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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. Insulting the home town has been a long-standing heel tradition. Heels in WWE do it, heels in AEW do it, heels in WCW did it, and this dates all the way back to the territory days. Andy Kaufman did it to Memphis when he was feuding with Lawler.

    "This town stinks!"
    "You people stink!"
    "I hate this town so much, I am NEVER coming back!"

    "... Just for that, I AM coming back!"



    I think the biggest headscratcher last night was who decided putting Trish Stratus in a ladder match in 2023 was a good idea.

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  2. It was a good show, but it was also a VERY safe show, if that makes sense. Totally agree about the Acclaimed segment being pointless. It was entertaining, but it was also the same thing we've seen multiple times before. That was time that could have been better used for another match. THREE shows now, and they STILL can only manage one women's match per show?

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, milamber said:

    Skye Blue's 1st ever TV win. I'm happy for her.

    And her first pinfall victory over Nyla Rose, to boot, if I'm not mistaken. She's one against Nyla before, but that was in a tag match, and I'm not sure either was involved in the pinfall (Nyla certainly wasn't, I remember that much). Skye has eaten a lot of pins from Rose, so it's nice to see her even things up, even just a bit.

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  4. At the very least, I feel it's a sin they never even got one run with the tag titles.


    Last night's Rampage was the best episode we've had in a long, long time. All the matches were good, there were no squash matches or filler, everything breezed right along. And it's so nice to see Willow Nightingale get such a good reaction from the crowd during her entrance.

    • Like 2
  5. Kris Statlander versus Taya is a BAD idea. It's too soon for Kris to drop the belt, but Taya really can't lose her next big match, especially since she just lost two title matches in a relatively short span of time. I mean, even Ruby Soho had a few months between jobbing to Britt and then jobbing to Jade..

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, aXminster said:

    She was with Mark Sterling, then dropped him to go with that other guy, then went back to Sterling. Then Kiera Hogan was there for a while, now it's Leila Grey. Just facing a bunch of jobbers and mid to lower card women every other week. They randomly decided to give a 1 week push to Marina Shafir, with a hype video and all that, to try to make her credible as a contender, and of course she lost in a terrible 10 minute match and was never to be seen again.


    Oh, I wish we never saw Marina Shafir again. As it stands, she's been on AEW television more often the past year and a half than Riho.

    I really hope that Tony Khan doesn't try to be cute again and have Roderick Strong win the male side of the Owen and Shafir win the women's side, like how he had Cole and Britt win last year and I threw up in my mouth a little. This is a wrestling tournament, not prom night!

    • Haha 1
  7. I wouldn't say Jade can't work. She's still not GREAT, but she's come a long way. Her matches the past few months have been watchable, albeit predictable. I think the thing that really hampered her is they kept putting her in the ring with talent who were about the same as her experience wise. They should have had her in programs with Shida, Emi, Deeb, or Martinez, to name a few.

    Overall, good show with a lackluster main event. I'd like Adam Cole a lot better if he played up the pirate gimmick more.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    Jade shouldn't even be on TV yet. 

    She shouldn't be wrestling on TV yet. I have absolutely ZERO problem with just watching Jade Cargill stand around.

    I feel bad, because in all the AEW promotional stuff, she seems very nice and warm and charismatic. Jade Cargill the person is someone I could get behind. Jade Cargill the CHARACTER is absolutely dull. Like, someone saw 2002-era Triple H, doing all the cool heel stuff but never suffering any comeuppance, and said, "Let's make Jade like that, but even more so."

    • Like 2
  9. 24 minutes ago, milamber said:

    To be fair, there's only so much Jade can do to make her opponents look good while being booked strong in squash length matches. She's no ring general. That's on TK and the match agents.

    It's funny that people like to complain about Cassidy still constantly winning on TV but he's a veteran in longer matches and they range from solid to great. Like night and day with Jade.

    Jade doesn't even make people look good in promos. When told she has to wrestle a baby face who's built up momentum, she just looks bored. Whereas MJF or Heel Britt would have a meltdown. 

  10. A few people on twitter took exception to my claim that Jade doesn't make her opponents look good. Not that they could refute that claim, directly, with one person saying it's not her job to make people look good. I thought her job was to put butts in the seats, and you can't do that if you think one of the two people in a match has absolutely zero chance and you're not at all invested in the odd event they might win.

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  11. 9 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

    Why they didn’t just set up Statlander vs Cargill before the ppv idk. But atleast Cargill finally lost the strap.

    Which is the EXACT same question I had last year.

    As it stands, however, this marks the least unsatisfying ending to an undefeated streak in professional wrestling.. Damning with faint praise, admittedly.

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