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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. 4 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    AEW updated the roster page and Santana and Ortiz have profiles referencing Proud and Powerful. Seems they could be returning together. Hopefully they mended whatever fences needed mended. It's always sad when friendships end. 

    At the very least, I'd hope they'd patch things up enough for one AEW tag title run. It is a CRIME that Austin and Colten Gunn have been champs, but Santana and Ortiz have not.

    • Like 3
  2. 19 hours ago, aXminster said:

    Let's look at Taya, for example:
    Debuted in March, four wins on Rampage, three being squashes, then lost a TBS title match against Jade.
    One month later, beats Lady Frost, gets another TBS title shot, loses to Jade again.
    Two weeks later, beats Trisha Adora in 3 minutes, another TBS title shot, another loss. This time to Statlander.
    Next week, loses to Shida, then squashes a jobber and gets a World title shot, which she loses.

    Four months in and she lost four title matches. She has a match on Collision tonight against Skye Blue. How is anyone supposed to take her seriously?

    It doesn't help that she's gone from face to heel to face to heel in the span of 3 months. Even Paul Wight didn't have that many turns!

  3. 5 hours ago, Mootinie said:

    Where is the logic in having Willow win the Owen Hart Foundation tournament just to be jobbed out to Athena on the B-show a week later? They will probably have her fight Toni Storm now and we will all be expected to care like she hasn't already been made to look a goof on the developmental promotion. I just don't understand AEW now, nothing they do booking-wise seems to make any sense.

    Imagine if WWE ran King of the Ring, gave the win to LA Knight and then their next move was having him lose to Carmelo Hayes on NXT? Why? Where is the sense in doing this?

    The WWE kind of did that a year or two ago, when Xavier Woods and Zelina Vega won their respective tournaments, then went on to do nothing notable.

    The women's division has been more of a mess this week than usual. Out of 3 hours of television, they got 10 minutes approximately, with no storyline advances.

    The actual match on Rampage was good despite only being 5 minutes. 

  4. 1 hour ago, aXminster said:

    Knox I find funny, because he's so bad that it's crazy. They call him the tag team specialist and he's always completely lost.


    That dance-off had me dying laughing. People think Cole will turn but it's MJF we're talking about here, he's always one step ahead. Curious to see where Sammy and DG go now that JAS is dead and Jericho is joining Don.
    The Britt match made no sense. Just a quick squash with no beatdown, no promo, no follow-up, no direction. But I guess that's just the AEW Women's division. Just gotta get that one match on the show somehow.
    Blood and Guts was good. It was the first time I saw Ibushi wrestling, I was not really impressed tbh. Pac vs Claudio will be a banger, but I'll wait to see if they announce something else that I like or I'll just not buy the PPV and get the results later. BCC has three defeats in a row against The Elite. Time to add one or two people and move on for a while.

    From what I've heard, Ibushi has only wrestled a very, very few number of matches this year, and you can tell. The ring rust is very obvious. That said, the standing moonsault on the bed of nails looked nice, and the exchange with him and Takeshita continuously reversing each other was good (though I winced a bit when he took that piledriver).

    Absolutely agree about the representation of the women's division. A squash match and a throwaway appearance by Statlander while the real focus is on Orange and Darby? Also, her appearance was to announce a match with Shafir; why is she continuously on TV over other people? I mean, yeah, I'd rather her eat pins than Abadon or Riho or any of the other wrestlers in the division that actually have talent and charisma, but STILL. I get last night had a LOT going on, but you could have absolutely cut those two Marvez segments and lost nothing, giving more time to the Britt match.

    • Like 2
  5. Mutants and Masterminds CAN be very "crunchy" as far as initial character creation goes, BUT they also have tons of premade characters and options so a lot of the work is done for you. The Deluxe Hero's Handbook contains a quickstart generator, one of the options of which is the "Totem", an animal hero, which then branches into several different animal types. Other pre-made animal characters designed to be starting players include Mongrel (Emerald City), Kitty (Hero High 2e), and the Shadow Knights (martial arts rabbit girls, an obvious TMNT pastiche, Superteam Handbook).

    I've made a bunch of characters over here, if you want to see some examples, including one who is an alien alligator man with the power of the Egyptian God Horus (and if that doesn't scream TMNT action figure, I don't know what does).

  6. 3 hours ago, milamber said:

    Most people who will buy the ROH PPV shuold be watching weekly ROH.

    That's not me, then. I'm certainly not paying $9.99/ month for the spiritual successor to AEW Dark.

    Battle Of The Belts was the 2nd biggest waste of time AEW has ever produced. (The biggest, of course, is AEW All Access). On the plus side, the feed cutting out was the most interesting finish for an Outcasts match we've ever seen.

    Collision was... a bit of a mess. The tag title match went WAY too long. I don't think anyone needs to see a straight hour of Juice Robinson. The House Of Black squash match should have followed that, instead of the women's final. Speaking of, why did the women's final match have an announced time limit (not that it came into play) but CM Punk vs. Ricky Starks gets "as long as it takes"? THIS is why people think AEW doesn't take it's women's division seriously, because they treat it's not as big a deal.

  7. 1 hour ago, Mootinie said:

    Taya is getting a shot at the Women’s title after she lost to Jade, lost to Statlander and lost to Shida. I appreciate that you all have opinions but let’s face it, this company doesn’t even try with its Women’s division. They simply don’t care.

    Further example- next week, we are getting the Royal Rampage, which is the the FIFTH telelvised battle royal for the men in 2023. Meanwhile, the women's division has not had a battle royal since All Out 2021.

    Also, Toni Storm trying to cut an in-ring heel promo is PAINFUL to watch.

  8. 2 hours ago, milamber said:

    I think she'll beat Willow in the Final. That sets up Willow to challenge Athena for the ROH title. Ruby won't be winning the AEW title anytime soon with Toni as champ so the Owen Cup would be a nice consolation.

    AEW really, REALLY needs to build credible faces for the women's division as right now it's just Statlander and Britt, and Britt's only a face because the crowd turned hard on Saraya and Toni Storm when it became apparent that Mercedes Monet wasn't showing up anytime soon. (Shida is never around long enough to build up any momentum.)

    Willow is likeable, good in the ring, and getting good reactions. It would be a waste not to capitalize on that, sending her to the "I Can't Believe It's Not AEW Dark!" that is ROH.

  9. I just hope Ruby doesn't win the finals at Collision, though I'm not sure how they'll play it. On the one hand, the Outcasts have been on a streak (I hesitate to call it a "hot" streak, because "heat" is not something I associate with Toni Storm or Ruby Soho at this point) and they need to get some degree of comeuppance. On the other hand, if she loses, this will mark the THIRD tournament final she's managed to lose (last year's Owen and the TBS tournament).

  10. 1 hour ago, aXminster said:

    Kinda meh show tonight. No bangers in-ring and the segments were average.

    Really great to see Pac back though.

    I disagree. I think Adam Cole is terribly overrated, but this thing with him and MJF has been pure gold. That match, they had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands. When Max finally hit the slam on Big Bill, the audience went, to quote the late great Pat Patterson, BANANA. When Cole and MJF finally hit that double clothesline, the crowd is going to make like it's Hogan body slamming Andre.

    And the Harley rap segment was good. In fact, since she's a heel, or at least aligned with the heels, I'd go so far to say it was TOO good. Isn't the gimmick supposed to be she's BAD at this?

    • Like 1
  11. I'll say it- FTR vs. Bullet Club was too long. They could have cut some of that and given Julia Hart an actual opponent from the roster, or maybe have set up a feud or storyline in a post-match segmen. One women's match per show, we need more than a squash match over a local jobber, especially when there are so many women on the roster who haven't been on TV in months.

  12. Cole/ MJF match was good, though Menard was criminally underused (he's consistently one of the most entertaining acts on AEW when they give him time), but the post-match segment was GLORIOUS. The look on Adam Cole's face when Max was trying to put the birthday hat on...

    Then there was the Ruby Soho/ Britt Baker match, which was the same Outcasts match we've been seeing for months. I should have known something was up when they trotted out the tournament belt, because they haven't shown that in over a year. It would be slightly more tolerable if there was an apparent endgame, like a clear person who is going to challenge (and beat) Toni Storm for the title. Are they waiting for Thunder Rosa or Hayter to get medically cleared? Are they still hoping to sign Mercedes? Are they letting enough time pass so that when Jade Cargill comes back she gets a HUGE babyface pop? (Having her be the Joker in the Women's Casino Battle Royal, if they do that this year, would be an ideal spot for this).


    As it stands, this storyline has gotten incredibly monotonous and repetitive as the nWoutcasts do their tired, boring heel act.

  13. 3 hours ago, milamber said:

    I really hope the Shida/Taya match is a setup for them to join the storyline, although Shida has already been involved sporadically. Same goes for Riho. Athena, Rosa & Deeb could be added as well while they wait for Hayter to heal up. It's annoying that the men are getting another Blood & Guts while the women's division is still spinning its wheels.

    The men have had no less than four televised battle royals this  year alone.

    • Like 1
  14. Perry's promo was underwhelming, but it was his first go at being a heel. Remember, Britt Baker's first heel promo on the Jericho Cruise episode of Dynamite was also painful and awkward, but she grew into it and got much better (even though, admittedly, she still delivers some awkward and painful promos on occasion). Speaking of awkward and painful, that Ruby Soho match/ promo. UGH, I am so over this Outcasts storyline. When RUBY SOHO is the most charismatic member of your stable, there is a problem. I really hope Thunder Rosa is healed up and ready to return soon, because this storyline desperately needs a shot in the arm, because Britt can't carry it by herself, and while Willow appears to be in it as well (I'd be shocked if the finals of the Owen aren't Ruby/ Willow), AEW seems to be doing their start/ stop with female talent with her, so she's never really building up a good degree of momentum to really make an impact.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, milamber said:

    Hook is a sideshow act in the lower midcard which is fine because he's young and still learning the business. They give him a match occasionally and the crowd go wild. Perry is far above him in the pecking order and should absolutely beat him. Then he needs to drop the Jungle Boy name and get a new theme remix.

    Hook has "it".

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  16. The other big issue with the heel turn is that they've kind of booked themselves into a corner. Jungle Boy should really win his first feud as a heel, but it should not come at the expense of Hook's undefeated streak; it's been going on long enough that they shouldn't just throw it away to heat up a guy who needed a reset because of shoddy booking.

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