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Sco xY2Jx

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Everything posted by Sco xY2Jx

  1. I would expect that would go down an absolute storm here on the boards. I'm right there with you in playing the guessing game of who'd be on the next loading screen. I personally would love a crack at these but haven't even the slightest idea of how to make them. Is it a difficult process? If you could pm me with a basic how to phoenix, it'd be appreciated. Help lighten the load, perhaps.
  2. Awesome, dude. Thank you so much. Look forward to another Jericho further down the line. Cheers, brother!
  3. You're a gentleman, sir. Would make me a happy Jerichoholic. I'm not particularly fussy, however I did enjoy his heel run persona circa 09'-10'. I trust your judgement.
  4. I'm severely untalented with regards to this sort of creative stuff, but if anyone could offer up a Chris Jericho related one, that would be the coolest thing. Would appreciate it. No pressure though, naturally.
  5. I'm just getting into a save with the current C-Verse and then here you go Derek-B and release this mod. Gosh, darn it. Looks like I'll be flipping back and forth... right when that link goes back up. Will mention any typo's, errors etc. but I'm sure it'll be awesome as always!
  6. I actually changed the Season Finale to be London Calling. Still highly regarded like WWIII and allows for more time to build stories. I'll use WWIII as a Royal Rumble PPV of sorts. Appreciate the praise. Ultimately, you've got Tommy as a ratings machine for angles. Use him to your strengths until everything else picks up. My plan is eventually Tommy Cornell vs Dark Angel, Icon vs Icon for the World Title. Need to build it though. Look forward to seeing your first show, dude, when you get another crack at it.
  7. http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b488/Steven_Whyte/21CW1_zpsjsh3sund.jpg Also posted in 'What's Going On'. My first ever 21CW show. It'll take some time to adjust to the idea that B's/80's and above are now what you need to acheive regularly with 21CW to maintain the status quo. Love this game!
  8. Just booked my first ever 21CW show and this was the outcome. http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b488/Steven_Whyte/21CW1_zpsjsh3sund.jpg Very happy with that. Althought it's odd to think that 80's are the minimum you need now for 21CW. Will be a big adjustment. Storylines going forward will be Tommy Cornell vs Harry Wilson and Dark Angel (user) vs Edward Cornell for the World Title. These 2 storylines will continue to crossover with each other with The Cornell's vs Angel & Wilson. Almost families feuding vs each other if you will. The second storyline is Jonathan Faust vs Adam Matravers & Kevin Jones. Faust's dark character has become almost Wyatt-esque as he's enlisted Nightmare & War Machine to his ranks to conquer the babyfaces and then go on to conquer and rule 21CW. Marat Khoklov is unknown in the UK. He's on the decline but I feel I can build him up to be of some use in a hurry. Hopefully this'll be a C-Verse save I finally stick with once the full game drops next week.
  9. Derek B, I love your CV97' mod. Really helped me enjoy TEW again when I was bored of it. But, see because of that little SWF spoiler you've leaked from your tests? Screw you a little bit!
  10. Is there another site/source that this can be downloaded from? Link in first post is no longer working and would love to be able to give it a spin.
  11. Really enjoying this mod, Mammoth. The fact that you can go back and play matches like Gagne vs Sammartino and use guys like Ray Stevens in their prime is awesome. Not to mention all the stars that have yet to debut and you can mold their careers from the very beginning. So thanks for all the time and effort put into this. Look forward to continued updates.
  12. Mod sounds excellent and I'm really keen to get started on this, however when I download the file my laptop isn't recognising the 'rar' file type. Do I have to download something to convert the file type? Any help is appreciated.
  13. The Rock *Sharpshooter *Rock Bottom *People's Elbow *Spinebuster John Cena *5 knuckle shuffle *Attitude Adjustment *Shoulder Charge Shared *Bearhug *Suplex *Hip toss *Clothesline So about 11 moves in total, repeated and dragged out over 30 minutes... s'gonna be an epic main event.
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