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Everything posted by Spoons

  1. Bold of you to assume someone who has a dev fed also has a school.
  2. I'm excited about the new attributes too. There are some I've seen in the suggestions forum that I'm particularly hoping for!
  3. Hey, I have a question. If the release time is a secret, why did he specify it'd be using American time instead of British time? If it's a secret it shouldn't matter what time it uses, right?
  4. My brother introduced me to it and I was hooked. This was the 2005 version, I think? He did the same for EWR. We played 2012 and 2016 together a lot.
  5. Yes, we need something like this! I was thinking like, for random workers/celebs who are generated to be older, we should have options for older free pictures, rather than a 45-year-old using the picture of someone in their 20's.
  6. Good idea! I think you're right in your edit that it's a little too big, but it is a good idea, to stop one company from getting half of the titles.
  7. He brought them up when saying that announcers will be changing to play-by-play, but nothing else was ever said about them, AFAIK. So I'd say it's 50/50 whether they're in the game or not.
  8. I'm excited about the game and wanted to contribute somehow, so I'm continuing this old tradition! Just like the same one in the 2020 forum, this will be for posting your current champions. I'll be waiting until the game comes out before starting a new save game (and I haven't been progressing my old one because how close it is), so I'll let someone else go first.
  9. YES! Some of these things I was one of the ones to specifically request (I'm sure I wasn't the only one, assuming that I was would be self-centered :P), so I'm quite happy to see them included! Sorting by stats in the editor is a godsend for DB makers, especially real-world DBs, so you can see who maybe doesn't have the stats they should, for better or worse. And "Ultra Flashy" finance will now make 5 levels of finance, I always found it weird that prudent had 2 levels while flashy only had 1, so this makes that menu nice and even, and gives DB makers even more control. (Plus it makes some things a bit more true to life, I could name a few IRL company owners who fall into that category!) Looking forward to the final few entries! Friday's is probably gonna be a BIG one, given the "shotgun" format of these and tomorrow's.
  10. This happens to me SO often. I've found that if I quit and restart, they often get ratings anywhere from 77 to 90, with in-ring performances of like, 95 each. And the only road agent note was poor announcing, which shouldn't make THAT much of a difference (also my announcers have like, 90 announcing skill), and even when one of them takes a hit for inconsistency it's usually on the higher end of the scale, so I've never figured it out, I just reset until I get a good one.
  11. I was ready to check the new updates today, then realized it's Saturday. D'oh!
  12. I have a weird question about a hiring rule. For "No Foreign Workers", are they going by who currently lives there, or who was born there? Like, for example, a "No Foreign Workers" company in Japan. Would they hire a Japanese person based in the USA, or an American person based in Japan?
  13. A lot of these changes have just been Q.O.L. changes for database makers. And as a database maker myself, I must say I'm fine with that.
  14. I really want an expanded world in TEW IX. Give us the ability to make Crown Jewel actually take place in Saudi Arabia, and give us access to China, Africa... hell, even Antarctica! There's no Antarctic wrestling, but we could make it a reality if we wanted to! As for today's announcements, I like the idea of the expanded angle system, I think it would make even just things like "Worker comes out, talks for a bit, then is attacked" be a lot more accessible, since right now you'd have to choose between them being rated on entertainment or fighting/selling. Now you can do both! Also really looking forward to the expanded database making tools like the out-of-game editing features and expanded things for mass editing to do. No idea how powerful it's gonna be, but I'm excited regardless! Also, the merchandise cut thing is really helpful, since just guessing wasn't really cutting it, and 25% for everyone seems off. 😛
  15. The title stats thing is really cool! I'm a big nerd when it comes to that kind of thing IRL, so in game it'll be quite fun. :3
  16. Being able to mass-edit when contracts start is a godsend for database makers like myself, especially when you want to take an older DB and up it by a few years, and don't want to sit around making every contract start a few years later by hand. 😛 (Trust me, as someone who's done that, this will save a lot of hassle!) The calendar system is nice too, but as per usual, I've gotten more excited about one of the lesser announcements today than the big one. 😛 Though it will make some things more realistic and interesting. Like having a show take place on "The Last Sunday of the month", which could make it Sunday week 3 or Sunday week 4, and will not necessarily be the final day of the month like it is now.
  17. Oh, absolutely. I'm not saying it couldn't have been prevented, just that it's too late now to do anything about it. I'll still be playing the game because, again, I'm not using the C-Verse, but I feel bad for those who do, because they're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place of it being too late to change what's been done, but also what's been done being unethical.
  18. So regarding this whole AI issue, I must say, it won't affect me since I don't play the C-verse, but neither side is 100% correct. Going back to using proper renders now, when the game is almost done, would be asking too much, because as he said, there are massive gaps with new people, so asking for someone to make new renders for all of the newcomers, when the game is coming out in less than a month, would probably be more of a hassle than they want. However, using AI is, in and of itself, unethical, because of the way AI learns, using people's art from the internet to train itself basically means it's art theft with extra steps. Plus, if the AI art is going to cause THIS much of a fuss, it's not worth it to do. So nobody's right, nobody's wrong, and arguing about it is pointless, but we're doing it anyway. Just like true wrestling fans!
  19. Oooh, real heights & weights will be interesting! Unfortunate for people making unrealistic databases (like for example if you're doing the Marvel universe & have to limit Galactus to 8 feet), but for any real-world games, unless you've somehow got Robert Wadlow on your roster, it works great! 800 lbs. is perfect too, given the size of Happy Humphrey was right around that!
  20. We've been asking for cross-promotional events for a long time, and I think with things like Forbidden Door happening IRL, it's more possible now than ever before that it's been implemented. Not saying it definitely has, obviously I can't speak for anyone on the dev team, but it IS possible, and BOY I hope it's a thing! The way I picture it working, personally, is that however many companies are there, you have access to as much of their rosters as they'll allow you, as well as your entire roster, and you can book what you like, but the other companies have veto power if they don't like a decision you make with one of their stars/titles, and there's a requirement to use at least X number of people from each company. I think that's a fair way of doing it, so you can book dream matches without completely dominating the card.
  21. Maybe we could change it to be that only non-rookie youngsters can get the Young Wrestler award, and save the rookies for the Rookie award?
  22. I hope there's more than just India; I hope we get more places in TEW IX. South America, the Middle East, Africa, more parts of Asia than just Japan, etc. There are wrestling promotions all over the world, there are a bunch on Cagematch that I can't add to the game because they're in places that TEW2020 doesn't have yet.
  23. Question: Can you control a rumble's entrance order too, or just elimination order? Like, could you specify someone goes all the way like Michaels in '95 or Benoit in '04?
  24. I like how people are asking questions about features that might be in the new version, as if they're not going to be announced or talked about in future journal entries. 😛 I'm very happy about these changes; I worry that in the future things will get too complicated for their own good, and backstage interactions will become more important than the shows themselves, which kinda defeats the purpose of a wrestling sim, but otherwise it's looking quite good. Particularly excited for the independent show change, as in my save game it felt like Canada was getting the short end of the stick, despite having plenty of available workers, whereas the US, Mexico and Japan were getting one every few days. Now I can balance them all out! Also, I'm neurodivergent and like booking Rumbles in their entirety, so the elimination order thing is really nice. The narrative changes are exciting, I'm hoping for more of those as well!
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