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Everything posted by Spoons

  1. Still, my point remains that it doesn't do much. And yeah, having scandals & other things able to happen via narratives would be a good idea.
  2. To expand on this: Liquid Courage - This worker wrestles better when under the influence of alcohol/drugs. This gives them an occasional boost to their performance. However, they're also more likely to develop addictions over the course of their career, making for more frequent bonuses, but also all of the negative effects of whatever they're addicted to.
  3. I put one in there that'd help as well: "Benjamin Button Syndrome: Like a fine wine, this worker actually gets better with age! They will never experience time decline, and will put off retirement from in-ring competition for 10-20 years longer than expected." For workers like Dustin Rhodes and Bryan Danielson who are having the best matches of their respective careers, even though they're at an advanced age. I think this attribute would solve a bunch of the problems you're describing with the time decline system, by removing it from the picture altogether, but only for certain wrestlers.
  4. Good to know, thanks! I was trying to recreate the promotions from the Wrestling With Wregret "Promotions Graveyard" playlist, got to NWF, a child wrestling promotion, thought "Huh, that's an odd concept" and then realized they weren't hiring anyone, hence why I then did the testing. That'd be why.
  5. Just a minor thing, seems like nobody's hiring any workers under 18 unless it's a contract extension for someone that already works for them. 99 times out of 100, that's not important at all, but in cases like Brodie Lee Jr., or Nick Wayne, or anyone who starts in the business under 18, them not getting hired until they turn 18 is kind of a major setback in their career. There are no hiring rules or booker hiring preferences that make this impossible. In fact, just to test it, I made a company that hires nobody under 17, and they've hired 0 wrestlers, despite there being several in the game that perfectly fit within their hiring rules. Maybe it's because they're insignificant size, so they wouldn't throw off the in-game balance, but no other companies have hired them either.
  6. I've noticed that if I borrow a worker via an alliance loan, talent trade, alliance title or developmental/local worker, and something happens like they have an off night or something, the media scrum comments and responses are all the same as if they fully worked for me. I think there should be more options for workers who are only on your roster for one night. Options like "They don't even work for me, get off my back" or "I won't be borrowing them again", or "That's (X company)'s problem, not mine", that kind of thing. In fact, maybe we can have media scrum questions specific to loans and borrowing. For example, "I noticed you borrowed X from Y. Do you think it was a smart choice?" or "I noticed you borrowed X from Y, do you plan to loan more talent from Y in the future?" or even "I notice you borrowed X from your developmental territory. Do you think they're ready to come to the main roster?" I don't know, I just think asking "So Muhammad Ali had an off night, how does this affect his slot on your roster?", when he normally doesn't HAVE a slot on my roster, doesn't make a lot of sense, and I think this would help with that.
  7. You read the title. Not sure if this is a bug, or if it was intentional, but my head women's trainer trained both the men and the women on my roster that needed to be trained, and my men's trainer didn't do anything at all. I've got intergender wrestling turned on, so I imagine that's probably why (since it says "Men's Division" and "Women's Division" respectively), in which case there should probably be something on the screen for the trainer roles, saying that if you've got an intergender roster then you only need 1 trainer, because finding this out the hard way & going through the roster to assign 2 full-time trainers, only to discover you only need the 1, is kind of a pain. A mild inconvenience, yes, but an inconvenience nonetheless.
  8. There is also basically nothing in terms of a negative effect on a worker. All I've been able to find is "worker starts having law problems" (which only works once, and only if they don't already have them), "worker is hurt" (which only works physically) and "worker loses star quality" (which doesn't affect anything except for the bookers who hire based on that). We need more ways to, for example, make a scandal happen. "Worker loses popularity", "Worker is caught in scandal", "Worker is fired", etc. For real-life examples like Vince's recent WWE departure, or Alberto Del Rio's fall from grace. It would also be SO nice to have "Worker gains attribute" and "Worker loses attribute", so you can add things like "Personal Issues", "Groundswell of Support", or things like "Good Comedic Timing" if they're discovered to be good at comedy.
  9. We need something that's the opposite of "Desperado". "This worker will be guaranteed to retire from the business earlier than expected", or something like that. Maybe it could be called "Heart's Not In It".
  10. The contracts screen is a great way to see who's got an exclusive contract all over the game world, and how long it has left... the only problem is you have to slowly click individually on each one and then click "shortlist" if you want to shortlist them. It would be so much faster if there was a "shortlist" button added to the contract menu.
  11. Hi! So, I love the weight change for titles, it makes things like simulating boxing/MMA titles more accurate. However, I think even more title options should be expanded as well! I'm mostly talking about the things on the drop-down menu for the title's purpose. Things like "Youngsters", "Veterans", "High Flyers", etc. Let's have like, a max/min option for all of these, like we do for hiring rules. For example, if you wanted a veteran's title, but only wanted it for workers who have 20+ years of experience, or wanted to make a title for only people under 25, or make a title for... I don't know, anyone with a brawling skill above 60. I think this would really make for some great title customization that we currently just don't have; especially for alliance titles, we're kind of at the whim of what the game considers eligible. We might get someone made champion in another company and we think "Wait, they qualify!?", so this would take the guesswork out of that, and give players & mod makers alike a tighter degree of control.
  12. Fair enough! Just figured I'd throw it out there as a suggestion anyway.
  13. I've seen (and made) several suggestions now that I'd consider minor changes, and I feel like there should probably be a board that's like the "minor errors & typos" thread, but for suggestions, so we're not having to make an entirely new thread each time we have a tiny idea that'd take little effort to implement.
  14. Yes, definitely. Like in the cases of people like Alberto Del Rio and such, it would help to have them lose standing in the business.
  15. "Worker loses reputation" would be SO helpful in scenarios where they're caught in a scandal or something. The best I've got is "Worker loses star quality", which does barely anything.
  16. What Did You Say About Me!? - This worker will take to heart the things said at a media scrum, reacting a lot more strongly than most, both positively and negatively. Did You Say Something? - This worker couldn't care less about what was said at a media scrum, reacting a lot less strongly than most, both positively and negatively. Welcome Back! - This worker just made a huge return and the fans are really happy about it! Boosts their popularity gain & increases match & angle ratings based on the worker's popularity. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 3 and 6 months.] Ego Booking - When AI controlled and working as both an active wrestler and the booker of a company, this worker will book themselves to look stronger than most, if not all, other people on the roster, is likely to make themselves a champion, and has a small chance to make themselves the company's figurehead. If part of the booking team, all of this worker's creative ideas will be about themselves, and they will receive a small booking penalty because all of their ideas involve them in some way. What Does 'HR' Mean? - It doesn't matter who the worker is, what they've done, or what attributes they have; if AI controlled and working as the booker of a company, this worker will have no qualms about hiring them. Give Them A Chance - When AI controlled and working as the booker of a company, this worker will occasionally hire a worker with 0 popularity in their home region, regardless of the company's size. Stupid! Stupid! - This worker is a lot more likely to complain to management about people they work with, especially those who are unsafe in the ring.
  17. It would be great to also be able to give the game promotion names to use. Maybe in conjunction with the ability to select a logo to go with it.
  18. What about just like, a product editor? So we have to build on a base of an existing product, but we can add and remove things from it to our heart's content, then save that as a new product.
  19. I think also "Haphazard" would be fun, and also true to real life for a lot of indie companies, who will sometimes run two shows in one month, then nothing for 3-4 months, then a monthly show for a few months, just running shows whenever they can.
  20. Hey, why does the "No-Style Style" product get penalized for adult entertainment backgrounds if medium or above? I thought the whole point of it was that it was accepting of basically everything. Deathmatches are fine, comedy gimmicks are fine, even eye candy based matches and angles are fine, but if you bring in a former NSFW film actor, boy howdy are you gonna be in trouble! I don't understand the mindset. I think it should be changed.
  21. Based on a recent post in the suggestion thread: PG Hardcore. Basically WWECW's product. Mostly just sports entertainment, but with the added guise of hardcore added onto it to make it seem new and different. Occasional hardcore matches, but mostly just a normal PG-rated sport entertainment product. Attractive to sponsors, since they're PG-rated, and dangerous match setups will be penalized, again despite the "hardcore" part of the name. Doesn't sound like it'd work too well, but neither did 2006-10 era WWE-branded ECW.
  22. The thing is, All-In Nirvana was created specifically to be closer to AEW, which does have the occasional deathmatch, but doesn't overuse them, so I feel like it's still fine.
  23. PPV shouldn't do that, I don't think, since that'd be for the "canny operator" trait, I'm pretty sure.
  24. "Rowdy" Roddy Rover, perhaps? Also, a few more I've thought of. Andre the Giant = Andrew the Great John Cena = Logan Crane Kenny Omega = Xavier Alpha Giant Gonzalez = Enormous Rodriguez
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