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Posts posted by ink625

  1. This was a fantastic show and a superb read/write-up, bought back so many childhood memories I have of these legends. Keep it up :D

    P.S my mother would love your avatar, she was a huge Jake Roberts mark.


    Thanks Josh! I really appreciate the compliment! And it's funny you mentioned my avatar in relation to your mother. My mom passed away in 2018 and she always called me "Jake The Snake" as kind of an affectionate nickname. That's the main reason I chose that as my avatar! Well, that and the fact that I always liked Jake Roberts and it suits the dynasty I'm currently writing.


    PS. My name isn't actually Jake, but Jason. But it was close enough for her considering how much I loved wrestling.



    On a dynasty note, work on November, Week 1 is well underway and it should be up soon!

  2. Good show Ink!


    I liked the Madusa face turn, because it looks like your women's roster was stronger on the heel side going into the match. Unless I'm forgetting someone, I don't know who Madusa would have feuded with as a heel, unless you turned Bull Nakano face. But I don't think that works nearly as well.


    Thanks Element! You're right about my women's roster being a little light on faces, and unfortunately with only 47 active female wrestlers who can work in the U.S., and most of those having practically no popularity, it might be a while before that issue is remedied. I just hope I can do the women's division justice in the meantime.

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46784" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good show! Shocked the main event didn't have the highest grade though</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks Jaysin! </p><p> </p><p> I wouldn't say I was "shocked" that the main event didn't have the highest grade, but I was definitely surprised. I figured the Funk/Tornado match would probably score in the low to mid 90s, but I never would have guessed 98. It's kinda like the other match in this dynasty that scored a 98, Jake Roberts vs. Vader from Summerslam. I figured that match would hit the low 90s or so, and bam, 98. </p><p> </p><p> I'm happy the Funk/Tornado match won though. Sometimes it's just a bit too easy in TEW 2016 to score a 98, 99 or 100 match grade with any random combo of main eventers in a tag match. That's why I mostly shy away from setting up those types of matches, although it's still necessary sometimes for the sake of a storyline. But with Survivor Series coming up next, I'll probably just have to bite my tongue and take a few really high match grades from matches that probably don't deserve it.</p>
  4. Glad to see another show posted! Well worth the wait


    Thanks, Jaysin! Glad you stuck around!


    Couldn't agree more!


    Loved the Flair promo ink625! And I'm really digging the more short and sweet promos altogether. All the worker personality in half the reading!


    Thanks, Element! The shorter promos definitely speed things up and if it weren't for the shortened format, I just wouldn't be able to keep this going. Not like I've been doing a great job anyway!


    I really enjoyed the show!


    Thanks, Josh! I truly appreciate your readership!


    Very worthwhile Mexican purchase there.


    Yeah, I've had my eye on them for a while Nobby. I've tried to buy them out pretty much twice a week since June or so, since Mexico was the only game area other than Europe or Australia where I was a bit lacking in popularity. Should really come in handy with the impending North American wrestling industry crash that comes up in, I think, November 1991.

  5. Okay, so my Monday target was obviously a miss!


    Just do it for your own enjoyment. Don't feel pressured to post shows constantly just when you have the time.


    Thanks, Aurora! That's my plan. I'm going back to something I said a few months back, when it's done, it's done!


    I hope to have October, Week 1 posted in the next few days. Could be tomorrow, could be Wednesday. But it's definitely still coming. The only question is, will I have any readers left after all these gaps and delays? I sure hope so!

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