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Posts posted by dbritton987


    TCW A Little South of Sanity 2020




    Masked Cougar Vs. Capitao Brasil Jr.

    Masked Cougar looks to continue his undefeated streak in TCW. This time, TCW’s newest face is in his way, and that face also happens to be masked! Brasil won his debut match on TCW Uprising, and looks to continue his success tonight.


    The two competitors go back and forth a bit, showing off their amazing technical and high flying abilities. But as the match goes forward, Cougar takes over and has Brasil reeling. Here it is! I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar! The cover, 1,2,3! Masked Cougar remains undefeated in TCW!


    Frederique & Danny Fonzarelli Vs The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking)

    Frederique is clutching his jaw after the blackjack shot he took from Jay Chord in the Bunkhouse Brawl, but nevertheless, this tag match is a go! The new team of Fred & Fonz come out of the gates red hot, but of course, it is only a matter of time until the third wheel of Shade Gang, Troy Tornado, gets involved and sways the momentum in their direction.


    Shade Gang cuts the ring off on Frederique and attempt to dismantle him, but they can’t get the three count. Hocking executes a beautiful Top Rope Moonsault to put Frederique away, but Fred rolls away, leaving Matt to crash and burn!


    Here comes Fonzarelli with the hot tag! Fonzarelli catches Hocking with a big boot and goes for the cover, but Speed breaks it up. Frederique is back in it, and it’s an all out brawl now. Frederique and Speed fall to ringside, and when Tornado thinks Referee Francis Long isn’t looking, he shoves Frederique into the ringpost! Long doesn’t catch it, but is suspicious of how Tornado is standing over Frederique. Long sends Tornado to the showers ! He’s out of here!


    Long and Tornado argue over the referee’s decision. Meanwhile, Speed and Hocking double team Fonzarelli in the ring. Wait a minute! It’s the Dazzling One! He’s back from injury! Dave Diamond is in the ring, he came out of the crowd! Diamond hits Hocking with a huge lariat, then catches Speed with a boot to the gut. Here it comes! Speed gets planted with the Dazzle Driver! Diamond slips out of the ring before Referee Long sees any of this…but Tornado sure did! Troy is having a temper tantrum on the entranceway!


    Hocking is left alone with Fonzarelli, and he’s in trouble! The Retro Rocket! Boom! 1,2,3! Frederique and Fonzarelli pick up the big tag team win, and celebrate with Diamond.


    Six Man Tag Team CAGE Match!

    Mighty Mo & “TCW World Tag Team Champions” W.M.D.


    The Sinner Society (Eddie Peak & The Behemoths)

    The cage is lowered down onto the apron, the massive amount of humanity enters the ring, and here comes the carnage. Folks, this is not for the faint of heart. There are no flips or moonsaults or dives off the top rope from these big guys. There are just punches, kicks, and using the cage as a weapon as much as possible!


    Mo, Human Arsenal, & One Man Army start off hot, but that’s until Floyd Goldworthy slips in a spike to Peak. When Mo least expects it, Peak drives the spike into Mo’s throat! Mo collapses to the mat, gasping for air! For a long while, W.M.D. is left in a two-on-three handicap match with the Sinner Society, and it isn’t pretty. The Behemoths smash Arsenal repeatedly off the cage. Meanwhile, Peak covers OMA’s painted face with his own blood by piercing his forehead with the spike!


    Mo is back up, and he’s enraged! Mo goes crazy, hitting every that moves. Even Floyd Goldworthy goes flying to the floor after he tries to climb the cage to distract Mo! Mo presses Titan’s face against the steel cage and grates his face until the Behemoth’s blood covers the structure!


    Mo turns to see Peak pulling himself up in the corner. Mo rushes him and delivers a huge avalanche splash. Mo starts to lift Peak up onto the top rope, and climbs up there as well. It looks like…yes, it looks like Mo is trying to hit Peak with some type of samoan drop or death valley river from the top rope. Peak fights though, and the two men begin to brawl on the top rope. It looks like Mo is gaining the advantage, but then Peak grips his hand tightly around Mo’s throat and begins to squeeze the life out of him!


    Peak lifts Mo up and sends him plummeting from the top rope with a SUPER Chokeslam! Mo comes crashing down on both the W.M.D. & Behemoths, wiping out all the competitors on the mat! Oh my god!


    Peak climbs down from the top rope and looks for his victim, a sick smile on his face. Human Arsenal is the first man to his feet, and pays the price for it. The Peak of Perfection! Peak plants Arsenal! The cover, 1,2,3! Eddie Peak wins it for the Sinner Society! The bloody, brutal cage match is finally over!


    The Davis Wayne Newton Open Challenge!

    Newton’s ego has escalated tremendously from not yet tasting defeat here in TCW, so much so that he has challenged anyone on the TCW roster to a match tonight.


    Newton awaits his opponent for a long moment, and then the music of Flying Jimmy Foxx hits! It all makes sense as the two men exchange trash talk. Newton defeated Foxx’s tag team partner, Bart Biggins, earlier this week on TCW Total Wrestling, and proceeded to stand over and mock Bart post-match. Foxx is out here to avenge his partner, and teach the newcomer some respect!


    And that’s exactly what Foxx does for awhile in this contest. Foxx has Newton reeling after a dropkick knocks Newton to the floor. Foxx then follows up with a splash off the top rope, wiping Newton out at ringside.


    Foxx’s next attempt at an aerial assault, though, falters, as Newton trips him on the top rope, crotching Foxx on the turnbuckle. Newton sends Foxx tumbling to the mat after a sick enziguri to the head.


    After that, it is the Newton show. Foxx tries to fight back into the match, but the Triple Threat is always one step ahead. After Foxx misses with yet another aerial attack, Newton is there to put him away with the Fisherman’s Suplex! 1,2,3, Davis Wayne Newton picks up yet another win over a veteran TCW talent!


    TCW Television Championship Match

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs Joshua Taylor

    This instantly becomes a technical masterpiece, as these two talented competitors pull out some impressive maneuvers in the hopes to gain the momentum. Don’t get me wrong, these two don’t like each other, so there are also some stiff punches!


    Outside the ring, it looks like Taylor is gaining the advantage, but that’s when Gauge dodges his flying knee off the apron. Taylor lands on the floor awkwardly, clearly tweaking his left knee. Gauge sees it immediately, and it becomes his target. Gauge lifts up Taylor and drives that knee into the steel steps, and that’s only the start of it!


    Taylor can barely stand. Gauge does all he can to torment Taylor, but yet the injured Joshua refuses to submit. Gauge even locks in the Proton Lock, his version of the Texas Cloverleaf, but even then Taylor scratches and claws to the bottom rope. Looking to put him away, Gauge goes to hit the Broken Gauge, but Taylor manages to flip out of it on one foot! Taylor connects to Gauge’s face with a Rolling Heel Kick, buying himself some time to recover!


    Hopping on one foot, Taylor fights back into this match, and he actually has the TV Champion reeling. After catching Gauge on the top rope, Taylor hits Gauge with a perfect Superplex. Instead of covering, Taylor stalks Gauge as he gets to his feet. Wait a minute…what the hell…there’s a fan on the apron, arguing with Referee Ray Johnson!


    Jason Azaria: Wait a minute Kyle…yes, that’s the same red haired woman who jumped the barricade last month at The War To Settle The Score! What is going on here?


    Kyle Rhodes: You’re right, Jason! There is no way this is a coincidence. She got involved in Greg Gauge’s title match last month, and here she is again!


    Once again, the red haired woman is trying to get in the ring, and Referee Johnson is fending her off as TCW officials hit ringside to escort the woman away. But, the commotion distracts Joshua Taylor long enough to benefit Gauge. Gauge comes up behind Taylor and connects with a chop block that makes Taylor do a 180 flip before crashing hard to the mat! Taylor is in agony!


    Gauge locks on the Proton Lock again, and Taylor is now in serious trouble. He tries to drag himself to the ropes again, but this time Gauge drags him back to the center of the ring before he can do so. In agonizing pain and drained of all energy, Taylor is left with no choice if he wants to avoid serious injury. Bitterly, Taylor softly slaps his hand against the mat! Taylor taps! Greg Gauge successfully retains his TV Title in arguably his toughest defense to date!


    Eight Man Tag Team Action

    Benny Benson, Edd Stone, & Devine Fortune


    The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, & The Elite)

    Tonight, four men with all their own issues with the Syndicate have aligned together to gain some revenge against the faction. It’s all out mayhem to start the match, as the action spills out all over ringside before Referee Long can gain some control. By then, Doc Hammond hip tosses Chance Fortune into the steel steps, leaving Syndicate with a temporary 3-on-4 advantage.


    The Syndicate takes advantage and tries to dismantle Fortune’s partner, Darryl Devine inside the ring. The Elite attempt to put Devine away with their finisher, The Elitism. Devine, though, manages to flip out of the maneuver and catches both Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson with a flying double clothesline!


    Benson gets the tag and he comes into the ring on fire, hitting everything that moves. Benson hits Chandler with the Shockwave From Next Year, but Chris Flynn breaks up the pinfall. This leads to all out mayhem again, as a rejuvenated Chance Fortune comes flying into the ring, tackling Flynn to the mat and pummels Chris on the way out of the ring.


    Referee Long loses all control again, and this time, it doesn’t look like he’s getting it back. Darryl Devine gets tosses over the commentating table and onto the announcer’s table. Fortune gets some revenge on Hammond, wiping him out at ringside with a front flip off the ring apron.


    Back in the ring, The Elite have the 2-on-1 advantage on Benny Benson. Chandler & Johnson hit Benson with the Elitism! The legal man Chandler goes for the pin, but Referee Long informs Chandler that Benson is no longer the legal member of his team! The Elite is arguing with Long when Edd Stone comes flying off the top rope! Stone wipes out both Elite members with a Double Dropkick!


    Referee Long points to Stone as the legal man! Apparently, he made the blind tag for his team, and The Elite never saw it! Stone targets Chandler as he gets up. The Party’s Over! Stone hits it! 1,2,3! Edd Stone gets the win for his team!


    “Jump Around” by House of Pain plays as Stone’s team celebrates by carrying Edd around the ring. Syndicate is sent in retreat tonight, though this war seems far from over, especially between the two rivals Stone & Chris Flynn, who exchange some words post-match.




    TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Aaron Andrews ( C ) Vs. Freddy Huggins

    Despite how arrogant Huggins has come into this match, the champ Andrews comes out on fire. Freddy is in big trouble as the World Champions beats him up from post to post. Huggins is forced to escape to ringside to regain his composure, but Andrews goes out right after him and continues to beat up Freddy at ringside.


    That’s when Laura Catherine Huggins gets involved, and distracts Andrews with her…ummm…persuasion? It does its job, as Freddy enters the ring, runs off the ropes and wipes Andrews out at ringside with a suicide plancha! Huggins takes full advantage of his sister’s distraction and takes complete control of the match inside the ring.


    The Huggins Kiss! Freddy hits it! 1,2,3NO! Andrews barely gets his shoulder up! Huggins is in disbelief, to the point that he begs Referee Johnson to change his decision. Johnson looks at Freddy as if he’s crazy and shakes his head! Too much time wasted already, Huggins goes for the Huggins Kiss again, but this time Andrews breaks free. Andrews races off the ropes and flips Huggins inside out with a spear!


    It’s all Aaron Andrews from there, as he’s back to beating up Huggins all over the ring. Huggins is in trouble. Andrews goes to hit Huggins with the running kick he calls The Ace in The Hole, but Huggins dodges it. Huggins shoves Andrews from behind, and Aaron collides with Referee Johnson as a result! Johnson goes tumbling through the ropes and to the ringside floor!


    Kyle Rhodes: What the-?! That looked deliberate! I think Huggins meant to throw Andrews into the referee!


    And Kyle just might be right. After wiping Huggins with a spinebuster, Andrews targets Huggins once more for his finisher. That’s when The Coach of Freddy Corp., Julian Watson, comes running down to ring, and immediately climbs to the top rope. The Coach flies off and whacks Andrews over the head with his coach’s clipboard!


    Kyle Rhodes: Julian Watson just might have knocked Andrews out cold with that clipboard!


    Jason Azaria: A clipboard?! That thing looks as thick as a brick!


    Watson drags Huggins on top of a motionless Andrews, then tosses Referee Johnson back into the ring! Johnson comes to enough to make a slow count. 1….2….Andrews gets his shoulder up! Laura Huggins & Julian Watson are stunned at ringside! They can’t believe it!


    The crowd erupts as “Dare” by Gorillaz hits the PA! Julian Watson’s jaw drops as a ticked off Tana The Mighty comes marching down to the ring! Watson charges Tana, only to get a chop to the head, knocking the Coach silly! Watson stumbles to the feet and starts to flee through the crowd. Tana goes after him, chasing Watson out of the arena for the second time tonight!


    Huggins is now all alone with Aaron Andrews in the ring. With Referee Johnson still foggy, Huggins arms himself with that awfully thick clipboard, which Watson left on the mat. Andrews pulls himself up with use of the ropes. Huggins takes a baseball swing with the clipboard, but Andrews ducks under! Andrews races off the ropes! Another Huge Spear to Huggins!


    Huggins is in trouble as Andrews calls for the end. Here it comes! The Ace in the Hole! Boom! The cover by Andrews, and Referee Johnson is now well alert enough to make the count!




    Aaron Andrews retains the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!


    As Laura Catherine consoles her brother Freddy at ringside, Andrews celebrates with the crowd to the sound of “Feel Invincible” by Skillet. Standing on the second rope with his title raised, Andrews shares some last words with both Huggins siblings before focusing on his enjoying his victory.


    A Little South of Sanity comes to a close as Andrews climbs the barricade to celebrate his victory with the live crowd. The scene goes black as Andrews is swarmed by fans, his World Title raised high in the air.


    Jason Azaria: Thank you for joining us for A Little South of Sanity! We’ll see you all again this Tuesday on Total Wrestling, then back on Pay-Per-View in April with our next big event, Where Angels Fear To Tread!


    Show Results


  2. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></span><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TCW A Little South of Sanity 2020</span></span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre-Show</span></em></p><p><em>

    Nick Booth defeated Yuri Yoshihara</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Akima Brave defeated Harvey Robbinfield</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Jeremie Courtney & Roderick Remus defeated Dean Daniels & Elliot Thomas</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Main Card!</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>The TCW Bunkhouse Brawl!</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    Winner Challenges Aaron Andrews For The TCW World Heavyweight Championship Tonight In The Main Event!</strong></span></p><p>

    The ring is flooded with TCW competitors, many in street gear and taped fists. Every single competitor came with their own weapon, as the rules allowed. Everyone…but Tana The Mighty, who thought his giant mitts were plenty enough! We got steel chairs, we got a kendo stick, we got a lead pipe, we got a guitar (Troy Tornado), a hockey stick, a biker chain, brass knuckles, a crowbar, a giant hairbrush (Frederique), a blackjack, and even a cattle prod!...although Referee Ray Johnson deemed it too hazardous, and took it away from Doc Hammond!</p><p> </p><p>

    It is downright ruckus! As the ring begins to clear of competitors, the referees at ringside remove the clutter of the ring. One by one, the ring begins to empty…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Order of Elimination</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    • The Elite together use Nate Johnson’s hockey stick to clothesline <strong>T-Bone Bright</strong> over the top rope and to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

    • The Syndicate gang up on <strong>Chance Fortune</strong> to send him tumbling to the floor. Fortune tries to hold on, but a couple shots to the ribs by Chris Flynn’s brass knuckles forces his grip to loosen.</p><p> </p><p>

    • The Elite attempts their hockey stick clothesline again, this time on Sammy Bach. Bach ducks under the attack, though, and catches <strong>Eddie Chandler</strong> with a dropkick that sends him out of the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Bart Biggins nearly has Matt Hocking out of the ring, but Hocking’s Shade Gang brethren Marc Speed comes to his rescue. Speed manages to get his biker chain wrapped around Biggins’s neck, and from the outside apron uses the chain to pull <strong>Bart Biggins</strong> over and tumbling to the floor! </p><p> </p><p>

    • <strong>Danny Fonzarelli</strong> charges for the big boot on Freddy Huggins, but Huggins leaps out of the way. Danny Fonzarelli gets caught on the top, and Jay Chord quickly rushes in and dumps the big Fonz to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Matt Hocking tries to come off the top rope and hit Tana The Mighty with his lead pipe, but Tana sees it coming and delivers a sick, smacking chop to the chest in midair! <strong>Matt Hocking</strong> stumbles to his feet, and Tana takes him by the head and sends him flying to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • With Doc Hammond set up in the corner, Darryl Devine tries to rush in, leaping off from a seated steel chair. But the other Syndicate members, Chris Flynn & Nate Johnson, interfere and catch Devine in midair! <strong>Darryl Devine</strong> struggles, but ends up getting dumped to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Always the opportunist! As <strong>Edd Stone</strong> tries to push <strong>Flying Jimmy Foxx</strong> over the top rope with the kendo stick as leverage, Jay Chord comes up behind and dumps both men to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Frederique dodges a clothesline by Nate Johnson, and then catches Johnson on the jaw with a home run swing of his giant hair brush! <strong>Nate Johnson</strong> gets sent flying over the top rope, hitting the apron hard on the way down!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Doc Hammond & Chris Flynn have Sammy Bach up in the air in Double Powerbomb position in the hopes to dump him out. Benny Benson interrupts their plans though, catching Hammond with a Springboard Kick. Still holding Bach up on his shoulders, Flynn still attempts to throw him out, but Bach reverses into a Hurricarana! The momentum sends <strong>Chris Flynn</strong> over the top rope, bouncing off the apron, and onto the floor! </p><p> </p><p>

    • Tana The Mighty nearly has Marc Speed dumped out of the ring, when Speed’s stablemate Troy Tornado smacks Tana across the back with his guitar! Tornado gears up for a big swing with the guitar as Tana turns around. Tornado swings the guitar, but Tana catches Troy by wrist! Tana rips the guitar free from Tornado’s grip, wraps both of his mitts around Troy’s throat, and sends <strong>Troy Tornado</strong> flying over the top rope and hard to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Benny Benson attempts the Shockwave From Next Year on Doc Hammond, but Hammond throws him off. When Benson regains his balance, Hammond is right there to hit him in the ribs with the crowbar Eddie Chandler brought into the match! With <strong>Benny Benson</strong> in pain, Hammond lifts him onto his shoulders and tosses Benny to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Sammy Bach finds himself strangled by Marc Speed, who’s using his biker chain to squeeze the breath out of Bach. In a last ditch effort, Bach races forward to the ropes. As Bach ducks, the momentum sends Speed tumbling over the top rope! <strong>Marc Speed</strong> tries to hold on, but Freddy Huggins races over and stomps Speed until Marc loses his grip! Speed falls to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Frederique and Jay Chord find themselves in a standoff. Frederique with his giant hairbrush, Chord with his blackjack. They take a swing at each other, only for their weapons to collide together. Frederique ducks under a swing of the blackjack and connects on Chord’s jaw with the hairbrush. Chord stumbles backwards from the shot. Frederique rears back for a big swing with the hairbrush, but Chord reacts quickly and takes Frederique off his feet, striking him on the knee with the blackjack! Frederique struggles to stand, only for Chord to hit him right on the jaw with the blackjack! </p><p>

    <strong>Frederique</strong> falls into the ropes, and Chord quickly rushes forward to knock him over the top rope and to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    • Doc Hammond is taking Tana The Mighty apart, piece by piece, striking him here and there with the butt of the crowbar. Tana drops to one knee, where Hammond strikes him right in the ribs. Hammond looks for the knockout. Hammond runs off the ropes, only to get hit in the head by Troy Tornado’s guitar by Sammy Bach! The guitar explodes upon impact, and Hammond collapses to the mat! Quickly, Bach drags a dazed <strong>Doc Hammond</strong> to his feet and tosses him out of the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

    We are down to the Final Four! </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach, Tana The Mighty, Freddy Huggins, & Jay Chord!</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

    The trio of Bach, Huggins, & Chord quickly come to an understanding. Their chances would be better if Tana were out of the equation. That being said, the three ambush Tana together! Despite Tana fighting back, he would find himself down in the corner. Huggins pushes Chord & Bach aside and continues to stomp on his longtime rival, Tana. Awfully cocky with the giant, Huggins insults Tana, then poses over him with a million dollar smile. Huggins turns around, and dang near gets his head taken off by Jay Chord’s swing of his blackjack! Huggins might be out cold!</p><p> </p><p>

    Rather than taken advantage, Chord turns to go eye to eye with Sammy Bach. This blood feud is about to blow the roof off of the arena! Chord looks at his blackjack, then tosses it aside. They rush each other! Bach & Chord exchange punches until Jay catches Sammy with a knee to the ribs. Chord tries to hit Bach with the Cradle Piledriver, but Bach fights it. Bach instead lifts Chord up and dumps Jay over the top rope! Chord clings onto the ropes for dear life, and manages to rake Bach’s eyes to stay alive! </p><p> </p><p>

    As Bach tries to regain his composure, Chord heads to the top rope. Chord leaps off for an aerial assault, but gets a spinning wheel kick from Bach in mid air! Right in the face! Ouch! Bach and Chord stagger up, and they’re back to exchanging punches. They’re so focused on each other that they don’t see that Tana is back up, and Tana takes both men by the throat! Tana storms forward and dumps both Bach & Chord backwards over the top rope! Nearly men can hold on, and they tumble to the floor!</p><p> </p><p>

    We are down to two men! </p><p> </p><p>

    We go split screen for a moment, as Bach and Chord continue to brawl at ringside! This feud will never end! TCW officials hit ringside to try to break the fight up. Meanwhile, in the ring, an energetic Tana turns to see Huggins pulling himself to his feet. The crowd is behind Tana as Huggins starts to figure out what’s going on. He’s stuck all alone with his arch-rival, Tana! All of a sudden, Huggins becomes apologetic with the big man!</p><p> </p><p>

    Huggins calls for a truce with Tana, and Freddy has a gift for him! Huggins gestures to his sister, Laura Cathertine. Laura climbs onto the apron and hands Freddy the weapon he chose for the Bunkhouse. A giant portrait of a smiling Freddy Huggins! In a sign of kindness, Huggins offers the portrait to Tana to have! After looking over the crowd, Tana snatches the Freddy portrait…and breaks it over Freddy’s head! </p><p> </p><p>

    Tana grabs Huggins and goes to toss Freddy over the top rope. Huggins is hanging upside down, clinging to the ropes for dear life. Tana kicks and punches, trying to knock Huggins off. Wait a minute! It’s Julian Watson, the Coach of Freddy Corp! Watson is up on the apron, punching away at Tana. Tana takes Watson by the throat, and Julian immediately begins to flail. But, the distraction does its job! Free from Tana’s onslaught, Huggins crawls back into the ring under the ropes. Huggins takes the giant Tana by the legs, and he tips the big man over the top rope! Tana tumbles to the floor! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong> has won the first ever Bunkhouse Brawl! Huggins gets to challenge Aaron Andrews for the World Title later on tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

    As “Sureshot” by Beastie Boys plays, Huggins runs around the ring, a big smile and arms flailing around. Meanwhile, an enraged Tana starts to chase a terrified Julian Watson right out of the arena. Back in the ring, the Huggins sibling are hugging and jumping up and down.</p><p> </p><p>

    After everything calms down a bit, Kyle Rhodes enters the ring to interview Huggins about his victory. After a couple jabs at Tana and Aaron Andrews, Freddy makes his intentions short and sweet.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Huggins:[/.b] Ladies and Gentlemen…Boys and Gals…And Especially You, Mr. Andrews…Tonight…Freddy Corp. is going to take over the WORLD!!!</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

    </strong><strong><strong><em>STAY TUNE FOR THE REST OF THE RESULTS</em></strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong><em>

    COMING SOON!</em></strong></strong></p><p><strong>


  3. March – Week 4 – 2020


    Thursday – Creative Meeting


    Kyle Rhodes: Next order of business, a bit of TCW Uprising news. We’re going to be doing a bit of rearranging to our weekly schedule.


    RDJ: Again already?


    Rhodes: Just a bit. The overall reviews of Uprising have been positive. The show will continue to air on Friday, there are no issues there. But, we’re no longer going to record Uprising on the same day, in the same arena, as Total Wrestling. The overall response to that response is that the live shows are going too long and are tiring fans out. So, we are going to move the Uprising recording to another day.


    RDJ: Do you need me to be on the road an extra day?


    Rhodes: Probably not. Don’t worry, Rick. If need be, we’ll pre-record any segment with you.


    RDJ: *raises hands* Phew, thank god.


    Rhodes: *smiles* Starting next week, we are going to try our new format. Wherever we might tape Total Wrestling on Tuesday, we are going to stick around in the area and tape Uprising in a smaller venue. It might be an extra day and smaller venue, but on the bright side, it will be with a fresh crowd.


    Joel Bryant: It would be nice to allow some of these younger guys more time, too.


    Rhodes: Good point, Joel. We don’t have to rush things along as much. Maybe even give our developmental guys more time and a little exposure. So, we’ll see how that goes. The hopes is it will work better. Brent, I will just need your team on top of communication. Work with the travel department to let wrestlers know whether they will be needed in town one more day.


    Brent Hill: You got it, boss. I’ll make sure that’s done, and all the booking is a go by Tuesdays, at the latest.


    Rhodes: Awesome. Now folks, I’d like to go over our roster and current storylines going into April. Total Mayhem is getting pretty close, but we still got a pretty important show in Where Angels Fear To Tread. Now, we already discussed today the Ladder Match we’re going to do. But, there’s plenty more time to fill. First things first, we’re hoping Wolf (Hawkins) is ready to do something with Aaron (Andrews) by our next event.


    RDJ: Please, Lord Jesus, let it be true!


    Rhodes: We certainly need a few prayers. So, let’s look at the TV Title. I’m loving what’s going on with Greg (Gauge) & Joshua (Taylor). Are we all in agreement on that?


    Hill: Yup, love it. They’re building a fine story of prominent star versus rising star.


    Bryant: Seconded.


    Rhodes: Good then, so no need to mess with that right now. So that leads up to the Tag Titles. We have W.M.D. still feuding with Sinner Society and The Behemoths. Do we keep that going?


    Hill: I think the story is start to stretch thin, but it’s got a bit more gas. We still haven’t done the Tag Title rematch, and I think that could be the ending the feud needs.


    Bryant: So, who comes away with the Tag Titles at the end?


    Rhodes: I can’t put the titles back onto the Behemoths until Killer Shark cleans up his work in the ring.


    RDJ: Did I hear he almost hurt another guy this week, some developmental kid?


    Hill: A young man by the name of Guillotine, yes.


    RDJ: Sheesh…Joel, I think Shark needs five minutes with you.


    Bryant: *shakes head* Trust me, we’ve tried with the big guy. Something in his head just ticks off when the match keeps going.


    Hill: At least the animosity between Shark and John (Anderson) has cooled.


    RDJ; That, and John’s head is still on his shoulders…


    Rhodes: Alright, so back on topic, I think Brent is right here. It’s time to finish thing up this feud. Any thoughts on how to do it? Type of gimmick match, I mean.


    Bryant: Going to be interesting to try to top a Dog Collar and Cage match.


    Hill: *waves hand* I say don’t bother. Keep it simple and let the mayhem ensue. I was thinking a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Just let the guys beat the crap out of each other all over the arena.


    RDJ: Would be a nice 180. First, they were encaged. Next, they’re let loose!


    Rhodes: Good, good. Let’s not print it just yet, but I like the idea very much. Next, outside the title picture. I think it’s about time for the Bach – Chord rubber match. I wouldn’t mind extending things to Total Mayhem, but it just feels time.


    Hill: Unless we do some foggy finish in their encounter, it would seem about that time. The boys have killed it in this feud, but all good things must come to an end.


    RDJ: All it needs is some stipulations. 2 out of 3 Falls, at least.


    Bryant: I’d suggest a Steel Cage match if we didn’t just have one. Last Man Standing?


    RDJ: I’d buy that idea.


    Rhodes: Alright, so the rubber match is a go. Speaking of rematches, I think it’s time for (Mighty) Mo & Eddie (Peak) to go at it again. It’s been anticipated long enough.


    Hill: Now, that one I think we should extend until Total Mayhem somehow. You want mayhem, you’re talking Mo and Peak going to war.


    RDJ: Hot damn, just let those big boys beat the piss out of each other. Don’t have to be pretty. People will buy a ticket.


    Rhodes: Just remember that the end game is to make Mo a viable top contender. That’s the endgame. Next up, I want to make sure we have something for Freddy Huggins. I think we struck gold with this obnoxious Freddy Corp. gimmick. I want to keep riding that.


    Hill: I’m not sure who you have in mind for Freddy, but I’ve love to get him in the TV Title picture.


    RDJ: A triple threat with Greg, Joshua, & Freddy? Take my money now.


    Rhodes: I also want to keep a look at some of our up and coming talent. Julian (Watson) is doing some great work in his mentor spot with Freddy, but I wouldn’t mind building onto the stable.


    Bryant: Give Freddy some more goons?


    Rhodes: *nods* Exactly. And maybe being goons will some guys more TV time, and who knows what else. Any thoughts on the tag team division? Anyone you guys think we should highlight?


    RDJ: I think it would be wise to make Tana (The Mighty) & T-Bone (Bright) a focus. They are definitely winning over the fans character-wise.


    Bryant: They’re never going to blow anyone away as far wrestling goes, so I’m not sure they could be our top team long term. That said, Tana sells merchandise, and T-Bone is starting to gel with the big guy.


    Hill: Let’s not forget Frederique & (Danny) Fonzarelli. I’m telling you guys, their best days are behind them. But, they’ve found some magic as a team during house show matches.


    Rhodes: I’m happy to hear you guys are so positive on some of these guys. We need challengers with this W.M.D. & Behemoths feud coming to a close.


    RDJ: I think most of all, that Shade Gang has to be at the top of your options for contending. You guys put together quite the trio. (Troy) Tornado can still go a bit, but his work as the mouthpiece is doing wonders for Marc (Speed) & Matt (Hocking).


    Hill: The trio work has rejuvenated all three guys, really. They were drowning a bit in the midcard.


    Rhodes: The tag team division definitely looks a lot different than it did a few months. You guys and the locker room have really turned things around in the midcard in general. We just have to keep it going.


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    TCW A Little South of Sanity 2020

    The Official Match Card!

    Card Subject To Change


    TCW’s First Ever Bunkhouse Brawl!

    Winner challenges Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship later in the Main Event!

    Pre-Announced Entries: Bart Biggins, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Freddy Huggins, Jay Chord, Marc Speed, Matt Hocking, Sammy Bach, Tana The Mighty, Troy Tornado


    TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson welcomes all competitors to try and win themselves a TCW World Title Match! The Bunkhouse Brawl might go by battle royal elimination rules, but this ain’t yo’ momma’s battle royal! Each and every entry is allowed to bring one weapon into the match. In the words of RDJ, if you can carry it into the ring, it’s legal! (Warning: Knives, Guns, & Flamethrowers are not allowed!)


    TCW Television Championship Match

    Greg Gauge ( C )


    Joshua Taylor


    Six Man Tag Team CAGE Match

    Mighty Mo & “TCW World Tag Team Champions” W.M.D.


    Sinner Society (Eddie Peak & The Behemoths)


    8 Man Tag Team Match

    Benny Benson, Edd Stone, & Devine Fortune


    The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, & The Elite)


    Tag Team Action

    Frederique & Danny Fonzarelli


    The Shade Gang


    Davis Wayne Newton Open Challenge

    Davis Wayne Newton




    Masked Cougar also scheduled to be in action!

  4. March – Week 4 – 2020


    Tuesday – Backstage at Total Wrestling


    Showtime is about an hour away in Nashville, Tennessee. Ricky is in the hallway backstage, relaxing for the time being before he has to put on his suit and cowboy hat. The locker room quite loud this evening with friendly chatter, Ricky had hopped out to chat with his wife about her day and the children. Sitting on a fold up chair, Ricky looks up from the tile to see Jay Chord standing there. Chord gestures to Ricky, asking if they can talk. Ricky nods.


    RDJ: Hey honey, I have to go. I’ll call you after the show, alright? Yup, love ya. Bye.


    Ricky cuts the call off and eases back on the chair. He greets Chord with a smile, then gestures to the other fold up chairs in the hallway.


    RDJ: How’s it going, Jay? Care to take a seat?


    Chord: No thanks, I just needed to talk to you quick.


    RDJ: No problem, kid. That’s why I’m here. What can I do for you?


    Chord: Look Rick, I know you never liked me when you were here originally…


    RDJ: I wouldn’t say that, not exactly. Let’s be blunt if we’re really going to do this, Jay. You came into this company as quite the arrogant kid. You acted like you were better than everyone right from the moment you entered that locker room. That said, I always thought you were an amazing athlete, and you are clearly one of the best in the company now.


    Chord: Maybe I did come in with an attitude, and I’ve tried to work on it in recent years. Ya know? When you haven’t been here?


    RDJ: *chuckles* Okay, that comment didn’t seem necessary, but alright. To be honest, I have in fact heard that you have tried to act better around here, so I commend you for that.


    Chord: Look Rick, I just need to say it. If you got a problem with me, then you need to talk to me about it.


    RDJ: *confused* Jay, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. Where is this coming from?


    Chord: I heard that you were against me wrestling in the main event this Sunday. I heard you went out of your way to tell Kyle (Rhodes) that it was a bad idea.


    RDJ: *waves hands* Whoa whoa whoa, that is absolutely not true. Look, you want the 1-0-1? The creative team discussed in depth about who would be the right guy to wrestle Aaron (Andrews) for the title, and of course your name came up.


    Chord: And that’s when you trash the idea.


    RDJ: I absolutely did not! I have no problem seeing you versus Aaron. Hell kid, that would be awesome to watch! But, when I first came back to join the creative team? I was told by Kyle himself that he wanted you and Aaron kept as far apart as possible for the time being. That way? When you and Aaron finally feuded? It would be a fresh, brand new spectacle. So, I reminded Kyle of what he had instructed myself and the rest of creative.


    Chord: *doubtful* So, that’s it? Really? That’s all you said?


    RDJ: *nods* That’s all I said. Besides, I don’t even know who Kyle has chosen yet to face Aaron this Sunday. He hasn’t told creative yet. Do you know?


    Chord: No, no one has said anything.


    RDJ: Then what the hell are we doing, Jay? What are you worked up about?


    Chord: I don’t like someone trying to sabotage me, that’s what I’m pissed off about! If you got a problem with me Rick, then you come to me!


    RDJ: Trust me, if I ever have a problem with anyone, I’m going to face them nose to nose. You are certainly no exception. But let me ask you something now, Jay.


    Chord: What? What do you want?


    RDJ: Who told you I was trashing you in creative?


    Chord freezes and doesn’t respond. He just looks at Ricky.


    RDJ: The reason I ask? I haven’t talked to anyone about the conversation we had in creative. Not about you, not about anyone. I am certain of that. So…who told you I trashed you?


    Chord still doesn’t answer him. But, Ricky can see in Jay’s eyes that he realizes he has screwed up. Changing the subject, Chord points his finger at Ricky.


    Chord: I’ve been working my @$$ off, Rick. I deserve to be one of the top guys here. You better not try to screw me on that.


    RDJ: Jay…that is absolutely the last thing I wish to do.


    Jay Chord doesn’t respond, but instead storms away down the hall. His mind reeling over the confrontation, Ricky leans his head back and looks up towards the white ceiling. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.


    Total Wrestling – Late In The Show


    Ricky had been out in front of the crowd at the show’s opening to announce Wolf Hawkins’s unfortunate injury and the changes to A Little South of Sanity as a result. After announcing that the winner of the Bunkhouse Brawl will now challenge Aaron Andrews for the World Title on the same night, the breaking news had been hyped over and over, both by the announcers and promos. It was all to make sure every fan tuning in were prepared for the last moment changes to this Sunday’s Pay-Per-View.


    Now, Ricky was heading out to the ring again to play TCW Commish, right before tonight’s main event. This time, the ring was set up for the promoted contract signing. After tipping his cowboy hat to the crowd, Ricky took one of the mics off the contract table.


    RDJ: Folks, we might have lost our original main event for A Little South of Sanity, but there is still a highly anticipated title match taking place this Sunday. It will be a match between two of the best wrestlers in not just TCW, but in the entire world. These two will go to battle Sunday for right to be called TCW Television Champion. Allow me to introduce the competitors. First, the challenger. He is a former International Champion, and is an eleven year here in Total Championship Wrestling. Joshua Taylor!


    Taylor appears through the curtains to the sound of “Animal I Have Become” By Three Days Grace. Taylor actually is getting some cheers after some of his altercations with the champion in the past few weeks. Taylor enters the ring and shakes hands with Ricky before taking a seat at the contract table.


    RDJ: Next, this man has dominated his division for over half a year now. He comes from a family lineage that we all in TCW know quite well. He is the TCW Television Champion, he is Greg Gauge!


    “Icky Thump” by White Stripes plays, and out comes the TV Champ. In a dress shirt and slacks, the title belt glistening on his shoulder, Greg Gauge calmly makes his way to the ring. He completely ignores the boos and chants of the crowd, clearly not caring what the fans thinking of him. Gauge enters the ring, and stands the TV Title up on the contract table, deliberately right in the face of Taylor. For a moment, Gauge leaves Ricky hanging on the handshake before accepting it halfheartedly. Gauge takes his seat.


    RDJ: Gentlemen, the contract is already ready to go. All we need now is your signatures to make this official. Joshua, you are the challenger, so you sign first.


    RDJ pushes the contract folder across the table towards Taylor. But, Taylor initially makes no attempt to reach for it. Instead, Taylor & Gauge stare at each other across the table, eye to eye. Oozing confidence, a little smirk begins to come across Gauge. Eventually, it does for Taylor as well. Finally, Taylor opens up the folder and signs his name to the match contract.


    Taylor closes the folder and shoves the contract across the table. There is another stoic staredown between the two men before Gauge opens the folder. The champion takes his time and looks over each page of the contract. Satisfied, he finally takes the pen and signs the contract. Gauge doesn’t bother giving the contract back to Ricky, forcing the Commish to reach across the table and take it back.


    RDJ: It is official! This Sunday, Joshua Taylor will challenge Greg Gauge for the TCW Television Champion! If you men have anything to say about this match, say it now.


    There’s a long pause, then Gauge starts to reach for his mic. No, he takes his TV Title off the table and places it upon his shoulder. Gauge pushes his chair away from the table and starts to stand up.


    Taylor: Sit your @$$ down.


    Taylor says it calmly, but the veracity is clearly there, and the crowd reacts to it. Gauge pauses midway up and stares at Taylor. Slowly, he obliges the challenger and slumps back down into his seat.


    Taylor: Here’s the truth, Greg. I respect you. You are clearly part of the future of Total Championship Wrestling. But, here’s my problem with you. You think you just deserve it. You think that it’s just yours to have. Why? Because your daddy was a star? Let me tell you something. Guys like me and Ricky here? We scratched and clawed to the top of the card. We earned every opportunity we earned. You want to know why these fans go crazy when Ricky comes out here? You want to know why that locker room looks up to me as a leader? It’s because we worked our @$$es off to be who we are! Then, there’s you. You don’t think you don’t have to do that, because you think you are that great. Well Greg…maybe you are that great, but you’re going to get a reality check this Sunday. Maybe one day you’ll be headlining this place, but I’m still one of the top lions here, and I’m going to give you the whooping you most definitely deserve. And if that isn’t enough of a reality check? I’m going to take that title from you.


    Gauge shows no emotions towards Taylor’s words and threats. The two men stare at each other for another long moment. Then, calmly, Gauge reaches out and grabs his own mic.


    Gauge: Josh, it is so nice that, despite all you just said, you do in fact respect me. It is big of you to say that. So, allow me to do the honor and return that respect…


    Suddenly, Gauge jumps up and flips the table on top of Taylor! Both Taylor and his chair fall backwards hard onto the mat, the table coming down on top of Joshua. In no real harm, Taylor is quick to regain himself and rushes to his feet.


    Taylor is enraged and ready to confront Gauge, but the TV Champion has already exited the ring! With a huge smile on his face, Gauge walks backwards up the entranceway. Taylor stands on the second rope and barks threats towards Gauge. Greg doesn’t respond verbally, but he does point to the TV Title and continues to the smile.


    Jason Azaria: I can’t believe the act of disrespect we have just seen from our TV Champion!


    Kyle Rhodes: He’s clearly playing some mindgames with Joshua Taylor, trying to rile him up before this Sunday. The question is, will they work? Or will they backfire?


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    *Show Notes*

    * Mighty Mo Vs Titan wasn’t much of a match, as fellow Sinner Society members Killer Shark & Nick Booth would interfere on the first sign that Titan was in trouble. Mo earned the DQ victory, and WMD were there quickly to save Mo from the Sinner Society ambush.


    Mo, Human Arsenal & One Man Army together fended off the attack. They began to celebrate, but then they heard the sadistic laugh of Eddie Peak. From the curtains, Peak slowly walked out, a sick grin on his face.


    Peak: It makes me so happy that you boys have become such close friends. That’s what that little attack was all about. I just wanted to make that you three were ready for this Sunday. I’m happy to see that you all are. It’s going to make it that much more fun…when you’re locked in a cage…WITH ME!


    ** In a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match, The Elite would defeat Devine Fortune in the feud's rubber match. Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson would do it in tainted fashion, of course, because...well...they're the Syndicate!


    *** Heated rivals Sammy Bach & Jay Chord exchanged threats after Bach’s victory over Matt Hocking. Chord is quite hot after Bach’s surprise attack on Jay last week, despite the fact that it was Chord who originally tried to injure Bach.


    After sharing some mean words back and forth, Bach made his intentions for the Bunkhouse Brawl and A Little South of Sanity quite clear.


    Bach: This Sunday, I plan on winning the Bunkhouse Brawl, and I plan on beating Aaron Andrews for the World Title. But if I can’t do that, Jay? Then I’m damn sure going to see to it that you can’t either!


    **** In The Main Event, Chris Flynn would attempt to help his fellow Syndicate brethren Doc Hammond defeat Aaron Andrews in the Non-Title Contest. Benny Benson would eventually hit ringside to duke it out with Flynn, negating his presence there! Benson has had his problems recently with The Syndicate, particularly Hammond, and he wasn’t just going to let them steal the big main event win!


    Enraged to see Benson fighting Flynn, Doc Hammond would be distracted just enough for the World Champion. Andrews came flying off the ropes and crushed the distracted Hammond with a spear. Then with Hammond staggered, Andrews hit Doc with his brand new finisher, The Ace in the Hole! 1,2,3, The World Champion stands victorious at the end of Total Wrestling!

  5. Well, here's food for thought: Who's around on the open market that's a recognizable star that could come in for a month or so to win the Brawl without pissing off your homegrown guys, job to Andrews and then do a couple of more jobs for momentum's sake before leaving?


    Definitely have considered that to some extent. Was actually going to include the idea in the creative meeting discussion, but I felt like my last post was already a bit long.


    Man, Wolf just can't catch a break.


    It's been fun! :(:(:(

  6. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">March – Week 3 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Thursday – Creative Meeting</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Well, I might as well get it out of the way. I know you’ve been waiting on the bad news. Here it is. Wolf (Hawkins) suffered a crack sternum Tuesday night.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The room fills with groans, thanks to everyone else around the table.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Wolf must have walked under a ladder or something. Such bad luck.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well, at bad as it sounds, he isn’t going to miss a lot of time. But one thing’s for certain, he is out for A Little South of Sanity. It’s not even up for debate this time.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brent Hill:</strong> It really does feel like déjà vu. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> It does, and it stinks. Let me make one thing straight before we talk about pay-per-view changes. When Wolf is cleared? We’re running the Aaron (Andrews) vs Wolf for the title immediately, whether it’s on Total Wrestling or the next big event. We can no longer stall for time with our top feud. If they’re going to have a big, successful finale at Total Mayhem, then they need to be in the ring one-on-one at least once before then. Though, I’d prefer twice.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Joel Bryant:</strong> On the bright side, if we run the title match on television, we would almost definitely get the highest ratings of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> And we might as well rush it. Every time we take our sweet time, Wolf gets himself injured again!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> It’s a shame, they’ve been telling quite the story, too. Nevertheless, the show must go on as far as A Little South of Sanity goes. I’ve been thinking about it since getting news on Wolf, and I believe I know how we’re going to solve this conflict. Next Tuesday on Total Wrestling, Rick here is going to go out and announce Wolf’s injury.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Grreeeeaaattttt. I’ll be ready to duck tomatoes.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well hopefully you win the crowd right back, because you will also announce the changes to the pay-per-view. Here’s my plan. We’re going to open A Little South of Sanity now with the Bunkhouse Brawl. The winner of the Brawl will no longer receive a future title match contract, but instead they will go on and challenge Aaron Andrews for the World Title that very evening in the main event. Anyone oppose that idea?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> It’s as good of an idea as any, especially this close to the show.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I like it. It would definitely turn a negative into a positive, sort of.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Fine by me, let’s do it.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, so we’ll roll with that plan. Next, here comes the hard part. Who is going to win the Bunkhouse Brawl and challenge Aaron? Let’s hear it folks, let’s rundown the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I’ll just say it and get it out there. Jay Chord. Do we pull the trigger?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That depends. If you want the obvious choice who’s riding plenty of momentum, then do it. But, the plan has been to keep Aaron and Jay separate as much as possible for the time being so they can have their big feud later. If the plan remains alive, then we pass on Jay and move on the next option.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Great point, Rick. I’m keeping Jay on the table, but if you guys can convince me there’s another good option, then we’ll stick with the original plan with Jay. Alright then, who else?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I guess we can rule out Doc Hammond?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I’d think so. I mean, we already had him win a battle royal to replace Wolf once.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Not to mention we’re already hyping the Andrews-Hammond rematch for Total Wrestling this week. Welp, sorry Doc! Next?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I think we have to consider Eddie Peak? Follow me here. We book him in the Bunkhouse Brawl. He wins. Peak then bows out of the scheduled Six Man Cage Match and has Nick Booth substitute for him. Peak then proceeds to wrestle Aaron in the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> It’s a good idea on paper, but is Eddie’s body ready for all that work? I mean, we were just talking last week how Peak is clearly on his last legs. Can he get through a battle royal AND a main event match? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> It’s hard to believe that it will end pretty. Besides, I think the Six Man Cage Match loses way too much star power if Peak is taken out of the match.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I think I side with Brent and Rick here. I’m just not so sure Eddie could keep up with Aaron in a title main event. Alright, what’s our next option?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Me personally, I think we should consider Freddy Huggins. The Freddy Corp. gimmick is working really well with the crowd. They love to hate the group for their antics. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Can’t agree more. He might not have the name power of Eddie or Jay, but he’s doing great with this new gimmick of his. I think if Freddy wins the crowd is going go nuts booing, and I mean that in a good way.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Most of all, I have no doubt Huggins could pull double duty. He’s still in his prime.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Good, good Freddy is definitely at the top of the list. What else could we do?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Let’s not forget Greg Gauge. The TV Title makes him a viable threat. Plus, I believe the fans will instantly buy in on the Champion vs Champion match. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah, but what do we do about Greg’s scheduled match with (Joshua) Taylor? Do we can another promoted title match and move Greg up the card? Or does Greg pull triple duty? He might be young, but that’s a lot to put on the kid.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> It would be quite the story, though. Greg wins the Bunkhouse Brawl, defends his TV Title, then challenges for the World Title all in one night. If we ever want to make Greg a legit star, it’s a solid moment to do it.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I totally agree, it would be quite the push. I just don’t want to see Greg get hurt by trying to do too much.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, Greg also joins the good options. I might as well put Joshua in that bag as well, the story is pretty much the same as Greg. So, what else we got?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I’d consider Troy Tornado like we did Freddy Huggins. Troy might be getting old, but he can still put on a decent match. Plus, if his boys (Marc) Speed & (Matt) Hocking join him at ringside, that could build some drama. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> That might be true, but if we want that type of drama, we might as well go with Freddy, the younger guy still in his prime. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Any thoughts on maybe a big, stunning victory? How about Davis Wayne Newton pulling the big upset?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I don’t know man. Way too soon to me.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I agree with Rick. It might be quite the moment, but I think it’s possible it could fail just as much as it could succeed. I don’t think it’s worth the risk.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Agreed. Davis is almost ready for something bigger, but “this” would be too much. He just doesn’t have the name value just yet. Who else we got? Maybe a Syndicate guy besides Doc?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Ehhh, I think if it’s not Doc then it’s nothing. Chris Flynn would be the best option of whose left, but I don’t think he’s ready for something that big.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I think it would be good story if the Syndicate were in the Bunkhouse Brawl, just to make it believe they could win it and replace Wolf. But actually winning it? I’m not buying it. Personally, I think this title match should stand alone from Aaron’s current feud with Wolf and The Syndicate.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I suppose you’re right, Brent. It would unbelievable if another Syndicate member wins a battle royal to replace Wolf, no matter which guy it might be. Alright then, so who’s left to choose from? We haven’t talked about any babyfaces right now. Let’s not stick to the bad guys. I want all options on the table.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I’d say Sammy (Bach), but we just had Sammy & Aaron for the title. Are the fans ready for a rematch between the two?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I mean, we can always slip Sammy into a title match and the fans will buy it. If we don’t want to use Jay or Eddie but want name value, then Sammy is a great option. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Problem is I can’t think of any other good boys that would make sense besides Sammy. (Mighty) Mo and the W.M.D. boys got that Six Man Cage Match, otherwise I’d suggest them. Tana (The Mighty) would be an interesting story, but it wouldn’t much of a match to headline a pay-per-view.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I agree with Rick. If we’re not looking for the big, shocking win, then I don’t really see many options left. I think we’ve touched upon all the best options.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> What do you think, Brent?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I think I side with Joel. We’ve pull all the best options out on the table. We can definitely salvage the event. We just need to decide who’s the right guy to put our trust in. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>For a long moment, Kyle Rhodes eases back in his chair and looks up towards the white ceiling.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> This whole situation really stinks….alright, I think this was really constructive, but I believe I’m going to take the weekend to mull it through. The fans won’t “officially” know about Wolf’s injury until Tuesday’s show, so we got time. Before the show Tuesday we’ll get together and I’ll let you know my decision. Until then, I’ll just continue to scream into a pillow over this awful situation…</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#800080;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Uprising!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

    </span><img alt="sisIbQf" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/sisIbQf" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#800080;">


  7. March – Week 3 – 2020


    Tuesday – Total Wrestling


    Eddie Peak stands in the ring with Sinner Society followers hovering behind him. On the mat motionless are two developmental talents who were just destroyed by Peak’s men, The Behemoths. Sinner Society’s manager, Floyd Goldworthy, arrogantly enters the ring and places a microphone in the outstretched hand of Peak.


    Peak: Look at this destruction. This is beautiful art to me, and how I missed it so much. People thought they were safe while I was gone. My followers here were clearly lost without me. But I am truly back, and you will all feel my wrath through the Sinner Society. There is no commodity in this company that will survive, as the sweet destruction will continue to flow throughout Total Championship Wrestling.


    Peak is about continue further, but is interrupted by “Breathe” by Fabulous. Cue the crowd pop, Mighty Mo appears through the curtains. Mo is topless with his hands taped, and he’s carrying a baseball bat! In his other hand, Mo also carries a mic.


    Mo: Eddie! I’d figure I’d let you be the first to know the big news. The TCW doctors have cleared me to compete! But I have even better news, news that I know you will love! I’m out here to play, Eddie! I’m out here to play, just like you wanted! But….I’m not the only one who wants to play![/i]


    B.Y.O.B by System of a Down, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Out comes the TCW World Tag Team Champions, W.M.D.! Last week, Human Arsenal & One Man Army were ambushed by all four members of Sinner Society, and now they’re out for revenge. With Vita by their side, W.M.D. aren’t carrying their tag titles, but instead 2X4s!


    Vita walks in front of the three men. She looks over the crowd and smirks. Vita points to the ring, and the men oblige! Mo & W.M.D. march down to the ring for a fight.


    It is definitely a fight we get, but Mo & W.M.D. overcome 3-on-4 handicap with the use of their weapons. Mo catches Eddie Peak in the ribs with the baseball bat, then uses the bat to clothesline Peak! Peak tumbles through the ropes and to the floor!


    Nick Booth is the last Sinner Society member left in the ring, and he pays the price for being the last man standing. Human Arsenal drives his 2X4 into the ribs of Booth. With Booth bent over, One Man Army rears back and breaks his 2X4 over Nick’s spine! Booth collapses to the mat and smartly rolls out to the ring.


    As Sinner Society retreats towards the curtains, Mo regains his microphone.


    Mo: Hey Eddie! You opened the toy box, and now we want more fun! So how about this? At A Little South Of Sanity, me and the Tag Champs here challenge you and The Behemoths. But, we don’t want a standard six man tag. No no no, no sir! We want…a Six Man Steel Cage Match!


    Peak doesn’t give Mo an answer, but we all receive a pretty solid clue. Standing among his men on the entrance way, Peak begins to laughs at Mo’s suggestion. Apparently, he’s delighted by the idea!


    Total Wrestling – Late In The Show


    Ricky is backstage with his longtime friend Sam Keith, now a Road Agent for TCW. The two wrestling legends managed to find a room in the back of the arena all for themselves. Most importantly, one without a smoke alarm. They sit together and relax while enjoying some mighty fine cigars.


    Ricky had a pretty easy night on Total Wrestling. The show was built on mayhem this week. A bunch of brawls, a bunch of match interview. A bunch of ruckus to built up hype for storylines leading into the next pay-per-view in twelve days.


    All Ricky had to do this was film a backstage segment, where as TCW Commissioner he informed Greg Gauge that he would defend his TV Title against new rival Joshua Taylor at A Little South of Sanity. Then, Ricky would make a small appearance in the arena to turn a tag team match between Devine Fortune & The Elite into a six man tag after a pre-match brawl broke out. Edd Stone came out to join Devine Fortune in the brawl, as did Chris Flynn join his Syndicate brethren. Thus, the six man tag wrote itself.


    Now, Ricky was just waiting for the show to end before heading back to the hotel.


    Keith: So what do you think about Jay (Chord) becoming World Champion? It sure does seem only a matter of time.


    RDJ: Yeah, it sure does. The kid is just too dang talented. It’s just attitude. He might win the title, but his negative ego might not keep it there long.


    Keith: So many second generation kids can’t help themselves but come into this business with an ego. I got lucky and have two kids who keep their nose clean and focus on their profession.


    RDJ: You definitely did good by those kids. Greg (Gauge) is one of the best additions TCW made in quite awhile. You think he is ever going to start going by the Keith name?


    Keith: Greg is committed to being his own man. I totally respect his decision and admire it. A lot of kids just want to milk on their parents’ last name, but that’s not Greg. But, I did suggest to him that going with the Keith name might be best for marketing. Greg doesn’t agree, though. Maybe I should be happy. Trying to build his own name probably helped Greg from building that bad ego.


    RDJ: To be honest, I’ve avoided Jay for the most part. The kid rubs me the wrong way.


    Keith: I wasn’t around when Jay got here, but people tell me he’s gotten a little better. Maybe that’s why Kyle (Rhodes) is willing to push him now.


    RDJ: I suppose. And let’s be honest, you gotta have some ego to be a champ. Remember that guy Tommy?


    Keith: *chuckles* Tommy…ummm…Cornish, right? Yeah I remember him. He certainly had an ego, that’s for sure.


    RDJ: Boy he did, but he knew how to temper it. If Jay does the same, he can certainly carry the company. But..that’s a big if to me.


    Outside the room, there’s a commotion in the hallway of the backstage area. At first, the two men ignore it and continue their conversation. But, the commotion gets a little louder. With a grunt, Ricky pulls himself up from his chair and passes his cigar off to Sam.


    RDJ: I’ll go check it out.


    Ricky pokes his head out into the hallway, just in time to see a couple of TCW’s medical crew following a wrestler around the corner. The wrestler appeared to be Wolf Hawkins, but Ricky wasn’t completely sure. If that was the case, then the tag team main event was over, as was this week’s Total Wrestling episode.


    Just as Ricky stepped out to the hallway, CEO Kyle Rhodes appeared from the other end of the hall with his assistant and Head Booker Brent Hill following. Rhodes has a clear perturbed look on his face.


    RDJ: Kyle, what’s with all the noise? Something happened?


    Rhodes: It’s Wolf, he’s hurt.


    RDJ: Again??!! Christ, maybe the bubble wrap was a better idea than we joked. Do we have any clue?


    Rhodes: *shakes head* They’re checking him out now, but he collapsed as soon as he came through the curtains. He’s in a lot of pain. Whatever the medics say, I’m sending him to the hospital. I….I just can’t believe this is happening again. I can’t believe we’re about to lose Aaron Vs Wolf yet again.


    RDJ: Now now, let’s not cancel our big match yet. We need to let the doctors do their thing.


    Kyle: Yeah…yeah I suppose you’re right. I just don’t have a good feeling…


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    *Show Notes*

    *It appeared Edd Stone & Devine Fortune Vs Chris Flynn & The Elite would be a fair fight, but unfortunately, there are more than three members in the Syndicate! That said, Doc Hammond would interfere in the match, helping his Flynn & The Elite pick up the big six man win for their stable.


    *Sammy Bach would make his surprise return after being assaulted by Jay Chord two weeks ago. As Chord departed from ringside after his win over Bart Biggins. Suddenly, Chord’s music changed to “Higher Grounds” by Red Hot Chili Peppers, which is Sammy Bach’s theme! The crowd would erupt, as Chord turned to the curtains, waiting for Bach to appear.


    Instead, Bach came flying out of nowhere onto the scene, apparently from the crowd! Enraged by Jay’s dirty attack, Bach tackled Chord and began to pummel away at him. TCW officials would appear to break it up, and a stunned Chord would flee towards backstage.


    Bach rolled into the ring and called for a mic.


    Bach: Hey Jay! I heard that you entered the Bunkhouse Brawl at A Little South of Sanity. Well, that's great news Jay, BECAUSE I’LL SEE YOU THERE!


    *With Dave Diamond still sidelined, it would appear Danny Fonzarelli has found a new ally in his battle against The Shade Gang. Marc Speed would use the Shade Gang numbers to defeat Frederique. But, their attempt at a 3-on-1 beatdown would be halted by Fonzarelli hitting the ring! Together, Fonzarelli & Frederique would send the Shade Gang into a retreat. Tornado, Speed, & Hocking would leave ringside in shock over this turn of events!

  8. March – Week 2 – 2020


    Thursday – Creative Meeting


    Creative Meetings usually took place on Mondays, as long as Ricky knew. But, with the addition of the new television Uprising, CEO Kyle Rhodes decided to also shake things up and rearrange the business schedule a bit, too. It didn’t really matter to Ricky, really. The BriCo Headquarters was less than a hour away from Ricky’s ranch. For Ricky, it was just the same on Thursdays as it were on Mondays.


    Kyle Rhodes: So, I’m sure you guys all have heard that Sammy Bach is going to be sticking around here for at least a few more years. It makes me happy to know that Sammy will continue to represent us.


    Brent Hill: He may be in his forties, but Sammy is still money. The fans still love him.


    RDJ: He’s still hungry, too. Believe me.


    Rhodes: Trust me, I know. But, that’s not the only big signing recently. I’m proud to announce that Joshua Taylor has also signed a long term contract. SWF raised the price, but I just couldn’t let Josh go.


    RDJ: Ah, did you get a talking to by Mommy and Daddy?


    Ricky shot a glance at the two BriCo executives who sat down at the end of the table. They rarely ever said anything during the meetings, instead just took notes. They never spoke to Ricky, and only seemed to get on Kyle’s case after the meetings, well out of earshot. Even now, with Ricky’s jab, they sat there with their heads down. They took more notes, pretending that they didn’t hear him.


    Rhodes: I’m going to pretend like I don’t understand that comment, Rick. Josh is worth every penny. I consider him one of the best wrestlers in the world.


    Joel Bryant: The guy certainly can work with virtually anyone. I’m really looking forward to him and Gauge getting it on.


    Rhodes: As am I. Alas, the contract talks aren’t done yet. Eddie Peak is also in negotiations with us right now, and SWF is sniffing around again.


    Hill: That should be an interesting one. I mean, I love Peak, such a charismatic dude. But, he’s clearly on his last legs.


    Bryant: Yeah, all he can really do now is have a good brawl.


    RDJ: Hey, all I could do was brawl my entire career. Nothing wrong with that!


    Rhodes: All your points are spot on. This is going to be a tricky one with the financial department. I want to keep him around, even when his wrestling days are over. But, SWF might make that more difficult. Unlike Sammy or Joshua, there’s concern locking Eddie down for a handful of years for main event money.


    Hill: If we’re really trying to bring in younger talent, then yeah, that’s a rough one.


    Rhodes: Indeed. Again, I don’t want to get too gloomy. We’re just starting to talk. Who knows where it will all land. We just have to be ready for life after some of our older talent.


    RDJ: Hey, ouch! I’m sitting right here, Kyle!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Yeah yeah, Rick. We’re “definitely” talking about you. I will say Rick, I am really liking this Bunkhouse Brawl idea more and more. Its making me think we should do bigger gimmick matches at pay-per-views.


    Bryant: People do buy in to the big, flashy matches, especially when a title or shot is on the line.


    Rhodes: I don’t want to do it too often, and it doesn’t always have to be a major part of the show. But, I think it’s something we need to consider with future events. Like you said Joel, a little flash to the show.


    RDJ: Well, we have an obvious one coming up, if that’s what you fancy. Where Angels Fear To Tread. Kind of writes itself.


    Hill: You’re thinking a ladder match of sort, aren’t you Rick?


    RDJ: *shrugs* It doesn’t have to be a ladder match. I’m sure we could cook up something more crazy or whacky if we wanted to. But, we do have some very talented guys who can definitely go a little crazy with the right materials.


    Bryant: If we’re talking about guys flying around, what about one of those wired matches? With the title belt or briefcase hanging in the middle?


    Rhodes: I’ve never been a fan of those matches myself, to be honest. A bit too out there. But, I like what we are going here. Here’s what we’ll do. Take the week and cook up some ideas. It doesn’t have to be for Where Angels Fear To Tread necessarily, but our next event should be top priority. We’ll come back to the topic next week.


    RDJ: Can we do a Floyd Goldworthy on a pole match? The winner gets to beat the snot out of him?


    Rhodes: *laughs* The only person who wants to see that is you, Rick.


    RDJ: What can I say? He’s great at being an annoying heel! Even out of character, I want to punch him in the face!


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    *Show Notes*

    *With his partner Dave Diamond still injured, Danny Fonzarelli falls to the numbers game versus The Shade Gang yet again. This time, it’s in one-on-one competition versus Matt Hocking. Fellow Shade Gang members Troy Tornado & Marc Speed would get involved, allowing Hocking to catch Fonz with a roll up for the three count.


    *Three more wrestlers announced their entry into the Bunkhouse Brawl at A Little South Of Sanity. First, in a post-match interview after a tag team victory, both Bart Biggins & Flying Jimmy Foxx expressed their desire to enter the battle royal to potentially earn a TCW World Heavyweight Title Match.


    Later on, in the midst of complaining about Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright, Freddy Huggins would inform the world that he would be representing Freddy Corp. in the Bunkhouse Brawl.

  9. March – Week 2 – 2020


    Tuesday – Backstage at Total Wrestling


    In the midst of mingling before show time at Tuesday Night’s taping, Ricky eventually wanders into catering to grab a bite prior to show time. Frankly, everyone wanted so much advice in the locker room tonight, he just wanted a break from it all.


    T-Bone Bright wanted ideas how to gel with Tana The Mighty as a tag team.


    RDJ: Just have fun with the big guy, he’ll lead you!


    Rather than asking CEO Kyle Rhodes, Roderick Remus had approached Ricky about being booked to lose yet again to Masked Cougar.


    RDJ: Just keep working hard, kid. I know it sucks to be on the losing end, but the best thing you can do is put on a helluva performance. Then, you can’t be ignored by anyone.


    Lastly, some white meat babyface kid by the name of Jack Avatar came up to Ricky, asking for advice in general. Frankly, Ricky had barely seen the kid work, and when he did Jack was getting his butt kicked.


    RDJ: Kid, if I may be frank, you’re as green as grass. But, you got the look, a look that ninety to ninety-nine percent of wrestlers could only dream about. That gives you a head start. Just keep working hard, and find a character within yourself for the fans to buy into.


    That was enough for Ricky to take for now. A quick bite to eat before the show sound awfully nice now. Ricky was delighted to see Sammy Bach all alone in catering. With an empty plate in front of himself, Bach was relaxing while listening to ear buds. As Ricky approached, Bach looked up from his cell phone and smiled. Sammy welcomed Ricky by removing his ear buds.


    Bach: Hey Rick, what’s up?


    RDJ: Hey Sammy, oh should I say Mr. Money Bags? Eh?


    Bach: *laughs* Oh, so you heard about my new contract?


    RDJ: Of course, I did. So, TCW for life, right?


    Bach: Looks like it. Besides, wasn’t like I was given much of a choice.


    Sensing his veteran advice needed, Ricky sat down across from Sammy.


    RDJ: What’s that? Were you expecting a little contract battle with the other companies?


    Bach: I don’t know. I guess I just expected some interest. Not to say I was going to leave. It just would have been nice to see a little fight over me. Truth was, I never heard back from anyone. It was all just Kyle.


    RDJ: It’s probably for the best, to be honest. Kyle knows you. You go to SWF or USPW, you might just end up getting fifteen minutes, then job out the rest of your time.


    Bach: I suppose you’re right. I guess….


    Bach pauses, looking over the rest of catering.


    RDJ: What is it?


    Bach:…I guess I’m being forced to recognize the inevitable. There’s no reason to lie to myself. I know I’m starting to slow down. I feel it.


    RDJ: It happens to all of us. What are ya? Forty?


    Bach: Forty-one.


    RDJ: Hell Sam, you move much than I did at forty-one.


    Bach: *laughs* No offense Rick, but I still move better than you did when you were twenty-one.


    RDJ: *laughs* Dang, kid! I know that! You didn’t have to actually say it aloud!


    Bach: *smiles* I guess...I guess I’m just looking back now and wondering what could have been. I mean, up until Kyle took over, guys like (Tommy) Cornell overlooked me cause I was the little guy. Twelve years here. Forget the World Title, I don’t even have a International Title win to speak for me.


    RDJ: Come on Sam, you’re talking like you’re going to hang up your boots tomorrow. You still have plenty of time.


    Bach: Come on Rick. I mean, maybe I’m lucky and I get pitied with a TV Title run. But the World Title? That door has closed. I know what this feud with Jay (Chord) is about. It’s about Jay, not me. Hell, I’m not even going to be on television tonight so it looks like I’m recovering from getting my butt kicked.


    Ricky wished he could tell Sammy that he was wrong. Unfortunately, Sammy has absolutely right. The endgame of his feud with Jay Chord was to get Jay over as a potential World Champion. Which, by the way, Sammy was doing. If Jay does become World Champion, a lot of credit will go to Sammy.


    But after the feud was over? Who knows what waited for Sammy afterwards. Sure, there would be something, Sammy was still a fan favorite. But as big as his feud with Jay? That certainly wasn’t guaranteed.


    RDJ: Sam, I’m going to tell you the same thing I’ve told so many guys in your position before. Yeah, a lot of what you just is true. Maybe all of it. But screw it, screw them all. You are done when you say you are done. They say you are done, then you prove them all wrong. They say you don’t have a big run in you anymore, then prove them wrong. If you go out there and kill it every single night, then they have no choice but to give you your moment. Ya here me?


    It all soaks in on Sammy’s mind, and Bach begins to nod.


    Bach: I hear ya, Rick. I guess I have a lot to think about.


    RDJ: I suppose. I’m here for ya bud if you need me. Alright?


    Bach: Alright, thanks.


    Total Wrestling – Late In The Show


    Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Welcome The Commissioner of Total Championship Wrestling. Hall of Famer, Ricky…Dale…Johnson!


    Ricky walks out to his usual large pop. He gives his classic wave of the cowboy hat, to which fans have begun to wave their baseball caps and foam RDJ cowboy hats back at him. Ricky makes his way onto the interview stage, a mic already in hand.


    Ricky was out there “apparently” to promote next week’s main event on Total Wrestling. Little did fans know, there was more to it than that.


    RDJ: Next week, my hope was to have a rematch of the main event from The War To Settle The Score. After how it went down, I wanted to wipe clean that tainted smell! But unfortunately, Mighty Mo is not cleared from the back injury he suffered at the hands of Eddie Peak! But, we will still have a tag team main event next week! It will still be The Syndicate’s Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond on one side. And on the other side, I have given Aaron Andrews the opportunity to pick his own tag team partner to battle The Syndicate. Aaron has decided, and his tag team partner will be Benny Benson! Also, in the co-main event, Jay Chord will return to action, and he will-…


    Ricky is interrupted by the sound of “Breathe” by Fabulous. Cue the pop from the fans, out comes Mighty Mo with street clothes. Ricky plays the boss character, looking frustrated by the interruption but not surprised. Mo, meanwhile, clearly isn’t in a good mood, either. Mo is handed a mic after he walks onto the stage.


    RDJ: Mo, we already had this discussion backstage. I’m not doing it again.


    Mo: Rick, I’m ready! I want to fight Eddie Peak, and I want to fight him next week right here on Total Wrestling!


    The crowd pops. They want to see it!


    RDJ: Mo, nobody understands that more than me. But, you are not medically cleared by TCW doctors for your back injury. So, you’re going to have to wait until they give the okay.


    Mo: That’s it?! Really?! I’m just supposed to sit in the back while Sinner Society ambushes W.M..D.? I just have to watch them try to hurt some of my friends? I can’t do it, Rick! Make the match! I’ll be ready by next week!


    Earlier in the night, the TCW Tag Team Champions W.M.D. (One Man Army & Human Arsenal) successfully defended their titles against Shade Gang’s Troy Tornado & Marc Speed. Post-Match, the entire Sinner Society ambushed W.M.D., with Eddie Peak there to add the exclamation point to the assault. Clearly, this was retaliation W.M.D. for taking the Tag Titles from The Behemoths.


    RDJ: I’m not doing that, Mo! When you are cleared, then we can talk! If you get cleared, then hell, I’ll put you in a match with the entire Sinner Society if you want it! But not until-…


    A sadistic laugh is heard, interrupting Ricky’s thought process. Both Ricky and Mo look around to find where it is coming from. Finally, Eddie Peak’s face appears on the tron, cackling away.


    Peak: Poor Mighty One, worrying about his friends. They came out to play, just as I hoped. Say Mo, why didn’t you come out to play? Ohhh…that’s right. You’re hurt. Well, that’s a shame….


    Mo: Where are you, Eddie? I’ll come find you and we can play all you want! I’m done with your games!


    RDJ: The hell you will! There’s been enough mayhem tonight!


    Peak: Oh, poor Commissioner. There is already room for more mayhem. But don’t you worry, Sinner Society is done for this evening. You too, Mighty One. No need to worry. Your time is coming soon. You’re worried about your friends? Well cheer up, you’ll be joining them soon!


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    *Show Notes*

    *Jay Chord’s interview to open the show was mostly about Chord mocking Sammy Bach, whom he viciously attacked the week before. But also, Chord also announced his entry into the Bunkhouse Brawl at A Little South Of Sanity, the first wrestler to do so!


    *The Tana-Huggins saga continued, with Tana The Mighty battling Freddy Corp.’s Coach, Julian Watson. To no one’s shock at all, Freddy Huggins would get involved, raking the eyes of Tana when Watson had Referee Ray Johnson distracted. T-Bone Bright would hit the ring and attack Huggins, evening the odds and getting some redemption from last week’s tainted loss to Freddy! Left alone with Tana, Watson would face the inevitable. A Fat Samoan Splash, and a 3 Count from the referee!


    *During the Flying Jimmy Foxx – Joshua Taylor match, TV Champion Greg Gauge would walk to the ring, clutching the gold on his shoulder. Whether or not his intentions were to distract Taylor after last week’s altercation (they were), Gauge’s presence did exactly that. The distraction nearly cost Taylor the match, but Joshua would recover and force Foxx to tap to the Butterfly Lock.


    Post-Match, Taylor would open the ropes and welcome Gauge to enter the ring. The TV Champion would merely smirk, though, and walk back to the dressing room.


  10. March – Week 1 – 2020


    Friday – TCW Uprising


    “Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Commissioner of Total Championship Wrestling, Hall of Famer, Ricky…Dale…Johnson”


    Ricky heads out to the ring with the approval of the crowd. It is a smaller crowd than Ricky is used to, but the fans are just as happy as ever to see him. He waves to the crowd with his cowboy hat before requesting a microphone.


    RDJ: It is my honor to be here tonight at the premiere of TCW’s new show, Uprising. I said the moment when I returned to this company that I am determined to return TCW to the prestige it once knew. Uprising is a big step in that direction, and ya know what? We’re going to keep on moving up! Who’s ready to join me on that ride?


    The crowd is definitely ready to ride!


    RDJ: Now, I have no desire to waste too much time here. We’re all here for the main event, the big TV Title Match. But, I promised a big announcement, and I’m here to give it. When I found out TCW was going to bring back A Little South of Sanity, I immediately pitched an idea for the show. Something that would give that taste of southern hospitality. And, let me be honest, it’s something I’d really wanted to see! So let me ask you fans. Do you want to see yourself a big ol’ fight?


    They do!


    RDJ: Well, that’s what you’re going to get! At A Little South Of Sanity, we’re going to debut a new match right here in TCW. No no no, we can’t call it a match. We can’t even call it a fight! No No No! Folks, we’re going to have ourselves a Bunkhouse Brawl!


    Ricky circles the ring, letting the name sink in with the crowd before continuing further.


    RDJ: What’s a Bunkhouse Brawl, you ask? Well, Daddy Rick is going to tell you. The Bunkhouse Brawl is an invitational battle royal. Anybody on the TCW roster can tape their fists and mosey on down to the ring. As long as you’re in the ring when the bell goes ding, you are invited to join the Bunkhouse Brawl!


    With a big grin, Ricky stops in the middle of the ring with his index finger raised.


    RDJ: But! There’s a catch to this battle royal. Each and every wrestler is allowed to bring a weapon into the ring! If you can carry it into the ring, it is legal! There are, of course, exceptions to that rule. Knives, guns, flamethrowers, the obvious stuff! Come on, common sense, people! Aside from that, it’s standard battle royal rules. You get tossed over the top rope, your feet hit the floor, YOU’RE OUT! But of course, the prize! There’s got to be a prize! Well…do you want to know the prize?


    The crowd does!


    RDJ: So what should be the reward for winning a match like the Bunkhouse Brawl? Well, it can only be one thing! The winner of the Bunkhouse Brawl will be awarded a future TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match! The winner of the brawl will be handed an open contract, and they can use it whenever they want. There’s only one catch to this golden ticket, and that’s the World Champion, whoever they might be, must receive two weeks’ notice to prepare for their title defense.


    Ricky turns and gestures towards the curtains.


    RDJ: So everyone in the back, if you’ve been waiting for that opportunity to grab the brass ring, here I am! I’m holding out the brass ring! At A Little South of Sanity, here’s your chance! Join the Bunkhouse Brawl! BUT…be warned! You might walk in fine…but you might walk out empty handed…and with two bruised eyes!


    After The Show…


    The first ever episode of TCW Uprising is over now. It was amusing to be back in such a small venue, but Ricky was ready to hit the road and get back to his usual large arenas. He also thought Uprising would get a better reaction next week when taped with Total Wrestling on Tuesdays.


    Ricky is passing off his suitcase to his driver when he hears his name called from behind him. Ricky turns to see Thom “One Man Army” Barrowman walking towards him, minus his classic face paint. Ricky’s mood seems to sink at first after the little argument the two had prior. Yet, he managed to greet Barrowman with a smile.


    RDJ: Hey Thom, you didn’t get the day off either?


    Barrowman: Nah. The boss wanted all men on deck just in case for the premiere episode. Ya know, unless your name is Andrews or Hawkins, guys like that. I just spent several hours texting my kids on the phone, so I guess it wasn’t that bad.


    RDJ: *chuckles* At least those teenagers still talk to you.


    Barrowman: *laughs* Ain’t that the truth. Listen man…I just wanted to catch up with you. I’m sorry that I got hot with you before. I should have just listened to you about teaming me up with John (Anderson). I thought we were just getting slapped together to kill time.


    RDJ: Thom, I would never insist on any such thing for you. You mean too much for this company. John, too.


    Barrowman: I appreciate that, Rick. It’s just that I was sold on this singles push when New Wave broke up, and just hearing I was getting put into another team just felt wrong. But this thing with John? It might be something special.


    RDJ: Thom, the credit is all yours and John’s. I am merely here to help the roster and give advice. The tag division needed a rock at the center, and I knew you guys could be that rock. And hey, who knows what doors this tag team could open up. By the way, I heard you thought up the tag team name. Nice job there.


    Barrowman: Ehh, it was nothing. One Man Army. Human Arsenal. Calling us W.M.D. just made sense.


    RDJ: So you got two fine wrestlers with appealing gimmicks. You got a great manager in Vita. Oh yeah, and you guys are the champions! That’s pretty good start to the year, Thom.


    Barrowman: *chuckles* Yeah…yeah I guess you can say that. Listen man, I just wanted to make sure that we were okay. It wasn’t right for me taking my frustration out on you.


    RDJ: Thom, I’ve been in this business way too long to get my feelings hurt so easily. It’s water under the bridge.


    Barrowman: Good to hear. Hey, before I let you go, I got to ask. What’s the word on the World Title? Is Aaron (Andrews) going to drop it to back Wolf (Hawkins)? He “has” been champion for awhile.


    RDJ: Dead honest with you, Thom? I don’t even think Kyle (Rhodes) and Brent (Hill) have figured out what they want to do yet. I personally just hope the guys have an awesome match.


    Barrowman: Yeah…yeah, me too. Alright Rick, I’ll see you next week.


    Ricky waves as Thom Barrowman departs towards his own car. Ricky was relieved to know that Thom was cool with him again. He didn’t like having heat with old friends, no matter how little.


    The truth was, though, Ricky had just lied to his old friend. There was no real long term plan for One Man Army & Human Arsenal teaming up. That was all for a storyline with the Sinner Society, and nothing was planned past that. While it could have happened at some point, there were no long term plans for Thom & John as a duo.


    Then, of course, Killer Shark dropped John on his head and dang near broke his neck. That was the last straw for Kyle Rhodes. He had grown tire of Killer Shark’s recklessness, no matter how great of a look he had. He couldn’t have Shark representing TCW as champion anymore.


    That’s how the wrestling business goes, thought Ricky. One quick moment can change a lot of things. Now, W.M.D. was a hot commodity, and clearly the most important team in TCW. And to think, it was because of one poorly performed slam.


    Please Enjoy The Premiere Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    *Show Notes*

    *Kyle Rhodes was in the midst of interviewing Benny Benson, who was clearly still sulking over his loss to Greg Gauge at The War To Settle The Score. The loss meant Benson could not challenge for the TV Title again as long as Gauge was still champion.


    Benson expressed confusion over what his next step was in TCW. He had already agreed to cut ties with Flying Jimmy Foxx during his ongoing feud with Greg Gauge. Foxx had already started a new tag team with Bart Biggins. Meanwhile, Benson felt like he had another big singles run in him…he just didn’t know how he could do it now.


    Out came The Syndicate’s Doc Hammond & Chris Flynn to interrupt the interview. Hammond spoke for the duo, and insulted Benson for acting like a crying puppy.


    Hammond: What happened to you, Benny? Ya know, it wasn’t a long time ago when you were a 2-Time International Champion. Heck, it wasn’t a long time ago when we battled all over this planet. High Concept vs New Wave, we had a million, great battles! I respected that Benny Benson! But this guy before me? He’s just a pathetic, washed up has been!


    That clearly set a fire under Benson!


    Benson: Ya know what Doc? Maybe I am a little pathetic right now. But, I am still my own man! I’m not you, Doc. I’m not some blind lackey who follows orders from your BOSS!


    The insults continued to fly until a resolution was set. Benny Benson and Doc Hammond agreed to face each other one on one, next week on Total Wrestling!

  11. March – Week 1 – 2020


    Monday – Creative Meeting


    Kyle Rhodes: We’re calling the new show TCW Uprising. It’s going to air on both ACE and Maple Leaf Sports, just like Total Wrestling. It will also be airing online with the TCW Network is every other country.


    Joel Bryant: When do we start?


    Rhodes: Immediately, this Friday. It is exactly what I was dreaming about. A one hour show, pretty much a brand off of Total Wrestling. Uprising will be our extra credit. We are giving our broadcast overlords exactly what they want, more product to air on their channels.


    RDJ: Are we going to be ready for Friday? That’s cutting it pretty close.


    Rhodes: *shrugs* What can I say? The broadcasters were willing to sign immediately if we were ready to roll immediately. So, that’s what we agreed upon. This week, we have booked a small arena for Uprising on Friday. But after that? We intend most weeks to tape Uprising on Tuesday Nights with Total Wrestling. We’ll see how that works financially.


    Brent Hill: So is the focus of Uprising what we were brainstorming last week?


    Rhodes: Exactly, yes. This is the show where we’re going to push the young guys. We’re going to give some guys a much needed win. We’re going to hype big Total Wrestling matches. And if we didn’t have time for certain storylines on Total Wrestling that week? Then we get it on Uprising. No story left behind, even if it’s just a highlight video.


    RDJ: Hot damn, you weren’t kidding when you said these television deals could open doors.


    Rhodes: It’s what we really needed. I’m done sitting idly here in the US. The entire world watches USPW and SWF every week. If we’re going to compete with them, then we have to do exactly the same.


    Hill: And Uprising is there to solidify the roster. Keep midcard guys look strong. Make new stars.


    Rhodes: That’s why I sign your checks, Brent. By the way, when you book the first Uprising show, I want Gauge and the TV Title in the Main Event. I want it to feel special.


    Hill: You got it.


    Rhodes: Alright folks, let’s move onto this month’s Pay-Per-View.


    RDJ: *claps* Alright, that’s what I’m talking about! Let’s do it.


    Ricky was excited because when he first was in talks to return to TCW, he had successfully convinced Kyle Rhodes to bring back his favorite TCW event. A Little South of Sanity! Being a country boy himself, Ricky always enjoyed when TCW put a little southern hospitality to their product. Back in the day, Ricky always had himself a big match on A Little South of Sanity. The fans down south were always suckered in by the big guy in a cowboy hat with taped fists.


    Rhodes: So, we clearly have our big main event. Andrews and Hawkins is already a buzz all over the internet. The fans are dying for this one after all the hype and wait.


    Bryant: Let’s just make sure to wrap Wolf in bubble wrap this time.


    RDJ: Hell, bubble wrap Aaron, too. Just in case!


    Rhodes: Yes, Malice in Wonderland was a terrible predicament. But story wise, it worked out alright, and just built the anticipation. It just made the fans want this match more and more. So the main event is good. But, we need a solid Co-Main Event. Seeing that we’re bringing back this gimmicky event, I want a big gimmicky match.


    Hill: Dare we go for the Sammy (Bach) – Jay (Chord) rubber match? The first two times were a success.


    Rhodes: *thinks it over* I don’t think it’s the right time yet. I think it would be overshadowed by Aaron-Wolf. I think we need to let that third match brew a bit before pulling the trigger.


    Bryant: (Eddie) Peak & (Mighty) Mo seems to be ready for Round 2, especially after how we finished the last P-P-V. I’m sure we could kick up a fun match there. A Steel Cage maybe?


    Rhodes: Not a bad idea. But I was thinking bigger than a one-on-one contest. When I said I wanted a big match, I meant BIG. I want something shiny that most of the roster would promote for the entire month.


    RDJ: Well hell Rick, why didn’t you just say so? There’s a reason why I talked you into bringing this show back from the dead. I always had this idea I wanted to do, but never got the green light.


    Rhodes: Okay Rick, you have my full attention.


    RDJ: Well…actually, it isn’t my idea. It’s something I saw in an old company back in the day. They used to do shows in Virginia and the Carolinas. If you want a little southern home cooking for the show, then I might have exactly the idea for you…


    Tuesday – Total Wrestling


    Commissioner Ricky is in the ring at the start of Total Wrestling. He was in the midst of promoting the first episode of TCW Uprising.


    RDJ: In the inaugural main event of the first ever Uprising show, boy do we have a treat for you fans! It will be TV Champion versus Tag Team Champion! Brand New Tag Team Champion Human Arsenal will challenge Greg Gauge for his TCW Television Championship! How d’ya like that?


    The crowd likes that!


    RDJ: If that’s not enough for you, then I got something planned for the first episode of Uprising. You see, I was the one who talked the TCW Board into bringing back my favorite TCW show, A Little South of Sanity! I talked them into it with the nostalgia of the historic event. But the biggest sell for them was this idea I had, an idea for a big ol’ match. And on Uprising this Friday? I am going to reveal this match to the world! So, make sure to tune in Friday to find out what idea came out of-…


    Ricky is interrupted by the sound of “Uprising” by Muse. Cue the boos! Wolf Hawkins has a big smirk on his face as he straightens his black tie, which goes perfectly with his suit. With his enforcer Chris Flynn following, the Syndicate leader marches down to the ring. Flynn snatches a mic for his leader as Hawkins shares a little trash talk with Ricky.


    Hawkins: Yeah yeah yeah, that is all great. Really, it is, I swear! But Rick, let’s talk about what is really important. Let’s talked about what happened at The War To Settle The Score.


    RDJ: You mean when Eddie Peak interfered and helped you win?


    Hawkins: *smirks* Say whatever you want, Rick. The Syndicate won the Street Fight! That means I earned back my World Title Shot! So, forget whatever stupid idea you have, I want my title match with Aaron Andrews, and I want it at A Little South of Sanity!


    Despite the crowd booing Wolf Hawkins just mere minutes ago, they’re now cheering Wolf for what he just said. They want Andrews versus Hawkins just as much as Wolf does! Ricky clearly sees the approval from the fans.


    RDJ: Well Wolf, you are right. Maybe it wasn’t as pretty as I hoped because of Eddie Peak, but you did win the Street Fight. You are officially the #1 Contender once again. So….yes! At A Little South Of Sanity, you, Wolf Hawkins, will challenge Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!


    The crowd pops as Hawkins & Flynn are all smiles. Ricky actually holds out a hand for Hawkins to shake. Despite being career rivals, Hawkins is elated enough to accept the handshake from Ricky. But, when Hawkins tries to break free, the Commish holds tight! The smile instantly disappears from Hawkins’s face…and reappears on Ricky’s!


    RDJ: Let me make one thing perfectly clear, though, right off the bat. Let me make it clear for you, Wolf. Let me make it clear for you, Chris. Let me make it clear for the entire Syndicate. Aaron Andrews vs Wolf Hawkins will be exactly that. A one-on-one encounter! No outside interference!


    Off-mic, Hawkins tells Ricky that he doesn’t need help to win.


    RDJ: That’s great! That’s what I want to hear. But…I don’t trust you, and I don’t trust your group! So I’m going to put it black and white, both to you now and later in the title match contract. If any…ANY of your Syndicate boys decide to interfere in the title match at a Little South of Sanity? Then they’re going to be sent packing with their walking papers!


    Later On That Night


    Back from commercials, Kyle Rhodes is standing by on the interview stage.


    Rhodes: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest. The TCW Television Champion, Greg Gauge!


    “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes plays, and out comes the TV Champion. In a fine dress shirt and slacks, Gauge joins Rhodes on the stage. He shows no emotion regarding the boos of the crowd. Clearly, he thinks he is better than all the fans.


    Rhodes: Greg, you had what some people consider your best title defense at The War To Settle The Score, ending your long feud with Benny Benson. You have clearly made the TV Title, still a new championship to professional wrestling, quite prestigious with your lengthy title reign. Next up for you is Human Arsenal, who will challenge you for your title this Friday on TCW Uprising. What are your thoughts on the title match, on the debut of Uprising?


    Gauge: My thoughts? My thoughts are that I’ve been there, done that. I’ve defended this TV Title against Human Arsenal already, and I’ve done it successfully. I beat Arsenal once, and this Friday? I will beat him again! The truth is, Kyle, I’ve beaten them all! I have worn this title belt for nearly two hundred days, and I have taken on all challengers, and I left them all lying in that very ring! So why bother? Why bother keep wearing this title if I have defeated all challengers? What am I going to do? Go back around in a circle and beat them all the same challengers again? Forget that!


    Rhodes: So if you’ve claim to have beaten all challengers, what do you intend to do now?


    Gauge: It’s simple, Kyle. I deserve bigger challenges. I deserve to be the face of TCW. I’ve beaten all the little cubs in this jungle. Now, it is time that I step up to the lions. It is time that I receive the opportunities that I right deserve. It is time that I-…


    Gauge pauses mid-sentence. Coming up onto the interview stage is Joshua Taylor, who just defeated Danny Fonzarelli in singles competition prior to commercials.


    Taylor: I’m sorry Greg, but I was just about to get dressed backstage. But right before I left the gorilla position, I heard some of your little speech. You see, something sounded wrong to me. You said that you’ve beaten every challenger. Well Greg, you and I know that isn’t true, because I have challenged you! I’ve talked to you about challenging for the title, and I’ve talked to the TCW Board. I’ve challenged you Gauge, and you’ve dodged my challenge!


    Gauge instantly becomes uncomfortable and begins to look around.


    Rhodes: Well Gauge, is that true? Has Joshua Taylor challenged you for your title?


    Rhodes holds the mic out towards Gauge. After a moment, he eases in.


    Gauge: Yes, you did, Joshua. But you misunderstood what I was saying before. When I said I defeated all challengers, I meant that I defeated all worthy challengers.


    And the crowd goes OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!


    Even Kyle Rhodes looks stunned in between both wrestlers!


    A big smirk on his face now, Gauge is mighty proud of his insult. Taylor turns away for a moment, seemingly trying to laugh it off. Then, Taylor spins back and dishes out a vicious slap across the face! A slap that echoes throughout the arena!


    Absolutely stunned by the slap, Greg Gauge tumbles off the interview stage, dropping the TV Title in the process. Gauge gets back to his feet quite heated, his cheek bright red.


    Joshua Taylor has Kyle Rhodes by the wrist as he begins to roar into the mic.


    Taylor: Don’t you ever speak to me like that, boy! I don’t care who your daddy is, you snot-nose punk! I’ve been wrestling here in TCW more years than your little brain can possibly count! You said you’re tired of fighting the cubs? You said you want to fight the lions? Well, when you have the balls to face me in the ring, this lion will be waiting for you!


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    *Show Notes*

    *T-Bone Bright was close to pulling the upset against Freddy Huggins. Unfortunately for T-Bone, Julian Watson was there to make sure that wasn’t going to happen! The Coach of Freddy Corp. caused enough of a distraction to help Huggins pick up the win.


    Post-Match, Freddy Corp. attempted to teach T-Bone a lesson with a 2-on-1 beatdown. But, it would be Tana The Mighty making the save, sending Freddy Corp. fleeing! Huggins has had his problems with Tana recently, and their issues clearly aren’t over just yet!


    *There’s a minor mistake on the show card. I forgot to give a legit title to the booking, “ANGLE: Angle with Azaria, Tornado, Hocking, W.M.D.” That was supposed to be a post-match interview segment. The Shade Gang hyped their match next week on Total Wrestling, when they will challenge W.M.D. for the TCW World Tag Team Championship!

  12. TCW Monthly Report

    February 2020


    Financial Report



    Top Ten Merchandise Earnings

    1) Aaron Andrews – 64.7K

    2) Sammy Bach – 15.05K

    3) Ricky Dale Johnson – 9.02K

    4) Wolf Hawkins – 8.7K

    5) Mighty Mo – 2.9K

    6) Jay Chord – 2.8K

    7) Tana The Mighty – 2.8K

    8) Frederique – 1.8K

    9) Danny Fonzarelli – 1.36K

    10) Benny Benson – 1.32K


    Top Five Matches Of The Month

    1) Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord (The War To Settle The Score, 82)


    2) The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond) defeated TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews & Mighty Mo in a Street Fight (The War To Settle The Score, 76)


    3) TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews & Mighty Mo defeated Freddy Corp. (Freddy Huggins & “Coach” Julian Watson) by Disqualification (Total Wrestling – Week 4, 74)


    4) Jay Chord defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx (Total Wrestling – Week 4, 74)


    5) Joshua Taylor defeated Frederique (The War To Settle The Score, 73)


    Company Signings

    Masked Cougar, Dreadnought (Development)


    Contract Extensions

    Elliot Thomas (6 months)


    Company Size

    Average Of Regions in Area

    USA: 74

    Canada: 59

    Mexico: 14

    British Isles: 15

    Japan: 15

    Europe: 15

    Oceania: 15

    India: 15

  13. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Just a quick heads up, you might notice my matches got significantly better ratings this show. I didn’t cheat!...not really, I don’t think. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ya see, I became frustrated with my match ratings, outside my top players. I’ve become frustrated enough so that I finally turned on the Dirt Sheet to see what I was missing. I don’t usually do that because I like to figure out the problem by myself, wrestler by wrestler. But seeing that this was a brand new game and my frustrations, I submitted and clicked on the Dirt Sheet. I just had to know what I was doing wrong.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Welp, every single wrestler in every single match was being penalized for the “ban on high risk maneuvers.” I went to the Products page and yup, “Hisk Risk Ban” was clicked on for TCW! So, I made my first alteration to TCW’s product, and clicked that sucker off.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    </em><em><strong>TA-DAH!</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    With this show, my match ratings overall saw a vast improvement with that High Risk Ban gone. I’m talking a ten point improvement for some guys’ matches here. My boys are free to fly and leap all over the place. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Best of all, on the first card without the ban? Only one guy got hurt, Chris Flynn for 2 days with a strained bicep! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    So yeah, my little story is over now. Now onto the fun.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Without further to do….</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></span><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TCW THE WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE 2020</span></span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="DmjrIGs" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/DmjrIGs" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

    <img alt="DGd0sfz" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/DGd0sfz" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre-Show</span></em></p><p><em>

    Julian Watson & Jeremie Courtney defeated Dean Daniels & Elliot Thomas</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Troy Tornado defeated Jack Avatar</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Flying Jimmy Foxx & Bart Biggins defeated Nick Booth & Yuri Yoshihara</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Main Card!</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Joshua Taylor defeated Frederique</strong></span></p><p>

    A much anticipated rematch starts off the PPV. Frederique won the first encounter, barely beating the referee’s ten count to get a ten count out win.</p><p> </p><p>

    This time, it was the Joshua Taylor Show. Taylor was clearly determined to prove that he was the better wrestler. The forty-four year old Frederique tried his best to keep up with one of the best wrestlers in the game, but Taylor was just too much. In the end, Frederique would be forced to tap to the Butterfly Lock.</p><p> </p><p>

    Post-Match, Frederique was adamant to shake Taylor’s hand. Taylor wanted none of it at first, but Frederique wouldn’t let him leave the ring. Reluctantly, Taylor would shake the hand quick before leaping out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Masked Cougar defeated Roderick Remus</strong></span></p><p>

    Cougar has tasted success since debuting in TCW back in early February. But, it was now time to for the masked marvel to compete against TCW talent, and it was Remus stepping up to the challenge. </p><p> </p><p>

    It wouldn’t be as easy as it was previously for Cougar, but the masked marvel once again was impressive. When Cougar got rolling late, it was only a matter of time. Cougar Pounce! Boom! 1-2-3, Cougar gets the big PPV win! </p><p> </p><p>

    The entire roster is now on notice because of this hot, brand new talent! He is Masked Cougar, Here Him ROAR!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tag Team Fatal Four Way Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Winner Receives A TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) defeated Devine Fortune, Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond, & The Elite</strong></span></p><p>

    First fall to the finish, the winning tag team receives a Tag Team Titles in two weeks on Total Wrestling!</p><p> </p><p>

    Referee Francis Long tried to keep order in this match early on, keeping track of the legal combatants. But as we all would expect, mayhem would eventually ensue, and bodies would begin to fly all over the place. Eventually, all eight men would be lying at ringside after a Darryl Devine Rope Flip Plancha!</p><p> </p><p>

    Of course, a shock to no one! The third member of Shade Gang, Troy Tornado, would get himself involved. But this time he paid the price, as Danny Fonzarelli got a hold of Tornado and planted him with the Retro Rocket! Fonzarelli made a huge mistake then…he attempted to pin Tornado, forgetting that Troy wasn’t actually IN the match!</p><p> </p><p>

    Marc Speed would take full advantage. As Fonzarelli argued with the referee over the attempted pinfall, Speed dragged Danny right off of Tornado and locked on the Deadly Heel Kick! Big boy or not, Fonzarelli was stuck in the middle of the ring and in agony! He was forced to tap, giving the match and tag team title shot to their rivals, The Shade Gang!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lumberjack Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    Tana The Mighty defeated Freddy Huggins</strong></span></p><p>

    For most of the match, the TCW wrestlers surrounding the ring did in fact negate the presence of Freddy Corp. Huggins was forced to compete with Tana one on one, and the results were not good for Freddy!</p><p> </p><p>

    Eventually, Freddy Corp’s Laura Catherine Huggins and “Coach” Julian Watson would be able to help Freddy change the tide, with Watson catching Tana with a chop block on the big guy’s previously injured knee. Freddy, though, couldn’t put away Tana still.</p><p> </p><p>

    Watson’s second attempt to get involved faltered big time. Desperate to help Freddy, Watson leaped off the top rope for a Double Axe Handle, but would receive a giant chop to the chest by Tana! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> My god! That chop sounded like a gun being shot off!</p><p> </p><p>

    Freddy was left alone with Tana, and that meant trouble. Tana would connect with another giant chop, this time to Freddy’s cranium. With Freddy down and out, Tana hit the Big Fat Samoan Splash for the win! Tana got his redemption, and then proceeded to dance and celebrate with the fans! </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Chris Flynn defeated Edd Stone</strong></span></p><p>

    A match weeks in the making, Stone was out for revenge after Flynn interfered in his match with Nate Johnson. With Stone on the top rope, ready to put away Johnson, Flynn would dig his fingers into Edd’s eyes, sending him crashing hard to the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

    Earlier this week, Stone & Devine Fortune defeated Flynn & The Elite in Six Man Action. Now, it was time to battle one-on-one!</p><p> </p><p>

    Unfortunately for Stone, Flynn would do it again. After dodging the Party’s Over, Flynn would rake the eyes again! With Referee Francis Long out of place to see, Flynn took advantage of a blinded Stone and slapped on the Flynn Lock! Stone had no choice to tap, scoring one for the Syndicate’s Enforcer! </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Dog Collar Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    One Man Army & Human Arsenal defeated The Behemoths to become the NEW TCW World Tag Team Champions</strong></span></p><p>

    It didn’t take long for this to become a bloody mess between these four warriors. This wasn’t a tag team wrestling match by any means. This was just a gruesome brawl. Punch in face, choke with dog chain, repeated!</p><p> </p><p>

    Sinner Society’s manager Floyd Goldworthy would interfere, costing One Man Army his opportunity to put Titan away by hitting OMA with a low blow. A surprise to everyone, the Swedish Beauty Vita would hit the ring and SPEAR Goldworthy right out of his shoes! Whoa!</p><p> </p><p>

    With Goldworthy out of commotion, and Nick Booth knocked out with a steel chair earlier in the match, it was now down to just the two teams. The Behemoths attempted to put OMA down with a Double Powerbomb, but Human Arsenal would save his partner with his own spear to Titan, just as he had OMA up in the air! Boom!</p><p> </p><p>

    With Shark all alone, OMA and Arsenal would tee off on the four hundred pounder with their own personal chair shot, then drive Shark’s head into the chairs with a Double DDT! 1-2-3, we got new Tag Team Champions!</p><p> </p><p>

    As the crowd celebrates to the sound of “BYOB” by System of a Down, it is Vita taking the Tag Team Titles from Referee Ray Johnson. She hands the titles to both OMA and Arsenal, then raises both their hands! Apparently, we have a new power trio in TCW! </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The Behemoth’s 3rd Tag Team Title reign comes to an end after 7 successful title defenses. They won the titles back in July 2019 by defeating Benny & The Foxx.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    This is One Man Army & Human Arsenal’s 1st Tag Team Title reign together. OMA becomes a 6-time TCW Tag Team Champion, the first five with Scout (New Wave). Human Arsenal becomes a 4-time TCW Tag Team Champion. He had previously been champion twice with Brent Hill, and once with Rick Law.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord</strong></span></p><p>

    Match of the Night!</p><p> </p><p>

    Bach was out for revenge after his loss to Chord at Malice in a Wonderland, a loss that included a low blow by Chord. This rematch was immediately desired by the fans afterwards, and it has been brewing the entire month.</p><p> </p><p>

    Jay Chord was on his A-game tonight, that’s for sure. He proved why many people believe he is the next World Champion in waiting. Bach just didn’t seem to have any answers for Chord tonight. But that became a problem, as Chord’s dominance began to inflate his arrogance.</p><p> </p><p>

    Chord would hit Bach with the Cradle Piledriver, but would lift Bach off the mat before Referee Ray Johnson’s three count! That just wasn’t good enough for Chord! With a cocky grin on his face, Chord dragged a limp Bach up for a second Piledriver. He attempted the Piledriver, but Bach struggled and flip right over Chord! Bach with the Roll Up! 1-2-3! </p><p> </p><p>

    The crowd erupts in cheers as Bach catches Chord with the flash pinfall! Chord is arguing with Ray Johnson as Bach sits on the floor at ringside with a huge smile on his face. As Bach stumbles his way from ringside, he looks back to see Chord still pouting in the ring. He shakes his finger at Chord, still with that huge smile.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bach:</strong> You still have a lot to learn, Junior!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Davis Wayne Newton defeated T-Bone Bright</strong></span></p><p>

    Newton is back in action after suffering a Fractured Cheek Bone earlier this month. His face showed no signs of the injury, and his performance showed absolutely no rust from the short absence.</p><p> </p><p>

    T-Bone would get a couple good shots in that left Newton reeling. But all it took was one big mistake, a missed charge into the corner, which spelled the end for T-Bone. Newton tripped a staggered T-Bone to the mat, locked on the STF, and that was all she wrote. Newton remains undefeated in TCW, as he continues to check off his list, wrestler by wrestler!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Television Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    2 Out Of 3 Falls Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    Greg Gauge defeated Benny Benson to RETAIN the TCW Television Championship</strong></span></p><p>

    It was obvious Benson knew this was his last chance to win the TV Title from Gauge, because he came out of the corner red hot! Gauge had no real answers for Benson early, and it lead to Benny hitting the Shockwave From Next Year to pick up the first fall! Perhaps Benny regretted challenging Gauge to 2 out of 3 Falls! He would be TV Champion right now!</p><p> </p><p>

    It looked like Gauge was recovering at ringside, but it was all a ploy to catch Benson with his guard down. Gauge would snap-to quickly and send Benson face first off the steel post! The second fall would be all about Gauge, and Greg would eventually force Benson to tap to the Proton Lock. </p><p> </p><p>

    Gauge would immediately lock on the Proton Lock at the start of the third fall, but Benson would not submit! He would not give up his last chance at the TV Title! Benson scratched and clawed to the bottom rope. Calling for the end, Gauge would call for his new finisher, the Broken Gauge! Gauge went for it, but Benson reversed it into a stunning Tornado DDT!</p><p> </p><p>

    A rally for Benson, the crowd is fully behind as he had Gauge on his heels. Benson called for the Shockwave From Next Year, but that’s when his attention is averted. A young, red haired woman had jumped out of the crowd, and she attempted to get in the ring! Too much to drink perhaps? Referee Ray Johnson managed to get the young woman out of the ring, but the damage had been done. </p><p> </p><p>

    When Benson returned his attention back to Gauge, Greg lifted Benny up and dropped him throat first on the top rope with the hot shot. Gauge lifted a staggered Benson up into the air, and drove him into the mat with the Broken Gauge! 1-2-3, it’s over! Gauge’s TV Title Reign continues, and Benson can never challenge him again as long as Greg’s champion!</p><p> </p><p>

    Benson just sat in the middle of the ring as Gauge exited the arena to the sound of “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes. Completely distraught, Benny couldn’t believe how close he came to winning, yet he let it all slip away.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>With this win, Greg Gauge’s 1st TV Title reign reaches 183 days. His reign began back in August 2019 by defeating Doc Hammond. This was Gauge’s 13th successful title defense.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">THE MAIN EVENT</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Street Fight Tag Team Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond) defeated TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews & Mighty Mo</strong></span></p><p>

    The ring certainly couldn’t contain this war, as it didn’t take long for the four competitors to battle into the crowd and eventually into the backstage area. The production crew had their hands full on this one! </p><p> </p><p>

    And yes, to the surprise of no one, the rest of the Syndicate would eventually get involved. The Elite & Chris Flynn would attack Aaron Andrews & Mighty Mo when the battle would spill to the backstage area. But perhaps that wasn’t the place to get involved, because it allowed Edd Stone & Devine Fortune to also get involved and take The Elite & Flynn out of the equation! Stone & Devine Fortune has had their issues with The Syndicate recently, and they got a taste of revenge here!</p><p> </p><p>

    Gradually, the match would make its way back to the arena. Battling Andrews at ringside, Hammond would knock the World Champion out on top of the announce table with the ring bell, then proceed to drag out a ladder from the ring. Hammond began to climb up the ladder, but Andrews recovered quicker than he hoped and climbed up after Doc. Andrews lifted Hammond up onto his shoulders, then fell backwards, putting Doc through the announcer table with a SUPER Samoan Drop! WHOA!</p><p> </p><p>

    Inside the ring, Mighty Mo dodged the Full Moon Rising by Wolf Hawkins. Hawkins spun around and walked right into Mo’s finisher, the Plunging Spinebuster! It’s over! 1-2-3NO! Hawkins just barely got his shoulder up! Mo couldn’t believe it!</p><p> </p><p>

    Mo climbed out of the ring, and the crowd erupted as the Mighty One began to pull out a table and slid it into the ring. Mo set up the table and waited. Mo stalked Hawkins as stumbled to his feet. </p><p> </p><p>

    THE LIGHTS GO OUT IN THE ARENA! </p><p> </p><p>

    What is going on?! </p><p> </p><p>

    Finally, the lights returned…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>IT’S EDDIE PEAK! EDDIE PEAK IS IN THE RING!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    We haven’t seen Peak since Mo put him through a table at Malice in Wonderland, and Hardcore Assassin now has Mo by the throat! My god, Peak puts through Mo straight through the table with the Peak of Perfection! </p><p> </p><p>

    A calming look in his face, Peak just stood in the ring and watched as Wolf Hawkins crawled into the cover on Mo! Referee Ray Johnson had no choice but to count, 1-2-3! The Syndicate win, thanks to the returning Eddie Peak!</p><p> </p><p>

    His work done, Peak took his exit without ever looking back. Aaron Andrews finally recovered at ringside to realize what had occurred. The rest of the Syndicate show up to help Doc Hammond and Wolf Hawkins to their feet. </p><p> </p><p>

    Aaron Andrews had no choice but to watch Hawkins, Chris Flynn by Wolf’s side to hold him up. Wolf is all smiles, knowing that he has regained his title match against Andrews. Hawkins even mocked Andrews, gesturing to his waist.</p><p> </p><p>

    The War To Settle The Score finally came to a close, as Andrews kneeled over Mo and the broken table. Mo finally started to come to, clearly stunned over what had just occurred. </p></div><p></p><p></p>

  14. <p>I've been struggling to get quality match ratings with my TCW game outside my top guys. I've been experimenting to see what I'm doing wrong, but was getting no results.</p><p> </p><p>

    I finally turned the Dirt Sheet on to see what's going, something I usually avoid. Aside from the fact that like <strong>75%</strong> of TCW's roster is in decline (WTF!), each wrestler is being penalized because high risk is banned. </p><p> </p><p>

    So, I go to the product page and remove that high risk to see the results. And just like, boom. My matches are improved by <strong>at least</strong> ten points. They really didn't like that high risk ban!</p><p> </p><p>

    I really don't like changing the product immediately, but the ban is kinda dumb (which makes sense when you consider all the other decisions TCW has made). I mean, you have a bunch of high fliers on the roster, but you're banning high risk? Forget that! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

  15. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">February – Week 4 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Monday – Creative Meeting</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> So to start this meeting, some good news. We are going global for Sunday’s Pay-Per-View. The War To Settle The Score will be seen all across the planet. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brent Hill:</strong> Whoa! Great news!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah, nice surprise, Kyle. How did you pull this off so fast? You going to stand up on top of the arena with a pair of bunny ears?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *chuckles* It’s called the internet, Rick. Ever hear of it?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Ehhhhh, once or twice.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Well Rick, this is what we’re talking about here. Listen, before I get ahead of myself, this isn’t groundbreaking. This is getting our feet wet. This is a small step towards getting TCW seen around the world. If we’re going to compete with SWF and USPW, we need the entire world to see us.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Joel Bryant:</strong> The more eyes, the better.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Exactly! But, this isn’t going to be like our National deals in the US and Canada. Those are our big money makers. We hope to make a nice buck with this new broadcasting deal, but it’s about exposure. Fans across the world will be able to purchase The War To Settle The Score on the internet and watch it live. The quality will not be as good as our National deals, but if this project succeeds, then that will improve overtime.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I’m guessing the endgame is to propel us to National deals in new regions when we get enough exposure.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Ding! You are correct, sir. The little amount of money we are investing now will hopefully make huge dividends with time and patience. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s great news, but what about Total Wrestling? If we’re offering up P-P-Vs for the entire planet, then we gotta do it for TV shows, too.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> You must be psychic, Rick, because that is exactly where I’m heading. Starting in March, Total Wrestling and other TCW televised product will also be available outside the US and Canada. If they join TCW.com, then they can watch our TV shows. Again, just like our Pay-Per-View. Starting small, hoping to grow big. So this week on Total Wrestling, we’re going to promote the crap out of these internet deals. We’ll probably have to send you out there, Rick, to explain this to the live the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Gee, great. Just make sure I have a script so it looks like I know what the hell I’m talking about. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I know you’re trying to downplay this, Kyle, but this is big news. I’m no tech guy by any means, but even I know that if you don’t use the internet to your advantage, you’re stuck in the past. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Boy, do I know about being stuck in the past. Thank god I’m paying someone to be in charge of my Twitter account.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I will keep you guys updated as things move forward. Just remember, it is a long game. We’re not expecting results right away, but the hope is this takes the company to a whole different venture. Not only could this mean big broadcasting deals, but I’m almost thinking global tours. Again though, long game. Any questions?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Crickets chirp in the room. The 40-50 year old men have zero desire to discuss internet technology, something they know very little about.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Good! My first big focus today is the Television Title. We’re finishing up the feud between Gauge and Benson this Sunday. We all know Gauge is our midcard guy right now, and Benny has already done his job. He has helped make Gauge look like a prominent champion. I like Greg’s future, but I don’t think he’s ready just yet to join the main event. Now, we have to figure out what’s next for the TV Title picture. We’ve talked about it before, but now we need a decision. Thoughts?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Well, unfortunately, our recent issue arises. We need more concrete babyface challengers for Greg. We kind of swept through them. I guess we could go back to Edd Stone. They only had a single one-on-one match together over the title.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Yeah, but that feels like we’re treading water with Greg as champion. We need something to take him to the next level. Something that makes people think of Greg for years when they compare him to future TV champions.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Took the words right out of my mouth, Joel. Frederique is a fun option, but I was actually going to suggest a tag team for Fred.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Really? Where is this coming from?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> House shows. When Dave Diamond was off one show, we had his partner (Danny) Fonzarelli tag with Fred. It was fire. The crowd loved their chemistry.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Might be a little awkward to toss Diamond aside and slide in Frederique. I mean, they are babyfaces.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> *shrugs* True, but Fonz and Diamond haven’t been teaming long. I don’t think the crowd has hooked on defiantly, either.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> How do the guys feel about it?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Oh, Fonz and Fred know. Those guys have been around long enough to know chemistry when they feel it.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Now that I think about it, their colorful gimmicks could make for some fun segments. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *thinks about it* Alright, I’m interested, but let’s shelf that idea for now and get back on topic. Who else could we throw at Greg?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Well…again, the cabinet is getting kind of empty. Unless we push a guy to the moon out of nowhere, I don’t think we have a babyface right now that would be fire against Greg.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Welp, you know what means. Time to turn a bad guy!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, now we’re talking. Who do you have in mind, Rick?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, there is an easy one that jumps out to me. I would absolutely love to see Gauge square dance with Joshua Taylor and see what magic comes out of that.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:/</strong> Hmmm, I’m not so sure the crowd is ready for Josh to turn back good guy.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You might be right, Brent. But in my honest opinion, he is a better face than heel. I think his in-ring work alone will get the crowd behind him again. That, and Greg is such a good heel.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Yeah, you’re not turning Greg face anytime soon!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Nor would I want to. The boy sure reminds me of his Dad sometimes. So paint the picture, Rick. How do you see it coming?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Not much painting needed. The story tells itself when you just look at it. The young lion is hungry for bigger challenges. On the other side is this adult lion, still in his prime, not ready to be passed up by the young-un.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> You sure that would be enough?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> In my opinion, yes. Start there, and then let their wrestling paint the rest. I mean, Greg & Josh are two of the best ring generals we got here. They’re going to steal shows, I got a feeling.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *nods repeatedly* You’re winning me over, Rick. Any other options we can think of?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> We could always give Tana a run with Greg.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Yeah, but can Tana keep up with Greg?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> You’re scaring me, Joel, how much we’re thinking alike. Tana is still good for a fun story, but the title picture? I think fans will expect better quality wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I’d say (Freddy) Huggins, but that kid is just too dang good of a heel. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> For sure. Plus, I think I might want to start teasing Freddy as a World Title contender, just to see how fans react. I think we got something with this Freddy Corp.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Freddy sure is good at being a douchebag.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> And he and Julian (Watson) have some fun magic. I love the coach idea for Julian. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> How do we feel about T-Bone? Any chance there, you think?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I like the kid, but he’s still got that green showing. I think he needs a feud or two first to sell him to the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I think T-Bone can definitely be someone if we find him the right tag team partner. Now we just have to find him the right partner!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Okay, this was good. Let’s have this discussion settle in our stomachs and we’ll come back to it. Now, let’s move onto Sunday. We need to finalize the P-P-V card….</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Tuesday – Total Wrestling</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky stands alone on the interview stage inside the Shakeshaft Auditorium. Microphone in hand, cowboy hat on head. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky just finished his spiel about TCW’s brand spanking new internet deal to broadcast the company all over the world. If he sounded like a robot, that’s because he was reading a long script right off a monitor. As far as Ricky could recall, the last time he needed a monitor? Ricky was in his young thirties, acting in a commercial to promote TCW. That was many years and many beers ago.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s enough business mumbo jumbo for tonight. I want to talk some actual wrestling! How about it folks? I got the rest of the card for The War To Settle The Score, you want to hear it?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ turns to the crowd, who pops for him. They want to know! RDJ proceeds to summarize the current card, with proper graphics showing up on the tron and on television.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Now, let’s get to the new stuff! For this Sunday, I have been informed by TCW medical that Tana The Mighty has been cleared to compete. Tana has requested a rematch with Freddy Huggins, and he will get it! But…just to make sure that Freddy’s little Freddy Corp. doesn’t stir up more controversy, we’re going to stir things up first! Tana & Freddy will compete this time…in a <strong>Lumberjack Match!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Wow, there will be nowhere for Freddy Huggins to run this Sunday!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> That may be true, but something tells me Freddy Corp. will figure out some way to get involved.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> How about another match? No no no, not just another match. How about a Team Team Fatal Four Way? You like that?!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The live crowd likes that!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Four of TCW’s best teams will compete, one fall to the finish. The tag team that gets the fall will receive a TCW World Tag Team Championship Match in two weeks, right here on Total Wrestling! And those four tag teams are The Elite, Devine For-…</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Before Ricky can go any further, he is interrupted by the sound of Three Days Grace’s “Animal I Have Become.” Cue the boos, Joshua Taylor walks out into the arena with a big ol’ scowl on his face. He is not a happy camper tonight! Taylor walks uninvited onto the interview stage and goes face to face with the Commissioner.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Sure, go ahead and interrupt me, Josh. Got something on your mind?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky holds the mic out towards Taylor, allowing him to talk.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Taylor:</strong> First off, I don’t give a crap about your stupid little tag team match. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yes, that’s pretty obvious. But if you-…</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Taylor grabs Ricky by the wrist and pulls the mic back towards himself.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Taylor:</strong> I want to know when I get my rematch with Frederique after that little stunt he pulled last week. That loser got lucky when we first met, and I’m not letting that stand! So how about it, Rick? When’s my rematch?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well Josh, patience is a virtue. Let’s see, Frederique beat you, no matter how you color it. You had a temper tantrum and attacked Fred after the match. You mocked Frederique, leading him to attack you back. And hey! So what do you say, boys and gals? Do you want the rematch?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The crowd wants the rematch! Taylor again pulls the mic back towards himself.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Taylor:</strong> I don’t care what they want! Just give me my rematch!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, Josh, if you just waited a damn minute, then you wouldn’t have needed to come out here looking like a baby with a dirty diaper! Because guess what? My next match announcement was this! At The War To The Settle The Score, it will be Frederique once more competing against….<strong>SURPRISE!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky slams the mic into Taylor’s chest, then points at him with double finger guns. Proud of himself, the TCW Commissioner exits to “Shoot The Thrill” by AC/DC. Taylor is forced to watch Ricky strut off, Joshua’s scowl growing even larger.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><img alt="yzCIOAp" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/yzCIOAp" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>*Show Notes*</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    *During the Co-Main Event contest of Wolf Hawkins Vs One Man Army, OMA would get a very unwelcomed surprise. OMA had Hawkins reeling, and looked primed to make the big upset against the former World Champion. Just then, a ruckus was heard over the PA System. All the attention turned towards the tron, including OMA’s, as it showed Human Arsenal being ambushed backstage by Tag Team Champions The Behemoths & Nick Booth. </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    The distraction did the trick, as it allowed Hawkins to recover and hit Full Moon Rising. 1-2-3, Hawkins gets the big W heading into The War To Settle The Score.</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    As soon as OMA recovered from his loss, he would make his way to the backstage to save his ally. Courageously, OMA would confront the Sinner Society all on his own backstage in an attempt to rescue Human Arsenal. But in the end, both OMA & Arsenal were left battered on the floor by the Sinner Society, just days before the big Tag Title match at The War To Settle The Score! </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    *Once again, The Shade Gang would use the numbers game to their advantage, and they would redeem themselves in a tag rematch against Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond. This time, Shade Gang would be represented by Marc Speed & Matt Hocking, but the third man Troy Tornado would nevertheless get involved. His distraction allowed Speed to lock the Deadly Heel Hook upon Diamond. With Fonzarelli busy with Hocking at ringside, Diamond was forced to tap and take the loss. </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">


  16. It's the time the match went on for. How long it lasted. The total time that elapsed during the segment.


    Sorry bud, but that's not it. Here, this is the stat I'm curious about.




    I had the match go for 8 minutes (plus 2 for entrances). It says 34 for Match Time.


    And I'm 100% certain that match wasn't booked 34 minutes long. Pretty sure that would've killed big ol' Fonzarelli. :D


    Another example on the card is Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach wrestling in the main event. I booked them for 25 minutes. Yet, the "Match Time" stat is 7.

  17. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">February – Week 3 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Tuesday – Total Wrestling</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky Dale Johnson is backstage at the McGaw Arena in the Tri State area. Ricky has an overall easy night at the Total Wrestling show. No big Commissioner segments this week on the show, because the focus is primarily in-ring. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    It’s Championship Week on Total Wrestling! All 3 Championships are on the line!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Greg Gauge defends The TCW Television Championship against Danny Fonzarelli!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    TCW World Tag Team Champions The Behemoths battle rivals One Man Army & Human Arsenal!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    In the Main Event, the top two babyfaces in TCW battle, as Aaron Andrews defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Sammy Bach!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky has only one televised segment this week, where he’s supposed to go out and announce that Behemoths will have a Tag Title rematch with One Man Army & Human Arsenal at The War To Settle The Score. Tonight’s contest will end in absolute mayhem, the referee’s decision being a double countout, and the competitors will continue to brawl post-match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So if those four men want to act like animals, I’ll treat them at animals! At The War To Settle The Score, the Tag Team Titles will be decided…in a <strong>Dog Collar Match!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky will then be interrupted The Syndicate’s Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond. Hawkins will demand to know when he will receive his World Title shot, which he won in a contender’s match back in January. Unfortunately, the scheduled match never took place because Hawkins legitimately broke his forearm. But, Hawkins had just been cleared medically this week.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You think you deserve a title shot after the stunt you pulled at Malice in Wonderland? Wolf, you tried to put Aaron Andrews on the shelf! You should be suspended! As far as I’m concerned, you don’t have a World Title shot! But I tell you what, if you and Doc here win your Street Fight at The War To Settle The Score? Your title shot match with Aaron Andrews is back on! If you guys lose, then you go to the back of the line!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>But that was all in a few moments. Currently, Ricky was backstage with his old Sam Keith. Like Ricky, Keith had become more invested in the company recently, and was now a Road Agent at all televised events. He was also the promoter down in MAW, a development promotion for TCW. Part of Keith’s reasoning to go back on the road was because of his son, Greg Gauge, was rapidly rising up the TCW ranks.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky & Sam Keith went back a long way. They had many battles back in the day, many of those battles being the reason why TCW became such a huge promotion, and probably why TCW was able to stay open in present day. While Ricky might be considered the heart of TCW, Keith helped the company plenty as well. Keith was a part of the original Syndicate stable, which Ricky considered vastly better than the current group.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    All of sudden, their reminiscing is put on hold because of a commotion in the locker room. Though neither man has a clue of what’s happening, the commotion is plenty loud that they can tell where it’s coming from. It’s near the curtains, and it doesn’t sound like anything the company had planned for the show.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Ricky & Keith join the several bodies rushing towards the commotion. Right before the curtains, a tussle has broken out. John “Human Arsenal” Anderson is on top of Killer Shark and is holding him there. An impressive move, holding down a 400+ plus man, but that just proves how great of an amateur wrestler Anderson was (and still is). Still wearing his Human Arsenal mask, Anderson has Shark tight in a headlock. Despite throwing punches to Anderson’s body, Shark can’t manage to break free.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>John Anderson:</strong> You dumb son of a *****! You nearly broke my ****** neck!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky has no idea what John’s screaming about, but he assumes it had something to do with their match this evening, which apparently just finished up. Ricky doesn’t care about details, though, and quickly joins the group of men trying to break the fight apart. The tag partners, Thom “One Man Army” Barrowman & Fred “Titan” Head are also there, trying to talk sense into their buddies. Eventually, Anderson’s grip is broken and both men are pulled apart.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sam Keith:</strong> Get John out of here, Rick! I’ll take care of Shark!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Both Ricky & Thom Barrowman block Anderson as they direct him towards the locker room area, just in case John decides to go after Killer Shark again. When they finally get into the locker room, he allows Anderson to cool off a moment.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Jesus Thom, what did I miss?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Barrowman:</strong> You didn’t see the match?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Nah, sorry. I was getting ready for my segment coming up.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>A total lie, Ricky was just too busy talking about the old days. Thom didn’t need to know that, though.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Barrowman:</strong> Well, John nearly got his neck broken by Shark. That’s what happened. Shark messed up a basic slam. We’re lucky John is standing right now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Anderson tears off his Human Arsenal mask and throws it across the room. Still red hot, John Anderson jumps right into the conversation and barks at Ricky.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Anderson:</strong> He’s a damn champion in this company, and he can’t even slam people right! What the hell, Rick? I’ve been wrestling here almost fifteen years. That boy is about as green as it gets!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> I know, I know. Shark has a great look, that’s why Kyle (Rhodes) likes him so much.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Anderson:</strong> I don’t care what Kyle likes! The ape nearly dropped me on my head!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Barrowman:</strong> *to RDJ* After that, it was on. Lots of stiff shots under the match was over.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Anderson:</strong> He’s lucky I didn’t break his teeth!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, listen, please try to calm down. I’m going to talk to Shark, going go talk to Kyle, and we’ll figure things out, alright? I’m sorry this happened, John. Please, try to calm down, and go to medical when you’re ready. Alright?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Anderson:</strong> Yeah yeah yeah….</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Anderson slumps down in a chair and pours a bottle of water over his head.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *to Barrowman* Can you watch him for now?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Barrowman:</strong> *shrugs* I guess I have to.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As Ricky exits the locker room, Sam Keith is heading his way from down the hall.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Keith:</strong> I was just coming to find out how John is doing. Is he ok?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Yeah, I think. He’s pissed over a botched slam by Shark. He needs time to cool off. I was going to go talk to Shark and Kyle now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Keith:</strong> Well, Kyle is talking to Show right now. He saw the botch and isn’t happy. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> How pissed?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Keith:</strong> Well…he’s “this is not the first time” pissed. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *cringes* Not good. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Keith:</strong> Nope. Thom & John might want to get ready for a Tag Title run.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Wow, really? Why do you say that? I thought the team was just temporary? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Keith:</strong> *shrugs* Call it a hunch….. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Later in the Main Event</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The fans are split in the main event, as fan favorites Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach battle over the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. The majority are behind Andrews most of the match. But,when Bach begins to rally in the match, the Sammy chants seem to grow louder and louder. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    It’s late in the match, and Bach is trying to put Andrews away. He can almost taste his first reign as TCW World Champion, twelve years in the making! After Andrews barely kicked out of the Adrenaline Shot, Bach climbs to the top rope. He executes a beautiful Moonsault, but Andrews rolls out of the way! Bach manages to land on his feet, but comes up limping! Andrews sees this, and immediately trips Bach and locks the hurt leg in a Single Leg Crab. Bach is in complete agony, but manages to drag himself to the bottom rope! Andrews uses the five count, and Bach rolls out of the ring after the break.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Seeing that Bach might be badly hurt, Referee Ray Johnson climbs out of the ring to check if Sammy can continue. When this happens, Jay Chord hits the ring! Chord hits Andrews with his Cradle Piledriver, leaving the champion out cold, right in the middle of the ring! Chord disappears as quickly as he appeared! Ray Johnson re-enters the ring, having no clue what happened!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    With Andrews still out cold, Bach drags himself back into the ring. Bach is confused over what happened. Here comes Chord, marching back down to the ring. He’s barking at his rival Bach to pin Andrews! Announcer Jason Azaria manages to put together what’s happening.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Azaria:</strong> I get it now! Bach & Chord have their rematch at The War To Settle The Score! Chord wants Bach to win so he can challenge Sammy for the World Title in that match!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>It looks like Sammy is putting it together himself, and he begins shaking his head in disgust. Bach limps to the edge of the ring and points at Chord.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bach:</strong> I don’t need your help! Get out of here! I <strong>don’t</strong> want <strong>your</strong> help!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Chord insults Bach’s intelligence as Sammy decides what to do. Bach refuses to pin Andrews in his current condition. He doesn’t want to win in tainted fashion. Instead, Bach decides to drag Andrews up in an attempt to give the champ a fighting chance. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Andrews pulls Bach down into a Small Package! That injured leg is locked tightly! 1-2-3! Andrews retains the World Title!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    “Feel Invincible” by Skillet begins to play as Andrews is awarded his championship gold. Both Andrews & Bach sit on the mat, exhausted over their encounter. Bach sits with hands on his knees, stunned over what just occurred. Jay Chord, meanwhile, is having a fit outside the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Chord:</strong> You idiot! You’re an idiot, Sammy!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As Total Wrestling comes to a close, Andrews climbs the corner. He holds his title belt up for all to see, but especially Jay Chord. Andrews & Chord exchange some words before the scene goes black. We’re appear to be getting a hint of what the future might hold for both these men….and TCW!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><img alt="9NOA1se" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/9NOA1se" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>*Show Notes*</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    *After creating a successful ambush on Tana The Mighty last week, Freddy Huggins is interviewed this week by Jason Azaria on the interview stage. Huggins is all smiles as he taunts the injured Tana, but then announces the creation of </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Freddy Corp!</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Huggins:</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"> Freddy Corp. is the institution that is going to take your boy Freddy all the way to the TCW World Title!</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    Huggins introduces his sister, Laura Catherine, as the company manager of Freddy Corp. Makes sense…she is Freddy’s manager, anyway. Huggins then introduces his own personal coach, the man who will train him to become TCW World Champion. Out comes Maverick, now going by his real name, Julian Watson! No more face paint, Watson comes out with a clipboard and whistle, and begins to clap and encourage Huggins during his interview.</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Huggins:</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"> I am the new face of TCW, and not even an overgrown loser like Tana The Mighty is going to stop me from going straight to the top!</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">


  18. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">February – Week 2 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Monday – Creative Meeting</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> A fractured cheek bone? Ouch. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Brent Hill:</strong> Yeah, but it sounds worse than it is. We’ll only miss Davis (Wayne Newton) just a few weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Joel Bryant:</strong> A shame, though. We’re only getting his name out to the fans, and this happens. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Any heat between him and Elliot (Thomas) over the injury?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> *shakes head* Nah, it was an unfortunate collision when Elliot executed his cross body block. His elbow or forearm just caught Davis real good.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> If it’s okay with you, Kyle, I’d like to bring in another new wrestler to try out while we wait for Davis to return.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Ah, I bet you’re talking about Masked Cougar. Aren’t you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I am.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I knew it. I know you really like this kid, Brent. I’m just not so sure Cougar would mix well with our product.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> What is he? A luchador?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> He has luchador aspects to his style, but the reason I like him is that he can adapt to whatever style he needs to. That’s why I like him so much. A ton of experience both on this continent and in Japan. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> But what can he do for us?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Well, you said we need new babyfaces. Fresh babyfaces. Cougar is 100%, white meat babyface. If he hits, we’ll have a whole bunch of kids wearing his cougar mask.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *to RDJ & Bryant* What do you guys think?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I’ve seen him work before. He’s not really my style, granted I’ve never been a big luchador, masked high flier fan. But if Brent here thinks he can deliver something special, I think he’s worth a shot. Brent’s definitely right about the babyface aspect. The kid is easily beloved. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, it seems like we’re discounting this kid because he’s different than the rest of the roster. But, that is just what might make him an interesting addition. By the way Brent paints it, the kids might love him. And if the kids love him, then the parents have to dish out cash for merchandise. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright Brent, you win. Bring Cougar him, let’s see how the fans react to him. If he hits, I’ll give you a cut of his merchandise sales.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> *big smile* I’ll hold you to that!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Alright, I wanted to end this week’s meeting with a little financial update. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You’re going to put me to sleep, bud. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> *chuckles* It’s good news, I swear. I told you guys that January was looking good with our brand new Pay-Per-View deal with Canada. Well, it was in fact a financial success. We saw a big bump in money in the first month of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> I guess we should say thanks to Canada.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> The North definitely did us a favor. Now, we’re not going overboard with this additional cash flow, but we are already starting to put it to good use here and there. We’re raising the Production Values to our televised shows, so it might look a little better in the next few weeks.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That was it? The Production? I thought my old eyes were just rejuvenated!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> We’re also making some updates to the facilities over at School of Pro Wrestling. I’m also looking talking to the merchandise department to see if we can invest on newer ventures over there. More product, better quality of product. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> As long as they keep on making those RDJ foam cowboy hats.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey, don’t joke! I bought ten of them myself. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> Lastly, the biggest news of all. We’re expecting finances to be even better with our new TV deal in Canada. That’s why I’ve begun talking to television networks about potentially putting a second show on TV.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bryant:</strong> Whoa! Are we bringing back Saturday Night Showcase?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> I’m afraid not. I’m talking about more of a single hour, B-show. Some place to develop new talent, give lower card guys some wins, and further stories when needed. It wouldn’t be a gold mine, but I’m thinking more about investing in our future. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hot damn, I hope to see it. Any investment in the future is almost always the best move.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Rhodes:</strong> That’s the hope. When a decision is made or I know more, I’ll let you guys know. That’s it for this week, I’ll see you guys at the tapings.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As Ricky is in process of leaving, he notices that the BriCo executives have approached Kyle Rhodes. While Ricky cannot hear what they’re talking about, he can tell that Kyle is a bit annoyed by the topic. The rubbing of the forehead and temple is a good giveaway.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Usually, these BriCo executives merely sit in on the meetings, take notes for their own boss(es), and that’s about it. This was the first time, though, that Ricky had seen them take a legit interest in something that occurred in the meeting. Whatever it was, Ricky didn’t think Kyle was in the process of being well praised.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    On the way out of BriCo headquarters, Ricky sees that Brent Hill hasn’t left just yet. He hurries his pace to catch up with his long time friend.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hey Brent, got a minute?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Sure Rick. Want to get some lunch?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Ehhh, sorry. I got a date with the boss lady to get ready for. I just had something to ask you, if that’s alright.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Sure, no problem.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well…I don’t mean to be rude…but you still are the Head Booker, right?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Ummm…yeah? Why do you ask?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Well, it’s just that before I left the company, Kyle was never this hands on with booking. He was just all about the business outside the ring. Ya know, finances and promotion and stuff. I didn’t realize when I was coming back that we would all be having meetings like this all the time.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Brent Hill looks a little uncomfortable, and makes sure that the conversation is private before speaking.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Kyle means no harm, but yes, he’s had a more hands on approach in the last year. He pretty much wants to be involved in everything.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Does that bother you? Him taking charging of the roster and booking?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> *shrugs* Not really. I have no desire for a power struggle, Rick. I’m just like you, I guess. I just want to do what’s best for this company. Besides, Kyle always shows respect to my opinion, and always wants to hear it. And my paycheck is the same, so who cares? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> That’s good to hear. But why do you think he changed things up?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Brent Hill hesitates to answer.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Is it BriCo?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> I…I think so. I think they’re pressuring him to see more success. I think they expected more from TCW since the purchase.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> You think they want to move on?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill</strong> *shakes head* I don’t think so, but I’m certainly not in the inner circle when it comes to BriCO. I just think they thought we’d be competing with SWF & USPW again by now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Hmmm, if that’s the case, no wonder Kyle wants to bring my old rear off the couch.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Hey…just keep this talk between us, alright? Kyle already has enough on his plate. We just need to be there to help him and the company.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Of course, Brent. You have my word.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Oh yeah, and you might want to take it easy when you criticize the New Wave split. It rubs Kyle the wrong way.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *chuckles* So, it was his idea.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> *nods* And he expected something bigger from it. I mean, it’s been fine, but nothing special like he thought it might be. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, Brent. I’ll watch what I say. Besides, the New Wave boys got word of what I said and aren’t happy with me. They took it as some pretty heavy criticism.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hill:</strong> Don’t make a big deal about it. Us wrestlers can be very moody people. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> *laughs* Ain’t that the truth!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Tuesday – Total Wrestling</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Earlier in the show, Aaron Andrews had approached Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson backstage and informed the Commish that he was cleared to compete by TCW medical. Andrews was stern in his desire.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Andrews:</strong> I want a fight tonight, and I want it with The Syndicate!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Ricky would oblige Aaron’s wishes. Andrews was booked in a Non-Title Match later that night against The Syndicate’s Nate Johnson! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    After a back and forth contest, the TCW World Champion was about to put Nate Johnson for the win. But, as Andrews headed to the top rope for his signature Body Press, the rest of the Syndicate hit the ring! Chris Flynn would shove Andrews off the top rope, sending him hard to the mat. The Syndicate would then circle around the fallen champion and kick away at him. They only stopped so they could pick him up, allowing Doc Hammond to punish Andrews with a powerful lariat! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    As this all goes on, Wolf Hawkins stands at ringside. His forearm still in cast, the Syndicate leader smiles on as his boys do his bidding, and do it well.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Wait a minute! The crowd erupts as “Breathe” by Fabulous hits the PA! Mighty Mo comes rushing out to the ring, knocking over Wolf Hawkins in the process! Mo slides into the ring and goes on an absolute rampage. Mo fends off the Syndicate long enough for Andrews to recover, and then the duo together clears the ring of Aaron’s assailants! </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

    Hawkins calls a retreat for his stable, his sinister plans wrecked by Mighty Mo! As the Syndicate start to head for the curtains, Aaron Andrews calls for a microphone.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Andrews:</strong> Hey Wolf! Wolf! Before you leave, I just have one question to ask.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Andrews turns away from The Syndicate and goes face to face with Mighty Mo.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Andrews:</strong> Hey Mo! How does a Street Fight sound to you?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As Andrews holds the mic towards Mo, the Mighty One smiles ear to ear. Mo glares at Wolf Hawkins as he responds.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Mo:</strong> Sounds like fun!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>There you have it! It appears that Aaron Andrews has found a tag team partner for his Street Fight against The Syndicate at The War To Settle The Score. That partner is Mighty Mo!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><img alt="zDJ8qDj" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/zDJ8qDj" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Main Event:</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"> Aaron Andrews defeated Nate Johnson by Disqualification (Non-Title)</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Co-Main Event:</strong></span><span style="color:#006400;"> Benny & The Foxx defeated Greg Gauge & Troy Tornado</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    </span><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>*Show Notes*</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    *Benny Benson is successful in his last chance to earn a title shot against TV Champion Greg Gauge. Benny & The Foxx defeat TV Champ Gauge and his handpicked partner, The Shade Gang’s Troy Tornado. Gauge is left to watch his partner Tornado get pinned by Benson, and now knows he will have to deal with Benny one more time!</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    *After Tana The Mighty’s win over Nick Booth, Freddy Huggins would approach the ring. Huggins wanted to call a truce, desiring no more ill towards Tana. Huggins was looking for forgiveness! Tana wasn’t buying it at all, and he was right! From behind, a facepaint-less Maverick would come out of the crowd and sneak attack Tana! It appears Maverick has aligned himself with Huggins! </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

    Tana would fend off the sneak attack pretty fast, but the distraction would allow Freddy Huggins to once again chop block Tana’s injured knee! Huggins and Maverick would proceed to attack that knee until TCW officials finally got them out of the ring! With Tana down, Maverick would raise Huggins’s arm, as if Freddy just won a championship match! Huggins, of course, was all smiles!</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">


  19. February – Week 1 – 2020


    Monday – Creative Meeting


    After discussing the current Tag Title and TV Title picture, it was time to deliberate the main event for the next Pay-Per-View, The War To Settle The Score. Wolf Hawkins’s injury had caused the company’s main storyline to take a detour, and it was time to get back on track.


    Kyle Rhodes: So, it’s pretty much settled. We’re going to ride the Andrews/Hawkins feud all the way to Total Mayhem, the big finale taking place there. But now we need to start planning how we’re going to get there. First things first, The War To Settle The Score. What do we do?


    Brent Hill: Well, it’s got to be Round 1 here. Andrews vs Hawkins, World Title.


    Joel Bryant: Seems logical, yeah.


    RDJ: *groans* I don’t know. You got something here that you can cook.


    Rhodes: Meaning?


    RDJ: Well…look at what you just did at Malice (in Wonderland). Andrews and Scout…err…Hammond…whatever…put on a great, intense match. Then, you follow up with the champ getting set up by Wolf. Great angle by the way, Brent. You built a beautiful one there, bud.


    Hill: Thank you, sir.


    RDJ: So Andrews has heat with not just with Hawkins, but Hammond now, too. Why don’t we use that for the next P-P-V?


    Rhodes: A Tag Team Match?


    RDJ: *nods* The Syndicate on one side. And to stir things up, Andrews gets his partner of choice, which can be its own little story there.


    Hill: How about this as well? You, Mr. Commish, revokes Hawkins’s title shot because of his “despicable” attack on Andrews. But, if The Syndicate wins the tag match? Hawkins gets his title shot back.


    Rhodes: I like it, folks. You guys just put together something that might be on a par with a World Title match.


    RDJ: We do this right, then it’s just going to be that much special when we hit the fans with Andrews & Hawkins, one on one. I guarantee it.


    Rhodes: This match just needs a gimmick. A standard tag just won’t do.


    Bryant: How about we put them in a steel cage?


    Rhodes: *shakes head* Nah, I think I want to hold onto the steel cage. I could see Andrews & Hawkins one-on-one in a cage at some point in the few months.


    Hill: I say we go with the Street Fight. It’s special, but we can always raise the stakes later.


    RDJ: Street Fight, yeah. The arena can be their playpen. Let’s the boys create their own magic.


    Hill: And it’s cheaper than a Steel Cage!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Alright, I think we got ourselves a main event almost. We got one piece left. Who is going to be Aaron’s partner?


    RDJ: Well, to me, Sammy Bach would be the obvious choice.


    Rhodes: It’s not a bad idea, but if we’re not going to do Andrews-Hawkins at the next P-P-V, I almost certainly want the Bach-Chord rematch. That’ll be our big singles match.


    Bryant: Are we going with the trilogy with Bach-Chord?


    Rhodes: That’s the hope, but we must keep Chord strong no matter what. I want Chord in the title scene as soon as the feud is over. It’s just about time for him.


    RDJ: Alright, then. So if not Sammy, who do we have to be Aaron’s partner?


    Hill: Well guys, hang with me here. I think I got an idea….


    Tuesday – Total Wrestling


    We are just moments away from this week’s main event on Total Wrestling. Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes, & Mitch Naess are in the process of hyping the Fatal Four Way. The winner will challenge Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship…in two weeks…right here on Total Wrestling!


    But before they can go further, the announcers are interrupted by “Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet, the music of Benny & The Foxx. It is in fact Benny Benson who walks out into the arena in street clothes. With a microphone in hand, Benson steps onto the interview stage.


    Benson: I know we are about to enjoy tonight’s main event, and I don’t want to take up too much time. But I’d like to ask our Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, to come out here. I got something I need to ask him.


    After a long moment, Ricky appears from the curtains. Not knowing he was even coming out into the arena that very moment, Ricky had forgotten his cowboy hat backstage, though his fine suit still looks crisp. Ricky joins Benson on the interview stage, his own mic in hand.


    RDJ: We could have done this backstage, but oh well. Let’s do it in front of this lovely, live crowd. Well Benny, how can I help ya, bud?


    Benson: Rick, you know this ordeal between me and Greg Gauge has been brewing for awhile now. I have come…soooo…close, so close to taking that TV Title away from him. I should have beat him one on one, but his stupid antics with Edd Stone got me DQ’ed. Then at Malice in Wonderland? I had that match won! Not only did Gauge steal that win, but I was never pinned!


    RDJ: Well Benny, I get all that. I see where you’re coming from. But here’s the truth, no matter how you might paint it. You had your chances to win the TV Title, and you didn’t get it done. Greg Gauge is the champ, and you’re not.


    Benson paces back and forth before answering.


    Benson: You’re right, Rick! You’re absolutely right! But here’s the thing. I know, without a shadow of a doubt that I can beat Gauge for that title! All I need is one more chance!


    RDJ: Benny, you had your chances. You have to understand my point of view. There is a locker room full of guys hungry for their chance. There’s a long line of guys waiting for their chance at the TV Champion. So, why should I put that on hold to give you yet another opportunity?


    Benson: Please Rick…I’m begging ya, man. I just need one more chance. That’s all I’m asking for.


    Hands on hips, Ricky turns away from Benson towards the live crowd. The fans are behind the beloved Benny Benson. They want to see Benson get another chance, and Ricky recognizes that.


    Ricky turns back to Benson and holds up his index finger.


    RDJ: One more chance, that’s all you get, Benny. And that’s what you’re getting, a CHANCE! Next week, you will team up with your buddy Jimmy The Foxx. Benny & The Foxx! You will compete against the TV Champion Greg Gauge and a partner of his choosing. If you win your tag team match next week, you will get your title shot!


    Benson pumps his fists in celebration. The live crowd rejoices as well, too.


    Benson: Thank you, Rick. That’s all I wanted man, that’s all-...


    RDJ: I’m not done, Benny. You need to hear me loud and clear. Whether you win next week or not, this is your…last…chance! If you fail to win the TV Title this time, that is it! You will never receive another TV Title shot as long as Greg Gauge wears that title belt!


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Main Event: Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord, One Man Army, & “TCW Television Champion” Greg Gauge in a Fatal Four Way Match. Bach earns the right to challenge Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 2 Weeks on Total Wrestling!


    Co-Main Event: Frederique defeated Joshua Taylor


    *Show Notes*

    *Rather than having to face off with Tana The Mighty again, Freddy Huggins bailed on his tag team partner Maverick and took a walk on the opening contest. It certainly didn’t end well for Maverick, who took a Big Fat Samoan Splash as a result.


    *Unlike Malice in Wonderland, Syndicate enforcer Chris Flynn was caught red-handed interfering on behalf of Eddie Chandler during his match with Edd Stone. Referee Francis Long disqualified Chandler, though that didn’t stop the 3-on-1 beatdown on Stone by Flynn & The Elite. Luckily for Stone, Devine Fortune would hit the ring for the save, clearly wanting revenge for their tainted lost at Malice in Wonderland!


    *Joshua Taylor was impressive in his match against Frederique, and controlled a great deal of the contest. But all it took was one mistake for Taylor. As both men duked it out at ringside, Taylor would charge a groggy Frederique. Frederique would side step the charge at the last second, and Taylor would go face first into the ring pole! Frederique dragged himself back into the ring, beating Referee Ray Johnson’s ten count for the win!


    Livid by his loss, Taylor attacked Frederique immediately after the match. Like an animal, an enraged Taylor would beat away on Frederique until he was pried away by TCW officials. What a poor act of sportsmanship!

  20. TCW Monthly Report

    January 2020


    Financial Report



    Top Ten Merchandise Earnings

    1) Aaron Andrews – 48.2K

    2) Sammy Bach – 13.8K

    3) Wolf Hawkins – 5.9K

    4) Ricky Dale Johnson – 5.1K

    5) Mighty Mo – 2.8K

    6) Tana The Mighty – 2.7K

    7) Jay Chord – 1.4K

    8) Benny Benson – 1.07K

    9) Danny Fonzarelli – 1.065K

    10) One Man Army – 1.06K


    Top Five Matches Of The Month

    1) Wolf Hawkins defeated Sammy Bach & Jay Chord in a Triple Threat Match (79, Total Wrestling – Week 1)


    2) Aaron Andrews defeated Doc Hammond to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (78, Malice in Wonderland)


    3) Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach (74, Malice in Wonderland)


    4) Aaron Andrews defeated Eddie Chandler in a Non-Title Contest (72, Total Wrestling – Week 3)


    5) Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins in a Non-Title Contest (72, Total Wrestling – Week 2)


    Company Signings

    Frederique, Davis Wayne Newton, Mitch Naess (Announcer), Playboy Jake Sawyer (Colour Commentator), Francis Long (Referee),

    Sam Keith (Road Agent), Luis Montero (Road Agent), Prime Time Jack Pryde (Development)


    Company Size

    Average Of Areas Currently Broadcasting Product

    USA: 73

    Canada: 54






    Bart Biggins & Elliot Thomas defeated Maverick & Yuri Yoshihara


    Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Nick Booth


    Jeremie Courtney & Roderick Remus defeated T-Bone Bright & Jack Avatar


    The Main Card


    Frederique, One Man Army, & Human Arsenal defeated Joshua Taylor & “TCW World Tag Team Champions” The Behemoths

    Six Man Tag Team Action started off the first TCW pay-per-view of the year!


    Taylor & Behemoths were able to cut the ring off on Human Arsenal and dominate much of the match, but they were unable to put Arsenal down and out. Finally, Frederique would get the hot tag and change the tide for his team.


    When Taylor finally received the opportunity to finally face off with Frederique, Taylor backed off and hopped off the apron! Taylor just watched as Frederique hit Titan with the Romeo is Bleeding for the three count! Taylor would just watch as Frederique, OMA, & Arsenal linked up and raised their arms in victory.


    Davis Wayne Newton defeated Paul Steadyfast

    A brand new signing to TCW, Newton continued his undefeated streak by taking out Steadyfast, a twenty-six year veteran in the business. Steadyfast got in a few shots here and there, but this was the DWN-Show. Once again, Newton has his arm raised by the referee. Once again, Newton gets to strut arrogantly around the ring post-match. Once again, Newton proves that he is a hot commodity that the entire roster has to watch out for.



    Greg Gauge defeated Benny Benson & Edd Stone to RETAIN The TCW Television Championship

    Total non-stop action from three of the most talented wrestlers on the TCW roster. Whenever it seemed one was close to sealing victory, the third wheel would cause the breakup. Edd Stone would shock the live crowd with an amazing Top Rope DOUBLE Spanish Fly, but would be left stunned when he received a near fall when pinning both opponents!


    Alas, Gauge proved once again that it is keen awareness that has kept the TV Title around his waist. When Benson attempted to pin Stone after hitting the Shockwave from Next Year, Gauge came flying off the top rope with a bone crunching Elbow Drop on top of both men. Gauge then enjoys the spoils and pin Stone for the 3!


    Greg Gauge has now been TV Champion for 155 days, dating back to August 2019. This was Gauge’s 11th Successful Title Defense.


    Freddy Huggins defeated Tana The Mighty

    Yes, Huggins will definitely feel the effects of this match next morning, as Tana tossed Freddy all across the ring every chance he got. The chops Tana delivered to Huggins’s chest left Freddy bright red, and probably made his heart skip a beat, too.


    That said, Huggins smartly attacked Tana’s injury knee every chance he had. That’s the same knee that Huggins attacked with a steel chair two weeks ago. After dodging the Big Fat Samoan Splash, Huggins would tumble the giant with a perfect chop block, then a precise dropkick. When Tana attempted to get up again, Huggins would roll up Tana, and managed to lock hands with his sister Laura Catherine for leverage! With Referee Francis Long out of place, Huggins got the three count before Tana could break free!


    Huggins would quickly flee from ringside. As Tana was left seething in the ring, Huggins celebrated with his sister Laura Catherine in front of the curtains, a huge smile on his face.


    Mighty Mo & Eddie Peak Battled To A Double Disqualification

    This match got out of hand early, quickly becoming just a flat out brawl. Referee Ray Johnson could have counted these men out numerous times as they battered each other at ringside. The mayhem just never ceased, and it finally boiled over when BOTH men shoved down Ray Johnson! The referee had no choice but to disqualify both men!


    With the match over, the rest of the Sinner Society hit the ring to help ambush Mo. But, it didn’t take long for One Man Army & Human Arsenal to race out and make the save. OMA & Arsenal brawled into the crowd with the Behemoths & Nick Booth, leaving Mo & Peak all alone once again!


    With Mo hurt from the ambush, Peak stripped clean the announce table at ringside! Peak attempted to put Mo through the table with the Peak of Perfection, but Mo broke free! When Peak spun around to face Mo, he got clocked by Mo, armed with the ring bell! With Peak stunned, Mo showed his amazing strength by lifting Peak into the air and POWERBOMBING HIM THROUGH THE TABLE!


    With the crowd roaring, Mo stood over the motionless Peak triumphantly. Mighty Mo certainly didn’t win the match, but he might just have won the war!


    The Elite defeated Devine Fortune

    No matter how impressive both teams looked in this match, the story will be about The Syndicate’s enforcer, Chris Flynn. With Referee Francis Long distracted by Eddie Chandler & Darryl Devine’s brawl outside the ring, Flynn would interfere in the match. With Nate Johnson down in the ring, Chance Fortune attempted to climb to the top rope. But before he could, Flynn climbed onto the apron and dug his fingers deep into Fortune’s eyes! Blinded, Fortune would crash hard to the mat!


    The Elite would take full advantage. After sending Devine hard into the steel steps, Chandler joined Johnson in the ring to hit Fortune with the Elitism! 1-2-3, The Elite picks up a big win for the Syndicate!


    Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach

    A battle of two of the biggest stars in TCW, both of them just one step away from the top of the mountain. They clearly knew this, because both men brought the fight like their careers depended on it! Chord blamed Bach for not being the one challenging Aaron Andrews in the main event. Meanwhile, Bach was out for revenge for the vicious attack by Chord weeks prior. Yes, it was personal now for these two, but both men knew that a big victory could lead them to a future World Title shot.


    Unfortunately, Chord had to stoop to dirty tactics to get the victory. Chord survived the Bach on your Back, scratching and clawing to the bottom rope for the clean break. Bach set Chord up for the Adrenaline Shot, but Chord would dodge the maneuver and dropkick Bach in the back, sending Bach right into Referee Ray Johnson! It wasn’t the worst referee collision ever seen, though. Johnson got up pretty quick, but not quick enough to see Chord deliver a low blow to Bach! Chord would then hit Bach with the Cradle Piledriver and receive the 3 count!


    Who knows if Commissioner RDJ will consider that victory worthy of a future World Title Match. Nevertheless, Jay Chord picks up the big win in this heated rivalry.


    Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Shade Gang (Troy Tornado & Matt Hocking) by Disqualification

    Fonz & Diamond were separate targets of this newly formed trio of Tornado, Hocking, & Speed. Or, as we now known them as, The Shade Gang! Little did the Shade Gang know, Fonz & Diamond would not just roll over in defeat. Instead, Fonz & Diamond united to battle the trio!


    Despite repeated outside interference from Marc Speed, Fonz & Diamond would survive the Shade Gang onslaught and make a late rally. Fonz would set up Hocking for the Retro Rocket, only for Speed to sneak into the ring and smack Fonz across the back with a steel chair! Referee Francis Long had no choice but to Disqualify The Shade Gang!


    When Speed went to use the steel chair again on Fonz, Diamond would come up behind Speed and snatch away the weapon! Speed spun around to Diamond, only to get struck right in the ribs with the steel chair! Diamond attempted to hit Hocking with the chair as well, but Troy Tornado would pull out his ally just in time. The battle line drawn, the two teams tossed threats back and forth as Fonz & Diamond were declared the victors. Clearly, we are just seeing the start of this feud!




    Aaron Andrews defeated Doc Hammond to RETAIN The TCW World Heavyweight Championship

    His broken forearm in a cast, Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins would accompany stable mate Doc Hammond to the ring. Throughout the match, Hawkins would interfere at every opportunity possible to make sure that the World Title ended up in the Syndicate camp.


    Unfortunately for Wolf, he would finally get caught Referee Ray Johnson. Thinking he was in the clear, Johnson would catch Hawkins standing over Andrews after smashing him into the ring post! Johnson didn’t actually see the action take place, so instead of calling for a DQ, Johnson did the next best thing. Johnson threw Hawkins out of the arena!


    It was now a one-on-one match! No more Syndicate interference!


    Hammond would attempt to take advantage of Hawkins’s assistance, realizing that this was the biggest opportunity of his career. But no matter what Doc did, Andrews would always get his shoulder, and always get to the ropes.


    The champ would not say die, and he would rally back with the crowd red hot behind him. Andrews would hit Hammond with the Standing Hot Shot, but instead of going for the pinfall, Andrews headed to the top rope. As Hammonds staggered to his feet, Andrews took flight. Andrews hits his patented Flying Body Press! 1-2-3! The champ retains on P-P-V!


    Aaron Andrews has now been TCW World Heavyweight Champion for 176 days. He has been champion since July 2019. This is Andrews’s 3rd reign as World Champion. This was the 5th successful title defense of Andrew’s current reign.


    After climbing each corner with the big gold raised high, Andrews would circle ringside to high five the fans that adore the champ. As the show starts to come to a close, Andrews took his exit towards the curtains. Andrews went to pose with the title belt, but stopped when Doc Hammond attempted to approach him. Not caring that the match is over, Hammond tried to charge Andrews, but he was held back by several TCW referees! Hammond and Andrews started to exchange words when-




    It was just a distraction by Hammond! From the curtains appeared Wolf Hawkins, who came up behind Andrews and clocked him across the head with his forearm cast! The champ is face down and OUT…COLD!


    Hawkins clutched his broken forearm, wincing in pain from his own strike. Overcoming the pain, Wolf snatched the World Title off the ground. With Hammond now holding back those TCW referees, Hawkins stood over Andrews and let him knew how he really felt.


    “You’re nothing, Aaron! You hear me?!

    I’m the face of TCW! You're a nobody!”


    Finally, help came from backstage to help Andrews. Hawkins doesn’t struggle or argue, he merely backed away, but not before tossing the World Title down beside Andrews.


    "We’ll see you later, champ!”


    Malice in Wonderland came to a close as TCW medics attempted to rouse Andrews awake. Just before the show goes black, Andrews is helped to a seated position. By the look on his face, the World Champ was clearly several planets away.

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