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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. I rest my case. This is exactly why, Warhawk. Plus, it was rushed as hell.
  2. I'm a fan of watching retro wrestling a lot (older shows and PPVs that can't be considered retro as well) so the Network is totally worth it for me. Countdown was my favorite original show, but that is gone, unfortunately. Still, lots of good original content and old content there. Loved watching the Pillman and nWo documentaries.
  3. Would a person who doesn't look down on his country, but rather on the people who run it, plus the majority of its current population grind your gears?
  4. Legendary jobber, "Iron" Mike Sharpe has passed away, according to NoDQ.com...may he rest in peace.
  5. So...can we be sincere on this thread without others judging us for venting about anything?
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The_CoC" data-cite="The_CoC" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Very excited to see how they play out the feud with Hardy and EC3, I have read the spoliers and I think they stepped in the right direction.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't think rushing something like that 2 weeks after EC3's crowning moment is a step in the right direction. More like back to square one to me, and the way they did that is really asking for the angle to fail, but to each their own. If the angle is not a failure, though, my hat will be off for you. But I know Dixie Carter.</p>
  7. Oh, I do agree about EC3 being a great heel and a deserving TNA World Champion as well (Does the belt deserve him, though?), there is no doubt about that. But come back next week after Impact and I'll be here with a big smile on my face while your and other's jaws fall on the floor.
  8. It was as great of a reunion as The Prime Time Players', oh yes it was...I'll just say this, if Demolition was to come back and did so in a segment in which they would take a big dump, I wouldn't praise it just because it's Demolition...
  9. Ok, I said I would abstain, but WHY IN THE HELL did you bring up Reigns again, Warhawk? Jesus Christ...nobody is talking about him and you come out in an unrelated thread and diss him for what? Attention? Sorry if I'm sounding too harsh, but I know this guy long enough to actually know what I'm talking about. And the EC3 praise? Like I said, prepare for that to jump off the window on the very next Impact...but I guess you will praise that Russorific swerve as well, right? It's not Reigns, so it's good...
  10. Well, I haven't been here long enough to have a point of view or an opinion on this, so just carry on...
  11. Yeah, I don't get it. Hotshotting the belt that they spent months just rebuilding prestige for probably isn't a good idea itself either. Also, Ambrose vs. Owens in a Last Man Standing Match for the Intercontinental Championship has been announced for the Royal Rumble.
  12. You left right before it all hit the fan...lucky guy.
  13. You still didn't answer him, but ok, keep on with the copy n' paste.
  14. I have no idea, Stennick. I never have when it comes to post-2009 TNA.
  15. Well, Kalisto deserves this push a lot and Hunico is pushing 40...new teams should arrive this year, no hush.
  16. Damn, that legit shocked me and was one of the best upsets I've seen in a long time...a much deserved win for Kalisto, I hope he skyrockets in singles competition after this. Props to the WWE for this.
  17. I think it makes the match more intriguing. The ''Main Event'' concept was fading with the horrid booking anyway, and now the story calls for Roman to be one hell of an ass kicker against all comers who will all be gunning for his title, or else he will lose his title, and that makes the match a lot more exciting. It will be hard for the WWE to screw with the build-up or the booking, especially Roman's own. This match calls for him to look like a credible champion at the very end, whether he retains or loses the title, something he needs to do. His challenger or opponent might just be decided during the match itself, which was what happened back then in the 90's...matches for Mania were hinted at during the Royal Rumble Match.
  18. Yep, I was one of the guys who learned that the hard way...
  19. That is pretty much my main issue with what is going to happen...they rush stuff just for the shock value and it wears down really fast because of that. Had they done this "swerve" at say, Bound for Glory or a major show like that, I would not be criticizing it.
  20. I did praise the fact that they got the belt back on EC3, didn't I? Well, prepare for them to take a big sh** on that.
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