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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. Dalton Castle also has a great physique. He looks like a big, strong dude, but in a rugged sort of way, as opposed to the sculpted, possibly on the juice, way.


    And we have an announcement for a major signing showing up at the PPV (these NEVER backfire). Let the speculation commence.

    The only really big name that who's available that would be worth the hype is Mone/ Banks. I did read somewhere last night that Ospreay was a possibility, which I think would be a let down. "Surprise! All that hype was for a guy you've already seen on AEW TV multiple times already!" Ospreay is also not nearly as big a star as some smart marks would have you believe.

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  2. The women's title match last night was a mess. Ruby pulls off the turnbuckle to distract the referee so she can grab the spray paint can to distract the referee while she grabs the title belt, which is a distraction for a rake of the eyes?!? Dick Dastardly didn't cheat as much in an episode of Wacky Races!

    • Haha 1
  3. 14 hours ago, John Lions said:

    The women's division isn't perfect by any means but it's in a MUCH better place than it was when Thunder Rosa was champ... We get 2-3 women's matches a week instead of 1 and a squash match, and the quality of wrestling is way higher.

    The implication, whether intentional or not, is that Rosa somehow dragged the division down during her reign. Which I disagree with. Remember, that was the same time that Jade was TBS champ, and much of the division was sacrificed to boost her up. And what a great long-term booking plan THAT turned out to be!

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  4. QAW December 2023, using the Women's Revolution mods from @willr0ck


    The company is on the cusp of going from Medium to Big, as we just hit our fifth U.S. area that's 77 or higher. I'm keeping it capped for now, as none of my top stars seem capable of getting higher than 85 pop, and that will kill us in the Area Battles unless I change the preferences (which I might do). QAW got the "Company Of The Year So Far" back in June, and Penny Ramone got "Young Wrestler Of The Year So Far).

    USPW got Foxxy LaRue away from me, but she was in time decline, so while that's disappointing, I couldn't justify giving her a big money, multi-year contract. I did manage to steal away Alicia Strong and Sara Marie York, both of whom seem to be full of vigor yet. Sara also immediately took on a protege in Felicia Luck.

    Ramona Diaz is currently my World Champion, who I turned face despite her being better as a heel. She was just too over and had too much Star Quality for me not too. I didn't have anyone else in the main event scene that came close as far as SQ goes, with the possible exception of Chris Amerson (who's 100% heel, if I'm not mistaken).

  5. 6 hours ago, FellaLibby said:

     Would be better if she beats out the mist crap and stays true to being a good person. That is character.

    To be fair, that DOES look like how they're taking the story with Willow, who I think would be even less marketable as a heel than Skye Blue. Unless you kept her music and made her like Firefly Funhouse Bray Wyatt or Harley Quinn. (I don't think I ever noticed before, but her entrance video says, "Nothing Matters, Smile Anyway" which can be either really positive or really creepy depending on how you play it.)

  6. 1 hour ago, guyver3 said:

     With the exception of Omega vs Page every main event has had a former E guy so I think saying Tony is relying on older talent from other companies is spot on. 

    Unless we're counting MJF as an ex-WWE guy, then you're forgetting the 4 pillars fatal 4-way from earlier this year. I'm sure there are other matches too.

    Regardless, I think a lot of this, "Oh, but they're from another company" is just modern internet echo chamber hype. Back in the day, were WCW fans really upset that the "ex-WWE guy" Ricky Steamboat came in and started tearing down the house with Flair? Maybe a few, but I can't imagine many were upset. If a guy can still work and still draw money, what's the problem?

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  7. 5 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    Other than MJF, AEW hasn't pushed home-grown talent to the main event.

    ?!? Darby Allin main evented the last PPV. Adam Page is a former World Champion. Criticisms of the women's division aside, most, if not all, of the women's matches that have main evented TV events have featured the "homegrowns". The Acclaimed are arguably the most over stable in AEW. To even suggest that AEW and Tony Khan are relying on older talents from other companies is specious at best.

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  8. On 9/10/2023 at 2:35 PM, Joshdb said:

    Hey everybody! Just started a CWA save and got hit with the "not enough viewers to grow" after the first show. What broadcast path do you all take with CWA? Thanks. 

    Late to this, my apologies, but to grow in Canada, you're going to need a better broadcaster, and they only way that is happening is to build your pop in the U.S. The two feasible options at the start of the game are make your own broadcaster or make a second show and put it on OnDem.

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