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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. They are really doing a good job with him, and they need to do that, build up the roster while the usual suspects are out. And I just have to point out, the announce team is actually doing a really good job tonight, and here I was frustrated that Lawler was gone in exchange for Saxton. I still want my heel Lawler fix, though.
  2. Exactly; And the hot potato really made sense on this case, because people needed a reason to talk about SmackDown, and in the end, everybody talked about SmackDown as the title change occurred there. The Rumble has been really consistent thus far, every match has been very good, except for the Kickoff match, that was decent.
  3. I actually thought of the Anti-Streak concept before as well...I hope they don't really do something like this.
  4. Grim Fandango is an incredibly fun game, but the Remastered version is riddled with savegame bugs. And Hardware: Rivals is too repetitive for me. I'd take any Twisted Metal over it.
  5. Damn, I need some free AAA games, but Sony isn't keen on having any on Plus...
  6. I am going to do just that, but I was afraid that there could be a thread buried in the Dog Pound. That's why I didn't do it before.
  7. The fact that there isn't a Game of Thrones thread in here grinds my gears.
  8. I'm thinking Lesnar wins. I want Wyatt to win, but that is impossible.
  9. Well, Brock IS working Fastlane, so I guess Vince was pretty successful.
  10. He is legit injured, and I would guess that the injury angle was done to write him off for good.
  11. I was probably going to post a big text like this as soon as I would get in a computer, but you just said everything that I would say and a bit (a lot) more. Props to you, mister.
  12. Jeff is injured and WWE-bound, so that probably won't happen.
  13. I rest my case. This is exactly why, Warhawk. Plus, it was rushed as hell.
  14. I'm a fan of watching retro wrestling a lot (older shows and PPVs that can't be considered retro as well) so the Network is totally worth it for me. Countdown was my favorite original show, but that is gone, unfortunately. Still, lots of good original content and old content there. Loved watching the Pillman and nWo documentaries.
  15. Would a person who doesn't look down on his country, but rather on the people who run it, plus the majority of its current population grind your gears?
  16. Legendary jobber, "Iron" Mike Sharpe has passed away, according to NoDQ.com...may he rest in peace.
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