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Everything posted by Sisma

  1. Now, these could be fantastic loading screens! Obviously an insane amount of work, but loading screens in the style of historic trading cards? That's money, baby 🤑
  2. @gazwefc83 I understand what you mean, but I think they are very well done and I liked the kind of ''aha!'' moment when I realized who they all look like. Rogue, for example, feels unique even with the Punk resemblance
  3. Nathan Coleman better call his mama and ask if he go a twin brother out there called Randall. 😜 P.S. I didn't wanna make the same joke about Remmy Hardy 😋
  4. OH YA BEAUTY! *Andy Gray Voice* Very niche comment for the footy loving brits
  5. I am *this* close to creating a twin sister, just so that I can use both of her renders 😁 Also, guess who's coming back to wrestling à la The Rock? Champagne Loooooooooooooover! 🤑
  6. Why did you have to create 2 Goodlooks??? Great, now I can sit here and brood about which one to choose. 😁 P.S. Java looks like The Rock after hitting a spinebuster and preparing for The People's Elbow. In a way, at least! 😅
  7. These are so good I'm crying tears of joy! 😅
  8. These are superb! Would it be possible to post the pngs?
  9. First of all, very happy to hear your wife is finally feeling better! I can imagine that these weeks felt like years, especially if you didn't have doctors that could let you know why things are the way they are, which is, sadly, all too common these days. I think it's totally understandable that you haven't felt creative, as a situation like this, kind of makes you feel like everything is ''on hold'' and you're just waiting for it to change, for progress. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully this will be nothing more than a fading memory, soon enough! P.S. It goes without saying that these renders are top notch! 👏
  10. Beautiful, just beautiful! Fantastic work @gazwefc83 👏👏👏
  11. @gazwefc83 Dude, Sophie's choice! 😅 I would go with the second set, but the first one is too good not be used for someone else!
  12. In the words of Ric Flair; WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 😁
  13. Thanks, man! I'm happy to wait for your packs, to be honest, but I would really like to see your take on Cornell Junior and The Hot Taggs. 😃
  14. Oh my god, fantastic render! I just love your style, man! 😁 I didn't know we could make requests? If so, I would like to request about 500 more renders! 😋😅
  15. I can't imagine they didn't see this reaction coming. I wonder if there's more to come or if they'll try to course correct. I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this looks like a decision made by people who don't know anything about wrestling. As if some board members saw this match as the ultimate money grab and decided that the story told so far can just be ignored. Still, let's wait and see what happens during the next few weeks.
  16. Texas Hangman deserves a 7 year long world title run, in my save! 😁
  17. @wyldekr I love the Azaria Tribute and TCW logos, nice job! 😃
  18. I'd say mediafire. Also, you are killing it, my dude! 😃
  19. I've thought about this, too. This would be the third injury in the past couple of years, right? I guess if you look at it as a company, though, he moves a ton of merch, draws and is great on the mic. As long as he makes them money, he offers quite enough, right?
  20. Agreed. So much comes down to personal taste, it baffles me that people argue about it as if we're talking about facts. (Edit: I don't mean people here, but rather, in general) Like this, for example. To me, Drew looks like one bad ass m'fer, made to be a top heel. But, if someone doesn't see it, then that's that! 😃 Someone who I simply don't get is Charlotte. She seems extremely clunky to me. Yet, she has done very, very well for herself.
  21. Oh, absolutely agree one this one! Just fantastic!
  22. Gaaaaaaaah daaaaaamn, these are all insane! I love them! I feel like Ryback sitting here, screaming ''FEED ME MORE'' 😁
  23. One match I always recommend to ''newbies'' when it comes to wrestling is the Triple Threat at WM22, Rey Mysterio VS Kurt Angle VS Randy Orton. It's a fantastic sprint, with all three doing the absolute best with the time they had and some great spots. The Orton drop kick right at the start and the cocky smile right after landing it. The double german by Kurt Angle. Rey holding Charles Robinson so that he doesn't see Orton tap etc. I love Rey being the ultimate underdog, Randy being the young cocky superstar thinking he's got this in the bag and Kurt Angle being the intense beast that he is. I think that when you first introduce someone to wrestling, it's better when it's something like this instead of Austin VS Rock brawling for 30 minutes. Of course, this is just my opinion and it doesn't mean that I don't absolutely love every Austin VS Rock match! 😁 P.S. I couldn't find the match in acceptable quality.
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