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Everything posted by MrCanada

  1. I was implying (poorly I admit) that not everyone has that problem, but a few do like Hugh. But a rotten egg can ruin a well made meal. But then again, there is the American who say stuff like the above bolded phrase. I'm sure the rest of the world has done nothing, and only grand America is going to rescue everything. I think a lot of people have the problem you have (I can admit I do). We sit in our cozy rooms, with our flat screen TV's, PS3, and cell phone, and act like we are doing the world a favour every time we drop our change that we got back from buying a $40 bottle of liqour into a "sick kids" can. How can people be so vague? If the rest of the world seems to dislike a country (hate is a strong word) you have to admit something. Even if that "well what we are works for me, I wish it would work for someone else." If I'm in a room and everyone calls me a jerk, I'm a jerk. Not just stand there and give them the finger. Eventually they might fly a plane your face.
  2. source? Or just random numbers? When every report and the general concensus in here is 300-700, you cant just randomly boost it to 100-1500. Thats a very large difference. some I scronged up after a google search of recent attendance: Here are the latest TNA house show numbers according to Dave Meltzer: * December 4th in Portland, Maine did 500 fans * December 5th in Amherst, Massachusetts did 800 fans * December 6th in Glens Falls, New York did 450 fans
  3. This has been a problem with the world of wrestling as soon as "Attitude" became mainstream. THe problem is with bubblegum good guys there isnt much to them. The bad guy is always more interesting. Clearly what TNA needs to do is WHAT THE FANS WANT! Make Daniels and Styles and all those guys faces, make Morley, Angle, all those guys heels.
  4. Obviously. You must think about yourself first and only. I wish doctors and farmers and such worked like that as well. America's problem, as a friendly neighbor to your north, is how selfish you are in the fact the rest of the world hates you. Maybe if you worked on that second thing a bit some of the first problems like economy and stuff would go away. If more countries were stable and economically diverse, thats more trade, more trade = more production, more production = more jobs.... Sometimes I really really really hate how dense and selfish people can be (Canadians, Americans, Brits, Japanease, ext ext ext) it just seems to shine as bright in America as the red, white, & blue.
  5. TNA's new look. I like it. No more dumb tube entrances. Normal ring. And I've always loved the flush to the ring entrance. http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr2/wilhelmce/tnaring.jpg http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr2/wilhelmce/tnaring3_41642.jpg http://i464.photobucket.com/albums/rr2/wilhelmce/tnaring2_41641.jpg
  6. There house show numbers are closer to an ROH indy show, like 500. Every now and then they get 1500, usually when in a hot bed they dont go to often (New York / Toronto are about it). Kind of reminds you how small TNA is.
  7. from WrestleZone... so sources are "so-so" Hall & Waltman already screwing up
  8. I said politics. Not always a problem. Abyss is like Russo's new Big Vito. I've read stuff a while ago, but he was the guy who was in charge of and pushing his characters direction when he was getting so much TV time and his character really started to dominate TNA TV.
  9. I still think the most we are going to get for an RVD return is a Royal Rumble one-off. I just done see him returning full time at this point. I think he is the kind of guy who will wait for TNA to calm down a bit. Do you think RVD, who is tired of politics in wrestling, is going to walk into a promotion with Hogan, Bischoff, Hall, Nash, Waltman, Angle, Jarrett, Russo, & Abyss?
  10. The Outsiders / Beer Money makes sense. And I could except that getting dragged out a bit, assuming the work of Nash/Hall/Waltman isnt terrible. But more people are paying attention to TNA now (ratings proof) so simply have Beer Money beat Nash/Hall, even with little to nothing of build, will have a new fan go "oh, those guys look good, and they just beat THOSE guys!". I can see Waltman helping Nash/Hall win or causing a DQ or whatever, leading to Beer Money + another new guy vs. "The Band" at the next PPV. And as I said, as long as Beer Money doesnt look bad and goes over in the end, I'm all for it. I dunno, but to me Beer Money & Samoa Joe or Abyss vs. The Band seems decent.
  11. I feel that something like this is going to happen. All the people who are going "Why old guys!" will so quickly change their tune if Beer Money beats The Outsiders, Team 3D destroys the Nasty Boys (they dont have a match, but i just imagine a huge brawl breaking out). Morley can stick around, I dont think anyone will get upset with that. If he really just goes full on face/heel and is a bit more serious everyone will like him. He's at the point kind of like Dreamer where you just respect him for all he's done. If this whole thing is a scheme to have new talent defeat older talent to show 'new is better' all the power to it. If its the other way though, and the old guys dominate (even if they EVENTUALLY lose in like 3-6 months) then I'll be the first hanging TNA from a tree.
  12. Slicing your penis off will make you "different" wont mean you'll attract any more girls though.
  13. Apparentley TNA is going with a 4-sided ring tonight... And I guess from now on. THANK GOD!
  14. I read the guy coming in is Ken Anderson... I'll be surprised if it isnt.
  15. I honestly think only the internet is watching TNA. The thing is not all the internet does, now that Hogan is there and people are expecting change, the internet is watching it again. So it will hold 1.2 for a whole going up and down between 1.1-1.4 until it either starts to grab viewers or they die off and it drops to 0.7 again.
  16. - The January 14 edition of TNA Impact scored a 1.26 rating, down from the 3-hour live show's 1.5 rating but up from the previous Thursday's 0.7 average (for the 4-hour New Year's Eve show). Credit: Wrestling Observer
  17. Kyle Rasmussen aka Conrad Tanner seems like a sick prospect in FCW. Well at least to me. Kind of in a wrestlecrap way, but a sick look, intensity, and athletic background?
  18. Red's opponent at Genesis is a "mystery". Joe would fit in nicely there. Who else could it be? Only logical choices are Joe, Hardy, Moore, or Homicide. I'm waiting for a "Stay Puft Tomko!" chant. Would fit perfect.
  19. Joe has gotten lazy if you ask me. I dont blame TNA for pushing him down the card. Sure he can have the standard good matches with Styles and or Daniels, but with everyone else he seems to just be going through the paces. Reminds me of RVD near the end of his WWE run (sans the part where he got motivated again with ECW for a bit). Why wouldnt you highlight Burke & Wolfe, guys who are trying to make their mark just as hard and have as much name value a Joe (to new fans at least) and seem a lot more impressive (to new fans). I was never a big fan of Joe anyway. He always fell into the catagory of guy who works stiff for the sake of being stiff (sometimes) and claims 'big man' status while throwing around the super little guys of TNA. I met Joe, good guy, but I'm bigger then him. I'm 6'0" and 3/4 of an inch (most people who see me think I'm 6'2" or something because SO many people in real life say they are 6 feet when they are barley 5'10" or such). And was noticeably taller then him. Whats going to happen if Joe has to work with guys like Val Venis and such? He's going to look stupid. EDIT: Tomko looks a lot... puffier than last time I saw him.
  20. likely nothing happened. American's legal system is set up so everyone can sue everyone. Something like that would be laughed at in Canada. "He spit gum at me!" "Prove it." "uhm?".
  21. I'm not saying Orton didnt break character, just playing the "other side of the fence roll". But two things: 1. If Orton was so mad because of a screw up by Kofi, and is so anal about finishes, staying in character, ext. as its been said here and reported on "news" sites, why would he then break character? 2. When did a magical rule come to be that you arnt to say anything when a referee raises your hand? For that moment you should be completely mundane?
  22. Well I'm pretty sure he might be debuting with EVOLVE wrestling on their debut show....
  23. I found it completely in character. Him calling Kofi stupid seems to be a very Orton to do. Kofi is stupid for thinking he's on Orton's level. He's stupid for not anticipating the Legacy run in. He's stupid for thinking there was disillusion in Legacy like all of us. Everyone is stupid for thinking Orton wouldnt once again compete for HIS WWE championship.
  24. That doesnt really matter. If you sign a contract, you sign a contract. You also must remember when someone is fired, they do get the rest of their guarantee paid from the company. Thats usually a good chunk of change, and it isnt paid at once, usually paid out over some duration of time in comparison to the length of the deal. Granted in wrestling, most people the guarantee is a fairly low figure (still decent) but being on TV/PPV, merch sales, even house show's is what earns them extra green. So the 90-day makes sense so its not like the person is without income. Also this (be it no-compete or just weird contract clauses) is common practice in many lines of work, especially entertainment. Look at the Conan/Leno situation on NBC. If Conan leaves, NBC still owes him money. If he goes to another network, NBC STILL has to pay him the differance of his deal (20 million a year) and whatever he makes on a new network (say 12 million on Fox as a guess). Meaning NBC still has to pay him 8 million a year, to work on another network. Thats an example of someone who signed a deal that worked in their favour, and no one will complain about that, because this time its "the man" getting the shaft.
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