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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. 7 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

    No the C-Verse definitely has less. I would say at some point early before all the various territories got up there might have been less than the C-Verse has.  

    Really. I missed the part where the Canada and the U.K. have wrestling companies big enough to be on national television, to say nothing of the fact that the C-Verse U.S. has THREE. Even at wrestling's most popular, the real world could barely support two at that level.

  2. 5 hours ago, Yuzu Adagio said:

    that's a game engine thing more than a mod-specific thing, isn't it?

    That's never happened in any other 2020 game I've ever played, mod or no mod.

    3 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    Most players seem to want the C-Verse to remain relatively the same throughout the release editions. As a result, there's not really demand for the CVerse to grow enough to seriously expand Women's wrestling. For example, for USPW or CWA to double their women's division and add a women's TV show.


    First, both USPW and CWA seriously expanded their divisions in the leap from 2016 to 2020. Second, I don't think "more quality female workers" is going to get QUITE the level of pushback that some other changes would.

    Lastly, for those who say, "Oh, but in the REAL world", the C-Verse is explicitly NOT the real world. The real world does not have the amount of companies that the C-Verse has had at any point in history. There is no "National Lucha Day" (I know, I checked, I became disheartened), etc.

    • Like 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, Blessed said:

    Yep, Women's wrestling in the cverse continues to feel like an afterthought. Very disappointing and further alienates me as someone who has tried several times to get into it. 

    I was looking through the pictures, and there's ONE female worker with an alt pic. They don't even have JMB's "Hell Cat" persona anymore!

    I got into TEW with 2016, and it was a lot of fun setting up Zoe Ammis in her Agent 69 gimmick, or using the goth pics for Lilly & Rose, or the masked alt pic for Alicia Strong.

  4. 5SSW is great because, unlike QAW, you have a ton of older workers offering to put over talent or taking on proteges.

    However, you're going to have to carefully monitor Creative Energy. Tour shows don't generate it, so unless you have a large booking team (and there are a few good candidates on the roster, like Paige or Yamato), you're not going to get much for every big event. On the other hand, touring companies don't usually use gimmicks or storylines as much, so it's not as necessary.

    I do NOT like how the default database no longer has Big Crush! as having a battle royal as a main event. I mean, I can still book one myself; in fact, I just did where Eri Sato one, and considering I hadn't been pushing her that hard, and it had some big stars in it like Yuma, Megumi, and others, that's very impressive (I don't set winners all that often).

  5. So, nothing too terribly different this year. A few new young lions, most of the tag teams are still together. Was quite surprised that Monster Ishimura is in the middle of a lengthy title reign. Also, it's nice that the Hayatoma (sp?) Dojo is basically the unofficial "official" dojo for 5SSW.

    The biggest issue at the start of a game is making sure you get another referee. With only one, that can make longer shows difficult.

    Your options for TV aren't great at the beginning (Shogun TV on a graveyard shift), but just hang around long enough for WrestleWorld Japan to open.

    The other really cool thing is the return of Touring Contracts. It's really neat to be able to bring in Rose & Lilly or Electric Dreamer or whoever for a month. And this works well if you're playing as another company as well. If you've got some females workers on your roster that you want to see develop a little faster, talk to them about being able to work in Japan if they're not already, and then just wait for 5SSW to bring them on a tour.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Rhysrob said:

    It's probably that the figurehead settings are a tad too harsh and/or, as Remianen pointed out, at QAW's size you don't want to be raided. It's clear that Danielle Sweetheart is the "ace" of QAW lore-wise but a bittersweet truth she's been lucky/the last one standing.

    You may not WANT to be raided, but it's going to happen regardless of what size you are. USPW and CWA will come swooping in like... swooping things, taking several members of your roster in rapid succession. The latter is particularly obnoxious, sometimes signing up to four people in a week, crippling your main event plans.

    And then they go to these big companies and not do anything.

  7. I gave Zen a whirl. Since the rudos outnumber the tecnicos, I did some hirings. Dee Lucketi turned out to be good, as he has great tag chemistry with Celestina Cherish. The rest of the unemployed Australian free agents didn't wow me (though I may come back to some). So, I looked up who around the world was a Noted Comedy Match Worker with the intent to use the Talk To Worker feature. Signed Joanna Silver, because I will always find an excuse to hire her, and, let's see, who else is available and OH MY GOD MEXICO HAS A WRESTLING CHICKEN MAN I AM ABSOLUTELY SIGNING HIM.

    • Haha 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Remianen said:

    You spent multiple paragraphs naming and dismissing potential candidates. I'm not looking for a figurehead.

    Well, I am. And there really aren't any potential figureheads in the Database (at least not ones you can hire), and I think that's a failing of the C-Verse this time around. Especially compared to when you do a worker search for male wrestlers 30 and under with a Star Quality of 80 or more.

  9. 10 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:


    In other news, I just realized that there's no mention of a worker's skin or race on their profile. Smooth move, I appreciate it.

    Is that them being progressive, or is it that them covering their behinds because some of the workers do not look at ALL like how they did in previous iterations (Demelza Wade was the most notable, but there are a few others)?

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Remianen said:

    It just makes it imperative that you find and/or develop a successor as your primary goal in the first few years.

    Here's the thing, though- who? Moreso than arguably any other company, QAW's long term success is dependent on the whims of the AI. Unless you want use the editor.

  11. I use the Showdown as the last spot for individual matches in feuds, and Crowning as the blow-off for stables. For instance, using this year's storylines as an example, the Showdown would be where you have the big one-on-one match for the title between Sweetheart and May, and Crowning would be The Line vs. The Furies.

    I think the bigger issue for QAW is that with Alina and Foxxy moving to greener pastures, QAW is hurting severely for Star Quality, and that's going to be a challenge for long-term games. There aren't many female wrestlers who have Star Quality over 80, and most of them are tied up with other companies or in a few exceptions are getting a bit old. There's Evelyn Jameson, good luck affording her, and Spider Isako. (Technically, there's also Kate No Longer Named Avatar.) And scanning the Yet To Debut workers, all NINE of them, none of them appear to have SQ over 70. So, unless you get REALLY lucky with a random gen, you're never really going to be able to get farther than Medium successfully.

    For short term, hire Joy Ryder. Her stats seem to have improved significantly between 2020 and now, particularly those you'd want in a lucha fed. I'd also grab Maria Guest, as her relationship with Farrah would help improve the backstage area, possibly offsetting Hellcat's shenanigans. Similarly, I'd add Tamara McFly to the shortlist, though it's not like you need another road agent at the start of the game. Velvet Suarez and La Hija Del Diablo also seem like two to keep an eye on.

    • Like 3
  12. So, playing through, here's what I like so far-

    Every company appears to have graphics for all of their events. Furthermore, every company that has  a Western style schedule seems to have a pre-made ready to go TV show in the database. That's really cool.

    Lots of free pictures, especially for the ladies. 2020 was frustrating because not only were there not a lot of female free agents in the C-Verse, you couldn't even use the autofill feature effectively unless you wanted no pictures. (Seriously, 2020 had more pictures of Jack Bruce than Hispanic Female workers). Here, that's not an issue, for the most part, as there's a huge host of pictures. For the most part. The one exception is masked wrestlers. I counted at least a hundred pictures of masked male wrestlers. For female wrestlers? One. Going to be hard to beef up the lucha scene.

    I love getting news feeds about mentor relationships springing up in AI companies. It seemed like that was the kind of thing that never happened in previous iterations of a game, outside of it happening via a dojo.

    I love being able to look up workers by booking skill, and how it's not just limited to wrestlers and road agents. I now actually have a REASON to hire managers outside of "Oh, I have somebody who only speaks ____, I need to hire someone who speaks that to help them ease into the rest of the locker room." I was particularly surprised by how high Mya Catalan's booking score was.

  13. Not crazy with how much (or not) women's wrestling has advanced. A few new wrestlers, a grand total of NINE yet to debut, no new companies, the same companies yet to debut, etc. In fact, one could argue that with the closure of OLLIE, the state of women's wrestling is WORSE, because they were a pretty decent sized company that would hire women wrestlers, and that's one less job opportunity for indy women.

    • Like 10
  14. Even though it basically had the same basic finish as last year, I think this year's Blood & Guts worked much better for a variety of reasons. First, even though the babyfae team felt a bit more random and their rivalry with the Elite not quite as involved in some cases, I think everyone did their best at coming together.

    Second, the finish. Threatening to torture Jack Perry works because, love him or hate him, he's proven to be able to get a reaction the past year or so. Last year, when the Elite threatened to torture Wheeler Yuta, well, who cares?

    The staple gun spot was terrific, as was Darby's coffin drop.

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