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Everything posted by bradrach

  1. I'm excited to see what you see do with this. The early 90s were the prime of my wrestling watching years. I'd say keep any major signings a secret, but no harm in alluding that something big is coming.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. Im a real amateur when it comes to graphics but I work in web development so I just used inspect element with chrome to edit the site in-browser and then swapped out the headline image with one of Vince McMahon. I'm glad to hear that you're interested in seeing how things play out. Prepping the first show for the forum is taking so much more effort than I thought it would.
  3. Reserved Well, after playing the TEW series since its inception, I'm finally going ahead and starting a Dynasty. I decided that the passing of Vince would lend itself not only for a good setup but also would make a great in-game storyline, but I felt a little morbid writing it. To be clear I fully expect Vince to outlive us all. The Dynasty is setup using an edited version of Landexx's mod, thus the August start time. I've made some edits to wrestler's absences, injuries, etc (such as Becky Lynch having her baby in record time, because I wasn't going to do a dynasty without my favourite wrestler! I'll be using this section for background, announcements, etc that aren't "in-game". I'll be wanting to set up some sort of voting system on show quality to get an idea of what the "viewing audience" thinks of the shows and adjust my booking to bow to fan opinion, but I'll need to give that some more thought. I'll be posting the first episode of RAW shortly, and the schedule & roster sections will be added afterwards. Enjoy!
  4. Is there a way to see angle commentary after the show has been completed? I'm wanting to look back at past shows and see what was written out but I can't seem to find out how.
  5. Bam Bam Bigelow VS. Big Bossman This match? Yes PLEASE! Yokozuna VS. Jim Duggan El Matador VS. Mr. Perfect Main Event Winner Faces Bret Hart at The Royal Rumble for the WWF Championship Lex Luger VS. Bob Backlund Luger has to end up being in the rumble, right?
  6. But there are very obvious legal issues with this. If GDS were to fund the creation of real world mods, they would need to arrange for licensing agreements with every company, wrestler, broadcaster, etc that ends up in the game.
  7. Sorry to hear that its been rough but I'm appreciative of all the work you put into this I'm looking forward to reading when things get rolling!
  8. Can we be sure Fleisch hasn't spent countless years of their life creating mods as a long-con to unleash a virus on a small internet community of wrestling fans?
  9. We'll, I'm late to have on catching up with this Dynasty. But I blasted through and I hope to see a return to this
  10. Is there a way to book a mixed tag match? Not an intergender tag match per say but a more traditional WWE mixed tag match
  11. Is the Supreme Challenge intended to be a tournament of sorts? I've not played much with SWF before this save but Valiant's profile mentions winning the heavyweight championship in the semi-finals
  12. I created a topic for this, not realizing that this would fit better in the small questions thread. I ran into a situation when playing the Default database as SWF and I'm not sure what is the proper way to handle it: I got an email that one of the RIPW roster was having a contract renewal coming up. I went through and negotiated with him to ensure he got a renewal, but once it was finalized he had been moved to the SWF roster (and vacated the tag title he co-held for RIPW). Should I ignore these emails and the child company will renew the contract? I'm not sure if I handled this correctly.
  13. I ran into a situation when playing the Default database as SWF and I'm not sure if this was the right way to handle it: I got an email that one of the RIPW roster was having a contract renewal coming up. I went through and negotiated with him to ensure he got a renewal, but once it was finalized he had been moved to the SWF roster (and vacated the tag title he co-held for RIPW). Should I ignore these emails and the child company will renew the contract? I'm not sure if I handled this correctly.
  14. Why would having french names but being from Ontario be a problem? Ontario has a large French Canadian population?
  15. Lazy Joe may not have world champion written all over him, but it never stops me from trying.
  16. Joey Poison being forced to retire gutted me. He is consistently one of my main event pushes. I'm hoping in TEW 2024 he gets cleared by other Doctors and competes again in a career renaissance.
  17. <p><img alt="K4appmn.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/K4appmn.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Playing a Real World MOD as Shane McMahon and as the owner. At my first show, this showed up. I was so tempted to fire him...</p>
  18. <p>I apologize if this is a question that has been answered in the 83 page thread, but is there an easy way to pull all of these amazing renders into the picture photo without having to copy them one by one?</p><p> </p><p> Obviously the dropbox folder is terrific, but unless I'm mistaken, you'd still need to copy from the individual contributors folders?</p>
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