what? Two months?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> That’s about right, yes.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, well it’s about time we have the talk. Just consider me old grandfather needing to past his wisdom on to the young-uns.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Umm sure, gotcha.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I gotta give it to you kid. I’ve been following you since you started, and you impressed me with your work. So much so then I went searching for some of your previous work, which is something I don’t do for every newbie.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Hey man, I’m glad to hear it. It means a lot hearing from you.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, I appreciate the compliment right back. You got something kid. You got the look, you got the talent. To be blunt, your mic work could use some improvement, but that’s why Kyle wanted to get you some help. I don’t know much about Haley (Buck), but from what I’ve been told, she’s pretty good.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Oh yeah, she is. I did some work on the indies with Haley. She’s a natural when it comes to being a heel manager. Should be fun.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So, you were on the indies for an awfully long time, especially for a kid as talented as you are. What’s the deal?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> You mean why I haven’t I been scooped up yet? I guess a mixture of a few things. I didn’t get many calls from the big companies, and I didn’t just want to jump at the first opportunity. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> But you’re ready for the big time? Right?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Absolutely, I’m absolutely ready. To tell you the truth, I think I said no too many times to contract offers. That’s part of why I haven’t made the big time until now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> It’s smart not to jump at just any paycheck. But after watching all your work, you should’ve been with the big boys a long time ago.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> I appreciate you saying that, but I’ve enjoyed my time around the world. 4C was a cool place to work, but most of all, I’m enjoyed my time in the Caribbean with FCW. Puerto Rican Power took good care of me.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> But he never made you his champion, did he?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Well…no.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Why don’t you think so?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> *shrugs* That’s up to PRP. I guess he thought I wouldn’t be around for long.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *nods* That’s what I think, too. Except, you stuck around for five years. Why is that?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> I told you, man. I just never got the right call until now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *shakes head* Davis, you are way too talented to have stuck around on the indies for as long as you did. I gotta tell ya, man. That makes me think I’m missing something, something that the tape can’t tell me.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> I’m sorry man, but where are you going with all this?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You tell me, kid. Any past issues? Criminal? Locker room heat? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> What? No man!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright then. You got the jitters or something? You worried about the bright lights being on you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> *chuckles* Are you kidding me? I’m here right now, ain’t I? Why is it so hard to believe that I was willing to take my time, and take my lumps on the indies? </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky Dale Johnson takes the explanation in, nodding his head. He understands it, though he’s not necessarily buying it. Not entirely.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So that’s really it? Just waiting for that big chance?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> I mean, maybe it’s not as simple as that, but pretty much yes. I didn’t want to be one of these guys who just leapt at a bunch of cash when they’re ill-prepared. I’ve seen too many guys get their chance, blow it, and then land right back in the indies. They blow their chance and they never get another. I recognized pretty early that most guys get only one big opportunity, if they even get that. I didn’t want to waste mine. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That makes sense, I suppose. Tell me kid, do you think you can be one of the top guys here?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Of course I do! I’m not just here for a paycheck here. I came here knowing it’s my big chance. This is the chance I was looking for. Why do you think I chose to talk with TCW?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I don’t know. Why did you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> I think you know. Look at the locker room, Rick. There are some great, talented guys here. But, a ton of them are on their last legs. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next year, but a bunch of these guys won’t be here much longer. It’s a ripe opportunity for someone like me to come in here and make a name for myself. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That sounds like a little egotistical there, buddy. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> *shakes head* Not egotistical at all. I’m here to be a team player, but more than that, I’m here to prove that I can be the best. I don’t want anything handed to me. I want to earn it. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ can’t help but smirk a little. Newton’s words remind him of the first creative meeting Rick participated in when he rejoined TCW in January. The first thing Rick did was warn Kyle about how the roster was getting awfully dated and was desperately in need of fresh, young talent.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, so tell me, kid. If Kyle came to you tomorrow and told you he’s going to push you to the moon, what would you say to him?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Easy. I’d tell him I’m ready. I’ll tell him I’m going to give him everything I got. Give me the chance, and I won’t disappoint.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The smirk on RDJ’s face grows a little bigger. Rick begins to nods, then pushes his chair away from the table begins to stand.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear from you. I wouldn’t say all my worries are gone, but I’ve seen what you can do, kid. If you’re a man of your word, then I think you’re going to do some interesting things with this company. I’ll be here if you need any help, just remember that.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Newton:</strong> Hold on, wait. What was all this grilling about? Were you just testing me? Like some initiation thing? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *shrugs* More or less. Let’s just say Kyle is going to have a talk with you pretty soon.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">The Official Card For</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread 2020!</span></span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>Card Subject To Change</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Wolf Hawkins ( C ) Vs Aaron Andrews</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson will serve as Special Enforcer</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>TCW Television Championship Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    The First Ever TCW Stairway To Heaven Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs Chris Flynn Vs Edd Stone Vs Freddy Huggins Vs Joshua Taylor Vs Marc Speed</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>A new creation by TCW Commissioner RDJ, six men will battle in a ladder match with the TV Title hanging high above the ring!</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Tag Team Tables Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs The Behemoths</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>Elimination Rules</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Best 2 Out of 3 Falls</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Sammy Bach Vs Jay Chord</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>First Fall is Pinfall Only. Second Fall is Submission Only. Third Fall, if needed, will be No Holds Barred.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Last Man Standing Match</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Mighty Mo Vs Eddie Peak</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Tag Team Action</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Vs</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    The Shade Gang (Matt Hocking & Troy Tornado)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Six Man Tag Team Action</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Benny Benson, Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Vs</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    The Syndicate (Doc Hammond & The Elite)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs Davis Wayne Newton</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span></p><p> </p><p>


  20. April – Week 4 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    I’m Still A Champion. You’re Not!


    Total Wrestling opens up to the sound of “Feel Invincible” by Skillet. Cue the pops, as former World Champion Aaron Andrews heads to the ring in street clothes. He’s clearly still not in a great mood after the shady way he lost the World Title two weeks ago. Andrews calls for a mic, and proceeds to give his thoughts going into the title rematch against Wolf Hawkins this Sunday at Where Angels Fear To Tread.


    Andrews: I’ve spent the last two weeks trying not to be bitter. I’ve tried to act like the adult in the room. All I really want to do is stand here and complain, stand here and vent my frustrations. But…as hard as it is, I’m not going to do that. I grew up in this TCW ring to become the man that you see before you. The man that you people come to stand behind each and every show. But what happened two weeks ago? That is a bitter pill to swallow. I’m angry. I’m pissed! I’m pissed off and I want retribution! It is taking every ouch of strength not to march backstage right now, find Wolf Hawkins and beat the crap out of him! But, I understand what’s at stake. I’m going to wait until Sunday. That’s when I get my retribution, and that’s when I get back my title!


    Before Andrews can go any further, Aaron is interrupted by “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes. Cue the boos, here comes the TCW Television Champion Greg Gauge! With the TV Title shining on his shoulder, Gauge walks down to the ring, shaking his head as he looks at Andrews. Gauge demands a mic.


    Gauge: I just couldn’t stand back there and listen to this pity party anymore. What a shame! You lost your title! Well guess what? Our own Commissioner is trying to screw me over and take my TV Title away from me! Oh boo hoo, you lost your title fighting one man. I have to defend my title this Sunday against FIVE men! So, spare me with your sad story. If you were half the man you think you are, you would have never lost your title!


    With a small smirk on his face, Andrews paces a little bit before replying to Gauge’s harsh words.


    Andrews: Wow, Greg, thank you for your “wonderful” insight. But, you know what the difference is between my predicament and yours? I came out here two weeks ago and fought like a man. Despite what went down, I didn’t have some scheme to cheat my way to remain champion. Remember Greg? That’s what you did! You had some woman climb over the barricade and play the crazy fan to help you keep that title!


    Gauge: You can tell the story however you like. Here’s the real difference between me and you, Aaron. I’m still a champion. You’re not!


    Andrews: Oh yeah? Well, if you had any guts and put that title up against me? I can guarantee you, Greg. You wouldn’t be champion anymore!


    Suddenly, the argument is interrupted by the voice of Ricky Dale Johnson. The TCW Commissioner appears on the titantron.


    RDJ: I’m sorry boys, I’m a bit busy backstage right now as we prepare for Where Angels Fear To Tread this Sunday. But I heard your little argument going on, and you made me realize something. I do actually need a main event match tonight! So how about it boys? You guys seem like you want to fight. Let’s have a fight!


    Gauge: Whoa whoa, no way. I am not defending this TV Title right before-…


    RDJ: Relax Greg, the TV Title won’t be on the line. It will be a Non-Title Contest. Besides, the last thing I’d want to do Greg is take away your opportunity to defend that title in the Stairway To Heaven Match!


    With that said, RDJ gives Gauge a sarcastic wink before the titantron screen goes black.


    A Sign of Things to Come?


    We are about ready for a big time Non-Title Contest here on Total Wrestling. “Breathe” by Fabulous begins to play, erupting the crowd into cheers. Mighty Mo appears, pumped up for the opportunity to battle the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Wolf Hawkins. Mo nears the ring when suddenly the lights go out in the arena.


    Jason Azaria: Wha-…What just happened?


    Kyle Rhodes: It seems like some kind of blackout.


    The lights finally come back on, and Eddie Peak is standing right in front of Mo! Mo’s face reacts, but the rest of his body cannot before Peak clobbers him with a clothesline. Peak kneels over Mo and just pummels away before dragging him up and whipping him hard into the steel steps! The top step flips off as Mo collapses to the ringside floor.


    Jason Azaria: Someone! We need help out here!


    Peak isn’t done, as he drags Mo to his feet and hip tosses him across ringside. Mo’s back hits the floor with a sickening thud, leading to him cry out in pain. A demented smile on his face, Peak drags Mo up once more. Peak hoists Mo up into the air and charges forward! Using Mo almost like a battering man, Peak & Mo go crashing through a portion of the ringside barricade!


    Kyle Rhodes: Oh my god!


    Jason Azaria: We need help, guys! Get the EMTs for Mo right now!


    Chuckling sadistically, Peak climbs to his feet and stands over a motionless Mo. Slowly, Peak raises a hand in the air. Gesturing while doing so, Peak starts to count out Mighty Mo, as if it this was the Last Man Standing Match on Sunday!




    All ten fingers raised in the air, Peak’s cackling becomes louder and louder. As EMTs and TCW officials appear to help Mo, they’re cautious to approach Peak. Eddie, though, actually steps aside and allows them to check on Mo. Peak walks away without looking back, though he continues to laugh.


    Jason Azaria:[./b] Is this a sign of things to come this Sunday when these two men battle in a Last Man Standing Match?


    Kyle Rhodes: What do you mean? I’m not even sure Mo can even compete this Sunday after that!


    All Out Mayhem!


    We’re nearing the end of tonight’s Main Event, the non-title contest between Aaron Andrews and TV Champion Greg Gauge. Andrews has survived Gauge’s best shot, and here he is rallying late. Andrews stands in the corner, waiting Gauge to stand up so he can hit his finisher, the Ace in the Hole.


    All of a sudden, Andrews has lost focus and is staring at the entranceway. That’s because Wolf Hawkins is standing there in his suit and sunglasses, the World Title on his shoulder! Andrews shares some words for Hawkins, but Wolf only smirks. Wolf makes a gesture with his hand. The rest of The Syndicate appear through the curtains and come running to the ring!


    Referee Ray Johnson immediately calls for the Disqualification as soon as the Syndicate hit the ring. Andrews tries to fight them off, but it is a 4-on-1 ambush! Hammond, Flynn, Chandler, & Johnson all put the boots to Andrews as Hawkins casually walks to the ring. Standing in the corner, Hawkins places down the World Title in the corner and removes his coat. As his men holding Andrews up for him, Hawkins begins to uncuff his dress shirt, an evil smirk on his face.


    Wait a minute! Here comes the cavalry to help Andrews! Benny Benson, Edd Stone, T-Bone Bright, & Tana The Mighty! All men who have had their issues recently with Syndicate!


    Jason Azaria: It’s All Out Mayhem!


    Kyle Rhodes: Wolf Hawkins thought he could have his way with Aaron Andrews, but he forgot about all the other guys in the locker room who despise the Syndicate!


    Caught off guard, Syndicate are on their heels quickly. Tana The Mighty drops Hawkins with a giant chop to the head, then sends Eddie Chandler flying over the top rope. The ring starts to clear of Syndicate members, and the brawl begins to fall to outside the ring.


    If that isn’t even enough, Joshua Taylor comes running down to ringside! Greg Gauge thought he could escape unscathed from the ruckus, but he gets tackled to the floor! Taylor starts to pumble away at the TV Champ!


    Kyle Rhodes: Greg Gauge cost Taylor his tag team match earlier tonight, and Joshua is out for some revenge!


    It is ruckus all over the arena. But, back in the ring, there remains two people. Aaron Andrews is up on his feet, and he is stalking Wolf Hawkins as the World Champ pulls himself up. Andrews races across the ring! The Ace in the Hole! Andrews hits it, and Hawkins appears to be out cold!


    As Total Wrestling comes to a close, Andrews stands over the motionless Hawkins. The World Title in the corner of the ring catches Aaron’s eye, and it only pumps him up more. Andrews crouches down towards Hawkins.


    Andrews: I’m taking my title back Sunday!


    Show Notes

    * Doc Hammond would get some help from The Elite to defeat Benny Benson. But the Syndicate ambush post-match would falter, as Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright would hit the ring to rescue Benny!


    Afterwards, a change on the card for Where Angels Fear To Tread would be announced. Originally, Tana & T-Bone were to battle The Elite. But, after tonight’s event, Benson & Hammond were added to the match respectively to make it a Six Man Tag Match this Sunday!

  21. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">April – Week 3 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Thursday Afternoon</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky Dale Johnson hoped to catch a word with Kyle Rhodes after this week’s creative meeting. He just wanted to know if the rumors were true, if Kyle really was relinquishing some of his job obligations as the company’s CEO. He wasn’t going to bring up that someone was spreading false details about their creative meetings, but if someone was going to continue to stir trouble with the boys, RDJ wanted to know what the motivation was.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Unfortunately, RDJ didn’t get that opportunity. As usual, the BriCo executives were all over Kyle as soon as the creative meeting was over. RDJ had noticed that the same exec had begun to frequently show up to the meetings, a younger man with a pencil goatee and glasses. Just like the other executives, he ignored RDJ and the other members of the creative team. But, RDJ had noticed that despite his best efforts not to appear so, Mr. Pencil Goatee was getting annoyed at the little jabs RDJ would send BriCo’s way every so often amid conversation.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Luckily for RDJ, a new opportunity arose for him as he was leaving the conference room at BriCo Headquarters. Outside in the hall, TCW Head Booker Brent Hill just happened to be waiting for RDJ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Hey Rick, I was going to get some lunch? You game?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Aw hell, I’m sorry, Brent. My daughter has a soccer game this afternoon, and I need to hit the road if I’m going to make it on time. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Hey, no problem. Maybe next time.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> No doubt, no doubt. Hey Brent, while we’re talking, there’s something I’d like to ask you.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Sure, Rick. What’s up?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ looked over his shoulder to see if Kyle Rhodes or any of the BriCo executives were about to come out of the conference room. They were not. In fact, they had sat back down to discuss something, probably financial. Still, RDJ didn’t feel exactly comfortable in the hallway there.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I’ll walk you to your car.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Uh, sure, okay.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ at first kept the conversation casual, talking with Brent about recent events in TCW and the upcoming big show, Where Angels Fear To Tread. As soon as they hit the exit doors and daylight outside, RDJ quickly took a detour in the conversation.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Listen Brent, I want to know if you could give me some…err…insight. Ya see, I’ve had a few issues with a couple of the guys recently.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Is this about Jay (Chord)?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Christ, you know about it, too?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Of course! When Jay has something to complain about, he yells it from on top of the mountain. Apparently, you said something he didn’t care for.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s what I wanted to talk you about. What Jay has been complaining about is something I said in one of our creative meetings, and what’s worst is that my words have been twisted. Twisted pretty darn negatively.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Really? Who would tell Jay this stuff?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s just the thing. I don’t know. The conversation we had about Jay in the meeting? I didn’t talk to anyone about the conversation. There’s no reason why Jay should even had known about what we talked about.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Brent doesn’t stop walking, but he does slow down so he can turn to look at RDJ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> What are you saying, Rick?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, it sure does seem someone went to Jay and told them what I had to say in our private meetings. Someone <strong>in</strong> our meetings. Worst of all, they tried to paint me like an ***hole.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Now Brent comes to a full stop. His hands on his hips, he turns fully to Rick and doesn’t look quite too pleased.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Rick, if you’re accusing me of being a gossip queen, then I can assure you that I am not.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I don’t want to accuse anyone of anything. But if it’s not you, then it’s Joel (Bryant), so you see why I’m trying to tread carefully before pointing the finger.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> You’re jumping to a big conclusion after one incident, Rick.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s just it. This isn’t the first incident. I’ve had the same thing happen with John (Anderson) and Thom (Barrowman). Both confronted me with issues with what I said, stuff I said inside our creative meetings. And just like Jay, my words were twisted. John & Thom, though, were respectful enough to be professional about their concerns. Ya know, instead of throwing a tantrum like Jay. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> *sighs* Rick, I don’t know what to tell you. I would never start trouble behind your back. I’ve known you way too long to do that. Do you really think I’d do that to you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ thinks about asking Brent about the potential job opportunity at the top of TCW, a job that very likely will be bigger than Head Booker. RDJ reconsiders this, though, after hearing the hurt in Brent’s voice. He thinks it will only make matters worse, and doesn’t want to fracture his relationship with Brent.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I don’t know what to think, Brent. I guess I just wanted to make sure that there were no issues between us. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Of course there’s no issues between us, because I’m not talking behind your back! But come on Rick, if it’s not me, then what? You think Joel is conspiring against you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Aw hell, I don’t know what to think. I just don’t want to go into the locker room next Tuesday and find out someone else is pissed at me for something I didn’t say. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Honestly, Rick? I really do you think you’re creating something out of nothing. Maybe you said something from the meeting, maybe after a few brews, and you don’t remember that you did. Lord knows, we’ve all done it at some point on the road.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ is absolutely certain that isn’t the case, but yet he nods. He has no desire to argue with Brent, and certainly doesn’t want to drag this conversation any further. It was already quite uncomfortable. </em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Who knows, maybe you’re right.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> And next time you think I’m stabbing you in the back for a promotion? Come on bud, just remember that we’ve been up and down the road a thousand times.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ’s eye opened wide. Here he was, dancing around the topic, and Brent just blurts it out.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So you know about Kyle stepping aside, too?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Kyle & I have talked about him taking a more hands off approach creatively, yes. But, that’s it. Nothing has been decided because Kyle <strong>hasn’t</strong> decided if he wants to be hands off. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So what says you? If Kyle offered you a bigger, shinier job? Would you take it?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Brent shrugs his shoulders.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Would I take it? Probably. It depends on a variety of factors, but it’s likely. But Rick, I wouldn’t ruin a friendship to get a promotion. I’m content in my Booker gig. I make good money to stick around in the business I love and I have plenty of family time. I’m happy where I’m at in the company.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, that’s good to hear. I’m glad to hear it.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Are we good now?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, yeah. Sure.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Good. But if you ever again think I’m stabbing you in the back? Just remember that I’ve dragged you drunk *** back to your hotel room more times than I could possibly count. </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Uprising!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><img alt="D3epBZ9" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/D3epBZ9" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">


  22. April – Week 3 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Enjoy The Party While It Lasts


    Total Wrestling opens up this week to the ring set up for a celebration. The Syndicate’s Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, Eddie Chandler, & Nate Johnson are in the ring. All are dressed up in fine black suits with matching black sunglasses. In the center of the ring, there is a bucket of ice with champagne chilled. Next to the bucket is a table holding champagne glasses.


    Hammond stands in front of the rest of the crew, a mic in hand.


    Hammond: Ladies and Gentlemen, get on your feet and show respect to your NEW! TCW World Heavyweight Champion! He is now a 4-Time TCW World Champion, and without question , is the best wrestler to ever compete in Total Championship Wrestling! Wolf…Hawkins!


    Cue the boos as “Uprising” by Muse begins to play. With the World Title cradled in his arm, Hawkins slowly walks out into the arena. Wearing the same suit and sunglasses his crew, Hawkins looks over the disgruntled fans with a giant grin on his face. As Hawkins heads to the ring, fireworks blast off from the stage.


    With the rest of the Syndicate applauding, Wolf strolls onto the ring apron. For everyone to see, Hawkins stands there and slowly raises the World Title into the air. He’s clearly in no rush, and is enjoying every second of this celebration.


    Hawkins enters the ring and hugs every member of his Syndicate and then accepts the microphone from Hammond. Hawkins proceeds to give his celebratory speech, and yes, it is filled with plenty of arrogance, and no mention of the masked man.


    Hawkins: The TCW brass tried to keep me down. Ricky Dale Johnson, our oh-so wonderful Commissioner, tried to keep me down. They wanted to keep Aaron Andrews in place as their face of the company, the smiling face of the company. Shaking hands, kissing babies, the perfect role model! Meanwhile, I stood by, knowing the truth. I knew that TCW and RDJ knew the truth. I was and have always been the better wrestler! Better than Aaron Andrews, better than everyone!


    And now, not only have I taken my proper place at the top of the mountain, a throne that was built for someone like me. I have joined an illustrious group. Sam Strong. Tommy Cornell. Rocky Golden. I have joined them as the only 4-Time TCW World Heavyweight Champions. But most importantly, I am BETTER….I am better than all three of them as well. I am the best wrestler to ever step inside a TCW ring, which just makes it right that this World Title is in my grasp.


    But, that is enough talk for now. It is time for me acknowledge my boys here, who have been there for me every step of the way. I appreciate you guys for being there for me, and I’d like to show everyone how much loyalty means to me. Let’s have a toast.


    Eddie Chandler proceeds to pop the champagne and pour a glass for all five members. Together, they raise their glasses up high.


    Hawkins: To The Syndicate!


    The group together savor the taste of the surely high quality beverage. But, their celebration comes to a close to the sound of “Shoot To Thrill” by AC/DC. Cue the large pop as the TCW Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, heads to the ring. He already has a mic in hand, and he is shaking his head at what is happening. RDJ stands on the apron and just stares eye to eye with a smirking Hawkins. Even when the music cuts, RDJ just stands there for a moment, looking disgusted at each member of the group.


    RDJ: Alright….so which one of you was it?


    Hawkins: My dear Commissioner, what could you possibly mean?


    RDJ: You know what I mean, Wolf! Now, I will do whatever I need to do to find out who was under that mask. But, how about you just save me the time? Spill it, let’s have it. Who interfered in the World Title match last week? I wanted to know right now!


    Hawkins: Oh come on, Rick, you know better than anyone else. These guys weren’t even in the arena when the match took place. It was your doing, Rick. You had them escorted back to their hotel rooms by the local police department.


    RDJ: That doesn’t mean anything! My money is on one of you snuck out without them noticing! So, who was it? I want to know!


    Hawkins: Rick…come on! Now you are going to insult the authorities? Are you telling me they can’t do their jobs properly? Rick…that’s low, even for you!


    Hawkins and The Syndicate are all laughs. RDJ, meanwhile, is beginning to stew. It seems only a matter of time before he loses it.


    RDJ: You think this is funny, Wolf?


    Hawkins: Funny? I think this is hilarious! I ruined you and TCW’s little image of the perfect little figurehead. The white meat babyface to carry this company to stardom, and now you are out here to complain about it. Face it, Rick. It doesn’t matter how it happened. All it matters is that the proper man is finally carrying the TCW World Heavyweight Title!


    RDJ: Yes, it does matter how it happened! You insulted me, and you insulted this company by what you did last week! And ya know what? I have every reason and plenty of backing from the TCW board to strip you of that World Title because of your actions!


    The smiles instantly disappears from the faces of The Syndicate. Aggressively, Hawkins begins to shake his head.


    Hawkins: Rick, I swear to god, if you even think-…


    RDJ: Don’t worry, Wolf. I’m not going to overturn the referee’s decision. I have too much respect for Ray Johnson to do that, and I have no desire to open that pandora’s box. And I’m not going to strip you of that title, tainted as it currently may be. No, I’m going to let nature takes it course, and I’m going to give the former champion the opportunity to right the wrongs.


    Hawkins: What does that mean?


    RDJ: You know what that means. Enjoy the party while it lasts, Wolf, because Aaron Andrews is entitled to a title rematch! And in twelve days, at Where Angels Fear To Tread? The rematch will take place! Wolf Hawkins! Aaron Andrews! TCW World Heavyweight Title!


    Hawkins: Fine by me. Same match, same outcome! Let’s do it!


    RDJ: *shakes head* I’m not so sure, Wolf. Ya see, I thought about it, and there’s only one way I can make sure that you and your little gang don’t cook up another way to ruin another World Title match. So, that one way is how it’s going to go down. For your match at Where Angels Fear To Tread? Head Referee Ray Johnson will be the third man in the ring. But outside the ring? I’m going to be the Special Enforcer! Let’s see you pull your crap this time!


    Hawkins is irate inside the ring, and now RDJ is the one with a smirk on his face. As RDJ starts to depart to the sound of his music, he continues to trade words with Hawkins. “Let’s see if you deserve that title,” he says to Wolf. “You can’t steal this from me!” Wolf rebuttals, referring to the World Title.


    Wait a minute! Someone has come out of the crowd and has tackled Wolf Hawkins! It’s Aaron Andrews! An irate Andrews has mounted the new World Champion and is pummeling away. The rest of the Syndicate tries to drag Andrews off, but Aaron is hitting everything that moves! Aaron blast Eddie Chandler in the head with the glass tray, then slams the ice bucket into the chest of Nate Johnson!


    RDJ gestures for help, and TCW officials and security come rushing to the ring to break up the ruckus. Several men have to hold Andrews back in the corner as Hawkins flees from the ring, protected by his Syndicate men. Andrews barks threats from the ring, swearing vengeance for what has been stolen from him.


    Minutes later on Total Wrestling, Andrews is hunting The Syndicate backstage, damaging equipment along the way. Finally, Andrews is confronted by RDJ backstage, who is hoping to calm him down.


    RDJ: I can’t just have you causing mayhem all over the place! You got your rematch, Aaron, now try to compose yourself!


    Andrews: What do you want from me, Rick? You want me to just act like the perfect employee? After what happened?! Wolf stole the World Title from me, Rick! I’m going to find him, kick his ***, and I’m going to make Wolf tell me who that masked man was!


    RDJ: No you’re not! If you want a chance to punch someone tonight, you got it. In the Main Event, you will go on-one-one with The Syndicate’s enforcer, Chris Flynn. But until then? You go to the locker room and cool down, or I’ll send you the hell home!


    Our Success Is Everyone’s Success


    After Freddy Huggins picks up a win over Elliot Thomas, commentator Kyle Rhodes joins Freddy and his sister Laura Catherine inside the ring. Rhodes looks to get a few words from Freddy after a busy few weeks for Huggins.


    Rhodes: Freddy, next week, you will compete in one of the most anticipated matches in recent-…


    Huggins: I’m going to stop you there, because frankly? You bore me, old man. Too slow, too slow. No, we have to keep things moving! Freddy Corp. is always expanding! It’s taking over the world at such a rapid speed! We have no time for old men going the speed of turtles! Now, I’d like to address criticism by some who complain Freddy Corp. is just about Freddy Huggins. Absolutely false! Freddy Corp. is about the better of TCW, the better of world! Most of all, it’s about giving people the opportunity that they well deserve. It’s about giving opportunities to the faces with no names, to help them succeed. With that said, I’d like to introduce the newest member of Freddy Corp. I’d like to introduce…my Head of Security!


    Huggins gestures to the curtains. Out comes Roderick Remus, sporting the brand new Freddy Corp. t-shirt. “Freddy Corp.” on the front, “Be Better!” on the back. Remus enters the ring and energetically shakes hands with Freddy and Laura Catherine, then reluctantly does the same with Kyle Rhodes.


    Rhodes: Wait, I get it now. Roderick here is part of Freddy Corp., and that’s why he interfered in your match last week to help you defeat Tana The Mighty!


    Huggins: Blasphemous! Didn’t you hear anything I just said, old man? Open your ears! Roderick is the Head of Security, so that means it is his job to watch out for the safety of everyone in Freddy Corp. So, last week Roderick saw that Tana was about to do something illegal that could cause significant harm to me. Roderick did the heroic thing and stepped forward in an attempt to prevent that from happening.


    Rhodes: Freddy…come on, that’s clearly not what happened.


    Huggins: Then clearly, you need glasses, too! You are breaking down, old timer! I’m concerned for you! Roderick Remus was a man simply looking a chance to expand his horizons, and Freddy Corp. has given him that chance! I have employed him to use his talents to make sure that I am kept safe from any unfortunate incidents.


    Rhodes: Wait, hold on. Freddy, you just said a second ago that Freddy Corp. was all about what was best for the entire company, the entire world!


    Huggins: Of course, that’s what I said! And what’s best for everyone is that I remain in excellent health and the face of Total Championship Wrestling. It’s real simple, grandpa. When Freddy Corp. succeeds, the entire world succeeds! Our success is everyone’s success! Do you understand now, gramps?


    Rhodes: I…I think I have an headache…


    Huggins: Then do us a favor and go back to your seat. At your age, you’re probably due for a nap, anyway.


    Roderick Remus takes the microphone from Kyle Rhodes, then insists that he departs from the ring. Having enough of this interview, Rhodes is more than happy to oblige. Now the interviewer apparently, Remus holds out the mic towards Huggins.


    Huggins: My goal is to make your life better, boys and girls. And quite frankly? I can’t think of any better way to do that than winning the Stairway to Heaven Match and becoming the new TCW Television Champion. Yes, I know, you folks are concerned about my welfare. I am going to put my body and psyche in severe danger to compete in a Six Man Ladder Match. But folks? I am doing this for you. When I am standing at the top of the ladder and I retrieve that TV Title? That is not just a victory me. That is just not a victory for Freddy Corp. It is a victory for everyone!


    Show Notes

    *Shade Gang defeated Beautiful Love in Six Man Action, but they got a little help in the process. After an altercation with Beautiful Love during an interview recently, apparently Davis Wayne Newton was insulted enough to interfere in this big tag match. Just when it looked like Dazzling Dave Diamond was about to put away Matt Hocking with the Dazzle Driver, Newton snuck into the ring behind Referee Long’s back and delivered a smacking Super Kick to Diamond’s jaw. This allowed Hocking to hit the Hock Shock on Diamond for the 3.


    ** The TCW World Tag Team Champions W.M.D. got some revenge on The Behemoths after being insulted by the former champs last week. After Killer Shark & Titan destroyed some development guys, Human Arsenal & One Man Army marched to the ring and brought the fight. After knocking the massive Shark from the ring, W.M.D. proceeded to return the favor from last week. Arsenal & OMA set up a table and planted Titan through a huge powerbomb!


    Later on in the show, it was announced that TCW Commish Ricky Dale Johnson had officially booked the anticipated rematch for Where Angels Fear To Tread. W.M.D.! The Behemoths! Tag Titles! Tables Match!


    *** Joshua Taylor earned the final spot in the Stairway To Heaven Match when he and Benny Benson defeated TV Champion Greg Gauge & Doc Hammond in tag team action. But, the way he won that is also news worthy. After Benson wiped out Hammond outside the ring with a plancha, it was down to Taylor and Gauge one-on-one. Taylor executed a beautiful reversal, breaking out of Gauge’s attempt to hit the Broken Gauge and locking on the Butterfly Lock! Gauge attempted to get to the ropes, but Taylor dragged him back to the center of the ring! The TV Champion was forced to tap! Taylor not just earns another TV Title shot, but gets some sweet revenge from A Little South of Sanity!


    **** It was not a good night for Sinner Society. After Eddie Peak disposed of Flying Jimmy Foxx in decisive fashion, Peak looked to have a bit more fun post-match. But Mighty Mo would hit the ring to save Foxx! With the Behemoths indisposed, Peak’s only back up would be Nick Booth, but Mo took Nick out with a Superman Punch!


    One-on-One, Mo rocked Peak with big right hands and clotheslines. Mo raced off the rope and connected with a second Superman Punch, sending Peak tumbling backwards through the ropes and to the floor. An enraged Peak stormed to his feet and intended to go right back at Mo, but Floyd Goldworthy intervened. “Make him wait!” Goldworthy insisted. Slowly, that rage turned to a smile on Peak’s face. In an awkward change of mood, Peak began chuckling and applauding Mo for getting one over on him. Just another odd turn of events in this ongoing feud between two larger than life individuals.

  23. April – Week 2 – 2020


    Wednesday Morning


    The morning after the latest Total Wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson woke up in Philadelphia with time to kill before his flight back to his ranch in Texas. Unable to get an earlier flight that morning, RDJ accepted an invite from some of the boys to go out for breakfast.


    RDJ didn’t hang out on social media, so he would learn from others that the wrestling online world was still abuzz with what happened on Total Wrestling. How TCW was willing to have a World Title change on free television, which seemed like an extreme rarity in any large company nowadays. Speculation was already running rapid over who the masked man was, with every person holding a cell phone expressing their opinion.


    Apparently, there was some who even thought that RDJ was behind it all. He was the master schemer, and would eventually turn heel and join the Syndicate as the evil authority figure. That was news to RDJ.


    And of course, there were those that criticized TCW for putting the World Title on a wrestler who had just been fiercely criticized as an online bully. As someone who had known Wolf Hawkins for years, RDJ struggled to sympathize with such an opinion. He had the upmost respect for Wolf, and one blunder, no matter how big, wasn’t going to change that.


    Danny Fonzarelli: Come on, old man, let’s see if you can still keep up with me!


    Still quite early in the morning, RDJ found himself at a breakfast diner tucked into a booth with the newest trio in Total Championship Wrestling. They were Danny Fonzarelli, Dazzling Dave Diamond, & Frederique. Fonzarelli & Diamond were veterans of TCW, Fonzarelli in particular a friend of RDJ’s for over fifteen years. While Frederique was brand new to TCW, he was a twenty-seven year veteran, so RDJ had seen his work plenty and had been bumped into him here and there.


    They were named Beautiful Love, and they had become a blending of their separate over the top rope, colorful gimmicks. It was suggested by RDJ and others that rejuvenating the tag team division was best for the company’s midcard. Stemming from that, CEO Kyle Rhodes had been crazed about forming new alliances in TCW, not just tag teams but stables. Beautiful Love was the latest creation to come from Kyle and head booker Brent Hill. It was Hill, in fact, that pointed out that Fonzarelli & Frederique had been showing some amazing chemistry teaming together on house shows.


    Fonzarelli: Ma’am, we’re going to need a big ol’ jug of coffee and giant stack of pancakes, and keep it coming.


    Fonzarelli had previously been teaming with Dave Diamond, but began teaming with Frederique when Diamond suffered an injury. Rather than breaking up the original team when Diamond returned from injury, Kyle and Brent cooked up the trio. Now, in just a matter of weeks, Beautiful Love was becoming a beloved midcard attraction. All three men were top twenty in merchandise, Fonzarelli & Frederique both in the top fifteen.


    RDJ: Danny, if you think I can still keep up with your appetite then you’re nuts. I’m not wrestling six days a week anymore. The most exercise I do is put on my hat.


    Fonzarelli: Oh, come on, don’t act like you’re in the senior home. I remember a certain Hall of Famer who used to stuff entire pancakes in his mouth like it was nothing.


    RDJ: I also recall a younger RDJ who used to climb out of his bed without his knees hurting. Time’s change, big guy.


    RDJ always enjoyed being around Fonzarelli. Danny was in fact his gimmick. He was quite the lovable guy, and easily the life of the party. While his career was clearly waning down if you just looked at his in-ring work, Fonzarelli always came to work with a positive attitude. He loved the business and the fans.


    RDJ: So Tony (Frederique), how are you fitting in with the company? Everything good?


    Frederique: I’m just happy to be given one last ride. I appreciated my time in FCW, but after spending so many years in the big leagues, it was frustrating not to be a part of it.


    Frederique had spent over fifteen years split between the two big US companies, SWF and USPW. While never a main event star, he was a solid contributor to both rosters, and could be tossed into the ring with anyone. After being released by SWF, he found himself working with FCW with the help of his old tag team partner Mikel Jiminez, the booker over there.


    Frederique had spent most of his career playing the heel, particularly with his over-the-top flamboyant career that he currently portrays. But when TCW came calling, Kyle Rhodes and Frederique agreed it would be interesting to see how the character would do as a babyface. If it didn’t work, then the character could easily turn to its usual heel way. As it turns out, the crowd had enough respect for the long time veteran that they embraced the character with open arms. The group Beautiful Love only further enhanced the character.


    Frederique: To be honest with you, Rick, I didn’t come to the company with any real expectation. I know I’m not the guy I used to be, but I know I have one last run with me. I just wanted the chance to prove it. I guess I have Brent to thank.


    Brent Hill was the one who suggested that Kyle bring in Frederique when the CEO wanted ideas to bolster the roster. Still very popular with an established character, Hill knew that Frederique could work in TCW.


    RDJ: So where do you guys see the group going? The crowd clearly already loves you.


    Dave Diamond: I’m just happy to be used again. To be frank, I’ve kind of just been treading water ever since the company got rid of the International Title.


    Dazzling Dave Diamond never had the star quality that would make him a main event star, but he had been a solid mainstay in TCW. He was the perfect midcard player, thus proved by his two reigns as International Champion.


    Despite his singles success, though, RDJ always thought he could really excel if he could find the right tag team partner. Not only could his charisma break through, it could shadow what Diamond lacked in-ring. It took awhile, but it appeared Diamond found himself not just one good partner, but two.


    Frederique: We’ve talked it through when the idea of Beautiful Love arose. We know our place on the roster. We know we’re no spring chickens.


    Fonzarelli: Speak for yourself! I’m still a young, handsome twenty-five!


    Diamond: *laughs* You wish, Fonzy.


    Fonzarelli: Oh, I do!


    Diamond: What Tony was saying is that we’re all in our forties now. Our best days are behind us, and who knows if Kyle will have us back when our contract is up.


    Frederique: Lord knows I wouldn’t blame him if he doesn’t!


    Diamond: Me neither, but I think we got something here. Not saying we end up in the Hall of Fame like the Vessey Brothers, but we got something here that we can have some fun with.


    Frederique: As long as the fans care about us, I think this group has a chance to be something special.


    Fonzarelli: Then we have nothing to worry about. The fans will always love the Fonz!


    Diamond: Yes yes, Fonzy, you don’t need to remind us again that you have higher merchandise sales among us.


    Fonzarelli: *raises fist* Top Ten!


    RDJ: So, what do you think about the Tag Belts? Think you guys have that in your future?


    Frederique: *shrugs* Who knows? Unless someone turns heel, it’s probably not going to happen while W.M.D. are still the champions. Which is fine, because I think this story with the Shade Gang is working pretty well right now.


    The Shade Gang is one of the major reasons that Beautiful Love existed. The Gang was thrown together by Brent Hill to give Troy Tornado, Marc Speed, & Matt Hocking something to do creatively. They immediately began to gel, with Tornado being the mouthpiece of the group. Kyle Rhodes had grown to like them so much that he has brought up the idea of eventually putting the Tag Titles on the Gang.


    But the Shade Gang needed adversaries to get them over as a new group. Thus, over the last couple of months, Beautiful Love came to be.


    RDJ: I’m excited to see the Six Man Tag between you guys next week. I really hope it’s not the only time.


    Diamond: Oh yeah. I think we could eventually blow it up with a big gimmicky match.


    Fonzarelli: Total Mayhem Match! Beautiful Love! Shade Gang! Book it!


    Frederique: *chuckles* You better watch your mouth, Fonzy. Kyle might like that idea.


    Fonzarelli: Book it! I’m ready!


    While RDJ certainly was content in retirement, this was the part of the wrestling journey that he missed. He didn’t miss getting beat up six days a week. But, every week when he traveled to Total Wrestling tapings, RDJ was excited to enter that locker room. He was happy to see the men that he had traveled down the road with for so long.


    He was happy to see the Beautiful Love guys with such a positive look upon their final days. A lot of guys see the finish line and they become bitter. They refuse to admit that their days were most certainly numbered. Before they finally stop being so darn stubborn, they usually end up with injuries that haunt them for the rest of their lives.


    RDJ knew the three guys would have their bumpy moments in the oncoming years. It wasn’t easy to say goodbye to the wrestling ring. It helped when you have something to go home to like he did, but that wasn’t the case for all the guys. But even when you did, it still wasn’t easy to hang up the boots.


    RDJ had to try not to be bias about his feelings for Beautiful Love in creative meetings. He wanted to see them succeed, but also understood that the focus of the company must always remain on the future. Beautiful Love was great for today, but they might not be here for tomorrow.


    Still, he really hoped Beautiful Love got their big moment somewhere down the line. Even if it was just for one night, he thought it would be nice if the group got their moment with the Tag Titles.


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Show Notes

    *With his win over Bart Biggins, The Syndicate’s Chris Flynn has earned a spot in the Stairway to Heaven Match at Where Angels Fear To Tread. Only one spot remains in the Six Man Ladder Match for the TV Ladder, and it will be decided next week on Total Wrestling!


    **Unfortunately for Biggins, he not only lost the match, but also suffered a kidney injury in the process. It’s rough luck for Bart, for he and Flying Jimmy Foxx have started to find some momentum as a new tag team.

  24. April – Week 2 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    It Needs To End


    Back from commercials, the crowd erupts to the sound of “Higher Ground” by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Out comes Sammy Bach in street clothes, high fiving every outreached hand on his way to the ring. After working the crowd up a little bit, Bach calls for a mic.


    Bach: Alright, so I know we have a big night tonight, a big fight night. So, I’m not going to waste time. I’m just going to do what I said I would. Jay Chord, I’m calling you out to this ring, right now!


    After a long moment, “Kings Never Die” By Eminem hits the P.A. Out comes Jay Chord in a fine dress shirt and slacks. Unlike Bach, Chord glares over the booing crowd through his sunglasses. Chord is hesitant to enter the ring, but Bach backs off, swearing that he’s safe to do so. Chord gets his own mic as Bach starts to talk.


    Bach: Jay, let’s be frank. I don’t like you! I think you’re just another punk, second generation kid that struts into this industry. You come into this ring thinking that everything should be given to you on a silver platter. Your Pops was something, so you deserve everything! And what makes me dislike you is that more of these kids are just going to follow suit because of the way you act. The way you talk down to people. The way you treat people backstage. Honestly? It’s taking a lot of self control to not punch you in the mouth right now. It just feels natural!


    Chord: Gee, thanks Sammy. I’m glad you felt the need to call me out here to let me know your opinion of me. It’s not like I don’t have anything better to do. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to-…


    Bach: Ya see?! That right there. You think you’re too good to listen to your elders. You were graduating high school when I was debuting here in TCW. I was moving up the card here while you were still popping zits! But the hell with me, and to the hell with everyone else! Right, Jay?


    Chord goes to respond, but Bach interrupts.


    Bach: Nah, that was rhetorical! I know the answer! I know how you feel about me, and what you think of yourself! But, you know what I hate most about you? You’re right about yourself! You are the future of this company. You are the future of this wrestling industry. You are as talented as they come, Jay. And these people know it, too! But, rather having respect for this industry, having respect for these fans, having respect for this locker room, you have like a complete and total jack***!


    Well, that gets quite the pop from the crowd! Jay just stands there, a little smirk on his face while shaking his head.


    Bach: But despite all that, I’m going to do the right thing. I’m going to give myself the opportunity to pass the torch. This blood feud between us? It needs to end, and it needs to end yesterday. But instead of us going back and forth, ambushing each other ten more times, I’d rather throw down a challenge. I want us to have a match that will not only blow these fans away, but it will have the right consequences. Either I’m going to teach you a little thing called humility, or you can prove to the world that you are the rightful heir to this wrestling industry. At Where Angels Fear To Tread, I challenge you to a match, Jay. One more time, Best 2 Out of 3 Falls!


    Bach begins to pace back and forth in the ring. Chord stands still, though he looks over the crowd who seems to approve of the match idea. Finally, Jay lifts the mic to his lips.


    Chord: Sammy, you sure do seem to think like you’re the first veteran that has come along to tell me how to act, to tell me what I do is wrong. Have you ever thought maybe its vets like you that make me act the way I do? You vets that hate to move on when your time is past? You vets that take one look at Rip Chord’s son and think I have a silver spoon in my mouth? You ever stop to think that maybe I’m a jack*** because people tell me every day that I’ll never be as good as my father? Or better yet, maybe I’m bitter because I’ve been in this company for seven years, and I have yet to have a single World Heavyweight Title match?


    Chord steps forward, shaking his finger at Bach.


    Chord: You don’t take the time to stop and think that it’s a bit more complex than I’m just a rich kid brat. But you are right about a few things, Sammy. I am as good as I think I am! I am the future of this business! And most of all, I couldn’t give a d*** what you think of me!


    Bach: Awesome to hear, Jay! Then, let’s do it, then! Prove to the world you are the best! Accept my challenge!


    Chord: No! I’m not going to accept your challenge, because just like I am better than you? I’m going to take your idea and make it better! You want a 2 out of 3 Falls Match? Sounds good, but we’re going to do it on MY terms. First fall, only pinfalls. Second fall, only submissions. Third fall, if necessary. NO…HOLDS…BARRED.


    Chord receives arguably the biggest pop of his TCW career. Bach smiles at the concept.


    Bach: You can take the credit for the match idea, Jay. All I can about is having the match. I agree to your stipulations, now shake my hand, and let’s have this match.


    Bach steps forward and holds his hands out to Chord. Chord looks down at it, then eye to eye with Sammy.


    Chord: You were wrong about one thing, Sammy. This match isn’t going to be my coming out party. No, I’m already a star! But you? Sammy Bach? This match is going to be your last crescendo. Your last hurrah! After I beat you and you drag yourself to the showers? The Sammy Bach Retirement Tour officially begins!


    Chord slams his microphone in Bach’s chest, then storms out of the ring. Chord doesn’t look back and walks right out of the arena. Bach can only watch Jay leave and shake his head.


    A Wonderful Spectacle


    After a decisive victory over Jeremie Courtney, Mighty Mo gets his hand raised by Referee Ray Johnson. Mo celebrates with the crowd to the sound of “Breathe” by Fabulous, but the celebration doesn’t last very long. When the crowd quiets down, Mo realizes something is wrong, and soon sees for himself.


    The Sinner Society has made their way down to the ring. Killer Shark, Titan, and Nick Booth stand at ringside, surrounding Mo. The Behemoths were just out here minutes before, ambushing the Tag Team Champions W.M.D. They demolished the team that took the Tag Titles from them, finishing them off by Powerbombing Human Arsenal through a table. Now, the Behemoths were back out here with Booth, but they just stand at ringside.


    Never backing down, Mo challenges all three men to get in the ring. Sinner Society, though, just stand there. Finally, we hear the voice of Eddie Peak. Through the curtains appears Peak with Floyd Goldworthy by his side.


    Peak: The Mighty One is all alone. This time, your little friends won’t be coming out to help you. No, I made sure of that already. And now? Look at this. All I have to do is snap my fingers, and that would be the end of you. My Sinner Society would hurt you so bad that they would have to scrape you off the mat.


    Peak shakes his head, giggling.


    Peak: But, I’m not going to do that. No, I’m just showing you that I could. I could destroy you any time I desire, but where would the fun be in that? No, Mighty One, when I decide to destroy you finally? It’s going to be a wonderful spectacle. I’m going to make sure all eyes are on that ring when I put everyone’s new hero out of his misery.


    Mo grabs a mic. He marches across the ring, so energized that he climbs on the second rope as he barks back.


    Mo: When are you going to learn, Eddie? Your little tactics, your little games might work on most, but they don’t work on me! I’ve stood up to you over and over, and I’m going to keep on standing up to you! You want your little spectacle? Then name the time, and name the place! Actually, NO! I’ll do it for you! Where Angels Fear To Tread! You and me, Eddie! Last…Man…STANDING! Come on, Eddie! Is that enough of a spectacle for you?!


    Eddie Peak smiles at Mighty Mo’s challenge, and in fact has to pause a moment because he begins to laugh too hard!


    Peak: That’ll do pig, that’ll do. We’re going to put on quite the show, Mighty One.


    Eddie Peak gestures to his men, then departs through the curtains. After a long pause when it seems they might do something, the Sinner Society follow their leader out of the arena, leaving Mo pumped up in the arena.


    Best of Luck, Sport


    After some tag team action, the scene changes backstage to the Syndicate locker room. With the rest of the group surrounding him, Wolf Hawkins is preparing for the World Title Match in a matter of minutes. Currently, he is taping his wrists up while getting words of encouragement from Doc Hammond. There’s a knock at the door, and in comes TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ is greeted…well…as he expected to be! RDJ manages to brush it off and does what he came to there to do.


    RDJ: I hope you guys don’t think I forgot, just because we had to reschedule the match. I still don’t want any Syndicate interference in the World Title match, and I mean it.


    Hawkins: Yeah yeah, they get it. They’ll just stay in here and watch the match. None of these wants to get fired, Rick.


    RDJ: Yeah…well, I decided that’s just not going to cut it for me. You guys just find it too second nature to interfere in each other’s matches. I want to make sure nothing foul happens in this World Title Match and that’s why I made a few phone calls. Turns out the local police captain is a huge wrestling fan, and he lended me two of his officers. They’re right outside in the hall, and they’re going to follow you back to your hotel rooms. You guys are going to stay there until after the show is over.


    Hawkins stands there shaking his head as the rest of the Syndicate give RDJ a piece of their mind.


    RDJ: Boys, I’m going to be frank. After how your leader here treated me last week? I couldn’t give a **** about your feelings! So let’s go, the officers are waiting to escort you right now. I’m sure Wolf can find his way to the ring all on his own.


    Reluctantly, Hawkins nods to the rest of the group to follow the Commish’s orders. Hammond, Flynn, Johnson, & Chandler all depart from the room. Quite annoyed, Hawkins goes nose to nose with RDJ.


    Hawkins: You’re really going to hate it when I win the World Title tonight. Aren’t you?


    RDJ smiles, then pats Hawkins on the shoulder.


    RDJ: Best of luck, sport.


    Aaron Andrews Vs Wolf Hawkins

    TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match!


    The anticipation is palpable after this match had to be rescheduled twice. Now, this live crowd is pumped up after finding out just one week ago that they were going to host such a huge match. Two of the best in the game go to war, and they don’t hold back. The champion is determined to remain the face of TCW. The challenger is determined to become a rare 4-Time TCW World Heavyweight Champion.


    For twenty minutes of back and forth action, Wolf Hawkins proves that he doesn’t need his Syndicate to give him an advantage. He meets Andrews head on and manages to gain many nearfalls. But, he cannot finish Andrews off for the three! Hawkins tries to finally put Andrews away with the Springboard Forearm that he calls the Full Moon Rising. Andrews dodges the maneuver! Hawkins manages to land on his feet, only to be almost speared out his boots by the Champion!


    Andrews is on fire now, and Hawkins is clearly in trouble. Every big move that Andrews hits, the more Hawkins barely gets his shoulder up. Andrews stalks Hawkins as he gets up. Here it comes! Andrews charges and connects with the Ace in the Hole! Andrews covers! 1..2..3NO! Hawkins was too close to the ropes, and Wolf got his foot on the bottom rope! Andrews is so stunned that he can’t help but argue with Referee Ray Johnson over the decision!


    Kyle Rhodes: Aaron just can’t believe it. He just gave Wolf his best shot, and Hawkins somehow managed to survive!


    As Hawkins starts to stir, Andrews heads to the top rope. He’s looking for his signature Flying Cross Body Press! Hawkins gets to one knee and starts calling for the referee. Ray Johnson questions Hawkins over an apparent injury. Wolf falls over onto the mat, pulling Johnson down by his zebra shirt with him. Hawkins seems to be pointing at his eye.


    Wait a minute! Someone just rolled out from under the ring! A man in all black, including a black mask! The masked man is on the apron, and before Andrews can even react to his presence, the masked man whacks Andrews across the head with some type of metal pipe! Andrews tumbles to the mat, and the masked man is back under the ring before Referee Johnson sees him!


    Jason Azaria: No…No! No, it can’t happen like this!


    Miraculously, Hawkins is perfectly fine now! Meanwhile, Referee Johnson is confused when he turns to see Andrews down on the mat. The crowd is booing immensely as Hawkins staggers over to the apron. Wolf is all smiles as he watches a hurt Andrews use the ropes to drag himself up. Hawkins launches himself into the air! The Full Moon Rising! Hawkins hits it perfectly on Andrews!


    The cover! 1…2…3! We have a new World Champion!


    Jason Azaria: I can’t believe this…


    Kyle Rhodes: Wolf Hawkins is once again TCW World Heavyweight Champion! Wolf Hawkins has just stolen the World Title from Aaron Andrews!


    On his knees, an exhausted Wolf Hawkins rips away the World Title from Referee Johnson and grasps it against his chest. As the new champion struggles to stand, the masked man appears from under the ring, and they disappear through the crowd! A moment too late, an irate Ricky Dale Johnson storms to ringside with security following him. RDJ orders them to follow after the masked man through the crowd.


    RDJ turns his attention to Hawkins in the ring. As RDJ accuses Hawkins of being behind the interference, Hawkins smiles and shrugs his shoulders. The camera is able to catch Wolf’s rebuttal without a microphone.


    Hawkins: He wasn’t one of us!


    RDJ joins TCW medical in the ring to check on Andrews, who is still down. Meanwhile, Hawkins continues to enjoy the vile from both the Commish and the fans. Wolf raises the title high and poses on each corner of the ring. Then, Hawkins mockingly approaches RDJ and asks him how Andrews is doing. Having enough, the TCW Commish jumps to his feet and shoves Hawkins! Hawkins laughs it off, and finally exits the ring with his newly won title.


    Jason Azaria: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new TCW World Champion, but the controversy that surrounds this title change? I don’t know…I just don’t know where to start…


    Kyle Rhodes: It is clear as day to me that Wolf Hawkins had planned to have this masked man interfere. But it wasn’t a member of the Syndicate! They were all removed from the arena!


    Jason Azaria: Then who?! Who was that masked man?!


    *Show Notes*

    *In their final encounter, it looked like we were finally going to get a somewhat fair, one-on-one match between Freddy Huggins & Tana The Mighty. Tana’s tag team partner T-Bone Bright would chase the Coach of Freddy Corp., Julian Watson, out of ringside before the match even started. Watson would not be a factor this time!


    Alas, Freddy Corp. had another trick up their sleeve. As Tana sized Huggins up late in the match, Tana would be shocked to find someone clutching at one of his massive legs. Roderick Remus?! Not taking time to ask questions, Tana dragged Remus onto the apron by his hair and delivered a big chop to the skull!


    That, though, was all the distraction Huggins needed. Huggins would fly off the ropes and drop the big Tana with a springboard dropkick. As Tana tried to get up, Huggins would lock the arms and drive the big guy’s into the mat with his version of the DDT, the Huggins Kiss!


    1,2,3. Freddy Huggins defeats Tana The Mighty and in the process earns a spot in the Stairway to Heaven Match!


    ** Later on in the show, Edd Stone would follow the ways of his old tag team partner Freddy and also earn a spot in the Stairway to Heaven Match. Despite some interference from Marc Speed, Stone was able to recover and put away Troy Tornado with the Party’s Over to earn his title opportunity.


    *** Joshua Taylor would approach Ricky Dale Johnson backstage prior to all the Syndicate, World Title Match ruckus. After how his TV Title opportunity was taken from him at A Little South of Sanity, Taylor was insistent that he be given a spot in the Stairway to Heaven Match.


    RDJ: Joshua, I get it, and I’m sympathetic towards you with how it all went down against Greg Gauge. But, I can’t just hand you a spot in the Stairway to Heaven match when all these guys are out there earning it. So, I’ll give you two things I know you want. I’ll give you a chance to earn a spot, and I’ll give a chance to get your hands on Greg Gauge. Next week, we will have a tag team match. It will be You and Benny Benson teaming up against Greg Gauge and Doc Hammond. Benson can’t challenge Gauge for the TV Title again, so if your team wins? You get the last spot in the Stairway to Heaven Match. If Gauge’s team wins? Then Doc Hammond gets the final spot.


    ****As noted in previous posts, Wolf Hawkins is currently dealing with a "Social Media Storm" after arguing with a fan online, who turned out to be a twelve year old. Wolf is apparently being labeled as a bully by the media. And according to the Dirt Sheet, this whole predicament is having an affect on his match performance. Soooo....Yay!!! :(


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