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Posts posted by dbritton987

  1. <p>A small update on my TCW game. We're about to head into this year's Total Mayhem PPV, with just one PPV left before the big show (Where Angels Fear To Tread). </p><p> </p><p>

    I've always had this special match to set up the #1 Contender at Total Mayhem, pretty much like WWE's way to set up a contender with the Elimination Chamber, except the match is Money in the Bank with a World Title Contract hanging above the ring. So right now, I have the top 6 TCW stars dueling for that opportunity. My goal is for Jay Chord to win, who is leading a heel stable called The New Era. That could be altered, unfortunately, if Rocky Golden is yet again unwilling to accept a loss. That has been an issue! haha</p><p> </p><p>

    Meanwhile, I need a filler PPV main event, and I found it. Ricky Dale Johnson's talents continue to dwindle, and I have the perfect "going out" match. After Wolf Hawkins's last PPV World Title Defense, RDJ confronted the champ and asked for an opportunity. One more title match, and if he loses? RDJ vows to retire! Reluctantly, Wolf Hawkins accepted the match out of respect. The outcome might seem clear, but TCW fans are guaranteed to fill the arena and buy the PPV in the hopes that the legendary RDJ can pull off one more big win!</p><p> </p><p>

    On midcard news, the tag team division is starting to grow to the point that I enjoy. I love a solid tag team division, so much that I prefer at least 3 tag team feuds at once. The Canadian Animals lead the way as the champs right now, with the Fearless & Mighty (Masked Cougar & Mighty Mo) currently standing as #1 Contenders. </p><p> </p><p>

    More tag teams continue to join the fray, including the newest one of Aaron Andrews & Mr. Lucha. After suffering several heart breaking losses and depressed by his own losing streak, Andrews is confronted by Lucha with an opportunity. Andrews is looking to regain his stardom, Lucha is looking to take over the United States like he took over Mexico. Lucha proposes they take over and become the hottest team in TCW. Andrews accepts, and they seem primed to take over the tag division...if they survive the implosion of their own egos! </p><p> </p><p>

    I wish I had the time to write a dynasty like I used to, but unfortunately life makes that problematic. Anyways, good luck to everyone with their careers!</p>

  2. <p>Despite spending over 50% of my time on TCW with TEW2013, I’m only diving into the company now on TEW2016. Truth be told, I didn’t like the roster at all, and with Tommy Cornell gone? I really wasn’t interested. But finally, favorite wrestlers of mine like Wolf Hawkins & Eddie Peak were calling out to me, and I couldn’t help myself. </p><p> </p><p>

    I spent a lot of time overhauling before producing a single card. I even restarted at a point because (can’t remember exactly what) I realized I could do something a lot better. Thankfully too, because a ton of wrestlers were in decline (Sammy Bach, Troy Tornado, etc) on my first save that weren’t on my second!</p><p> </p><p>

    Anywho, my biggest change was to maneuver TCW back towards it Sports Entertainment ways without angering the fans. I have no problem with Tradition Updated, but really? TCW doesn’t even have the roster to really do that. But they do have a ton of charismatic guys who can still pull off Sports Entertainment. </p><p> </p><p>

    And despite ever doing it so early in any other save? I quickly changed the Figurehead from Rocky Golden to Wolf Hawkins, right after turning Wolf face. Sorry Rocky, but my best success in TCW has always been behind Wolf (& Tommy). I’m going to rely on history for now. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I had to pay a hefty penny to make an angry Rocky Golden feel better, but I think it’ll be worth it long time. </p><p> </p><p>

    I also bit the bullet and bought out the contract with Pop! Network to move over to USA Sports, a much better network that airs all over the world. No way was I going to stay on Pop! for the entire two year contract. </p><p> </p><p>

    Also plan on opening Developmental asap, but don’t want to do too much soon. Already dished out a ton of cash right away for my vision.</p><p> </p><p>

    Soooo….I really hated the champions to start with TCW. Like, hate is putting it nice. So the first TV card in 2016 was TCW Championship Week! Sammy Bach defeated Marc Speed for the International Championship. The Canadian Animals won a Triple Threat Tag Team Contest to win the Tag Team Championship. And Rocky Golden finally got his return match to defeat Aaron Andrews!...by DQ due to interference by Eddie Peak, thus Andrews retains the World Championship…wuh wuh…</p><p> </p><p>

    So after a bumpy start, everything is going smooth by the end of the first move. The right guys are getting pushed, and a bunch of new talent have been signed (Roger Cage, Mr. Lucha, Kirk Jameson, Davis Wayne Newton, etc.) </p><p> </p><p>

    Last but not least, these are the main storyline matches for the first pay-perview of my save and of 2016, TCW Malice in Wonderland:</p><p> </p><p>

    The Canadian Animals defeat High & Devine (Benny Benson & Darryl Devine) with underhanded tactics to retain the TCW Tag Team Championship.</p><p> </p><p>

    Ricky Dale Johnson defeats Jay Chord after Chord gets himself intentionally disqualified. Chord would assault RDJ after the match. </p><p> </p><p>

    Sammy Bach defeats Troy Tornado with a Roll Up to retain the TCW International Championship. It’s clear that this feud is far from over after such a close encounter!</p><p> </p><p>

    In a Wild Brawl, Rocky Golden defeats Eddie Peak. Afterwards, Golden looks back into the ring to find Peak maniacally laughing, begging Golden that they “do it again.”</p><p> </p><p>

    In the Main Event, Wolf Hawkins defeats Aaron Andrews to become the NEW and 3-Time TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Cue the fireworks. </p><p> </p><p>

    I do like Aaron Andrews, and he was one of my guys in TEW2013. I just think he needs a bit more work before putting the World Title of a National company on him. </p><p> </p><p>

    And there we go. Time to rebuild TCW back into the powerhouse it once was!</p>

  3. <p>I decided to bow out as booker of MAW after receiving a pretty crazy goal of making a profit of $100,000 in one year, when the company was barely making money per month (was more interested in increasing popularity). My approval rating was at High, so I decided to move on and start my own company.</p><p> </p><p>

    Thus, Five Star Wrestling is born (yes, with an actual star in the logo!). Cult Level, cause hey, why not. FSW starts off as a mix of promising talents and old stars who are there to...well...put the promising talents over! </p><p> </p><p>

    Unfortunately for MAW, I raided much of the talent that I worked so hard to put over. Fro Sure, El Mitico, Delirium, Blue Phantom, etc. Dynamite Express might be a future option, too, if I don't care much for my tag division. Sam Keith can't be too upset, he signed on to be a Road Agent! haha</p><p> </p><p>

    Buddy Garner is my reigning World Champion right now, though it's a stopgap. It's all about the up and coming talent, and whoever I might snatch away from other companies.</p>

  4. Two years have passed in my MAW career. The roster has had a massive overhaul in 24 months, both by my choice and bigger companies snatching my top stars. Greg Gauge is now working for USPW, and Kill Switch (Frankie Perez) is now in BHOTWG after a long stint as MAW Champ.


    Davis Wayne Newton now reigns at the top of MAW as Sam Keith's prized champion after Keith's son departed. He's coming off a long feud with MAW mainstay, Roderick Remus. Remus was able to defeat DWN for the COTT World Heavyweight Title, but faltered when the MAW World Heavyweight Title was on the line.


    MAW is currently in a transition as far as feuds go. The biggest feud going on right now is between former tag team partners Fro Sure & Logan Wolfsbaine. Logan turned on Fro when they failed to take the Tag Titles from the Dynamite Express. Fro Sure, meanwhile, won the 2018 Rip Chord Invitational Challenge, and as a result has been awarded a MAW World Heavyweight Title Shot.


    As far as the rest of the roster goes, Dynamite Express continue to roll on their historic reign as Tag Champs. 3 years and counting! Blue Phantom ended Delirium's year long reign as the MAW American Champion, though their feud is far from over. Delirium has become a personal fav, being that he's being billed as a crazed maniac who rarely is pinned but loses often due to Disqualification because of foreign objects he hides in his gear.


    As far as the business side goes, MAW is very close to Regional level, and now only faces two penalties as far as production goes (I don't improve it unless I make a monthly profit). As for my created character, I'm nearing the Highest Reputation, so I'll have to make the decision soon whether to stay with MAW or start my own company.


    Right now, my character's resume has been sent to TCW following the removal of Kyle Rhodes as CEO. I doubt I'll get hired, but we'll see what happens.

  5. <p>First year completed in my MAW career, just a quick check in on their champion roll call at the start of 2017.</p><p> </p><p>

    MAW World Heavyweight: Kill Switch (since September 2016)</p><p>

    MAW American: Delirium (since December 2016)</p><p>

    MAW Tag Team: The Dynamite Express (since October 2014!!!)</p><p> </p><p>

    And, an added bonus...</p><p> </p><p>

    COTT World Heavyweight: Davis Wayne Newton (since December 2016)</p><p> </p><p>

    My favorite storyline brewing. The COTT Title was vacated when Fox Mask signed with SWF. So Sam Keith, looking for his next big star after his son Greg signs with TCW, uses his power to book the crowning of the new COTT champ on one of his cards. The matchup? The aging Tank Bradley versus Keith's prized new signing...The Triple Threat...Davis...Wayne...Newton!</p>

  6. <p>Man, this thread is my saving grace right now. I'm determined to make something out of MAW, and a few tips here and there on this thread is exactly what I needed.</p><p> </p><p>

    The roster has some fun characters, but definitely has dead weight at the same time. Steadily, I've just been swapping them out for better talent, most of them at a cheaper price.</p><p> </p><p>

    But yeah, it's hard to make a buck right away with MAW. That's been my trouble. And yeah, I fell for the production trap. </p><p> </p><p>

    So I'm give it another go from the start with what I know now. Probably this time put the belt on Roderick Remus just to switch it up. Hopefully I don't get the same handicap again, which was Remus & Greg Gauge having terrible chemistry. Man, did that hurt my plans!</p>

  7. I was looking over everyone's diaries here and see how much fun some are you having, and dangit, I thought it would be fun too!


    I don't see a TCW Diary on here, and seeing that I haven't enjoyed any company more than TCW right now, I figure that's a good place to go. Unfortunately, I don't really have time to dive deep into the real world mods and such. I wish I did. But, I enjoy nothing more right now than coming home after work and putting together one or two TCW shows.


    So, I'm going to hop into the diary in November 2013, give a quick summary of what has happened for the first 10 months, and then try to give an update after every PPV Show.


    I think I'm going to call it "TCW: Making Mr. Cornell Proud." Seeing that Cornell seems to want his nose in everything!

  8. Hey guys, just two small requests that maybe someone can pull together.


    1) Joshua Taylor w/Sunglasses - I have him teaming with Danny Fonzarelli in TCW, but they're the only team I have that really looks like an odd couple. Preferably with large sunglasses, but hey I'll take what I can get!


    2) Joss Thompson in a Suit (Sunglasses optional) - This might be floating around somewhere, but Thompson is my newest member of the Syndicate and future replacement of Wolf Hawkins when he turns face. So I want him to fit in.



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