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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. And I should add you today, bud.
  2. I'm with Bigpapa on this period being amazing on games. From the recent batch, I have WWE 2K16, Black Ops 3 and Syndicate for my PS4, and I'll also be getting another one on Christmas, and I'm thorn between Nathan Drake Collection, Until Dawn and Fallout. No idea on which one I'm getting at all. Too much gaming to do indeed. Thankfully, the Brazilian summer vacation is coming in less than 2 weeks! One glaring problem with Black Ops 3 is the multiplayer lag. I don't seem to have this issue on any other game, nor in any other Online mode in the game. What gives? It makes you retreat every time you walk after some seconds, and it breaks the mode, quite frankly.
  3. I had no idea on where I should have posted this but...Nick Bockwinkel is dead, according to NoDQ.com. One more, gone...
  4. But...but...I wanted to see The Wrestling God win a title! ;(
  5. Well, last place is still something, I guess Thanks to whoever voted for my diary.
  6. I'll be getting this version for sure, as I enjoyed the first game.
  7. Reigns beat Show. Cesaro beat Sheamus. Del Rio beats Stardust. (Unfortunately) Ryback beats Kalisto. Owens beat Titus. Neville beats Barrett. Ziggler beat Miz. Ambrose beat Breeze. Reigns beats Cesaro. Del Rio beats Ryback.. Owens beats Neville. Ambrose beats Ziggler. Reigns beats Del Rio. Owens beats Ambrose. Reigns beats Owens.
  8. I'm JohnCenawwefan14 there, feel free to add me. One more for the 2K16 team
  9. It is such a shame that pretty much every member of the main cast except for Todd Bridges/Willis has died. I don't have a way to watch DS nowadays, as I don't think they have it on Netflix, plus it doesn't air on cable, but I loved it when it used to air regularly here in Brazil. Apologies for the off-topic post. I might be a younger dude at 17, but yeah, I've watched a lot of stuff, mate.
  10. Give my diary a simple caption: ''The Rebellion has begun. You are either Nexus...or against us.'' If you have the time to, add a small Nexus logo next to the caption or below it or whatever, it will look cool...I guess. Just a suggestion. EDIT: Props for the work, Xendarii. If you need any help with the list one day, I am always here.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MHero" data-cite="MHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not joking at all. I believe that Tatanka can fully bring TNA to glory.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After all, he IS the biggest WWE superstar of all time, and the biggest moment in wrestling history was his heel turn at SummerSlam 1994.</p>
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Financially, you're right. Creatively she has too many people telling her "what works for WWE" when "what works for TNA" is what they were doing in the earlier days.<p> </p><p> TNA could become a viable alternative again (never in competition with WWE) but in order to do that, the X-Division needs to be a huge part of shows again. Make it relevant. Bring in talent from all over (seeing as they are doing tapings to keep costs low any way). Plenty of top Indy talent out there that could make the X-Division great to watch again. Make Spud a key figure in that division along with Tigre Uno.</p><p> </p><p> Their Knockouts division should continue to be pushed as more than just eye candy (one thing they are doing correctly). I liked Awesome Kong as the beast that just flung her opponents about. I know Angelina won't be back for a while due to being pregnant but Velvet Sky could be pushed as an Ice Cold, no words, just beats you up knockout. She looks like a model but that could be the gimmick. "Sexy, but Deadly". Says nothing, beats up her opponents and maybe isn't interested in winning but hurting her opponents. Bring back Cheerleader Melissa, whether it be as Alissa Flash or Melissa but bring her in for some shows. If Leva bates has finished up with NXT then bring her in for a few shows too.</p><p> </p><p> They need a strong Heavyweight division based around ECIII (who has to be billed as their #1 wrestler), Drew Galloway, Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Lashley (although not a fan) & Tyrus. Have the Hardys return to tag team action as both are past their best days and reforming The Hardy Boys is probably a better alternative at this point. The Wolves need to be kept together and made the top team in that division.</p><p> </p><p> I have so many ideas for trying to get TNA back on an even keel again (I know not all are probably good to others), but obviously I'm not in the business, don't know if people want to work for TNA, and don't know all the backstage shenanigans and who has Dixies ear or how difficult it is for their Creative to implement other ideas they may have had.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It seems that we both have the same mindset, Fleisch. TNA could have been so much more if Dixie hadn't started being a member of the creative team. Their attempts to mirror WWE (in a more than terrible way) were foolish and buried the company even more.</p>
  13. http://nodq.com/wwe/447627595.shtml So, apparently, Ryback has creative control over his character, yet Roman Reigns is overscripted AF? EXPLAIN... EXPLAIN............... EXPLAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
  14. MAJOR NXT SPOILERS BELOW: Samoa Joe has turned heel on the latest set of tapings, attacking Finn Bálor after attacking Baron Corbin.
  15. Mate, there is no way that the Kane shtick is leaving TV, so count on a Rollins win...
  16. Tyler Breeze made his debut on SmackDown, and it seems like he'll be the one facing Cena at Hell in a Cell.
  17. I hate to be that guy, but you mean, at Hell in a Cell, right? The lack of interest does that to us sometimes.
  18. Two months...if he keeps the title until mid-late December without appearing on TV, that would be one hell of a blow to the United States Championship. And Ziggler makes sense for one to take the belt off of him, because of the angle between him, Nikki and Cena on Total Divas, plus the rumours that Ziggler is going to turn heel soon.
  19. So, look at who just made his debut on NXT... http://cs629102.vk.me/v629102099/1b242/KOdUfaNWHxA.jpg
  20. Official Prediction Card Dustin Rhodes vs. Randy Savage Comments: The boyhood dream ends here. The Road Warriors vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson Comments: Some comeuppance for The Horsemen after the loss at the Clash. Diamond Dallas Page, Barry Windham, Bam Bam Bigelow, and ??? vs. Roddy Piper, Jeff Jarrett, California Kip, and ??? Comments: Good lord, this is hard as shit. Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall Comments: PILLMANIA IS RUNNING WILD, SISTER. Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart Comments: Austin is also running wild. The Steiner Brothers vs. Unnamed KoW Members Comments: A win over The Steiners should put The Giant huge, and so, Vader will be the one to pin a Steiner so there are no complaints at all. Rick Martel vs. Chris Jericho Comments: I love both men...but this is a no-brainer. Ron Simmons, Ricky Steamboat, and ??? vs. Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat Comments: Just because there is a mystery partner. Dean Malenko vs. Alex Wright Comments: To take the title off of Malenko so early like this wouldn't be Wright. Surge vs. The Willow Comments: I prefer JEFHARDAY over MATHARDAY. I do like him as well though. The Flying Spyder vs. The Annihilator Comments: Since his buddy Surge will lose, there ain't nothing better than a good win for the SPYDER MANG. Tiebreaker Questions 1. What match is rated highest? Dustin Rhodes vs. Randy Savage. 2. What match will go on first? Chris Jericho vs. Rick Martel. 3. Chris Candido defends his TV title against JPL on the Worldwide pre-show. Who will leave as champion? John Pradshaw Layfield. 4. Who are the KoW members taking on the Steiners? One point for each correct name. Vader and The Giant. 5. How many turns will there be? One. 6. How many matches will be determined by count out/DQ? One. 7. How many titles will change hands? Two, if you count the TV Title.
  21. It's Vince. He could devote a whole episode of anything to Cena taking a shit.
  22. The Crash Bandicoot reference in the Hotline made me love you so much.
  23. I don't really have a preference. But I can get the games in better, cheaper prices (In dollars) digitally than I would get with physical pre-orders, or even released games (There are games that were released 1-2 years ago that still cost 200, TWO HUNDRED reais) (in reais, the Brazilian currency), and I just think it's convenient. And several other factors enter the story as well.
  24. I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition for the PS4 2 days ago. While I am excited, I'm not ruling out a possible disappointment in some regard after the crapfest that was 2K15. However, everything that has been shown so far is leaps and bounds better than 2K15, so yeah, it will be a good or even a great/amazing game.
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