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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Welcome To: 'WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion' A continuation of WCW - Saving The Legacy (2001) - by Togg . . . and . . . Saving The War – WCW vs WWF [Multiplayer] – by both Togg and I
  2. Welcome To: 'WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion' A continuation of – by both Togg and I
  3. Gaaahd!! :D good spot! Mikey Lay, and he does!
  4. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quick Picks for Supreme TV, May 2020, Week 4 Non-Title Match: 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade [vs] 'Blue Blood' Paul Huntingdon 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence ZWB, Ekuma & High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Des Davids, Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee w/ Primus Allen Brett Biggins & Oliver Kobb [vs] Greg & Matthew Keith w/ Eric Eisen 'The Scoundrel' Rogue w/ Valiant [vs] 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed w/ Scythe </div>
  5. Thanks all <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> May 2020, Week 3… On Commentary: Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Franklin Fumier <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Tag Team Titles Unleashed We kicked off the show with Valiant and Rogue heading to the ring... fresh off their defeat to The Awesomeness for the SWF World Tag Team Titles at Master Of Puppets... They were joined by Valiant's new protege, Willy LaRoux... Rogue: “It's been a tough couple of weeks for us... but we want to thank The Awesomeness for having the MATCH OF THE NIGHT at Master Of Puppets... And we're here to tell you, that it would be our HONOUR... to share the ring again with you boys, soon...” Valiant: “How about Times Of Trouble...?! How about we do this again, in one month... at...” Before Valiant could finish the challenge, The Awesomeness's stablemates Hollywood Bret Starr and Randy Unleashed headed through the curtain, and they were flanked by the rest of The Unleashed Rat Pack... Including The Awesomeness...!! Hollywood Bret Starr: “Woa, woa, woa, woa... You boys... Had your turn... So it's time to step aside... and go to the BACK of the queue... It is someone else's turn...” Randy Unleashed: “Yeah I can think of a BUNCH of tag teams, who deserve a shot more than YOU two getting another one...” SWF General Manager Jack Bruce arrived on the stage before things got physical in the ring... Bruce said that he thought what Bret and Randy had said sounded a lot like a challenge...!! Bret and Randy tried to backtrack... but Bruce said he'd love to see Valiant and Rogue fight them later tonight, for the chance to battle The Awesomeness at Times Of Trouble...!! But Bruce too was interrupted... by the arrival of The Sharp Shooters: Angry Gilmore and Joey Morgan... Angry Gilmore: “So let me get this straight... The Awesomeness beat Valiant and Rogue at Master Of Puppets... but Valiant and Rogue get the chance to earn another Title shot tonight... At the same event, WE beat Randy and Bret, and THEY get a chance too... Something doesn't add up here... The losers, are getting rewarded... Tell you what Jack... Put US in that match tonight too... and we will make Val... Rogue... Randy... AND Bret... Tap, Snap, Nap or Uncontrollably Crap...!!” Bruce agreed, and added The Sharp Shooters to the match... Tonight's Main Event is going to be Gilmore and Morgan... versus Valiant and Rogue... versus Bret and Randy...!! A huge Main Event later tonight...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'Sensational' Steven Parker [vs] 'The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright w/ The Trust Parker could have done with Gilmore and Morgan sticking around at ringside for this one, but they're not that kind of 'stable' right now. He was outnumbered by 'The Trust' at ringside but somehow escaped with the win over the young future star Robbie Wright. Tommy Cornell and co. were not happy with Parker as he squirmed free of their grasp and headed to the back! 67 Winner: 'Sensational' Steven Parker Finish: 'Future Shock' DDT </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Cornell Calls His Shot! After the match, the furious 'Trust' remained in the ring... and Greg Ketih handed a microphone to Tommy Cornell... The brutal Brit, who calls himself 'Rough Justice' held the Everything To Gain Briefcase, that he captured from Spencer Spade last week at Master Of Puppets... Tommy Cornell: “It was all... ALL of it... For THIS...!!” Cornell raised the Briefcase above his head, as the crowd booed him out of the building... Tommy Cornell: “Yeah... You can boo me... It's fine... I may be 'Unlikeable'... But right now, I'm UNDENIABLE...!! See, everything we did... The Keiths and I... Eisen... Wright... We all did it, so we could END Rocky Golden's reign... He's supposed to be this huge star, but he couldn't even lace my BOOTS... and thanks to THIS... on the Grandest Stage at Supreme Challenge...!!” Cornell called his shot... He's cashing in at Supreme Challenge against Rocky Golden, for the SWF World Heavyweight Title... But that's IF Golden is still the Champion come the Supreme Challenge... That event is around 8 weeks away, and a LOT can happen in 8 weeks...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Past Meets The Future 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro was on screen next, in a pre-taped video at home... He was packing his Roller Disco Roller Blades away in a shoe box... and he had something on his mind following his loss to 'The One' Primus Allen at Master Of Puppets... Robbie Retro: “I came up short against Primus Allen... I let everybody down... The New Pain Alliance needs to be stopped in their tracks... especially that big b*****d Primus... Next week, I'm coming to Supreme TV... and I will make a VOW... to all of my fans...!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian w/ Ekuma [vs] 'The African Assassin' Makutsi Makutsi has been locked in a feud with Hawaiian Crush for a few weeks now, having beaten Ekuma using a sledgehammer earlier in the month. The finish here would have been similar, had Ekuma not grabbed the sledgehammer and physically removed it from Makutsi's hands! It didn't deter Makutsi though, as the 'African Assassin' hit his 'Out Of Africa' finisher, and scored the win! 68 Winner: 'The African Assassin' Makutsi Finish: 'Out Of Africa' (Cutter) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Everything Lost, Anything To Gain Spencer Spade and his girlfriend Dulce Moreno headed to the ring next... Spade without his Everything To Gain Briefcase for the first time in months... Spencer Spade: “So Tommy Cornell beat me at Master Of Puppets last week... He's the best wrestler in the world, so it's hardly surprising that I'd lose a match like that... and I don't blame Tommy Cornell for wanting the Contract I not only won... but defended AND upgraded successfully twice... but there is one man I can blame...” Spade seemed to infer that he was going to blame himself... and Dulce put her hand on Spade's shoulder... but he didn't blame himself at all... Spencer Spade: “I BLAME ERIC EISEN...!! Ever since I turned that son of a b***h down for a spot in his little 'inner circle', he's had it in for me... He's been gunnin' for me... He's wanted to cost me my Everything To Gain Contract... WELL CONGRATULATIONS ERIC... You got your wish... but in the process, you P****D ME OFF...!! So I want YOU... 1 on 1... right now...!!” It didn't take long for Eisen to respond to the challenge, by heading onto the stage... alone...!! Eric Eisen: “Spenny... You really are as dumb as you look aren't you...!? Listen... It's no secret... For the last two years, I have been RETIRED from in-ring competition... So NO... You won't be getting me 1 on 1... right now... or any other time... So get that idea out of your head... If you want a match with say, a Robbie Wright... Or a Greg or Matthew Keith... I'm afraid there's only ONE way that'll happen... Enter, and win, the Times Of Trouble Rumble Match... and EARN it...!!” At Times Of Trouble, a 30-man Over The Top Rope Rumble will take place... The winner of the match will earn the chance to do ANYTHING they want at Supreme Challenge (aside from affecting the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match)... So if Spade wins, he'll get to choose a member of The Trust to fight if he wants to... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> PLTNM Records Backstage, Squeaky McClean was interviewing Lenny Brown about James Prudence, who attacked Brown two weeks ago, smacking a bottle of Brown's Champagne off of his head, without the bottle smashing... Lenny Brown: “Prudence has started this, Record Company... But he ain't gonna sell no records, man... He should stick, to what he's good at... an' that's lookin' at the LIGHTS...!! So next week, I am fighting him, man to man... No champagne bottles... No sneak attacks... just two men, in that ring...!! And I promise you... I... will go 'Platinum'...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Ranger w/ Marshall Dillon [vs] 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke Ranger clearly had the better of Smoke in this one. The huge Cowboy dominated ''The Con Man' from start to finish. However, Smoke knows a number of tricks to handle an opponent of any size. He threw his deck of cards at Ranger, and followed it up immediately with the vicious 'Ace In The Hole' to score the win. 71 Winner: 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke Finish: 'Ace In The Hole' (Throat Punch) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Times Of Heroes Ahead of his singles match with Matty Faith, American Machine headed to the ring, joined by the rest of The Heroes Guild: Atom Smasher, Kristen Pearce, and Smasher's reluctant 'bodyguard' Brandon James... Atom Smasher: “FEAR NOT CITIZENS... That's right, you miscreants it is YOUR HERO, Atom Smasher... and his Heroes Guild... You all know Brandon James... and Kristen Pearce... and you might THINK you know American Machine... But this man is moving on from that, 'gimmick'... He's now known as: Ammac... My silent assassin... His special power...?! LOYALTY...” When Smasher and co made it to the ring, he confirmed that the group would be on Supreme TV next week, with an announcement... to confirm their plans for the Times Of Trouble Pay-Per-View... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Matty Faith [vs] American Machine (Ammac) w/ The Heroes Guild Quick match here, and one that Matty Faith will be glad to have seen the back of... He was almost cheated out of it by Atom Smasher, but managed to hit his 'Faith Falls Eternal' Stunner out of nowhere to score the win! 57 Winner: Matty Faith Finish: 'Faith Falls Eternal' (Stunner) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Too Much Faith After the match, Matty Faith escaped Atom Smasher's grasp, and fled to the safety of the ramp... w/ As Faith waved at The Heroes Guild, a familiar entrance music hit, and Faith's tag team partner Masked Patriot returned!! It was a brilliant moment as the two fan favourites embraced... Faith seemed surprised to see his best friend...!! He was even more surprised, when Patriot knocked him over with a vicious forearm to the back of his neck...!! Faith fell forwards, and Patriot was on top of him... Slamming into him with more forearms, before picking him up and sliding him into the ring... Atom Smasher and Ammac joined in the assault, but Brandon James didn't... Then Patriot did the unthinkable, and took his mask OFF...!! There was a sadness behind his eyes, but he accepted the handshake of Atom Smasher, as if 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' knew this was going to happen all along...!! As the group left, Brandon James stayed behind, and knelt over Faith to check on him... Smasher turned around and ordered his 'muscle' to come and follow him... which 'Big Money' reluctantly did... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Chasing The Dragon Backstage, North American Champion 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez was celebrating his victory over ZWB in the Four Corners 'A-Frame' Match, by explaining his keys to success... on an A-Frame... Jimmy Hernandez: “We all know ZWB is one of the best wrestlers on the planet... But what I did... was use my SUPERIOR mind, to defeat... one of the best wrestlers on the planet... But I want to address a man, who tried to... injure me... ahead of that match... 'The Dragon'... Mikey Lau...” Hernandez had an entire page dedicated to how much he hates Lau... and the aforementioned 'Dragon' walked up at just the right time...!! Hernandez scrambled to cover the page up... not wanting Lau to see it, but he'd seen enough... Mikey Lau: “Some interesting ideas there Jim... But was the diagram (of a Dragon with no head) really necessary...?! Seems to me we need to settle this in the ring...” Hernandez looked away, but then grabbed the A-Frame and tried to slam it into Lau's face... 'The Dragon' was ready though, and he dropkicked the metal frame into Hernandez's face... completely turning the tables on him...!! 'Mr. Mainstream' was laid out on the floor, as Lau took his leave... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'The One' Primus Allen w/ The New Pain Alliance ZWB was just called one of the best wrestlers in the world, and on tonight's evidence, that's not a bad shout. However, he was up against a dominant beast on a heck of a winning streak right now, and struggled to make his mark. In the end, he was caught after an attempted cross-body block, and was then put down by a 'Running Powerslam'! 69 Winner: 'The One' Primus Allen w/ The New Pain Alliance Finish: 'Running Powerslam' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Re-mo' Problems Backstage, Remo Richardson was stood for a promo aimed at some of the people he has a problem with on the SWF roster... Namely Atom Smasher and Tommy Cornell... Remo Richardson: “So Tommy Cornell thinks he can just do whatever he wants... and then get rewarded with the SWF World Heavyweight Title shot at The Supreme Challenge...?! Well... Luckily for Cornell, I'ma have ta let that one slide... for now... because The Heroes Guild have got a target on my back... I fight best when I have someone targeting me... I can assure you of that...” Matty Faith walked up, and asked Remo why he didn't come to his aid after his match with Ammac... Remo half apologised, and half said that Faith needs to fight his own battles... Faith shook his head, and walked away... But Remo seemed almost disappointed in himself... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Valiant & Rogue [vs] The Sharp Shooters [vs] Randy Unleashed & Hollywood Bret Starr Valiant and Rogue were superb in this match, and their story is very intriguing right now. Rogue got hurt a few minutes in, and had to sit out and receive treatment for a while, while Valiant was in the ring and had been for a long time. Val could have tagged out to anyone, but Angry Gilmore and Joey Morgan were determined to keep him isolated in their corner. Rogue eventually came in, and looked like he had never been hurt at all. As the match wore on though, it became apparent that Randy Unleashed and Hollywood Bret Starr hadn't tagged into the match AT ALL!! Right at the right moment though, Randy did. He caught Valiant's hand just before the Joey Morgan was hoisted up, and put down with the 'Patriot Missile' from Valiant! Randy came in, and shoved Valiant out through the ropes, before landing on Morgan for the cover. Hollywood Bret Starr's only involvement in the match was to knock Rogue off the apron, as Randy picked up the win, in an excellent match! 86 Winners: Randy Unleashed & Hollywood Bret Starr Finish: 'Patriot Missile' (F5) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Willy Scythed So it'll be Randy Unleashed and Hollywood Bret Starr challenging their own stablemates: The Awesomeness, for their SWF World Tag Team Titles at Times Of Trouble...!! They looked shocked to have won it... but that wasn't the main story to end the show on... because John Greed and Scythe were shown on the big screen, as Valiant and Rogue pulled themselves together in the ring... John Greed: “Valiant and Rogue... People talk about US, as an unlikely tag team... But a team that have tried to kill each other, more than once, over the years, and have even done that THIS year... So we think, that Valiant and Rogue, are the most unlikely team in the SWF... They're faking a friendship... and that... is a SIN... What is also a sin... is leaving your protege in the back, when he could have been out here for a teaching moment... But it's okay... because we're going to teach YOU a lesson...” Greed stepped back, and revealed that Scythe was holding Valiant's protege Willy LaRoux by the throat... LaRoux was on his knees, and was passed out... Completely limp from the hold... Valiant and Rogue slid out of the ring, and ran to the back, as John Greed laughed maniacally...!! The show went off the air there... </div> Overall Show Rating: 79 THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW Supreme Stars | Hall Of Champions | Previous Episodes of Supreme TV and PPVs </div>
  6. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quick Picks for Supreme TV, May 2020, Week 3 'Sensational' Steven Parker [vs] 'The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright w/ The Trust High Flyin' Hawaiian w/ Ekuma [vs] 'The African Assassin' Makutsi Ranger w/ Marshall Dillon [vs] 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke Matty Faith [vs] American Machine (Ammac) w/ The Heroes Guild 'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'The One' Primus Allen w/ The New Pain Alliance Valiant & Rogue [vs] The Sharp Shooters [vs] Randy Unleashed & Hollywood Bret Starr </div>
  7. ...carriers of the Gold, and lineage... <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden (6-time World Champion, 1-time SWF World Champion) Defences: 13 Reign Length: 373 Days Prestige: 90 (No Change) Won From: Rogue (3-time SWF World Champion) [Apr 19] </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF World Tag Team Champions The Awesomeness (3-time SWF Tag Team Champions) Defences: 2 Reign Length: 61 Days Prestige: 62 (No Change) Won From: The Dallas Cowboys (2-time SWF Tag Team Champions) [Feb 20 – Mar 20] Fame And Money (2-time SWF Tag Team Champions) [Jul 19 – Feb 20] The Dallas Cowboys (1-time SWF Tag Team Champions) [Jul 19] </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF North American Champion Jimmy Hernandez (2-time SWF North American Champion) Defences: 1 Reign Length: 33 Days Prestige: 67 (Up 1) Won From: ZWB (1-time SWF North American Champion) [Feb 20 – Apr 20] Des Davids (1-time SWF North American Champion) [Nov 19 – Feb 20] Lenny Brown (1-time SWF North American Champion) [Nov 19] </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF Everything To Gain Briefcase 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell Current Contract Status: SWF World Heavyweight Title shot at ANY time Won in a Six-Man Ladder Match at Nothing To Lose by Spencer Spade Defended and Upgraded at Awesome Impact Defended and Upgraded at World Is Watching Spencer Spade then LOST the Contract at Master Of Puppets </div>
  8. ...major stars to unknowns, let's look at SWF's roster... (Faces in Blue, Heels in Red) (SWF World Heavyweight Champion) 'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden 'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant 'The Scoundrel' Rogue 'The Destroyer' Remo Richardson 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher (Everything To Gain Contract Holder) 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell (SWF Tag Team Champion) 'Amazing' Huey Cannonball (SWF Tag Team Champion) 'The Icon' Jefferson Stardust Angry Gilmore 'Big Money' Brandon James 'The Show Stealer' ZWB Randy Unleashed Hollywood Bret Starr Primus Allen 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed (SWF North American Champion) 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez Joey Morgan Ranger Marshall Dillon 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro 'Sensational' Steven Parker 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown Big Smack Scott 'The King Of The Streets' Kurt Laramee Monty Trescarde 'Blue Blood' Paul Huntingdon 'All American' Des Davids Matty Faith 'The Hawaiian Strong Man' Ekuma High Flyin' Hawaiian Brett Biggins Dominic DeSousa 'The African Assassin' Makutsi 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke Justin Sensitive 'Platinum' James Prudence 'The King Of Charisma' Robbie Wright American Machine Matthew Keith Greg Keith 'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb 'Wild' Willy LaRoux Tag Teams The Sharp Shooters (Angry Gilmore & Joey Morgan) Hawaiian Crush (Ekuma & High Flyin' Hawaiian) The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust) Fame and Money (Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trescarde) The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee) The Keith Twins (Greg & Matthew Keith) Stables The Sharp Shooters (Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan & Steven Parker) The Unleashed Rat Pack (Randy Unleashed , Hollywood Bret Starr, Justin Sensitive, Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trescarde, Huey Cannonball, Jefferson Stardust & BJ O'Neill) The Trust (Eric Eisen, Emma Chase, Tommy Cornell, Greg & Matthew Keith & Robbie Wright) The Heroes Guild (Atom Smasher, Kristen Pearce, Brandon James, American Machine) On Screen Personalities Hannah – Manages The Dallas Cowboys Krissy Angelle – Manages Brandon James Dulce Moreno – Manages Spencer Spade BJ O'Neill – Manages The Unleashed Rat Pack Kristen Pearce – Manages Atom Smasher Joe Sexy – Manages Dominic DeSousa Squeeky McClean – Backstage Interviewer Eric Eisen – Head Booker/Part Time Wrestler Emma Chase – Booking Committee/Part Time Colour Commentator Announce Team: Duane Fry, Ana Garcia & Franklin Fumier Referees: Ric Young, Darren Smith & Shane Stones Injured Or Unavailable 'The Crippler' Chris Morrisette Masked Patriot Alumni Avalanche | Chill | Charger Siaki | Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord
  9. Yeah I hadn't actually thought of it like that. I guess my reasoning for booking a Main Event like that was to choose the two biggest names I could possibly get. Rocky and Cornell are two of the biggest names in the US, and despite Remo, Valiant and Rogue being mega over, they don't hold a candle to those names. It's a 'dream match' just because of how well known they both are. I think we would have all loved an AJ vs Joe Mania Main Event!! So that's good I suppose. Smasher's got to turn face soon, right? Everyone loves YOUR HERO!! Thank you man Appreciate that. I'll do what I can to sell you on Rocky/Cornell. As I said, huge match, but the set up creates sympathy for Spade, and I can now really push him as a top level babyface. If Cornell goes over, a Spade/Cornell rematch for the Title would be on the cards for sure. Sorry for the lack of shows lately. I've not really written anything in the last few weeks. But I've got plenty of shows fully written, formatted, and ready to post. So let's get back to it...
  10. You two are very welcome As for you two, not my finest work :D But enjoyable nonetheless!
  11. Ahh thanks man. I'll admit that this is something I pride myself on. I don't think my shows are 'too long', and difficult to commit to reading. I also don't think they're too short, and not long enough to get the story across. That said, occasionally I'll cut a match write-up short out of a) boredom, b) writer's block, or c) lack of skill Yeah Rogue and Val have been excellent performers for me! They're consistently in Main Events of TV shows, but obviously some way off the top spot on a PPV now that Tommy is here, and Rocky is just killing it. One tweak and they could both be top draws and World Champion again though!
  12. Thanks man, it's a great little website, and it's only the 'early access' release so far Tombstone | Nathan McKenzie | Maurice Jackson | Luke Steele
  13. That's an ageing roster isn't it. Brock (30), Cody (22), James Storm (30) and Adam Pearce (29) the only guys 30 or under!! Should be a fun challenge, because the older guys are all fantastic!!
  14. Thank you all for the Predictions and comments. Sorry for the delay in posting this! <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> On Commentary: Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Franklin Fumier <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Road Map To The Supreme Challenge We kicked off the HUGE Master Of Puppets show, with a Road Map, plotting the next couple of months in the Supreme Wrestling Federation... Tonight, Master Of Puppets... A chance for challengers to choose their stipulation, and WIN a Championship... And when you're this close to The Supreme Challenge, winning a Championship almost guarantees that you'll appear on the grandest stage of them all...!! ZWB has chosen a Strap Match against 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez for the North American Title, where the winner is the first to write their name (Zimmy or Jimmy) on a small A-Frame in each corner... The SWF Tag Team Titles will be defended in a Tornado Tag Team Match, as chosen by Rogue and Valiant... While the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match sees Rocky Golden defend against John Greed again... However this time, Greed ensured that 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe will ALSO be in the match... Once we know the winner of that Triple Threat Match, we may also know who will hold the Everything To Gain Contract... Spencer Spade will attempt to cash his World Title shot in for a World Title shot at ANY time... Or if not, at The Supreme Challenge...!! Up next on the Road To Supreme Challenge... The SWF takes a detour to the Times Of Trouble Pay-Per-View... This exciting event features the Times Of Trouble Rumble, in which 30 men will enter an Over The Top Rope Battle Royale... with a couple of TWISTS...!! Instead of one man entering at regularly scheduled intervals, and each man drawing an entrance number, each man will draw an entrance TIME... Ten men will draw the number '0' and begin the match...!! Then at five minutes, five more men will enter... At ten minutes, another five men enter... at fifteen minutes, FOUR men enter... THREE enter at the twenty minute mark... TWO enter at twenty-five minutes... and then ONE more man completes the field at thirty minutes...!! The winner of the match can do ANYTHING they want at Supreme Challenge... with the exception of affecting the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match...!! One Month after Times Of Trouble... it's the biggest event of the year... The Supreme Challenge 40...!! The biggest Pay-Per-View in the HISTORY of professional wrestling... We've seen two huge Main Events in the last two years... At 38, Rocky Golden made his SWF Debut, and defeated the legendary Jack Bruce... Scythe retired Vengeance at last years Supreme Challenge 39... This year... There could be a combination of Rocky/Scythe/John Greed... and Spencer Spade/Tommy Cornell... Or plenty of other people could step up...!! Time will tell on how the card for the huge event shapes up... But for now... Master Of Puppets...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> An amazing way to kick off the pay-per-view, and one of the best matches on the card. These two big, muscular, but athletic men collided and attempted to steal the show. The veteran American Machine did a great job at ringside, as did Kirsten Pearce. But Brandon James' actions were perhaps the best. He is a reluctant member of the Heroes Guild, and follower of Atom Smasher, but he also dislikes Remo Richardson, and decided to help Smasher out a little. He pulled Remo's leg as he came off the ropes, and the referee was dealing with American Machine! Remo was furious, and he climbed out of the ring to confront 'Big Money' who backed off a little. Remo slid back into the ring, and the distraction almost lead to him losing, because as soon as he stood up, Atom Smasher unleashed his 'Radioactive Blast' (chest Hadouken punch). Remo staggered, Smasher rolled him up, but 'The Beast' kicked out of the resulting pin! From there, Remo was mad as all hell, and took his frustration out on both Smasher and American Machine. He didn't get his hands on James, but he did hit his 'Destroyer' on Smasher to score a big win. 85 Winner: 'The Beast' Remo Richardson Finish: 'The Destroyer' (Batista Bomb) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Faithful After the match, Remo had his hand raised, but was then confronted by the possibility of fighting Brandon James again, because 'Big Money' hopped up onto the apron, and glared at the victorious big man... What Remo didn't see, was that American Machine had 'tooled up', grabbing a steal chair each and climbing onto the apron in his blind spots... Remo begged James to climb in and fight him, and then quickly realised he was surrounded and outnumbered... He didn't seem to care that much though, and got ready to brawl with everyone... But the music of Matty Faith hit, and Remo's friend? headed through the curtain... Faith also had a chair, and his arrival sent The Heroes Guild packing... The announce team confirmed that Masked Patriot was injured, and therefore won't be around for a little while... Including tonight of course... but Faith was enough to save Remo on this occasion... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A fun and intriguing match here, in which the winner was the first man to write their name (Zimmy or Jimmy) on an A-Frame set up in every corner of the ring. The challenging thing, was that the two men were tied together by the wrist by a leather strap that meant in order to write their name, they had to drag their opponent along with them. Hernandez controlled the pace of the match, using the strap as a weapon, but also pulling on it to stop ZWB from unleashing some of his trademark offence. Zimmy got on a roll late on though, and wrote his name on three of the corners. He was heading for the fourth, when Hernandez came out of nowhere to hit the 'Apparition #14' Spear!! Hernandez waited for his rival to get up, and then hit a second spear, this one seeming to break a lot of ZWB's ribs!! 'Mr. Mainstream' then headed over to the first corner, and simply changed the 'Z' in Zimmy to a 'J'. He did the same in the next two corners, and then in the fourth corner, wrote his name slowly as ZWB crawled towards him in agony. He had written J, I, M, and another M, but before writing the Y, he waited for ZWB to get close, and then smashed the A-Frame off of his head! He then arrogantly wrote the Y, and won the match. 76 Winner: and STILL North American Champion: 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Bottled We saw highlights next, of a clip from Supreme TV from two nights ago... 'Platinum' James Prudence was in the ring to announce his new Record Company: 'PLTNM Records'... and 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown had agreed to provide the Champagne... Prudence grabbed one of the bottles, and smacked it on Brown's head... It didn't smash, but Brown was knocked clean out... He'll respond to the assault this week on Supreme TV... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Sensational Arrival The Sharp Shooters made their way to the ring next... All three of them were there, but 'Sensational' Steven Parker looked a little worse for wear after being attacked by Justin Sensitive on Tuesday night... It was clear that Parker was going to spend the majority of the match on the apron... He looked like he really shouldn't have been out there... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A very even, and very cool match here. Angry Gilmore and Joey Morgan took it in turns to show off their technical wrestling abilities in the early stages, isolating either Randy Unleashed or Hollywood Bret Starr. But when Justin Sensitive came in off the tag, Steven Parker demanded to be let into the match. Gilmore and Morgan didn't think it was a good idea, but he tagged in. His partners were soon proved right, as Sensitive caught Parker with a stiff elbow to the ribs, and he doubled over in pain. From that point on, Parker was isolated in the corner of the Unleashed Rat Pack. Sensitive was amazing, and dominated out there! Right up until the end of the match! It was his fault that Parker managed to tag Joey Morgan in, taking his eye off the ball to gloat, and ignoring Randy and Bret shouting instructions at him. Gilmore soon came in for Morgan, and cleaned up, eventually making Sensitive tap to the 'Anger Management' Arm Bar! 82 Winners: The Sharp Shooters (Gilmore, Morgan & Parker) Finish: 'Anger Management' (Arm Bar) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Growing Pains Following Des Davids' defeat to Robbie Retro on Supreme TV, Davids, Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee will be banned from ringside for the Retro vs Primus Allen match... Smacker, Laramee and Davids headed onto the stage with the newly tattooed Allen, but then headed back through the curtain as Allen stomped to the ring... Robbie Retro came out second, to a great ovation...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Robbie Retro showed off his 'Disco Balls' by standing up to the big, bad, Primus Allen. Retro is actually taller than Allen, but 'The One' is so thick and muscular that he's a hard man to move around, especially for a fun-loving, fast-paced fighter like 'The Disco Stud'. Retro flipped around the ring to get away from Allen, but his offence was largely ineffective for long periods. Allen just kind of swatted most of it away, and then when he hit Retro, he hit hard! For the finish, Retro hit two lariats in quick succession, coming off the ropes fast, but not knocking Allen off his feet. Retro decided to up the ante he came off the ropes, again, and again, and again, and on the fourth time, went for the lariat. Allen picked it though, and scooped the fan favourite up and over his shoulder, before taking a couple of steps and slamming Retro down to end a very good pay-per-view match. 72 Winner: 'The One' Primus Allen Finish: 'Running Powerslam' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Americana After the events of the last couple of weeks, including earlier tonight, Matty Faith and American Machine will go 1 on 1 on Supreme TV next week... Faith is 19 years younger than Machine, so this is a huge opportunity for the son of the legendary Christian Faith to make his mark against a veteran... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> All four of the men in this match shone, and it was by far the best match of the night! Valiant and Rogue were on another level with their chemistry and the crispness of their offence. The two former multi-time World Champions outclassed The Awesomeness for the first half of the match or so, and looked like they were going to pick up a historic victory. Valiant's win/loss record before Rogue rejoined up with him was 0 and 3. Since teaming up again, he's 6 and 0, so with their experience, recent record, and chemistry, they had to be the favourites going in. But The Awesomeness are not a team to be taken lightly. The 3-time reigning SWF World Tag Team Champions managed to isolate Rogue in their corner, and focused on his many previous injuries. His neck, his shin, and his shoulder all got a working over, but the British fighter was able to fight his way free of a sleeper attempt from Huey Cannonball. Valiant, who had been down on the outside of the ring for a while after multiple cheap shots from The Awesomeness also slid into the ring and back into the match. Val's arrival changed things dramatically, and he took Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust down repeatedly. Val's 'protege' Willy LaRoux ran to the ring to cheer his mentor on. However, he accidentally caused a bit of a distraction to Rogue late on, and it lead to 'The Scoundrel' getting hit with the 'Cannonball Run' and pinned before Valiant could save his friend. 87 Winners: and STILL SWF World Tag Team Champions: The Awesomeness Finish: 'Cannonball Run' (Sling Blade with Elbow Drop) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Such A Drag The victorious 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez, who retained his North American Title earlier in the show, was stood backstage talking to backstage interviewer Squeaky McClean... Jimmy Hernandez: “Yeah, yeah, yeah... ZWB is done to me... I'm over him now... But 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau... The way that guy treated me on Supreme TV last week was unacceptable... and this week, I'll be calling him out for it!!” Lau stopped The North American Champion costing him and ZWB a tag team match by pulling the strap Hernandez had tied to ZWB's foot, and pulling Hernandez over...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Spencer Spade and Tommy Cornell finally collided 1 on 1 here, but it was a shorter match than most would have liked. Cornell, along with Eric Eisen, and the rest of The Trust, have tormented Spade and even went as far as to kidnap his girlfriend Dulce Moreno in order to get Spade to agree to this match. He already had the SWF World Heavyweight Title shot in the bag, but he traded it in for the chance to upgrade it to an SWF World Title shot at ANY time. However, he knew that if he lost, Tommy Cornell would get that Contract, and he wanted desperately for that to not happen. Spade won a six-man Ladder Match, then beat Mikey Lau and Robbie Wright in successive Pay-Per-Views. But a match like this, against the best wrestler in the world, and SWF newcomer Tommy Cornell was on a totally different level. 'Rough Justice' is great, but he couldn't win it alone tonight. He needed the last-minute interference of Eric Eisen, who grabbed Dulce Moreno by the HAIR!! Spade was ready to put Cornell away, but his gaze was taken by Eisen's actions, as was the referee's! Cornell saw his chance, dropped to a knee and low-blowed Spade behind the referee's back! He then dropped 'The Supreme Star' with the 'Rough Ride'. Cornell wins! 77 Winner: and NEW holder of the Everything To Gain Contract: 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell w/ Eric Eisen Finish: 'Rough Ride' (Side Effect) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Everything Not Lost After the match was over, Eric Eisen raised Tommy Cornell's hand... Cornell now holds the key to a World Heavyweight Title shot... against the winner of the Main Event tonight... ANY time... up until The Supreme Challenge... But Eisen wasn't finished with Spencer Spade... He wanted to stick the boot in... Eric Eisen: “Hey SPADE...!! You should have joined me, man... I tried to tell you... I tried to warn you... and now, you can watch from the sidelines, as Tommy Corn...” Before Eisen could finish, Spade slapped the microphone out of Eisen's hand, and shoved the SWF executive backwards... Cornell got between the two men, and Spade dropped him with a 'Supreme Stunner'!! Eisen though about fighting Spade, but he slid out under the bottom rope... Cornell soon followed... dazed, but ultimately victorious over 'The Supreme Star'... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Rocky Golden was up against it tonight. John Greed is a dangerous man, but he's not the only one. His 'friend', the big, imposing, Scythe is as dangerous as they come, and in a Triple Threat Match in which two of the competitors are friends, is worrying for the one who is left out – especially if that one is a Champion. Golden knew his Title was in jeopardy, but he also knew that both Greed and Scythe would want to be Champion, and therefore couldn't work together for the entire match. Golden's tactic was to just stay in the fight as long as he could. It was 2 on 1 for almost the whole match, with Rocky getting in very little offence at all. However, things broke down between Greed and Scythe late on, after Greed went for a cover! 'The Dark Reaper' wasn't happy, and he grabbed 'The Eighth Deadly Sin', and pulled him up to his feet. Greed asked if they were going to fight, and Scythe nodded slowly. And fight they did. Scythe dominated Greed though, using his size and strength to put his friend down, and keep him there. The two then collided with a bit lariat, and knocked each other over. Greed was somehow the first up, but Rocky Golden came out of nowhere to hit a spinebuster! Scythe got up, and grabbed Rocky by the throat, forcing him over towards the ropes. Rocky grabbed the top rope though, and pulled it down, using Scythe's own momentum to tip him up over the top rope. The Champ then saw Greed struggling on his knees and saw his opportunity. He ran over to hit the 'Rocky Road', somehow retaining the Gold!! 81 Winner: and STILL SWF World Heavyweight Champion: 'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden Finish: 'Rocky Road' (Curb Stomp) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Road To Supreme Challenge Is Rocky And Rough Rocky Golden survived by virtue of John Greed and Scythe not being able to agree on which one of them was going to win and capture the SWF World Heavyweight Title... He stayed in the match for as long as he could, and he is STILL the Champ...!! Rocky's reign as Champion now stands at 13 months, and 13 Title defences... He's beaten The Crippler, Valiant, Rogue, Remo Richardson, John Greed and Scythe... But we now know who is next for 'The Living Legend'... The NEW Everything To Gain Contract Holder: 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell... As things stand, Cornell could cash in his shot at ANY time in a two month period (up to The Supreme Challenge)... Rocky vs Tommy may very well be the biggest match in SWF history... </div> Overall Show Rating: 85 THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW Supreme Stars | Hall Of Champions | Previous Episodes of Supreme TV and PPVs </div>
  15. Thanks man. Frogue is my favourite too Loxley Robbins | Kerry Wayne | Kal Wayne | Kian Wayne
  16. Jumping on the MetaHuman bandwagon. There's a lot of scope for quick rendering, and if you're as good as Mammoth with the alting, you can create some real gems on there. His work is way better than mine, but here's the first batch I created, using only very basic alting afterwards - the headband for Cap for example: Swoop McCarthy | Captain Wrestling II | Blake Belushi | Frogue Element I love RAW's roster, so I think I'll continue making them for now
  17. Hey buddy. Sorry to hear about your Dad, but glad he sounds like he's on the mend. x
  18. iDOM is an amazing mod! Good luck with this. I've always wanted to make my own version too!!
  19. Thank you man. Appreciate the comment MoP is a fun ride, hope you enjoy... <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quick Picks for Master Of Puppets 2020 Grudge Match: 'The Beast' Remo Richardson [vs] 'Your Hero' Atom Smasher w/ Brandon James & The Heroes Guild North American Title 'A-Frame' Strap Match: 'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez © Grudge Match: The Sharp Shooters (Gilmore, Morgan & Parker) [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr, Randy Unleashed & Justin Sensitive Grudge Match: 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro [vs] 'The One' Primus Allen SWF World Tag Team Title Match: Rogue & Valiant w/ Willy LaRoux [vs] The Awesomeness © Everything To Gain Upgrade Attempt: 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno [vs] 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell w/ The Trust SWF World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match: 'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden © [vs] 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe [vs] 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night? ________________ 2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be? (Within five, 1 point. Spot on, 2 points) ________________ 3). How Many Championships will change hands? (out of a possible three, not including the ETG Contract) ________________ </div>
  20. You're right, I should book God awful matches for TV shows... Like WCW do...
  21. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> NOVEMBER 2001, WEEK 4… In The Booth: Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Return Of Daddy's Little Girl Vince McMahon lead the WWF Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, and 'The American Badass' The Undertaker to the ring to kick us off tonight... Happy in the knowledge that Austin was still the Champ after stopping Triple H... and that Undertaker had defeated The Rock's team, last night at Survivor Series... Two big wins for his 'Three Man Power Trip'... But the grin on Vince's face was soon wiped off, when his Daughter Stephanie McMahon's music hit, and she arrived on the stage... She strolled to the ring to a big cheer!! Stephanie McMahon: “Daddy...!! What you did to Hunter was WRONG!! Trying to break his leg like that...” Vince interrupted his Daughter, and told her to leave the ring because the 'grown-ups' were talking... He tried to usher her out, but she slapped her Father... a move that angered Mr. McMahon... His eyes lit up as if he was on fire from head to toe... He clenched his fists but couldn't hit his own Daughter, in front of thousands in attendance, and millions watching at home... Stephanie McMahon: “Daddy...!! I'm in love with Hunter... and you need to accept that... And Undertaker... YOU need to accept, that your Brother KANE... Is going to rip... Your... Head... OFF!!” A big explosion in each corner of the ring made everyone jump out of their skin... and Kane stomped to the ring for the opening contest of the night... Brother versus Brother as Kane and The Undertaker were all set to do battle 1 on 1...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker Two big hosses going at it here, as the two Brothers Of Destruction clashed in a clash of the titans. Kane's mask gave him some protection from Undertaker's big right hands to the face, but the big 'American Badass' began to target his ribs instead! Kane couldn't get his wind after repeated blows to the mid-section, and 'Taker' didn't even need any help from Steve Austin and Vince McMahon, who hadn't stayed present at ringside. Undertaker put Kane down with a 'Chokeslam' in the end, but it was a truly excellently structured match! 90 Winner: 'The American Badass' The Undertaker Finish: 'Chokeslam' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Angling For Another Match Kurt Angle: “Boys... Boys... Boys... Congratulations on winning the Tag Team Titles again!! But as we know... Last week, on Smackdown, I beat Edge here 1 on 1... And I wondered... Does the other half of the Tag Champs want a shot at the greatest professional wrestler... In... The... WORLD!!” Christian: “Yeah sure, I'll fight The Rock... Does he know you're making matches for him though?!” Angle was furious as Edge and Christian laughed... but reminded Christian that if he accepts the challenge, he'll be laughing on the other side of his head... Because Angle's not only going to break his ankle, he's also going to break his jaw!! Christian got serious, but told Angle to watch his words, because he may have to eat them later... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory Brown and Richards are both in their early thirties, and both have some great years ahead of them. However, their careers up to this point have been very different, and D'Lo is back with a point to prove. He put Richards away with a 'Low Down', despite multiple attempted interference from Ivory. 64 Winner: 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown Finish: 'Low Down' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A Kwik Confidence Boost New Generation X were backstage next... talking about trying to boost K-Kwik's confidence after multiple poor performances where he's cost his teammates matches... Billy Gunn: “Okay kid... Pac and I went to Mick Foley earlier... and he agreed to book a match between you, and Val Venis, on Smackdown!! Nice little confidence booster for you... You go out there, and you kick his ass!!” K-Kwik: “Wait, Billy... Wait... I know you're an 'Ass-Man'... but... Why you want me to go and kiss his ass?!” Billy Gunn: “No... KICK!!” K-Kwik: “Uhhhmmm... It's KWIK brah... Kwik, not Kick!!” Billy Gunn: “KICK!! I want you to KICK his ass...!!” K-Kwik: “OOOHHHhhhhh...!! Mah bad...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Guerrero versus Ramon After they both selected teams for Survivor Series, Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon's rivalry looks far from over... We're going to hear from Eddie on Smackdown, as he gives his thoughts on Ramon, and their 4 on 4 Survivor Series encounter... and what's next for the two...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'Captain Charisma' Christian w/ Edge [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle Christian gave as good as he got in this one, starting the match with a slap to the former Olympian Angle's face! The two men hurt each other throughout, but Christian was always on the back foot. Angle outworked the 8-time Tag Team Champion though, and soon got on a roll to throw his opponent around the ring. Angle finally won it with the 'Angle Slam', but he hit multiple suplexes that shook Christian's body on every landing. 92 Winner: 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle Finish: 'Angle Slam' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Chris... Christian... Chris...!! The music that all Champions fear hearing right now, as 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ran to the ring... He slid under the bottom rope, and went right after Christian... taking him down with a tackle and pummelling him with fists and forearms... However, Jericho seemed to have forgotten about Edge,who slid in behind the Intercontinental Champion, and dragged him off of his partner... Jericho and Angle stood across the ring from Edge, and the recovering Christian... A 2 on 2 fight looked like it was about to kick off, but a familiar entrance music hit... And a man who got himself injured six months ago burst through the curtain to a great ovation!! Chris Benoit was BACK in the WWF, after a long lay off... and he stomped down the ramp, joining Edge and Christian as they stood across the ring from Angle and Jericho... However, when Benoit helped Christian stay stood up after he dropped to a knee, he hoisted the Tag Champion up for a Snap Suplex!! Edge looked stunned, but he was knocked over by a Chris Jericho running forearm before he could react physically!! Benoit and Jericho put the boots to Edge, and we saw Angle leave the ring without any further altercations from him... Benoit and Jericho didn't need him tonight... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Not Cool Scotty Too Hotty and Rikishi walked to the ring next... Kishi looking straight ahead as usual, no messing around... while Scotty wasn't his usual excitable self... But he was still animated, just in a more agitated way... Particularly as he handed his friend a microphone... Rikishi: “Alright... Brother Grandmaster Sexay... I ain't playin' fool... So get out here, and face Rikishi... and Scotty... and tell us WHY... you left us high, and dry!!” Rikshi didn't get the answer he was looking for, because Mr. Perfect answered his message... along with his 'muscle' Viscera... Mr. Perfect: “Oh you're NOT playing...? The playful, carefree, Samoan Rikshi... is NOT playing... Gahhh, must be serious... But I'll tell you why Grandmaster Sexay left you two idiots... It's because he saw a better way... Sure, he didn't want to be another victim of Senior Benjamin... But he had been planning on going solo for a while... What can I say... He's 'Too Cool' for you!!” Kishi and Scotty weren't happy, so they challenged Perfect and Viscera to a tag team match... Right now!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Mr. Perfect & Viscera A very even match here for the majority of it, but an interference made the difference. Grandmaster Sexay finally showed up, and his distraction of Scotty allowed Perfect to roll him up for the flash pinfall! 63 Winners: Mr. Perfect & Viscera Finish: 'Roll Up' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A Perfect Trio? Viscera pulled Mr. Perfect out under the bottom rope before Rikishi could get to him, and then he carried Perfect up the ramp... Grandmaster Sexay was already half way up it on his way out of there, but he shook Viscera and Perfect's hands... Almost as if they were all in on the plan all along... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> APA To Take The Test The three members of The APA were sat in their usual spot: the room with no walls but a door, playing poker... They each had multiple empty bottles of beer around them, and Faarooq and Godfather were nursing cigars... Faarooq: “DAMN!! That Test... We need to teach him a lesson... On Smackdown, Big Bradshaw... You're gonna fight him 1 on 1, and show him... that you don't mess, with the APA!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Hardcore Holly, Dean Malenko & William Regal [vs] The Hardy Boyz & Senior Benjamin w/ Lita Holly, Malenko and Regal were supposed to compete as part of Team D'Lo Brown at Survivor Series, but the Hardyz, Benjamin and Lita ruined that match before it could begin. This six-man tag was great, with Benjamin shining in the ring. He ended up winning it for his team. The Hardyz flew over the top rope to take out Malenko and Regal with Suicide Dives, Hardcore Holly then couldn't kick out of the 'T-Bone Suplex after a good fight between the two. 77 Winners: The Hardy Boyz & Senior Benjamin w/ Lita Finish: 'T-Bone Suplex' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Haku And Umaga (What A Wonderful Phrase) After not being seen since their trip to the Hardy Compound, Haku and Umaga will return to WWF Television this Thursday on Smackdown... Thoughts are, they'll be gunning for Jeff and Matt, as well as Senior Benjamin and Lita...!! They can't be happy with Grandmaster Sexay either, after he left Scotty Too Hotty, and ran into the woods to save himself... Leaving Scotty, D'Lo Brown, Dean Malenko, William Regal and Haku and Umaga one man short... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Spitting Hairs Jonathan Coachman: “Kurt, it's great to have you here, but I gotta ask... Is your beef with D'Lo Brown in the past...?? Because he's getting into arguments and fights with all kinds of guys right now... And it kinda feels like you never got to have that one last match...!!” Angle was about to answer, but he removed a piece of gum he had in his mouth, and threw it over his shoulder... Kurt Angle: “Thing is Coach... I'm an Olympic Gold Medallist... I don't need to be just another... one... of... what??” Coach's face was a picture... He looked like he'd seen a ghost, but that the ghost was wearing a clown costume and dancing... A scared, maybe even mortified look on his face, but with a comedic realisation... Angle slowly turned around, and saw The Big Show... Picking GUM out of his HAIR!! Show roared at the top of his voice, and spun around to see Angle looking guilty... Kurt took off, throwing Coach in the direction of the Giant... and slowing him down enough to get away from the big man... Big Show was furious, and took it out on Coach with a big right hand that knocked the interviewer out... That'll earn him a hefty fine... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Six Pack Challenge We learned next that on Smackdown, we're going to have a six-way match, for a shot at the Light Heavyweight Title... Crash Holly, Scotty Too Hotty, Spike Dudley, X-Pac, Jerry Lynn and Funaki will compete in what promises to be a fast-paced and exciting match... The winner will face Marty Jannetty for the Title at Armageddon... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Rock & Triple H [vs] The Dudley Boyz Amazing Main Event here with the story running throughout it being that The Dudley Boyz wanted to put both The Rock and Triple H through tables! Triple H's previously injured leg stopped his offence from being as effective as it usually is, but 'The Great One' The Rock was fully fit, and fully focused on making sure Bubba and D-Von didn't get to use their trademarked tables. He was all over the Dudleyz after Triple H tagged him in. Things were looking good for the fan favourites, until 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin arrived and changed the match completely. Austin even hit a 'Stunner' on Triple H on the outside of the ring! However, Rocky was on fire, and he managed to bump Bubba off the apron, and onto the WWF World Heavyweight Champion. He then hit a 'Rock Bottom' on D-Von to score the win! 95 Winners: The Rock & Triple H Finish: 'Rock Bottom' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Great Game The Rock and Triple H stood tall in the ring, as Steve Austin threatened to climb in and fight them both... The Champ thought better of it though, and strolled backwards up the ramp with a nasty scowl/grin on his face... On Smackdown this week, Triple H will fight The Undertaker 1 on 1... despite 'The Game' still struggling with a leg injury... Caused by 'Taker himself... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quick Results: The Undertaker [def.] Kane D'Lo Brown [def.] Steven Richards Kurt Angle [def.] Christian Mr. Perfect & Viscera [def.] Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty The Hardyz & Senior Benjamin [def.] Hardcore Holly, Dean Malenko & William Regal The Rock & Triple H [def.] The Dudley Boyz Show Rating: 91 </div> </div>
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