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Everything posted by The_CoC

  1. Loved the PPV mate, but god damn it Bret Hart you cheater. And Neal Patrick should feel terrible as well.
  2. GREAT AMERICAN BASH 2000 CARD 1) Jushin Liger vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Psicosis vs. Billy Kidman vs. La Parka © - 6-Way Ladder Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship 2) Great American Bash Battle Royal - Winner gets 5 minutes in the ring with Roddy Piper* 3) Scott Steiner vs. Jeff Jarrett © - Dog Collar Match for the WCW United States Championship GIVE ME A F*CKIN MIC. THE BIG FAT BOOTY DADDY, MOVES ON. HOLLA IF YOU HERE 4) Konnan vs. Mike Awesome I love Konnan 5) Buffy T (Booker T and Buff Bagwell w/Trish Stratus) vs. Revolution (Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko) - Number One Contendership Status vs. WCW World Tag Team Championship Match Dude Buff is the stuff, no offence Dean 6) Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon © - WCW World Television Championship Match Kaynon is the man 7) Team WCW (Sid Vicious, Chris Benoit, Sting and Goldberg) vs. Team nWo (Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall) - War Games Match This is hard to predict 8) Hulk Hogan vs. Bret Hart © - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match Same as above Quote: *Battle Royal is not eligible for predicting. Even Roddy Piper knows nothing about that one! Bonus Questions The amount of title changes? 4 Opener? Kaynon vs DDP Match of the Night? Hogan vs Hart
  3. Now I may be wrong but I believe if WWE is a publicly traded company then all polls they make they have to announce the legitimate winners. Which makes sense because the majority of the audience is not voting for Owens or Paige or even New Day. So don't blame the WWE blame the six year old fan clicking on The Usos.
  4. Haha I had a giggle at this one, but yeah I dont have high hopes fot Bayley on the main roster. I will say the division is slowly improving.
  5. I agree however Rollins promo was great, also Neville was awkward.
  6. I think both Reigns and/or Bryan can take Cena's place as the top guy. Cena as a heel would sell just as much merch as would as a face IMO. I would love him to change his catchphrase to 'You can't be me'. Argghhh it would be so good.
  7. Completely disagree if it came with a heel turn or Cena won dirty.
  8. I wouldn't retire him that quickly. However him vs Brock would be awesome. I am still hoping Cena wins the Rumble and faces Reigns at Mania. There would be so many interesting directions they could go with that feud.
  9. Agreed, there have been some great non indy wrestlers. Also all because he didn't work the indies doesn't make him less passionate. And because you work the indies doesn't make you a better wrestler.
  10. Yeah I know he doesn't but if he did it would be more accepted and people could take his argument more seriously. lol
  11. I never insulted him. Also I agree that Warhawk was a bit rude in the way he commented, and he shouldn't repeat the same thing over and over again. But it is his opinion which he has the right to share if done respectfully.
  12. You guys seem to be being a bit harsh to Warhawk. I totally see his point even though I do somewhat disagree with him. The only reason why I don't like seeing Roman as champ is because I feel like he is better on the chase. Roman's biggest downfall is not himself but the way he was booked. I think they now realize that Roman can't be booked like Cena was with long promos because Roman doesn't fit well with them. Roman should be booked like a Goldberg or even a Rob Van Dam (If you see him when he is out of character the guy is very laid back and chilled, I'm not saying make him jump around kicking people). Dean is not the guy to be strapped, he is going into hopefully a good feud with Owens which I hope will prove my statement wrong but I think Dean when booked like he is, is a horrible babyface. I'm sorry but what is unhinged about Dean? He doesn't have any unexpected offence, he uses the same move-set week in week out. The announces calling him 'crazy' or 'Ambrose Asylum' makes him seem forced and unnatural. A crazy guy doesn't throw popcorn at another guy, a crazy guy is a bit more calculated than that. Now for Russel I disagree with a point of yours. NXT is my favorite thing in wrestling right now but for you to suggest that it hasn't had bad booking or that Triple H is 100% behind every creation is idiotic. NXT and RAW/Smackdown are different animals and need to be treated different. When and if Triple H takes over do not expect RAW to turn into a 3 hour version of the same booking as NXT because HHH will have more responsibilities to consider.
  13. Can you say crap if it isn't directed at someone, like I just did a crap?
  14. What do you think about the move to POPTV? Its a better fit than DA IMO, and I hope they do well with it. Out of the final 8 members left, order them from who deserves the belt the most to least. EC3, EC3 and EC3 Why the F can Crimson never win anything? Lets talk Crimson, I'll be honest he is midcard at best. He was brought in just for a little pop from the crowd then job to future stars of the company. He is good sure, but is no where near as good as EC3 or Bram or Galloway or TJ Perkins or Spud or Tyrus. There are plenty of guys that deserve a push before Crimson. Why the F are the Wolves the only team still? They just don't have the money for new teams I guess. Maybe they can grab MCMG again? Jessie wanted Kong to touch his abs, how does that make you feel? Weirdly horny. Since the year is ending, what has been the best match in TNA of 2015 for you? EC3 vs Spud, hair vs hair. Did Chris Melendez ever get his leg back? Who cares. If I shout Zema's DJ noise will you do it with me?.......BAAA BAAA BAAA BAAARRRRRRRR No..
  15. Good to see support from you Tom! I look forward to angels diary seems very interesting. And yes with holidays it is easier to do a diary.
  16. WWF/E 2001: Attitude Era Fallout http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm30/The_CoC/Fallout%20WWF/WWF%20Fallout%203_zpsyaba22ks.jpg DATE: May, 2001 COMPANY: World Wrestling Federation OWNER: Vince McMahon SCENARIO: The wrestling world has just experienced the biggest boom in its history. WWF ultimately receiving most of the revenue after winning the war against WCW and ECW. The men leading the charge are names like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, The Rock and Mick Foley. But it seems the boom has led to a Fallout as these men start to rap up their careers. However it is all not gloom and doom! New stars like Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle and Big Show lead the charge for a new era in the Fallout. Not only that but the biggest names from WCW and ECW are sure to find their way to RAW and Smackdown. The question on every wrestling fan is 'Can WWF surivive the Attitude Era Fallout'?
  17. God damn it Cracker!!!! Holy molly Beejus I really enjoyed that one. First it was nice to see Jericho get the rub of being Television champion. It will be interesting to see where Jericho goes from here. I wouldn't mind Booker T feud Jericho for the belt. I am enjoying the super hero storyline, seriously the ratings are horrible but I am enjoying it a lot. The highlight of the night for me though was Regal sneakily winning the US belt, you booked him to a T. Great stuff Beej
  18. Official Prediction Card Dustin Rhodes vs. Randy Savage Comments: For whatever reason I just can't see Savage taking the belt here, the whole Terri thing is interesting though perhaps this is the match when Terri turns on Rhodes and Rhodes snaps. Or perhaps it could go the other way around and Rhodes becomes and anxious husband like Marc Mero and Sable back in the day. Now that could be interesting. Steve Austin vs. Ric Flair Comments: This seems like a long term feud which will be good for Austin so Flair gets the cheap first win. The Road Warriors vs. Arn Anderson/Owen Hart Comments: Vader/Giant need challengers and Warriors are the perfect opponents. Ricky Steamboat vs. Scott Hall Comments: Hall could have a long term life in WCW while Steamboat is on the way out. Also a Steamboat vs Jericho feud would be amazing! Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jeff Jarrett Comments: I think Jarrett is being treated more favourably in this universe. US Battle Royal Featuring: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Big Bubba Rogers vs. Dave Finlay vs. Meng vs. Paul Orndorff vs. Ron Simmons vs. Stevie Ray vs. Terry Gordy vs. Wrath vs. ??? Runner Up: Bam Bam Bigelow Mystery Participant: Devon King, like TFC said Harley puts him in. Comments: Simmons just won it! However I could see it being flipped flopped. Chris Candido vs. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T Comments: This one sounds to obvious, but I'll go with Jericho. King Puma vs. Rio the Renegade Comments: Puma!!! Tiebreaker: How long will the main event last? 30:00 (Closest to the right time without going over wins) 10 points plus one tiebreaker! Use your best luck to win the day! There is only ONE Nitro between now and Uncensored! Yes, I know that is some severe turnaround time after SuperBrawl, but it will give me an extra week of buildup planned ahead for down the line
  19. Just wanted to pop in and give a big thanks to everyone that voted for me and everyone that voted at all. I think it is very rewarding for a lot of diary writers to get praise and feedback. Also well done Lloyd on the achievement it was well earnt.
  20. God damn JPL got released that sucks. To be fair he didn't play a major role in this diary and maybe he will be back later on. But in good news RON SIMMONS IS US CHAMPION DAMN! I really like the Championship match coming up for the belt, it should be a sloberknocker. Also how long have those damn Armstrongs been champs?
  21. Crimson is just meh, not good not bad. Honestly I don't know why he was brought back. They could add somethin else to his character but alas I doubt they will. He has just been the same for 5 years. I can see the eappeal Dave. But he is not World title material.
  22. Agreed with craker I like the Austin/Flair segment but I also liked the Willow and Surge segment. All I could think of was Warrior violently vomiting on doctors. And KIP FOR WORLD CHAMPION! Nice big win over Luger.
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