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Everything posted by chm39

  1. My apologies it isn't important actually. there are no penalties only bonuses. High SQ usually mean bigger stars if I'm not mistaken. For my big stars I hope to have someone with at least 90.
  2. I think its very important especially for Sports Entertainment. Unless its Chucky Dorrance, love that guy.
  3. Well , Craig Allen AKA Papa Swoll is in that Glenn Jacobs phase of his career. Not many gimmicks have worked for him. I'm going to push him during my spring Quarter to see if his current gimmick improves.
  4. Just Curious, Does anyone use Pro Mode? If so I'd like to hear your reason.
  5. What if the client doesn't have anything special looks wise but they are great in the ring? How would you go about doing that?
  6. Speaking of managers. How would you use them in angles? I've noticed that when I don't put them on screen I get a note saying that they helped my poor microphone worker on promo. Would it get better rating to put the manager in on ENT and the client not rated.
  7. Okay I like that it seems like something that'll liven my B-Show up a bit too.
  8. Can anyone help me freshen up my roster more? I have about 68 workers and some in Developmental. I just had the Idea of hiring workers on a ppa contract as Jobber but hell I already have too many people. I have a couple of Owner Goals to limit myself but its not enough. I don't really hire people now but, I have a lot of prospects that I can't find the time or story for because the many stars above them that I'm attached to.
  9. Why aren't people in my game dying? Getting tons of new Workers but, there have only been 9 deaths in my 3 year save. I have Death Frequency set to high but no change has happened. I need Thanos.
  10. Does the Business Skill affect how much the AI Controlled Companies Spend? Since money isn't really a thing a problem for my company I've been donating to a few Companies in debt. I'm not saving PGHW they're 5 million in the hole. I don't understand how these companies are in debt especially the new ones. We need more companies especially since no one is dying.
  11. In my TEW 2020 save I have two stars in the 90s popularity overall in my country. So far everyone I try to push stop around late 70s early 80s. One did stop at 83 then later went up to 85. I have two young guys that have some pop in the 90s (not overall) but, they do have enough skill for me in some areas. How would you guys handle it push them anyway or just keep them in that upper midcard and let people who getting anymore pop beat them?
  12. I'd like to stay loyal to my original Announcers but their skills aren't improving. Is this a bug or is this intentional?
  13. How did you go about keeping Aaron Knight out of the Title Picture? I kept him out as well since A bigger Heel had Title and I don't want to turn him just to lose. He has had a stable for almost 2 years in my save so I've had him helping them for months until they messed with Killer Karson.
  14. Me too. 😊 She is the #2 Wrestler in my company behind Remo Richardson for now.
  15. Not necessarily, I thought not having matches reach the 15 minute mark still get a good score. Also, the person with the Explosive ring style can be in matches longer than that if they have the stamina, the attribute doesn't hurt that much.
  16. Aaron Knight Dapper Danny Draper Chucky Dorrance Diablo Duvak Nadia Snow Claire Winters Fuyuko Higa Zoe Ammis
  17. Quashes. The Time Penalty doesn't make that big a Deal if you don't expect it to be in the 90s. I'm pushing one now and as long as she keeps getting high (around the Pop of my Company) its good.
  18. Alt Cornellverse Empire Wrestling (formerly CGC) World Champ: Aaron Knight World Knockouts Champ: Fuyuko Higa North American Champ: Zues Maximillion International Champ: Zoe Ammis Tag Champs: Ring Generals
  19. Hey, The Game says he's a million dollars then I guess he is.
  20. I've really gotten into C-Verse with the 2020 edition. I got really immersed in the Canada and USA. After that Save got corrupted I started Playing Alternative 2018 C-verse. Its not official but it has the same history up until 2016. With this Mod I've been getting a little More into the Mexican scene(Since CGC isn't as loaded as CWA was). The Beauty of fantasy Mods for me is that I don't feel tied down and I feel more creatively free.
  21. Alt C-Verse 2018 Empire Wrestling (Formerly CGC) May 2019 World Hevyweight Champion: Aaron Knight (x1) World Knockout's Champion: Fuyuko Higa (x1) International Champion: Zoe Ammis (x1) North American Champion: Vacant World Tag Team Champions: Skip Beau and Princeton Pryce
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