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Posts posted by dbritton987

  1. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"> </span><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Summer Showdown 2020</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Official Card For TCW’s Biggest Show of the Summer!</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Aaron Andrews ( C ) Vs. Jay Chord</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>Joss Thompson is the Special Enforcer!</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Television Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    6-Man Gauntlet Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs. Masked Cougar Vs. Davis Wayne Newton </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs. Mainstream Hernandez Vs. Doc Hammond Vs. Joshua Taylor</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>As Champion, Greg Gauge is automatically the Final Participant.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Four Corners Tag Team Elimination Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs. The Syndicate</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> (Akima Brave & Chris Flynn)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs. Tana & T-Bone Vs. The Shade Gang</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Mighty Mo Vs. Wolf Hawkins</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Sammy Bach Vs. Freddy Huggins</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Edd Stone Vs. Kirk Jameson</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>If Jameson Wins, He will receive a TCW Contract.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Six Man Tag Team Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Beautiful Love Vs. Sinner Society</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp.</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    Also, </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Aztec Prince</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> will be in action!</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">


  2. July – Week 4 – 2020


    Tuesday Nightmare – Backstage At The Guerilla Position

    Minutes After Total Wrestling Goes Off Air


    Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson can hear the commotion after pushing through the curtains. The live crowd is still plenty hot from the closing segment, and apparently the same emotion is backstage. At the guerilla position, high fives are exchanged and smiles are bright. In the middle of it all, Joss Thompson is the center of the discussion after a very successful debut.


    RDJ can tell that everyone backstage feels what he felt. The last segment of Total Wrestling this evening was a scripted contract signing for the TCW World Heavyweight Match between Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord at Summer Showdown.[/b][/color] The segment itself was red hot, as the live crowd was clearly hyped for a matchup between two of the best wrestlers in the world. But, the reveal that Joss Thompson had joined TCW at the end of the show was the tip over. If fans didn’t know before, now they knew that Summer Showdown’s main event was going to be a special moment.


    But the Joss Thompson signing itself meant a lot for TCW. After years of dragging itself along, the company was finally back in the fight with SWF and USPW. In fact, for the last few months, TCW’s product had been rated the best in the United States. The Joss Thompson signing, though, was a big shot at the competitors. It was a warning that let other companies know, especially USPW, that TCW was here for a war. TCW was no longer going to be punching bag for them.


    Joss Thompson had cost CEO Kyle Rhodes a truck load of money to sign, probably more money than Kyle would ever admit aloud. But, Kyle’s massive smile in the middle of that backstage celebration said a lot. Yeah, BriCo almost definitely grieved Kyle over the huge contract signing, no matter what plans Kyle has to eventually purchase TCW. But, Kyle saw the big picture of this signing. He didn’t just sign Joss Thompson just because it was a big, flashy move for TCW. Kyle understood just how big of a power move it was to reestablish TCW in the wrestling business.


    RDJ waited for his moment to swerve through the crowd backstage to deliver a heavy clap on Joss Thompson’s shoulder, just to make sure he got his attention. Joss turned to RDJ and smiled before the two men shared a quick hug.


    RDJ: Pretty good debut, eh?


    Thompson: Oh man, hell yeah. Thank you for setting me up big time.


    RDJ: It was my pleasure. I’m just happy to finally have you over here. Been a fan of your work for a long time.


    RDJ definitely had said that to other wrestlers in the past and had been lying out of his rear. It just was a nice thing to say to new faces, and who was going to call out a veteran like Rick? In Joss’s instance though, RDJ was telling the truth. Even when Joss was still across seas, RDJ saw the talent in Joss. Not just that, he saw a big, muscular talent and all Rick could think was money.


    Thompson: I’d love to really sit down you and talk over ideas. Whenever you got a chance.


    RDJ: Absolutely. How about breakfast?


    Thompson: Breakfast sounds good.


    RDJ: Alright, let’s work it out later. Enjoy your first night here.


    RDJ and Thompson embraced quickly one more time before Rick pushed his way through the mass of humanity until he could find an empty corner all to himself. Easing into a chair, RDJ pulled out his cellphone to find a single text message from his wife.


    Good show, hun. That guy at end seemed really important.


    RDJ couldn’t help but smile at his wife’s attempt to bond with him about his occupation. Rick was certain that there was no chance in hell that she ever heard the name “Joss Thompson” before this evening.


    Yeah, he is important. Good dude.


    RDJ looked up when he felt a presence, just as he was being greeted. Standing before him was one of TCW’s newest wrestlers, Aztec Prince. A luchador from Chile, Prince stood out from other superstars down south because of his physique and powerful maneuvers, yet he was still able to move swiftly. It was why he caught the idea of scout Joel Bryant earlier this year.


    Prince: Excuse me, Mr. Johnson. Sorry, I knew you wished to speak earlier but I couldn’t find you alone until now.


    He had no business being surprised, but RDJ still admired the honor behind the lucha libre mask. It’s a level of kayfabe that it is pretty much dead in today’s world where we are all connected. RDJ had yet to see Aztec Prince’s face, as he always showed up to work in mask. Here Prince was, standing before RDJ when he didn’t even have a match or even an appearance tonight, yet he still wore the mask.


    RDJ also found himself falling for the usual stereotypes, because there was a part of him surprised by how well Prince’s English was. Despite having a strong accent, RDJ understood everything the he said. Truth was, Prince worked hard on his English, not wanting it to be a road block in his career. Plus, word in the locker room was that his real life girlfriend Haley Buck was assisting him on becoming better on the mic.


    RDJ: No problem, kid. It’s been a busy day.


    Prince: Is there something I can help you with?


    RDJ: I just wanted to inform you of my plans for you. You’ve done a good job the last couple of months, putting your name out as the new star. It’s time to cash in. I got an angle for you I’d like to run, I think it could really work. And, to be blunt, it’s a pretty big plan. So, are you ready for your big push?


    Prince: I am ready, Mr. Johnson. Whatever you need, I am ready.


    RDJ: Geez kid, drop the Mr. Johnson. I feel old enough. Call me Rick or RDJ.


    Prince: Sorry. Rick, then. What is it that you need from me?


    RDJ: Well, if we’re going to discuss this, let’s do this right. There’s someone else that needs to be a part of this conversation…


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!



  3. Thompson could absolutely be a figurehead. Not sure how well he can play a face, that's probably the only potential snag.


    But yeah, that's a huge contract -- hopefully it won't sink you.


    Finances are good right now after a couple new PPVs contracts and other things, but I won't be dishing out a bunch more contracts like that, that's for sure.


    And I agree about the babyface thing, I rarely ever rolled with Joss as a face in prior games, which is why I kind of want to do it this time. Did the same with Frederique when I brought him him, trying something different. Plus, there's a bunch of guys already on the TCW roster that are vastly better at being a heel than babyface.

  4. I remember when Joss Thompson was unknown in the US, but made a good signing.


    Nowadays he's a great signing.


    Joss Thompson has always been a personal favorite of mine, so this was a no-brainer, guilty pleasure signing. My longest TEW2013 TCW game consisted of Joss Thompson becoming Tommy Cornell's second-in-command in the Syndicate, only for Joss to betray Tommy and become the new leader. Which, of course, led to Cornell Vs. Thompson in the Total Mayhem main event.


    I got one more big signing to debut before I slow down with all these talent steals. I'm just about satisfied with the current state of the roster, so I'm going to start focusing primarily on developing new stars. Pretty much, the only steals from now on will be uber talents and any other guilty pleasures of mine.

  5. July – Week 4 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Jason Azaria: We are mere days away from Summer Showdown 2020! Welcome everyone to TCW Presents Total Wrestling! Tonight, we will see the contract signing of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match between Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord. One of the most epic title matches in TCW history will become official tonight!


    Kyle Rhodes: Not just that, just days before his war with Mighty Mo, Wolf Hawkins will face for the first time ever the masked marvel known as Masked Cougar! We will also see Sammy Bach and Freddy Huggins battle in a Six Man Tag Team Match right before their one-on-one encounter at Summer Showdown.


    Jason Azaria: All that, and plenty more action tonight. But we are starting tonight with some turmoil. At Summer Showdown, we will see a Four Corners Tag Team Elimination for the TCW Tag Team Championship. In our opening contest tonight, each team is sending out a member to represent themselves in a Fatal Four Way.


    Kyle Rhodes: But most importantly, each competitor’s partner is banned from ringside for this match!


    Tana The Mighty defeats One Man Army, Matt Hocking, & Chris Flynn in a Fatal Four Way Match

    It is absolute mayhem in tonight’s opening contest, with action all over the place. Every time it looks like someone has the pinfall or submission, another competitor comes flying in to break it up. In the end, it’s the giant who takes control. Tana The Mighty lifts Matt Hocking into the gorilla press and dumps Matt onto One Man Army at ringside, wiping both men out. Chris Flynn sneaks up and staggers Tana with a big boot to the face, but when he tries to charge Tana full speed, Flynn runs right into a giant chop to the skull! Flynn down, Tana bounces off the ropes and crushes the Syndicate member with the Big Fat Samoan Splash! 1,2,3, Tana picks up the big win for his team.


    Partner T-Bone Bright and manager Dharma Gregg join Tana The Mighty inside the ring to celebrate his big victory. Kyle Rhodes enters the ring to conduct an interview with the tag team about the big win, and Tana & T-Bone show that they are excited and now confident going into the Tag Title Match at Summer Showdown.


    T-Bone: The big guy Tana just proved now that we have the ability to survive that Four Corners Match at Summer Showdown, that we have all we need to become the new Tag Team Champions!


    Tana: I squashed Chris Flynn tonight. I squash everyone at Summer Showdown!


    Sinner Society (Killer Shark & Petr Novak) defeat Jack Avatar & Red Panther

    Squash Match! Poor Avatar and Panther, they never stood a chance. Shark & Novak have their fun beating up on them. Novak finally puts them out of their misery after a huge Choke Slam to Red Panther.


    Manager Floyd Goldworthy and fellow Sinner Society member Nick Booth join Killer Shark & Petr Novak in the ring post-match. All smiles, Goldworthy is about to speak. But, before he can lift the mic to his lips, “Radio Ga Ga” by Queen begins to play. Out comes Beautiful Love, and the three men aren’t smiling like they usually do. Diamond, Fonzarelli, & Frederique march down to the ring for revenge! Beautiful Love rush into the ring, and all out war ensues between the two groups!


    Jason Azaria: We have over a ton of mass fighting in the right now! Hopefully, the ring doesn’t collapse!


    Motivated by the revenge, Beautiful Love eventually sends Killer Shark and Nick Booth tumbling to the floor. Refusing to back down, Petr Novak is ready to fight all three. Floyd Goldworthy, though, convinces his latest acquisition to fight another day and exit the ring. As Sinner Society retreat up the entranceway, Frederique picks up the mic Goldworthy dropped on the mat.


    Frederique: Hey big boys! Did you really think we were just going accept that beating you gave us and just stay down? No no no, Beautiful Love is all about having fun, but one of our favorite ways to have is by having a big fight! So come on Sinner Society, let’s have some fun. Let’s have a big ol’ Six Man Tag at Summer Showdown!


    As Goldworthy continues to hold back his men on the entrance stage, Floyd responds to Frederique off-mic.


    Goldworthy: You want a Six man Tag? You got your Six Man Tag!


    Kyle Rhodes: We’ll have to find out if this is official, but it looks like we got one big tag team match now set for Summer Showdown.


    Jason Azaria: The ring survived tonight, but it will definitely have to be reinforced for such a massive Six Man Tag!


    Mr. Lucha defeats Elliot Thomas

    Mr. Lucha continues down his path to make a name for himself in TCW. This time, it’s the veteran Elliot Thomas in his way. The competitors exchange some flashy moves, as Thomas offers Lucha his toughest challenge yet. Yet, in the end, Lucha is again flying off the top rope and connecting with the beautiful Lucha Sault. Lucha picks up the three count and the win.


    Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson is shown in his office backstage, finishing preparations for tonight’s World Title Contract Signing. There’s a knock at the door, and in comes Kirk Jameson. Ire radiating in the air, RDJ and Jameson stare at each other a long moment before either says anything.


    RDJ: Must be nice to walk in backstage with access than…ya know…break the law and jump the barricade.


    Jameson: Very funny, just give me my contract to sign.


    Smirking, RDJ retrieves a clipboard and hands it to Jameson for him to sign.


    RDJ: Now, let’s just be clear, this is a one day contract for Summer Showdown. If you lose to Edd Stone, then you will be punished soundly by the law if you ever step onto TCW property ever again. But, if you win? You got what you want. You get your legit TCW contract.


    Jameson is the one smirking now as he signs the one day contract and hands the clipboard back to RDJ.


    Jameson: Do me a favor, Rick. Stop acting like you’re ending up on the short straw in all of us. After I choke Edd Stone out? You officially get to sign the hottest free agent in all of professional wrestling. You’re welcome.


    Devine Fortune defeat Crockett Tubbs & Yuri Yoshihara

    Squash match! Daryl Devine & Chance Fortune show why they have been a successful TCW tag team for so long. They have their way with Tubbs and Yoshihara before Devine puts Tubbs away with the Devine Dream Drop.


    After a hype video is shown for the match between Mighty Mo and Wolf Hawkins at Summer Showdown, Wolf Hawkins himself is shown backstage giving final instructions to Doc Hammond before Doc heads out for his match with Mainstream Hernandez. When Hammond leaves, Hawkins turns to the camera as he proceeds to hype his upcoming match with Masked Cougar.


    Hawkins: Mighty Mo, I hope you’re watching tonight. Yeah, Masked Cougar might be smaller than you, and he might be an entirely different wrestler. But, there is no difference for someone like me, I’ve beaten them all. Big or small, powerhouse or high flier. They all fall to the Syndicate. You’re going to get a wakeup call tonight, Mo, when you see what I do to Masked Cougar. You’re going to realize what is waiting for you at Summer Showdown. And Cougar? Well, you’re going to learn how much a fool you’ve been to challenge The Syndicate.


    Mainstream Hernandez defeats Doc Hammond

    Hernandez and Hammond go back and forth, proving that both are on top of their game heading into the TV Title Gauntlet Match at Summer Showdown. Unfortunately, their match is ruined by TV Champion Greg Gauge! As Hernandez looks to finish the match, Gauge hits the ring and attacks Mainstream from behind. As Gauge pummels Hernandez, Referee Young has no choice but to call for the bell and Disqualify Doc Hammond!


    Jason Azaria: The TV Champion has just ruined this great encounter!


    Proving that this attack is not just about his new rival Mainstream Hernandez, Greg Gauge attacks Doc Hammond as well. Hammond gets planted by Gauge’s finisher, the Broken Gauge! Gauge then turns his attention back to Hernandez and locks him in the Proton Lock in the middle of the ring! Hernandez screams in agony as Referee Young pleads with Gauge to break the submission. After a long time, Gauge eventually does. Gauge grabs the TV Title from his manager Juliet Balconi at ringside, then stands over both Hernandez and Hammond, holding the title belt up high. The Syndicate’s Akima Brave & Chris Flynn rush to the ring to avenge Hammond, but Gauge smartly exits the ring before they can get to him.


    Kyle Rhodes: I don’t approve of what Greg Gauge just did, but I get it. Everyone is talking about the big Gauntlet Match and the five challengers to the TV Title. Despite all that, Greg Gauge is still the man who has been a dominant champion for close to a year, and he’s not afraid of the challenge.


    Jason Azaria: Gauge won’t know who he will be competing against in the Gauntlet Match, but as TV Champion, he has the right to go last in the contest. Will Greg Gauge still be holding the TV Title when it is all said and done at Summer Showdown?


    Joshua Taylor defeats Too Hot

    Too Hot gets one good hit in on Taylor and acts like he won the match. That’s all Too Hot manages to do the rest of the match, because a ticked off Taylor proceeds to beat him up the rest of the time. Too Hot taps frantically when locked in the Butterfly Lock, giving Taylor the dominant win.


    As Joshua Taylor gets his hand raised, his music is quickly interrupted by “Man with a Plan” by Chapel of Rock. Much to his surprise though, it is not Davis Wayne Newton who comes out to his music, but instead Newton’s manager Haley Buck appears. Scowling all the way, Buck marches down to the ring and walks right up to Taylor with a mic in her hand.


    Buck: Who do you think you are? You cost my client Davis Wayne Newton his match last week, when you had no business being down at ringside. You think that makes you a big man? I think it makes you a coward, Josh. You know Davis is better than you, and you know your little roll up win at Excessive Force meant NOTHING. You see your career on the decline and you see Davis on the rise, and you’re absolutely jealous. You need to see the truth for your own good. Next time you and Davis are in the ring? You are going to-…


    Joshua Taylor suddenly spins around and kicks Davis Wayne Newton right in the head with the Gamengiri! Taylor knew something was amiss and was ready for the trap! Taylor tries to pummel Newton on the mat, but Davis smartly flees from the ring.


    Jason Azaria: Well, that backfired big time on Davis and Haley!


    Kyle Rhodes: Joshua Taylor has been doing this for way too long to fall for such an obvious trap!


    Their plan foiled, Newton and Buck throw a tantrum as they head up the entranceway. A mocking grin on his face, Taylor picks up the mic that Buck dropped in the ring.


    Taylor: Hey Davis, you better hope we don’t meet up in the Gauntlet Match this Sunday. You want cry about the two losses on your record? Well…you’re REALLY not going to like your third!


    Six Man Tag Team Match

    Sammy Bach & Benny & The Foxx defeat Freddy Corp. (Huggins, Watson, & Remus)

    Freddy Corp. control a lengthy part of the match, but when Sammy Bach gets the hot tag, the Huggins squad is left reeling. It only gets worse for “Coach” Julian Watson & “Head of Security” Roderick Remus when their leader Freddy Huggins just bails on the match rather than squad off with Sammy Bach! As Huggins stands with his sister Laura Catherine on the entrance stage, Bach stares him down before locking Coach Watson in the Bach on your Back! Huggins just watches as Watson taps out to Bach’s submission!


    Jason Azaria: Freddy Huggins could run away tonight from Sammy Bach, but running will not be an option this Sunday at Summer Showdown.


    Kyle Rhodes: Freddy will finally have to man up and face the consequences of all his taunting and all the sneak attacks on Sammy Bach. I’m not sure Huggins really knows what type of trouble he’s in for!


    As Sammy Bach, Benny Benson, & Flying Jimmy Foxx celebrate their big tag team win here on Total Wrestling, Bach’s theme music suddenly dies, and the lights go off in the arena.


    Jason Azaria: Not again!


    Just like it has for weeks now, the titantron begins to go crazy with noise, while the PA begins to screech a high pitch. Suddenly, it all goes quiet and dark, and then we hear the echo of that single strike of the church bell. Unlike before, though, it is follow up by a voice, which is in fact a single line from Metallica.


    For Whom The Bell Tolls…


    It all goes quiet, and then a moment later it all returns to normal. The lights are back on, and Bach’s theme music is back to playing where it stopped. Bach, Benson, & Foxx all look around confused, not sure what to make of what just happened.


    Jason Azaria: This has been happening for a month now. What is going on?!


    Kyle Rhodes: Whatever it is, I think someone or something is trying to send a message. Message sent, I’m creeped out!




    Wolf Hawkins defeats Masked Cougar

    Hawkins grows arrogant after controlling a lengthy part of the match, so when Cougar catches him with a dropkick in the face while leaping off the top rope, Wolf is left glass eyed and on wobbly legs! Cougar picks up the pace quickly and sends Hawkins reeling with move after move. Cougar leaps off the top rope and sends Hawkins flying with an amazing Hurricarana. When Hawkins staggers up, he gets hit with the Cougar Pounce! Hawkins is in serious trouble as Cougar heads to the top rope for his finisher, but Cougar halts when he sees Doc Hammond now standing at ringside! Referee Young warns Hammond not to interfere, but Hammond holds his hands up and pleads that he’s merely a bystander. The damage is done though, as Cougar wastes too much time going to the top rope, allowing Hawkins to crotch Cougar on the top turnbuckle! Cougar crashes to the mat, and with a smirk, Hawkins sets up for his own finisher. As Cougar staggers up, Hawkins takes to the air and connects with the Full Moon Rising! 1,2,3, Hawkins picks up the main event win.


    Jason Azaria: Hawkins takes down the masked marvel, but not without an assist from Doc Hammond.


    Wolf Hawkins pushes Referee Young aside as Doc Hammond quickly enters the ring and begins to beat down Masked Cougar. Hawkins gestures to the curtains, and the rest of the Syndicate come rushing down. Akima Brave and Chris Flynn hit the ring, and the three on one beatdown begins as Hawkins watches on with a smile.


    Kyle Rhodes: Come on! This isn’t necessary!


    The crowd goes nuts as “Breathe” by Fabulous hits the PA! Mighty Mo comes rushing to the ring, and he’s got backup! A steel chair in hand! Mo first swing is at Wolf Hawkins, but Hawkins smartly bails from the ring, and Mo’s swing hits only the ropes. Mo recovers, though, and begins to swing away on the rest of the Syndicate. He doesn’t miss them! Mo strikes Brave, Flynn, & Hammond with the chair. He strikes over and over until the Syndicate is sent into retreat! A scowl on his face, Hawkins calls his men back in retreat. Mighty Mo dares them to re-enter the ring, but Wolf Hawkins knows better to instruct his men to do so.


    Jason Azaria: Mighty Mo has saved Masked Cougar from serious damage! Wolf Hawkins must realize by now that no matter what he does, Mo is never going to back down from the Syndicate.


    Kyle Rhodes: It might not be the smartest thing to do, but Mighty Mo is not going to allow Wolf Hawkins and his henchmen get away with their vile action.


    Jason Azaria: This rivalry between Mo and Hawkins has become red hot, and I’m sure it’s only going to get crazier when they battle one-on-one at Summer Showdown!


    We are back from commercials, and the ring is all set up for the Contract Signing for the TCW World Title Match at Summer Showdown. Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson is already standing by in the ring, and he introduces the challenger Jay Chord, then the TCW World Champion himself Aaron Andrews. Chord and Andrews both make it down to the ring, leading to a stare down between the two before RDJ insists they take a seat at the table set up. RDJ proceeds to hype the World Title Match before walking them through the contract signing. As the challenger, Chord is given the contract first to sign. Chord does, but before handing the contract over to the champion, Jay picks up the microphone placed before him.


    Chord: Aaron, I need you to understand something. This is the moment I’ve been waiting my entire career. Yeah, any World Title win is memorable, but this is the moment meant for someone like me. One of the greatest wrestlers ever to grace this business, right in the middle of his prime, is prepared to become World Champion on a highly prestigious show like Summer Showdown. The whole world is going to tune in to see me take that championship from you, Aaron. I’m not ignorant enough to take credit away from you like others have. You’re one of the best, Aaron, you truly are. But this Sunday, you will learn the truth, and the truth is I…am…better. I am better than you, and I am better than everyone else in this business. This Sunday, I’m going to take that championship belt, and I’m going to take my rightful place on top of the mountain.


    Chord pushes the contract across the table towards the World Champion. Andrews takes a moment to just look at Chord and just smile at what Jay just said. Andrews does things a bit different than Chord, as he decides to talk first before signing.


    Andrews: Well, I guess I appreciate you complimenting me a bit there, Jay. But just like everyone else, you’ve convinced yourself that you’re just going to walk in and take the World Title like it’s a breeze. No matter how long I wear this title and who I beat, there’s always going to be arrogant guys like you. That’s fine, though, I don’t mind. It is makes it more satisfying when I put shoulders to the mat and retain my title. Jay, we are going to put on one hell of a show at Summer Showdown. It is truly going to be one to remember. But, if I’m going to be the fighting champion I want to be, if I’m going to go down in history as one of the best, then I have to win when faced with my toughest challenges. You truly are one of my toughest challengers, Jay, but I’m going to put you down just like I put down the rest of them. I’m going to walk into Summer Showdown with the World Title, and I’m going to walk out still the champion when the smoke clears.


    That said, Andrews signs the contract on the dotted line, then hands it back to RDJ. The Commish picks up his own mic while raising the contract into the air.


    RDJ: It is now one-hundred percent official! This Sunday at Summer Showdown, in one of the biggest matches in our company’s history, Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord will battle for the TCW…World…Heavyweight…Championship!


    Cue the pop, the crowd goes nuts for the Commish’s announcement. Meanwhile, Andrews and Chord continue to stare each other down across the table.


    RDJ: So, I suppose this contract signing is finished. Well, actually, there is one more thing…


    RDJ pauses, leading Andrews and Chord to break their stare and look up towards the Commish.


    RDJ: Ya see, I wanted to do my best that this match truly is epic. I don’t want any shenanigans messing up the match this Sunday. Just curious, did either of you read ALL the details in the contract?


    Not knowing what Rick means, both competitors share a confused glance with each other.


    RDJ: Yeah…you kiddies never read the small print. Well, if you did, then you would have read that I have enlisted a Special Enforcer for this World Title Match. This Special Enforcer is going to back up the referee from ringside, and he is going to make sure no one interferes in this contest. So without further to do, allow me to introduce the Special Enforcer…and the NEWEST signing to Total Championship Wrestling!


    Chord and Andrews both rise from their seats and turn as RDJ gestures towards the curtains. The arena suddenly goes dark for a moment. “Ten Thousand Fists” by Disturbed begins to play, and a hooded dark figure appears in a lone spotlight on the entrance stage. As the Disturbed song picks up, fireworks blast off on the stage. The lights return to the arena, and the mystery man steps forward and throws off his hood!


    Kyle Rhodes: OH MY GOD!


    Jason Azaria: I can’t believe it! It’s JOSS THOMPSON! Joss Thompson is here in Total Championship Wrestling!


    Kyle Rhodes: Am I dreaming?! Joss Thompson?! The Multi-Time World Champion is here on Total Wrestling?!


    Jason Azaria: Believe it, Kyle! RDJ just blew us away with a massive blockbuster!


    The live crowd is going absolute nuts by the surprise, while Chord and Andrews merely watch on in awe. Chord seems to be scowling a little, while Andrews grins a bit while shaking his head. Joss Thompson, meanwhile, looks over the pumped crowd, welcoming him to TCW. Thompson nods in appreciation then points down towards the steel flooring at his feet.


    Thompson: This is my house! This is my house now!


    Reacting along with the lyrics, Thompson thrusts his fist up into the air. Just like that, the arena is flooded with raised fists in the air.


    Jason Azaria: What a surprise to close out Total Wrestling! Folks, please make sure to contact your cable company, because you are not going to want to miss TCW Summer Showdown. Tune in this Sunday for one of the biggest matches ever in TCW. Aaron Andrews versus Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship, and yes! Joss Thompson is here in TCW, and he will be the match’s Special Enforcer!

  6. July – Week 3 – 2020


    Tuesday Evening – Backstage at Evanovich Riverside

    Minutes Before Total Wrestling Goes Live


    The dark matches are underway to warm up the crowd for tonight’s episode, but Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson has no interest in them. After running around for the last couple of hours to get the show ready, all RDJ wants to do is Facetime his daughter, knowing full well he won’t have another chance to before she goes to bed. After making sure everything is set for the show, RDJ finds a quiet corner in the backstage area.


    RDJ is literally scrolling through his phone to click on his daughter’s number when he hears his name called. Recognizing the voice immediately, RDJ knows that his hope to see his daughter’s face tonight has dwindled. Kyle Rhodes, CEO of Total Championship Wrestling, is approaching him with a smile. Not only is Kyle’s assistant following him as always, there is another man approaching RDJ. It’s Mitch Naess, a veteran announcer who has done some work with TCW from time to time recently.


    Rhodes: Rick! I’ve been trying to talk to you all day long!


    RDJ: *shrugs* I’ve been here since four, Kyle. Maybe if you weren’t kissing up to rich moguls all day long?


    Rhodes: Hey, those moguls are one of the reasons why TCW can pay everyone a decent paycheck.


    RDJ: Well, in that case, keep kissing that mogul butt. I got two kids to put through college, and still hope to buy that big yacht one day.


    Rhodes: Then, kiss butt I shall. But right now, I got some news for you.


    RDJ: Christ, Kyle. You’ve given me plenty of news recently, more than my heart can handle. You really are trying to kill me, aren’t you?


    Rhodes: *smiles* I swear Rick, you can manage with this one. It’s something that I should’ve been done for awhile. Do you know Mitch here?


    RDJ: Of course I know, Mitch. How ya doing?


    Naess: Doing good. And you?


    RDJ: Well, everyone wants to beat up on the Booker, but I manage.


    Naess: Trust me, I know. Being the booker can be quite the ugly job sometimes.


    Mitch is referring to his own wrestling company, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. After being the voice of the company DAVE for so long, Naess decided to become his own boss. There in PSW, he tried to rebuild the spirit of the company he spent so many years working for. Thirteen years later, PSW is still rolling along thanks to Mitch’s leadership.


    Rhodes: Thanks to Mitch here, I can finally do something I wanted to do for awhile.


    RDJ: Oh yeah? He going to help you write the next great American novel?


    Rhodes: *laughs* Maybe later, but not now. No Rick, Mitch here is going to allow me to finally retire from the commentary team.


    RDJ straightens and looks at Kyle wide-eyed.


    RDJ: You serious?


    Rhodes: *nods* Serious as could be. I’ve wanted to pull back for awhile now and focus almost entirely on being the CEO. I finally can do that now that I’ve found the right people to replace me.


    RDJ: You said “people.” Mitch here got a twin or something?


    Rhodes: *chuckles* No, Mitch is just one of the guys replacing me at the announce table. I’m also adding MC Motormouth to the main commentary team. I think he did an interesting job covering for me the last two weeks. I like his heel approach to commentary. It’s something the product could really use.


    RDJ: I think MC did a pretty good job, too. But…weren’t you grooming Shawn (Doakes) & Jasmine (Saunders) to eventually take over on the main crew?


    Kyle seems to cringe a bit, uncomfortable by the subject. He gives a little shrug of the shoulders.


    Rhodes: Yes, that was the plan, the hope. Both started off promising, but to be frank? They seemed to have peaked on commentary, well before they reached a level I’m comfortable with. They’re fine for now on the Uprising team, but on the main crew for Total Wrestling & Pay-Per-Views? I hate to say it but no, neither have proven to me that they can be a major voice for TCW.


    RDJ: Dang man, that’s a bit harsh, Kyle. I’m not sure they’re going to be happy that MC gets promoted and they don’t.


    Rhodes: *shakes head* It’s not like I expected MC to come in on a tryout and impress us immensely. I won’t play favorites or avoid decisions that will hurt feelings. The truth is MC has impressed me in ways Shawn or Jasmine hasn’t.


    RDJ: Alright, I hear you. How does Jay (Jason Azaria) feel all about this?


    Rhodes: Jay is the other who originally suggested Mitch join the commentary team. He enjoyed working with Mitch during the times they have broadcasted together. Plus, I don’t know if you know this, but Jay also wants to call it a day, and he’d prefer sooner rather than later.


    RDJ: Wow, and Mitch is going to take over the playcalling when Jay retires?


    Kyle Rhodes turns to Mitch Naess and looks at him while he answers.


    Rhodes: Well, if Mitch is up to it, that’s what we hope? What d’ya say, Mitch? You up to the task?


    Naess: I’m certainly going to try my best. Jay’s leaving some big shoes to fill, but I’m ready to make some magic with him and MC.


    Rhodes: If everything goes well with the new team, then perhaps Jay will finally retire to that beach house he’s always bragging about.


    RDJ: What about PSW, Mitch? Are you still in charge over there?


    Naess: *nods* I intend for nothing to change with PSW, but I couldn’t pass up this opportunity here. Kyle & I have built an understanding that allows me to continue to be in charge of my company.


    RDJ: I get that. I wouldn’t want to give up my baby, either. So, we’re rolling with the three man crew?


    Rhodes: For now, at least. Let’s see how it goes. It’s been doing okay on Uprising, let’s see how it does on Total Wrestling and the big shows.


    RDJ: Alright, and when do you call it a day, Kyle?


    Rhodes: Well…I plan on Summer Showdown being my last hurrah. That’s why I gave the green light tonight for Kirk Jameson to break a little kayfabe.


    Kyle is referring to a segment that takes place on this week’s episode of Total Wrestling. In the midst of explaining his reasons for invading TCW, Kirk Jameson is going to pull the curtain back and refer to Kyle as “CEO” on live television. Despite being CEO of TCW since 2015, Kyle has never broken kayfabe on TCW TV. If a fan never read the dirt sheets online, then they would still think Kyle is nothing more than a Colour Commentator.


    RDJ: Well, I can’t remember many matches of mine that you and Jay didn’t call. It really is going to be the end of era when you both call it a day.


    Rhodes: I suppose, but it’s been me and Jay for nearly twenty-five years at that table. It’s time for some new lead voices in TCW. But, don’t think I’m completely done after Summer Showdown. I said I’m done commentary, but I’m still going to come out and do interview segments. I’d still like to help guys with their promos, help them move along storylines by being the guy out there with the mic.


    RDJ: Geez Kyle, you gave me hope there for a second. We just can’t get rid of you, can we?


    Rhodes: *laughs* Not completely! Heck, now that it will be my only on-air gig, I might just be obnoxious enough to give myself some cute occupational name. Like….I don’t know…how does Expert Journalist sound?


    RDJ: It sounds like you’re about to deliver breaking news on the six o’ clock news…


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Uprising Shorts

    * In an interview with The Syndicate’s Doc Hammond, Hammond wants to avenge his tag loss from the last episode of Total Wrestling. With his rival Masked Cougar already booked to wrestle Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins, Hammond challenges Mainstream Hernandez to a match for next week’s episode of Total Wrestling.


    Hammond: You pinned Davis Wayne Newton. You never pinned me, Hernandez. Fight me, and I’ll show the world you’re just another hot shot punk that is in over his head. I’ll put a whooping on you, Mainstream, and then I’ll go on to Summer Showdown to become the first EVER…2-Time TCW Television Champion!


    Before this Uprising episode is finished, it is revealed that Hernandez has accepted the challenge. It’s official, Hammond & Hernandez will battle next week on Total Wrestling!


    ** Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson requests that the TCW World Tag Team Champions W.M.D. join him on the interview stage. Led by their manager Vita, One Man Army & Human Arsenal oblige the Commish. There, RDJ informs the champs that he has a plan to settle the mayhem that currently exists at the top of the tag team division.


    RDJ: At Summer Showdown, you guys will defend the Tag Titles in a Four Corners Elimination Match. The last team standing leaves with the gold! As for your challengers? Well, you know them very well. Your challengers are The Shade Gang’s Marc Speed & Matt Hocking…Tana & T-Bone...and The Syndicate’s Akima Brave & Chris Flynn!


    Despite the big challenge waiting for them at Summer Showdown, W.M.D. show no sign of worry over RDJ’s announcement. As usual, Vita talks for her men.


    Vita: Rick? That is all fine by us. You can stack up the challengers however you want, it just makes it easier for my boys to take them all down. My boys have beaten them all already. And at Summer Showdown? W.M.D. will beat them all again!

  7. I've always had a soft spot for old buzzcut, so I'm not complaining! He's someone I'd push to the main event in older versions of USPW. How's he looking for you? Time decline? Menace still holding up?


    He's in decline but it's slow, a point here and there. Menace hasn't changed yet, an excellent 96.


    Despite no mention in the "news" category of Novak getting in better shape or muscular, his Star Quality has bumped from 64 to 68 since the start of the game. Poor Novak, though, his sex appeal is in decline. :D

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48366" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>> The Big Problem is in TCW. <p> </p><p> Huh. Guess there's a time and a place for everyone.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, to show ya behind the curtains, I really wanted to keep the Sinner Society stable going for now, and Titan is out for six months. </p><p> </p><p> I was actually thinking of turning Tana The Mighty heel before I noticed Novak/Big Problem was unemployed. Seemed like a perfect fit for the stable, even if temporarily.</p>
  9. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">July – Week 3 – 2020</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of </strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

    </strong></span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling!</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    </span><img alt="gGyzGBQ" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/gGyzGBQ" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Welcome to another edition of TCW Presents Total Wrestling! What a packed show we have for you tonight, including a Tag Team Title Match and the World Champion Aaron Andrews in action. But first, allow me to introduce…back at the commentary table, my partner, Kyle Rhodes!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Thank you, Jay. I’m feeling much better after what…what Kirk Jameson did to me two weeks ago. I tell you what, I can’t wait to see what Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson does about this rogue wrestler tonight. I hope we get some answers.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> That’s right, tonight RDJ intends to call out Kirk Jameson, this apparent free agent wrestler who has been interrupting our broadcast for a month now. RDJ intends on stopping all that tonight. But for now, let’s head to the ring, because we’re starting off the night big with that Tag Title Match I just mentioned!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>TCW World Tag Team Championship Match</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

    W.M.D. defeat The Syndicate (Akima Brave & Chris Flynn) by Disqualification to retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    The action in tonight’s opening contest is non-stop with plenty of action. After a hot tag to One Man Army leads to ruckus, the battle falls outside the ring as both teams begin to brawl around ringside. That’s when the </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Shade Gang</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> rush down to ringside, and the trio start attacking both teams. Seeing that they struck W.M.D. first, Referee Johnson is forced to disqualify The Syndicate!</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Come on! The Shade Gang just ruined this title match!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> No doubt, this is about them not winning the tag titles last week.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Both </em><em><strong>W.M.D.</strong></em><em> and </em><em><strong>The Syndicate</strong></em><em> fight back as mayhem ensues both in and out of the ring. Having a one man advantage, the trio </em><em><strong>Shade Gang</strong></em><em> still maintain control in this brawl. But, not for long! “Dare” by Gorillaz begins to play, and here comes </em><em><strong>Tana & T-Bone</strong></em><em> ready to join the fight! It takes awhile to break up this brawl, but by the time it’s done, The Syndicate and Shade Gang are sent retreating up the entranceway. Tana & T-Bone stand tall in the ring next to W.M.D., and it’s then that the Tag Champs notice Tana & T-Bone eyeing their title belts. The two fan favorite teams start jawing, but thankfully don’t come to blows.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I thought Tana & T-Bone came out here to get their hands on the Syndicate. But, it looks like they had more intentions than that.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Well, they did speak their minds last week on Uprising. Tana & T-Bone would love another crack at W.M.D. and the tag team titles.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mr. Lucha defeats Logan Wolfsbaine</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Lucha continues to impress since debuting in TCW. Just like everyone prior, the young Wolfsbaine can’t keep up with Lucha, and eventually falls victim to the Lucha Sault. 1,2,3, chalk up another win for Mr. Lucha.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><strong>Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></em><em> heads to the ring to a well respected pop from the crowd. High fiving the fans, RDJ waves with his cowboy hat before calling for a mic.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Alright, it’s time for this crap to come to an end here and now. <strong>Kirk Jameson!</strong> I don’t know what your endgame is, but if you want to keep attacking TCW employees? You want to attack wrestlers? A Colour Commentator? Well, here ya go. Here’s the Commissioner, standing all alone in the ring. This is your chance, Kirk. I know you’re here, I know it! Come to the ring and talk to me like a man, or if you want to fight? Well, I’m in a bit of a mood for a good fight. So, what is it going to be?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ paces the ring for a bit. Finally, cameras find Kirk Jameson calmly walking through the crowd towards the ring, staring straight at the Commish. RDJ instructs security to allow Jameson to pass. Jameson hops over the barricade and enters the ring. RDJ offers a microphone to Jameson, and Kirk reluctantly accepts it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> So here is your chance, Kirk. Tell us tough guy, why are you attacking my staff? Do that, and maybe I’ll keep the TCW lawyers from suing your shirt clean off. If you want to just fight? Well, just let me know, and I’ll take my coat off and uncuff my wrists.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jameson:</strong> You think I want to talk to you? No…</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Kirk Jameson walks over to the edge of the ring and points at </em><em><strong>Kyle Rhodes</strong></em><em> at the announce team.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jameson:</strong> I want to talk to you, Mr. CEO. I’m not one of your employees, I don’t need to pretend that you’re something that you aren’t. You ignored my phone calls, Kyle. When USPW let me go, all I wanted was an opportunity. All I wanted was a chance. But, you wouldn’t even return my call, even just to say no. Ya know how much that pissed me off? Ya know how much I felt disrespected? Well, Kyle? Mr. CEO? Cat still have your tongue?</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Awkwardly, Kyle Rhodes sits at the table quietly. He begins to rise from his seat, but RDJ intrudes.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Nah nah nah, it doesn’t matter what Kyle does behind the scenes, you’re talking to me now, Kirk. This is my show, I’m in charge. But do you know why Kyle didn’t return your calls? It’s because he knows what happened to you in USPW. Maybe these fans don’t know, but we do. You snapped. You started taking aggressions out on other wrestlers, backstage and after matches. You started getting in the faces of executives. You put your hands on executives. Face it Kirk, you blackballed yourself!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Jameson steps forward and goes nose to nose with RDJ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jameson:</strong> I was blackballed well before all that! Ya see, I was the best wrestler USPW has on its roster. Hell, I’m the most technically sound wrestler in the world. But that didn’t matter to them. I didn’t matter to them because I didn’t put on some Native American facepaint. I didn’t matter to them because I didn’t wave money around and act like a rich idiot. I didn’t matter to them because I didn’t swear some goofy sci-fi mask. I didn’t matter to them because I wasn’t a character. I’m not a character. I’m a fighter, and all I want to do is fight and be the best! But, USPW wouldn’t let me be the fighter I am. And now you and the rest of TCW aren’t letting me be the fighter I am. And ya know what? I’m tired of being told who I am. I’m tired of being told what to do. I am going to do what I want, when I want!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> No, what you’re going to do is get led out of here in handcuffs. That was such a “tragic” story, Kirk. But, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re just another bitter wrestler acting out because they didn’t get their way. But, it’s now time to get real. I don’t ever want to see you at a TCW show again. If you ever interfere in another TCW show, I will see to it that this company’s lawyers make your life a living hell. And I swear, if you-…</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ is interrupted by “Jump Around” by House of Pain. A very serious </em><em><strong>Edd Stone</strong></em><em>, another one of Jameson’s victims, comes marching down to the ring, already a mic in hand. Stone immediately approaches RDJ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Stone:</strong> Give him a match, Rick. Give him a match against me.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> What? No! No way!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Stone:</strong> Give him a match, Rick! Either you give him a match, or I’ll fight him in the street right now!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Edd, come on. Don’t come out here and-…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Stone:</strong> No, Rick! I’m tired of being a laughing stock. I’m tired of being pushed around by people like this guy. I’m a damn Stone, but people treat me like a loser. It ends now, and it ends with Kirk here! Give me the match Rick, or I’ll do it on my own.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Twisted by the situation, RDJ and Stone stare each other down. Their uncomfortable silence is interrupted when Jameson steps forward and speaks.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jameson:</strong> I’ll fight you Edd, but only on one condition. If I beat you? <strong>I get a TCW contract. </strong> </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Scowling, stuck in a corner, RDJ looks back and forth between Jameson and Stone. He thinks it over before lifting the mic to his lips.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> Fine. You two can have your damn match. <strong>You’ll have your match at Summer Showdown. Kirk, I’ll get you your contract if you win.</strong> But if you lose? I swear to god, Kirk. I’ll see to it that you never work a notable show ever again in the United States. You’ll be fighting in a piss hall in South America when I’m done with you. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ walks up right to Stone.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RDJ:</strong> And if you want to be treated like a Stone, then grow the hell up, party boy.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>RDJ tosses his mic down as he turns away to leave. Just as he’s steps through the ropes, Stone tackles Jameson to the ground! Stone and Jameson start to rolling around the mat, pummeling away at each other! RDJ calls for security, which comes running down to the ring to break it up. As soon as they manage to pull Stone off, Jameson rolls from the ring and retreats.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What an interesting turn of events. I don’t know if I agree with RDJ’s decision here, but Edd Stone put him in a tough position. I’ve never seen Edd this distraught before.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Yes…it’s quite the predicament….</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique) defeat Sinner Society (Killer Shark & Nick Booth) by Disqualification</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    This is supposed to be the rubber match to settle things, but it’s just minutes into the match when Sinner Society’s manager Floyd Goldworthy gestures to the back. Out comes a monster of a man, marching down to the ring!</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azara:</strong> My god Kyle…is that <strong>Petr Novak?!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> It sure looks like it, but he’s bigger than I’ve ever seen him!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;">Not caring at all about the match, Novak slides into the ring and attacks Danny Fonzarelli. Frederique tries to save his partner, but is immediately overwhelmed by the rest of Sinner Society. Referee Long calls for the bell, disqualifying Sinner Society.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Floyd Goldworthy never planned for his men to have a match tonight. It was all a trick, a planned ambush!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em><strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond</strong></em><em> rushes to the ring to save his Beautiful Love brethren, but he unfortunately meets the same fate as Fonzarelli & Frederique. Beautiful Love get beaten down as Floydworthy laughs away at ringside. Novak puts the nail in the coffin, showing his amazing strength by Choke Slamming Fonzarelli!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Floyd Goldworthy has sworn up and down that Sinner Society isn’t dead because Eddie Peak is gone, and with Titan out injured. Well, I think we have to believe him now.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> With Petr Novak now under his power, Sinner Society sure seems like Goldworthy’s group to control now!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord defeats Kenny Calloway</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Calloway gets a couple good shots in, but only because Chord gets a little cocky at one point in the match. Nevertheless, it’s the Jay Chord Show, and he puts on a clinic in this contest. Cradle Piledriver. 1,2,3. Chord is dominant in victory.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <em><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></em><em> is on his way down to the ring with his manager Haley Buck for the upcoming tag team contest. All of sudden, the music cuts off…and then a second later, the lights go out in the arena.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Wha…Again?!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The titantron begins to screech as it turns to nothing but noise upon it. It suddenly stops and the arena goes completely black. Then, the loud, </em><em><strong>single ring of a church bell</strong></em><em> echoes throughout the arena. A moment later, the lights go back on in the arena. Davis Wayne Newton’s music and entrance video is back to playing like nothing ever happened! Newton and Buck are looking around, clueless as to what has occurred.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Well…I…listen…I don’t know what to say…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> What was that church bell?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I don’t know! This is the third week in a row we lost power like that, but I got no answers. Hopefully, that is the last time tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez & Masked Cougar defeats Davis Wayne Newton & Doc Hammond</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    TV Champion Greg Gauge joins commentary for this thrilling tag team match, which includes four of his challengers involved in the Summer Showdown Gauntlet Match. After Hernandez gets the tag, he and Cougar begin to fly all over the place. Hernandez attempts to wipe out both Hammond & Newton with a suicide dive, but he only manages to hit Hammond. When Hernandez stands up, Newton shoves him hard into the steel steps. Cougar and Newton fight back into the ring. Newton’s manager Haley Buck distracts Cougar long enough for Newton to catch Cougar with a jumping knee to the face. Newton starts to set Cougar up for the Fisherman’s Suplex, but he suddenly stops because something catches his eye. It’s </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Joshua Taylor</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> walking down to the ring!</span><span style="color:#0000FF;">[/b]</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Uh Oh! Joshua Taylor is back after that vicious attack by Newton two weeks ago! </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;">Newton and Taylor start to share words, Davis yelling at Joshua to “get the hell out of here.” Newton suddenly gets rolled up from behind by the legal man Hernandez! Newton tries to break free! 1,2,3! Hernandez got it! Newton and Haley Buck are stunned! They complain to Referee Young as Taylor walks back up the entranceway with a little smirk on his face.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Joshua Taylor might have wanted to get his hands on Newton, but that might have been just as sweet.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Davis Wayne Newton has now been pinned twice in TCW, and Joshua Taylor is to blame for both times! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I smell another tantrum from Newton & Haley Buck coming very soon!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The announcers are leading the viewers into the upcoming Mo-Brave match when they are interrupted by “Higher Grounds” by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Cue a big pop, </em><em><strong>Sammy Bach</strong></em><em> marches out onto the interview stage all alone. He already has a mic in hand.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bach:</strong> Freddy Huggins! I want you to come out here and accept my challenge. <strong>My challenge for Summer Showdown!</strong> I don’t care if you bring your boys out here with you. I don’t care if you beat the crap out of me again. All I care about is that you come out here now and be a man. Be a man and accept my challenge! Stand up and be the leader you always paint yourself to be. Come on, Freddy, prove to us that you’re the amazing man you claim to be. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>There’s a long pause. Instead of hearing the Freddy Corp. over the PA, </em><em><strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></em><em> appears on the titantron. He’s shining quite the obnoxious smile.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Huggins:</strong> Oh Sammy…Oh Sammy. You seemed stress. Too much caffeine, maybe? No Sam, I’m not going to go out there. Criticize me all you want, but I swear, I am doing this for your own good. I worry about you in your current state. But don’t worry, Sam. I’m going to give you what you want. <strong>I accept your challenge, I’ll face you at Summer Showdown.</strong> I’m going to fight you because it’s what is best for Freddy Corp., and it’s what best for the entire company. Heck, it’s what is best for-…</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Bach:</strong> Aww, spare me the Freddy Corp. crap! Spare us all! You accepted my challenge, and that’s all I want to hear. At Summer Showdown? I’m going to kick your teeth in…and then I’m going to make…you…TAP!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mighty Mo defeats Akima Brave by Disqualifcation</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Mo and Brave gets ugly pretty quick, as both men just begin to slug it out from the start. Brave shows no fatigue in his second match tonight, as he pulls double duty to represent The Syndicate appropriately. Still, Mo has him reeling after dodging Brave’s attempt of the Suicide Headbutt. Mo hits Brave with the Plunging Spinebuster, but before he can, Syndicate’s </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Doc Hammond & Chris Flynn</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> rush into the ring and attack Mo! Referee Johnson calls for the bell!</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I guess we should have seen this coming. Of course this wasn’t going to be a fair match!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> To be frank, Mighty Mo should’ve had back up here. The Syndicate never play fair.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><em>Mighty Mo</em></strong><em> tries to fight back, but the three-on-one odds by </em><em><strong>The Syndicate</strong></em><em> overwhelm him. Meanwhile, the Syndicate leader </em><em><strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></em><em> calmly walks down to the ring in his fine suit, and takes the time to grab a microphone before entering the ring. By the time Wolf is in the ring, his henchmen are kicking away at Mo on the mat. Hawkins orders his men to pull Mo to his knees, which they do so. Mo’s face is filled with rage as he’s forced to listen to Hawkins.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Hawkins:</strong> I’m going to let you in on a secret, Mo. I was always going to accept your challenge at Summer Showdown. I’m always interested in taking down another one of the Commissioner’s precious poster boys. But, I just did all this to see if you were stupid enough to fall for such an obvious trap. Congratulations Mo, you are that stupid! I guess there’s nothing else to say but…see you at Summer Showdown!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Hawkins pauses for a moment, then rushes off the ropes. Hawkins delivers the final shot, a kick to Mo’s skull. Mo falls lifeless to the mat. The crowd reacts as </em><em><strong>Tana & T-Bone</strong></em><em> come marching down to the ring to help their friend. With his message complete, Hawkins has no interest in having his men fight Mo’s buddies. So, he instructs them to exit the ring on the other end as Tana & T-Bone slide in for the rescue.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Just another despicable act by The Syndicate. Wolf could have just accepted the challenge, but he is just too cold-hearted to do that.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> You shouldn’t be surprised, Jay. Now I wonder if Mighty Mo can get ready in time for Summer Showdown. And if so, can he make Wolf Hawkins regret everything that he has done to him?</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Elite defeat Benny & The Foxx</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Late in the match, Freddy Corp.’s </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Roderick Remus</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> rushes to the ring to distract both Referee Bull & Benny Benson. It’s all a ploy, as Remus’s stablemate </span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Julian Watson</strong></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"> appears from the crowd and attacks Flying Jimmy Foxx while he’s duking it out with Nate Johnson at ringside. Watson sends Foxx face first into the ringpost, and disappears before Benson or Referee Long have any clue what happened! Unknowingly left all alone, Benson eventually gets overwhelmed by the Elite. Chandler & Johnson connect with the Elitism, putting Benson down for the 3.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Benny & The Foxx might have picked up the win against Freddy Corp. last week, but their issues with them are clearly not over.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> It’s been absolute mayhem here tonight with so many heated rivalries brewing in TCW. No surprise this match was no different!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As we saw with Aaron Andrews last week, a lengthy video is shown of </em><em><strong>Jay Chord</strong></em><em> preparing for the TCW World Heavyweight Title Match at Summer Showdown. It starts up somber as Chord drives over to quite the high quality sports center. Cue the slow motion trickery, Chord walks into the building.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Chord:</strong> I watched so many second generation and third generation wrestlers fail to reach the success of their parents. They just can never get out of the giant, black shadow. I realized early why they failed. They failed because they wanted to be like their parents. That’s not me. It never has been. I never wanted to be my father. I always wanted to surpass him. By the time I’m done, I want to make sure it isn’t Rip Chord and his son. No, it’s going to be Jay Chord and his father.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The video picks up as we start to see Jay Chord training in both the grounds of mixed martial arts and professional wrestling. Beside Chord the entire time is a world renowned trainer, pushing Jay to his limits.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Trainer:</strong> Jay Chord is determined to be the best. He knows what is waiting for him at Summer Showdown. He knows he has to be ready for everyone. He knows that he has to be his absolute best when he fights Aaron Andrews.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>As the music picks up, so does the video. Chord strikes harder. Tackles harder. Fights harder. Moving forward through grinding teeth, he will not stop. Finally, the video slows down to show Jay Chord standing in the corner of the ring. Breathing heavy, sweat profusely, Chord looks up towards the camera.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Chord:</strong> Aaron Andrews wants to mock me about how I consider the World Title my destiny. It is just the high expectations I’ve built upon myself. It is what drives me every day to push myself to yet another level. I am better than you, Aaron. I will always be better than you. You just don’t have what I do to be legendary. I start my legend at Summer Showdown...</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#008000;">Back from commercials, the same type of vignette plays for the third week in a row. A hooded figure stands alone in a single spotlight, his head bowed. “Ten Thousands Fist” by Disturbed begins to play in the background.</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

    “This is a message for everyone in TCW…”</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

    “Stand in my way, and I’ll be forced to take you down…”</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

    “My next challenge is waiting for me in TCW…”</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

    “And there is nothing that will stop me from accomplishing it…”</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

    Reacting along with the song’s lyrics, the hooded figure raises their fist into the air. The scene begins to grow brighter and brighter until it is nothing but a white screen.</span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008000;">

    “I’m coming…”</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT</em></span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Non-Title Contest</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

    Aaron Andrews defeats Marc Speed</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

    Right before the match starts, “Kings Never Die” by Eminem interrupts the action. Jay Chord makes his way down to the ring to join the commentary team, just like Andrews did the same for his match last week. The action finally gets going, as Speed proves that he doesn’t need his Shade Gang brethren to deliver a highly contested match. Speed has the World Champion reeling, and almost makes Andrews tap to the Deadly Heel Kick. Andrews manages to get to the ropes, which leads to Speed attempting to apply the submission again. Andrews executes a roll through on the submission attempt, tossing Speed off. Both men jump to their feet and rush each other, and it’s Andrews who catches Speed with a devastating spear! Andrews hops his feet and prepares for his finisher. At the last moment, he shares a look with Jay Chord at the announce table.</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I think this is a message for you, Jay!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;">Andrews rushes across the ring and connects with the Ace in the Hole! Andrews covers Speed, 1,2,3!</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> An impressive showing by the World Champion. Marc Speed proved that he could…hey…Hey!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Before </em><em><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></em><em> can even take his World Title from Referee Young, he gets spun around by </em><em><strong>Jay Chord.</strong></em><em> Chord boots Andrews in the gut and sets him up for the Cradle Piledriver! Andrews fights the attempt, and manages to back toss out of it. When Chord hurries to his feet, Andrews rushes him to hit the Ace in the Hole! Chord manages to dive out of the way, and rolls right out of the ring! Both men stare each other down from afar, a grin on Andrews’s face.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Whoa! Boy, did that sneak attack fail on Jay Chord!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Yes, but did you notice Kyle? Both men were ready for the other’s finisher attempts. Both men knew how to react when the moment came!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I guess it’s safe to say both men have done their homework going into Summer Showdown . Andrews and Chord know this might be the biggest match of their career.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Total Wrestling comes to a close as Aaron Andrews celebrates a bit with the live crowd. From afar, Jay Chord shares some words with the World Champion. As the show goes black, Andrews raises the World Title into the air as he shares some words right back.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> We got some news before we call it a show! Next week on Total Wrestling, just days before Summer Showdown, Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson will conduct the official <strong>Contract Signing for the World Title Match between Aaron Andrews & Jay Chord.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> That’s not all! For the first time ever, <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> will go one-on-one with the Syndicate’s leader, <strong>Wolf Hawkins!</strong> Hopefully, Cougar is smart enough to bring some backup!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> See you next week, folks! Good Night!</p><p>


  10. Next Week...

    On TCW Presents Total Wrestling!


    Aaron Andrews Vs. Marc Speed

    Non-Title Contest. The rest of Shade Gang are barred from ringside!


    TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs. The Syndicate (Akima Brave & Chris Flynn)

    Akima Brave pulls double duty on Total Wrestling so The Syndicate can receive this Tag Title opportunity!


    Mighty Mo Vs Akima Brave

    If Mo wins, he will get his match versus Wolf Hawkins at Summer Showdown!


    Mainstream Hernandez & Masked Cougar Vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Doc Hammond

    Four of the six competitors in the TV Title Gauntlet Match at Summer Showdown compete in tag team action!


    Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique) Vs Sinner Society (Killer Shark & Nick Booth)

    The Tag Team Rubber Match!


    Benny & The Foxx Vs. The Elite


    Tune in this Tuesday for all these exciting matches, and much more!

  11. July – Week 2 – 2020


    Tuesday Afternoon

    Moments Prior To Total Wrestling Going Live


    Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson is a spectator as he watches Road Agent Sam Keith work his magic. He likes to be a part of the conversation for main events and other big match bookings, although he doesn’t always have the time to do so. Granted, he doesn’t actually do much in these conversations. Whether it’s Keith, Luis Montero, or even Robert Oxford, RDJ knows better than to interfere with his Road Agents’ work.


    Nevertheless, there RDJ is as Frederique and Jay Chord build the foundation of their match with the Keith. They don’t need to do too much work in a contest like this. Solid veterans like Frederique and Chord will call the match in-ring, so the conversation isn’t very long there. Aaron Andrews is also part of the discussion, as he’ll be a spectator at ringside and part of a post-match angle.


    Leaning against the cement wall, RDJ is in the midst of sipping his coffee when he hears his name called. From down the hall comes Eddie Chandler. By the look on Eddie’s face, RDJ can tell that Chandler isn’t coming by to say hello. He has an idea what’s about to happen, although Eddie being alone is curious to RDJ. Nate Johnson is nowhere to be found.


    Chandler: Rick, I really need to talk to you.


    Eddie’s tone is rough enough that it catches the attention of everyone else in the hall. RDJ can’t help but sigh as he pushes himself off from against the wall.


    RDJ: Alright, let’s go down the hall and chat.


    Putting a hand of Chandler’s shoulder, RDJ directs him back in the other direction before Eddie can rebuttal. There is an awkward silence between the two as they walk away. When he feels like they’re far enough, Eddie wastes no time to turn to RDJ and talk.


    Chandler: You said we were going to be given a chance after being kicked out of The Syndicate. We’ve barely done anything in over a month, Rick. We did one little angle a few weeks ago, and now this week? We finally fight the Syndicate and we just LOSE? We lose cleanly and that’s it? What the hell, Rick?


    RDJ: Alright, Eddie. I don’t have a lot of time to talk right now, I have to go to the guerilla position in a sec. So I’m going to be blunt. You mind if I’m blunt?


    Chandler: Be blunt. Go. Let’s do it.


    RDJ lets out another long sigh, and takes a moment to make sure no one can hear he what he is about to say. Unlike Eddie in his current state, RDJ cares about potentially hurt egos.


    RDJ: We were going to do something more than what we did. We were. But, the overall reaction from fans has been mum. No one had interest in you guys getting a revenge angle.


    Chandler: So that’s it? We got nothing? No story, no direction for our characters?


    RDJ: Ed, we had to make a change with The Syndicate, and we decided removing you guys was the best decision. We were hoping to build something out of the break up, but that just hasn’t been the case. Not yet.


    Chandler: So what do you have for us now, Rick?


    RDJ: Honestly? Nothing right now. I’m not going to rush into something different just because of hurt feelings. You know just as much as I do that it could do a lot more harm than good.


    Chandler: So what Rick? Are we just jobbers to the stars now?


    RDJ: No one said that, Ed. Just give it some time, and maybe we can cook something up.


    Chandler: Maybe?


    RDJ: Yeah, maybe! Maybe, Ed! Look, if I can find something for you, then I’m going to do it. But here’s some cruel honesty, man. You’re not the red hot kid working in Canada anymore.


    Chandler: Wow, Rick, nice. Good low blow.


    RDJ: Hey man! You’re the one coming at me! Hell Ed, I’d thought you would know better than to take this so personal.


    Eddie is about to respond, but decides otherwise. Heated, he paces a little bit in the hall as he collects his thoughts. RDJ gives him that time to think it over.


    Chandler: Alright, so just tell me straight up. Is this it? Is this how it’s going to be until my contract is done? Because I have another year on my contract.


    RDJ: Ed, it has only been a month. I can’t tell you what the next year is going to hold for you. But I told you, I will try to find something for you and Nate, but I’m not going to force it just to make you happy.


    Chandler: Rick, if you don’t need me then maybe I should talk to Kyle and-…


    RDJ: Ed, have you thought what you’re going to doing after your in-ring career?


    Eddie freezes wide eyed. He wasn’t expecting that question.


    Chandler: Please don’t do that, Rick. I don’t need the old man talk.


    RDJ: Old man talk? I am the old man! But, you need to start being realistic. I’m not saying you need to retire pronto, but you need to be realistic where you are, man. You’re not feuding with the DeColts anymore.


    Chandler: Rick, please don’t-…


    RDJ: Ed, you’re a creative dude and one of the best heels I’ve ever seen work. I think you can be a major asset to the locker room, well after you hang up those boots. I just think you should consider all that. In fact, I think I have something if you’re interested.


    Chandler: What are you going on about?


    RDJ: I still have to build a Booking Team, my creative team. I think you might be a perfect edition, if you’re interested. I can’t be there for every single wrestler and personality, no matter how hard I try to. I think you could be beneficial on my team.


    Chandler: Rick, I’m not retiring. I’m not done yet.


    RDJ: *shakes head* Nobody said to retire! I just want you to be realistic. When I watch you wrestle, I still see that amazing heel. But, I also see a guy well past his prime. I don’t want to see you on some indy show in ten years, in front of a hundred people, dragging you’re a** to the ring because your knees barely work anymore.


    Chandler: Rick, I’m fine.


    RDJ: Fine now, sure. Again, I’m not saying I think you should retire. Hell, something could come along and you could be challenging for the gold next month. But, I also know you have a great mind for this business, and I want to put it to great use outside the ring as well. From there, maybe you can build something off of that.


    Eddie takes another moment to mull over the offer. RDJ can clearly see in his eyes that Eddie has calmly down significantly, though he still looks a bit stressed.


    Chandler: Who else is on your booking team?


    RDJ: Who else? My shadow. Me, Myself, & I. Floyd Goldworthy helps from time to time, but he hasn’t committed to the gig. To be honest, I’ve been too stubborn to build a team. I’ve tried to do it all myself, but I’m learning fast that it’s a stupid idea. But, I think I can trust a guy like you to help guys when I’m not around.


    Chandler:…what about Nate?


    RDJ: What about him?


    Chandler: Are you offering him this job, too?


    RDJ shakes his head. He can’t help but chuckle a bit.


    RDJ: I can’t give Nate a job like that. Come on.


    Chandler: What? Why?


    RDJ: Seriously Ed, come on. He will always be tainted in the locker room because of the thing with Marie and the Decolts. That will never go away. It will always be there to be thrown in his face.


    Chandler: No one talks about that, Rick. That was years ago.


    RDJ: Sure, but put Nate in a authority position? Trust me, it’s going to become a factor. Piss off one guy the wrong way, and it’s going to come up, and it’s not going to just go away.


    Chandler: *sigh* I don’t know…


    RDJ: I understand your loyalty to Nate, but I’m talking about you, not him. Listen, just think over the opportunity and get back to me. I think you can be a great help to me and the locker room. Until then, just keep your head up man.


    Reluctantly, Eddie nods.


    Chandler: Alright, I’ll think it over.


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Uprising Shorts

    * After disposing of some enhancement talents, Tana & T-Bone are interviewed in-ring by Shawn Doakes, their manager Dharma Gregg beside them. Tana & T-Bone have seen other tag teams, including their rivals The Syndicate, get tag team opportunities recently. Their thought process is pretty simple. Why not us? Tana & T-Bone came up short when they first challenged W.M.D. awhile back, but they believe they’re ready for another chance at the Tag Titles. They want a chance to prove it!


    ** Out on the interview stage with Jason Azaria, Masked Cougar (w/ Dharma Gregg) hypes his upcoming tag team match on Total Wrestling. With the TV Title Gauntlet Match around the corner at Summer Showdown, Cougar is set to team with the Champ Greg Gauge as they battle Doc Hammond & Davis Wayne Newton, all four competitors being involved in said Gauntlet Match.


    This brings out Gauge to the stage, who adamantly refuses to be Cougar’s partner in the tag team contest.


    Gauge: I never wanted your help in my title match against Hammond, and I don’t care what RDJ says. I’m not competing in some stupid tag team match before my title defense, and I’m certainly not teaming with some masked idiot like you!


    This comment brings out, Mainstream Hernandez, another competitor scheduled for the Gauntlet Match. After going eye to eye with Gauge for the first time since their Excessive Force match, Hernandez turns to Cougar.


    Hernandez: Unlike the champ here, I’m not afraid of some competition. If Greg doesn’t want to be your tag team partner, then I’ll gladly take his place!


    Greg Gauge watches in disgust as Cougar and Hernandez shake hands, the offer by Mainstream officially accepted!


    *** After defeating Roderick Remus, Mighty Mo gets on the mic and makes it official. Mo agrees to face The Syndicate’s Akima Brave on Total Wrestling, knowing he will get his match with Wolf Hawkins if he wins!

  12. July – Week 2 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Jason Azaria: Welcome everyone to TCW Presents Total Wrestling! I’m Jason Azaria, and my usual colleague Kyle Rhodes isn’t here tonight after being attacked by…well…a gentlemen who doesn’t even work here! Kyle plans on being back next week, but joining me tonight is TCW Uprising’s own, MC Motormouth!


    MC Motormouth: I’m ready for an exciting show, Jay. Plenty of awesome matches, and I can’t wait to elevate them with my commentary.


    Jason Azaria: Nice to work with you too, MC! Like he said, we have a ton of action coming your way. Let’s head to the ring for tonight’s opening contest!


    Benny & The Foxx defeat Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus)

    The reunion tour of Benny & The Foxx continues to be a success, as Flying Jimmy Foxx extracts revenge after all the issues he’s had with Freddy Corp. After a heated, back and forth opening contest, Benny Benson scores the win for his team after hitting Julian Watson with the Shockwave From Next Year.


    Back from commercials, Jason Azara is on the interview stage, where he introduces Davis Wayne Newton. Led out by his manager Haley Buck, Newton is all smirks as Azaria questions Davis about his vicious attack on Joshua Taylor last week on Total Wrestling. Buck answers first for her client.


    Buck: Joshua Taylor tainted my client’s record with that lame win at Excessive Force. Davis Wayne Newton dominated Taylor, yet Joshua squeaked out the win with a cowardly roll up. Tell me Azaria, who looked like a real champion by the end of that match?


    Jason Azaria: Well, Joshua win get the-…


    Buck: The answer is Davis Wayne Newton! My client has soundly defeated the majority of the TCW roster. He doesn’t come out here looking for the unimpressive, boring way out. He comes out and proves that he is the best! He put together a flawless, six month record in TCW, and Joshua Taylor ruined is with his cowardly actions. So…Joshua had to pay the price!


    Newton: I put Joshua exactly where he should be, on the sidelines while younger, better talent like myself get the opportunities we deserve. Now, who knows if poor Joshua can even make it to Summer Showdown! I know I will, and I’m going to dominate in that Gauntlet Match, and I’m going to become the brand new TCW Television Champion!


    Mr. Lucha defeats Knuckles

    TCW’s newest, hot signing from Mexico puts on an excellent showing in his first singles match on Total Wrestling. Indie veteran Knuckles has no answers for Lucha, who eventually puts the heavyweight away with his Lucha Sault.


    Jason Azaria: Folks, I hate to interrupt Lucha’s celebration right now, but something is going on backstage. Let’s see if we can switch to a camera back there right now.


    We switch to ruckus in the hallways of the V. Thompson Arena. As debris is littered all over the floor, the TCW medical staff are kneeled over someone. After a few seconds, the cameraman gets a good enough view to reveal that it is Edd Stone motionless on the ground. Stone is unresponsive to the medical staff. Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson appears on the scene, concerned for Edd.


    RDJ: What the hell happened? Is Edd alright?


    Medic: We’re not sure, sir. Edd was just found here out cold, we’re trying to help him wake up. He’s hurt pretty bad.


    A voice speaks up behind RDJ. It’s Devine Fortune’s Darryl Devine.


    Devine: Rick, I…I think I know what happened.


    RDJ: Really? Don’t leaving me hanging, Darryl, what happened?


    Devine hesitates, then points down the hall.


    Devine: I didn’t see the attack, but…Kirk Jameson. I saw Kirk Jameson rushing down the hallway and then go out the exit just a moment ago.


    RDJ: WHAT??!!


    RDJ turns to one of the backstage staff members wearing a headpiece.


    RDJ: Give me security, and get in contract with the local police. I’m tired of this crap! This ends now!


    Sammy Bach defeats Crockett Tubbs by Disqualification

    The match is barely two minutes long before Freddy Corp.’s Julian Watson & Roderick Remus hit the ring and ambush Bach! Referee Long calls for the bell, this match completely ruined.


    Jason Azaria: Oh, come on! We’re in the middle of a match here! What a spineless attack by Freddy Corp.!


    MC Motormouth: What you call spineless I call opportunistic. Freddy Corp. is merely catching Sammy Bach offguard, and I don’t blame them after Sammy attacked them with a chair last week!


    Sammy Bach isn’t going down without a fight and begins to fend off both Julian Watson & Roderick Remus. That is, until he turns around and walks into a super kick by Freddy Huggins! The Freddy Corp. leader barks orders at his goons, and they oblige and begin to pummel Bach. Finally, Watson & Remus drag a hurt Bach to his feet and toss him to Huggins. After a quick smile directed towards the fans, Huggins plants Bach with the Huggins Kiss! Kneeling over a motionless Bach, the camera manages to pick up Freddy’s mocking words.


    Huggins: You wanted a fight, Sammy. There ya go! You’re welcome!


    The Syndicate (Akima Brave & Chris Flynn) defeat The Elite

    Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson are determined to extract some revenge after being booted from Syndicate, especially up against the man that replaced them, Akima Brave. Alas, despite their aggression, revenge doesn’t come their way tonight. Brave breaks up the Elite’s attempt at hitting the Elitism on Chris Flynn and sends Chandler rolling to the floor after the Samoan Suplex. Flynn hits Chandler with the Brutal Enforcement, then rolls out of the way as Brave flies off the top rope and connects with the Suicide Headbutt. 1,2,3, The Syndicate with the big tag win.


    MC Motormouth: Now that looks like a tag team ready to challenge for the Tag Titles! W.M.D. better watch out!


    Back from commercials, a length video is played, showing TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews training for his upcoming title defense against Jay Chord at Summer Showdown. It starts off slow, showing Andrews jogging around his hometown. Dialogue by Andrews is playing over the video as he discusses his career.


    Andrews: I used to take my career for granted, thinking I deserved the world on a silver platter. I realized that wasn’t going to happen, that I had to work for everything I wanted. That built an appreciation for this business, and a desire to not only be the best, but also to take on every challenge imaginable. The only way to be the best is to face every challenge head on.


    The video switches over to Andrews in the gymnasium. It’s a collage of the World Champion breaking a big sweat, putting the time in on various machines. Fellow TCW wrestlers Benny Benson and Chance Fortune have joined the Andrews in the gymnasium, his old partner Fortune even holding the punching bag as Aaron beats away on it with gloved fists.


    Fortune: I watched Aaron become the mega star that he is today, and I couldn’t be prouder. He is one of the reasons why TCW is the amazing, red hot company that it is right now. He started off as a cocky kid, but now he is an inspiration to the entire locker room. He is the perfect example of what can happen if you put the time in.


    As the video slows down, Andrews is shown alone in the gym, sitting on a bench. Sweat dripping down his face, Andrews stares off into the distance with a bottle of water in his grasp. The camera closes in, and Andrews looks up into the lense.


    Andrews: I know what challenge awaits me at Summer Showdown. Jay Chord doesn’t have to tell me how great he is, I already know it. I know I have to be on top of my game to retain my championship. Jay likes to talk about getting what he deserves. Well, I earned everything that I have, including the TCW World Title. If he thinks he just deserves my title belt, then he is in for a rude awakening. At Summer Showdown, Jay is going to learn why I am called the Ace….he’s going to learn why people call me the face of Total Championship Wrestling…


    TCW Television Championship Match

    Greg Gauge defeats Doc Hammond by Disqualification to retain the TCW Television Championship

    After Gauge survives Hammond’s Texas Cloverleaf, Doc attempts to put the Champ away with his Exploder Suplex. But, Gauge fights the attempt and breaks free with several headbutts. Hammond shakes it off and attempts to rush Gauge, but races right into a perfect Spinebuster. Gauge quickly follows up and applies the Proton Lock! Hammond looks to be in deep trouble and about to tap, but that’s when fellow Syndicate member Chris Flynn hits the ring and attacks Gauge! Referee Young calls for the bell!


    Jason Azaria: Greg Gauge keeps his TV Title, but he’s in trouble now.


    MC Motormouth: Yeah, the Syndicate type of trouble!


    Ignoring the threats of Juliet Balconi at ringside, Chris Flynn & Doc Hammond pummel Greg Gauge post-match. Suddenly, “Alive” by P.O.D. begins to play, and Masked Cougar races to the ring! Cougar springboards and flies into the ring, knocking down Flynn & Hammond with a Double Front Dropkick! Cougar catches Hammond with a Flying Headscissors, sending Doc flying through the ropes and to the floor. Flynn attacks Cougar from behind and attempts to him with the Brutal Enforcement, but Cougar reverses it into a sick Tornado DDT! With Flynn down, Cougar heads to the top rope to hit his finisher, but Hammond drags Flynn from the ring before it can happen.


    Jason Azaria: Wow! I’m surprised Masked Cougar would help Greg Gauge, but Cougar did say he wants a rematch with Doc Hammond. I guess that has something to do with all this.


    MC Motormouth: He had no business down here, Jay. He was not involved in this match!


    Jason Azaria: And Chris Flynn was?!


    After The Syndicate retreat, Masked Cougar goes to help Greg Gauge to his feet, but the Television Champion shoves Cougar off! When Cougar questions him, Gauge shoves his finger in Cougar’s face.


    Gauge: I didn’t ask for your help! Stay out of my way!


    That said, Gauge walks past Cougar and exits the ring. Flabbergasted, Cougar watches as Gauge storms out of the ring, snatches his TV Title from Juliet Balconi in the process.


    Jason Azaria: Wow, look how “grateful” Greg is. Masked Cougar just saved him from potential harm by the Syndicate!


    MC Motormouth: But he didn’t ask for Cougar’s help. Again, he had no business being down here!


    Wolf Hawkins defeats Elliot Thomas

    With Akima Brave in his corner at ringside, Hawkins puts on a clinic tonight. Thomas shows some heart by staying in this match longer than some would, but he’s no match for the Syndicate’s leader. Hawkins confidently pins Thomas for the three after the Full Moon Rising.


    Post-Match, Akima Brave joins his leader Wolf Hawkins in the ring. Brave hands Hawkins a microphone, and Wolf proceeds to answer Mighty Mo’s challenge from last week.


    Hawkins: Mighty Mo, you were out here last week, talking like you’re my equal. You talk like you just deserve to step in the ring with the likes of me. I’m a damn legend! You don’t just challenge me and expect me to stand at attention. I wrestle who I want, when I went. It is an honor for someone to step in the ring with Wolf Hawkins! But…I’m a reasonable man, a willing competitor. You want a match with me at Summer Showdown? Fine, I’ll give you your match, Mo….


    With a smirk, Hawkins turns and pats Akima Brave on the shoulder. Brave smirks then as well.


    Hawkins: All you have to do is come out here next week and beat my Samoan Savage, Akima Brave. You do that? I’ll give your match. Come on big man, show the world how tough you are!


    TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) defeat W.M.D. ( C ) by Disqualification

    After the bell rings, Human Arsenal and Matt Hocking begin to circle the ring to start the contest. Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena!


    MC Motormouth: Hey! Someone forget to pay the electric bill?!


    The lights begin to flicker before going dark again. That’s when the titantron screen screeches from white noise for a long moment, then stops abruptly. Finally, the lights return to the arena. Everyone looks around, quite confused.


    Jason Azaria: Well…that was…odd. I think everything is back to normal now, folks. We apologize for that unexpected interruption.


    That issue resolved, we get down to business. It’s another back and forth, highly contested title match between these two teams. After Shade Gang works over Human Arsenal for a length time, One Man Army gets the hot tag for the Champs and puts the challenger on their heels. A brawl between Marc Speed and Human Arsenal spills out to the floor, and Referee Young tries to break it up. One Man Army prepares to hit Matt Hocking with the Guided Missile, but that’s when Troy Tornado sneaks into the ring behind the referee’s back!


    Jason Azaria: Troy Tornado has the Tag Title! He’s going to use it like they did at Excessive Force!


    Tornado goes to strike Army, but Army spins around and clobbers Tornado with a big right hand! Army goaded Tornado in! Army picks up the Tag Title and smashes it into Tornado’s face, sending Troy tumbling to the floor. Army then spins around and clobbers Hocking with the Tag Title as well. Oh No! Referee Young saw it! One Man Army tries to explain Troy Tornado’s interference, but Young isn’t hearing it. Young calls for the bell and disqualifies the Tag Champs!


    Jason Azaria: I can’t believe what just happened!


    MC Motormouth: Believe it! W.M.D. tried to cheat because they knew they couldn’t beat Shade Gang!


    Jason Azaria: What?! That’s not what happened!


    W.M.D. and Vita continue to try and talk to Referee Young, but the decision is final. Shade Gang celebrate at ringside, but the celebration is cut short when they’re informed that yeah, they won, but the titles cannot change hands on a Disqualification! Total Wrestling goes to commercials as the two teams exchange threats, their issues clearly not over.


    Jason Azaria: What a mess! This doesn’t clear up any of the issues between these two teams.


    MC Motormouth: It did for me. The Shade Gang won the match, and they should be the champs right now. W.M.D. got themselves disqualified to keep their titles!


    Jason Azaria: Wow…well…that’s one way to look at it…the wrong way…


    Back from commercials, a vignette very similar to last week’s begins to play. A hooded figure stands alone in a single spotlight, his head bowed. “Ten Thousands Fist” by Disturbed begins to play in the background.


    “I have traveled the world to the fight the best...”


    “I have conquered everyone who has stood before me…”


    “They tell me my next challenge is here in TCW…”


    “I will conquer all those who stand in my way!”


    Reacting along with the song’s lyrics, the hooded figure raises their fist into the air. The scene begins to grow brighter and brighter until it is nothing but a white screen.


    “I’m coming…”


    We’re about to start tonight’s Main Event, when suddenly “Shoot To Thrill” by AC/DC begins to play. An unhappy Ricky Dale Johnson storms out onto the stage. The Commish quickly calls for the music to be cut.


    RDJ: Kirk Jameson! I’m done with this crap! I’ve been trying to figure out why some wrestler from USPW is attacking my wrestlers. I thought it was some publicity stunt. But, someone from USPW finally answered my phone calls, and what d’ya know? You don’t even work for USPW anymore! You got your a** fired! Now, I don’t know why you’re coming to TCW shows, attacking TCW wrestlers, but I don’t care. It ends now, Kirk! Consider this a challenge. Next week, I’m going to go down to that ring, and I’m going to call you out, Kirk. And if it’s a fight you’re looking for? Well, Kirk…I might be retired, but this Texan still loves a good fight!


    RDJ throws down his microphone and storms back through the curtains.




    Jay Chord defeats Frederique

    TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews joins the commentary team for the main event, as he gives his thoughts on Jay Chord before their Summer Showdown encounter. Chord is impressive throughout the match, but he pays too much attention to Andrews at the announce table. Andrews and Chord constantly share some words, and that allows the veteran Frederique to fight back into the match. Chord pays the price for arrogance as Frederique has him reeling. Frederique hits the Romeo is Bleeding! The cover, 1,2,3NO! Chord gets the shoulder up! After questioning Referee Young, Frederique tries for another Romeo is Bleeding, but Chord is ready this time. Chord breaks off and shoves Frederique hard into the corner. From behind, Chord takes back control of the match with a punishing Reverse DDT. Looking at Andrews as he sets up, Chord puts Frederique down with the Cradle Piledriver and picks up the win.


    MC Motormouth: An impressive victory by the #1 Contender. You better watch out champ, cause Jay Chord is on top of his game!


    Jay Chord barely notices as Referee Young raises his arm. He is too busy staring down at Andrews at the announce table. Andrews is staring right back him. Standing over Frederique, a crooked grin slowly appears over Chord’s face. Suddenly, Chord begins to drag Frederique back up, and prepares to hit him with another Cradle Piledriver! Aaron Andrews quickly gets up from his commentary seat and rushes into the ring! Chord lets go and swiftly rolls out of the ring before Andrews can get his hands on him. As Andrews checks on Frederique, he realizes now Chord was messing with him. Chord lays ringside, a big smile on his face.


    MC Motormouth: The mindgames are starting now. Jay Chord is letting the champ know what trouble is waiting for him at Summer Showdown.


    Total Wrestling comes to a close as Andrews and Chord continue to stare each other down. Mocking the champ, Chord stands at the top of the stage and gestures to his waist, declaring himself the next World Champion.


    Jason Azaria: We have breaking news, folks. Next week on Total Wrestling, Aaron Andrews will compete in a non-title contest against Shade Gang’s Marc Speed in the main event! Not just that, but Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson has banned the rest of Shade Gang from ringside after what happened last week during Andrews and Troy Tornado’s encounter. We’ll see you next week for that amazing contest! Good Night!

  13. Next Week...

    On TCW Presents Total Wrestling!


    Frederique Vs. Jay Chord

    Prior to challenging for the World Heavyweight Title at Summer Showdown, Jay Chord will battle the flamboyant Beautiful Love member in Total Wrestling's Main Event.


    TCW Television Championship Match

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs. Doc Hammond

    A year later, former champion Doc Hammond finally gets a rematch with Greg Gauge for the TV Title. Whoever wins will move on to defend the gold at Summer Showdown in a 6-Man Gauntlet Match!


    TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

    W.M.D. ( C ) Vs. The Shade Gang

    After their win at Excessive Force, the Gang get a second opportunity to take the gold away from One Man Army & Human Arsenal. Can Marc Speed & Matt Hocking win the tag gold this time? Or will W.M.D. put on a repeat performance?


    The Syndicate (Akima Brave & Chris Flynn) Vs. The Elite

    Viciously kicked out of The Syndicate, Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson are out for vengeance. This week on Total Wrestling, they have that opportunity.


    Benny & The Foxx Vs. Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus)

    Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx have reunited as a tag team, but will that be enough for Foxx to get some vengeance against Freddy Corp.?


    Tune in this Tuesday for all these exciting matches, and much more!






  14. July – Week 1 – 2020


    Tuesday Afternoon

    Hours Prior To Total Wrestling


    Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson and TCW’s CEO Kyle Rhodes are enjoying a lunch together prior to this week’s episode of Total Wrestling. It’s a decent enough restaurant, though not some super classy joint that Kyle is used to going to with BriCo executives. RDJ has a fine cut of chicken parmigiana in front of him, while Kyle enjoys some fancy version of shrimp fettuccine.


    Coming off Excessive Force, the two decided to meet up before the tapings for one final discussion. Summer Showdown is right around the corner, and it’s one of TCW’s biggest shows of the year. Both RDJ & Kyle are determined to make sure the product is prepared for such a event.


    Rhodes: So everything is set to go off when it’s official after tonight’s show. We’re going to advertise the crap out of Andrews versus Chord. I think this can be one of the biggest main events in recent history.


    RDJ: Yup, sure seems like it. I think the fans are ready for this match, too. Really ready. I think this feud is going to have the fans red hot. This could definitely be as hot as Andrews and Hawkins was.


    Rhodes: I agree. I have to say, Rick, I’m very impressed at your plans for Summer Showdown. Top to bottom, I think you have a really good plan. I especially like that Gauntlet Match idea.


    RDJ: Well, to get all our guys on such a big show, ya have to get at least a little creative. I think this could be a refreshing approach while also giving the boys a chance to really put on a great show. But if you like that idea, I have been thinking about another project I’d like to dig into.


    Rhodes: Uh oh, am I going to have to order something stiff to listen to this? I don’t like to drink before the show, Rick.


    RDJ: *chuckles* Cute, very funny. But I’ve just been thinking that it would be good for the product if we made some of the minor pay-per-views stand out more. I think I have an idea for Hotter Than Hell, a gimmick that we could build the entire show around.


    Rhodes: Well, before you sell me on that idea, maybe it’s best that I tell you why I wanted to have this lunch with you. It wasn’t just to talk booking ideas.


    RDJ: Oh? You’re not going to profess your love for me, are you, boss?


    Rhodes: *smiles* Maybe later. No, I wanted to break some news to you before it’s announced to the world. Remember when I told that I wanted to start up my own developmental territory? Our own little minor league system?


    RDJ: Oh hell, you didn’t….


    Rhodes: Yeah…I did! Rick, I’d like to introduce to my new baby, Elite Championship Wrestling.


    RDJ: E-C-W? Ehhhhh, sounds catchy enough. I think fans can chant that.


    Rhodes: I hope so! So, while you’ve been doing your booking thing, I’ve been spending a few extra hours in the office with Brent (Hill) & Joel (Bryant). We’ve been building a list of talent and staff members that we’d like for ECW. Joel is traveling right now with his team to recruit.


    RDJ: Wow, you did all this behind my back? I’m hurt, boss, so hurt.


    Rhodes: Well, I’m making sure you stay on point, putting on good shows with my roster.


    RDJ: *sarcastic tone* Yes sir, nothing but good shows, sir. Wow Kyle, I’m happy for you. I can hear in the way you talk that you’re really excited about this.


    Rhodes: I am! I think having this minor league company could be huge for TCW. When we promote talent from ECW, they should already be chiseled out for the bright lights. All they will need is television time and a little finesse.


    RDJ: So, who is going to be running the show down there? You hire someone already?


    Rhodes: I did. You ever hear of Marvin Ernest?


    RDJ: Sure. The guy has been around for awhile. Nice guy, decent enough announcer.


    Rhodes: He was recommended by several people. Apparently, Marvin has been looking for a chance like this for a long time now. Marvin knows the independent scene as good as anyone, too. He’ll know how to work with our young talent. I think he’s the perfect man for the job in ECW.


    RDJ: The perfect man? Perfect for you? So he’s a butt kissing, yes man?


    Rhodes: *laughs* I know you’re kidding, but for real, Marv is super nice and super professional. I don’t think we’ll have any problems with him.


    RDJ: Good, good. So now that I’ve let you bask in your glory, are you finally going to tell me what’s going on, Kyle? You’re expanding TCW non-stop. You’re spending money like I’ve never seen before. Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on? Or do you have some more amazing news?


    Rhodes: That depends. What type of news you want?


    RDJ: What do you mean?


    Rhodes: Well, first off, what do you think about us bringing back Saturday Night Showcase?


    RDJ: Really? That’s in the works?


    Rhodes: It is. BriCo wants more exposure, and so do I. It wouldn’t be weekly like Total Wrestling, not yet at least. No, Saturday Night Showcase would be a special monthly event. More important than Total Wrestling, somewhat less important than pay-per-views. Give our big names another place to shine bright. You think you’d be up for that, Booker Man? More work to do?


    RDJ: Hell, do I have a choice?


    Rhodes: If we get the right television deal with plenty of zeroes? No, you don’t, but that just means I have to pay you more, too.


    RDJ: More money? You got my attention.


    Rhodes: *smiles* Would you like some more news?


    RDJ: More news? I don’t think my heart can take it, Kyle!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Let’s see if this puts you on the floor. How you like another brand new, shiny toy?


    RDJ: Jesus, who did you manage to sign now?


    Rhodes: Oh, just a talented fellow by the name of Zimmy Bumfhole?


    RDJ: Zimmy?! You stole another guy from SWF?


    Rhodes: Yes, I did. I tell you, Rick, SWF is really struggling. When we started moving up in the world, it’s clear we were stealing a bunch of fans from them. Now, we’re stealing their wrestlers because they can’t afford to keep them all.


    RDJ: Zimmy….wow. His name is absolutely ridiculous, I can’t believe his parents named him as such. But hot damn, what a talented guy he is.


    Rhodes: Oh yes. He is going to join us by the end of the month, and I can’t wait to see what he can do for us.


    RDJ: Alright, Kyle. That’s enough. Am I going to have to stab you with this butter knife? I am not letting you up from this table until you tell me what’s going on.


    Rhodes: Rick, I’m just riding this wave of success while it’s here. I’m just trying capitalize on an amazing 2020, and I have you to thank for a lot of it, Rick.


    RDJ: You’re such a sweetheart, but cut the crap. Come on, Kyle. For years, BriCo wouldn’t let you budge from the status quo. They’ve always been satisfied with TCW just treading water and making them some nice, cool millions. Now, you’re tossing around money, expanding the TCW name by every way imaginable at a crazy pace. How is BriCo okay with all this now?


    Rhodes: *shrugs* What if I told you BriCo doesn’t have a say in my decisions anymore?


    RDJ: What does that mean?


    Rhodes: *pauses* I’m going to buy Total Championship Wrestling, Rick.


    RDJ: WHAT??!!


    Rhodes: You heard me.


    RDJ: Seriously?


    Rhodes: As serious as could be. And seriously, I have you to thank, Rick.


    RDJ: What? How?


    Rhodes: When you came back to the company, you made me realize how much I love TCW. Your efforts, the things you said, your mere presence. You reminded me why I decided to become the CEO of this company. And then, I just sat on my hands because that’s what BriCo told me to do. I’m done sitting on my hands, Rick. I’m done answering to BriCo, letting TCW just stand still while other companies thrive. I want TCW to be as good as it once was, and then after that? I want it to be better than it ever was.


    RDJ: Wow. So that’s it? You’re really thinking of buying TCW?


    Rhodes: Actually no….I’m already in the process of purchasing it….


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Uprising Shorts

    * Jason Azaria interviews the TCW World Tag Team Champions W.M.D. (and their manager Vita) in-ring after they dispose of some local talent. Human Arsenal & One Man Army proceed to hype their title defense against the Shade Gang, next week on Total Wrestling. Their interview, though, is interrupted by The Syndicate! Akima Brave, Chris Flynn, & Doc Hammond head to the ring and face off with the champs. On the mic, Hammond makes it clear to W.M.D. that they have the Tag Champs in the crosshairs, and challenges them to put the gold up against The Syndicate. Vita answers for her men.


    Vita: You want a fight, Doc? Well, you came the right place, because my boys will fight anyone who dares to step up. W.M.D. has business with Shade Gang right now, but you want a shot at the gold? Then consider yourselves on deck, because my boys will take you down next!


    ** After his victory over Air Attack Weasel, Masked Cougar is interviewed by Kyle Rhodes in-ring. When asked what’s next for Cougar after finishing his feud with Chris Flynn, the masked marvel actually looks towards the past.


    Cougar: I might be done with Chris Flynn, but there’s another Syndicate guy I have an issue with. You see, Doc Hammond handed me my first loss, and I’m not happy with how it went down. I intend to rectify that loss. So Doc? Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting for you right here in the ring. I want a rematch with you!

  15. Great month for mister Huggins there. Grabbing the brass ring, I see.


    I think Freddy is a very important asset to the TCW roster at the start, with so many guys getting older and/or lacking...well...talent! The dude can wrestle, the dude has charisma, and his Star Quality is pretty good, too.


    Despite the few big names I've signed recently, I intend for Freddy to maintain his push. He might never be "the man," but he's definitely a highly valued member of the roster.

  16. July – Week 1 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    It’s a cold open for Total Wrestling, as we go straight to Ricky Dale Johnson. The Commissioner of TCW is standing by on the interview stage, surrounded by the roaring live crowd that’s ready for the show.


    RDJ: In less than four weeks, Total Championship Wrestling will be celebrating one of its biggest shows of the year, Summer Showdown. As someone who has had many fine moments at Summer Showdown, I find it my duty to make sure that I put together the best show possible for you fans. There is plenty of news to come about the event, but I’m out here now to reveal the first official match. At Summer Showdown, for the first time ever, the TCW Television Championship will be defended in…a Gauntlet Match!


    As the crowd reacts, the camera angle changes. As RDJ reads off names, images of the wrestlers begin to appear on the titantron.


    RDJ: I have handpicked six of the finest TCW superstars to compete in this Gauntlet match, and it is my honor to announce them right now. First….


    …one of the hottest rising stars in TCW, Davis Wayne Newton


    …cold and calculated, The Syndicate’s Doc Hammond


    …one of the toughest veterans in the game, Joshua Taylor


    …the man who took the TV Champ to the limit last Sunday, Mainstream Hernandez….


    …the masked marvel, none other than Masked Cougar


    …and of course, the dominant, unquestionably best TCW Television Champion ever, Greg Gauge


    Just as RDJ is about to continue, he is interrupted by “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes. A very unhappy Greg Gauge storms out towards the interview stage, carrying the TV Title. Juliet Balconi hurries to keep up with her client.


    Gauge: What the hell are you trying to pull, Rick? I have to compete against five men?! Again?! You just really want to take this TV Title out of my hands, don’t you? Let me guess, I have to start to match, too, right?


    RDJ: Christ kid, you’re salty. Ya know, if you just waited before having a temper tantrum, you would have found out that it’s the exact opposite. You see, the order of the Gauntlet Match will be random, except for one man. You, Greg, as TV Champion, will automatically be the final competitor in the match! In other words, those five amazing competitors will battle for the right to challenge you!


    Gauge:…so what’s the catch, Rick?


    RDJ: There is no catch, you brat! Actually, the catch is I’m trying to put on the most exciting show possible! But I tell you what, if you want to keep disrespecting me, I’ll just flip the match around and make you compete first!


    Gauge: Wait! Whoa whoa whoa, just wait a-…


    This altercation is suddenly interrupted by “Uprising” by Muse. Cue the boos as The Syndicate’s Doc Hammond, Akima Brave, & Chris Flynn walk out. Things get awfully serious real fast, though it’s only Hammond who joins RDJ, Gauge, & Balconi on the interview stage.


    Hammond: I have no problem with this Gauntlet Match, and I’m going to win it on behalf of the Syndicate. But you, Greg? You and I have unfinished business. You know who you took that TV Title from. Yours truly! It’s time for a travesty to be resolved. I never received my proper return match, and I’m not waiting for this Gauntlet Match to get it. I want a one-on-one title match with you Greg, and I want it next week, right here on Total Wrestling!


    Greg Gauge laughs off the challenge laid down by Hammond.


    Gauge: That’s real funny. You come out here, and you’re acting like you’re the one holding the title belt. Newsflash Doc, I’m the one who beat you for the gold! You want to be number 23? You want to be another name that crashes and burns when I put this gold on the line? Then that’s fine by me. I beat you once, I’ll beat you again!


    RDJ jumps in between the two men before it gets too heated.


    RDJ: Then allow me to make it official, cause I love it! Next week, the rematch finally happens! Champion versus Former Champion! Greg Gauge defends the TCW TV Title against Doc Hammond! Have fun, boys!


    Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond) defeat Sinner Society (Killer Shark & Nick Booth)

    It’s a return match somewhat from Excessive Force between the stables Beautiful Love & Sinner Society, though the participants are mixed up. During the contest, it’s announced that Titan was injured during the match at Excessive Force, and will be out for awhile. After the four hundred pound Killer Shark gets knocked to the floor, Fonzarelli hits Nick Booth with the Retro Rocket for the win.


    Back from commercials, Jason Azaria is standing by at ringside with a very frustrated Floyd Goldworthy, the manager of Sinner Society. Azaria questions Goldworthy about the loss and Titan’s injury, but it’s when Jason mentions the name Eddie Peak that Floyd erupts.


    Goldworthy: Eddie Peak? EDDIE PEAK?! Do you see Eddie Peak out here, leading this group? NO! This is my group! I’m in charge of the Sinner Society, and I assure you, the Sinner Society is far from dead! Yes, Titan is out injured, and what a shame that is. This group is definitely going to miss him.


    Suddenly, Goldworthy’s rage turns into a wicked smile.


    Goldworthy: But here’s something to keep in mind, Jay. Yeah, I have lost of my monsters. But, there are always more monsters that go bump in the night!


    Joshua Taylor defeats Nate Johnson

    It starts off as a tight, back and forth contest between two of the finest veterans in the business. Eventually though, Taylor takes over the match, and Johnson has no answers to get back into it. Taylor forces Johnson to tap to the Butterfly Lock for the win.


    A solid victory to his record, Joshua Taylor begins to depart from ringside as the replay is shown. That’s when he gets blindsided by Davis Wayne Newton, who clobbers Joshua with a forearm straight to the skull! An irate Newton begins to viciously pummel Taylor at ringside.


    Kyle Rhodes Aww, look at this “big man.” He lost his undefeated streak at Excessive Force to Taylor, and now he has to throw a fit about it!


    Haley Buck stands behind it all, barking orders to her client. Newton sends Taylor hard into the steel steps. Buck tells Newton that it isn’t enough, and apparently Davis agrees. Newton drags Taylor to his feet, then plants Joshua on the floor with his patented Fisherman’s Suplex!


    Jason Azaria: Come on! That’s enough!


    TCW Officials appear on the scene to break it up. It looks like Newton is going to back off without a fight. Then, Newton suddenly pushes through them all for one final strike, kicking Taylor straight in the skull as Joshua attempts to recover. Newton is laughing now as he is forcibly pushed away from ringside.


    Jason Azaria: What a disgusting act by Davis Wayne Newton! Just because he finally lost a match here in TCW!


    Benny & The Foxx defeat Air Attack Weasel & Yuri Yoshihara

    Squash Match! The former tag team champions unite on Total Wrestling, and they don’t seem to have lost a step. Benson Benson puts this match away after hitting Weasel with the Shockwave from Next Year.


    Post-Match, Benny Benson calls for a mic. With Flying Jimmy Foxx by his side, Benson makes it official.


    Benson: Aww yeah, that’s right, folks! Benny & The Foxx are back! Our buddy Bart Biggins will be back soon, but he has given this tag team his blessing to move forward together. And move forward we shall! And the first order of business? Freddy Corp.? You wanted to mess with my buddy here? Well how about now when the odds are evened up? Roderick Remus, Julian Watson, we challenge you to a tag team match right here, next week on Total Wrestling!


    Jay Chord defeats Stevie Grayson

    The former TCW star Grayson gives the fans some nostalgia, but that’s about all he delivers. Jay Chord is clearly not in a good match after Excessive Force, and he takes it out on Grayson. Chord confidently covers Grayson for the three after connecting with the Cradle Piledriver.


    Kyle Rhodes: We haven’t heard a word from Jay Chord since Excessive Force, but I think it’s safe to say actions are louder than words.


    Jason Azaria: He came so close to winning the World Title. I can guarantee that it’s eating away at Jay right now.


    We go backstage, where the Shade Gang are huddled together as Troy Tornado prepares for his main event contest with TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews.


    Tornado: Next week, you two (Speed & Hocking) finally get your rematch with W.M.D., and there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll walk away with Tag Team gold. But tonight, it’s about Troy! I’m going to put a whopping on Aaron Andrews tonight, then put his shoulders to the mat. Then, RDJ will have no choice but to give me a World Title Match!


    Six Man Tag Team Match

    Mighty Mo, Tana The Mighty, & T-Bone Bright defeat The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Akima Brave, Chris Flynn)

    The Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins watches this contest from on top of the entrance stage. Hawkins is pleased for awhile as his Syndicate is able to control the match by overwhelming T-Bone, then Tana. But eventually, Mighty Mo gets the hot tag, and that leads to the Syndicate’s demise. As mayhem ensues all over ringside, it’s inside ring where Mo plants Chris Flynn with the Plunging Spinebuster. 1,2,3, Mighty Mo picks up the big win for his team.


    Post-Match, Mighty Mo calls for a mic, then turns to Wolf Hawkins on the entrance stage.


    Mo: Hey Wolfie! I can do this all day with your boys! I’ll put a whooping on them over and over. But, I know where the real fun is. So what about it, Wolfie? How about you man up and be an example for your group. You and me, Wolfie. Let’s do it at Summer Showdown!


    The crowd erupts at the idea, but Wolf Hawkins has zero interest in giving him an answer. Leaving his men behind after their loss, Hawkins simply smirks at Mo’s challenge, then walks away.


    Jason Azaria: Wolf Hawkins might have ignored Mighty Mo tonight, but it’s safe to say this issue between these men is far from over.


    Aztec Prince defeats Darryl Devine

    We have a bit of an interruption in the middle of this contest, as suddenly the lights suddenly go out in the arena.


    Kyle Rhodes: What the…


    After a few seconds, the lights begin to flicker, then finally turn fully back on.


    Jason Azaria: Ummm, we apologize, ladies and gentlemen. It appears that we had some type of electrical issue here on live television. It looks like everything is back to normal now.


    That issue behind us, this match is allowed to continue. Darryl Devine attempts to avenge his partner Chance Fortune’s loss to Aztec Prince. Alas, just like his partner, Devine just doesn’t have the answers for TCW’s newest phenom. Devine becomes yet another victim of Prince and his deadly Triple Powerbomb.


    We are back from commercials, as Kyle Rhodes is standing by on the interview stage for the next segment.


    Kyle Rhodes: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest tonight-…


    Suddenly, there is a loud commotion as Kyle Rhodes gets tripped and pulled off the interview stage. It’s Kirk Jameson! Jameson is back yet again out of nowhere, and has Kyle Rhodes locked in the Kata Ha Jime! Jameson drags Rhodes to the floor beside the stage and begin to choke the life out of the colour commentator!


    Jason Azaria: Oh my god! Please, someone get help out here!


    Security rushes out to the interview stage and fight to pry Kirk Jameson off of Kyle Rhodes. Jameson suddenly lets go of Rhodes and begins to fight the security, decking each of them as they get too close. Jameson finally hops the barricade, but right before he disappears, he turns to go eye to eye with Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson. They stare at each other for a second, a sick smile forming on Jameson’s face. Jameson finally rushes through the crowd to get away as RDJ yells at security to follow him.


    As Total Wrestling goes to commercials, the medical staff appears to help Kyle Rhodes, rolling out a stretcher in the process.


    Back from commercials, Jason Azaria is standing by at the announce table, now joined by TCW Uprising’s usual Colour Commentator MC Motormouth.


    Jason Azaria: Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for what just happened. I don’t know what is going on with this Kirk Jameson predicament. He is NOT a member of the TCW roster, and no one knows why he is attacking people at TCW shows. I…I just don’t know…


    MC Motormouth: Well, here’s hoping Kyle Rhodes is okay. But I’m out here now cause the show must go on.


    Jason Azaria: You’re right, MC. Let’s just try to have a good rest of show.


    Freddy Corp. (Julian Watson & Roderick Remus) defeat Jack Avatar & Ricky Turner by Disqualification

    Watson & Remus are dominating this contest when it is interrupted by Sammy Bach attacking the Freddy Corp. leader Freddy Huggins at ringside! Watson & Remus immediately forget about the match and try to protect their leader, but Bach just attacks them, too! Referee Long throws the match out!


    MC Motormouth: Look at this crazy man. Sammy Bach has lost it!


    Jason Azaria: Bach wants payback, MC. He’s tired of Freddy Huggins and his antics!


    Freddy & Laura Catherine Huggins flee up the entrance stage, leaving his men to do his bidding. Watson & Remus overwhelm Bach at ringside, but that’s until Sammy manages to grab a steel chair and starts swinging! Bach lays out Watson & Remus with the weapon! The chair in hand, Bach slides into the ring and calls out to Huggins to come back and fight. It sure doesn’t seem like Huggins has any plans to oblige him.


    Jason Azaria: Sooner or later, Freddy Huggins will have no choice but to finally face Sammy Bach one-on-one.


    MC Motormouth: How about Sammy put the chair down first? Maybe then Freddy will be okay with fighting him!


    We transition to highlights to the TCW Television Championship match at Excessive Force, where Greg Gauge narrowly defeated Mainstream Hernandez to retain his title belt.


    Jason Azaria: It was not without controversy, though. As you can see on the replay, with the referee out of the position, Greg Gauge would rake Hernandez’s eyes. With the challenger blinded, Gauge took full advantage and picked up the win.


    MC Motormouth: Say what you want, the referee didn’t see it. Greg Gauge did what he had to do to keep his TV Title.


    The scene switches over to a video recorded right after Excessive Force last Sunday. Mainstream Hernandez is sitting backstage alone, removing his wrist tape. Reliving the match in his head, Hernandez shakes his head before looking up at the camera.


    Hernandez: You know what you did, Greg. Everybody knows what you did. You saw what was coming and you got desperate. So, you’d think I would be devastated. Coming so close to becoming TV Champion and yet falling short.


    Hernandez suddenly begins to smile.


    Hernandez: Nah, Greg. It sucks that loss, but I’m just fine. I know now that I can beat you. Next time I get my chance? There’s no doubt in my mind. I will be the brand new Television Champion!


    Back from commercials, a vignette plays right before the main event. Lit up by a single spotlight, a hooded figure stands alone. “Ten Thousand Fists” by Disturbed begins to play.


    “I am ready for my next challenge…”


    “They told me that TCW is the place to find it…”


    “This is my warning for the rest of you…”


    “Nothing will stop me from reaching my goal…”


    Reacting to the lyrics of the song, the hooded figure raises his fist into the air. The scene suddenly begins to get brighter and brighter, until finally it’s nothing but white.


    “I’m coming…”




    Aaron Andrews defeats Troy Tornado in a Non-Title Contest

    Early in the match, the rest of the Shade Gang threaten to interfere in the match on behalf of Tornado. That brings out the Tag Team Champions! W.M.D. march down to the ring to stand in the corner of the World Champion. It’s almost a Lumberjack Match now with so much humanity at ringside, and eventually Marc Speed & Matt Hocking do get involved behind Referee Young’s back. This leads to an all out brawl at ringside as One Man Army & Human Arsenal start to fight Speed & Hocking, all the way up the entrance stage.


    Jason Azaria: You know that was going to happen eventually. Those two teams are ready to go to war next week over the Tag Team Titles.


    MC Motormouth: I’m not even sure why W.M.D. were out here in the first place. They have no affiliation with Aaron Andrews!


    All alone now to battle Andrews, Troy Tornado tries to put away the World Champion, but cannot do so. Andrews eventually gets rolling, and when he does, Tornado can’t slow him down. After Andrews takes Tornado down with his patented spear, the crowd gets hyped for the ending. Here it comes! The Ace in the Hole! 1,2,3, Andrews picked up the impressive non-title win!


    Jason Azaria: The World Champion keeps on rolling along!


    Aaron Andrews is awarded his World Title by Referee Young as his music begins to play. The Champ plans on celebrating with the crowd, but is quickly interrupted by the sound of “Kings Never Die” by Eminem.


    MC Motormouth: Ah boy! Here we go!


    Out of his ring gear and now in street clothes, Jay Chord makes his way down to the ring, a microphone already in his hand. Chord looks just as bitter as he did earlier when he was beating up on poor Stevie Grayson. Andrews & Chord stand across the ring and stare at each other for a long time, the anticipation brewing with the crowd. Finally, Chord lifts the mic to his lips.


    Chord: I played the Commissioner’s game. I took part in that Fatal Four Way Match, and everybody saw how close I came to putting you away. You know it, too, Aaron. I’m done playing RDJ’s game. I want what I rightfully deserve. So what do say you, champ? You said you want to be this fighting champion, the best fighting champion ever. So, here am I to give you that opportunity. No more games. Summer Showdown, Aaron. You and me…and the World Heavyweight Championship!


    The staredown grows silent as the microphone drops to Chord’s side. The crowd reacts positively to Chord’s challenge. Andrews holds out his hand to Chord, asking for the microphone. Chord hands it to him.


    Andrews: Ya know, I always thought it was stupid when guys like you and Wolf Hawkins come out here and cry about not having opportunities, about not getting a title shot. It’s cute, it’s funny…but mostly stupid! The truth is, Jay? All anyone has to do is come out and challenge me. That’s all you ever had to do, Jay. You didn’t have to concoct some plan, you didn’t have to put on a black mask and attack me. All you had to do was come out here and challenge me. You want a World Title Match at Summer Showdown, Jay? You’re on!


    Andrews holds out his free hand for Chord to shake. Reluctantly, Chord accepts it! The crowd erupts in cheers at the match announcement!


    Jason Azaria: Summer Showdown just got red hot!


    MC Motormouth: Talk about a blockbuster match. Aaron Andrews versus Jay Chord is going to be a sight to remember!


    Jay Chord departs from the ring as Total Wrestling comes to a close. Inside the ring, Aaron Andrews watches Chord depart, the World Title shining on his shoulder.


    Jason Azaria: What huge news for Summer Showdown, but surely, there is more to come! We have two title matches set for next week on Total Wrestling, folks. Who knows what else might happen! Have a good night, we’ll see you right here, next week!

  17. TCW Monthly Report

    June 2020


    State of the Company

    Size Rating: Big

    Prestige: 97%

    Momentum: 84%

    World Ranking: 3rd

    USA Ranking: 1st!

    (USPW is a Large company, nevertheless we came out on top!)


    Average Popularity In Each Area

    USA: 78

    Canada: 73

    Mexico: 17

    British Isles: 19

    Japan: 22

    Europe: 27

    Oceania: 19

    India: 22


    Financial Report



    Top Ten Merchandise Sales

    1) Aaron Andrews – 277.8

    2) Sammy Bach – 205.4K

    3) Wolf Hawkins – 122.4K

    4) Jay Chord – 121.9K

    5) Ricky Dale Johnson – 39.9K

    6) Mighty Mo – 34.3K

    7) Tana The Mighty – 22.6K

    8) Joshua Taylor – 15.3K

    9) Freddy Huggins – 9.2K

    10) Frederique – 8.3K


    Top Five Matches Of The Month

    1) Greg Gauge defeated Mainstream Hernandez to retain the TCW Television Championship (83, TCW Excessive Force)


    2) Freddy Huggins defeated One Man Army (82, TCW Presents Total Wrestling – Week 2)


    3) Chris Flynn & Davis Wayne Newton defeated Joshua Taylor & Masked Cougar (81, TCW Presents Total Wrestling – Week 4)


    3) Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins, Jay Chord, & Mighty Mo in a Fatal Four Way to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (81, TCW Excessive Force)


    3) Freddy Huggins defeated Aaron Andrews in a Non-Title Contest (81, TCW Presents Total Wrestling – Week 4)


    Company Signings

    Mainstream Hernandez, Ric Young (Referee), Zippy Deverell (Development)


    Contract Extensions

    Flying Jimmy Foxx (6 months), Robert Oxford (1 Year)


    Entrance Theme of the Month!

    Masked Cougar“Alive” by P.O.D.


    Finishing Move of the Month!

    Apparition #14 (Mainstream Hernandez)Shiranui

  18. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

    </p><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    TCW Excessive Force 2020</span></span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="g1GI7hA" data-src="https://imgur.com/a/g1GI7hA" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Kick Off Show</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Elite</strong> defeated Elliot Thomas & Jack Avatar</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Capitao Brasil Jr.</strong> defeated Seth Whitehead</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond, Darryl Devine, Mr. Lucha, Flying Jimmy Foxx, & Benny Benson</strong> defeated Nick Booth, Yuri Yoshihara, Jeremie Courtney, Julian Watson, & Duke Freeman in a 10 Man Tag Team Match.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">IT’S TIME FOR THE PAY-PER-VIEW!</span></em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Masked Cougar Vs. Chris Flynn</strong></span></p><p>

    Their first encounter was a good one, so no surprises they’re entrusted to open tonight’s show. It’s more of the same from their first match, too. Flynn uses his size to slow down and bully Cougar. Any normal man would be finished, but Cougar refuses to quit, no matter how far Flynn tosses him across the ring. Flynn locks in his Flynn-Lock, believing Cougar couldn’t possibly drag the both of them to the bottom rope. Flynn would be wrong!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> You really can’t deny the will of Masked Cougar, no matter how much bigger his opponent is. </p><p> </p><p>

    Cougar is able to reverse Flynn’s Brutal Enforcement into a Tornado DDT, and it’s his opening. Cougar begins to speed up the tempo, and that’s Flynn’s downfall. Flynn begins to slow down while Cougar only gets better and better. Cougar catches Flynn with the Cougar Pounce, then heads to the top rope. I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar! He hits it! 1,2,3! <strong>Masked Cougar is able put down Flynn for the second time!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Chance Fortune Vs. Aztec Prince</strong></span></p><p>

    TCW’s newest phenom faces arguably his biggest challenge to date, yet it is business as usual for Prince. Fortune is able to get a couple more shots in than Prince’s previous opponents, but Chance also doesn’t have answers for the newcomer. Fortune falls victim to the Triple Powerbomb, and you can <strong>notch another win for Aztec Prince.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Tana & T-Bone Vs. The Syndicate (Akima Brave & Doc Hammond)</strong></span></p><p>

    Tana The Mighty is able to get the hot tag, and that means trouble for The Syndicate. Big clothesline, big chops, big avalanches in the corner. Brave & Hammond is definitely going to be bruised in the morning. Tana thinks he has this match won when he has Brave set up for the Big Fat Samoan Splash, but from ringside Hammond drags Akima out of the way. Tana hits nothing mat!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I’m pretty sure Tana just caused an earthquake!</p><p> </p><p>

    The Syndicate take full advantage, working together to put Tana out of commission with a Double Suplex on the giant. T-Bone looks to save the day, making the blind tag and coming in on fire. Alas, going two-on-one against Brave & Hammond is doomed to fail for anyone. Hammond hits his Exploder Suplex, which leads to Brave flying off the top rope with his Suicide Headbutt. 1,2,3, <strong>chalk one up for The Syndicate in this tag team contest.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Joshua Taylor Vs. Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span></p><p>

    Taylor comes out on fire, but a simple distraction by Newton’s manager Haley Buck quickly changes the story. Newton is able to take over the match, though unable to put Taylor away. Newton’s ego is his downfall, as he takes his time to mock Taylor as he sets up a Superplex, and Joshua takes full advantage and fights back. Taylor knocks Newton hard to the mat, then wipes Davis off with a beautiful Flying Cross Body Block.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Perfect execution by Taylor!</p><p> </p><p>

    It’s the Joshua Taylor Show for a bit, as he begins to hit Newton with the greatest hits. The fight spills to the floor, where Taylor tries to catch Newton with his patented Flying Knee of the apron. Newton dodges the attack, and when Taylor lands on his feet, Newton shoves Taylor from behind, right into the steel steps. The grin on Newton’s face begins to grow as he sends a groggy Taylor back into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Joshua might be in trouble, his eyes appear to be glazed over.</p><p> </p><p>

    Newton stalks Taylor as Joshua staggers up. Newton goes for the Fisherman’s Suplex, but Taylor fights it. Newton softens Taylor up with some stiff shots to the ribs. Newton tries for Fisherman’s Suplex again, but in mid air Taylor reverses it, pulling Newton down into the Small Package! 1,2,3! <strong>Joshua Taylor got it!</strong> Newton and Haley Buck are stunned as Taylor rolls out of the ring, his hand raised. Newton just received his first pinfall loss in TCW, six months into his career! No longer can Davis claim to be undefeated! </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>We are ready for our next contest, as “Ballroom Blitz” by Sweet hits the PA. </em><em><strong>Benny Benson</strong></em><em> makes his way to the ring for his contest with Roderick Remus. High fiving the crowd, Benson is his usual energetic self as he enters ringside and rolls into the ring. Benson climbs the corner and calls out to the fans. Suddenly, he is pulled down from the corner…by </em><em><strong>Kirk Jameson!</strong></em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Jameson is back! Someone get the cops!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Before Benson can do anything, Jameson locks him in the Kata Ha Jime! Jameson pulls Benson down to the mat and begins to choke the life out of him. Benson tries to break free, but Jameon has locks in the leg scissors. Benson is stuck, and soon goes limp!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> This is insane! Somehow help Benny before he’s seriously hurt!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em><strong>Ricky Dale Johnson</strong></em><em> appears on the entrance stage, instructing security to the ring. Jameson sees his time is up and releases the submission and exits the ring just as the batch of security slide in. Security tries to cut Jameson off at ringside, but Kirk manages to hop the barricade. Jameson disappears through the crowd before he can be detain. The scene turns back to the ring, where Flying Jimmy Foxx has appeared to check on his friend Benson. On the stage, RDJ is heated. As he disappears backstage, RDJ yells at one of the security members to get him the police.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I…I just don’t know how to explain what we just saw.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> We just saw a wrestler from another company invade TCW, that’s what we just saw! Kirk Jameson doesn’t work here, and he’s assaulting our superstars!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> I get that, but why? Why is Kirk Jameson doing this?</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Beautiful Love (Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique) Vs. The Behemoths</strong></span></p><p>

    There’s definitely no hurricaranas or moonsaults in this one. All that beef in the ring just leads to a flat out, ugly brawl. It’s just a fight until someone doesn’t get up! The third wheel for both stables, Dazzling Dave Diamond & Nick Booth, even end up brawling at ringside, which leads to both of them getting thrown out of the arena by Referee Long.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Francis Long is trying to take control, but it’s not going to be easy with all this humanity.</p><p> </p><p>

    After sending Killer Shark to the floor with a double clothesline, Beautiful Love looks to put Titan away with the Rocket of Love. Floyd Goldworthy earns his manager’s paycheck by distracting Fonz & Frederique. He climbs onto the apron and starts yelling at them. Goldworthy pays the price, though, as Frederique grabs him by the hair and throws him into the air. As Goldworthy looks to be in big trouble, Behemoths put their manager’s effort to good effort and blindside Beautiful Love. Fonzarelli tumbles through the ropes to the floor after being clobbered by Killer Shark. Titan plants Frederique with a spinebuster, then rolls out of the way as Shark bounces off the ropes. Shark connects with the Shark Bite, squashing Frederique! The cover, 1,2,3! <strong>The Behemoths pick up the big tag win!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Sammy Bach Vs. Wolf Hawkins</strong></span></p><p>

    Before the match even gets rolling, <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong> strolls down to the ring to clearly get in Bach’s head. Despite their issues, Bach appears to remain focus on the contest. A back and forth battle leads to Bach being dumped to the floor. As Hawkins distracts Referee Young, Huggins sends Bach face first into the ring post! This leads to <strong>Mighty Mo</strong> coming out and chasing Huggins out of the arena! Mo and Hawkins exchange some words, those two also having issues recently. Hawkins challenges Mo to hit him, but Mo knows better, and tells Hawkins that will “Sammy will take of business.”</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Thank god for Mighty Mo. Maybe now we’ll have a fair contest!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hawkins takes full advantage of Huggins’s interference, but is unable to put Bach away. Hawkins goes aerial, attempting the Full Moon Rising, but Bach is ready for it and catches Hawkins in midair with a sick Super Kick to the chin!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Sammy dang near kicked his head off!</p><p> </p><p>

    Bach rallies hot and has Hawkins reeling. Hawkins catches Bach with a boot on a charge, only to rush right into Sammy’s drop toe hold. Down on the mat, Bach applies the Bach on your Back! Hawkins is in clearly agony, but manages to scratch and claw to the bottom rope. Bach sizes up Hawkins as he staggers up and charges. Bach hits the Adrenaline Shot! Rather than cover, Bach heads to the top rope, knowing he’ll need a bit more to put Hawkins away. Bach flies, executing a perfect Shooting Star Press! Hawkins gets his knees up! Bach crashes and burns!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh No! Bach could have broken ribs after that!</p><p> </p><p>

    As Bach tries to recover, Hawkins rolls onto the apron and prepares to put this match away. Hawkins springboards and flies. Full Moon Rising! Hawkins hits it this time! 1,2,3! <strong>Wolf Hawkins is the victor</strong> in this additional chapter to a career long rivalry.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Six Man Tag Team Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    “TCW World Tag Team Champions” W.M.D. & Edd Stone</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs. </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    The Shade Gang</strong></span></p><p>

    The Gang attempt to do anything to come out with the win in this one, knowing full well what’s on the line in this contest. Rules be damned! Early in the match, while One Man Army & Marc Speed are the legal competitors, Troy Tornado catches Army coming off the ropes with a steel chair. Referee Johnson catches Tornado with the steel chair, but unfortunately didn’t catch him in the act! Tornado pleads innocence!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> You’re a lot of things, Troy. Innocent is not one of them!</p><p> </p><p>

    The Shade Gang eventually takes over the contest, but their arrogance eventually turns the tide. They attempt to mock W.M.D. by trying to put away One Man Army with their own tag finisher, the Doomsday Device. Irate, Human Arsenal bends the rules himself and rushes over and sends Matt Hocking flying off the top rope and crashing at ringside! One Man Army hops off Troy Tornado’s shoulders and drops him with a big back body suplex.</p><p> </p><p>

    Army makes the tag to Edd Stone, who comes into the ring on fire. Stone’s speed is exactly what his team needs to take over, as he begins to fly all over the place, taking out each Shade Gang member. Stone flies over the top rope and wipes out Shade Gang at ringside with a Rope Flip Plancha! Stone sends legal man Marc Speed back into the ring and heads to the top rope. Stone hits the Party’s Over! 1…2…Matt Hocking breaks it up in time! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> So close! No way Speed was kicking out on that one!</p><p> </p><p>

    Speed attempts a Hurricarana on Hocking, but Hocking tosses him off, right into the Hock Shock! Before Hocking can cover, Stone rolls into the corner, where Human Arsenal tags himself in. Both Arsenal and One Man Army enter the ring and begin to toss around and pummel all three Shade Gang members. Here it comes, Army has Speed on his shoulders, Arsenal on the top rope. Doomsday Device! They hit it! Arsenal covers Speed, but Troy Tornado has Referee Johnson distracted. As W.M.D. tries to figure out what’s going on, Matt Hocking clobbers Army with one of the Tag Team Titles! Arsenal goes to stand up from the cover, and he gets clobbered with the Tag Title as well!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Oh come on!</p><p> </p><p>

    Vita is yelling at Referee Johnson to turn around! Meanwhile, Hocking pulls Marc Speed on top of Arsenal, then disposes of the Tag Title. Tornado “conveniently” stops arguing with Referee Johnson, and the zebra slides into the count, 1,2,3! <strong>The Shade Gang steals the win!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What a disgusting win by the Shade Gang!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I don’t like it, but that’s just what these guys do. And, as a result, <strong>Shade Gang now get another chance to challenge W.M.D. for those Tag Team Titles.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Television Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs. Mainstream Hernandez</strong></span></p><p>

    In what turns out to be the Match of the Night, these two talented superstars put on a contest that is pretty much non-stop with a ton of exciting action. The only time it slows down is when Gauge manages to apply the Proton Lock. Hernandez manages to get to the bottom rope, and breaks free when Gauge attempts to reapply his patented submission. Off the break, Gauge rushes in right into Hernandez’s Codebreaker, leaving the Champ groggy after his face is driven into the challenger’s knees. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> This is Mainstream’s chance! Gauge is on dream street!</p><p> </p><p>

    Hernandez clearly senses this, too, as he begins to pull off his best moves. After putting Gauge on his heels with a Missile Dropkick, Hernandez calls for the end. Here it comes! Hernandez did it! He hit the Apparition #14! Hernandez crawls into the cover, 1…2…3NO! Referee Johnson is about to count to three, but then sees Gauge’s foot on the bottom rope! Hernandez clutches his head in disbelief.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Wow! Gauge’s right boot just saved his Television Title reign.</p><p> </p><p>

    Hernandez drags Gauge back up to his feet, with the intention of hitting the Apparition #14 once more. Hernandez rushes towards the corner to run up the turnbuckles, but Gauge grabs hold of Hernandez…and rakes the eyes! Referee Johnson was out of position to catch it! With Hernandez blinded, Gauge takes full advantage and hits the Broken Gauge! The cover, 1..2..3! <strong>Greg Gauge manages to sneak away, his TV Title intact!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Somehow, someway, Greg Gauge manages to keep his historic TV Title reign intact.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Yeah, but he isn’t going to win the approval of fans over this one. I wonder if Ricky Dale Johnson is going to be check out that replay.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Oh, after that crazy close encounter? I’m sure this isn’t the last time we see Gauge & Hernandez go to war!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#008000;"><em>This marks Greg Gauge’s 22nd successful TV Title defense. He has been champion for 292 days. This is Greg’s 1st reign as TCW Television Champion.</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!</span></em></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Fatal Four Way Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Aaron Andrews ( C ) Vs. Freddy Huggins Vs. Mighty Mo Vs. Jay Chord</strong></span></p><p>

    Prior to the contest, Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson approaches Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate, who appear to be planning something backstage. RDJ shuts it down quick, banning them from ringside for the Main Event! We might just get a fair contest!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> The Commish isn’t dealing with The Syndicate’s crap tonight!</p><p> </p><p>

    It doesn’t take very long for this match to become all out mayhem, as the competitors spill out of the ring and brawl all over ringside. Andrews back tosses a charging Huggins over the barricade and into the front row, while Mo sends Chord hard into the steel steps. The crowd erupts as Andrews and Mo face off in the middle of the ring!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> That is quite the circumstance. Two of the most popular TCW wrestlers go toe to toe! </p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews and Mo exchange punches until Mo overwhelms the World Champ. Mo catches Andrews with a stiff clothesline, then goes for the Plunging Spinebuster! As soon as Mo lifts him off his feet, Andrews begins to pummel Mo until he drops Aaron. Andrews attempts his patented Spear, but catches a big boot from Mo, right in the kisser!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Aaron is going need to pick up his teeth after that! </p><p> </p><p>

    Huggins thinks he’s going to catch Mo offguard by flying off the top rope, but Mo catches him with a big punch to the ribs instead. Chord uses the distraction though to grab Mo from behind and plant him with a Reverse DDT. Mo rolls to the outside, as Chord sets Huggins for the Super DDT. Laura Catherine Huggins hops onto the apron and distracts Chord, allowing her brother Freddy to get his feet on the ground, then drop Chord on the top rope with the Hot Shot. With Chord stagger, Huggins plants him with the Huggins Kiss! The cover, 1…2…Andrews breaks it up!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Our worst nightmare almost happened. Freddy Corp. almost owned the TCW World Heavyweight Title!</p><p> </p><p>

    Huggins thumbs Andrews in the eye when Aaron attempts to drag him up. Andrews dodges Huggins’s Super Kick, and nearly kicks his sister Laura Catherine, who is still on the apron! Huggins is able to put on the brakes, but when he turns around, he is wiped out by an Andrews Spear! Boom! The cover, 1..2...Huggins kicks out! Andrews enters the corner and calls Huggins up for his finisher. Before it happens, Mo drags Andrews clean out of the ring. Mo hip tosses Andrews right on top of the announce table!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Watch out!</p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews bounces off the table and falls into the laps of the announcers! Mo goes to climb back into the ring, but catches a Huggins kick to the skull when he attempts to step through the ropes. Huggins goes to run off the ropes, but charges right into Mo’s Plunging Spinebuster! The cover by Mo! 1…2…3NO! Chord just barely breaks it up in time! Mo and Chord brawl until Mo staggers Jay with a headbutt. Chord falls over into the corner, but manages to dodge a charging Mo. Mo goes shoulder first into the post! Chord pulls Mo out and hits the Cradle Piledriver! Chord struggles to roll over a limp Mo and finally covers. 1…2…Andrews flies into the ring and breaks the cover!</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Jay Chord was a split second from fulfilling what he calls his destiny. So close!</p><p> </p><p>

    Chord catches Andrews with a knee to the ribs, but misses with a big swing. Andrews flies off the ropes and attempts another spear, but Chord is ready for it and kicks Andrews right into the face, right into next week! Andrews are glazed, and Chord senses his chance! Chord sets Andrews for the Cradle Piledriver! Chord lifts Andrews up, only to catch a Super Kick in the face by Huggins! Both Chord and Andrews crash hard to the mat! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Oh No! Chord almost dropped Andrews on his head when Huggins kicked him!</p><p> </p><p>

    A groggy Chord rolls to the floor as Huggins stalks Andrews inside the ring. Huggins tries to set Andrews up for the Huggins Kiss, but before he can lock the hands, Andrews back tosses out of it! Andrews stumbles over into the corner. When he turns around, he sees Huggins getting up in the center of the ring. Andrews sees his opportunity and is quick capitalize! Andrews hits the Ace in the Hole! Andrews covers! 1,2,3! Jay Chord tries to break it up, but is a split second too late! <strong>Aaron Andrews has successfully retained the TCW World Title!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> What a wild contest we just witnessed! Bodies flying everywhere! Somehow, someway, Aaron Andrews has managed to come away still World Champion!</p><p> </p><p>

    Jay Chord falls backwards and sits back on the bottom rope. He watches in disbelief as Referee Young awards Andrews with the World Title. Chord shakes his head as Andrews returns to his feet and has his hand his raised. Andrews turns to Chord, and then the two have a few words with each other. Chord gestures to Andrews with revulsion in his voice. “I had you,” he tells Andrews. He says it a few times before rolling out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Jay Chord thinks if it wasn’t for Freddy Huggins stopping him, he would have had the best of Aaron Andrews. Perhaps, Jay has a point.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Maybe he does, but that’s the craziness of the Fatal Four Way. You never know what’s going to happen in a contest like that.</p><p> </p><p>

    Andrews turns to his attention to the crowd and begins to celebrate with his fans. With “Feel Invincible” by Skillet blaring, Andrews climbs the corner and raises his World Title up high. He takes a moment to look at the gold and smiles, then raises it high once more.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jason Azaria:</strong> Aaron Andrews has managed to walk away with the gold tonight, but what awaits the World Champion in the future? Summer Showdown is right around the corner, and the Ace will certainly be there to represent TCW! Maybe we will get more answers this Tuesday on Total Wrestling. See you then, folks! Good Night from TCW’s Excessive Force!</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#008000;"><em>This marks Aaron Andrews’s 2nd successful World Title defense. He has been champion for 28 days. This is Aaron’s 4th reign as TCW World Heavyweight Champion.</em></span></p><p>


  19. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"> </span><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Excessive Force</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The Official Card For TCW’s June Pay-Per-View!</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

    Fatal Four Way Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Aaron Andrews ( C ) Vs. Freddy Huggins Vs. Mighty Mo Vs. Jay Chord</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>One Fall To The Finish</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Television Championship Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Greg Gauge ( C ) Vs. Mainstream Hernandez</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Sammy Bach Vs. Wolf Hawkins</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    </strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Six Man Tag Team Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    “TCW World Tag Team Champions” W.M.D. & Edd Stone </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Vs. </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    The Shade Gang</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Joshua Taylor Vs. Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Masked Cougar Vs. Chris Flynn</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Tana & T-Bone Vs. The Syndicate</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> (Akima Brave & Doc Hammond)</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Beautiful Love</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> (Danny Fonzarelli & Frederique) </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Vs. The Behemoths</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

    Benny Benson Vs. Roderick Remus</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

    </span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>Aztec Prince will also be in action</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">


  20. June – Week 4 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Uprising Shorts

    * With his partner Bart Biggins once again sidelined, Flying Jimmy Foxx got his wish and received a singles match with a Freddy Corp. member. “Coach” Julian Watson would answer the call, the man who actually re-injured Biggins. Foxx is primed to win the match after hitting the Flying Foxx on Watson, but fellow Freddy Corp. member Roderick Remus attacks Jimmy during the pinfall attempt, causing the Disqualification.


    The Freddy Corp. beatdown begins post-match, but help is on the way! Foxx’s former partner Benny Benson races down to the ring and clears the ring of both Remus & Watson! Freddy Corp. heads for the curtains as Benson protects his old Benny & The Foxx buddy. Bart Biggins might be out hurt, but it looks like Foxx might not be alone in his fight against Freddy Corp.!


    Wednesday Evening

    Backstage At TCW Uprising Taping, West Texas Coliseum


    Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson is packing up his things backstage, ready to head to his hotel room for a good night’s sleep. He’s ready to get home to his family before he has to hit the road again this weekend for TCW’s pay-per-view, Excessive Force.


    It was a simple B-show, the last show before the pay-per-view. Almost every storyline was in cruise control, the matches set for Excessive Force. As a result, most of the show was built around hype promos. To hide that the show was uneventful storyline-wise, Wolf Hawkins made a special appearance on Uprising, defeating Danny Fonzarelli in the main event. Not the greatest match with Fonz getting up there in age (and never a great worker to begin with), but nevertheless the crowd was enthralled to see Wolf, one of the best wrestlers in the world.


    Rolling his suitcase behind himself, RDJ says his goodbyes while on his way towards the parking lot. His desire to get to his car uninterrupted is dashed, though, as it seemingly is every single show. RDJ turns to see Benny Benson trying to catch up with him, also walking with his own suitcase.


    Benson: Hey Rick, can I talk to you for a second?


    RDJ: Sure, as long as you don’t mind walking with me. This old man needs his rest.


    Benson: *chuckles* That’s fine. It’s just important that I get a minute.


    RDJ knows what that means. He immediately feels a little gloom stir within him.


    RDJ: So what’s on your mind?


    Benson: I just…I just would like to know what’s your plan for me. You’re the Booker now. Ya know, a couple months ago, I was feuding with Greg (Gauge) over the TV Title, but there hasn’t been much since. But now? I just don’t feel very important. I had that thing with Doc (Hammond), but that didn’t really go anywhere.


    RDJ didn’t say it, but he agreed. The feud had produced a few good matches, but it did nothing for either men, really. If it did anything, it helped Doc, who came away with the feud-ending victory.


    RDJ: I hear ya, Benny. That’s why I wanted to get you back together with Jimmy (Foxx). I think you guys could be a valuable asset to the tag team division.


    Benson: That’s great and all, but again, the feud with Greg. I went out there and talked about wanting one last successful singles run. I said I broke up with Jimmy just to do that. And now? I’m already reforming the team with Jimmy? I just don’t know what that does for my career.


    Invested in the conversation now, RDJ stops in the middle of the hallway so he can turn to look at Benson. Benny does the exact same.


    RDJ: The truth is, Benny, this is how we can give you something right now. Yeah, you did have that big feud with Greg, but let’s be honest, it was about getting Greg over as a solid champion.


    Benson: Yeah, I know…


    RDJ: I can see how you’re feeling, Ben. You’re worried about being washed aside, but I haven’t forgotten about you. This is why I decided reuniting you and Jimmy might be the best bet. Besides, the tag team division needs some babyface duos. You could easily get over as a tag contender quickly.


    Benson: Yeah…I guess I see what you’re saying…


    RDJ watches as Benny starts to fade off. His eyes start to slide down towards the floor tiles at his feet.


    RDJ: Alright Ben, you got my full attention. What is this all about?


    Benson: I…my contract is almost up, Rick. My contract is almost up, and Kyle (Rhodes) has barely even talked to me about it.


    RDJ: Come on, Ben, you’re going to get your new contract. I mean, you want another contract, right?


    Benson: Yeah, of course.


    RDJ: Okay. You’re still one of the most beloved good guys here. I can’t say this for everyone, but trust me, you’re going to get a new contract. Sometimes this stuff just takes time.


    Benson: I get that, but it’s just how it’s going down, I guess.


    RDJ: What do you mean?


    Benson: Well…I’ve had a few contracts with TCW now. Every single time it’s been a big deal. Kyle and Tommy (Cornell) pursued the heck out of me, made me feel like a million bucks. But now? My contract is less than two months away, and I just don’t feel important to this company.


    RDJ: Come on Ben, you’re important. I get it, you’re seeing the finish line. Trust me, I saw it for years. I became a punching bag for the stars by the end. But trust me, man, I haven’t forgotten about you, Ben. You still got plenty of time.


    Benson: I hear ya Rick, but I’m not blind. I see the youth movement going on, the whole locker room does. I see why you want me to reunite with Jimmy, it’s so these young guys can get the singles push.


    RDJ: Ben, I wish I could lie to you and say you’re wrong, but you’re not. Kyle & I are motivated to make new stars. There are some guys on this roster that should be worried about their futures here, that’s the god honest truth. But Ben, you’re not one of them.


    Benson: Not yet, right?


    Such a cold response leaves RDJ and Benny to stare at each other for a long, quiet moment.


    RDJ: This tag team is the best thing I got for you right now, Benny. But if you want, when Bart (Biggins) comes back from injury, we can move you on to something else. But, to be honest with you, I just don’t know what that will be.


    Benson: *shrugs* Well, if that’s the case, then I guess I’m rolling with Jimmy again.


    RDJ: I think you guys are a good team, that’s why I’m doing this. Things can start rolling fast with you. Just keep your head up, all right?


    Benson: All right, Rick. I’ll do my best. Thank you for at least hearing me out.


    RDJ and Benny shake hands before Benson heads off towards the parking lot. RDJ pretends to check his cellphone, but really it’s just so he can stay back and dwell on the conversation. He was warned that contract talks would mix its way into his booking decisions. RDJ supposed he should be thankful that he went a whole three-and-a-half weeks before it actually happened. He wasn’t looking forward to the next time it occurred, because it might be not be so professional.


    He also hoped he was right, that Kyle Rhodes had every intention of resigning Benny. He assumed so, Benny was still a loveable babyface and up there in merchandise sales. It just made sense. That said, if Kyle was really devoted to the young momentum, no forty-year-old wrestler was ever going to be safe from the axe…

  21. June – Week 4 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    The Syndicate (Akima Brave & Doc Hammond) defeat Devine Fortune

    With his leader Wolf Hawkins standing at ringside, Syndicate’s new member Akima Brave impresses in tonight’s opening contest. Chance Fortune & Darryl Devine use their tag experience to keep The Syndicate on their heels, but they cannot overcome the dominance of TCW’s most prolific stable. Brave wins his first match as a part of the Syndicate after he comes crashing onto Fortune with the Suicide Headbutt.


    Post-Match, Wolf Hawkins walks onto the apron as his followers looks for instructions. Hawkins gestures a thumbs down. Akima Brave & Doc Hammond follow their instructions and continue to beat down on Devine Fortune.


    Jason Azaria: Come on! The match is over!


    After disposing of Fortune to the floor, Hammond plants Devine with his Exploder Suplex. Brave heads to the top rope for yet another Suicide Headbutt, but “Dare” by Gorillaz hits the PA. Here comes Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright to the rescue! The big men march to the ring, and Hawkins instructs his men to cut them off. Brave & Hammond exit the ring and begin to brawl with Tana & T-Bone at ringside.


    Kyle Rhodes: Tana & T-Bone weren’t going sit in the back and let the Syndicate have their way. They know better than anyone how ruthless The Syndicate can be.


    As Hawkins watches the brawl ensue, he is suddenly pulled off the apron from behind, his face smashing off the apron in the process. It’s Mighty Mo! The crowd erupts as Mo starts to pummel away on the Syndicate leader.


    Jason Azaria: Mo did warn Hawkins! He was going to get him when Wolf least expects it!


    Hawkins catches Mo with a poke to the eye, allowing him to escape into the ring. Mo is right after him though, and ducks under a right hand by Hawkins before dropping Wolf with a stiff lariat. Mo sends Hawkins off the ropes when Wolf staggers up. Mo prepares for his Plunging Spinebuster, but Doc Hammond pulls his leader Hawkins out of the ring before it can happen! The Syndicate head for the exit, overwhelmed by the reinforcements that have come to protect Devine Fortune. As Total Wrestling goes to commercials, Mo and Hawkins exchange words, Mo vowing to finish the job next time they cross paths.


    Kyle Rhodes: Wolf Hawkins got away this time, but I think it’s certain that eventually, Wolf and Mo will have to settle their difference in the squared circle.


    Aztec Prince defeats Capitao Brasil Jr.

    After their first encounter a few weeks ago on Uprising, Brasil gets a second chance to take down TCW’s new phenom. Unfortunately, just like the first time, he just doesn’t have any answers going up against his masked brethren. Like before, Prince puts Brasil down with his Triple Powerbomb.


    Back from commercials, Kyle Rhodes is standing by on the interview stage, where he introduces TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews. Cue the huge pop, “Feel Invincible” by Skillet plays as the champ walks out. Competing in the main event, Andrews is already dressed for competition, minus his elbow pads and taped wrists.


    Andrews proceeds to talk about the Fatal Four Way at Excessive Force, and how difficult it will be to defend the World Title in such a contest. Andrews makes it clear, though, he is up for the challenge, just like any other. Andrews hypes his non-title match with Freddy Huggins tonight, then also has some heated words for his newest rival, Jay Chord.


    The discussion eventually lands on Mighty Mo, who Andrews compliments repeatedly. Andrews calls Mo a worthy challenge and a good friend backstage, and looks forward to the opportunity to compete against him. Such words lead to “Breathe” by Fabulous hitting the PA. Mighty Mo returns to the arena, this time joining Andrews and Rhodes on the interview stage.


    Mo: Aaron, I just needed to say that I feel the same about you. You are a worthy champion, and an excellent representative to that World Title. There’s a reason why these people love you. You are as good as everyone says you are, and you come out every night and show why you are one of the best to ever step into TCW. It’s going to be an honor competing against you this Sunday at Excessive Force.


    Mo holds out a hand for Andrews to shake, and Aaron wastes no time to accept it. But, when Andrews tries to pull away, Mo doesn’t let go. Instead, Mo pulls Andrews closer! Nose to nose, it suddenly gets a bit nerving on the interview stage.


    Mo: Let me clear though, champ. This Sunday? We’re not friends, we’re opponents. Yeah, you are a great World Champion, but that just means you are in my way of reaching my ultimate goal. This Sunday? I will do anything in my power to win my first TCW World Heavyweight Championship, and I won’t even think twice about ruining a friendship to do it!


    Andrews: Mo? I wouldn’t expect anything less!


    Total Wrestling heads to commercials as the face off continues. Not even the pleas of Kyle Rhodes can break this stand off as the scene goes black.


    The Behemoths defeat Jason Patterson & Jay Silver

    Squash Match! Killer Shark & Titan make mincemeat of these two local talents. They never stood a chance. Shark & Titan have their fun before Shark puts Patterson down with the Shark Bite. Scrape those kids off the mat and pay them their $100.


    Post-Match, Floyd Goldworthy enters the ring to join his clients, The Behemoths. A mic in hand, Goldworthy officially accepts the challenge laid down by Beautiful Love.


    Goldworthy: You boys want a fight? Then, you came to the right place. Shark & Titan here will meet you at Excessive Force. Whichever two of you want to fight, they’ll be waiting in the ring. The world needs to know that Sinner Society isn’t dead, and you Beautiful Love boys are going to be our examples to prove it!


    Sammy Bach defeats Roderick Remus

    Freddy Corp.’s Head of Security is able to command the match after Freddy Huggins distracts Bach on his behalf. Remus, though, is unable to put Bach away, and Sammy eventually rallies. Soon, Bach has Remus stuck in the middle of the ring, tapping to the Bach on your Back.


    Post-Match, Sammy Bach challenges Freddy Huggins to enter the ring to face him one-on-one. For a second there, it looks like Huggins is going to accept the challenge, as climbs onto the apron. Huggins goes to step into the ring, but then stops. Huggins straights up and snickers at Bach. Huggins gestures behind Bach.


    Bach turns around, just in time to see Wolf Hawkins flying at him! Hawkins knocks Bach clean off his feet with the Full Moon Rising! In just his dress slacks and shoes, Hawkins jumps to his feet, filled with rage after Mighty Mo’s earlier attack. After Freddy Huggins departs smiling with his Freddy Corp. crew, Hawkins stands over Bach, warning him of what’s to come at Excessive Force.


    Jason Azaria: Unfortunately for Sammy, Wolf Hawkins is able to ease some of his frustrations onto his Excessive Force opponent.


    Kyle Rhodes: Yeah, but I’m pretty sure Wolf wished it was Mighty Mo he just knocked out!


    The Shade Gang defeat Daniel Daniels, Guillotine, & Jack Avatar

    Squash match! The Shade Gang attempt to send a message to their Excessive Force opponents. The three men they will face Sunday are clearly a bigger challenge, but nevertheless The Shade Gang shine bright in this contest. Tornado secures the win after hitting Daniels with the Star Maker.


    Post Match, Troy Tornado calls for a microphone and talks for himself and his Shade Gang brethren. Marc Speed & Matt Hocking stand behind Tornado as he proceeds to taunt their opponents this Sunday, and once again declares the Shade Gang the best team in TCW.


    “B.Y.O.B.” by System of a Down hits the PA, as the Tag Team Champions W.M.D. & Edd Stone are left no choice but to come out and respond to the insults. It is their manager, Vita, that has the microphone, and she proceeds to rip into The Shade Gang. Vita reminds them that her boys Human Arsenal & One Man Army beat them when the gold was on the line last time, and says her men are going to deliver the same beating this Sunday.


    After an exchange of threats, the two sides agree to stipulations for this Sunday’s Six Man Tag. Never backing down from a challenge, W.M.D. agree to give Shade Gang a Tag Title rematch is the Gang wins this Sunday!


    Jason Azaria: The stakes have been risen. But, can The Shade Gang rise to the occasion this Sunday?


    Frederique defeats Eddie Chandler by Disqualification

    A battle of two twenty-seven year veterans of the sport, Frederique survives Chandler’s best maneuvers and rallies late. Frederique looks to close out this contest, when he is suddenly attacked from behind!


    Jason Azaria: What the-?! Who is that in the ring?!


    Kyle Rhodes: Is that….is that Kirk Jameson?!


    Referee Johnson immediately calls for the bell as Kirk Jameson drags Frederique to the mat, locking him in the Kata Ha Jime! Frederique goes limp as Jameson chokes the life out of him. Suddenly, Eddie Chandler pulls Jameson off of Frederique. Chandler shoves Jameson, berating him for interfering him in his match. Jameson is swift, hitting Chandler with a spinning back fist, staggering Eddie. Jameson now pulls Chandler to the mat and locks him too into the Kata Ha Jime! Chandler goes limp!


    Jason Azaria: What is going on here?! What is Kirk Jameson doing here in TCW?!


    The rest of Beautiful Love, Danny Fonzarelli & Dazzling Dave Diamond come rushing down to the ring to aid Frederique. Chandler’s partner Nate Johnson is not too far behind them. Seeing the cavalry coming, Jameson releases Chandler and quickly makes his exit through the crowd.


    Kyle Rhodes: I am just flat out stunned. Kirk Jameson just came out of nowhere and just choked out not one, but two TCW superstars!


    Back from commercials, TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson is in the backstage halls, talking on his cell phone. RDJ’s tone is clear, he isn’t in a pleasant mood. Suddenly, he is confronted by Fonzarelli & Diamond, wanting answers over what just happened.


    Diamond: What the hell, Rick? What is Kirk Jameson doing here, attacking our boy Frederique during his match?


    Fonzarelli: Are you just letting some new guy do that?


    Furious at what just occurred, RDJ snaps at Beautiful Love.


    RDJ: He’s not some new guy! I don’t know what just happened, guys!


    Confused, Fonzarelli & Diamond look at each other, then look back at RDJ.


    Diamond: What do you mean?


    RDJ: I mean he doesn’t work here! Kirk Jameson is NOT a TCW wrestler! Listen, I gotta go…


    RDJ storms off down the hallway, back to barking into his cell phone. Beautiful Love is left standing there in the hall, stunned over what they’ve just learned.


    Davis Wayne Newton & Chris Flynn defeat Joshua Taylor & Masked Cougar

    A combination of two singles contests this Sunday at Excessive Match, these four talented men go full speed for 10-15 minutes. After Taylor dumps Newton to the floor, Joshua follows up by leaping off the top rope and wiping Davis out at ringside. This leaves rivals Flynn & Cougar in the ring, where Cougar reverses Flynn’s running powerslam into a beautiful Hurricarana. With Flynn down, Cougar heads to the top rope to hit his finisher. Newton’s manager Haley Buck climbs onto the apron and distracts Cougar just long enough for Flynn to trip Cougar and crotch him on the top rope. Flynn lifts Cougar off the top rope and plants him with a devastating type of Brainbuster!


    Kyle Rhodes: There’s the move Chris Flynn told me about it! It’s his new finisher, the Brutal Enforcement!


    Flynn pins Cougar for the three, and gets the win for himself and Newton!


    Jason Azaria: What a big win for Chris Flynn & Davis Wayne Newton going into Excessive Force. Flynn gets some revenge from his loss against Cougar at Total Mayhem, but can he do it again when he faces Cougar in a one-on-one rematch this Sunday?


    Backstage, Ricky Dale Johnson is still on the phone, apparently trying to get a hold of someone at “another company” to find out what is going on with Kirk Jameson. That’s when he is approached by Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright. Their issues with The Syndicate far from done, Tana & T-Bone request a tag team match against any of them at Excessive Force.


    RDJ: You want a tag team match? Sounds good to me. This Sunday, you two will face off with Doc Hammond and Syndicate’s newest guy, Akima Brave!


    Mainstream Hernandez defeats Jeremie Courtney

    Courtney gets a couple good moves in here, but it’s pretty clear that tonight is all about TCW’s hottest newcomer. Hernandez wows the crowd with his best maneuvers before finally putting Courtney down with the Apparition #14.


    Post-Match, Mainstream Hernandez grabs hold of a mic and goes full babyface with his debut promo here in TCW. Hernandez says it’s an honor to join TCW, and is excited to compete in front of the best wrestling fans each and every week.


    Hernandez: I’m here because I recognized the best competition in wrestling today is here in Total Championship Wrestling, and I’m here to prove I’m the best wrestler going right now. This Sunday, I’m going to prove it when I become the TCW Television Champion in my pay-per-view debut!


    That comment of course brings out the TV Champion himself. Led by Juliet Balconi, Greg Gauge walks out to “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes, the TV Title resting on his shoulder. Gauge & Balconi stand on the entrance stage, Greg with a mic in hand. He proceeds to talk down to Hernandez, not taking the newcomer very seriously.


    Gauge: I look at you, and you know what I see? I see another notch in my belt, and trust me Jimmy, I have plenty of notches. So what if you won a Battle Royal? Plenty of losers have gotten lucky and won battle royals in the past. So what if you won a few matches in another company? You’re in TCW now, and you’re looking at the most dominant champion in this company!


    Hernandez can’t help but smile at every single insult and threat that Gauge dishes out.


    Hernandez: Greg, I know you think you’re trying to gain an edge psychologically. You’re trying to get in my head before this Sunday. But man? All you’re doing is getting me excited! I know who you are, and I know what big of a match awaits me at Excessive Force. And man? I can’t wait to be the one who finally takes that TV Title away from you!




    Freddy Huggins defeats Aaron Andrews

    Jay Chord joins the commentary team for this Non-Title contest. Just like their previous encounter at A Little South of Sanity, it’s a back and forth encounter. Huggins pushes Andrews to the edge but cannot put the World Champion away. Andrews rallies and puts Huggins on his heels. Andrews hits Huggins with his patented spear! Instead of pinning Huggins, Andrews circles the ring, pumped. He enters the corner and calls Huggins to get up so he can hit his finisher. That’s when Jay Chord gets up from the commentary table and walks around ringside until he’s right below Aaron Andrews.


    Jason Azaria: Oh No. Is Jay really going to ruin this great main event?


    Jay Chord doesn’t interfere, but just stands there at ringside, looking up at Andrews. That is enough, though, for Aaron to turn around and share some words with Chord. Referee Young warns Chord not to get involved, while Andrews returns his attention to Huggins. As Huggins stumbles to his feet, Andrews races forward to hit the Ace in the Hole! Huggins dodges the kick and rolls Andrews into the school boy! Andrews kicks frantically! 1,2,3!


    Kyle Rhodes: I can’t believe it!


    Jason Azaria: Freddy Huggins just pinned the World Champion!


    Freddy Huggins quickly rolls out of the ring and hugs his sister Laura Catherine, the siblings begin to hop up and down in celebration. Aaron Andrews sits on the mat, absolutely stunned over what just occurred. As Aaron stares off into space, shaking his head, Jay Chord departs from ringside with a grin on his face.


    Jason Azaria: Aaron Andrews let Jay Chord get in his head, and boy did he paid the price.


    Kyle Rhodes: Yeah, and now we have to wonder how long Freddy Huggins will remind us he pinned the World Champion.


    Jason Azaria: If you think that is bad, just imagine if Freddy wins the World Title Fatal Four Way this Sunday.


    Kyle Rhodes: Oh god…


    With “Sure Shot” by Beastie Boys playing, the rest of Freddy Corp. race to ringside and celebrate with their leader. Julian Watson & Roderick Remus hoist Huggins onto their shoulders and hold him high. As Total Wrestling comes to a close, Huggins pumps his fists in the air. You’d think he had just won the World Title.


    Jason Azaria: Ladies and Gentlemen, be sure to tune in this Sunday for TCW’s Excessive Force, live on Pay-Per-View. Can Aaron Andrews retain his World Title against TCW’s best in a Fatal Four Way? We will find out this Sunday!

  22. June – Week 3 – 2020


    Early Tuesday Evening

    Backstage At Virginia Park Fields


    It’s about an hour before showtime at this week’s episode of Total Wrestling. Head Booker Ricky Dale Johnson is performing his usual task of talking the show over with various personalities, making sure everything is in place to send everyone home happy.


    Currently, RDJ’s in the middle of orchestrating the match between Tana The Mighty & Wolf Hawkins, which would lead to a frenzy at ringside between various wrestlers. But most importantly, it leads to the reveal of Akima Brave joining The Syndicate. RDJ is surrounded by everyone involved in the segment. Ten individuals, if counting Referee Ray Johnson and Road Agent Luis Montero.


    RDJ: Production will make sure Akima is a big surprise for the fans at home. But you guys involved in the brawl outside the ring, it’s your job to give the live crowd that brief pause. Catch them off guard, drop some jaws when they see Akima in the ring behind Tana here. And Akima, make sure you hit Tana good with that steel chair. Get a good sounding whack. Tana can take it, ain’t that right, big guy?


    Tana smiles wide, knowing the steel chair is no match for his massive back.


    Tana: *to Akima* Give me the best you got!


    RDJ: Alright, and then this match transitions right into Wolf’s promo about Akima, and so on. That’s the plan. Does anybody have any questions?


    RDJ looks around the group. Nobody has any questions. RDJ cannot help himself but glance at both Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson. Both have been professional, though noticeably distant since the decision to remove them from The Syndicate. RDJ understands their response to the decision, but knows at the same time it was the right move.


    RDJ: Alright guys, I’ll let Luis here glue everything together. Come to me if you have questions.


    RDJ turns to see CEO Kyle Rhodes making his way down the hallway, followed by his assistant and intern. The beaming smile on his face loosens up RDJ. For once, it’s not going to be bad news, as there always is leading up to the show.


    Rhodes: He’s here.


    RDJ: Awesome. Where we have him hiding out?


    Rhodes: He’s in my office. He’ll stay there and change, remain out of the public eye until the show starts. Want to go talk to him?


    RDJ: Sure.


    RDJ and Rhodes head to Kyle’s “office,” which is just one of the nicer rooms backstage that the CEO staked claim over. They talk the show over a bit as they walk along. Kyle remained true to his word, he’s allowed RDJ to run the show as he sees fit. Kyle actually seems relieved to not have the stress of trying to control everything. That said, if Kyle feels the need to express his opinion, he still certainly does so. And of course, Kyle’s opinion pretty much means that’s the way it’s got to be.


    Kyle’s assistant opens the door for both RDJ & Kyle. Inside the room, James “Mainstream" Hernandez quickly gets off his cell phone and stands up from his seat. Hernandez’s smile is just as big as Kyle’s was just a moment ago as he shakes hands with RDJ.


    Hernandez: Nice to meet you in the flesh, Rick.


    RDJ: Likewise, ummm…you prefer James or Jimmy?


    Hernandez: Jimmy’s just fine.


    RDJ: Jimmy it is then. We’re going to have some fun here in TCW, happy you’re on board.


    Hernandez: Happy to be on board. Ready to prove I belong here.


    Rhodes: Well, it’s a big night, Jimmy. We’re going to send you out there with a bang, put you right in the title picture. When you go out there tonight, we want the fans know that you are a big deal for us. You ready for that?


    Hernandez: Absolutely. Same plan as we talked about on the phone?


    RDJ: Pretty much, the battle royal guys will be getting together soon, have you on speaker phone to hear the entire conversation. But yeah, everything we talked about earlier in the week is still the plan.


    Hernandez: Sounds good. I just can’t wait to get out in front of that crowd. Hiding back here is driving me a little crazy!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* Just a few more hours! The surprise, though, will absolutely be worth it.


    RDJ: So, if you don’t mind me asking now that we’re face to face, what brought you over here to TCW from SWF? That’s a big move.


    Hernandez: What? Besides the pretty contract Kyle gave me?


    Hernandez grins at Kyle, giving him a light jab to the stomach. Everyone in the room chuckles a bit.


    Hernandez: In all seriousness, the contract meant a lot to me. I’d be lying if I say the money didn’t help convince me. But, it’s also about opportunity. I’m not some kid anymore, I’m in my thirties. I want my chance to really shine before it’s too late.


    RDJ: And you didn’t feel like SWF was doing that for you?


    Hernandez: *shrugs* I mean, I got that one title run, but that’s about it. I don’t want to demean those guys by any means, they were nice to me. But, I saw how you guys are transitioning, I really felt like this place might be right for me. I just wasn’t feeling the same way about SWF when contract talks came about.


    RDJ: You think it might be a size thing? Cause you’re not as big as other guys on their roster?


    Hernandez: Ehhh, maybe? I guess so. I’m not the type to point fingers or complain. I…let’s just say a guy like Masked Cougar might not get the chance he’s getting here in SWF.


    Rhodes: Well, we’re going to do our best to give you the opportunity you’re looking for. First things first, let’s go out tonight and have a great show.


    Hernandez: Sounds good to me. So the plan is still me and Greg (Gauge) at Excessive Force?


    RDJ: *nods* Ye-up, that’s the plan. Should be quite the show, you two.


    Hernandez: Definitely! So…


    Hernandez looks back and forth between RDJ and Kyle, a big grin appearing on his face.


    Hernandez: I gotta ask. Does this big, flashy debut include me winning the TV Title in a couple of weeks?


    RDJ and Kyle don’t answer right away, but instead look at each other first.


    Rhodes: It’s certainly in the mix. Let’s see how tonight goes, let’s see how the crowd reacts, and then we’ll decide what pace we want to take here. Right, Rick?


    RDJ: Ditto. We think you and Greg can a nice, long feud between you two. Plenty of fun matches.


    Hernandez holds his hands up, his head bowed.


    Hernandez: Had to ask! Sounds good guys. Let’s do some business!


    Rhodes: Alright, just relax back here and try not to go crazy.


    Hernandez: No promises!


    Rhodes: *chuckles* If you need anything, my intern is at your disposal. I got some business to talk with Rick in private, I’ll be back later.


    Hernandez: Alright, later.


    That said, Kyle walks RDJ out of the room, telling both his assistant and intern to stay behind. Definitely wanting said privacy, Kyle looks down the hallway to make sure it’s clear before turning to Rick.


    Rhodes: What do you think?


    RDJ: I think we might have a star if we play the cards right.


    Rhodes: Me too. But, I got some news for you, that’s why I wanted to talk in private. This is super secret stuff, more so than Jimmy in there.


    RDJ: Why? What’s up?


    Rhodes: Well, if you like Jimmy joining us…


    Kyle removes his cell phone, does a little work on the touch screen, then hands the phone to RDJ. RDJ looks it over, then his head shoots up to look at Kyle wide eyed.


    RDJ: Get the f*** out of here!


    Kyle puts a finger to his lips.


    Rhodes: Voice down! Don’t get too excited, it’s just in the works. But…I like where it’s going.


    RDJ: How much is he going to cost us?


    Rhodes: Who cares! I just want him in TCW! Whatever it takes! Do you realize how big of a win that would be? To steal him away?


    RDJ: *chuckles* Yeah, I get it. Pretty big.


    Rhodes: Oh yeah! I’ll keep you in the loop, but again, I still have to hook him in, first. Listen, let me go join back up with Jimmy, and we’ll meet up soon.


    Kyle goes to re-enter his office, but RDJ stops him before he can close the door.


    RDJ: Hey Kyle, don’t mean to be the grumpy guy here. But, all this money you’re now willing to throw around. When you’re going to tell me what’s going on?


    Again, Kyle puts a finger to his lips, then grins.


    Kyle: In due time…in due time. Promise.


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




    Uprising Shorts

    * Out to make a statement as the Syndicate’s Enforcer, Chris Flynn beats the youngster Guillotine soundly, but that’s not enough. Shoving Referee Long aside, Flynn reapplies the Flynn-Lock, which Guillotine just tapped to seconds before. Flynn refuses to let go, which leads to Masked Cougar running out to make the save!


    Flynn releases the submission when he sees Cougar coming, but isn’t fast enough. By the time Flynn stands up, Cougar has already springboarded off the top rope and flies into the ring. Cougar knocks down Flynn with a flying dropkick! With Flynn down, Cougar races to the top rope for his finisher I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar, but Chris smartly rolls out of the ring before he can do so. As Flynn departs from ringside, the two rivals share threats. It sure does seem a rematch between these two should be coming very soon!


    ** In an interview conducted by Kyle Rhodes, Freddy Huggins proceeds to mock Sammy Bach, while also still denying he or his Freddy Corp. attacked Sammy backstage two weeks ago.


    Huggins: Ya know, after all those years flying around the ring, doing death defying moves, it catches up to ya. Sammy? He can be pretty clumsy as a result. He probably just tripped over his own feet and hit his head, ya know.


    In the midst of the interview, Rhodes reveals to Huggins that he has news for him. On next week’s episode of Total Wrestling, just days before the World Title Fatal Four Way at Excessive, Huggins will compete in a non-title contest against World Champion Aaron Andrews! At first, Huggins seems nerved by this news. But, he shakes it off and plays it cool.


    Huggins: This just means I have my opportunity to prove what I said on Total Wrestling to be true. When I am one-hundred percent, I can beat Aaron Andrews, and I can beat him for the World Title. I am a man of my word, and I am going to prove it next week on Total Wrestling, and then next Sunday at Excessive Force!


  23. June – Week 3 – 2020


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Presents Total Wrestling!




    Total Wrestling is supposed to start off with an in-ring interview of TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, conducted by Jason Azaria. Azaria was hoping to get some words from Andrews about his issues with Jay Chord, but it doesn’t take long for Chord himself to intrude and exchange threats with the World Champion. It doesn’t stop with Chord, though. Eventually, Mighty Mo and Freddy Huggins join the conversation in-ring. The members of the World Title Fatal Four Way begin to stake their claims ahead of Excessive Force. At one point, Jay Chord proclaims himself the best wrestler in TCW, which makes Mighty Mo step forward.


    Mo: Ya know what? You’ve been running your mouth a lot recently about how good you are. Yeah, it takes a big man to run around with a mask on, swinging a metal pipe.


    Chord: Oh yeah? Well, it’s been awhile since you and I have faced off in this ring, Mo. It’s been a few years. But, I do recall being the man who left with the International Title when we did face each other.


    Mo: Ha! Very funny, Jay! But you’re right, it’s been a long time since we fought in this ring. How about it, Jay? Forget Excessive Force. How about we go one-on-one tonight?


    Chord: Hey man, if you want to embarrass yourself before the Fatal Four Way, fine by me! I’ll meet you right here later tonight!


    Freddy Huggins would intrude, mocking Mo & Chord for their tempers. Huggins would turn his attention then to Aaron Andrews, and reminded Aaron of their previous encounter.


    Andrews: Yeah I remember our match, Freddy. I beat you and kept the World Title, I remember it clearly.


    Huggins: Yes! Yes! You’re right. But I also remember that I had to compete in a Battle Royal that same night to get that title match. And I also remember how oh-so-very close I came to putting you down for the three count. So allow me to let you in on a little secret, Champ. The story is going to be a little different this time when I come into this title match at one-hundred percent. That World Title is going to become the proud property of Freddy Corp.!


    Andrews: That’s an awfully big claim, Freddy. But before you worry about our World Title Match, maybe you should worry about the guy behind you.


    Huggins: What do you-…


    Just like that, Huggins senses him, too. Huggins turns around, and there standing is an enraged Sammy Bach! Before Huggins can do anything, Bach tackles Freddy and begins to pummel him. Chord takes his leave, while Andrews & Mo watches and smiles as Bach puts a beating on Huggins. Huggins manages to scratch and crawl out from under Bach and escapes from the ring. Huggins flees from ringside with his sister Laura Catherine, wanting nothing to do with Sammy.


    Bach: Yeah, you better run, Freddy! Don’t worry though, we’ll catch up real soon!


    Joshua Taylor defeats “Coach” Julian Watson

    Watson gets some help from his fellow Freddy Corp. brethren “Head of Security” Roderick Remus, but it’s not enough to get the Coach a win over Taylor. When Taylor locks Watson into the Butterfly Lock in center of the ring, the Coach has no choice but to tap out.


    Post-Match, Joshua Taylor calls for a mic. Taylor proceeds to call out Davis Wayne Newton, demanding that Davis come out to the ring and receive the beatdown that he deserves.


    “Man With A Plan” by Chapel of Rock hits the PA, and out comes Newton, following his manager Haley Buck. Buck has a mic.


    Buck: You need to learn something really quick, Josh. My client doesn’t fight for free, and he definitely just walk into brawls with nothing on the line. You want to fight Davis? Then you can do it one-on-one at Excessive Force!


    Taylor: Oh yeah? That sounds a little too good to be true. What’s the catch?


    Newton takes the mic from Buck.


    Newton: The catch is simple! Live on Pay-Per-View, you are going to become another notch on my belt. I’m going to beat you right in front of the world to see, and I’m going to another big step towards becoming the best wrestler in the entire world!


    Taylor: Hey, if that’s all you want? You got it. I’ll see you at Excessive Force. But, I’m afraid your little dream is going to become a nightmare, Davis. At Excessive Force, I’m going to slap you in my Butterfly Lock, you’re going to squeal like a pig, and then no longer can you run away here, claiming you’re undefeated!


    W.M.D. defeat Yuri Yoshihara & Joey Fili

    Squash Match! With Edd Stone and Vita at ringside rooting them on, the World Tag Team Champions hit their best moves on Yoshihara & Fili, making their night quite miserable. Human Arsenal & One Man Army put an end to the contest after they hit Fili with the Doomsday Device.


    We are back from commercials, and the ring begins to flood with wrestlers, asjj we are about to begin the Twenty Man Battle Royal to decide who will challenge Greg Gauge for his TCW Television Title at Excessive Force. Gauge has already joined commentary for the Battle Royal, his manager Julient Balconi by his side.


    The wrestlers stir in tension as they wait for the bell to ring. But before that can happen, Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson appears on the stage with a mic in hand.


    RDJ: Hey guys, before you start, I just have a quick announcement. I don’t know if you can notice, but there are only nineteen of you in the ring right now. Please, allow me to introduce the final competitor, and the latest signing to Total Championship Wrestling!


    RDJ gestures to the curtains. “Love in a Elevator” by Aerosmith begins to play. Seconds later, the crowd erupts as Mainstream Hernandez strolls onto the stage, a big smile on his face.


    Gauge: What…what the hell is this?!


    Jason Azaria: Rick just told us, Greg! He is the newest signing to TCW!


    Kyle Rhodes: So, the rumors are true! Mainstream Hernandez, one of the most talented superstars in the world, is now a member of the TCW roster!


    Gauge: This is crap! What is Rick trying to pull here?!


    After having some fun with the crowd, Hernandez shares some words with the boys in the ring as he removes his entrance jacket. Hernandez then races into the ring, and the battle royal immediately erupts. The bell rings!


    Mainstream Hernandez Wins A 20 Man Battle Royal

    Early in the contest, a giant brawl breaks out between the groups Beautiful Love & Sinner Society. Beautiful Love want revenge after Sinner Society’s attack last week, and it’s almost as if they could care less about the Battle Royal. As a result of the crazy brawl, every member of both groups is eliminated quite early!


    The final four turns out to be Chris Flynn, Doc Hammond, Edd Stone, Mainstream Hernandez. The Syndicate members Flynn & Hammond control the ring together for awhile, but a mistimed charged by Flynn allows Stone to pull down the ropes and send Chris tumbling to the floor! Irate over his elimination, Flynn would grab Stone by the ankle from ringside. The distraction would be enough for Hammond to dump Stone out of the ring!


    It’s now down to Hammond & Hernandez. With Hammond in grasp, Hernandez tries to run up the turnbuckles to hit the Apparition #14, but Doc throws Mainstream off and clobbers him with a stiff lariat. Hammond grabs Hernandez and sets him up next to the ropes. Hammond executes his Exploder Suplex, sending Hernandez right over the top rope. Hernandez holds onto the ropes for dear life! Hammond tries to knock him off, but Hernandez fights back. Hernandez leaps up and wraps his legs around Hammond’s head. Hernandez drags Hammond over the top rope with the headscissors! Hammond tumbles to the floor! Hernandez wins in his TCW debut!


    As Greg Gauge bickers on commentary, Hernandez celebrates all over the ring with the crazed crowd. Hernandez finally turns to his attention to the TV Champion. Hernandez stands on the second rope and looks down on Gauge as the two men exchange threats. As Total Wrestling goes to commercials, Hernandez smiles big as he gestures to waist.


    Jason Azaria: I hope you’re ready, Greg. You got a brand new challenge waiting for you at Excessive Force!


    Kyle Rhodes: I can’t wait! Gauge versus Hernandez! What a match!


    Back from commercials, we go backstage where the stables Beautiful Love & Sinner Society are still brawling, well after the battle royal is done and over! Ricky Dale Johnson is on the scene, yelling for more help from the locker room and security.


    RDJ: Get these guys broken up, and I’m going to call the cops on them!


    More bodies appear to pull these stables apart, as it takes plenty to pull apart such a massive amount of humanity.


    Kyle Rhodes: What a mess! I don’t think a single ring is going to be able maintain this war between Beautiful Love & Sinner Society.


    Jason Azaria: Unfortunately, I think we’re going to find out if that’s true very soon.


    Aztec Prince defeats Harry Allen

    Newcomer Prince continues to be impressive, this time taking out former TCW veteran and local favorite, Harry Allen. Allen gets in a couple good shots, but he’s just no match for this young phenom. Prince puts Allen away with his Triple Powerbomb.


    A hype video is shown, highlighting Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright’s recent issues with The Syndicate. It highlights their win over them in tag team action at Total Mayhem, then also shows the beat down they received two weeks ago, courtesy of the Syndicate. Afterwards, with T-Bone by his side, Tana hypes his upcoming match with Wolf Hawkins.


    Tana: Tonight, I go to the source. I don’t want the followers. I want you, Wolf Hawkins! Tonight, you will fall to the Mighty! Tana The Mighty!


    Wolf Hawkins defeats Tana The Mighty

    Chris Flynn & Doc Hammond escorts Hawkins to the ring, while T-Bone Bright does the same for Tana. This, of course, leads to mayhem after Flynn trips Tana while running off the ropes for his big Splash. T-Bone immediately squares off with Flynn & Hammond at ringside. It looks like a fight is about to go down, when Flynn & Hammond are suddenly attacked from behind by their former stablemates, Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson!


    Kyle Rhodes: The Elite are attacking their former friends!


    Jason Azaria: Chandler & Johnson are out for some well deserved revenge!


    T-Bone soon joins the fight, and the 3-on-2 disadvantage on Flynn & Hammond soon sends them fleeing up the entrance stage! Wait a minute! As Tana and Referee Long watch this ruckus going on, Akima Brave sneaks into the ring, armed with a steel chair! Brave cracks the steel chair across Tana’s back! The big man immediately crumbles! With Tana trying to recover, Hawkins goes aerial, hitting Tana with the Full Moon Rising! 1,2,3, Hawkins steals the win!


    Jason Azaria: What…what just happened?!


    We are back commercials, and Kyle Rhodes is on the interview stage, standing by with a smiling Wolf Hawkins.


    Kyle Rhodes: Wolf, what just happened in the ring?! What did we just see?!


    Hawkins: What did you just see?! I tell you what you just saw. You saw…the NEWEST member of The Syndicate. Akima Brave! Get over here, brother!


    Akima Brave joins Wolf Hawkins on the stage, where they embrace among a blast of boos.


    Hawkins: What you’re looking at is one of the meanest men in professional wrestling. He has this business in his blood, from the mighty Samoan lineage. Most importantly, you are looking at a man who defines what I envision the Syndicate to be!


    Wolf Hawkins proceeds to continue on talking about the upcoming dominance of The Syndicate. He begins to talk about being insulted because he doesn’t have a match at Excessive Force, and criticizes Ricky Dale Johnson for such a thing to be true.


    Hawkins: It takes a bias, incompetent Commissioner to leave their best wrestler off a pay-per-view card. I guess Rick doesn’t really care about ticket sales, about pay-per-view values. No, he would rather hold a grudge and continue to be jealous of what I accomplished, which far outweighs anything that old cowboy has ever done.


    Hawkins is suddenly interrupted by “Higher Grounds” by Red Hot Chili Peppers. To a pop, Sammy Bach comes out and joins the conversation on the interview stage.


    Bach: I’m sorry Wolf, but I couldn’t just sit back there and listen to your voice anymore. I don’t want to hear you complain anymore, either, so I came up with an idea. You need a match at Excessive Force? Well, I’d rather get my hands on Freddy Huggins, but he’s already got a match. But hell, Wolf, you’re as whiney as him, so you could fit his shoes! How about it, Wolf? We’ve already had plenty of wars in the past. How about one more match for old times’ sake at Excessive Force?


    After some persuasion from both Kyle Rhodes and the live crowd, Wolf Hawkins reluctantly accepts the challenge! After a few more threats, Bach heads off to the sound of his music.


    Jason Azaria: Wow, what a big addition to Excessive Force! In twelve days, Sammy Bach & Wolf Hawkins will add another chapter to their career long rivalry!


    The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) defeat Jack Avatar & Harvey Robbinsfield

    Squash Match! With Troy Tornado talking trash at ringside, Speed & Hocking make quick work of these young wrestlers, proving they deserve to remain at the top of the tag team rankings. Robbinsfield has no choice to tap out to Speed’s Deadly Heel Hook, giving Shade Gang the win.


    Post-Match, Troy Tornado grabs a mic and joins Marc Speed & Matt Hocking in the ring.


    Tornado: Cut our music! So, Edd Stone wants to team up with W.M.D. and challenge us to a Six Man Tag? I gotta say, that’s a pretty lame way for the Tag Team Champions to avoid giving us a title rematch, one we most definitely deserve. But ya know what? We’ll play your game. At Excessive Force, we’ll give you losers your Six Man Tag. And when we’re done with you? The entire world will know W.M.D are nothing but fraud champions!




    Jay Chord defeats Mighty Mo via Count Out

    After battling for over fifteen minutes, the fight eventually spills out to the floor. Mo sends Chord off the barricade and then drops him with a big clothesline. Mo sizes Chord up as he starts to get up, and that’s when The Syndicate begins to walk down the entrance stage. Lead by Wolf Hawkins, the group pleads innocence as they’re warned by Referee Johnson. Mo and Hawkins go face to face at ringside and begin to spew insults, which allows Chord to attack Mo from behind! Chord spins Mo around and sends him face first into the ring post! Chord rolls back into the ring as Referee Johnson’s count nears ten! That’s it! Johnson calls for the bell! Mo has been counted out!


    Jason Azaria: What a rotten win by Jay Chord! I don’t know how he could possibly be proud of that!


    Kyle Rhodes: Trust me, he is!


    The match over, The Syndicate begin to hover over Mighty Mo at ringside. Mo suddenly leaps up and begins to swing wildly at the entire group! The Syndicate quickly swamp Mo, but help is on their way! Tana The Mighty & T-Bone Bright hurry down to ringside to help Mo! An all out brawl begins to ensue!


    Kyle Rhodes: The Syndicate thought they could take out Mighty Mo, but their other victims weren’t just going to stand by and let it happen!


    As this brawl continues at ringside, Jay Chord just stands by in the ring and watches it all go down. Suddenly, a burst of cheers comes from the crowd. It’s Aaron Andrews! Andrews came through the crowd, and now he’s in the ring…and behind Chord!


    Jason Azaria: Jay has no idea! The champ is in the ring!


    Chord finally senses somewhere is there behind him. He turns around, just in time to get speared by Andrews! All pumped up with the crowd behind him, Andrews hops right to his feet. Andrews storms into the corner and yells at Chord to get back up. Chord slowly obliges, clutching his ribs in pain. Andrews races out of the corner to hit the Ace in the Hole, but Chord smartly bails out of the ring before it can happen! Chord quickly makes his exit through the ringside brawl, grinding his teeth from the mixture of pain and rage. Andrews mocks Chord as he watches Jay leave, gesturing to Jay that he was “this close.”


    Jason Azaria: Aaron Andrews finally got some retribution, but I’m sure he was hoping for a whole lot more.


    Kyle Rhodes: That may be the case, but he’ll get another chance at Excessive Force. The problem is, will he retain the World Title in the process?


    Jason Azaria: Only time will tell! Good night, folks! See you next week, right here on Total Wrestling!

  24. June – Week 2 – 2020


    Wednesday Evening

    Backstage During The TCW Uprising Taping


    Ricky Dale Johnson is sitting with his feet up, relaxing in front of a television monitor. His longtime friend and TCW Road Agent Sam Keith is sitting beside him as they discuss the talent working this evening. Currently, their focus is on one of the newcomers, Mr. Lucha. Lucha is in the process of showing his promise in tag team action, and RDJ is starting to see why his Uncle Manuel Prieto just couldn’t stop talking about the kid.


    RDJ was still getting used to staying out on the road longer, yet he understood what was expected of him when he took the Head Booker job. His wife and kids understood thankfully, and possibly were a little happy that the grump old man got out an extra day or so each week. It wasn’t like he was doing much work on the ranch anymore. Whenever he had free time at home anymore, he was busy thinking about what to do with the upcoming show.


    RDJ also found himself enjoying putting together the Uprising card. The show wasn’t expected to get huge ratings, but instead it was a developmental locale. With Uprising, he was able to give some young talent more time, and get their faces known by the fans. Uprising was also used for any storylines that couldn’t find time on the current week’s episode of Total Wrestling. Uprising this week, for example, would include some promos that would transition a few feuds from one match to the next.


    RDJ looked away from the monitor when he saw Edd Stone walking down the hall towards them. Before Edd could say anything, RDJ knew that he had something on his mind. It was all over his face. Edd was here tonight for one of those promos, as he and W.M.D. would challenge the trio known as Shade Gang to a Six Man Tag Team Match, which would eventually take place at the next pay-per-view, Excessive Force.


    Stone: Hey Rick, you got a second?


    RDJ: Absolutely, Edd. We haven’t gotten to talk much since I came back. How are things?


    Stone: Alright, I guess. But, I’d love to talk to you about any plans for me. Do you mind?


    RDJ: Sure, but tell me what you’re thinking first.


    Sam Keith raises a hand like a kid in a classroom.


    Keith: Uhhh, would you guys like some privacy?


    Stone: Nah, that won’t be necessary. It might even be good if I discuss it with the top Road Agent.


    Keith: *chuckles* I had no idea I was the top Road Agent. I appreciate that.


    Keith was being humble. While there was no actual rank of any sort when it came to the Road Agents, Sam Keith almost always took care of the main event. RDJ and Kyle Rhodes just had that much trust in him.


    RDJ: Okay then, Edd. Spill it, what’s on your mind?


    Stone: *thinks it over* I…I just feel like I’m kind of floundering. It was going good for awhile after me and Freddy (Huggins) split up, but then it just kind of mellowed out.


    RDJ: Well, we got this Six Man Tag thing going on right now. What do you think about that?


    Stone: *shrugs* I mean, come on, Rick. You just need a third guy to team with W.M.D. Let’s be honest, that tag team match doesn’t have anything to do with me, not really.


    RDJ couldn’t argue. Edd was absolutely right.


    Stone: Look, I feel like a crybaby, and that’s something I try to avoid appearing to be anymore. But…I just feel like I have no direction right now. I have no idea what I’m going for when I’m out there.


    RDJ: Let me ask you this. How do you feel about being a babyface?


    Stone: Ehhhh, it’s okay. Instead of being an arrogant party animal, I just go out and be the loveable party animal. The fans seem okay with it, or at least I think.


    RDJ: You always get a good pop. Not the best, but…good.


    Stone: Come on, Rick. Tell me straight then. How do you like me as a babyface?


    RDJ: Honestly?


    Stone: Yup, honestly.


    RDJ: *shrugs* I think they made a mistake turning you babyface, whoever made that decision. I mean, I understand breaking up you and Freddy and seeing what you two can do solo. Don’t get me wrong, you do your babyface thing perfectly fine. But, it’s pretty clear to me that both you and Freddy do your best work as the bad guy.


    RDJ turns to Sam Keith.


    RDJ: Thoughts?


    Keith: I’d agree, but I don’t think the problem is a good guy or bad guy.


    RDJ: Oh yeah? Then teach us, old wise one.


    Keith: Well Edd, all I had to do was listen to your tone right now about your gimmick. You don’t hate it, do you?


    Stone: Being the party animal? Nah, its fine. It’s second nature for me, being the brat I used to be!


    Keith: *chuckles* That’s great that it’s second nature, but listen to your tone. Yeah know what I hear? Been there. Done that.


    RDJ: So you think Edd here could use a fresh coat of paint?


    Keith: *shrugs* Edd, how long would you say you’ve been going out and doing pretty much the same character? Heel or babyface?


    Stone: Aside from being the blue chippy, white meat babyface rookie from the Stone family? I’ve been playing the party animal for well over ten years.


    Keith: And you’ve been wrestling for what? Twelve? Thirteen?.


    Stone: Fifteen.


    RDJ: Holy Hell! Fifteen? You could still fool me for a twenty-one year old, kid!


    Stone: *laughs* I do still carded from time to time!


    Keith: Well Edd, I just think you’re ready for something new. We all need a new outlook sometimes, even if it’s just a minor tweak.


    Stone: Yeah…maybe you’re right, man. Maybe that’s the problem. What do you say, Rick? Mind if I take the weekend? Try to cook some things up in my head?


    RDJ: Why not? If you feel that’s what you need, then let’s take the weekend and we can brainstorm some ideas next week. It’s not like we can really change anything until after the pay-per-view. But after that-….


    RDJ drifts off, lost in thought. Both Edd and Sam give him a second, but when he doesn’t continue….


    Stone: Rick? You fall asleep or something?


    RDJ: Nah, I’m okay. It’s just that I’ve brewing up an idea with Kyle the last couple of weeks. It’s in early development, but I think we can use you with it.


    Stone: You got my attention. What is it?


    RDJ: *waves off* I’m not sure Kyle would want me to discuss it just yet. This is one of top secret, boss man ideas. Tell you what, I’ll talk it over with Kyle, and we’ll come back and discuss it first thing next week at the tapings. Sound good to you?


    Stone: Sure, that’s fair enough. Thanks guys, thanks for at least hearing me and not just shooting me down as some crybaby.


    RDJ: Nah, it’s all good, kid. Why would we do that to you?


    Stone: *shrugs* You’d be surprised. People haven’t forgotten how much of a whiney brat I used to be around here.


    RDJ: Well, screw ‘em. I know how much you changed.


    Stone: Thanks Rick. Hey, I’ll see you guys later.


    Both RDJ and Sam watch Edd Stone head back down the hallway before returning their attention back to the television monitor. The show is now onto a singles match between Chance Fortune and Akima Brave.


    RDJ: Good kid.


    Keith: Yup. He might be the best one from his family, and doesn’t even have a clue.


    RDJ: Ehhh, he still has time.


    Keith: So, mind if I ask what this super secret idea is?


    RDJ: Well, it’s funny that you brought up Edd’s family heritage….


    Please Enjoy A Brand New Episode Of

    TCW Uprising!




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