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Everything posted by Spoons

  1. That doesn't make as much of a difference as you think if you've turned scouting on. If I've searched for someone with at least 90 psychology, for example, it'll show me anyone with "90" somewhere in their range. This could be 81-95, or it could be 55-100, which tells me nothing except it's at least a 55, which, when looking for a *road agent*, for example, is not good, so relying on searches to narrow things down wouldn't really help unless you have scouting turned off.
  2. Thank you! I figure it'd be a good way to add it in without disrupting things or changing the structure of the game too much.
  3. Tall Tale Teller - This worker's stories have very little truth to them. When involved in news stories, they're more likely to lie in order to make themselves & anyone they have a positive relationship with look good, and anyone they have a negative relationship with look bad. If people have caught onto them lying all the time, these stories will have a largely reduced effect. This has a tiny chance of happening, that very slowly grows with each story they tell. More Than Just An Interviewer - This worker has built up a reputation for getting more involved in interviews than most other interviewers, giving opinions and generally engaging more with wrestlers than a normal interviewer would. Any angle part where they're set to be an interviewer gets a rating boost due to their skillful banter. Falling Star - This worker's on top of the hill, so now it's time for them to come sliding down the other side. While classed as a celebrity, this worker's celebrity letter grade will gradually decrease until their stardom has faded completely. Trendsetter - This worker is very trendy, but they don't know it yet. While sharing a locker room with them, other workers who share a similar age & personality type to them will slowly start gaining their attributes (except this one). Young Grasshopper - This worker is easier to train than most, and will gain skills faster when working with a trainer. Can't Be Trained - This worker is harder to train than most, and will gain skills slower when working with a trainer.
  4. I just had an idea! Why not add "Ring Announcer" to the inner circle members? What I'm thinking is, they need to have good mic(/entertainment) skills and have a people-oriented personality, plus perhaps a decent amount of stamina, since they'll tend to be working the whole night. Here's what they do: They will never count as not having been used on the show, assuming there's at least 1 match on the card. Every match they're not participating in (in some regard; wrestler, commentator, road agent, etc.) will get a boost to its rating in proportion to their mic skill, and the crowd will be more likely to stay engaged between segments, due to a ring announcer usually being tasked with keeping the crowd engaged during a show. They help engagement and overall show ratings, something none of the inner circle members currently do. Of course, this will come with higher wage demands, but I think it'd absolutely be worth it. Plus, then we'd finally have a use for Real World mod characters like Justin Roberts, who otherwise would be either useless, or working a job like play-by-play, which he IRL might not be very well suited for. It would also help add to the realism of the shows, which I know TEWIX has really improved upon in a lot of other aspects, so I think this would be a fun way to incorporate them into the game without having to make it its own separate role.
  5. Just like when we pick ours in-game, there should be a screen in the editor that comes up when you select workers for a company's inner circle that tells you whether or not they'd be good for the role, so we're not guessing, or having to go back and forth between all kinds of screens just to pick a suitable person for each role. And if people think the current way is more convenient, maybe you could leave it as-in, but then add a button for each role that brings up the screen!
  6. Variety Show - A show that's got a little bit of everything. Fans will be open and accept any match type. 50/50 Matches to Angles. 50/50 Popularity to In-Ring. 1 match every show aimed at Wild Brawl, Car Crash, Mayhem, Hardcore, or Deathmatch. 1 match every show aimed at Steal The Show, Spectable, Epic, or Once In A Lifetime. 1 match every show aimed at Technical Masterclass or High Spots. 1 match every show aimed at Story Telling, Comedy, or Eye Candy. Comedy gimmicks can be used, even by major stars. Gimmicks are not necessary, but will have an impact if used. Stunt Bumps & Crazy Bumps can add heat to a match. Getting shaved bald or losing a mask can add some heat to a segment. The company would not get penalized for using stars in Adult Entertainment.
  7. I'd also like to suggest the addition, "They also receive a small morale penalty if you let their idea expire."
  8. Is this a bug, or is it meant to be some kind of discrimination type thing? Everyone seems to be doing it, no matter who I put in it they say they're furious that they're losing to a mini, despite the wrestler having the "Doesn't Count as Mini" attribute.
  9. MY NAME IS FRANKENSTEIN! - This worker's name is hard to pronounce, thus commentators often have trouble with it. Each play-by-play or colour commentator has a chance of getting it wrong, with the chance going up the less talented or experienced they are. If in a company with a commentator who pronounces their name wrong, the worker will be more likely than usual to raise a fuss about it backstage. They're also more likely to develop a very mildly negative relationship (like simmering tension) with that commentator if it keeps happening. Notable Prick - This worker has been ostracized from the business by the internet wrestling community, for one reason or another. They will not be able to work for any companies above medium size, and their wages take a significant hit. On top of that, if they're working as a higher-up (Owner, Booker, CEO, Inner Circle member, etc.) in a company, that company will gain popularity a lot more slowly, and find it very hard to get sponsorships. (If you can't use that name, then you can instead call that one "Blacklisted".) Giant Killer - When working a match with someone who's at least a foot taller than them, this worker really shines, and will give the match a significant bonus. Time Heals All Wounds - This worker's negative relationships will deteriorate over time. How long they take depends on how strongly negative they are. Creative Does Not Mean Good - This worker will come up with a lot more ideas than usual, but as a result they will have a diminished overall quality. Internet Wrestling Star - This worker makes videos about pro wrestling. When working a light schedule in a small company, working in a tiny or insignificant company, or when unemployed, this worker will very slowly gain popularity over time, even when not working shows. However, when on a more intense schedule, or when working for a medium or above company, they no longer have time to make their videos, and thus their passive popularity gain is disabled. Stick To Wrestling - This worker has some problematic opinions. They're more likely to get into negative news stories & backstage incidents. Botch Machine - This worker is more likely than usual to injure their opponent during a match due to a botch, on top of their existing safety rating. Botch Factory - This worker is much more likely than usual to injure their opponent during a match due to a botch, on top of their existing safety rating. No More Mr. Botch Guy - This worker is less likely than usual to injure their opponent during a match due to a botch, on top of their existing safety rating. Botchless- This worker is much less likely than usual to injure their opponent during a match due to a botch, on top of their existing safety rating. By God! - This worker has a catchphrase they coined on commentary. Every show, they'll use it at least once, giving a massive boost at first, which diminishes over time, until fans get sick of it, at which point it receives a penalty, which keeps growing until it fades out of use. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 3 months and 2 years.] Streamer - This worker streams on a platform like Twitch. Once a week, they'll have a stream, that has a 50% chance of going well. If it goes well, they get a morale boost and a tiny popularity boost. If it goes poorly, however, they take a morale hit and don't get the popularity boost. If working for a company where the owner has a negative personality, they'll be asked not to stream, which will slowly decrease their morale over time. Major Streamer - This worker regularly streams on a platform like Twitch. Two to three times a week, they'll have a stream, that has a 75% chance of going well. If it goes well, they get a major morale boost and a small popularity boost. If it goes poorly, however, they take a major morale hit and don't get the popularity boost. If working for a company where the owner has a negative personality, they'll be asked not to stream, which will decrease their morale over time. Sleep With One Eye Open - This worker has an iconic entrance that takes longer than usual. Any segment in which they make an entrance has a longer default time, but is also boosted due to the entrance.
  10. I've noticed that emails about decisions now say whether or not a company's offer is being seriously considered. That's a great addition, but I think it might be helpful to say whether or not ours is as well. For example, if it says their offer is and ours isn't, we know to negotiate and not just let them pick. If it says ours isn't and theirs isn't either, then we'll know a bigger company bid us up and we can check regardless. If it says both are, then we know we can leave it or offer either way, and if it says ours is and theirs isn't, then we know not to renegotiate.
  11. Not sure if this is an oversight or an intentional decision, but when choosing an owner/booker for your development company, you now have people in there who already own/book companies, and who have exclusive contracts they can't get out of. Is there a way to filter this? And if not, if there some way it can be made like it was in 2020, where only people who can work for the company will be displayed?
  12. In the "Title Names" section, why not have selections for the different styles of title? Why only Men's vs. Women's? I think there ought to be categories for weight classes, veterans, rookies, hardcore, deathmatch, pure wrestling, etc. So you can fully customize which names the AI uses for different titles that they may form in their time, or get ideas for your own that have those stipulations. Maybe also the option for specific names for different regions of the areas? For example, I want to add the Scottish title, but I can't do that because British Isles covers a whole host of other countries as well. Same with like, the German title, French title, even things like the Texas Title.
  13. Sorry, I thought of more. I Could Do It Better! - This worker is a lot more likely to ask to be in a company's inner circle, and, if not on it, will get jealous of those who are, being a lot more likely to form negative relationships with them. However, when in the inner circle, they're more likely to form positive relationships with their fellow members. Always Brings An Umbrella - This worker is less likely to be negatively affected by the weather. Fortunate - This worker was apparently born under a good sign; they become more likely to experience positive things during their career. (Opposite of Cursed.) Confident - This worker has a noticeable air of confidence to them. They will be more likely to make bold statements or claims, whether positive or negative. Also, their confidence means they're a lot better at going all-out, and give the match a larger bonus when doing so. Big Fish In A Little Pond - This worker can sign with smaller companies than someone of their popularity would normally be willing to. If they do so, their wage demands will be lower, to account for the company's smaller size, however their contract demands, as well as their booking demands, will be stricter to compensate for the lesser pay. Stickler - This worker follows the rules... maybe a little TOO closely. They ignore the penalties of negative rules, but also ignore the bonuses of positive rules. If somebody isn't punished severely enough for an incident for this worker's liking, they take a severe morale hit. If working as Head of Talent Relations, they will treat people more harshly for offences.
  14. Just a suggestion, but the "And Then The Bell Rang" attribute seems like it has absolutely no downside for non-wrestlers, especially ones who are based on talking, like commentators. Developing their in-ring skills slower doesn't matter for them, so the attribute is a little overpowered for them. Which is fine, but I'm uncertain whether or not this was an oversight, so I'm letting you know now that I've realized this and think that *maybe* we need to change it? Not strictly necessary, just a thought.
  15. Put it on the pre-show. They don't like having two unimportant workers fight on the main card, for some reason. Even though for a live crowd that distinction shouldn't even matter.
  16. We should have an auto-name, or at least "suggest name", button for those, because it is tedious typing them in each time, especially when you're adding a bunch.
  17. I'm annoyed with the calendar system. When it comes up, at least on some screens, it defaults to 2024, so if your database starts before that, every single time you open it you then have to go back to the correct year.
  18. I agree about 90/10, that'd be silly, but 100/0 in favour of angles would be kind of pointless for a wrestling company.
  19. If that still works as it does in 2020 (as I assume it does, since Adam didn't mention anything about that aspect changing), then developmental contracts aren't a thing; you need to bring them in as if they were going to be on your main roster first, THEN choose to send them to development once they sign with you. It seems counter-intuitive, but you'll eventually get the hang of it. Once they're on the roster, click "Send Away" and you'll see the option to send 'em to Dev. Again, if that's been unchanged. Also, I noticed in 2020, for development, they'll complain about being too popular for development at 10 popularity or higher in your home region for an insignificant company, then every 20 levels of popularity thereafter for each subsequent size, so 30 for tiny, 50 for small, 70 for medium, etc. Not sure if this has changed, I've spent the night editing a DB and will probably be actually playing tomorrow, but I assume none of that has changed.
  20. Hey, so how do tours work now? Like, I notice that for touring companies you need a "tour start" and "tour end" event each time (which I don't really like, or think is necessary, but that's neither here nor there), but then do preset tours not work if the dates don't match? Like, for example, if I have a company touring from January 1st to February 28th, and I have an event in January that starts on the first Monday of every month, but the first Monday isn't the 1st, will that tour just not happen? I'm confused by this.
  21. Rumble Specialist: This worker is a specialist at battle royales and other such matches and so gets a bonus (maximum one 'specialist' bonus per match). Road Warrior: This worker will never sign exclusive contracts, and gets occasional regular morale boosts when working for multiple companies at once. The Maskless Wonder: This worker will always agree to lose their mask, if asked, and will sometimes agree to put it on the line if they think the match is important enough to benefit from it. (Basically the opposite of "Masked For Life".) Egghead: This worker will always agree to have their head shaved, and will occasionally offer to do so if they think the match would benefit from it, as they look good bald. (Basically the opposite of "Golden Mane".) Half The Brain That You Do: This worker is skilled at turning bad promos into accidental comedic gold. When put in an angle part where they're rated on entertainment, they have a chance of getting a much higher rating than usual, with the chance getting higher the longer the angle goes on for, and the chance being much higher if they're unscripted. Poor Immune System: When injured, this worker has a higher chance than usual of the injury being a disease. Final Boss: This worker is seen as a kind of a "Final Boss" of professional wrestling. They get a bonus to matches they're set to dominate, the "open match" road agent note is more effective if their opponent's popularity is lower than theirs, and if they lose, the hit to their popularity and momentum is dampened while the gain of their opponent's is greatly enhanced. (After 3-5 losses as the "Final Boss", this attribute automatically goes away.) Controversy Creates Cash: This worker is a firm believer in this attribute's titular phrase, and so, when AI controlled and booking a company, will book controversial finishes and hire workers involved in scandals, in the hopes of drawing more attention to the company. Immunity: This worker has a much lower chance than normal of getting diseases. Contagious: This worker has a much higher chance than normal of spreading diseases to their opponents. Punch Puller: This worker gets lower match ratings, but is much less likely to injure themselves or their opponent(s) when working a match. Works Stiff: This worker gets higher match ratings, but is much more likely to injure themselves or their opponent(s) when working a match. FOR THE LOVE OF MANKIND!: This worker is so accustomed to taking crazy bumps that, as well as never turning them down, they are also much less likely to get injured from taking one. Benjamin Button Syndrome: Like a fine wine, this worker actually gets better with age! They will never experience time decline, and will put off retirement from in-ring competition for 10-20 years longer than expected. Future Occasional Wrestler: This worker will choose to become available as an Occasional Wrestler upon retirement (They may take other roles, too. They will be guaranteed to take their other "Future _" roles after retiring from being an occasional wrestler.) Pushover: This worker will always agree to put people over, if asked, has a reduced chance of getting into negative backstage incidents, and will never get into fights backstage. Extremely New-School: This worker is less likely to sign with a company without a women's division, one that has an "old school" style of booking, or one that's booked by anyone over 40 years old. Hardcore Icon: This worker is an icon of hardcore wrestling. They get a bonus to every Hardcore match they compete in. Feminist: This worker has more than the recomended daily servings of "Respect Women Juice". They're a lot more likely to sign with a company that has a large women's division, integrated women's wrestling, or entirely female companies, and a lot less likely to sign with a company that has a small or non-existent women's division. When working as an AI booker, it's easier for them to hire female workers. In addition, if they make a new relationship with a female worker, it's a lot more likely to be a positive one. Mysogynist: This worker believes in outdated wrestling stereotypes about female workers. They're a lot more likely to sign with a company that has a small or non-existent women's division, and a lot less likely to sign with a company that has a large women's division, integrated women's wrestling, or entirely female companies. When working as an AI booker, it's harder for them to hire female workers. In addition, if they make a new relationship with a female worker, it's a lot more likely to be a negative one. Rule Breaker: This worker has no time for rules. They will ignore all of the negative backstage rules. This will give them a huge boost to morale. However, this will also slowly decrease their relationship with the company owner over time, and they're more likely to get into fights with other workers backstage due to their lack of respect for the rules. Anti-Authority: This worker is more likely to develop negative relationships with the owners & bookers of the companies of which they're on the roster. Additionally, If not made a member of it themselves, this worker is very likely to butt heads with a company's inner circle, as nobody tells them what to do.
  22. I mean, I think right now they're only looking for small, easily-patched-in ideas for between the beta release & full public release, but these are all good ideas for big patches later down the line.
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