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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Bram has been dead in the water for a long time...ever since they turned him the first time. Spud turning IS a logical swerve, so I will give TNA props for once, but now it has to go somewhere, and that is where TNA loses its grip most of the time.
  2. Jonathan Coachman tweeted that it is not a work. Hope is fading.
  3. Yeah, there is that slight possibility, but this looks too serious in my opinion. I only hope for the best, of course.
  4. I out ninja'd you this time. Seriously, I don't know how to react.
  5. The PPV date changing on short notice? Vintage WCW!
  6. And it was also a waste of many weeks for TNA TV, as we were back to square one with EC3 and Matt, while absolutely nobody else benefitted from the tournament. Plus, EC3's reign fell flat on its face 2 weeks after he won, and let me make this clear...EC3 is supposed to be their top star. They got my backing on that, but this way? No chance...
  7. Yes, I have finished the game, and Telltale does a great job of introducing and developing new (relatively, they are mentioned in the books I think but not in the series) characters into the universe (with some HUGE shocks as well, just the GoT way that I love), and in turn, makes me anxious for them to be introduced to the franchise outside of the game and the books in some way. Just get the Forresters on TV already! As smurphy said, the likes of Tyrion, Cersei, Daenerys, Margaery, etc. also appear, and we interact with them in junction with the events on TV. We are kind of present at the two major "weddings" and play a part in influencing some other events. The ending can be disappointing, but knowing that there is a second season coming up and this season pretty much dug the foundation for its events, you shouldn't have that much of a hard time with it. I enjoyed the fighting QTEs as well (they work well in the game), but I guess the things I said might have been enough to help with your decision, as gameplay isn't a game breaking aspect of the Telltale games. I'd definitely recommend the game, as I certainly had a great time playing it. Speaking as a fan, you won't regret it.
  8. I'm surprised no one came here to say something bad about this post.
  9. Official Prediction Card WCW (Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat, and Jake Roberts) vs. KoW (Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, Scott Hall, and Jeff Jarrett) Extra Point: Who wins the fall? Roddy Piper. Comments: The KoW side is much more loaded and ready to go. Piper gets the fall so he gets to face Dustin and take the title home. Steve Austin vs. Arn Anderson Comments: Double A doesn't stand a chance. Lex Luger vs. California Kip Comments: While I could see an upset win, a DQ here after a Scott Steiner attack is a safer option. Brian Pillman and Cactus Jack vs. The Kings' Monsters Comments: They might not be right in the head, but they will get the job done. Dave Finlay vs. Lord Steven Regal Comments: Oh, I love this one. I hope you can find something for Finlay after this feud, but Regal ain't losing. Ron Simmons vs. Paul Orndorff Comments: Simmons has more shelf life than Mr. Wonderful. The Flying Spyder and King Puma vs. Surge and The Willow Comments: OMG DA HARDY BOYZZZZZ Ultimo Dragon vs. The Annihilator Comments: Ultimo just turned, so tradition says he MUST WIN. Will Hulk Hogan's interview find him siding with: A. WCW, brother; B. KoW, brother; C. Neither, brother. I think we won't get to find out his allegiance yet, as someone will attack him. Worldwide matches: BG and Brad Armstrong vs. ??? Comments: I'm thinking that Devon King and...BUBBA KING will be thy challengers, BROTHER. Plus, the Armstrongs have been doing absolutely nothing with the straps. The Young Pistols vs. The Ladykillers Comments: The Killers vs. The Kings has me salivating. If you put ''Surge'' and ''Willow'' on the table as well, then you have my love. Tiebreaker: How long will the main event last? 19 minutes. (Closest to the right time without going over wins)
  10. Hero/Kassius was fired because of weight problems as it was said above, yeah...I have no doubt he was close to debuting on the Main Roster if he he hadn't screwed up in the eyes of management... EDIT: Not above...but in the previous page
  11. Even though you were sarcastic...the crowds weren't really eating up Mojo's act. And I liked CJ...but he never really went anywhere, yeah.
  12. Other than Solomon Crowe, I really have no idea on who did they ever screw up on NXT.
  13. Yet, beforehand, Sting made sure to point out it was NOT about WCW. But suddenly, during the match, it was...I had no issues with Hunter winning, personally, but the WCW vs. WWE aspect felt lazy, like something taken off of Vince's pants at the last second because he said so.
  14. I think that them handing the match to Reigns was really lazy booking as well...they should have given him something big for him to be able to qualify first. Because oh well...they hate him, but easily give him chances to get to the top? Makes no sense at all. Ambrose is looking more like a star in this than anybody else...Brock being added didn't make any sense either, they could have put in someone else who wrestled last night on the match, a heel most probably, and Brock could have attacked that someone to take his place next week. It would have made more sense.
  15. It's ok, Hero... On the Bo Rida note, he was really much better than Flo. He brought it all to the house and looked really good.
  16. Well, I don't really follow his Twitter, so I don't know if that is true, but about the character being done, let's wait and see.
  17. ''Stardust announced on Twitter that his character is coming to an end.'' I think I just had a freaking orgasm.
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