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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. Mexican hardcore and MHW are criminally underrepresented in the diaries, at least if you take out all the ones inspired by/stylized as Lucha Underground. Glad to see you take a swing, good luck and have fun!
  2. Never really been a big fan of PSW (or DAVE, for that matter), despite loving the original ECW. I dig the formatting of that first post though, consider me intrigued to see what follows.
  3. Justice Prevails 2015 Saturday, Week 3 of July 2015, Tri State, 2.200 fans in attendance The 1% marched out as the show began and grabbed a mic to announce that they will be appealing the result of last month's ladder match. They claimed to have a solid case, backed by video evidence. Fans booed and chanted about them being sore losers, then their opponents came out for the opening match. The 1% vs Bradley Merton & Zero Oddly enough, the random pairing of Merton and Zero showcased an intuitive chemistry as a team, the former's mat work providing the sweet science to the latter's flashy aerial offence. It didn't help them much as they still lost the match after Prince hit the Market Crash on Zero, but it kept them in the fight longer than expected and made for a pretty competitive, entertaining bout to get the show going. Joey Relamano vs Lionel Delorme Still bearing the physical signs of the hits he sustained during last month's ladder match, Delorme took on Relamano and the veteran seemed to have it all figured out as he kept the youngling grounded for a stretch. Delorme had to take risks and up the pace of the bout to stand a chance, but that wasn't a strategy he could keep going for long. A failed dive later and a suplex from Relamano turned the tide, which is about the time Jacob Ruthless marched to the ring, seemingly to give Delorme a pep talk. Both competitors and the ref seemed confused as to the intentions of Rutheless, but Relamano was the first to refocus and he used the opportunity to pull off the Chi-Town Crossover on his opponent for the pin. After the match, Delorme seemed frustrated, Ruthless tried to explain he was only there to support him but the Frenchman insisted his true intention was to steal his spotlight. The announce team wondered if there's already tension in Absoluetly Stunning, yet it never came to a boiling point as eventually the two men would leave the ring without further bickering. Destruction vs Dirk Ivers Destruction's momentum seems to be coming to a slow, grinding halt as his matches have been turning from one sided squashes into more and more competitive contests. Dirk Ivers was the latest one to give the big man trouble and although he couldn't beat the monster, neither was Destruction able to complete the job as the 15 minute time limit expired with no clear winner between them. With the match over, Johnny Chase made his way to the ring and approached a frustrated Destruction, his hands in the air signalling he wasn't here for trouble. Instead of addressing him on the mic though, Chase leaned in and said something in the big man's ear. Destruction seemed puzzled but there was no definite resolution here, since Chase could be heard saying "think about it" before leaving the ring. ESW Tag Team titles match w/ TW3 vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) Despite their undeniable charisma and momentum, Team USA still have their detractors for being too gimmicky, so fan support was 50-50 here with many in favour of ESW's resident gangsta pair. Quick tags allowed the faces to gain an early advantage, then Deep Freeze hit the brakes thanks to his power when he clotheslined Mr. America over the rope to the outside. This initiated a ringside brawl which is where TW3 are most comfortable, working the challengers over before the action was returned to the ring. Independence Day managed to reverse a chokeslam into a pinning rana for a two count and Mr. America got the hot tag for a comeback, which Dante shot down thanks to a sneaky eye poke. It seemed as though the heels were about to wrap things up, but then Independence Day caught Dante this time in a small package and was able to hold him down for three while Mr. America rushed in to fend off Deep Freeze. New champions! Team USA had no time to enjoy their victory, as Heritage rushed down to the ring and attacked them. Cornbread Grits got on the mic to remind everyone that he and Chief Strongwolf Jr. have had these guys' number since day one: they attacked them after their debut, they beat them in their first and only match so far against each other and it took a four way tag match for Team USA to get this shot, without them ever pinning or submitting Heritage. Grits said this would be the case when they meet again soon, with Heritage once more getting the best of the masked duo, this time with the tag team titles on the line. w/ Jayson Disaster vs Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) Harrison came in with all the shine of a man who'd just won a cage match against his nemesis last month, so of course this did not sit well with Jayson Disaster who once again took out his frustrations on an opponent. Judging from his words between moves, Disaster was jealous even of the mere fact that a cage had been set up for Harrison's match, when no such investment had ever been made for a match of his own. Despite the two men not being involved in a storyline, this hatred and intensity on Disaster's part added some much needed heat to the solid in-ring action to make for a main events that really drew fans in. What's interesting though is the finish, where Disaster fell to the mat near the edge of the ring and he grabbed Murrin's clutch bag out of her hands. Murrin got on the apron to protest, which momentarily drew the referee's attention, allowing for a shot between Harrison's eyes with the bag and a quick cover from Disaster, who stole the win. After the match, Levi Tundra came out but Disaster cut him off when he quickly got on the mic to say he doesn't need another preachy speech from goody two shoes clean cut Tundra about his ways. Tundra smiled and said it was these very ways that gave Disaster the win in the match between them last month but, he continued, he's not here to complain. When they first met this year on January, it was Tundra who got the win, so he knows he absolutely can beat Disaster. He wouldn't bother with him any more, he'd go straight for a shot at the title, but given Disaster's complaining and the score between them being one victory each, he wanted to take out two birds with one stone: beat Disaster for good and skip his inevitable complaining if Tundra had gone directly for gold, by defeating him next month in a match to determine the #1 contender for Vince Borden's title. Before Disaster could agree, Vince Borden's music hit and the ESW Heavyweight champion came out to ensure them that he would beat whoever's placed in front of him, hell, he was even willing to take them on both at the same time! The show ended with the fans cheering over that suggestion, yet leaving doubt as to whether they should expect that triple threat match next month or if it's going to be Disaster versus Tundra with the winner going one on one against Borden. Overall
  4. I know Remmy Skye is often seen as the CVerse equivalent of Jeff Hardy, but this story is giving me Vampiro in AAA vibes. Excited to see what comes next.
  5. Fight For Freedom Thursday, Week 4, November 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 539 fans in attendance (3.845 viewers on All Japan TV) Warrior Queen's first ever televised event began in what, for regular joshi promotions, would have been a pretty standard fashion, a musical performance. Of course, Forsberg singing terribly was a hint that something was off, perhaps foreshadowing the next of the show wouldn't be like others, but it was clear that singing for a live crowd and putting on that show for TV are very different things and adapting to this shift caused some obvious issues. Rating: 12 Akari Kawashima & WARRIOR Koiso vs Lady San Juan & Pinky Perez Koiso reformed her second generation tag team with Kawashima for the opening match and although they haven't been tagging for long, the chemistry and flow between them was undeniable. Across the ring stood the masked luchadora team of Lady San Juan and the WQ Queen's Heart champion, a pairing that has no experience together but very similar styles and speaking the same language, a minor detail that really helped communication. Other than that, this was a fairly standard young lioness match, with Kawashima and Koiso putting on a show and fighitng as hard as they can before the inevitable fall, Kawashima taking the San Juan Slam for the loss as Lady San Juan continued her winning ways. Rating: 47 Individual performances: Koiso 37, Kawashima 39, Perez 57, LSJ 36 Three Way Deathmatch Onryo vs Piper Hale vs Róisín Gross For anyone wondering why WQ was broadcast on the Graveyard slot of a questionable channel such as All Japan TV, the answer came quickly in the form of this match. The gimmickry of Onryo's entrance quickly gave way to violence, weapons and blood, a shocking display by Western hardcore wrestling standards but pretty standard stuff in terms of a Japanese deathmatch. Gross had her moments to be an absolute destroyer of a powerhouse, Gross launched herself off anything she could find and Onryo played the part of unstoppable force, constantly coming back from everything that was thrown at her until she nailed Piper with the Final Judgement to end the match. Rating: 42 Individual performances: Onryo 40, Gross 42, Hale 40 Kitsune Danger was out next and she invited the Queen of the Deathmatch champion, Naoko Majima to join her in the ring. Once the two women were between the ropes, Danger gave a short recap of the WEXXV invasion which led to the formation of The Bloody Hand, for viewers on TV who haven't been following the WQ2020 canon. She then spoke of how something needed to be done for the WQ originals to fight back, not individually but as a group, and offered her hand to Majima (last month's segment with MACHINE Takami was never brought up, by the way). The champion seemed to hesitate, and in this pause, Fujiko Mushashibo came out, still in crutches with her leg in a cast. Mushashibo also let viewers know she was the previous holder of the belt and had to vacate due to injury, but despite her impending clash with Majima, she recognized the truth in Danger's words and threw her hat in the ring to defend WQ2020. With that, Majima was apparently swayed and the three women joined hands, apparently joining forces too in order to create the faction that will rival The Bloody Hand. Rating: 40 Tag Team Deathmatch The Forlorn Hope vs Kitsune Danger & Naoko Majima Immediately putting their new alliance to the test, Danger and Majima faced off against Kajiwara and Makioka in the following match. The Forlorn Hope have already been struggling for a while due to Kajiwara's knee being a frequent target of attacks and this was no different. Majima was able to trap it in a folding chair and viciously stomp it, while Kitsune Danger pulled off some vicious Dragonscrew Legwhips that looked like she was trying to pop a joint. With Kajiwara reeling, Makioka yet again had to pull double duty. The numbers don't lie though, and a 2 on 1 disadvantage was too much for him to overcome, leading to the match finish and the Coiling Strike on Kajiwara as Majima picked up the win. Rating: 50 Individual performances: Majima 44, Danger 58, Kajiwara 28, Makioka 52 The Bloody Hand hit the ring in full force once the match was over, leading to a quick retreat for the winners. With Kajiwara still struggling to put weight on both his feet, Dr. Yumaniac got on the mic and cut a promo about the group needing to get rid of the dead weight. Last month they lost all of their matches and this kind of situation cannot continue. It all seemed as though Kajiwara was about to get violently kicked out of the group... ...but then she slapped Kimi Kawano! The Bloody Hand descended on Kawano, beating him down to a pulp and as he lay there reeling... Dr. Yumaniac and Edo Phoenix IV kissed! (well, as much as that is technically possible when you're wearing a mask that hasn't even got a slit where your mouth is) A shocking moment for sure, and one that would set the internet wrestling community ablaze given the recent rumors about Dr. Yumaniac's love life. How much of this was staged? Was it a worked shoot? Is the locker room now a mess? Aye, that should get them talking, create a bit of buzz. Rating: 38 Emiko Miyoshi vs Nami Genda Emiko Miyoshi made her debut here as she and Genda apparently tried to one up each other in terms of impressive high flying maneuvers. It worked to excite the crowd and it didn't hurt that the fans were already hot from the angle that preceded this match. Miyoshi got to showcase what she can do and Genda held the match together, selling the offence like a champ as well as hitting a few big moves of her own. As should be expected, Miyoshi started off strong with a win when she cradled her opponent for the pin and it seems WQ2020 have a potential star in their hands as the few young females in the audience really seemed to connect with Miyoshi and enjoy her being the winner. Rating: 41 Individual performances: Miyoshi 26, Genda 40 WQ 2020 Blood Sisters tag titles match Cannibal Crew © vs Unstoppable Monsters No strangers to each other, the two teams met again in a title match after their bout four months ago, though strictly in terms of match quality they weren't able to top that performance. Still, the challengers looked more dangerous than ever, now having beaten not only the McWade Brothers but also taken out The Assassins and more or less dominating Warrior Queen's tag team division. This was, of course, a deathmatch and Etelka even took a powerbomb onto a board of scissors, the very same move she gave to another woman in the past that made her famous when the video became viral online. That's not to say the powerhouse duo of Ishimura and Tai completely dominated the match, but they controlled most of it and oddly enough, Ishimura was the one to get the biggest pops from the audience over her teammate. Tai sealed the deal though with a Tai Bomber, driving Maneater through a flaming table before she hit another Tai Bomber on Etelka, stacking her on top to score the pin and win the belts for her team. The show ended with the two new champions standing tall and celebrating their win as the feed faded to black. Rating: 34 Individual performances: Maneater 39, Etelka 44, Tai 37, Ishimura 25 Show rating: 40
  6. Bad to the Core 2015 Saturday, Week 3 of June 2015, Pennsylvania Park, Tri State, 2.000 fans in attendance (SOLD OUT) The show began with an entrance and promo by Vince Borden. The ESW Heavyweight champion revealed that the semi main event would see Johnny Chase and Lee Harrison go at it inside a steel cage. Since the structure would be set up for that, he said, there's no reason to tear it down again after the match: he would also be defending his title against Cameron Rich inside the cage! Destruction vs Bradey Merton The opening match saw Destruction pick up another win to extend his undefeated streak, but yet again he had to work for it instead of having an easy night. Merton absorbed plenty of offence, showed off his technical prowess in the moments he used submission wrestling to counter his much larger opponent and stayed in the fight for almost ten minutes, before he was taken out with a Total Destruction. Out next were the ESW Tag Team champions. With Deep Freeze cracking his knuckles in the background, Lil' Dante cut a promo for the upcoming four way tag team ladder match that would crown the next contender for the titles. According to Dante, whoever came out of that match victorious better watch their back and hold no hope, because the titles weren't going anywhere but around the waists of him and his teammate. #1 Contender Ladder Tag Team match w/ Absolutely Stunning vs Heritage vs The 1% vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) A showcase of ESW's newly bolstered tag team division, this match had a little bit of everything and with so many people around to cut off anyone climbing the ladder, there was a lot of action that extended the duration of the bout. Excluding a dive off the ladder by Independence Day, there were no insane high flying spots off of it but there was a fair share of using it as a weapon, especially by the massive Chief Strongwolf Jr. who at one point spun it around to take out every member of the competition. Team USA were the absolute fan favourites in this as they were the only babyface team up against three pairings of heels and they triumphantly overcame the odds when Independence Day found himself alone on top of the ladder, considered another dive but instead (and thanks to a bit of reasoning from Colt Magnum on the outside) completed his ascent to grab the briefcase with the contract guaranteeing his team a shot at tag team gold. After the match, Team USA celebrated their victory and got on the mic to warn TW3 that their time on top is coming to an end. Jayson Disaster vs Levi Tundra Disaster got to do some more character work here, taking out his frustrations on ESW's poster boy Tundra, who he yelled at frequently, saying he's been overlooked while Tundra has been receiving favourable treatment. Despite the violent onslaught, Tundra was able to recompose himself and push back, but Disaster got the last laugh thanks to a bit of extra leverage from the ropes as he scored the dirty pinfall win. Dirk Ivers came out after the match and spoke about blazing his own path. Ivers said he understands fans were frustrated with the way he treated Levi Tundra, but after all this time under Keenan, Ivers has smartened up. Jayson Disaster, he said, has been trying to get into his head backstage by telling him they have both been overlooked and should rally against "the man". Levi Tundra wants to portray himself as Ivers' saviour and protector. No matter what anyone says, Ivers has made up his mind and will no longer trust anyone but himself, he will no longer hide behind anyone. Steel Cage Grudge match w/ Johnny Chase vs Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) A much anticipated contest here and an early candidate to steal the show, thanks to both the storied rivalry between the two men and their undeniable chemistry when facing each other. There were no flashy aerial moves or crisp technical wrestling on display, just a down and dirty brawl that was made all the more intense by the presence of the cage that contained it. Chase used every dirty trick he could get away with, including the use of the cage as a weapon, driving Harrison onto it and grinding his busted face on the wires to maximize the damage. Harrison fought back with all the fire he could muster and between his white outfit and his blonde hair, the visual of him bleeding in such a match drew a lot of parallels to legendary brawls of the past in southern territories. After about fifteen action packed minutes of fighting, Harrison hit the third Integrity Tamer of the match (first one Chase kicked out of, second one he was too spent to make the cover in time) and collapsed on top of his nemesis to get the three count victory. Cage match for the ESW Heavyweight title Vince Borden vs Cameron Rich Just as advertised, the cage was kept in place and the main event also took place within its confines. There was an interesting story told here, with Rich now smartened up to his opponent in their rematch but his mat grappling style not quite being the best fit for a cage match. This conflict made his life hard, while also complicating things for Borden, who was faced with a lot of reversals but also had a chance to unleash even more violence thanks to the match stipulation. That said, there was a surprising frequency in the shift of momentum, making this a pretty competitive match through and through, but at the end of the day Rich's dreams of regaining the title anytime soon were shattered along with his body when the champion nailed a Borden-lands to retain. Overall
  7. Stay safe there and good luck with the kid and no electricity 😛 I'm pretty low down the queue so you got enough work on your plate, plus the power outages, gonna take some time to ponder my request.
  8. Not sure where I land, since I didn't get to make an official request last time but still managed to inspire you for GNW. In any case, gonna go in the second group and let some people toss their ideas early on. You too are ridiculously talented and in more than one thing, just not the same thing as willr0ck.
  9. I may not comment often on this thread, but the booking, storytelling and presentation are off the charts. 👏👏👏
  10. Warrior Queen 2020 presents: Fight for Freedom Thursday, Week 4 of November 2020 Live on All Japan TV WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles Deathmatch Cannibal Crew © vs Unstoppable Monsters Junior Division debut match Emiko Miyoshi vs Nami Genda Tag Team Deathmatch The Forlorn Hope vs Kitsune Danger & Naoko Majima Three Way Deathmatch Onryo vs Piper Hale vs Róisín Gross Junior Tag Team match Akari Kawashima & WARRIOR Koiso vs Lady San Juan & Pinky Perez Plus: The Bloody Hand convene inside the ring to address their future, and a special performance from Mizucore & Petra Forsberg!
  11. I was beyond myself with joy when I put the phone down. That was some good news I really needed. Ever since our serious dip and the comeback using WEXXV alumni, the girls had been on edge. I had gotten more than a few complaints about men stealing their spot and while not unjustified, those fears were only for those who thought short term. My long term plan was to use the guys' popularity to elevate the women. Having the Bloody Hand lose all their matches at Reach for the Mountain hopefully got that point across, although again that mostly had to do with my long term storytelling plans. Alas, not everything was sunshine and roses. I'd let the Assassins go, after one backstage incident too many by Fuyuko Higa. This was becoming more trouble than it was worth and worst of all, Higa was too dumb to even hold herself back when her team was clearly lined up to be the next tag team champions. Having her bring down the entire locker room to the point where everyone's performances were worse due to morale was something I couldn't stand for and as good as Gemmei Oonishi was, I'd gotten the two of them as a package deal so she had to be realeased as well. Then there was Takami, mad ever since she was told she'd be dropping the title to Perez. I'm not saying she should have taken the blow and smiled, even if she didn't get that she was helping put a great talent over in Perez, but phoning in her performance at Reach for the Mountain was the last straw. I tried my best to not fire her at the spot in front of the live crowd, but there was no more room for her in WQ2020 after such behaviour. Then there was the financial aspect. Our shows were doing good, but with the dojo's expenses, we were still bleeding money every month. Widow and Malady got the axe as they weren't getting over as quick as I'd like. Coupled with their performances and some backstage problems Widow had, they were on top of the list. Once that was over, I had a chat with Kajiwara-san about helping with production in the deathmatch division. He agreed, thus Henry Lee's services were no longer required. We parted on good terms, he helped us get off the ground and at 51 years of age, I imagine he was all too happy to enjoy his retirement and focus on his family. With that in the books, I had a wrestler and road agent, both for a price lower than Henry's fee. Fingers crossed this would eventually pay off. Graveyard slot or not, this deal better pull us up, fast.
  12. Reach for the Mountain 2020 Thursday, Week 3, October 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 688 fans in attendance New WQ Queen of the Deathmatch Naoko Majima opened the show with a victory promo and former champion Fujiko Mushashibo came out. Mushashibo congratulated the new champion, but also reminded her that she won a vacated title and once she'd be cleared to wrestle again, she would be coming to reclaim the belt she never lost. Rating: 36 Deathmatch The Forlorn Hope vs The Hooligan Sisters After a series of losses, this looked like the big opportunity for Makioka and Kajiwara to get back on track against the rookie Hooligan Sisters, but things didn't play out as expected as the twins were well aware of Kajiwara's knee injury and viciously attacked his weak point, with Helena Hooligan managing to score a shocking roll up victory. Young lionesses no more, as the announce team proclaimed, the sisters finally got their first win in WQ2020 and Makioka was furious afterwards. Perhaps a rift showing there between the two long time teammates? Rating: 36 Individual performances: Kajiwara 31, Makioka 54, Helena 37, Hannah 38 Lady San Juan vs Romi Yamato A similar story played itself out in the following bout, a rematch from August as Lady San Juan went up against Romi Yamato. LSJ brought her mix of high flying and technical offence to counter Yamato's stiff kicks and not only she survived, she even won the match clean with a San Juan Slam to also mark down her first ever victory as a member of the WQ2020 roster. Rating: 48 Individual performances: LSJ 36, Yamato 50 Trios Deathmatch The Bloody Hand vs Naoko Majima & Cannibal Crew As the new champion, Majima came into this match with a ton of momentum and the tag team champions on her side, but Bloody Hand operated like a well oiled machine of violence, which led to an intense and competitive match. It wasn't a good night for the invaders though, as yet again the Bloody Hand suffered a defeat when Majima scored the pin over Dr. Yumaniac with her Coiling Strike finisher. Rating: 44 Individual performances: Dr. Yumaniac 49, Kawano 37, Konoe 57, Maneater 44, Etelka 45, Danger 50 Edo Phoenix IV vs MACHINE Takami The challenge answered, Phoenix stepped into the ring against former champion MACHINE Takami in her return match for what should have been a spectacular match. Unfortunately, it became very clear that Takami wasn't even putting the effort in, but instead phoned in her performance and it really dragged the overall outcome down. Still, she got the win via pinfall after a Takami Bomb, but by then the WQ fans were heavily booing her for what they considered an unprofessional appearance that wasn't giving them back their money's worth. Rating: 47 Individual performances: Phoenix 54, Takami 30 Kitsune Danger hit the ring after the match with a mic in hand and said that tonight's 3 out of 3 losses for The Bloody Hand prove they can be beat, provided that the women of the WQ roster work together to stand a chance against them. In what quickly seemed to go into shoot territory, Danger said she wanted to come out here and extend a hand to offer an alliance, but after watching Takami in that match she was having second thoughts, only for a furous Takami to slap the mic out of her hands, flip her off and walk backstage to a chorus of boos. Rating: 33 WQ2020 Queens Heart title match Pinky Perez © vs Rika Tsujimura In the main event, Perez put her newly won title on the line against newly crowned #1 contender Rika Tsujimura and what a match it was, given the apparent chemistry between the two of them. Rika had some great moments kicking Perez mid-move in the air, using her height and reach to her full advantage to keep the champion at bay and close in for hammering knee strikes when able. Perez was quick to adapt and tone down her high risk offence for some more mat based wrestling, complete with a few clever reversals when she dodged her opponent's kicks to grab a leg for a takedown or roll up. Great action for nearly fifteen minutes and a dramatic finish with the Pink Butterfly Bomb as Perez made her first title defence in a stellar bout. Rating: 52 Individual performances: Perez 63, Tsujimura 42 Show rating: 44
  13. Thanks again for your feedback. I do indeed try to not have any "filler" segments, so it's nice that it comes across. Ivers' promo was a moment of inspiration, but I knew I wanted the juxtaposition with Boone and that since his new gimmick is Loner, he wouldn't take the handshake, make any alliances or replace Keenan's shadow with Tundra's. And yeah, the main event was probably predictable but it gives Rich a reason to have a title rematch and keeps Harrison away from the title for a while so he can have the rubber match against Chase. I've done another ESW diary in the past so I know the characters, but it helps that they're so well fleshed out already (plus all the awesome portraits). It really is a great mod and I've almost fine-tuned its conversion to TEW20 while I still hold out hope that @LoNdOn releases a proper updated version 🙄
  14. I can't find the image now, but I also seem to recall someone had made a Kozue Kawashima with a high collar robe a la Rainmaker Okada.
  15. Family Business 2015 Saturday, Week 3 of May 2015, Pennsylvania Park, Tri State, 2.000 fans in attendance (SOLD OUT) Lee Harrison came out to get the show started and, as expected, addressed his title match from last month. Harrison said although he's done with Chase, apparently Chase is the kind of insecure guy who can't take a loss and has to keep getting involved in other peoples' business. Still, Harrison knows Chase is vying for attention and another match between the two, but he's not going to do him that favor. Instead, Harrison said he wants another shot at gold, with a guarantee that Chase won't get involved again. Instead of Chase, it was Cameron Rich who came out to join him in the ring. The former ESW Heavyweight champion said he respects Harrison's ambition, but he too is out to reclaim his belt. Thus, the powers that be have booked them together in a tag team match for tonight's main event, against the team of Vince Borden and Johnny Chase. Harrison offered a handshake that Rich took to solidify their partnership, but before he let go, Harrison added that he wants to inject some friendly competition and bring out the best of them both: as a gentlemen's agreement, if they win tonight, whoever scores the pin will be the one to challenge for the title. w/ Jacob Ruthless & Lionel Delorme vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) If anyone wasn't sure about Delorme's heel turn last month, seeing him team up with insufferable pretty boy Jacob Ruthless was proof enough. The amount of ego and posing between the two of them was insufferable, drawing plenty of heat from the fans as well as allowing Mr. America a fun little spot when he challenged the two of them to a posedown mid-match. What's interesting though was the finish, as Jacob Ruthless attempted to remove the mask of Independence Day. Delorme rushed to cut off Mr. America who tried to make the save and Ruthless pinned his disoriented opponent to win the match. After the match, Ruthless got on the mic and told the fans to get used to this, seeing the two of them together and seeing them win. He and Lionel Delorme are the two best looking guys on the ESW roster, he claimed, and their team is... Absolutely Stunning! Logan Prince made his entrance next, but he called for production to cut his music. Instead, he used his moment to hype up Creighton Fall, who would be wrestling in a match next. w/ Bradley Merton vs Creighton Fall (with Logan Prince) This had "outside interference" written all over it, but somehow Prince limited himself to cheering his guy up and antagonizing the fans, which was exactly what was needed as it turned out that Merton and Fall have exceptional chemistry together so Prince didn't draw any attention away from the excellent action. A solid, competitive match that highlighted both competitors, it still ended with interference from Prince that allowed Fall to hit the Injunction for the pin, but holding back throughout the match made that finale sting even more. Destruction vs Kenneth Fairmount Fairmount's had a decent year thus far, so going one on one against Destruction didn't exactly favour his odds to continue down that road. Still, he wrestled surprisingly well, outshining his opponent and even giving him a run for his money, as this was the first time ever that Destruction didn't absolutely squash his opponent in an ESW ring. Instead, he had to cope with Fairmount's fast, athletic style and keeping up was no small task for a man his size. He had to work for it, but eventually he was able to hit the Total Destruction and earn the pinfall win. Heritage vs Seventh Street Saints Heritage seemed to have the advantage here, especially thanks to the size and power of Chief Strongwolf Jr, but the Saints are no strangers to fighting from underneath and they've been teaming up for much longer than their opponents, which helped them stay in the match and even push the opposition. Another open ended, competitive match here with momentum swinging frequently between the two teams, until Chief Strongwolf Jr hit a Sacred Ground on Shiozumi to score the fall and win the match. After the match, Heritage called out TW3 and what they said last month about ruling the tag division in ESW. As Cornbread Grits Jr pointed out, Dante and Freeze have run through all of the tag teams that have been around for a while. He and the Chief have just arrived and they've never faced TW3. If Dante and Freeze have the balls to put those titles on the line, Heritage will be glad to take them and show TW3 who really rules the roost in ESW. Jayson Disaster vs Joey Relamano Jayson Disaster is ESW's "what about me?" guy, obviously skilled and over but never really involved in a major storyline or given a title shot, something that apparently drives him mad. It was this anger and frustration he took out on Relamano here, taking frequent breaks to yell at him that he didn't deserve the tag title shot he got last month or that it was "Jayson friggin Disaster" who should be featured more prominently over all those losers. Between these breaks and his emotions getting the better of him, Disaster gave his opponent more than one opportunity to regroup and gain control of the match, until he got carried over the edge and kicked Relamano in the balls, in full view of the referee who disqualified him. Needless to say, Disaster was furious at the decision and he shoved the ref to the mat, before leaving the ring. Dirk Ivers came out to cut a promo next, but not many expected what he had to say. Ivers said he's been struggling since Harvey Keenan quit ESW, but in this time he's learned a lot about himself and the most important lesson has been how to stand on his own two feet, free from anyone's shadow. He said he wasn't pleased at how Lionel Delorme beat him last month, but he understands doing what's necessary; what he couldn't bear to watch was seeing him this month immediately attach himself to Jacob Ruthless, much like Ivers would attach himself to Keenan in the past. Levi Tundra's music hit and he joined Ivers in the ring, praising him for the steps he's taken to become a better person, as opposed to, say, Chris Boone, who is clearly beyond redemption. Tundra said he respects that and he offered a handshake, but Ivers refused it saying he appreciates it, but doesn't need any recognition from him, or anyone. From now on, Ivers is his own man. w/ Vince Borden & Johnny Chase vs Cameron Rich & Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) Unlikely teams in the main event, given how all four men are singles competitors with no known alliances, but the intertwining storylines between them made for a compelling match. Chase let Borden do the heavy lifting for the heel team, picking his spots like the opportunist he is. This in theory should have aided the babyfaces, but the unofficial competition between them about scoring the pin to get a title shot caused a bit of a rift. Thus, both teams had to struggle to get on the same page and it made for a captivating match, on top of the actual in-ring action. The big finish saw Chase argue with Janet Murrin on the apron, only for Harrison to rush in for the save. In all the slapping and shoving that followed, Chase actually dumped Harrison off the top rope and onto Murrin, dropping both to the outside but not before Rich blind tagged himself in to catch a distracted Chase with a roll up for the three count. Overall
  16. Much prefer the second logo, as the graffiti font is a hint to the origins of GSW. The first one is a bit too much with the Uncle Sam hat, feels a bit like USPW. The stars and stripes in the background are enough for a National sized promotion in the US. If you're up for more work on GNW, you could perhaps remove the hat from the first logo and use the graffiti font on the Parental Advisory sticker, kind of a hybrid solution. Might look terrible, but thought I'd share the idea (yeah, I've gone power mad 😛 )
  17. Use the Remove Formatting button, especially when you copy-paste text or images. That way it reverts the selected text into the default colour for each skin. I guess the most efficient way to do this and avoid multiple clicks is finish writing a post, selecting it all to remove formatting and then doing any formatting you want (bold, text alignment etc)
  18. Very true. My eyes hurt 😂 Welcome back!
  19. Savage Slam Thursday, Week 2, September 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 657 fans in attendance Edo Phoenix IV vs WARRIOR Koiso Earlier this month, the name, logo and members of the Bloody Hand were revealed on social media; Edo Phoenix IV apparently was the one Taheiji Konoe chose to bring in after winning that Stairway to Hell match and from the looks of it, this impressive high flyer will be the group's representative in the junior division. This match here did everything it was supposed to, introducing Phoenix to the fans and showcasing his flashy aerial offence against the persevering Koiso who gave it her best shot but ultimately fell to a Blaze of Glory '12. Rating: 55 Individual performances: Phoenix 59, Koiso 39 After the match, MACHINE Takami made her first appearance since losing the Queen's Heart title and challenged Phoenix to leave that young lioness Koiso alone. If he wants to fight, he better pick on someone his size and Takami will be happy to face him. Rating: 33 The Assassins vs Unstoppable Monsters Given the Assassins' recent string of successes and how they've been constantly asking for a shot at the tag team titles, most fans probably expected this to be their last big match before facing the champions. After them berating the Unstoppable Monsters and the opportunities they've been getting, the Assassins faced their would-be nemesis and had a chance to shut them down, becoming the undeniable #1 contenders. Instead, it was Ishimura and Tai who completely decimated their opponents for almost ten minutes, before a Running Butt Avalanche flattened Assassin #1 for the pin. Though the match itself wasn't great, the controversy surrounding it has lit the internet wrestling community on fire, with some saying it's all been a work all along to establish the Monsters as the dominant force, others claiming plans changed or a last minute audible was called, while others proclaim that The Assassins are being punished for repeated backstage offences. Rating: 48 Individual performances: Assassin #1 53, Assassin #2 57, Tai 51, Ishimura 40 #1 Contender Four Way match Winner faces Pinky Perez for the Warrior Heart title Nami Genda vs Petra Forsberg vs Romi Yamato vs Rika Tsujimura A showcase of WQ2020's high flying, athletic junior division with four competitors that can really turn up the heat and deliver impressive moves to pop the crowd. Though not quite convincing as a probable title challenger, Forsberg showed she can hang in with her much more experienced counterparts, all of which had several chances to score the pin but were averted, as is often the case in these multi person matches. Rika Tsujimura was the one to eventually strike home and get the win, when she knocked Genda off the top rope onto Yamato on the outside, before hitting Forsberg with a Running Knee Bomb. Rating: 46 Individual performances: Genda 45, Forsberg 34, Tsujimura 42, Yamato 47 After the match, Rika Tsujimura got on the mic to warn Perez that her title reign will be over soon, only for the champion to come out and hold the belt up high in defiant response. Rating: 28 The Bloody Hand (Konoe, Kajiwara & Makioka) vs Kitsune Danger & Cannibal Crew First match for The Bloody Hand since consolidating into a proper group, with Kitsune Danger and the tag team champions as their opponents. It should come as no surprise that this turned out to be a deathmatch, though once again it was tame (by WQ2020 standards) as nobody took any major, jaw dropping bumps from bell to bell. Once more, Kajiwara's damaged knee became the target for his opponents and once again, he ended up getting pinned, courtesy of a Hungarian Death Drop by Etelka the Hun. Rating: 47 Individual performances: Kajiwara 32, Makioka 54, Konoe 50, Danger 62, Maneater 45, Etelka 42 Tables match for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title Dr. Yumaniac vs Naoko Majima After a questionable loss to Kawano last month, Majima faced Dr. Yumaniac with the vacant Queen of the Deathmatch title on the line and contested in a Tables match. Kawano escorted his girlfriend during her entrance, but kissed her and returned backstage. The commentary team wondered if this was a case of Dr. Yumaniac taking this personally and wanting a clean win without footnotes, or whether Kawano had been actually banned from ringside for this main event. Whatever the case was, the two women really brought the fight to each other, turning the deathmatch violence up a notch from the previous match. Naoko Majima put it all on the line and even hit a diving headbutt off the top rope onto her opponent who had been laid out on a barb wire board outside the ring, a spot where maybe some of the barb wire or one of the table's splinters nearly poked her eye out of its socket as for the rest of the match, her right eye sported a frighteningly deep cut that quickly swelled into a disturbing shade of purple. Uncomfortable as it may have looked, this injury made Majima look even more hellbent as she fought on, at one point swinging a chair for some nasty unprotected shots to Dr. Yumaniac's head. A wild fifteen or so minutes with both women showing incredible resilience and tenacity, until Majima was finally rewarded for her stubborn fighting spirit when she speared her opponent through a table set up on a corner, ironically enough a spot reminiscent of Konoe's Animalistic Gore. Thus, Naoko Majima ended her night as the new WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch Rating: 41 Individual performances: Yumaniac 53, Majima 54 Show rating: 43
  20. In the interest of fairness, that diary shouldn't be eligible. It ended last Spring when I lost the save file. I had the final tour and show on my notepad, so when the forums migrated, I ran into the thread again and realized I had promised to post these final shows but never did, so I posted them. Yes they're shows posted recently, but technically it's old stuff I owed.
  21. Thank you and welcome. I try to follow the game's pacing, pop and skill gains are super slow, so with an indy fed with one monthly show and no broadcast deal, it's not like you can strap a rocket onto someone for a few months and turn them into a star, so I have to take the long way around. Plus, it probably makes for a better read if I space out events and play out a story in more episodes. As for the Injunction, it's Creighton Fall's default finisher name in the mod, you have @LoNdOn to thank for that, though I do understand he's taken a lot of player input and ideas from other forum users during the making of the mod, so Creighton Fall may have been a character suggested by someone else.
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