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Posts posted by dbritton987

  1. February – Week 1 – 2020


    Monday – Creative Meeting


    After discussing the current Tag Title and TV Title picture, it was time to deliberate the main event for the next Pay-Per-View, The War To Settle The Score. Wolf Hawkins’s injury had caused the company’s main storyline to take a detour, and it was time to get back on track.


    Kyle Rhodes: So, it’s pretty much settled. We’re going to ride the Andrews/Hawkins feud all the way to Total Mayhem, the big finale taking place there. But now we need to start planning how we’re going to get there. First things first, The War To Settle The Score. What do we do?


    Brent Hill: Well, it’s got to be Round 1 here. Andrews vs Hawkins, World Title.


    Joel Bryant: Seems logical, yeah.


    RDJ: *groans* I don’t know. You got something here that you can cook.


    Rhodes: Meaning?


    RDJ: Well…look at what you just did at Malice (in Wonderland). Andrews and Scout…err…Hammond…whatever…put on a great, intense match. Then, you follow up with the champ getting set up by Wolf. Great angle by the way, Brent. You built a beautiful one there, bud.


    Hill: Thank you, sir.


    RDJ: So Andrews has heat with not just with Hawkins, but Hammond now, too. Why don’t we use that for the next P-P-V?


    Rhodes: A Tag Team Match?


    RDJ: *nods* The Syndicate on one side. And to stir things up, Andrews gets his partner of choice, which can be its own little story there.


    Hill: How about this as well? You, Mr. Commish, revokes Hawkins’s title shot because of his “despicable” attack on Andrews. But, if The Syndicate wins the tag match? Hawkins gets his title shot back.


    Rhodes: I like it, folks. You guys just put together something that might be on a par with a World Title match.


    RDJ: We do this right, then it’s just going to be that much special when we hit the fans with Andrews & Hawkins, one on one. I guarantee it.


    Rhodes: This match just needs a gimmick. A standard tag just won’t do.


    Bryant: How about we put them in a steel cage?


    Rhodes: *shakes head* Nah, I think I want to hold onto the steel cage. I could see Andrews & Hawkins one-on-one in a cage at some point in the few months.


    Hill: I say we go with the Street Fight. It’s special, but we can always raise the stakes later.


    RDJ: Street Fight, yeah. The arena can be their playpen. Let’s the boys create their own magic.


    Hill: And it’s cheaper than a Steel Cage!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Alright, I think we got ourselves a main event almost. We got one piece left. Who is going to be Aaron’s partner?


    RDJ: Well, to me, Sammy Bach would be the obvious choice.


    Rhodes: It’s not a bad idea, but if we’re not going to do Andrews-Hawkins at the next P-P-V, I almost certainly want the Bach-Chord rematch. That’ll be our big singles match.


    Bryant: Are we going with the trilogy with Bach-Chord?


    Rhodes: That’s the hope, but we must keep Chord strong no matter what. I want Chord in the title scene as soon as the feud is over. It’s just about time for him.


    RDJ: Alright, then. So if not Sammy, who do we have to be Aaron’s partner?


    Hill: Well guys, hang with me here. I think I got an idea….


    Tuesday – Total Wrestling


    We are just moments away from this week’s main event on Total Wrestling. Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes, & Mitch Naess are in the process of hyping the Fatal Four Way. The winner will challenge Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship…in two weeks…right here on Total Wrestling!


    But before they can go further, the announcers are interrupted by “Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet, the music of Benny & The Foxx. It is in fact Benny Benson who walks out into the arena in street clothes. With a microphone in hand, Benson steps onto the interview stage.


    Benson: I know we are about to enjoy tonight’s main event, and I don’t want to take up too much time. But I’d like to ask our Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, to come out here. I got something I need to ask him.


    After a long moment, Ricky appears from the curtains. Not knowing he was even coming out into the arena that very moment, Ricky had forgotten his cowboy hat backstage, though his fine suit still looks crisp. Ricky joins Benson on the interview stage, his own mic in hand.


    RDJ: We could have done this backstage, but oh well. Let’s do it in front of this lovely, live crowd. Well Benny, how can I help ya, bud?


    Benson: Rick, you know this ordeal between me and Greg Gauge has been brewing for awhile now. I have come…soooo…close, so close to taking that TV Title away from him. I should have beat him one on one, but his stupid antics with Edd Stone got me DQ’ed. Then at Malice in Wonderland? I had that match won! Not only did Gauge steal that win, but I was never pinned!


    RDJ: Well Benny, I get all that. I see where you’re coming from. But here’s the truth, no matter how you might paint it. You had your chances to win the TV Title, and you didn’t get it done. Greg Gauge is the champ, and you’re not.


    Benson paces back and forth before answering.


    Benson: You’re right, Rick! You’re absolutely right! But here’s the thing. I know, without a shadow of a doubt that I can beat Gauge for that title! All I need is one more chance!


    RDJ: Benny, you had your chances. You have to understand my point of view. There is a locker room full of guys hungry for their chance. There’s a long line of guys waiting for their chance at the TV Champion. So, why should I put that on hold to give you yet another opportunity?


    Benson: Please Rick…I’m begging ya, man. I just need one more chance. That’s all I’m asking for.


    Hands on hips, Ricky turns away from Benson towards the live crowd. The fans are behind the beloved Benny Benson. They want to see Benson get another chance, and Ricky recognizes that.


    Ricky turns back to Benson and holds up his index finger.


    RDJ: One more chance, that’s all you get, Benny. And that’s what you’re getting, a CHANCE! Next week, you will team up with your buddy Jimmy The Foxx. Benny & The Foxx! You will compete against the TV Champion Greg Gauge and a partner of his choosing. If you win your tag team match next week, you will get your title shot!


    Benson pumps his fists in celebration. The live crowd rejoices as well, too.


    Benson: Thank you, Rick. That’s all I wanted man, that’s all-...


    RDJ: I’m not done, Benny. You need to hear me loud and clear. Whether you win next week or not, this is your…last…chance! If you fail to win the TV Title this time, that is it! You will never receive another TV Title shot as long as Greg Gauge wears that title belt!


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Main Event: Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord, One Man Army, & “TCW Television Champion” Greg Gauge in a Fatal Four Way Match. Bach earns the right to challenge Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 2 Weeks on Total Wrestling!


    Co-Main Event: Frederique defeated Joshua Taylor


    *Show Notes*

    *Rather than having to face off with Tana The Mighty again, Freddy Huggins bailed on his tag team partner Maverick and took a walk on the opening contest. It certainly didn’t end well for Maverick, who took a Big Fat Samoan Splash as a result.


    *Unlike Malice in Wonderland, Syndicate enforcer Chris Flynn was caught red-handed interfering on behalf of Eddie Chandler during his match with Edd Stone. Referee Francis Long disqualified Chandler, though that didn’t stop the 3-on-1 beatdown on Stone by Flynn & The Elite. Luckily for Stone, Devine Fortune would hit the ring for the save, clearly wanting revenge for their tainted lost at Malice in Wonderland!


    *Joshua Taylor was impressive in his match against Frederique, and controlled a great deal of the contest. But all it took was one mistake for Taylor. As both men duked it out at ringside, Taylor would charge a groggy Frederique. Frederique would side step the charge at the last second, and Taylor would go face first into the ring pole! Frederique dragged himself back into the ring, beating Referee Ray Johnson’s ten count for the win!


    Livid by his loss, Taylor attacked Frederique immediately after the match. Like an animal, an enraged Taylor would beat away on Frederique until he was pried away by TCW officials. What a poor act of sportsmanship!

  2. TCW Monthly Report

    January 2020


    Financial Report



    Top Ten Merchandise Earnings

    1) Aaron Andrews – 48.2K

    2) Sammy Bach – 13.8K

    3) Wolf Hawkins – 5.9K

    4) Ricky Dale Johnson – 5.1K

    5) Mighty Mo – 2.8K

    6) Tana The Mighty – 2.7K

    7) Jay Chord – 1.4K

    8) Benny Benson – 1.07K

    9) Danny Fonzarelli – 1.065K

    10) One Man Army – 1.06K


    Top Five Matches Of The Month

    1) Wolf Hawkins defeated Sammy Bach & Jay Chord in a Triple Threat Match (79, Total Wrestling – Week 1)


    2) Aaron Andrews defeated Doc Hammond to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (78, Malice in Wonderland)


    3) Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach (74, Malice in Wonderland)


    4) Aaron Andrews defeated Eddie Chandler in a Non-Title Contest (72, Total Wrestling – Week 3)


    5) Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins in a Non-Title Contest (72, Total Wrestling – Week 2)


    Company Signings

    Frederique, Davis Wayne Newton, Mitch Naess (Announcer), Playboy Jake Sawyer (Colour Commentator), Francis Long (Referee),

    Sam Keith (Road Agent), Luis Montero (Road Agent), Prime Time Jack Pryde (Development)


    Company Size

    Average Of Areas Currently Broadcasting Product

    USA: 73

    Canada: 54






    Bart Biggins & Elliot Thomas defeated Maverick & Yuri Yoshihara


    Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Nick Booth


    Jeremie Courtney & Roderick Remus defeated T-Bone Bright & Jack Avatar


    The Main Card


    Frederique, One Man Army, & Human Arsenal defeated Joshua Taylor & “TCW World Tag Team Champions” The Behemoths

    Six Man Tag Team Action started off the first TCW pay-per-view of the year!


    Taylor & Behemoths were able to cut the ring off on Human Arsenal and dominate much of the match, but they were unable to put Arsenal down and out. Finally, Frederique would get the hot tag and change the tide for his team.


    When Taylor finally received the opportunity to finally face off with Frederique, Taylor backed off and hopped off the apron! Taylor just watched as Frederique hit Titan with the Romeo is Bleeding for the three count! Taylor would just watch as Frederique, OMA, & Arsenal linked up and raised their arms in victory.


    Davis Wayne Newton defeated Paul Steadyfast

    A brand new signing to TCW, Newton continued his undefeated streak by taking out Steadyfast, a twenty-six year veteran in the business. Steadyfast got in a few shots here and there, but this was the DWN-Show. Once again, Newton has his arm raised by the referee. Once again, Newton gets to strut arrogantly around the ring post-match. Once again, Newton proves that he is a hot commodity that the entire roster has to watch out for.



    Greg Gauge defeated Benny Benson & Edd Stone to RETAIN The TCW Television Championship

    Total non-stop action from three of the most talented wrestlers on the TCW roster. Whenever it seemed one was close to sealing victory, the third wheel would cause the breakup. Edd Stone would shock the live crowd with an amazing Top Rope DOUBLE Spanish Fly, but would be left stunned when he received a near fall when pinning both opponents!


    Alas, Gauge proved once again that it is keen awareness that has kept the TV Title around his waist. When Benson attempted to pin Stone after hitting the Shockwave from Next Year, Gauge came flying off the top rope with a bone crunching Elbow Drop on top of both men. Gauge then enjoys the spoils and pin Stone for the 3!


    Greg Gauge has now been TV Champion for 155 days, dating back to August 2019. This was Gauge’s 11th Successful Title Defense.


    Freddy Huggins defeated Tana The Mighty

    Yes, Huggins will definitely feel the effects of this match next morning, as Tana tossed Freddy all across the ring every chance he got. The chops Tana delivered to Huggins’s chest left Freddy bright red, and probably made his heart skip a beat, too.


    That said, Huggins smartly attacked Tana’s injury knee every chance he had. That’s the same knee that Huggins attacked with a steel chair two weeks ago. After dodging the Big Fat Samoan Splash, Huggins would tumble the giant with a perfect chop block, then a precise dropkick. When Tana attempted to get up again, Huggins would roll up Tana, and managed to lock hands with his sister Laura Catherine for leverage! With Referee Francis Long out of place, Huggins got the three count before Tana could break free!


    Huggins would quickly flee from ringside. As Tana was left seething in the ring, Huggins celebrated with his sister Laura Catherine in front of the curtains, a huge smile on his face.


    Mighty Mo & Eddie Peak Battled To A Double Disqualification

    This match got out of hand early, quickly becoming just a flat out brawl. Referee Ray Johnson could have counted these men out numerous times as they battered each other at ringside. The mayhem just never ceased, and it finally boiled over when BOTH men shoved down Ray Johnson! The referee had no choice but to disqualify both men!


    With the match over, the rest of the Sinner Society hit the ring to help ambush Mo. But, it didn’t take long for One Man Army & Human Arsenal to race out and make the save. OMA & Arsenal brawled into the crowd with the Behemoths & Nick Booth, leaving Mo & Peak all alone once again!


    With Mo hurt from the ambush, Peak stripped clean the announce table at ringside! Peak attempted to put Mo through the table with the Peak of Perfection, but Mo broke free! When Peak spun around to face Mo, he got clocked by Mo, armed with the ring bell! With Peak stunned, Mo showed his amazing strength by lifting Peak into the air and POWERBOMBING HIM THROUGH THE TABLE!


    With the crowd roaring, Mo stood over the motionless Peak triumphantly. Mighty Mo certainly didn’t win the match, but he might just have won the war!


    The Elite defeated Devine Fortune

    No matter how impressive both teams looked in this match, the story will be about The Syndicate’s enforcer, Chris Flynn. With Referee Francis Long distracted by Eddie Chandler & Darryl Devine’s brawl outside the ring, Flynn would interfere in the match. With Nate Johnson down in the ring, Chance Fortune attempted to climb to the top rope. But before he could, Flynn climbed onto the apron and dug his fingers deep into Fortune’s eyes! Blinded, Fortune would crash hard to the mat!


    The Elite would take full advantage. After sending Devine hard into the steel steps, Chandler joined Johnson in the ring to hit Fortune with the Elitism! 1-2-3, The Elite picks up a big win for the Syndicate!


    Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach

    A battle of two of the biggest stars in TCW, both of them just one step away from the top of the mountain. They clearly knew this, because both men brought the fight like their careers depended on it! Chord blamed Bach for not being the one challenging Aaron Andrews in the main event. Meanwhile, Bach was out for revenge for the vicious attack by Chord weeks prior. Yes, it was personal now for these two, but both men knew that a big victory could lead them to a future World Title shot.


    Unfortunately, Chord had to stoop to dirty tactics to get the victory. Chord survived the Bach on your Back, scratching and clawing to the bottom rope for the clean break. Bach set Chord up for the Adrenaline Shot, but Chord would dodge the maneuver and dropkick Bach in the back, sending Bach right into Referee Ray Johnson! It wasn’t the worst referee collision ever seen, though. Johnson got up pretty quick, but not quick enough to see Chord deliver a low blow to Bach! Chord would then hit Bach with the Cradle Piledriver and receive the 3 count!


    Who knows if Commissioner RDJ will consider that victory worthy of a future World Title Match. Nevertheless, Jay Chord picks up the big win in this heated rivalry.


    Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Shade Gang (Troy Tornado & Matt Hocking) by Disqualification

    Fonz & Diamond were separate targets of this newly formed trio of Tornado, Hocking, & Speed. Or, as we now known them as, The Shade Gang! Little did the Shade Gang know, Fonz & Diamond would not just roll over in defeat. Instead, Fonz & Diamond united to battle the trio!


    Despite repeated outside interference from Marc Speed, Fonz & Diamond would survive the Shade Gang onslaught and make a late rally. Fonz would set up Hocking for the Retro Rocket, only for Speed to sneak into the ring and smack Fonz across the back with a steel chair! Referee Francis Long had no choice but to Disqualify The Shade Gang!


    When Speed went to use the steel chair again on Fonz, Diamond would come up behind Speed and snatch away the weapon! Speed spun around to Diamond, only to get struck right in the ribs with the steel chair! Diamond attempted to hit Hocking with the chair as well, but Troy Tornado would pull out his ally just in time. The battle line drawn, the two teams tossed threats back and forth as Fonz & Diamond were declared the victors. Clearly, we are just seeing the start of this feud!




    Aaron Andrews defeated Doc Hammond to RETAIN The TCW World Heavyweight Championship

    His broken forearm in a cast, Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins would accompany stable mate Doc Hammond to the ring. Throughout the match, Hawkins would interfere at every opportunity possible to make sure that the World Title ended up in the Syndicate camp.


    Unfortunately for Wolf, he would finally get caught Referee Ray Johnson. Thinking he was in the clear, Johnson would catch Hawkins standing over Andrews after smashing him into the ring post! Johnson didn’t actually see the action take place, so instead of calling for a DQ, Johnson did the next best thing. Johnson threw Hawkins out of the arena!


    It was now a one-on-one match! No more Syndicate interference!


    Hammond would attempt to take advantage of Hawkins’s assistance, realizing that this was the biggest opportunity of his career. But no matter what Doc did, Andrews would always get his shoulder, and always get to the ropes.


    The champ would not say die, and he would rally back with the crowd red hot behind him. Andrews would hit Hammond with the Standing Hot Shot, but instead of going for the pinfall, Andrews headed to the top rope. As Hammonds staggered to his feet, Andrews took flight. Andrews hits his patented Flying Body Press! 1-2-3! The champ retains on P-P-V!


    Aaron Andrews has now been TCW World Heavyweight Champion for 176 days. He has been champion since July 2019. This is Andrews’s 3rd reign as World Champion. This was the 5th successful title defense of Andrew’s current reign.


    After climbing each corner with the big gold raised high, Andrews would circle ringside to high five the fans that adore the champ. As the show starts to come to a close, Andrews took his exit towards the curtains. Andrews went to pose with the title belt, but stopped when Doc Hammond attempted to approach him. Not caring that the match is over, Hammond tried to charge Andrews, but he was held back by several TCW referees! Hammond and Andrews started to exchange words when-




    It was just a distraction by Hammond! From the curtains appeared Wolf Hawkins, who came up behind Andrews and clocked him across the head with his forearm cast! The champ is face down and OUT…COLD!


    Hawkins clutched his broken forearm, wincing in pain from his own strike. Overcoming the pain, Wolf snatched the World Title off the ground. With Hammond now holding back those TCW referees, Hawkins stood over Andrews and let him knew how he really felt.


    “You’re nothing, Aaron! You hear me?!

    I’m the face of TCW! You're a nobody!”


    Finally, help came from backstage to help Andrews. Hawkins doesn’t struggle or argue, he merely backed away, but not before tossing the World Title down beside Andrews.


    "We’ll see you later, champ!”


    Malice in Wonderland came to a close as TCW medics attempted to rouse Andrews awake. Just before the show goes black, Andrews is helped to a seated position. By the look on his face, the World Champ was clearly several planets away.

  4. January – Week 3 – 2020


    Monday – Creative Meeting


    Kyle Rhodes: Alright, so the Malice (in Wonderland) card is pretty much set, but have a little bit of work left. Unfortunately, we have to axe our six man tag match with the Shade Gang (Troy Tornado, Marc Speed, & Matt Hocking). The doc says Marc Speed needs at least a week off to heal up from his bicep injury.


    The original plan was to have The Shade Gang battle their recent rivals, Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond. Fonz & Diamond’s tag partner would have been newly signed Frederique, setting up a big win for the colorful veteran.


    RDJ: Speed got hurt? Did I miss that?


    Joel Bryant: It happened over the weekend on the house shows.


    RDJ: *shakes head* Those house shows ain’t being too kind recently.


    Rhodes: We’re going to roll with it as a tag match instead, Shade Gang taking on Fonz & Diamond. I’d rather Fonz & Diamond team up a couple times before having this rival tag match, but I also want to have this rivalry on the pay-per-view.


    Brent Hill: Not ideal, but I think the crowd will buy the reasoning.


    In previous weeks, Marc Speed would help Troy Tornado defeat Danny Fonzarelli in singles competition before revealing their alliance. Two weeks later, when Dave Diamond competed against Marc Speed, Fonzarelli would be by Diamond’s side and would negate Tornado at ringside.


    Little did Fonz & Diamond know that there was a third man to the alliance. Matt Hocking would appear out of the crowd and cost Diamond the match.


    This week on Total Wrestling, the new trio was set to debut their stable name in an interview segment. Seeing that all three wrestlers liked to wear sunglasses frequently, the name came easy for Brent Hill, and Kyle Rhodes bought into it. The Shade Gang was officially born.


    Rhodes: That leaves the Behemoths and the Tag Titles. I still think its way too early for One Man Army & (Human) Arsenal to get a Tag Title Match against them, but the champs need to do something for the pay-per-view. I need ideas.


    RDJ: Well, we lost the six man tag. Why not we make another one?


    Rhodes: I think I’m following. Paint the picture, Rick.


    RDJ: Well, you got Army & Arsenal on one side and the Behemoths on the other side. Now the two teams just need their third wheel.


    Bryant: We could put Nick Booth with the Behemoths and just make one team just the Sinner Society.


    Hill: How ‘bout we combine two rivalries? We partner Joshua Taylor with the Behemoths, then book Frederique with Army & Arsenal.


    Rhodes: I like it. It would be a nice boosting point for that rivalry. We put the faces over, setting up future matches in the rivalries. Boys, I think we got a winner.


    RDJ: Put that sucker as the opening contest. That’ll cook things up real nice.


    Hill: I can second that.


    Rhodes: I guess it’s settled anything. Do we have anything else we want on the card for certain?


    Hill: Let’s not forget (Davis) Wayne Newton on there. He should get a win on the big show.


    Rhodes: Let’s do it, but no local talent this time. Get some indy fellow with some name value. Not too much though. Newton still has a way to go.


    Hill: I’m on it.


    RDJ: How’s the room feeling about the kid, anyway?


    Bryant: In-ring, he is what we hoped he would be, at least as of now. He just has to eventually build character.


    Hill: I think after Malice, we should start giving him wins over lower card talent. I think he’ll be ready by then.


    Rhodes: We’ll discuss that later then. Alright folks, I think that is all we can do about the card for now. But I’m going to end this meeting with some great news. As you already know, we signed a contract with Canada 1-Choice to bring TCW to pay-per-view in Canada. That is huge, and our January profit is going to reap the rewards.


    Bryant: Money makes the world go around.


    RDJ: And we could always use a bit more of it!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Well, I’m happy you guys feel that way, because we’re also finalizing a deal to get TCW on Canadian Television as well. It looks like starting in February, Total Wrestling will be airing on the Maple Leaf Sports channel.


    Hill: That’s great news. With that CWA merger, Canadian wrestling is dying for a little competition. Why not let it be us American boys down here?


    Rhodes: That’s the hope! And we hope this will open more doors. We are talking to some Mexican channel companies, but that is a bit far off. But, we are also looking past our deal with ACE down the line. Who knows, we might be able to do better. Subscription based entertainment is becoming huge, and is something we might want to dip our toes in further in the future.


    RDJ: Man, the days of just sitting down and turning on your television really is going away.


    Hill: Do you even know what Hulu is, Rick?


    RDJ: Brent, I couldn’t even tell you the name brand of my television.


    Tuesday – Backstage At Total Wrestling


    In the midst of talking to some talent, Ricky is approached by Thom Barrowman. Barrowman worked under the name One Man Army, but was previously known as Guide, a member of the classic team New Wave. He’s currently enjoying his first real singles push in TCW since joining the company thirteen years ago.


    Barrowman: Hey Rick, you got a second to talk? In private?


    RDJ: Of course, Thom. Anything for you, bud.


    Ricky & Barrowman finds an empty corner in the back of the Lowe Ballroom. Ricky has an inkling of what Barrowman is about to say by just how serious he appears. Barrowman struggles to kick off the conversation.


    RDJ: Everything okay, Thom?


    Barrowman: Uhhh no, not really. Rick, I heard you were criticizing the decision to split up me and Jeremy (Scout). It really rubbed me the wrong way.


    RDJ: Okay, Thom. Talk to me.


    Barrowman: Okay. This was a mutual decision by all of us. Me, Scout, Kyle, everyone. We thought it was best. New Wave did all we could, and it was time to split and do what we could do as singles competitors. And to be blunt Rick, I didn’t appreciate you coming in and putting shade all over it.


    RDJ: Thom, I can completely understand your point of view. Thom, how old are you?


    Barrowman: I’m forty-two.


    RDJ: That’s plenty younger than me, but you’re no spring chicken. My point was that the split would have been more effective if they did it when you were guys were younger. But, the company waited too long. New Wave is a classic tag team revered all over the planet. I thought after so many years, you guys should have been kept together till the end.


    Barrowman: Rick, I get what you’re saying. But this is my chance to prove that I can be a singles star. But, you came back in and suggest that I go right back into a tag team, now with John (Anderson). I don’t appreciate it.


    RDJ: First off Thom, I make no decisions. I am here merely to help you guys and give Kyle and Brent my honest opinion about the business, and that’s exactly what I did. And my opinion is that teaming you and John together would be something the tag team division needs. There is no top babyface team right now, and you guys would be perfect adversaries for the Behemoths.


    Barrowman: Listen, I have no problem working with John, but I want to get back in the title picture. I was the last International Champion, and I should be in the title picture as a singles star.


    RDJ: That’s great, and no one is saying this tag team is going to last awhile. Hell, it might not last more than a few months. It’s good for the story right now. But Thom, if you have that big of a problem, then you should talk to Kyle and Brent.


    Barrowman: But you’re the one who put the idea in their head!


    RDJ: Whether that’s true or not, I don’t make the final decision. Listen Thom, I’d be more than happy to be completely wrong about the split. I’d love to be the guy wrong and see you wearing the World Title a few months from now. If you want to take this personally, then I hate to hear it. But when I give my opinion, I give it on behalf of whatever is best for the guys and for the company. Alright?


    The conversation goes in circles a bit more, before finally Ricky & Barrowman uncomfortably shake hands and depart. Ricky is left wondering who had told Thom about his opinion on the New Wave split. Ricky certainly wasn’t a chatty cathy. That only leaves a few people who knew of Ricky’s opinion.


    Ricky knew it was likely John Anderson who told Barrowman of his opinion. But other than John? The only ones who could have told Thom…was the creative team….


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Main Event: Sammy Bach & TCW World Heavyweight Champion defeated Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor


    Co-Main Event: Doc Hammond defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx


    Segment of The Week

    Freddy Huggins is interviewed after a successful victory over Elliot Thomas. Kyle Rhodes interrogates Huggins over his brutal sneak attack on Tana The Mighty the previous week. Huggins had blindsided Tana with a chop block while the big guy was coming to the ring. Huggins proceeded to try to injure that knee, including bashing it with a steel chair.


    Huggins is all smiles when Rhodes questions his integrity.


    Huggins: Oh boo hoo, if that giant doofus just watched where he was going, then maybe he wouldn’t be at home right now licking his wounds! Let’s get something straight. Tana is an amazing specimen. It’s just a dang shame he has a peanut for a brain! Tana! You stuck your nose in my business, and now you paid the price! And if you ever dare to come back, I’m going to finish-…


    Huggins’s jaw drops when “Dare” by Gorillaz begins to play. The crowd pops as an enraged Tana The Mighty appears through the curtains. He’s limping to the ring, but Tana is ready to do some damage! Huggins is in shock, and everyone was told Tana wasn’t at the show!


    As Tana enters the ring, Huggins smartly bails and takes his exit through the crowd!


    Unfortunately for Freddy, we would find out later that at Malice in Wonderland? RDJ has booked Huggins to face Tana The Mighty one-on-one!


    *Show Notes*

    *In the Main Event, Sammy Bach & Jay Chord were given the opportunity to choose their tag team partners, just days away from their singles encounter at Malice in Wonderland. Chord would choose Joshua Taylor, while Bach got the World Champion Aaron Andrews on his side. Bach would pin Taylor for the victory, right after Chord bailed on his partner after the going got tough!


    *Also, turns out Bach & Andrews have zero tag team chemistry, so BOOOOOOOOOO.


    *If you notice, it says Frederique announced his singles debut on the results. Well, that was scrapped! The PPV card was rearranged a bit due to an injury (Marc Speed), so Frederique’s singles debut will wait a bit longer.


    *And if you’re wondering why I don’t have a Pre-Show…welp, that’s because I accidentally started the show before booking one. DOH!!!

  5. January – Week 3 – 2020


    Sunday - The Johnson Ranch


    Standing in his kitchen, Ricky has his cup of morning in hand, but cannot even take a sip before he sees the name “Kyle” on his cell phone screen. He already knows it is bad news before ever picking it up. In just two weeks of working directly with Kyle Rhodes, he could already see that Kyle liked to save his good news for the creative meetings. He saved it for then so those BriCo executives could also hear it.


    Despite the coffee still hot enough to burn skin, Ricky takes his chances and takes a sip before answering the phone.


    RDJ: How can I help you, Kyle?


    Rhodes: I got some bad news, Rick.


    Reading Kyle like a book, RDJ fought back the desire to laugh.


    Rhodes: It’s Wolf (Hawkins). He got hurt last night at the house show. Took a bad crash during a suicide dive.


    RDJ: How bad is it?


    Rhodes: Broken forearm.


    Cover your kid’s ears, Ricky responds with some obscenities.


    RDJ: Gosh darnit, for fudge’s sake.


    Rhodes: You said it, brother.


    RDJ: So, he’s out for Malice (In Wonderland)?


    Rhodes: Well that’s my intentions, although Wolf is trying to talk me into letting him wrestle with the injury.


    RDJ: Fudge that. Wolf still has plenty of years left ahead of him, no need to take such a chance. Plenty of time to have plenty five star battles with Aaron (Andrews) later.


    Rhodes: My thoughts exactly. Now, I just got to figure out what to do with Aaron and the World Heavyweight Title. I mean, we’re going to losing money and viewers without Wolf, but we need to do our best to patch the holes.


    RDJ: What are you thinking?


    Rhodes: I can’t decide yet. I was thinking of adding Aaron to the Sammy (Bach) & Jay (Chord) match. Just make it a triple threat. But, we already have one planned triple threat title match on the card. I feels like that would be overkill.


    RDJ: Yeah, then it wouldn’t be Malice in Wonderland. It would be the Triple Threat show. Nothing but Triple Threats!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* For some reason, I don’t think that name would sell as well. So what do you think, cowboy? Have any ideas?


    Thinking it over, Ricky pauses as he blows on his coffee. Carefully, he takes a large sip and savors the Colombian taste. By the time he’s done, he has an idea.


    RDJ: Well Kyle, you split up the New Wave to find out what they can do as single competitors. Right?


    Rhodes: *hesitant* Right…


    RDJ: Well Kyle, I think it’s about time we find out what Jeremy can really do on his own….


    Tuesday – Backstage At Total Wrestling


    Kyle Rhodes, Brent Hill, & Ricky Dale Johnson are waiting in Rhodes’s office backstage at the Laurent Ballroom in New England. The office is really just an empty locker room, but nevertheless they have their privacy from the rest of the roster.


    They hear the knock on the door that they’ve been waiting. In comes Wolf Hawkins, whose broken forearm is currently in both a cast and sling. Following behind him is Jeremy Finch. Finch goes by the wrestler name Doc Hammond. He is formerly Scout of the famous tag team The New Wave, now a member of Wolf’s Syndicate stable.


    Hawkins: *gesturing to Finch* Found him!


    Hawkins & Finch shakes hands with the other guys before Kyle Rhodes takes over the meeting. Finch immediately realizes that this is going to be a pretty huge conversation.


    Rhodes: Well Jeremy, as you might have noticed, Wolf is a wee bit injured. Unfortunately, we are going to have to pull him from the main event at Malice in Wonderland. So, there’s a big hole in the card right now, and we need your help Jeremy. We want you to take Wolf’s spot in the main event and challenge Aaron (Andrews) for the World Title.


    Despite having a clue of what was brewing, Finch’s eyes still grow wide and he begins to get excited.


    Finch: Well, that’s a bombshell! It sucks, Wolf, what happened to you. But I’m ready to step up guys. I’m your man.


    Rhodes: That’s great, just what I want to hear. But I just want to be clear with you, Jeremy. We have no intentions of taking the title off Aaron, and we’re booking this to make sure Wolf is still at the center of this match and title picture. Are you comfortable with all that?


    Finch: Of course, I understand.


    RDJ: Don’t get it wrong, though. This still a huge opportunity, bud. If you go out and blow the roof off the building with Aaron? You’ll be saving the day. Not just that, you might force Kyle to make you World Champion!


    Ricky jokingly nudges Rhodes as the entire room laughs. Rhodes seems to laugh the least.


    Rhodes: Well, one step at a time right now. So we got it all planned out for tonight. Want to explain it Brent?


    Hill: Sure. So Rick here is going to go out and do his authority thing. He’s going to announce Wolf’s injury to the crowd, which is going to set up a confrontation with Wolf in the ring.


    Hawkins: *sarcastic* Grrrrr, Rick doesn’t want me to be champion. I still want my title shot. Blah blah blah.


    Hill: *chuckles* That about explains it. Rick will then announce a Battle Royal for the show tonight, the winner taking Wolf’s spot to challenge Aaron at Malice. That winner is, of course, Jeremy here.


    Finch: Alright, sounds good to me.


    Rhodes: Now, Wolf is going to be by your side the entire time. He’s going to be out there helping you during the Battle Royal, and he’s going to be by your side as we hype you this week and next.


    RDJ: We’re going to blast you to the moon with what time we have!


    Rhodes: Well, that’s the plan. Any issues?


    The room becomes silent. As if a judge smacking his gavel, Rhodes claps loud and hard.


    Rhodes: Alright guys, let’s make the best out of the situation. Let’s put on a hell of a show tonight.


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Main Event: Doc Hammond wins a 20 Man Battle Royal to earn a title shot versus TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews at Malice in Wonderland


    Co-Main Event: Aaron Andrews defeats Eddie Chandler (Non-Title)


    Segment of The Week

    Banged up from last week’s beatdown by Eddie Peak, Mighty Mo was not cleared to compete at Total Wrestling. Instead, he would be interviewed by Jason Azaria. Mo made it clear that it didn’t matter how much he was banged up, he was never going to back down from Peak and his Sinner Society.


    Mo: You might have spent your career intimidating people with your size and menace, but you can’t intimidate me, Eddie! You knocked me down once, but I’m back up, and I’m coming for you! Ya hear me, Eddie? I’m coming for you!


    All of a sudden, Eddie Peak appeared on the tron to interrupt the interview. Peak would actually compliment Mo’s resiliency, noting that most people would never dare get back up.


    Peak: You’ve changing my mind, Mo. You want your one-on-one match with me so bad? You got it. But I promise you, Mo. You won’t be happy about your little match when I’m done with you. I’ll see you at Malice in Wonderland!


    *Show Notes*

    *During The TV Title Match between Greg Gauge & Benny Benson, Edd Stone was the guest commentator. During the match, Gauge would deliberately throw Benson into Stone’s lap, knocking both men over! Stone would eventually recover and interfere in the match, causing the DQ! Stone & Benson would argue in the ring, as Gauge fled from ringside with the TV Title in his grasp. Moments later backstage, Commissioner RDJ would inform Gauge he would now defend his TV Title against BOTH Benson & Stone in a Triple Threat at Malice in Wonderland!


    *Frederique would make his TCW wrestling debut in the Battle Royal, and would duke it out with Joshua Taylor, whom he had a confrontation with the previous week. When Frederique appeared in trouble, Taylor would make one mistake, allowing Frederique to duck his head and back toss Taylor out of the ring!


    *Wolf Hawkins would assist Doc Hammond during the entire Battle Royal, including both helping him stay in the ring and helping him eliminate competitors.


    *Rivals Sammy Bach & Jay Chord would battle the entire time during the Battle Royal. It would cause their demise, as they never saw Hammond sneak up from behind and dump both men out. The double elimination would give Hammond the Battle Royal victory and the World Title shot.

  6. January – Week 2 – 2020


    Backstage At Total Wrestling


    Ricky is standing at the gorilla position, waiting for his cue. Cowboy hat in hand, sporting a fine suit, he feels the jitters as if he was just some rookie. Kyle Rhodes Ricky to make his big announcement last week in his home state of Texas, but Ricky insisted on letting that show be around the star studded main event (Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord).


    Besides, the Texas crowd would be half expecting Ricky to make an appearance, as he has various times since retirement. But the crowd in Missouri State Armoury? They wouldn’t expect him to make an appearance tonight.


    “You ready, champ?”


    Goosebumps on his skin, Ricky looks up to see the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews.


    RDJ: As ready as I’m going to be.


    Andrews: They’re going to go nuts for you, you know that?


    Ricky nods, hoping he is right.


    Inside the arena, the voice of Jason Azaria booms.


    Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce one of the greatest wrestlers ever to step into this ring. He is a 3 Time TCW World Heavyweight Champion. He is a TCW Hall of Famer. He is…RICKY…DALE…JOHNSON!


    The crowd erupts, and is quickly matched by the sound of “Shoot To Thrill” by AC/DC. Frozen in time, Ricky is woken up by a pat on the back by Andrews. Ricky nods to Andrews, puts on his cowboy hat, and heads through the curtains to a huge pop.


    Ricky tries not to waste too much time getting to the ring, but finds himself basking in the love. Carefully stepping into the ring, making sure his cowboy hat stays on, Ricky accepts the mic from Jason Azaria.


    The music cuts. Ricky attempts to start talking, but the crowd won’t let him.


    R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J!


    With a smile, Ricky pleads with the fans to let him speak. Finally, the fans allow him to do so.


    RDJ: Before you folks get your hopes up, my old behind isn’t coming out of a retirement! No, I’m here for a different reason. You see, I know I made the right decision to retire when I did. But when I sit at home as simple ol’ Rick Johnson, I can’t help but wonder what more I could have done for this company. So when I see this company struggling to be what it once was, it hurts me. All I want to do is help this company. Help the men in the back. Help the fans in the crowd. I want TCW to be the best wrestling company it could possibly be. Let’s be honest folks. TCW used to be the top company, but it’s not anymore. It’s not even close. But it can be! It can compete, and it can be the top company again!


    I came here tonight to tell you that…no, I will never wrestle again. But I am back where I love, in TCW! I am back here to help those guys in the back reach their potential and then see if they can surpass it. I am back to help this company put on the best shows possible. I am back to help give you great fans the best experiences imaginable!


    It is my great honor to inform you fans that as of January 2020, Ricky Dale Johnson has formidably agreed to become the Commissioner of the TCW Wrestling Roster!


    Ricky pauses as he receives a large pop from the live crowd.


    RDJ: And you have my word that I will do my best to back up everything I just said. I’m the sheriff around here now, and I plan on using my power to do what is best for TCW!


    The crowd pops as “Invincible” by Skillet begins to play. The fans know it can be only one person. The TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews! In street clothes, Andrews heads to the ring with the big gold on his shoulder. Andrews shakes hands with Ricky before calling for a mic.


    Andrews: Rick, we have had our battles over the years. You even battled me for this title belt. We might not be the best of friends, or friends at all, but I know one thing is for certain. You ARE the heart of TCW!


    The crowd goes nuts, and Andrews is forced to pause as the fans chant again.


    R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J! R-D-J!


    Andrews: Wrestling or retired, you will always be the heart of TCW. So, there’s no doubt in my mind that you are the authority figure that this company can use. So, I think I speak for the entire locker room when I say….Welcome back, Cowboy!


    Andrews applauds Ricky, and the fans follow suit. The celebration is broken up, though, by the sound of “Uprising” by Muse. The crowd begins to boo, as it means TCW’s top heel stable is about to make an appearance. The Syndicate’s leader, Wolf Hawkins appears in the classic Syndicate suit and shades. By his side is none other than his enforcer Chris Flynn, also sporting the same gear. With his usual arrogance, Hawkins takes his time to enter the ring and demands his own microphone. Flynn stands at ringside, waiting for any potential orders.


    Hawkins: Let’s get something straight, Andrews. You don’t speak for me, and you don’t speak for the Syndicate. Let’s just be clear. Ricky? I don’t give a damn about you being back in TCW. You’re just another old man looking for another paycheck.


    RDJ: Oh yeah? Well, I remember one time this old man help break up your own little Syndicate group. Ya know, your group’s first rodeo. Remember? When you were just Tommy Cornell’s little puppy?


    The crowd reacts with an OOOOOHHHHHH. Hawkins appears to be seething, but manages to maintain his composure.


    Hawkins: That was a long time ago. But if you remember past history, I recall putting your shoulders to the mat many times over the years.


    RDJ: That’s right, Wolf. Congratulations, you beat up on an old man. How admirable of you. But, as far I can tell, you’ve had trouble beating that guy over there. I’m talking about the guy wearing the big, shiny gold.


    Ricky gestures to Aaron Andrews.


    Hawkins: Patience, old man. It’s only a matter time before I pass you and become a 4-Time TCW World Heavyweight Champion! You hear that, Aaron? You’re looking at the #1 contender to that title, and it’s long overdue that the World Title belt comes back where it belongs! Right with us, The Syndicate!


    Andrews: Yeah yeah yeah. Last I checked, you were the guy I beat to win this title, Wolf! Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem fighting you anytime! Anywhere!


    RDJ: That’s great! I like to hear that! And ya know what, boys? I’m happy you both came out to welcome me in…well, sort of open arms! You just make my first day on the job easier, because I can just stand here and break my other big news!


    Hawkins: Oh yeah? Well spill it, old man. I know you can’t run fast anymore, but you can at least talk faster.


    RDJ: Cute! Very cute, Wolf! I’m happy you’re all worked up, because Malice in Wonderful is less than three weeks away! M-I-W! One of the most legendary shows in TCW, and it needs a proper main event to celebrate. That said…


    Ricky steps back to the edge of the ring. He gestures to Andrews, then to Hawkins.


    RDJ: I think I have the perfect main event right before me. You’re right Wolf, you earned yourself a title shot, and you are about to get it! At Malice in Wonderful, in the main event, you two will go to war once again! Aaron Andrews! Defending The TCW World Heavyweight Title Against Wolf Hawkins!


    Ricky tips his cowboy hat to Andrews, then to Hawkins.


    RDJ: Best of luck to ya, boys!


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Main Event: TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews defeats Freddy Huggins (Non-Title)


    Co-Main Event: Greg Gauge defeats Edd Stone to retain the TCW Television Championship


    *Show Notes*


    *Not happy with their Six Man Tag Loss the previous week, The Elite would interfere in the TCW Tag Team Championship Match, costing their rivals Devine Fortune their big opportunity against the champions, The Behemoths. Just another chapter in this ongoing feud!


    *Freddy Huggins attempted to walk out on the main event, but his exit was blocked off by the giant, Tana The Mighty! Huggins had back off from a fight with Tana the previous week, but Tana wasn’t going to allow Huggins to back out of another fight! Huggins was “convinced” to return to the ring, and then was promptly hit by Andrews’s Flying Body Press for the 3!

  7. January – Week 1 – 2020


    Creative Meeting


    Kyle Rhodes: Well Ricky, I didn’t just bring you in to see there and look pretty…


    RDJ: Ya didn’t?!


    Rhodes: *laughs* No, I certainly did not. I asked that on your first day here that you might review our roster. Do you think you’re ready to do that?


    Ricky pauses. He looks over the table in the meeting room at BriCo Headquarters. Rhodes, Brent Hill, Joel Bryant, and a few nameless BriCo suits are waiting on him. Ricky looks back at Rhodes and grins.


    RDJ: That depends on how honest you want me to be.


    Rhodes: I didn’t ask you come back to be nice. Just kill me gently.


    RDJ: *chuckles* Listen, I’m pulling your leg. It’s not as bad as some internet geeks might make it out to be, but there’s a lot of work to be done. Folks, at the top we have it pretty solid. Could it be better? Sure. But, Aaron (Andrews) is killing it right now as your top babyface, and Wolf (Hawkins) is the best top heel you could possibly ask for. His Syndicate could be built a little better but…


    Rhodes: Wait, how so? What’s wrong with the Syndicate?


    RDJ: *shrugs* Well, Doc Hammond is a solid wrestler, but I think you could use a better second-in-command to Wolf. Maybe some talented up and comer. You don’t have any future with the Syndicate, just the present with Wolf. The rest of the guys are…well…goons.


    Hill: Who do you think would be a good second-in-command to Wolf?


    RDJ: Well…that’s the problem. I don’t think that guy is on the roster right now. And that’s the problem with the roster right now. You got a bunch of talented guys. Aaron, Wolf, Sammy, Jay, Freddy, Josh, I can go on. But aside from Rip’s boy, these guys are all in their thirties. You got nearly forty wrestlers, and less than ten of them are under thirty. That’s not how you build a future. And I hate to say it folks….but you have a bunch of guys on their last legs, too.


    Rhodes: So you think we need more youth? That’s it?


    RDJ: *shakes his head* No…well…yes. You need youth, but you also need more guys who are ready to grab that brass ring. You have talent…but…


    Bryant: A lot of guys are just happy to get a paycheck.


    Ricky points to Bryant, crediting him for completing his sentence.


    RDJ: Exactly! You look at your midcard guys. They’re fine overall, but which one of these guys do you see moving up to the big time? I mean, you have a roster flooded with journeyman. That’s fine if you just want to stay afloat. But I thought our goal was to compete with SWF and USPW?


    Rhodes: Of course that’s our goal.


    RDJ: Then you need to rejuvenate this roster with fresh talent. Talent ready to take the reins and potentially become a star. The other two companies are having the same problem, more or less. We need to scoop up top talent quicker than they do.


    Hill: Hey guys, speaking of which, what did you think of the kid who’s film I sent over? Davis Wayne Newton?


    Bryant: Loved it. The kid is technically sound in the ring.


    RDJ: Perfect example. That kid is exactly what this company needs right now. He needs to improve on the mic, but he could run circles around some of our guys in the ring. We give a kid like Davis some time, maybe give him a mouthpiece, and he could become one of our best workers.


    Kyle Rhodes nods in approval, liking what he hears.


    Rhodes: Brent, bring this Davis kid in for a couple tryouts. We can put him on the house shows this weekend if he can get here.


    Hill: You got it.


    Rhodes: Alright Rick, let’s focus on the gold now. What do you think of our current champions?


    RDJ: Aaron is money as your World Champion. That’s pretty obvious. He’s top in merchandise, and he has the perfect adversary in Wolf. I mean, those two could feud all the way to Total Mayhem, no problem.


    Rhodes: That’s what I want to hear. What about Greg Gauge?


    RDJ: *shrugs* Greg is perfect for the TV Title. In-ring, the kid is money. He’s just as good as his big brother and his dad. But to be honest, I just don’t know if he’ll ever become a main event, but the kid can put on top notch matches with practically everyone.


    Bryant: I just don’t know if he’ll ever get out of his family’s shadow.


    RDJ: *nods* Yeah, sad to say I agree. Guess we’ll see. But if your goal is to put him over as a successful TV Champion, booking him against Benny Benson is perfect. Benny can make anyone look like gold.


    Rhodes: Alright, so that leaves our Tag Champs, The Behemoths. What d’ya say?


    RDJ: *sigh* I mean, they’re a decent team. But what are you guys doing with the tag team division? It’s abysmal! I mean, why did you guys break up The New Wave?


    Hill: It just felt like it was time, Rick.


    RDJ: When they’re forty?! Don’t you think we kind of missed that mark?


    Rhodes: We just agreed it was that time, Rick. Guide and Scout did all they could together.


    Ricky waves his hands in surrender.


    RDJ: Fine, whatever. But, that doesn’t change that your tag team division is a wasteland, and the tag division is a great place to build new stars.


    Bryant: And revive stars, too.


    RDJ: Exactly. I mean, there’s just nothing there, folks! Before we concern ourselves with who should be wearing the gold, we need to give the champs some legitimate contenders. You got Devine Fortune, The Elite, and what else?


    Hill: There’s Benson & Foxx.


    RDJ: Well, Benny is busy with Gauge right now, so scratch that team. As far as Behemoths go…ehhh…they’re fine. Killer Shark has the look, I just don’t know if the talent is ever going to catch up. And Titan? Well…yeah…journeyman. But the way your tag teams look? They’re perfectly fine as your champs…for now.


    There’s silence in the room as Kyle Rhodes considers Ricky’s opinion. He isn’t fond of the harsh criticism, especially since it was his call to disband The New Wave, more so than anyone else in the room. But he also can’t lie to himself. Ricky is absolutely right about the tag division.


    Rhodes: Alright, maybe we should take a long look at the roster and cook up some new teams. Maybe bring some guys. In the meantime, we’ll keep on having Shark & Titan feud with Mighty Meaty.


    Ricky can’t help himself but laugh. The entire room dies in awkward silence. Ricky looks around the room, then notices that Kyle didn’t take his laughter too kindly.


    Rhodes: Something to say, Ricky?


    RDJ: *pause* Permission to speak freely?




    RDJ: Listen, I love the big guy Tana just as must as anyone here. He’s my boy. But…why in god’s name are you wasting Mo’s best years in that god forsaken tag team?


    Later That Week


    Ricky Dale Johnson is exhausted after only an hour or so backstage at Total Wrestling. So many hugs. So many handshakes. So many people asking him if he’s going to tie up the boots yet again. Kyle Rhodes hasn’t told the locker room why Ricky is at the show just yet, though the rumors are beginning to float. They’re at the West Texas Coliseum, so for all that most know, Ricky is just there to visit old friends.


    Ricky is in the middle of a conversation with his old pal John Anderson, aka Human Arsenal. Anderson has an ear in the office, so he already knows that Ricky is back to ride with the boys. With the secret, Ricky talks with Anderson about a creative idea that came up for John.


    RDJ: Listen man, you’re not that far behind me. You need to make the best of your last days, John.


    Anderson: I hear ya. I just don’t know if I really want to lock in with yet another tag team partner.


    Respectfully, Mighty Mo approaches the two and interrupts the conversation.


    Mo: Excuse me, John. Hey Rick! The boys said you wanted to talk to me?


    RDJ: Hey Mo! How have you been, kid?


    Mo: I’ve been alright. It’s good to see you, Cowboy.


    RDJ: Likewise!


    Ricky says his goodbyes to Anderson, then walks with Mighty Mo to an empty locker room backstage. Ricky closes the door for privacy.


    Mo: So are the rumors true? Are you back on the road?


    RDJ: Ummm…yeah…more or less. No more wrestling, I’m just here to help you kiddies. Maybe a little more here and there. I guess we’ll see.


    Mo: So what? You got an office gig or something?


    RDJ: *shrugs* I guess…maybe. I don’t really have a title. I’m just here to help, and right now I’m here to help you, Mo.


    Mo: Help me how?


    RDJ: Well, I talked to Kyle earlier this week, and he agreed with me that it’s time you get the big opportunity that you’re well overdue for. Starting in tonight’s show, we’re disbanding Mighty Meaty, and you’re going to start a feud with Eddie Peak and set up several singles matches. The hope is get you over real good by the end.


    Mo: Wow, really? Is Tana okay with that?


    RDJ: We haven’t told Tana yet, but trust me, he’ll be fine with this. Tana will be happy for you. The truth is, Mo, this company really needs fresh new stars at the top, and I convinced Kyle that you could be one of those new stars. You’ve been here with this company for a decade now. You’re in your prime, and I think it’s time to see if you can shine.


    Mo: Wow Rick, I appreciate you saying all that. Thanks man.


    RDJ: Don’t thank me yet. This is on you, Mo. You have to prove that you deserve this push. Like I said, you’ve been here ten years. It’s time to sink or swim. Do you know where you rank in merchandise?


    Mighty Mo takes a moment to ponder.


    Mo: Top ten?


    RDJ: *shake heads* Try top five! The crowd loves you, Mo. Now it’s time to prove that you can be a World Champion in their eyes. So take this seriously. This might be the only chance you get…..


    Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Main Event: Wolf Hawkins defeats Sammy Bach & Jay Chord in a Triple Threat Match to become #1 Contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship


    Co-Main Event: TCW TV Champion Greg Gauge & Joshua Taylor battle Benny Benson & Edd Stone to a Double Count Out


    *Show Notes*

    *Human Arsenal Was Ambushed By Sinner Society (Eddie Peak & The Behemoths), causing his DQ Victory over Killer Shark


    *Marc Speed interfered in Danny Fonzarelli Vs Troy Tornado, distracting Fonz to allow Tornado to roll the big guy up...with a handful of tights!

  8. Thanks folks. I'll see how far I can take this.


    Pretty much, my plan is for the actual shows to take a minor backseat in this diary. Instead, I want to create a backstage view from the eyes of RDJ, and be as creative as possible with it.


    That said, I'll include a screen caption of every show result, and some details pertaining to it.


    I might do things differently for PPVs. Maybe I'll do a full, in-depth review of the big events. Still haven't decided on that, yet. I have four episodes of Total Wrestling to mess with my process before I have to decide.


    And lastly, this is me playing my first (devoted) game on TEW2020, so you can potentially see make some stupid mistakes! :D

  9. And there you have it, folks. Starting in January 2020, Ricky Dale Johnson is about to return to the company he calls home for over twenty years. And, with every major show, you will get not just the results, but an inside look of what’s going on backstage at TCW.


    I hope you enjoy the ride, and let’s see how far I can go with this sucker!


    The Texan Rides Again!



    • Like 1
  10. Mrs. Johnson was already in the process of making coffee for her husband, Ricky. After overhearing the conversation at the front door, she began to make a second cup for their guest. Kyle and Ricky were already seated in the living room when she brought the two mugs to the gentlemen.


    RDJ: Thanks, hun.


    Kyle: Yes, thank you, Ms. Johnson. How are you?


    Mrs. Johnson: Better now that this old geezer is out of bed.


    With a grin, Mrs. Johnson left the two men alone in the living room. Flustered, Ricky was left to sit there red-faced. He tried to hide it by sipping his coffee that was still too hot to drink.


    Kyle: You want to do the pleasantries, Rick? Or do you want to get down to business?


    RDJ: Please, for the love of god, just business. My wife is plenty ticked at me for sleeping the morning away.


    Kyle: *laughing* Fair enough then. I just have a proposition I thought you might be interested in. Something big.


    Ricky placed his mug down and shook his head. He was ready to shoot Kyle down.


    RDJ: Kyle, I thought we were past this. I don’t care what match you or Brent (Hill) created in your head. It doesn’t matter how much money. You can forget it.


    Kyle: No Rick, it has nothing to…


    RDJ: Besides, who would I even wrestle? Wolf? Aaron? Eddie? Been there, done it. I guess I could do something with Rip’s boy, but he’s a little @$$. I don’t think you have enough money to ever talk me into that.


    Kyle: Rick, I’m not trying to talk you back into wrestling. I’m here to try to pick at your brain.


    Ricky sat there staring at Kyle, confused. It must have been obvious on Ricky’s face, because Kyle decided to continue on.


    Kyle: *uncomfortable* Look, I’m not going to sit here and act like TCW is doing great right now. We’re alive, but well? I don’t think I can say so. Anytime I think I have something going well, it just isn’t enough to make up ground with USPW and SWF.


    Ricky: What can I say? Losing Rocky was a huge hit. It still hurts, I can tell. But, I don’t blame you for not paying Rocky that type of money. I don’t think one man is worth that much dough, not even Rocky.


    Kyle: Not just Rocky. We lost you, too, Rick.


    RDJ: Yes…well…I was trying to be modest there.


    Kyle: No need to be modest. The company misses you a lot, Rick. Even if you don’t wrestle ever again, TCW could really use someone like you on the inside.


    RDJ: So if you don’t want me to wrestle, what do you want me to?


    Kyle: You want the truth?


    Ricky: I guess. Of course.


    Kyle grew silent. Ricky watched as his old friend grew more agitated before his eyes..


    Kyle: Look, I can sense something changing in the mood with BriCo. They’re not hinting or threatening anything. But if I don’t do something? If I don’t change things for the better? Well…I just have a bad feeling.


    RDJ: Okay, but what you want me to do? How can I help?


    Kyle: I just want you to take part in creative meetings. Once a week at the headquarters in San Antonio. It’s not that far from here.


    RDJ: Yes, Kyle, I’ve been there.


    Kyle: *embarrassed* Well, yes, of course. Rick, nobody knows this business better than you. Not just wrestling itself, but you could talk the people right into giving up their cold hard cash. I could use you in those creative meetings to give a little boost.


    RDJ: I think you have plenty of help already, Kyle. I mean, you got Brent and Joel (Bryant) working with you. They know the business just as much as I do.


    Kyle: Yes, they know wrestling, but they don’t know how to “sell” wrestling. If it was up to Joel and Brent, everybody would have a fifteen minute submission matches. People don’t tune into wrestling nowadays for armbars. They want great action and awesome stories. That’s why I need a guy like you in our creative meetings.


    While Ricky sits there thinking, Kyle continues further.


    Kyle: We’ll pay you for your time, of course. Like said, once a week. All you have to do is keep up with the business. We’ll give you all the video footage you’d possibly need, all the information you’d need. All you’d have to do is show up once a week and give your opinion on the wrestlers, on the storyline, on the entire company.


    RDJ: And what if I say something BriCo doesn’t like?


    Kyle: Then you let me deal with that. It’s just you expressing your opinion anyway. I’m the one that will always stand under fire.


    Ricky takes a long sip of his coffee and turns to look out the nearby window before responding.


    RDJ: I’m not sure I can do it, Kyle.


    Kyle: What do you mean?


    RDJ: You want me to just dip my toes in. I’m not sure I can do that. The itch would be too bad.


    Kyle: I understand, Rick. Look, this was just an offer. It’s not hard feelings if-…


    RDJ: I didn’t say no, Kyle. I would just need time to consider it. Can you give me that?


    Kyle: Of course! Take as much time as you need.


    Later That Night….


    Ricky sits alone in his cozy chair with a glass of whiskey in his grasp. Yet again, he has made the mistake of putting one of his old matches on the television. This time, it’s one of his classic battles with Tommy Cornell. His battles with Tommy feel like just yesterday, yet his hair is much darker on television than it is presently.


    Mrs. Johnson enters the room and sits down on the chair near Ricky. She takes a moment to watch the match on television, then turns to her husband.


    Mrs. Johnson: You beat Tommy for the title in this one?


    RDJ: No, sadly not. He’s got me on this one. It’s one of our best matches, though.


    After a long pause, Mrs. Johnson tells Ricky what he needs to hear.


    Mrs. Johnson: Take the job offer.


    Stunned, Ricky looks at his wife with jaw agape.


    RDJ: You serious?


    Mrs. Johnson: What’s the big deal? You will only be away for a day, maybe two. Besides, you’re a wrestler. You need to stop pretending you don’t need wrestling in your life, retired or not. Maybe this meeting thing will make you cut back on a bottle of Jack or two.


    Mrs. Johnson is surprised to see Ricky isn’t excited to hear this. Instead, Ricky grows solemn, and his eyes droop down to the floor.


    Mrs. Johnson: What’s wrong?


    Ricky looks up towards his wife.


    RDJ: What if that isn’t enough? What if I just want more than just some stupid meetings?


    Mrs. Johnson: What? You want to wrestle again?


    Frantically, Ricky shakes his head.


    RDJ: Hell no. I don’t think so. I mean, I’m almost fifty years old, I’d just embarrass myself out there.


    Mrs. Johnson: Okay, then what?


    RDJ: *Pause* What if I just to go back out on the road? Just go out and be with the business?


    Mrs. Johnson takes Ricky by the hand.


    Mrs. Johnson: If that keeps you from drinking yourself to death, then so be it. Whatever you need to do Rick, me and the kids are right behind you.


    The Next Morning


    Sitting at his desk at BriCo Headquarters, Kyle Rhodes notices that his cell phone screen lights up. When he sees the initials “RDJ” on the screen, Kyle is quick to answer the phone. He knows that he is going to get the answer he desires.


    Kyle: Ricky! What can I do for you?


    RDJ: Kyle, I just wanted to let you know that I’m in. That is, if you’re willing to meet my price tag.


    Kyle: Ricky, you matter as much to this company as anybody ever will. We will figure out money. Don’t you worry about that.


    Kyle says that, knowing that he currently has a strict budget. He hopes it won’t come back and bite him in the rear.


    RDJ: Fair enough. But there is one big thing I need.


    Kyle: What’s that?


    RDJ: *slight pause* I want to go back on the road. If I’m going to help the guys, I need to work with the guys in person. That’s the only way this is going to work.


    Kyle: What are you saying? You want to be a Road Agent or something?


    RDJ: I’ll be whatever you want me to be. I just need to be there working with them if you want results. Just sitting in some corporate meeting isn’t going to find results. You know that, Kyle.


    Kyle does know that. It’s just what BriCo likes Kyle to do. It “looks” good for the head honchos.


    Kyle: So how often do you want to be on the road?


    RDJ: Just for television. Pay-Per-View. Big stuff. I don’t think my knees could tolerate traveling to every house show, if we’re being honest.


    Ricky waits for an answer from Kyle. It doesn’t come right away.


    RDJ: You there, Kyle? BriCo cut you off?


    Kyle: Yeah, I was just thinking. You just gave me an idea. I just don’t know if you’d be up for it.


    RDJ: Oh yeah? What is that? You going to bring back the Cruiserweight Tag Titles and make us champions? I’d have to go on a diet.


    Kyle: *laughs* No Rick…but hear me out. If you’re going to be there, let’s get you back on television.


    RDJ: What do you mean? I’m not wrestling, Kyle. Get over it.


    Kyle: No no, not wrestle. But…TCW sure could use an on-screen authority figure…

  11. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Ricky Dale Johnson awakens to a loud knock. Plenty drousy, Ricky struggles to open his eyes to see his wife standing in the doorway of their bedroom.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Mrs. Johnson:</strong> *annoyed* Rick, you left your cell phone downstairs and it has been ringing over and over. Will you please go get it?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Couldn’t you just have brought it up to me?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Mrs. Johnson:</strong> If I did that, then how would I ever get you out of bed?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Without another word, his wife departs from the bedroom. She’s right. Ricky’s head hurts from another bender. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    It’s been well over two years since Ricky Dale Johnson hung up his wrestling boots. It’s been a mixed world ever since. During the daytime, he is able to block out all the voices. Quality time with his wife and children plus plenty of work on the ranch makes that easy.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    It’s not so easy when daylight sets for the day. There’s nothing much to do then, especially after the kids go to bed. The voices are loud and clear then. The sound of the crowd begging him not to leave on his final day in the wrestling world. There he stood in the middle of the ring, eyes filled with tears, wondering whether he was doing the right thing.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky doesn’t regret retiring, not entirely. He knew his body just wasn’t up to it anymore. He saw what was going on around him. The likes of Aaron Andrews, Wolf Hawkins, & Jay Chord flying all over the ring, putting on five star matches. Meanwhile, it hurt Ricky’s ailing knees just to step through the ropes.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Then it came to that one fateful day. He had to finally had to chose which road he wished to take. Did he want to keep on going until he just broke down completely? Or did he want to bow out with some grace before making a complete fool of himself?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky took the road of grace, despite it having quite the bitter taste.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    At night, only one thing can quiet those voices in his head. That one thing is a large helping of booze, no matter how much it might hurt his head the next day. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Last night was a bad one for Ricky. He made the mistake of watching some old matches, which meant he had to drink more and more. Now, as the morning sunlight peers into the bedroom and claws at his pupils, Ricky faces the consequences of the previous evening’s decisions.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Thankfully without seeing another soul in the process, a hung over Ricky stumbles downstairs to find his cell phone. He realizes he is plenty late to assist his ranch hands on the farm’s daily duties, but he doesn’t care about that right now. That seems to be happening more and more recently, especially during the winter time. Right now, all he cares about is finding that dang phone before Mrs. Johnson scolds him once more. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    There’s no doubt about it. Mrs. Johnson has been on his case more recently. Nothing too cold. She just wants Ricky to know that “she” knows. Heck, she probably saw this coming from a mile away. She was a wrestler’s wife, of course. She had to deal with him on the road for what must have felt like an eternity. Mrs. Johnson must have known the transition wasn’t going to be swift and sweet, no matter how much Ricky might claim things to be.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky is delighted to see his cell phone on the coffee table right in front of his favorite chair. It allows him to plop right down in front of his big screen television. It had been only hours ago that the coffee table had a plethora of beer cans on it as well, but Mrs. Johnson had been kind enough to take care of them.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    The cell phone lights up as Ricky lifts it off the table. It’s almost eleven in the morning, and he has already missed five phone calls. They’re all from the same person. Kyle. It all comes back to Ricky, and he’s left to crumble into his cozy chair, clutching his face.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    He was supposed to be on the road early for a breakfast meeting with Kyle Rhodes, CEO of Total Championship Wrestling. The wrestling company he was with for over twenty years, almost since the start of the company. For so many years, people said he was the heart and soul of TCW. The same people say that the company desperately missed that heart and soul.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Kyle told him it was just a meeting between him and Ricky, but Ricky knew there would be one or two BriCo suits sticking their noises in. BriCo was the company that pretty much saved TCW from extinction when it was repeatedly getting punched in the face by its competitors. Yes, BriCo had saved the company, but had no idea how to revitalize TCW back anywhere near its glory days. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    BriCo had no idea how to build a wrestling company, and certainly didn’t know how to save it. That’s where Kyle Rhodes came into play. Ricky and Kyle had joined TCW at nearly the same time, way back in December 1996. They weren’t best friends, but they had a solid relationship as a result of many years working together. BriCo made Kyle the CEO of TCW, the brains behind the company. Kyle was the man who kept TCW afloat, but he was too busy plugging holes to ever get the ship anywhere.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky had plenty of respect for Kyle to not leave him hanging, but he knew what the meeting was going to be about. No, he wasn’t to try and talk Ricky back for “one more match.” Kyle had already stopped asking that about a year ago. Kyle probably just wanted to bring back the old Texas booked to show up and wave to the crowd. Ya know, sell a couple extra tickets. Lord knows TCW could use the extra bucks.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Total Mayhem, TCW’s biggest show of the year, wasn’t that far off. Maybe Kyle just wanted to try to talk Ricky into taking part of the big show. Last year, he managed to convince Ricky into participating as a special guest referee. Maybe he wanted Ricky to play the role of zebra yet again.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Before he could open his phone and click on Kyle’s name to call, the doorbell to the house rang. Ricky paused, hoping someone else was willing to answer that. The doorbell rang again. He heard no footsteps throughout the house. Looked like Ricky was the lucky winner.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky was quite surprised to open the door to see Kyle Rhodes standing out on his porch.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Kyle?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle:</strong> Ricky! You forget something?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *embarrassed* Yeah yeah…sorry, I was just about to call.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle:</strong> You okay man? You don’t look too great.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah…I got a bit of a cold. That’s why I overslept. Sorry.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Kyle Rhodes froze there briefly, staring at Ricky and his messy hair and beard. His wrinkled clothes told the story of a man who had just crawled out of bed. Most of all, he could smell the stale booze on Ricky’s breathe.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Kyle decided to ignore it. He knew the tale all too well after so many years in the business.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle:</strong> Water under the bridge. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> The BriCo snobs pissed off cause I stood them up?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Kyle responded with a little smirk. The smirk said “you caught me.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, poor them…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle:</strong> You mind if I come in? I have a little business to speak about.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

  12. <p>Just got hit hard for my first PPV, as Wolf Hawkins broke his forearm during a pre-show match (stupid Elliot Thomas!). He could work the main event (vs Aaron Andrews) with the injury, but I'm going to pass on it. </p><p> </p><p>

    That's what I get for even putting Wolf on the pre show. Admittedly, I was just toying around a little bit with the new game. </p><p> </p><p>

    The plan is now to have a Battle Royal to decide a new #1 Contender for Malice in Wonderland to challenge Aaron Andrews. Eddie Peak is set to win it.</p><p> </p><p>

    Works out in the end. Peak just attacked his rival Mighty Mo, so I can play it like Mo will miss a few weeks. Maybe Mo will make a shocking appearance at the PPV (wink wink). </p><p> </p><p>

    This will delay the Andrews-Hawkins feud, meanwhile, which will probably lead me to stretching this feud out all the way to Total Mayhem.</p>

  13. Just some notes as I started off with my first game...


    Stuck with the top two feuds, Andrews/Hawkins (HW Title) & Bach/Chord. My first TV main event was a triple threat, Hawkins vs Chord vs Bach (79). Hawkins wins and receives a title shot versus Andrews as a result. Meanwhile, Chord blames Bach for losing his title opportunity, thus heating up that feud.


    Instead of Mighty Meaty vs The Behemoths, I'm going straight to Mighty Mo vs Eddie Peak, with the rest of Sinner Society acting as cannon fodder for Mo. Long term hope is for Peak to put Mo over in some big, gimmicky match.


    Sticking with Gauge/Benson feuding over the TV Title, but not long term. My major goal is to try and raise Gauge's popularity.


    Started several tag teams from scratch to rebuild the division. One Man Army & Human Arsenal are the big one, as I consider them an immediate top contender. Also went with...


    Danny Fonzarelli & Dave Diamond

    Marc Speed & Matt Hocking (Troy Tornado manages to make a trio not yet named)

    Jeremie Courtney & Roderick Remus

    T-Bone Bright & Jack Avatar (strictly pre-show right now while building stats).


    First wrestler signing was Davis Wayne Newton, who is getting the classic debut push.


    Second was Frederique, because I felt like I badly needed another babyface singles wrestler with solid popularity (Fred sits at 60 to start). I'm just treating him like the career heel turned beloved veteran. He'll be thrust right into a feud with Joshua Taylor after house show monitoring revealed Taylor vs Stone is trash. :mad:


    Last but not least, I paid up to bring back Ricky Dale Johnson to be the Commissioner of TCW. It cost a pretty penny, but I'm big on having an authority figure. I almost went cheap with one of TCW's current managers, but RDJ's charisma and popularity was just too enticing.


    That's all the signings I'm doing for now until I have a better feel financially for the game.


    Oh yeah, and Nicky Champion divorced Persephone during the first week of my game. Dunno if that's a thing everyone gets, but yeah...ya screwed up, Nicky! :D

  14. I'm like a lot of other people here, the new game and format is a lot to get used to. I feel like I find myself just staring at my computer screen and drooling sometimes. There's even some moments I just want to run back to TEW2016 like its my precious, warm blankie.


    It has definitely killed my rhythm with how I'm used to doing things. I keep on trying to do the same ol' things that I usually do, and it's just not possible anymore.


    But, rather than be pessimistic, I'm excited to see it where all takes me. I spent what seemed like hours scrolling and reading bios. My first booked show took what seemed like an eternity. Yet, I'm excited to keep going and improve.

  15. <p>Apologize if this is answered already somewhere. </p><p> </p><p>

    Does a wrestler's "perception" on the roster stay the same no matter what? Or can it fluctuate depending on roster changes?</p><p> </p><p>

    For example, in TEW2016, you have a lower midcarder. But, you add a couple guys with more popularity, so the game suggests that the wrestler is more of an opener after the addition.</p>

  16. I'm pretty excited to dive into TCW, my favorite company by far. With the majority of the 2016 roster still there, I still favor TCW over the other two major US companies. I vastly prefer to build a roster around the likes of Andrews, Hawkins, Chord & Bach.


    I'm excited to see what I can do with Mighty Mo in 2020. In 2016, he always seemed to eventually stall out on me stats-wise, and would just be a tag team wrestler/hired gun. I just always hoped for more.


    I'm happy to see the Syndicate back, which I always bring back myself anyways. I do agree with others, though, the stable members are just okay at best. I think the group could use a better second-in-command than Scout. A young up and comer would fit better. Ya know, like Wolf was to Cornell in the original.


    Four years later, and looks like I'll still do the first thing that I always do with TCW. Sign Davis Wayne Newton! Very shocked he's still available on the indies.

  17. <p>Very happy to see The Syndicate back in TCW. Hawkins reviving the stable has always been a go-to for me in TCW games. The members are decent choices (Scout, Chandler, Johnson, Flynn). All it needs is a Hawkins protege who will eventually challenge him. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    Also like the new Stable menu. Can’t wait to play with that. </p><p> </p><p>

    All I want to do is carry TCW back to stardom. Some things never change.</p>

  18. One year down, currently January 2017 in my TCW game.


    Franchise Players

    1) Champagne Lover *TCW World Heavyweight Champion*

    2) Wolf Hawkins

    3) Rocky Golden

    4) Remo

    5) Mikey James *TCW World Cruiserweight Champion*


    Next Big Things

    1) Ross Henry (wrestles dark matches, manages wrestlers on-screen while stats improve)

    2) Fuyuko Higa

    3) Mighty Mo

    4) Jamie Atherton

    5) Greg Keith (Gauge)


    Hot Prospects

    1) Fuyuko Higa

    2) Jamie Atherton

    3) KC Glenn

    4) Mr. Lucha (III)

    5) Mighty Mo


    Talk The Talk

    1) Champagne Lover

    2) Peter Michaels (pretty much is my Mean Gene Okerlund)

    3) Wolf Hawkins

    4) Rocky Golden

    5) Nicky Champion



    1) Champagne Lover

    2) Wolf Hawkins

    3) Mikey James

    4) Mr. Lucha

    5) Z-Man (Zimmy Bumfhole)


    Ring Generals

    1) Angry Gilmore *TCW International Champion*

    2) Wolf Hawkins

    3) Mikey James

    4) Fuyuko Higa

    5) Matthew Keith


    Who's Hot

    1) Sara Marie York *TCW Women's Champion*

    2) Mr. Lucha

    3) Masked Cougar

    4) Mikey James

    5) Kirk Jameson


    Who's Not

    1) Joel Bryant

    2) Brett Biggins

    3) Bart Biggins

    4) Paige Croft

    5) Mighty Mo


    Time Decline

    1) John Anderson (about to get a big contract from SWF!)

    2) Joel Bryant

    3) Eddie Chandler

    4) Brent Hill

    5) Ricky Dale Johnson ("retired," now TCW Male General Manager)


    Hidden Gems

    1) Ernest Youngman

    2) Ozzie Golden

    3) Masked Stranger

    4) Ant-Man

    5) Rudy Velasquez

  19. I'm currently in mid-2023 with SWF and I WISH I'd been doing this from the start, definitely using this idea in my next game, if you don't mind.


    It's all yours! It's something I cooked up a long time ago and revised it from time to time.


    It worked well with my latest game, where I'm doing a lot of big, gimmicky PPV matches. So, a lot of chances for wrestlers to receive points. The biggest point gain, of course, is winning either the World Heavyweight or World Cruiserweight Championship (which I'm trying to eventually put on the same level).

  20. Another update from my “going all out” TCW saved game. I’ve been treating my PPVs kinda like 90’s WCW did with crazy gimmicky matches. This might be my best example.


    It’s Psycho Circus 2016!


    General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson wanted to send 2016 out with a bang. So, for the December PPV, RDJ booked the first ever Triple Cage Match in TCW! Wolf Hawkins would put his 11 month TCW World Heavyweight Championship reign on the line against 5 challengers. The competitor who reached the top of the Triple Cage and retrieved the championship belt would be the TCW World Heavyweight Champion!


    Atom Smasher & Robbie Retro defeated Joshua Taylor & Silver Tiger

    Smasher needed backup after becoming a target of one of the top teams in TCW, Taylor & Tiger. Much to the surprise of all, that would be an old friend from Smasher’s old company, Robbie Retro! It would be a successful PPV debut for Retro, as the new team of Smasher & Retro are now 2-0! (82)


    Suzanne Brazzle defeated Fuyuko Higa

    Two of the top female wrestlers in TCW do battle, and Brazzle picks up the win in a close encounter. Though, it is clear this feud is just getting started! (80)


    Z-Man defeated Benny Benson

    For weeks, Z-Man (Zimmy Bumfhole) accused Benson of costing him his chance of winning the revived TCW Cruiserweight Championship. Tired of Z-Man’s insults, Benson challenged Z-Man to back his words up in the ring! In the end, Z-Man would reverse Benson’s victory roll attempt into his pinning position, and would use the ropes for leverage as the referee counted to 3! Z-Man steals it! (81)


    The New Wave defeated Aaron Andrews & Art Reed

    In a major slump, Guide & Scout agreed to take on Floyd Goldworthy as their manager after Floyd vowed to take them back to the “Promised Land.” He also vowed New Wave would win in their rematch against TCW’s hottest new team, Andrews & Reed. New Wave did exactly that, but not before Guide would strike Reed in the throat with Goldworthy’s fancy gold cane, setting up the finish! (86)


    Angry Gilmore defeated Valiant & Kirk Jameson in a Triple Threat to retain the TCW International Championship

    Gilmore got swept up in the feud between Valiant & Jameson, which led to RDJ booking his title match. Despite the odds, Gilmore would take advantage of this bitter feud and come away still champion. (91!)


    Rocky Golden defeated Remo in a Steel Cell Match

    Remo targeted Rocky Golden the moment he debuted in TCW months ago, and this blood feud has been relentless ever since. Many brawls, many objects destroyed, many security guards getting tossed around! Their first encounter ended in a Double DQ. Remo won their second encounter, a Street Fight, but not before dishing out a low blow!


    RDJ wanted this feud to end right along with 2016, and so with the Triple Cage booked, he decided to book Golden & Remo in that large bottom cage surrounding the ring and then would have both exits locked tightly shut. A Steel Cell Match, where this feud could finally come to a finale!


    It would be the war that RDJ promised it to be. In the end, Rocky Golden would get his retribution. Bloody and battered, Golden would get his arm raised in victory! (95!)


    The Canadian Animals defeated The All Night Express in a Tornado Tag Match to regain the TCW World Tag Team Championship

    In their first encounter, Freddy Huggins & Edd Stone got themselves blatantly DQ’ed in their first encounter. After winning a big Eight Man Tag Match, ANE (Sammy Bach & Ricky DeColt) would be granted their rematch by RDJ.


    The Animals would cheat again, but this time, the referee wouldn’t catch them in the act! With the ref following Stone & Bach, Huggins would whack DeColt with one of the Tag Titles, setting up the finish! (80)


    Sara Marie York defeated Joanne Rodriguez to retain the TCW Women’s Championship

    Dubbed the biggest women’s match in TCW history by Jessica Gilmore (Women’s GM), the top two females in TCW lived up to the promotion. It looked like J-Rod was going to end York’s inaugural reign, perhaps living up to her prophecy of being the “promised one.” But York surprised J-Rod with a roll up, and caught her for the 3 count! York sneaks away with the successful title defense, but there is no way this is their last encounter! (81)


    Mikey James defeated Nicolas Lopez to retain the TCW Cruiserweight Championship

    Lopez for weeks called James a “fluke champion,” claiming James only won the revived championship because he did it in a fatal four way ladder match. “You never beat me, boy.” After winning a Triple Threat versus Benny Benson & Z-Man, Lopez earned a title shot and a chance to back up his claim.


    He would not! It was a close encounter, but Mikey James proved that his title victory was no fluke. In his first title defense, James would put down the former International Champion, and remain tall atop the Cruiserweight Mountain. (81)


    Triple Cage Match!

    Champagne Lover defeated Wolf Hawkins, Nicky Champion, Eddie Peak, Joss Thompson, & Rogue to become the NEW TCW World Heavyweight Champion

    From the moment that this match was announced, Hawkins accused RDJ of attempting to take the World Title off of him. It would appear Wolf’s complaint might have some ammunition now.


    Nevertheless, Champagne Lover vowed to become TCW World Heavyweight Champion during his first promo with the company. After making a triumphant return from Hollywood movie making, Lover fulfilled his vow. Among the ruckus, it would be Lover reaching the top of the Triple Cage and retrieving the World Title!


    As 2016 came to a close, it would be Lover literally standing above everyone else with the World Title. Who knows what that means for TCW and 2017! (99!!!)


    All in all, a pretty good PPV. The two cruiserweight matches were a bit of a disappointment, particularly James/Lopez. Was hoping for at least a B+. But, in the end, I can’t complain about a 99 main event!

  21. I use Microsoft Excel for each of my saved games. Each worksheet on the Excel file is dedicated to each division (i.e. Heavyweights, Cruiserweights, Women, Staff). Just a roster listing in order by popularity/push, with tag teams and managers noted beside each.


    On my first (top) worksheet, I also keep a list of all my current storylines and the next major card, just to make sure I hit every topic that particular week. I book for that storyline, I bold it on my excel sheet, then I move onto the next storyline (that's fitting for the card structure). If I don't have time for a particular storyline that week, I make note of it and make sure that feud is top priority the following week.


    As complex as that might sound, I used to do waaaay more, then dumbed it down when I realize I was wasting time and making things too complicated.

  22. My last post about my TCW game gave me an itch to do another, so here we go.


    Just an fyi, I pretty much look at this game as my last for TEW2016, so I’m going all out with my favorite company. Scooping up all the top guys, doing gigantic PPVs with a ton of gimmick matches, building up male and women divisions.


    TCW News!

    December 2016


    TCW revealed its 13th Pay-Per-View of the year, dubbed Wrestler of the Year. On the PPV, there would be an eight man tournament, the winning walking away with the WOTY trophy!


    TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson revealed the 2016 Points Rankings that would establish the tournament brackets. For every win in 2016, a wrestler received one point. But! There were bonus points issued for title victories and special gimmick matches (for example, The Total Mayhem Match). The top eight wrestlers in the rankings were issued a spot in the tournament! The brackets were as follows:


    (#1) Wolf Hawkins vs Aaron Andrews (#8)

    (#4) Mikey James vs Freddy Huggins (#5)

    (#3) Eddie Peak vs Jay Chord (#6)

    (#2) Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach (#7)


    Sorry folks, I actually did the entire points rankings to build these brackets, but accidentally deleted it. It was tedious and I wasn’t doing it again! I assure you, these brackets are legit!


    One tiebreaker match would be needed to complete the bracket. Tied in points, Jay Chord would defeated Sammy Bach in singles competition to secure the 6th Seed.


    Unfortunately, Jay Chord would suffer an injury (*cough* suspended after starting a locker room fight *cough*), and was removed from the tournament. There was a Six Pack Challenge, pitting the wrestlers who came in 9th Through 14th Place in the Points Rankings against each other, the winner replacing Jay Chord in the tournament. Nicky Champion would win the honor, taking Chord’s spot as the 6th Seed.


    Without further to do, here is the 2016 Wrestler of the Year Tournament, Live on Pay-Per-View!


    Opening Round Matches


    TCW World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews, the man he took the World Title from all the way back in January 2016. Hawkins advances to the Semis.


    TCW Cruiserweight Champion Mikey James defeated TCW World Tag Team Champion Freddy Huggins. James advances to face Wolf Hawkins.


    Nicky Champion defeated Eddie Peak to advance. Peak would attempt to use the same spike that helped him defeat rival Joss Thompson just two weeks prior. But Thompson would appear and snatch the spike from Peak before Eddie could use it! Thompson distracted Peak enough to allow Champion to take advantage and secure the win!


    Goliath beats David this time, as Rocky Golden defeated Sammy Bach to advance to the Semis.


    Semi Final Matches


    Heavyweight Champion vs Cruiserweight Champion! In an intense, back and forth encounter, Wolf Hawkins defeated Mikey James to secure his spot in the finals.


    In a battle of top fan favorites, Rocky Golden defeated Nicky Champion to move on to the tournament finals.


    The Finals!


    The rematch of the Main Event of Total Mayhem XX! It’s only fitting in the finals of the Wrestler of the Year Tournament! In the end, Wolf Hawkins defeated Rocky Golden, but not without controversy. When the referee was down from a hard collision, Golden’s blood rival Remo would make his presence known and lay out Rocky! Hawkins would take full advantage and hit the Full Moon Rising for the 3!


    Perhaps it’s just fitting how its end. Wolf Hawkins, raising both the Heavyweight Title and Wrestler of the Year Trophy up into the air at the same time as the PPV came to an end!


    Non-Tournament PPV Matches


    Continuing his (literal) monster push, Ray Diaz demolished Brent Hill to remain undefeated in TCW.


    Kirk Jameson & Remo defeated TCW International Champion Angry Gilmore & Valiant. Gilmore and Valiant struggled to stay on the same page, which led to an argument late. Jameson & Remo would take advantage, with Remo securing victory for his team.


    Joanne Rodriguez & Fuyuko Higa defeated TCW Women’s Champion Sara Marie York & Suzanne Brazzle. York had to watch as #1 Contender J-Rod had her arm raised after pinning Brazzle. York versus J-Rod for the Women’s Title is already signed for TCW Psycho Circus, and people are calling it the biggest women’s match in TCW history!


    Nicolas Lopez defeated Benny Benson & Z-Man (Zimmy Bumfhole) in a Triple Threat Match to become #1 Contender to the TCW Cruiserweight Championship.

  23. TCW News!

    November 2016


    With the TCW roster beginning to grow larger and larger, the TCW Board decided to revive the Cruiserweight division, splitting the male division in two. Ricky Dale Johnson, General Manager of the TCW Male Roster, revealed that at A Little South Of Sanity, there would be a Four Way Ladder Match to crown the brand new Cruiserweight Champion.


    There were four qualifying matches to decide who will participate in the Ladder Match, and the results were the following:


    One of TCW hottest rising stars, Mikey James defeated Silver Tiger to join the Ladder Match.


    After retiring the team High Concept with Greg Black, Benny Benson advanced by defeating TCW Tag Team Champion Edd Stone.


    A newer face to TCW, Z-Man (Zimmy Bumfhole) defeated Greg Black to advance.


    After losing the International Title to Angry Gilmore only weeks prior, Nicolas Lopez joined the Cruiserweight Division and advanced to the ladder match by defeating Masked Cougar.


    In a non-stop, action filled contest filled with plenty of ladder chaos, it would be Mikey James who would retrieve the Cruiserweight Title from high above. In his post-match interview, James made it clear to TCW fans that he will not allow the Cruiserweight Title to once again become a forgettable, lower card championship.


    “Yeah, we might be the smaller guys, but we can bring the fight as much as anyone. Mark my words! I swear on whatever you want me to swear on! By the time someone finally manages to pry this title from my cold dead hands? This Cruiserweight Title will be as prestigious as any championship in the wrestling world!”


    In Other News…


    TCW World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins came to the ring to celebrate his successful defense over Nicky Champion at Threatening Behavior, bringing their intense feud to a conclusion.


    Surprise! After going away to film a movie, Champagne Lover made his anticipated return to TCW, interrupting Wolf's celebration! Lover would challenge Wolf for his TCW World Heavyweight Championship, believing he was worthy because of a singles victory (via DQ) over Hawkins. After several altercations between the two, it would be Ricky Dale Johnson who booked the match to headline A Little South Of Sanity!


    What we would witness would be an instant classic! Hawkins & Lover would battle to a 60 Minute Time Limit Draw! Neither man could defeat the other in an hour’s time! (98 Rating!)


    Afterwards, Lover would call for sudden death, and eventually GM RDJ would come out and propose it as well! Reluctantly, Wolf Hawkins would return to ringside with his title. But, just before re-entering the ring, Hawkins called for a mic.


    “You had your chance!”


    Just those four words directed at Lover, then Hawkins tossed the mic and marched out of the arena with his title belt!

  24. I'm heading back to the Cornellverse once more, I just enjoy it more than the real world mods! But this time, I decided to do things a bit different than I have before.


    I created a new Cult company, using my usual self-created company name, 5 Star Wrestling. It's depicted as early years Ring of Honor (ish). To go a step further and adding some Japan touch to it, 5SW is treated as a legit sports business. UFC, eat your heart out.


    Both singles and tag matches are set by company rankings for both divisions. Every match matters, every win and loss matters! You beat the man or team, you keep your spot in the rankings, or you take their spot higher up in the rankings. You want a title shot? You get to the top of the rankings!


    First step in my game was completing a 16 man tournament to crown the inaugural 5SW World Heavyweight Champion. That honor went to Roger Cage, one of my favorite wrestlers because of his solid in-ring skills and excellent entertainment qualities.


    And what's better than a 16 Man Tournament? A 16 Tag Team Tournament! That's right, I'm in the midst of crowning my inaugural tag champs. Most likely, the first ever champs will be The Occult (Kill Switch & Hell's Bouncer). They have positive chemistry, and they're a fun combo, so it's a nice way to start the division.

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